Henry Machyn's Diary 1551 is in Henry Machyn's Diary.
Tudor Books, Henry Machyn's Diary 1551 February
14 Feb 1551. The xiiij day of Feybruarii was dysposyd of ys bysshoppr [icke] of Wynchestur, the old bysshope M. Stevyn Gardener (age 68), and cared in to the Towre-the v yer K. E. vjth.... and the compyny of the Clarkes ... cheyffe mornar was sir Garves Clyfftun (age 34) and M.... dyd pryche ther, and after they whent to dener unto the [earl of] Ruttland plasse in Wyttyngton Colege parryche.
Note. Funeral of sir Richard Manners (deceased). The paragraph of the diary partly defaced belongs to the funeral of an uncle of the earl of Rutland, whom we find thus noticed in another place: "Sir Rychard Manners knight dyed the ixth of February a°. r. E. vj. vto. and was beryed at Kateren Cryst churche the 14. of the same mounth; and the right honorable Henry erl of Rutland (age 24) was his hole executer and over-syer of his last wyll, to whom he gave all his goodes and landes." (MS. Harl. 897, f. 14.) Sir Richard Manners was twice married, as may be seen in the peerages.
Tudor Books, Henry Machyn's Diary 1551 March
07 Mar 1551. The vij day of Marche was bered my lord Wentworth (deceased), the lord Chamburlayn of the kynges howse, in Westminster abbay, in the sam chapell [Map] that the old abbatt was be [red; there] was iiij of the cheyffe harolds ther, M. Garter, M. Clar [enceux,] M. Yorke, M. Chester, beyryng the cote armur, the elmett, t[arget], then cam the standard, and then mornars alle in blake ... and a C. chylderyn and prestes and clarkes in ther surpl[ices; then] the cors with iiij baners rolles, and the qwyre was hangyd [with black] and the raylles and armes. Mylles Coverdalle (age 63) dyd pryche, and ther [was a grett] dolle, and a grett compeny of lordes and knyghtes and genty[lmen] morners.
Note. Funeral of lord Wentworth. "March 3. The lord Wentworth lord chambarlaine died about tenne of the cloke at night, leaving behind him 16 children." (King Edward's Diary.)" Thomas lord Wentworth, lord chamberlan of the kinges majesties most honerable houshold, dyed in the kinges majesties paleys at Westmynster on tewsday the 3. of Marche in the 5 yere of E. the 6. and from thence broughte to his house at Westmynster and was buryed in the mynster there on Saterday the 7. of Marche folowing." (MS. Harl. 897, f. 7S^.) A longer account of his funeral is preserved in the College of Arms, I. 11, f. 115. He was buried in the chapel of St. John the Evangelist (Dart ii. 60), but has no monument. There is a portrait of him among Chamberlain's Holbein Heads.
09 Mar 1551. The ix day of Marche was a proclamasyon that no [man or] woman shuld nott ett no flesse in lent, nor fryday, nor [wednesday] thrught the yere, nor ymberyng days, nor no days that ys co[ndemned?] by the chyrche apone payne of forfyte.
Note. Proclamation for keeping Lent. A printed copy of this proclamation is preserved in the valuable collection of proclamations, &c. in the library of the Society of Antiquaries. The word printed "co[ndemned?]" in the text of our Diary should be altered to "commonly accepted or reputed as a fishe day."
14 Mar 1551. The xiiij day of Marche was hangyd, in Smyth-feld [Map], on John Mosbe and ys syster, for the death of a gentyll man of Feyversham, one M. Arden the custemer, and ys owne wyff was decaul.... and she was burnyd at Canturbery [Map] and her sarvand hangyd ther, and ij at Feyversham and on at Hospryng, and nodur in the he way to Canturbery, for the death of M. Arden of Feyversham. [and at Flusshyng was bernyd Blake Tome for the sam deth of M. Arden. [Note. This last line was added to the entry some time after it was written.]
Note. The murder of master Arden of Feversham. The particulars of this memorable domestic tragedy will be found very fully narrated in Holinshed's Chronicle; and from the Wardmote Book of Feversham in Jacob's History of that town, 8vo. 1774, p. 197. See also a long narrative among Stowe's transcripts, MS. Harl. 542, ff. 34-37. It created so great a public interest that it became the subject not only of a Ballad which will be found in Evans's collection, 1810, vol. iii. pp. 217-225; but also of a Play published in 4to. 1592, again in 1599 and 1633, and lastly in 1770, when the editor, Edward Jacob, esq. who afterwards published the History of Feversham above mentioned, in his preface offered "some reasons in favour of its being the earliest dramatic work of Shakspeare now remaining." Mr. Collier's remarks on this subject will be found in his History of the Stage and of Dramatic Poetry, iii. 52. Lillo also began a tragedy founded on the same story, which was finished by Dr. John Hoadly, and printed in 12mo. 1762.
The concern taken by the government in the prosecution of the parties guilty of this murder, is shown by the following extracts from the Privy Council book:-
"1551, 5th Marche. A Lettere to the Justyces of Peace in Kente, advertesinge them the order taken for the punishmente of those that murdered Mr. Ardeyrn; Videliset, Sicely Pounder, widowe, and Thomas Mosbye, to be hanged in Smithfield, in London; Alice Ardeyrn, to be burned at Canterburye, and Bradshawe, to be hanged there in cheanes; Michaell Saunderson, to be hanged, drawne, and quartered, at Feversham, and Elizabeth Stafford to be burned there." (MS. Harl. 352, fol. 156.) On the same day, "A Letter to the Sherifes of London, to receave of the Sherife of Kent, Cicelye Poundere, widowe, and Thomas Mosbye, to be hanged in Smithfield, for the Murder of Thomas Ardeine of Fevershame; and a Letter to the Maiore of Canterburye, to receave of the Sherife of Kente Alice Ardeine, to be burned at Canterburye, and Bradshawe, to be hanged there, for the Murder of Mr. Ardeine." (lb. fol. 157.)
The actual murderer, and also one Greene, a confederate, had escaped. The following entries will be found to correct and explain Holinshed's account of their capture.
"1551, 28th May. A Lettere to Mr. North, to enlarge one Bate out of thecountere, who convayed away one Greene, of Fevershame, after the Murdere of Mr. Ardeine was ther don, and undertaketh to brynge forthe Greene again, yf he may have libertie; providinge that he take sufficient sureties, either to become prisonere againe, or else to bringe forthe the said Greene." (lb. fol. 174.)
"1551, 15th June. A Letter to Sr. William Godolphine knighte, of thankes for his dilligence in the apprehencione of Blacke Will, that killed Mr. Arderne of Feversham, and to send him in saufe garde, with promise of paymente for the charges of the bringeres "It appears from Holinshed and from our Diary (in which this person is called Black Tom,) that he was not sent home, according to this request, but was "burnt on a scaffold, at Flushing, in Zealand."
"1551, 20th June. A Lettere to the Lord Chancellor, to directe out a Comission for gaoll delivery unto the Maiore of Feversham and otheres, for the attaynder of Greene, alredie indicted for the Murder of Mr. Ardeine." (lb. fol. 180.)
"A Warranto to the receiver of the Wardes, to pay unto them that apprehended Greene of Feversham, xx markes, for their costes in bringing him hether, and conveying him to Feversham, to be hanged.
"A Lettere to the Maiore of Feversham, and certain otheres, upon the attainder of Greene, to see him hanged in chaynes." (lb. fol. 1 180b.) This direction was complied with, Greene being hanged in chaines, according to Holinshed, "in the high waie betwixt Ospring and Boughton against Feversham." (Holinshed, iii. 1030. edit. 1808.)
14 Mar 1551. The xiiij day of Marche wa(s) raynyd at the yeld-halle [Map] a C [100] mareners for robyng on the see, and the captayne, behyng a Skott, was cared to Nugate [Map] the sam day, and serten cast.
14 Mar 1551. The sam day was cared in-to Norfoke on Wyth, a grett ryche man, and he was condemnyth to be drane and hangyd, for the besenes that was done in Norffoke, at ys owne dore.
Tudor Books, Henry Machyn's Diary 1551 May
15 May 1551. The xv day the Lady Mary (age 35) rode through London unto St. John's, her place, with fifty knights and gentlemen in velvet coats and chains of gold afore] her, and after her iiij [score gentlemen and ladies, every] one havyng a peyre of bedes [of black. She rode through] Chepe-syde and thrugh Smythfeld, -the v. K. E. vj.
Note. The lady Mary rode to St. John's, her place. That is, to the house of the late knights hospitallers at Clerkenwell. On the circumstances of the princess's visit to court at this time see her brother's diary in Burnet.
17 May 1551. The xvij day my lade Marie (age 35) rod thrugh from Saynt [John's through] Flettstrett unto the court to Westmynster [with many] nobull men of lordes and knyghtes and gentyllmen and ladies and gentyllwomen, and at the court gatte she a-lyttyd, and M. [Wingfield] (age 64), the comtroller of the kynges howse, and mony lordes and [knights], and so she was browth thrught the halle unto the cham[ber of] pressens; and so she tared there and ade a goodly ba[nquet] ij owrs, and sone after she toke her horse and rod unto Sy[nt John's;] and ther she laie alle nyght, and on the morowe her [Grace] rod to Nuw Hall in Exsex, and ther byd yn grasse with honor, thanke be God and the kyng her brodur.
03 May 1551. The iij day of May ther was a grett tryhumpe at Grenwyche [Map]. The Kyng (age 13) and alle ys compeny wher alle blacke and whyt, fott men and trumpeters, hats, clokes, and baners blacke and whytt, and speres; and the thodur parte was the yerle of Harfford (age 51), and a grett compeny of lords and knyghts, alle yonge men, and trompeters, ther hats, baners, and fott men alle in yelow, and so they rayne [at the] rynge, and at tornay with swords-the v yer K. E. vjth.
A great triumph at Greenwich. Thus noticed in the King's diary:
"March 31. A chaleng made by me that I, with 16 of my chaumbre, shuld runne at base, shote, and rune at ring, with any 17 of my servauntes, gentlemen in the court." —
"May 3. The chaleng at running at ringe performed, at the wich first came the kinge, 16 footmen, and 10 hor[se]men, in blake silk cootes pulled out with wight tafeta; then al lordes, having three [sic. qu. their] men likewise appareled, and al gentlemen, ther footmen in whit fustian pulled out with blake taveta. The tother side came al in yelow tafta. At lenght the yelow band toke it thrise in 120 courses, and my band tainted often, wich was counted as nothing, and toke never, wich seemed very straunge, and so the price was of my side lost. After that turnay folowed, betwen 6 of my band and sixe ofthers."
14 May 1551. The xiiij day of May, Chestur the reseyver toke possessyon [of] the halle of the compeny of the Clarkes of London by fre .. the gentyllman, of wyche they have as sure a corporasyon [as] any haff in London, has I pray God gyff ym ylle sped, be [cause] of the pore men and women and other that yff they had falne to a [sudden] poverte ther they wher sure of a onest lyvyng as longe as [life did last.]
Note. Chester the receiver took possession of the hall of the company of Clerks of London. Sir Robert Chester was receiver of the court of augmentations. This proceeding is notified a few months before in the minutes of the Privy Council: "16 March, 1550. A lettere to the Chauncelor of the augmentacion to put the kinges majestie in possession agayne of the Clerkes hall in London, if the law will suffer it; yf not, to repaire to the Lordes to shewe cause of the impedimente therof." The company of Clerks seems to have been more liable to this attack than the other city companies, from being regarded as a religious foundation. Their hall stood in Bishopsgate street, and Stowe has related the story of its subsequent fate, sir Robert Chester pulling it down, when the fraternity had commenced a suit for its recovery in the reign of queen Mary.
15 May 1551. The xv day of May was bered my lade Hobullthorne [Note. wife of Henry Huberthorne], late [mayoress] of London, with ij harolds, iiij penons of armes, and ther was [the] Clarkes of London, and ther had powre men and women had many fryse gownes, and ther was iiij aldermen mornars, and ij of them knyghts, and ther a grett dolle was, and the morow a grett dener.
15 May 1551. .... for the spasse of xiiij days.
22 May 1551. The xxij day of Maij was bered my lade Mores, wyff of sir Crystoffer Mores knyght, and the M. of [the Ordnance] by kyng Henry the viijth, the wyche he ded of the h .. at Bullayn [Map], and she ded in saynt Peters in Cornhyll ... in saynt Towlles in the Oll' Jury, and ther she ... her first husband, with ij harolds; and she gayff ... men and women vijxx mantylls, fryse gownes, and o[ther] gownes and cotts a iiijxx, and then cam the corse [with banners] of armes borne abowt her, with iiij morners .... dyd pryche the Skott the curett, and a gret dolle and a gret [dinner] as I have sene off fysse and odur thynges.
Note. Funeral of lady Morice. Stowe mentions the interment at St. Peter's Cornhill of sir Christopher Morice, master gunner of England, temp. Henry VIII. His lady appears to have had a previous husband, and, though she lived and died in that parish, was removed to the church of St. Olave's to be laid by his side. There was a family connection between sir Christopher Morice and Arthur Plantagenet, viscount Lisle: see Miss Wood's Letters of Royal and Illustrious Ladies, ii. 76, iii. 35. "The Skott the curate" was of St. Peter's in Cornhill; see p. 13, and note hereafter.
25 May 1551. The xxv day of May was be syd Rygatt [Map] and Croydon, Suttun [Map], and Darkyng [Map], a grett wondernus of herth.. and spesshall at Darkyng [Map], and in dyvers plasys .... pottes, panes, and dyssys donst, and mett felle doune ... abowt howse, and with mony odur thyngs.
Note. Earthquake. "The 25. daye of May, beyng Monday, betwene the howers of eleven and one of the clock at afternoone, was an earthquake of halfe a quarter of a howre long at Blechynglye, at Godstone, at Croydon, at Albery, and at divers other places in Southery and Myddlesexe." Stowe's Summarie.
31 May 1551. The xxxj day of May my lord the yerle of Darbe (age 42) [came] to Clessay [Possibly Cheslea?] owt of the North, with a goodly compeny of men and horssys.
Tudor Books, Henry Machyn's Diary 1551 June
05 Jun 1551. The v day of Juin cam to Clessay the yerle of Shrusbery (age 51) with vijxx hors, and a-for hym xl welvet cotts and chynes, and in ys owne leveray, to hys plasse, and the resyduw of ys servandes.
Tudor Books, Henry Machyn's Diary 1551 July
06 Jul 1551. The vj day of July the Kynges (age 13) grace rod thrugh Grenwyche parke [Map] unto Blake heth [Map], and my lord of Darbe (age 42), and my lord of Warwyke (age 47), and my lord admerall Clyntun (age 39), and sir Wylliam Harbard (age 50), and odur lordes and knyghts and gentyllmen, and trumpeters playhyng, and alle the gardes in ther dobelets and ther hosse, with bowes and arowes and halbards ij and ij to-gether, and the Kynges grace in the myds on horsse-bake, and ther the Kynges grace ran at the ryng on Blake heth with lordes and knyghtes. [The earl of Warwick met the King there with a hundred men of arms, and great horses, and gentlemen] in clothe, and brodered the alffe, and the same night the Kyng suppyd at Depforth [Map] in a shype with my lord Admyral, [and the lords] of the conselle, and with many gentylmen.
Note. The king supped at Deptford. Machyn has dated this event two days too late. It is thus recorded in the king's own diary: "4. I was banketted by the lord Clinton at Detford, where I saw the Primrose and the Marie Willoughby launched."
The vij day of July begane a nuw swet in London, and ... ded my lord Crumwell (deceased) in Leseter-shyre, and was bered [with a stand] ard, a baner of armes, and cote, elmett, sword, targett, and sc [ochyons, and] harold; and the sam tyme ded my lord Powes (deceased), and the x day [at W]ollwyche, sir John Lutterell (age 32), knyght, a nobull captayne.
Note. Death of lord Cromwell. Gregory lord Cromwell died on the 4th of July 1551, and was buried at Laund in Leicestershire: his mural monument there is engraved in Nichols's History of that County, vol. iii. pl. xlv.
Note. Death of lord Powis. Edward third lord Grey of Powis. The funeral of his widow, a daughter of Charles Brandon, duke of Suffolk, occurs in p. 163.
Note. Sir John Luttrell, of Dunster castle, co. Somerset, knighted at the taking of Leith in 1547, and made a knight banneret soon after, at the taking of Yester. Just before his death he had been divorced from his wife, for Strype notices "A Commission to sir William Petre, secretary, sir Richard Read, &c. upon due proof of the manifest adultery of the lady Mary Luttrel, to separate and divorce her from sir John Luttrel her husband. Dated in June, 1551." (Memorials, Book ii. chap. 29.) She was the daughter of sir John Griffith, K.B. and was remarried to James Godolphin, of Cornwall.
The viij day of July [1551] was a plage, and a proclamasyon that [a testern shou]ld be but ixd, and a grot iijd; and anodur proclamasyon cam [out the] xviij day of August, that testerns cryd at vjd a pese; a grot [at ijd]; ijd but jd; and a jd ob.; and a alpeny a fardyng.
Note. Proclamations for depreciation of the coinage. Printed copies of these proclamations are in the collection in the library of the Society of Antiquaries, and their substance is stated in Ruding's Annals of the Coinage, 4to. 1817, ii. 107. Mr. Ruding, in a note in that page, throws some discredit on king Edward's accuracy as to dates in his Diary; but on that point it may be remarked that the proclamations were clearly prepared by the privy council some days before it was thought proper to make them public. The proclamation which according to the present diary was made known in London on the 8th of July, is printed with a blank date, "the of June."
A remarkable example of the effect produced by this depreciation of the currency is given in the account of Arden's murder in the Wardmote book of Feversham. The proceeds of the murderers' effects, after the payment of expenses, amounted "after the old rate," to 120l. "whereof there was lost by abasing or fall of the said money 60l." In consequence of this act of government rumours were current that further abasements were contemplated; and "By the letteres from London" it was reported "that on the 25. daye of July, or on St. James' daye, was a proclamation declaringe it was not the kinge nor his counseles intente to altere or abase any more his coynes yet; for heare wee greate rumors that in all haste, and that prively, the kinge and counsell was busye aboute the alteringe thearof, to be done out of hand, whearuppon many men wane their debts, which else would not have byn payde this vij. yeares." (MS. Harl. 353, f. 107.)
In the journals of the Privy Council are frequent entries relative to the prosecution of persons guilty of predicting further depreciations.
The x day of July [1551] the Kynges (age 13) grace removyd from Westmynster unto Hamtun courte [Map], for ther ded serten besyd the court, and [that] causyd the Kynges grase to be gone so sune, for ther ded in Lo[ndon] mony marchants and grett ryche men and women, and yonge men and [old], of the nuw swett,-the v of K. E. vjth.
12 Jul 1551. The xij day of July ded sir Thomas Speke (age 43) knyght in Chanseler lane, in saynt Donstonys parryche in the whest [Map], at ys owne howsse; he fell [sick] in the court; and was bered with standard, penon, cote armur, elmet, sword, and target; and vj dosen of shokchyons of armes, and the compeny of the Clarkes; and the sam day ded on of the Gard, and bered ther by.
Note. Funeral of sir Thomas Speke. Sir Thomas Speke was an eminent lawyer: he was steward of the royal manors of Greenwich, &c. and keeper of Eltham palace. His funeral achievements were remaining in St. Dunstan's church [Map] in the time of Nicholas Charles, as described in the Collectanea Topogr. et Genealog. iv. 98; and from them it appears that he married a Berkeley.
13 Jul 1551. The thirteenth day of July ded the old knyght and gentyll sir John [Wallop] (age 61) and knight of the noble order of the garter, and captain of the castle [of Guines], for he was a noble captain as ever was, the which I [pray] Jesus have mercy on his soul; and he was buried with standard and [banners] of his armes, coat armour, helmet, target of the garter, sw[ord,] and eight dozen of eschutcheons; and a marmed was his crest; and [in his] stead is chosen captain sir Andrew Dudley (age 44) knight of the ga[rter.]
Note. Death of sir John Wallop, K.G. He died and was buried at Guines. Full particulars of him will be found in Collins's Peerage, edit. 1779, v. 64, with an abstract of his will, dated May 22, 1551, in which he styled himself "lievtenant of the castill and countye of Guysnes." See "The Chronicle of Calais," p. 203.
16 Jul 1551. The xvj day of July ded of the swet the ij yonge dukes of Suffoke [Note. Henry Brandon 2nd Duke of Suffolk (deceased) and Charles Brandon 3rd Duke of Suffolk (deceased)] of the swet, boyth in one bed in Chambryge-shyre [Map]; and [buried] at (blank in MS.); and ther ded from the viij day of July unto the xix ded of the swett in London of all dyssesus, viijc. iijxx. and xij. and no more in alle, and so the chanseller is serteffyd.
Note. Death of the two young dukes of Suffolk. Henry and Charles Brandon, the only sons of Charles Brandon, duke of Suffolk. Their mother was his second wife, Katharine (age 32), daughter and sole heir of William lord Willoughby de Eresby. (See some excellent letters of hers in Miss Wood's collection, vol. iii.) The report which reached our diarist is incorrect in two respects: the noble youths did not die "in one bed" nor "in Cambridgeshire." Their deaths took place at the bishop of Lincoln's palace [Map] at Bugden, in the county of Huntingdon. A narrative, entitled "Epistola de vita et obitu duorum fratrum Suffolciensium, Henrici et Caroli Brandon," written by sir Thomas Wilson, was shortly after printed. Two interesting extracts from this rare volume will be found in the Gentleman's Magazine for Sept. 1825, vol. xcv. ii. 206. The young men, accompanied by their mother, had just arrived at Bugden, when the duke was suddenly taken ill of the fatal sweat, which in five hours deprived him of life. The younger brother Charles, though placed in a distant chamber, immediately learned what had happened, and being asked by the physician upon what he was meditating, replied, "I am thinking how hard it is to be deprived of one's dearest friend." "Why do you say so?" said he. He answered, "How can you ask me? My brother is dead. However, it is of little matter, I shall soon follow him." And so he did, in half an hour. Sir Thomas Wilson admits the title of duke to the younger brother immediately on the elder's demise, and so we find from our Diary "the ij. dukes" were so called in London. The other extract given in the Gentleman's Magazine is a very high character (in Latin) of the young duke Henry, written by Dr. Walter Haddon, regius professor of civil law in the university of Cambridge: of this Strype (Memorials, Book ii. c. 4,) has given the substance in a translated form. Sir Thomas Wilson, in his Arte of Rhetorique, has also an interesting passage describing the characters of these young noblemen; and some Latin verses on their death, "Carmina in Mortem," &c. were written by Michael Reniger, and printed in 1552, 4to. The circumstance that their mother the duchess was the great patroness of the reforming divines accounts for the extraordinary interest excited by their death. An engraving in Chamberlain's Holbein Heads is taken from two miniatures, supposed to represent these brothers: but if the dates given in the inscriptions are compared, they will be found both to belong to the elder boy.
Note. Mortality from the sweating sickness. Two other reports of this have come down to us, and, though the figures do not exactly correspond, yet they seem all to have been derived from official returns, and there is also some difference in the periods of time. "Letters from London reporte there died in London of the sweatynge sicknes from the 7. of July till the 20. of the same 938 persons, but howe many have died since to this daye, beinge the 23., I knowe not. I truste it is nowe cleane gone." (MS. Harl. 353, f. 107.) Shortly after the disease had terminated, the celebrated Dr. Caius wrote a treatise upon it, which was printed in the following year, under the title of "A boke or counseill against the disease commonly called the sweate, or sweatyng sicknesse. Made by John Caius, doctour in physicke. 1552." Printed by Richard Grafton in black letter, 40 leaves, 12mo. The Dedication to the earl of Pembroke is dated 1st April, 1552. (Caius also wrote a Latin treatise on the same subject, of which a late edition, entitled "Johannis Caii de Ephemera Britannica liber unus," was printed in London, 8vo. 1721.) From this curious volume we learn that the disease first appeared with the army of Henry the Seventh, which arrived at Milford, out of France, the 7 Aug. 1485; next in 1506; again in 1517; a fourth time in 1528; and a fifth in 1551, shortly before the composition of his treatise. On this occasion, "Beginning at Shrewesbury in the middest of April, proceadinge with greate mortalitie to Ludlowe, Prestene, and other places in Wales, then to Westchestre, Coventre, Oxenfoorde, and other tounes in the Southe, and suche as were in and aboute the way to London, whether it came notablie the seventh of July, and there continuing sore, with the loss of vijC.lxi. from the ix. day until the xvi. daye, besides those that died in the vii. and viii. dayes, of whom no registre was kept, from that it abated until the xxx. day of the same, with the loss of C.xlii. more. Then ceasing there, it wente from thence throughe al the east partes of England into the northe, untill the ende of Auguste, at which tyme it diminished, and in the ende of Septembre fully ceassed." The following singular passage relating to this disease occurs in a report of the preaching of Thomas Hancocke, minister of Poole in Dorsetshire. "—in his doctrine he taught them that God had plagued this Realme most justly for their sins with three notable plagues. The first plague was a warning to England, which was the Posting Sweat, that posted from town to town thorow England, and was named Stop-Gallant: for it spared none. For there were some dauncing in the Court at nine a'clock that were dead at eleven. In the same sweat also at Cambridge dyed two worthy imps, the duke of Suffolk his sons, Charles and his brother." (Strype, Memor. iii. chap. vii.) The singular name here noticed occurs also in the register of Uffculme, Devonshire, where the disease prevailed in the month following its devastation in London. "Out of 38 burials entered in that year, 27 were in the first 11 days of August, and 16 of them in three days. The disease of which these persons died is called, in the parish-register, the hote sickness or stup-gallant." Magna Britannia, by Lysons, who adds that he had not been able to find the term elsewhere.
After 16 Jul 1551. The ensuing imperfect passage probably relates to the funeral of sir Peryn Negroo knt. (Strype, Mem. ii. 279.)
Note. Funeral of sir Peter Negro. "Sir Pyter Negro knight dysseased the xiiijth day of July in the yere of our Lord 1551, in the vth yere of the raigne of our soveraigne lord kyng Edward the 6. His crest is a castell broken, and upon the castell a man with a shert of male and a sword in his hand." (MS. Harl. 897, f. 14b.) He was one of the knights made by the duke of Somerset after the taking of Leith, Sept. 28, 1547.
16 Jul 1551. .... targett, elmet, and sword ... and apone the castyll a man with a shurt of ... hand and with xij stayffes, torchys bornyng ... flut playng, hoveles, and ys flag borne, and .... in the grond, and the stret honge with blake with ys armes ... ther dyd pryche the Doyttur Bartelet, and ther was the compeny [of Clarkes,] and a harold of armes, and mony morners of capt.
27 Jul 1551. The xxvij day of July was the nuw bisshope of W (age 37) ... was devorsyd from the bucher wyff with shame enog[h.]
Note. The xxvij of July was the new bishop of W—divorced from the butcher wife with shame enough. Though the name is burnt, this appears to belong to John Ponet, bishop of Winchester, who had been translated to that see on the 23d March preceding. He had published "A Defence of the Marriage of Priests" in 1549, which is noticed in Strype, Memorials, Book ii. chap. 18. And it seems that he married again very shortly after this divorce, the following entry occurring in the register of Croydon: "1551, Oct. 25. Reverendus pater Johannes episcopus Wynton' duxit Mariam Haymond generosam in ista ecclesia coram multitudine parochianorum, presente reverendissimo patre Thoma Cantuar' archiepiscopo cum multis." (Collectanea Topogr. et Geneal. iv. 91.)
Tudor Books, Henry Machyn's Diary 1551 August
20 Aug 1551. The xx day of August was the berehyng of M. Har[ry Wylliam] sqwyre, sune and here unto sir John Wylliam knyght, with [banners of] armes and cote armur, and iiij dosen of schochyons,-the v.K.E. vj.
Note. Funeral of master Harry Williams. Sir John Williams, his father, was master of the jewel-house; and by queen Mary was created lord Williams of Thame, and made lord chamberlain of the household. The son had married Anne, daughter of Henry lord Stafford, but died childless, leaving his father without male heirs.
Note. Henry Williams (Note in p. 320). "An epitaph of maister Henrie Williams, written by Thomas Norton (one of the versifiers of the Psalms), is extracted from The Songes and Sonnettes of lord Surrey, by Tottel, 1565, in Dr. Bliss's edition of Wood's Athenæ Oxon. i. 186.
21 Aug 1551. The xxj day of August bered yonge M. Sandes (age 31), sun unto the lord Sandes, sqwyre, with a penon and cote armur [and] iiij dosen of skochyons,-the v. K. E. vj.
Note. Funeral of master Sandys. Henry Sandys esquire, eldest son of Thomas second lord Sandys (age 54), and father of William third lord Sandys (age 6): see Dugdale's Baronage, ii. 303. There is a portrait of a master Sands in Chamberlain's Holbein Heads which perhaps represents this person.
23 Aug 1551. The xxiij day of August ded the bysshope of Lynckolne (deceased), - the v yer of Kyng Edward the vjt.
23 Aug 1551. The xxiij day [of] August the Kynges (age 13) grace went from Amton courte [Map] unto Wyndsore [Map], and ther was stallyd the Frenche Kyng (age 32) of the nobull order of the garter, with a grett baner of armes inbrodered with flowrs delusys of gold bosted, the mantylls of tysshuw, and the elmett clene gylt and ys sword; and the goodly gere was.
Note. The French king installed at Windsor. This was of course by deputy. He had been elected of the Garter on the St. George's day preceding, and the marquess of Northampton (age 39) had conveyed the insignia to France. See various documents relating to his election described by Strype, Memorials, 1721, ii. 512.
Tudor Books, Henry Machyn's Diary 1551 September
04 Sep 1551. The iiij day of September ded my lade Admerell (age 39) wyffe in Lynkolne-shyre, and ther bered.
Note. Death of the lord admiral's wife. This lady [Note. The editor of the diary appears to have confused Bessie Blount, who died around July 1540, with Edward Clinton's second wife Ursula Stourton Baroness Clinton who died in 1551.] was the mother of the duke of Richmond, the natural son of king Henry the Eighth: to whom she gave birth at Jericho, a manor near the priory of Blackmore in Essex, in the year 1519. She was married shortly after to sir Gilbert Talboys, who was summoned to Parliament as lord Talboys in 1529, died 15 April, 1530, and was buried at Kyme in Lincolnshire. She became secondly the wife of Edward lord Clinton, lord admiral of England, who after her death was in 1572 created earl of Lincoln. She had issue by her first husband two sons, Robert and George, who both died without issue, and one daughter, Elizabeth (age 29), who became his heir, and was, first, the wife of Thomas Wymbish (who claimed the barony of Talboys jure uxonis), and, secondly, of Ambrose Dudley (age 21), earl of Warwick. By lord Clinton she had issue three daughters: viz. Bridget (age 15) wife of Robert Dymoke of Scrivelsby (age 20) co. Linc. esquire, Katharine (age 13) wife of William lord Burgh of Gainsborough (age 18), and Margaret (age 12) wife of lord Willoughby of Parham (age 14). Her royal offspring the duke of Richmond died on the 24th July, 1536, at the age of seventeen years.
05 Sep 1551. The v day of September was bered serjant Heth, and of the Kynges bake howse, and was bered at Lyntun at M. Parryche sqwyre, in the conte of Cambrygshyre.... chyke, and hard cheysse ob fardyng ...
Note. Price of provisions. The imperfect lines in this page refer to this subject, thus noticed by the king under "Sept. 9. A proclamation set furth touching the prises of cattel, of hogges, pegges, befs, oxen, muttons, buttyr and chese, after a reasonable price, not fully so good-cheap as it was when the coyne was at the perfeictest, but within a fift part of it, or ther abouts."
21 Sep 1551. The xxj day of September ded M. Roger [ .. of] the Catre one to owre soverayn lord kyng Edward the vjth, and bered at (blank).
22 Sep 1551. The xxij day of September was the monyth ['s mind of the] ij dukkes of Suffoke [Note. Henry Brandon 2nd Duke of Suffolk and Charles Brandon 3rd Duke of Suffolk] in Chambryge-shyre, with [ij] standards, ij baners grett of armes and large, and banars rolles of dyver armes, with ij elmets, ij [swords, ij] targetts crownyd, ij cotes of armes, ij crests, and [ten dozen] of schochyons crounyd; and yt was grett pete of [their] dethe, and yt had plesyd God, of so nobull a stok they wher, for ther ys no more left of them.
29 Sep 1551. The xxix day of September was Saynt Myghell, the Kyng grase dyd where the robes of order of [Saint] Myghell with skalopshells of Franse; and the sam tyme was chossen of the order of the garter the lord chamburlayne Darcy (age 44), in the plasse of ser John Wallop knyght of the gartter and captayn of Gynes.
Note. The king wearing the order of St. Michael. "The fest of Michelmas was kept by me in the robes of th'ordre." (King Edward's Diary.) The following minutes are from the register of the privy council:
"14 June, 1551. This daye the French ambassador had accesse to the lordes, to whom he declared that the kinge his master and the company of the ordere of Saint Michael had appointed the kinges majestie to be of the same order, for which purpose the marshall St. Androwe was enjoyned to bringe the same order to his majestie, prainge his majestie that he would accepte the same accordinglye." (MS. Harl. 352, f. 160b.)
"June 22, 1551. A Letter of apparance to the deane of Windsore, that for asmuch as there shall arive here shortely a nobleman sente from the French kinge wth the order of St. Michalle to bee presented to the kinges Matie, and to bringe wth him such recordes as remayne in his custodie, as well for the acceptacion of the said order by his majesties behalfe, or for any other thinge by ceremony concerning the said order; and that all thinges there may be put in good order for the celebracione of St. George's feaste, and to bringe wth him also a note of so muche money of the poore knights as he hathe in his custodie." (Ibid. f. 161b.) King Edward was invested by the ambassador at Hampton Court on the 16th of July, as detailed by himself in his diary, and more fully in Ashmole's History of the Garter, pp. 368, 369. The documentary instruments brought to England on this occasion are still preserved in the Chapter House at Westminster.
Note. P. 9. The king wearing the order of St. Michael. The robes of Saint Michael worn by king Edward the Sixth were preserved for fifty years after in the royal wardrobe,—Elizabeth, who never parted with any of her own gowns, nor with those of her sister that had come into her possession, retaining these also among her stores. They were thus described in the year 1600: "Robes late king Edwarde the VIth's. Firste, one robe of clothe of silver, lyned with white satten, of th'order of St. Michale, with a brode border of embrodirie, with a wreathe of Venice gold and the scallop shell, and a frenge of the same golde, and a small border aboute that; the grounde beinge blew vellat, embrodered with half-moones of silver; with a whoode and a tippet of crymsen vellat, with a like embroderie, the tippet perished in one place with ratts; and a coate of clothe of silver, with demi-sleeves, with a frenge of Venice golde." Nichols's Progresses, &c. of Queen Eliz.—In the Addit. MS. (Brit. Mus.) 6297, art. 7 describes "How king Edward VI. received the order of St. Michael."
Tudor Books, Henry Machyn's Diary 1551 October
09 Oct 1551. The ix day of October was stallyd at Wyndsore the lord chamburlayne Darcy (age 44) knyght of the garter.
09 Oct 1551. The same day was bered Gylles the kynges bere [-brewer] dwellyng at Sant Katheryns, and bered at Algate, with ys armes, and the craft of the Bruars; the wyche he ded with a chrache of ys lege, and bled to deth.
15 Oct 1551. The xv day of October was had to the Towre the duke of Somersett (age 51) and the lord Gray (age 42).
Note. The duke of Somerset, &c. sent to the Tower. On the particulars of these state trials it is only necessary to refer to several passages in the King's diary, and to Strype and our general historians.
16 Oct 1551. The xvj day of October was had to the Towre the duches of Somersett (age 54) and Sir Raff a Vane and Sir John Thyn (age 36), [as also] Sir Thomas Holcroft (age 46), Sir Michael Stanhope (age 44), Mr. Hammond, Mr. John Seimour (age 24), Mr. Walley, Mr. Nudigate, Mr. Banister, Mr. Brayne, Mr. Crane and his wife, Sir Myles Parterege, and Sir Thomas Arundell (age 49) and Lady (age 36).
21 Oct 1551. The xxj day of October was cared [to the Tower] my lord Pagett (age 45) by the gard-the v yer K. [E. vjt.]
11 Oct 1551. The xj day of October wher creatyd [at Hampton [Map]] curtte my lord marqwes Dorsett duke of Suffolk (age 34); the yerle of Warwyke duke of Northumburland (age 47); [the earl] of Wyllshere (age 68) created the marqwes of Wyncha[ster; sir] Wylliam Harbard (age 50) made lord of Cardyff, and after the yerle of Penbroke; and knyghtes mad the sam time, sir William Syssyll (age 31), secretery, knyght, and M. Hare Nevylle knyght, [sir William] Sydney knyght, and M. Cheke, the kynges scollmaster.
Note. Creation of new peerages. The intended creation of the dukes of Northumberland and Suffolk, the marquess of Winchester, and the earl of Pembroke, was made known to the Privy Council on the 4th Oct. 1551, as thus recorded in their minutes: "This daye the lord chamberlen together wth the lord chamberlen (sic), beinge sente from the kinge to the lordes, declared on his majesties behalfe, that, for asmuch as the lord marques of Dorset hath lately opened to his highness the occasyones of his inhabilletie to serve in the place of generall warden of the marches towardes Scotlande, and therefore besought his majestie to call him from that place; his majestie, thinkinge the same lord marques' suite reasonable, and mindinge not to leave such a rowme of importance unfurneshed of an able personage, hath resolved both to revoke the said marques from that offyce, and to appointe the earle of Warwicke in his steed, who for his greate experience, and namly in those partes, his highnes taketh to be moste meeteste for that rowme. And hath further determyned, as well to th'ende that the said earle of Warwicke may the rather be had in the estymacione he deserveth for his digneties sake, as for that also his majestie thinketh necessarye, the noble houses of this his realme being of late much decayed, to erect other in their stead by rewardinge such as have alredye well served, and maye be therby the rather encowraged to contynewe the same, to call both his lordship and other noble personages to hier estates and digneties; and therfore hath appointed to advaunce firste the said earle of Warwicke to the degree of a duke; the lorde marques Dorsett, as well for his service sacke as for that he is lyke by waye of maryage to have claime to the tytle of duke of Suffolke, his highnes is pleased to call to that degree; the lord treasuror nowe earl of Wiltesheir to the degree of a marques; the master of the horse [sir William Herbert] to the degree of an earle; which his majesties mynd and determenacion his highnes pleasure is shalbe gon through with all, and these personages to be created on Sondaye nexte; to the assistance whereof his majestie willeth that such of the lordes and nobles as shalbe thought needfull, to be presente," &c. (MS. Harl. 352, f. 188b.)
Note. The three new knights. Mr. Sidney (age 69) and Mr. Neville (age 31) had been made gentlemen of the privy chamber on the 18th April 1550, and Mr. Cheke held the same appointment. (King Edward's Diary.) Sir Henry Neville was the first settler at Billingbere of his name and family. He married Frances (age 9), only daughter and heir of sir John Gresham (age 33), and died July 13, 1593.
22 Oct 1551. The xxij day of October was alle the craftes [of London] commandyd to go to ther halles, and ther yt was [shewed] them that the duke of Somersett (age 51) wold have taken the Towre, and to have taken the brod-selle, and to have [destroyed] the cete, and then to go to the ylle of Whyth; and so evere craft to ward at evere gatt in London, and to have a rydyng wache thrugh the cete,-the v K. E. the vjth.
Tudor Books, Henry Machyn's Diary 1551 November
02 Nov 1551. The ij day of November cam to Londun from Hamton courtte [Map] and landyd at Benard castyll [Map] the old Qwyne of Schottes (age 35), and cam rydyng to the bysshope('s) palles at Powlles with many lordes, the duke of Suffoke (age 34), my lord marqwes of Northamptun (age 39), my lord of Warwyke (age 24), the lord Welebe (age 34), my lord Haward (age 41), my lord Rosselle (age 66), lord Bray, and dyvers mo lords and knyghtes and gentyllmen, and then cam the Qwyne of Schottes and alle owre lades and her gentyll women and owre gentyll women to the nomber of a C. and ther was sent her mony grett gyftes by the mayre and aldermen, as beyffes, mottuns, velles, swines, bred, wylld ffulle, wyne, bere, spysys, and alle thyngs, and qwaylles, sturgeon, wod and colles, and samons, by dyver men.
Note. Visit of the old queen of Scots. The queen dowager of Scotland (Mary of Guise) embarked at Edinburgh to visit her daughter in France, Sept. 7, 1550. On her return she landed at Portsmouth on the 2d Nov. 1551. (Lettres de Marie Stuart, edited by the Prince Alexandre Labanoff, 8vo. 1844, vol. i. 5.) The privy council addressed, "25 Sept. 1551. A Letter to the lord chauncelor requiring him to passe under the greate seal a saulf-conduct graunted by the kinges majestie to the dowager of Scotlande, and to retayne with him for a record the originall thereof sent him signed by his highnes." The saulf-conduct itself is printed in Rymer's Collection, xv. 290: it bears an earlier date, viz. 17 Sept. Some subsequent minutes of the Privy Council relating to preparations for this visit are given by Strype. There are many particulars of it in king Edward's Diary, and a narrative of the queen's reception is in MS. Harl. 290, art. 2.
Note. Funeral of sir Michael Lyster. The name of the lord chief justice of the king's bench was sir Richard Lyster, but that of his eldest son, here recorded, was sir Michael. See the memoir on the monument of sir Richard Lyster at St. Michael's church, Southampton, by Sir F. Madden, in the Winchester volume of the Archæological Institute. There is a portrait of a lady Lyster among the Holbein Heads: it may be doubtful to which lady of the name it belongs (see the pedigree given by Sir F. Madden); but Mr. Lodge, in his accompanying memoir, supposed it to be that of lady Mary, daughter of the earl of Southampton, wife of sir Richard, grandson of the chief justice. (See her funeral afterwards, p. 273.)
04 Nov 1551. [The iiij day of November the Queen (age 35) rode unto the court, attended with a great train of noblemen, gentlemen, and ladies. At the Court gate stood all the guards in their best coats. Ther the yerle of Pembroke (age 50) saluted her and brought her to the hall dore, and ther mett her the duke [of Northumberland] (age 47) and broyth her into the hall, and ther mett the [King's (age 14) grace, who salu]tyd her, and dyd inbrasse her and kyssyd her, and [took her by] the hand, and led her up in to the chambur of [presence; and] so ther was a bankett, and so when all was [done, the Queen] toke her horsse and was browght unto the bysshopes palesse to soper, and ther she laye ther tyll the (blank)
06 Nov 1551. The vj day of November the Qwyne (age 35) rod thrught [London] to Bysshope-gatt [Map], and the duke of Northumberland (age 47) [and a hundred] of grett horsys and cotes of welvet in-brodery, [with] hats of velvet and whyt fethers and chynes of gold; [and the] yerle of Penbroke (age 50) with a C. gret horsses, cotes gardy [d with] velvet, and chynes, hats and whyt fethers, and every [man] havyng a new gayffelyns [javelins] in ther hands, and a bage; and then cam the lord Tresorer with a C. gret horsse and ther cotes of marbull, with bage the facon of gold and gayffelins; and with gret nombur of lords and knyghts, and gentyllmen and lades; and ther the Qwyne reseyvyd of the chamburlain of London at the gatt a C. marke owt of the chambur.
08 Nov 1551. The viij day of November was cared to the Towre the good yerlle of Arundell (age 49) and my lord Pagett (age 45).
25 Nov 1661. The xxv day of November was cared to the Towre the lord Dacurs of the North,-the v yer kyng Edward the vjt.
30 Nov 1551. The xxx day of November ther was a grett skaffold mad in Westmynster halle agaynst the next day, that was [the] ffurst day of Desember, for the duke of Somersett (age 51), the [which] was raynyd of tresun and qwyt of ytt, and cast of fe[lony], and ther was shyth a shutt of men and women, for they thowght that he had byne qwytt, for [they] thruw a C. caps on he for gladnes, for ther was mony lost ther .... and the stret hangyd with blake ... mantyll frysse gowne boyth ... meny blake gownes, and then cam the cors with ... of armes borne a-bowt her, and a gret ... and ther was the compeny of the Clarkes, and a gret ...
Note. Funeral of lady Locke. The imperfect funeral in this page probably belongs to the widow of sir William Locke, who has been noticed in p. 313. She was buried by his side on the 5th Dec. 1551. (Malcolm, ii. 156.) "Lady Elyzabeth Locke, latte wyf of sir William Locke knyght, decesyd on saynt Androwes daye at iij. of the cloke at afternone in good memory, the v. yere of the rayne of kyng Edward the vj. executors Rycharde Spreyngham and Thomas Nycolles the elder: and buryed in the churche of our laydy of Bowe [Map] within the quyre. Cheffe morner, Mary Spryngened (sic); [other mourners,] Elyzabeth Nycolles, Elyzabeth Fyld, Ellen Meredyth, Jone Rawlyns." (MS. I. 3. in Coll. Arm. f. 846.)
Tudor Books, Henry Machyn's Diary 1551 December
07 Dec 1551. The vij day of Desember at Hyd parke [Map] a gret muster of men of armes: the furst the kynges trumpeters; [then] my lord Bray, in gylt harnes, captayn of the pe[nsioners, and a] gret baner of the kynges armes; and then cam the pensyoners in caumplet harnes, and gret hars, in [white and] blake, v and v a ranke, and after them cam the[ir servants, in number] a C. with grett harse, and harnes in whyt and blake, [and speres]. The secound my lord Tresorer, a C. men of arms, broderyd cott, red and whyt, and ther spers, ys [standard] a faucon of gold. The iij was [the] duke of Northumberland (age 47), with [C. men] of armes in welvet in-brodery, trumpeters, [his standard] a lyon crounyd gold. The iiij my lord marqws Northamtun (age 39) a C. men of armes, in yelow and [black], spers and pensels and trumpeters. The yerlle of Bedford (age 66) a C. men of armes and [in] red and whyt, ys standard a gott whyt, and a trumpeter, and pensels and spers, cotes red and whyt and blake. The yerle of Rottland (age 25) a C. men of armes in yelow and bluw; ys standard a pekoke, and pensels. The yerle of Huntyntun (age 37) men of armes 1. in bluw, and speres, and standard, and pensels. The yerle of Penbroke (age 50) C. men of armes. My lord Cobam (age 54) 1. men of armes, in blak and whyt. My lord Chamburlayne l. men of armes, cote(s) of whyt [and] red, and speres cotes in-brodere, and pensels. M. tresorer Cheyney a C. men of armes, all blake, and speres and pensells, by-syd costerells and geton.... and armes a-pone the blake at ... pryche the Skott of saynt Peters in Cornhyll ... the morow dyd pryche doythur Bartelett a godly ... at the berehyng was the masters and compeny of the ...
Note. Muster in Hyde Park. This is described nearly in the same terms in the King's diary. Burnet has misprinted the date Dec. 4 instead of 7.
Note. The Scot of St. Peter's in Cornhill. This preacher has been before mentioned in p. 6 as "the Skott the curett" of St. Peter's. Whether he was the same as Richardson, whose popularity as a preacher is mentioned in p. 91, has not been ascertained.