Biography of Mauger Normandy Archbishop Rouen

Mauger Normandy Archbishop Rouen was born to Richard "Good" Normandy II Duke Normandy and .

Around 1037 Mauger Normandy Archbishop Rouen was appointed Archbishop Rouen.

Family Trees of Mauger Normandy Archbishop Rouen

Paternal Family Tree: Norman

Descendants Family Trees:

Ancestors of Mauger Normandy Archbishop Rouen

Great x 1 Grandfather: William "Longsword" Normandy I Duke Normandy 893-942

Great x 2 Grandmother:

GrandFather: Richard "Fearless" Normandy I Duke Normandy 932-996

Great x 1 Grandmother: Sprota Unknown

Father: Richard "Good" Normandy II Duke Normandy

Great x 1 Grandfather: Unknown Unknown


Mauger Normandy Archbishop Rouen
