Battle of Fariskur

Battle of Fariskur is in 1230-1259 Henry III.

On 06 Apr 1250 the Battle of Fariskur was the last major battle of the Seventh Crusade. The Crusader army was defeated. King Louis IX of France (age 35) and his two brothers Alphonse Capet Count Poitou II Count Toulose (age 29) and King Charles Capet of Sicily (age 23) were captured.

On 08 May 1250 King Louis IX of France (age 36) and his two brothers Alphonse Capet Count Poitou II Count Toulose (age 29) and King Charles Capet of Sicily (age 23) with 12,000 fellow prisoners were allowed to leave for Acre after paying a ransom of 400,000 dinars.