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Henry Machyn's Diary 1560 is in Henry Machyn's Diary.
Tudor Books, Henry Machyn's Diary 1560 January
01 Jan 1560. The furst day of January the prynche of Swaythen (age 26) rod to the cowrt gorgyusle and rychele, and in gard in velvet jerkyns and holbardes in ther handes, and mony gentyll-men gorgyosly with chenes of gold.
03 Jan 1560. The iij day of January was cared from Knyghtryder-stret unto Jhesus chapell under Powlles with prestes and clarkes syngyng my good lade Shandos wedow, with ij harolds of armes, with v baners of armes of her hosbandes and hers and of her petegre, and iiij dosen skochyons, and the chyrche wher hangyd with blake and armes; and a sermon; and after to her plasse to dener.
Note. P. 221. Funeral of lady Chandos widow. Elizabeth, daughter of Edmund lord Grey of Wilton, married to John Brydges first lord Chandos: died 29 Dec. 1559. See her poetical epitaph in Jesus chapel, afterwards St. Faith's, printed by Stowe. Her will was proved on the 5th Jan.
04 Jan 1560. The iiij day of January was bered in sant Donstons [Map] in the west latt byshope of Carlell doctur Hobbellthorpe, with alff a dosen skochyons of armes.
Note. P. 221. Funeral of the late bishop of Carlisle. Owen Oglethorpe, appointed 27 Oct. 1556, deprived June 1559.
On or after 04 Jan 1560. The (blank) day was bered doctur Bayne, late byshope of Lychfeld and Coventre, in sant Donstons in the west [Map].
Note. P. 221. Funeral of the late bishop of Lichfield and Coventry. Ralph Baynes, elected 10 Nov. 1554; also deprived 1559. He died some weeks before Dr. Oglethorpe, when his burial at St. Dunstan's, Fleet Street, was thus entered in the parish register: "1559, Nov. 24. Mr. Doctor Banes." Collectanea Topogr. et Geneal. vol. iv. p. 116.
05 Jan 1560. The v day of January ryd a-bowt London iiij women for baudere, dwellyng (unfinished)
05 Jan 1560. The sam day was a gentyll-man a-restyd for dett, and ther was dyvers gentyll-men and servyng-men, master Cobam and odur, and toke ym from the offesers, and cared im to the Rose taverne; and ther was a grett fray, that boyth the shreyffes wher fayne to cum, and so they cam to the Rose taverne, and toke all the gentyll-men and ther servandes, and cared them to the conture.
06 Jan 1560. [The vj day of January, being Twelfth day, in the afternoon] my lord mare and the althermen, and all the [crafts,] and the bachelers of the mare('s) cumpene, whent to [saint Paul's] after the old custum, and dyd pryche (blank)
06 Jan 1560. The sam nyght was sett up a skaffold for the play halle, and after play was done ther was a goodly maske, and after a grett bankett [banquet] that last tyll mydnyght.
Note. P. 222. Play [at White]hall. The conjecture made in the note is incorrect: for the play was at Whitehall. See the estimate of sir Thomas Cawarden for the court revels this Christmas, printed by Mr. Collier in his Annals of the Stage, vol. i. p. 174
08 Jan 1560. The viij day of January was bered at sant Botulf with-owt Algatt [Map] my lade Darce, the wyff of ser Arthur Darce (age 65) knyght; and so the chyrche and the quer wher hangyd with blake and armes, and so browth to the chyrche with xxx [priests] and clarkes syngyng, and ther was ij haroldes of armes, master Clarenshux (age 50) and master Somersett in ther ryche cottes; [then] cam the mornars, in gownes and cottes; then came ... that bare a pennon of armes, and the corse, with a ryche palle; there was a C [100] in blake, and xxiiij [24] men and women pore had gownes; and master Juell (age 37) byshope of Salysbere dyd pryche; and the(re) was a communyon; and all the morners offered; and after a grett dolle of money; and, all done, to the plasse to dener, for ther was a grett dener, and there were vij [7] dosen of skochyons of armes.
08 Jan 1560. The sam day of January dyd pryche at Powlles crosse the nuw byshope of London, master Gryndalle (age 41).
09 Jan 1560. The ix day of January was sessyons in the Old Bayle, keft for one Wylliam North and ys man for the kyllyng of on master Wynborne with-owt the west dore of Powlles, be-syd master Harpfeld('s) howse, and ther they wher cast by the xij [12] men to be hangyd in Powlles chyrche-yerd [Map] by that plasse wher he was kyllyd.
10 Jan 1560. The x day of January in the mornyng was a nuwe payre of galows sett up with-owtt the west dore of Powlles [Map], and be-twyne ix and x of the cloke a-for none wher Wylliam North and ys man browth thether by the ij shreyffes, and ther hangyd boyth tyll iiij at after-non; and so the hangman cutt them downe, and cared (them) in-to sant Gregore chyrche-yerd, and ther was a grayff [grave] mad, and so they wher strypyd of all, and tumbelyd nakyd in-to the grayff, in the corner of the est syd of the chyrche-yerde.... ... abowt a xij of the [clock] .... gentyll-man with-in the Whyt frers ...
12 Jan 1560. The xij day of January was cared from the Whyt frers master Recherd Chetwod sqwyre, with prest and clarkes, and with a penon of armes and a cott armur, and master Somersett, harold of armes, bare ys cot-armur; and a xx morners in gownes and cottes; and a ij dosen skochyons of armes. Master Benton mad the sermon; and after to ys plasse to dener; ther was a grett dener; and vj pore men had good blake [gowns]; and a dolle.
Note. P. 223. Funeral of Richard Chetwode esquire. His pennon and surcoat were remaining at St. Dunstan's, temp. Nich. Charles, and their bearings are described in the Collectanea Topogr. et Geneal. 1837, vol. iv. p. 101.
12 Jan 1560. The sam nyght was a fray be-twyn ij of the Swaythen [Swedes]; on kyllyd, a gentyll-man of ys owne contrey.
12 Jan 1560. The xij day of January ded good master docthur Whyt (age 50), latt byshope of Wynchestur, in Hamshyre, at ser Thomas Whytes plasse, the wyche ded of a aguw; and he gayff myche to ys servandes.
19 Jan 1560. The xix day of January dyd ryd in a care on Laugh, a brown baker, for fornycasyon, dyver tymes provyd.
19 Jan 1560. The sam day was a man sett on the pelere in Sowthwarke, for he toke cartes for the quen, and was no taker, but toke a pesse of money, and lett them goo to dyvers men, sum ij s., xx d., xij d., and vj d., so yt was knowne.
20 Jan 1560. The xx day of January the sam man was set on the pelere in Chepe-syde for the sam offens.
15 Jan 1560. The xv day of January was cared to be bered master doctor Whyt (deceased), late byshope of Wynchester, unto Wynchester [Map], and bered ther.
Note. P. 224. Funeral of the late bishop of Winchester. John White, warden of Winchester college, consecrated bishop of Lincoln 1554 (see p. 58), translated to Winchester 1556, deprived 1559. He was brother to alderman sir John White, to whose house he had been allowed to repair on coming out of the Tower (see p. 203), this being an instance (to which there are many parallels) of two brothers bearing the same Christian name. Sir Thomas White, of South Warnborough, Hampshire, was his brother-in-law, for, though not nearly related in paternal descent, there had been two marriages which connected the families, sir Thomas White having married Agnes sister to the bishop and sir John, and sir John having married for his first wife Sibell sister of sir Thomas White. See the Collectanea Topogr. et Geneal. vol. vii. p. 212.
23 Jan 1560. The xxiij day of January .... unto Westmynster, and ther they wher cast ..
27 Jan 1560. The xxvij day of January was cared from [Black] frers unto sant Martens at Ludgatt to be bered my lade Harper, by her furst hosband ser Gorge Harper knyght, and the wyff of master Carlton (age 31), with a pennon of armes, and ij dosen and a d' of of skochyons of armes, and re .. mad in the chyrche and hangyd with blake and armes; and haroldes of armes, master Clarenshux (age 50) and master Somersett, [and] mony morners in blake; the cheyff morner was ...
27 Jan 1560. The sam day cam rydyng to London, and so [entered] at Ludgatt, the good yerle of Shreusbery (age 32), with a C [100] [men] rydyng, and so to Cold Harber to ys owne plasse.
25 Jan 1560. The xxv day of January wher mad at Powlles [Map] by the nuw byshope of London (age 41) lx prestes, menysters, and decons, and more.
30 Jan 1560. The xxx day of January was bered in sant Margettes-moyses master Busse skynner, on of the masturs of the hospetall, and ther was all the masturs of the hospetall with gren stayffes in ther handes, and all the masters of ys compene in ther leverey, and a xx clarkes syngyng; and he gayff a xij mantyll frys gownes, vj men and vj women; and ther dyd pryche master Juell (age 37) the nuw byshope of Salysbere, and ther he sayd playnly that ther was no purgatore; and after to ys howse to dener, and ther was a xvj [16] morners in blake gownes and cottes.
30 Jan 1560. The xxx day of January the vecontt Montacute (age 31) and ser Thomas Chamburlayn (age 56) knyght toke theyr journey toward the kyng of Spayne (age 32).
Tudor Books, Henry Machyn's Diary 1560 February
02 Feb 1560. The ij day of Feybruary ther was taken [at the] Frenche inbasadur's plasse, the dene of Powlles, [ie the Ambassador was lodged at the house of the Deanery of St Pauls] was candyllmas day, ther was a masse sayd, and ther was dyvers men and women taken [up,] and browth to my lord mayre (age 64), and sum to the conter.
02 Feb 1560. The sam day at after-non my lord mare (age 64) and the althermen, and all the craftes, whent to Powlles after old maner, and ther was a sermon by the (blank).
04 Feb 1560. The iiij day of Feybruary was bered in sant Mare Wolnars in Lumbard-strett master (blank) with ij dosen skochyons of armes.
04 Feb 1560. The sam tyme besyd Pye corner a man dyd hang ym-seylff.
09 Feb 1560. The ix day of Feybruary at after-none, a-bowtt iij of the cloke, wher v [5] men wher hangyd at sant Thomas of watherynges [Map]; one was captayn Jenkes and (blank) Ward and (blank) Walles and (blank) Beymont and a-nodur man, and they wher browth up in ware [war] all ther lyffes,-for a grett roberre done.
15 Feb 1560. The xv day of Feybruary was cared from Flett-strett unto sant Alphes at Crepull-gatt to be bered master Francis Wyllyams, the brodur sune [Note. Not clear why he is referred to as 'brodur sune] to my lord of Tame... cheyffe ere to my lord of Tame, with .... armes and a cott armur and a harold master Rychmond, and mony morners in blake, and a xij gentyllmen .... and a xx clarkes syngyng, and master Veron dyd pryche a sermon.
Note. P. 225. Funeral of John Williams esquire. Two members of this family were buried within a few days. The second (imperfect) paragraph relates to "John Williams esquyer, son and heyr to Renold Williams of Burfyld in Barkshire, maryd Cysely doter to Henry Poole of Wylshire, and dyed sans issu in Darby howsse near Powles the 16 of February 1559, and buryed at the parish churche of E(l)syng Spyttall." (MS. Harl. 879, f. 14.)
23 Feb 1560. The xxiij day of Feybruary was cared from (Black) frers over the water to Parys garden, and ther was a hors-lytter rede to care her to Blechyng-led, [my] lade Carden, the wyff of ser Thomas Carden, to be bered.
28 Feb 1560. The xxviij day of Feybruary, was Aswedensday, at ... in Turnagayn-lane in sant Pulkers paryche a lame [woman] with a kneyff kyllyd a proper man.
29 Feb 1560. The xxix of Feybruary was bered in sant Martens parryche the wyff (age 40) of master (blank) Cage (age 45) sarter [salter], and he gayff xx ... gownes and xij mantyll frys gownes unto xij pore women, and xij clarkes syngyng; and master Pylkyngton (age 40) dyd pryche, the nuw byshope of Wynchastur [Note. He was elected Bishop of Winchester but he declined it. He was subsequently elected Bishop of Durham], and after a dolle of money, a j d. a-pesse.
20 Feb 1560. The xx day of Feybruary dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] master Nowell (age 43); and ther was a man dyd pennans for he would have a-nodur wyffe, the wyche he had on afore.
Old and New London Volume 6 Chaper XIX The Old Kent Road. In 1559 five men were executed here [Map]. Macbyn, in his Diary, thus records the event:-"The ix day of Feybruary at after-none a-bowt iij of the cloke, v men wher hangyd at Sant Thomas of watherynges; one was captyn Jenkes, and (blank) Warde, and (blank) Walles, and (blank) Beymont, and a-nodur man, and they were browth [brought] up in ware [war] all their lyffes,-for a grett robere done."
Tudor Books, Henry Machyn's Diary 1560 March
01 Mar 1560. The furst day of Marche was a proclamasyon by the quen('s) (age 26) grace and the consell that no man nor woman, nor they that kepys tabulles, shuld ett no flese in lentt nor odur tyme in the yere that ys commondyd by the chyrche, nor no bucher kyll no flese, but that they should pay a grett fyne, or elles vj ours [2 hours] on the pelere, and in-presoment x [10] days.... and after taken downe and cared .... knyght marshall('s) servandes unto the nuw pet .... Cornhylle and ther a serten tyme.
03 Mar 1560. The iij day of Marche, abowtt vij of the [clock] in the mornyng, cam in a servyngman with a [horse-load] of flesse of dyver kyndes, and ther yt was st[ayed] and after cared the horse and yt to my lord mare (age 64) (by) the porter of Byshope-gatt, and lett hym goo.
03 Mar 1560. The sam day dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] the nuwe byshope of London master Gryndall (age 41), in ys rochet and chyminer; and after sermon done the pepull dyd syng; and ther was my lord mayre (age 64) and the althermen, and ther was grett audyence.
03 Mar 1560. The sam day at after-non dyd pryche at the curte [court] the byshope Skore (age 50), in ys rochet and chyminer, and ther was grett audyens, and after (unfinished)
06 Mar 1560. The vj of Marche dyd pryche at the court doctur Byll (age 55) dene of Westmynster that day in the quen('s) chapell, the crosse and ij candylles bornyng and the tabulles standyng auter-wyse.
06 Mar 1560. The sam day at after-none was sessyons at Nuwgatt, and ther was raynyd the lame woman that kyllyd the yonge man in Turnagayne lane and a dosen more, and the lame woman cast.
08 Mar 1560. The viij day of Marche dyd ryd in a cart abowtt Londun a bocher and a bocher('s) wyff, that was here servand, and the wyche was her hosband('s) brodur.
08 Mar 1560. The sam day of Marche [rode to hanging] xj; vij wer men, and iiij women; on woman the sam woman that kyllyd the man in Turnagayne lane; and on man was a gentyllman; and a-nodur [a priest,] for cuttyng of a purse of iij s. but he was [burnt] in the hand afore, or elles ys boke [Note. A reference to the 'benefit of clergy' by which he would have been judged in an ecclesiatical court.] would have [saved] hym,-a man of liiij [54] yere old.
08 Mar 1560. The viij day of Marche dyd pryche at the cowrt, afor non, master Pylkyngtun (age 40) the nuw byshope of Wynchaster, and ys matter whent myche to ma[intaining] Oxford and Cambryge skullors [scholars], and the byshopes and [clergy] to have better levyng [living ie income].
11 Mar 1560. The xj day of Marche dyd pryche at the court doctur Sandes (age 41) byshope of Wosseter.
12 Mar 1560. The xij day of Marche was bered at Dyttun [Map] my lade Barkeley (deceased), the wyff of ser Mores Barthelay (age 54) knyght, with a penon of armes and a iiij dosen of skochyons, and a harold of armes, master Rychemond.
12 Mar 1560. The tuwsday the xij day of Marche was slayne in Powlles chyrche-yerd [Map] on master Bodeley a gentyll-man of the Tempull by on of master Alcokes servands, wher he supyd the sam nyght, at the constabulle('s) howse of sant Martens the Sanctuarij.
13 Mar 1560. The xiij day of Marche dyd pryche at the cowrt master (blank)
15 Mar 1560. [The xv day preached at court] master (blank) the wyche he mad a nottabull sermon that the quen('s) (age 26) grace gayff hym th[anks] for hys payne, butt sum men wher offendyd.
16 Mar 1560. The xvj day of Marche whentt to berehyng [from the] Bell in Cartter lane on master Bodeley, a gentylman of the Tempull that was slane in Powlles cherche-yerd by on of Alkokes servands, and ther fechyd hym a C [100] ge[ntlemen] and odur to bryng hym to the Tempull, and xx clarkes syngyng, and after bered.
17 Mar 1560. The xvij day of Marche dyd pryche at Powlles cross [Map] Veron, parsun of sant Marttens att Ludgatt, and ther was my lord mare (age 64) and the masters the althermen, with mony more pepull; and after the sermon done they songe all, old and yong, a salme in myter [metre], the tune of Genevay ways.
Note. P. 228. Veron admitted parson of St. Martin's at Ludgate. John Veron, S.T.P. was instituted to this rectory 8 Mar. 1559, on the deprivation of John Morren, S.T.B. Newcourt (Repertorium, i. 415,) has misprinted the name Heron, and supposed this rector to be the same with John Heron, who was vicar of Little Canfield in Essex in 1544–5. Veron afterwards obtained the vicarage of St. Sepulchre, Oct. 21, 1560, and held both livings until his death in 1563, together with the prebend of Mora, to which he was collated Nov. 8, 1559. His first ordination as a deacon took place at Fulham Aug. 2, 1551, from the hands of bishop Ridley, his name being entered in the register as "Joh'es Veroneus, Senonens. dioc. in Gallia:" and he was made priest on the 24th of the same month. (Strype, Memor.) He previously translated into English from Latin the Short Pathway to Scripture of Zuinglius, which was printed at Worcester 24 May, 1550, and was dedicated to sir Arthur Darcy (see Strype, Memorials, Book I. chap. 34). On the 3d Jan. 1552 he was instituted to the rectory of St. Alphage in London, of which he was deprived in 1554. He is frequently noticed as a preacher by the writer of this Diary (see the Index).
17 Mar 1560. The sam day at after-non dyd pryche at the cowrt [at] the prychyng plasse master Juell (age 37) the nuw byshope of Salysbere, in ys rochet and chymmer.
19 Mar 1560. The xix day of Marche at santt Martens at Ludgatt all the belles of the chyrch dyd ryng a grett pelle, and after done all the pepull dyd syng the tune of Geneway, and with the base of the organes, for ther he was myttyd parsun, and he mad a sermon that tyme.
14 Mar 1560. The xiiij day (of) Marche was cared from London, when they were examynyd be-for the consell, for a grett robere by one Duncombe gentyllman and ys companyons by them commytted; and (received by) master Autre shreyff of Bedford-shyre; and then he and ys sayd fellous wher hangyd, wher the sad master Duncombe myght se thow [two] or iij lordshyps whyche shuld have bene his yf his behavyor had bene good; and ther they were hangyd all.
22 Mar 1560. The xxij day of Marche dyd ryd in a care, with a basen tynglyng a-for, ij that rode a-bowt London that cam owtt of Sowthwarke, for the woman was bowd to a gyrle of xj yere olde, and browth her to a stranger.
20 Mar 1560. The xx day of Marche was the nuw byshope of Lychfeld and Coventre ys wyff was a broght to bed, ys nam master Bentun (age 46), on London bryges at the sygne of (blank)
22 Mar 1560. [The xxij day of March preached at court the same master Bentham (age 46),] byshope of Lychfeld and Coventre.
24 Mar 1560. The xxiiij day of Marche, was mydlentt sonday, dyd pryche at Powlles [Map] [doctor] Sandes (age 41) the nuw byshope of Wosseter, and ther was m[y lord mayor (age 64)] and the althermen, and he prychyd in ys rochet [and chiminer,] and ther was my lord the erle of Bedford (age 33), and dyvers g[entlemen] and grett audyens of pepull.
24 Mar 1560. The xxiiij day of Marche, was mydlent sonday, master Barlow (age 62) byshope of sant Davys dyd pryche at the cowrtt, but the quen was not at yt; butt ther was mony pepull; and he was in ys rochet and ys chymmer, and at v of the cloke yt ended; and contenentt her chapell whent to evy[ning song,] and ther the crosse stood on the auter, and ij candylstykes and ij tapurs bornyng, and after done a goodly anteme song.
27 Mar 1560. The xxvij day of Marche was proclamasyon [at the] cowrt and at the crosse [Map] in Chepe and at the strett tyme .. Lumbard street in dyvers plasses, of the Frenche [king] (age 16) and the Skottys quen (age 17), boyth in Englyus and Frenche, with [a] trumpett blohyng, and a harold of armes, master Clarenshux (age 50), in ryche cotte, with a serjant of armes with a grett masse, and the ij shreyffe(s) all on hors-bake.
Note. P. 229. Proclamation relative to the French king and Scotish queen. See in Rymer, vol. xv. p. 569, the treaty with James duke of Chateau l'Herault, dated 27 Feb. 1559, the object of which was to prevent the union of Scotland to France.
27 Mar 1560. The sam day dyd pryche at the cowrt master Wysdom.
29 Mar 1560. The xxviiij day Marche cam by water at afternone unto Somersett plasse [Map] the duke of Vanholtt (age 34). [Note. To be created Knight of the Garter].
29 Mar 1560. The xxix day of Marche dyd ryd in a cartt ij women.
31 Mar 1560. The xxxj day of Marche dyd pryche at Polles crosse [Map] Crolley (age 43), the wyche was Passyon sonday, sum tyme a [exile, and a learned writer, afterwards minister of St. Giles, Cripplegate [Map].]
Tudor Books, Henry Machyn's Diary 1560 April
02 Apr 1560. [The ij day of April, Alley (age 50), bishop elect of Exeter, preached at court,] aganst blasfemy, dysse [dice ie gambling], and women, and drunkenes.
05 Apr 1560. The (v) day of Aprell dyd pryche at the courtt master Chenney (age 47), that was Fryday afor Palm sonday.
07 Apr 1560. The vij day of Aprell, the wyche was Palm sonday, dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] master Wysdom.
07 Apr 1560. The sam day dyd pryche at the court my lord the byshope of Canturbere (age 55), and made a nobull sermon.
10 Apr 1560. The x day of Aprell cam from sant Mare spytyll the Quen (of the May?) wyth a (blank) M. men in harnes, boyth queners [queen's attendants] in shurth [shirts] of malle and cosselet and mores pykes and a x gret pesses, cared thrugh London unto the court, with drumes and fluttes and trumpetes, and ij mores dansyng, in the cartt wher ij quyke bers [live bears], and London fond a (unfinished)
11 Apr 1560. The xj day of Aprell toke ys jorney from the byshope of Wynchastur('s) plasse the duke of Swaynland [Note. Possibly King Erix XIV of Sweden (age 26) but he has been previously referred to a Prince, or Duke Adolph Oldenburg of Holstein-Gotorp (age 34) who arrived on 29 Mar 1560], the wyche he kept the nobulle howse that ever dyd stranger in England for cher, for he spent more and gayff grett gyftes and reywardes as a ...
11 Apr 1560. The xj day of Aprell the Quen('s) (age 26) grace kept her monde [Maundy] in her halle at the cowrt at afternon, and her grace gayff unto xx [20] women so many gownes, and on woman had her best gowne, and ther her grace dyd wosse ther fett [wash their feet], and with a nuw whyt cupe her grace dronke unto evere woman, and they had the cupe, and so her grace dyd leyke-wyse unto all, and evere woman had in money (blank). [The same afternoon she gave unto pore men, wo]men, and chylderyn, both holle [whole] and lame, in sant James('s) parke ij d. a-pese, a [thousand people and upwards.]
13 Apr 1560. The xiij day my lord mare (age 64) mad a proclamassyon that all maner of wyld fulle [wildfowl] and capons and conys and odur thynges and set a pryse of all kyndes of pultere [poultry] ware, and a penalte for the brykyng.
15 Apr 1560. The xv day of Aprell dyd pryche at sant Mare spyttyl withowt Byshope-gatt master Bentun (age 46).
16 Apr 1560. The xvj day of Aprell was bered in the parryche of sant Myghell in Quen-heyff master John Bedy .. sqwyre latt clarke of the gren cloth unto quen [Mary?] with the compene of the Clarkes of London, and then cam the morners, and then the corse, with vj skochyons with ys armes a-pone hym, and master Beycun (age 48) mad the sermon, and after to ys plasse to dener, for ther was a grett [dinner].
16 Apr 1560. The sam day dyd pryche at sant Mare spyttyll master Colle.
16 Apr 1560. The sam nyght be-twyn vij [7] and viij [8] of the cloke yt lythenyd and thundered and after raynyd vare sore as has bene.
17 Apr 1560. The xvij day of Aprell dyd pryche at sant Mare spytyll master Juelle (age 37).
16 Apr 1560. The xvj day of Aprell at viij [8] of the cloke at nyght ther was a kyng cam from the dene of Rochester from super, and gohyng to ys logyng, and he had ij [2] knyghtes that dyd wheyt [wait] on ym, and ther was shyche lythnenyng and thunderyng that yt thruw down on of ys knyghtes to the grond, and lykyd a bornyd [burned] the dodur, and on of (his) servand(s) was so freyd [afraid] that ys here [hair] stod up, and yt wyll never come downe synes.... bishop of Lond]un docthur Boner (age 60), with (unfinished)
21 Apr 1560. The xxj day of Aprell dyd pryche at the Powlles [cross] [Map] master Samsun, and ther was my lord mare and all the althermen, and ther he concludyd the iij sermons that was at the [cross]; ther was grett audyense as has bene sene ther.
21 Apr 1560. The sam day at after-non was grett justes at the curtt, and at the tylt, and ther rod the trumpeters blohyng (in) skraff(s) [scarfs] of whyt and blake sarsanett, and master Clarenshus (age 50), Norrey (age 50), Somersett, and Lankaster, and Rychemond, and Yorke, and Ruge dragon, and evere of them havyng a skarff a-bowt ther ne[cks, of] whyt and blake sarsenett, and ther rane of the (unfinished)
23 Apr 1560. The xxiij day of Aprell, was sant Gorge day, the Quen('s) (age 26) grace and the knyghtes of the Garter whent a prossessyon with all her chapell in copes of cloth of gold, a xxviij copes, and the Quen and all the knyghtes wore ther robes, rownd a-bowt the hall to the cowrt-y[ard,] and all the haroldes of armes in ther cottes of armes.
Note. P. 232. Procession of knights of the garter. This paragraph must not be passed without calling to remembrance a very curious print which exists representing queen Elizabeth accompanying the procession of the order of the garter, which was designed by Marcus Gerrard, and set forth by Thomas Dawes, Rouge-croix pursuivant, and of which there is a copy by Hollar in Ashmole's Order of the Garter, p. 515. It is, however, of a later date than the present Diary, namely the 20th year of the queen's reign, 1578.
24 Apr 1560. The xxiiij day of Aprell was bered good mastores Malere (age 40), the wyffe of master Malore (age 60) altherman and latt shreyff of London, the wyche she ded in chyld-bed of xvij chyldern, and bered with-in sant Thomas of Acurs; the wyche she gayff [to the] pore (blank) gownes, and ther was the clarkes syngyng; master (blank) dyd pryche; and mony mornars, and gret mone mad [great moan made] for her.
Note. P. 232. Funeral of mistress Malory. "April 26. Mrs. Anne Malory, wife of Richard Malory alderman, in the chapel of St. Thomas de Acre." Register of St. Pancras, Soperlane. (Malcolm, ii. 177.) Our diarist seems to say that she died in childbed with her seventeenth child. The alderman was remarried on the 8th April following to Mrs. Lane at St. Benet Fink. (Ibid. p. 463.)
24 Apr 1560. The xxiv day of Aprell was bered at sant Magd[alene's] master Hansley a grocer, and he had a dossen of skochyons of armes, and ther was the masturs of the compene of the Grocers, and prestes and clarkes syngyng, and master Juelle (age 37) the byshope of Saylbere dyd pryche, and he gayff (blank) gownes unto pore men; and ther was at ys berehyng all the masters of (the) hospetalle with ther gren stayffes in ther handes.... the Queen (age 26) with the lord Russelle (age 33) whent downe unto Depford .... shype and her nuw galley, and dynyd in the s[hip] and ther my lord admerall (age 50) mad her grett ch[eer, and] after wher serten brygendar wher red [ready] with [furniture of] ware [war]; and ther wher iiij lytyll pennys de .... hordenanse, and gayff grett sawtt [assault] unto the breg[antine] and shott grett ordenanse and fowth [fought] were ser .... all maner of artelere, and ther youe shuld [have] sene men sthrone [thrown] in-to the water, and horlyng stones and mores pykes; and ther was grett fythe [fight] be-twyne the bryg dendar [and the] pennys, and as grett shutyng as cold be; ther wher a-boyff iiij thowsand of pepull [on the water] and the land.
28 Apr 1560. The xxviij day of (April) dyd pryche at the [Paul's] crosse [Map] master Coverdalle (age 72), and ther was my lord mare (age 64) and the althermen, and ther was grett audyense.
28 Apr 1560. The sam day at after-none att the court was grett justes, my lord of Sussex (age 35) and my lord Robartt Dudley (age 27) and ij more a-gaynst the yerle of Northumberland (age 32) and my lord Ambrose Dudley (age 30) and my lord of Hunsdon (age 34) and master Cornewalles and (blank): and ther was mony stayffes broken; and ther stod in the standyng as juges my lord markes of Northamtun (age 48), my lord of Ruttland (age 33), and my lord of Penbroke (age 59), and my lord admerall (age 50) and the Frenche inbassadur, and master Garter (age 50) and master Norey (age 50) dyd wrytt wome [whom] dyd rune; and by chanse of the brykyng of a stayff a pesse fluw up wher the juges sitt and hyt my lord of Penbroke (blank) and ther rod the trumpeters and the haroldes of armes.
30 Apr 1560. The xxx day of Aprell was bered in sant Gregore chyrche in Powlles chyrche-yerd master Payne skynner, and gayff armes, and ther was the masturs of compene of the Skynners in ther (livery,) he had a sermon, and the clarkes ....
On 20 May 1560 Bishop William Alley (age 50) was elected Bishop of Exeter on the recommendation of Queen Elizabeth I of England and Ireland (age 26). Henry Machyn in his diary of 02 Apr 1560 refers to Bishop William Alley as being 'bishop elect of Exeter'.
Tudor Books, Henry Machyn's Diary 1560 May
May 1560. The ... day of May was a .... knyghtes of the Garter for soper, and the next .... and soper with all maner kyndes of fysse [and flesh,] boyth venesun and all maner of folle [fowl] [of all] kyndes and by (blank) cloke [clock] was send a com[mand] that they shuld come away, boyth ... knyghtes and all here servandes of all offeses, [and] brynge as myche as cold be savyd; the [same] nyght was browth unto Westmynster, the quen ... for sant Gorge('s) fest that shuld have bene at W[indsor] as the old costume has bene.
May 1560. The sam nyght cam the Quen('s) (age 26) grace came from Westmynster in her barge, and dyvers odur barges, with drumes and fluttes and trumpettes blohyng, and odur musyke, downe on London syd, and over the water to the thodur syd, and so up and downe to the cowrt with (unfinished)
05 May 1560. The v day of May dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] master Mollens archedeyken of London, and he mad a goodly sermon, and ther was my lord mare and the althermen, and grett audyense was ther.
13 May 1560. The xiij day of May was bered mastores Palmer, the wyff of (blank) Palmer vyntoner dwellyng at the sant ... hed at Ludgatt, and he gayff in gownes and cottes a x ... and at her berehyng was the cumpene of the Vyntoners in ther leverey, and Veron dyd pryche at her berehyng.
14 May 1560. The xiiij day of May was the sam men cared to Westmynster hall [Map] how they shuld do theyre, and ther they wher cast and cared to the masselsay [Map]
14 May 1560. The xiiij day of May ded ....
13 May 1560. The xiij day of May ded ser Marmeduke Constabull (age 60) .... in the contey of ....
14 May 1560. The xiiij day of May the Quen('s) (age 26) grace removyd from Westmynster by water unto Grenwyche [Map], and as her grace was gohyng by water not so farre as ..., cam by water to her grace master Henry Perse (age 28) owt of F[rance,] with serten tydynges.
18 May 1560. The xviij day of May ther was sent to the shypes men from evere hall in whyt cottes and red crosses, and gones [guns] to the quen('s) (age 26) shypes.
19 May 1560. The xix day of May dyd pryche at Powlles [cross] [Map] my lord byshope of Ele, docthur Kokes (age 67), sum-tyme dene of Westmynster, and ther was browth hym word that one had fond a (blank) of money, and any man cold or cane tell what money yt was, lett cum, and they shall have yt.
20 May 1560. The xx day of May was send to the Towre [Map] master Fecknam (age 45), docthur Wattsun (age 45) latt byshope of Lynkolne, and docthur Colle (age 60) latt dene of Powlles, and docthur Chadsay; and at nyght abowtt viij of the cloke was send to the Flett [Map] docthur Score (age 50), and master Fecknam the last abbot of Westmynster, to Towre [Map].
20 May 1560. The sam day was bered mastores Russell wedow in sant Mathuw parryche, and she gayff a xx gownes and cottes of blake, and a xij gownes to xij women, and they gayff unto master Parre a blake gowne and a tepytt that mad the sermon; and ther was the compene of the Clarkes syngyng, and after a grett dener.
22 May 1560. The xxij day of May was a mayd sett on the pelere for gyffyn [giving] her mastores and her howse-hold poysun, and her ere [ear] cutt, and bornyd [burned] in the brow.
24 May 1560. The xxiiij day of May the sam mayd was set on the pelere the sam mayd, and after had her thodur ere [ear] cut for the sam offens.
After 24 May 1560. The .. day of May [was buried mistress Allen (deceased) the] wyff of master Wylliam Allen (age 45) altherman and lethers[eller; and] she ded in chyld-bed, and ther wher mony morners in blake, and the masters of the hospetalle with ther gren stayffes; and he gayff to pore women (blank) gownes ... when the compeny of ys craftes and the compene of [the Clerks,] and after to ys plase, and ther spyse-bred and wyne.
Note. P. 235. Funeral of mistress Allen. At St. Leonard's Fish street hill [Map] was this inscription: "Here under this stone lieth Joane wife of William Allyn citizen and alderman, who died in childbed of her 9th child the 22. of May 1560." (MS. Lansd. 874, f. 10b.) Sir William Allen (for he was afterwards knighted) was the son of William Allen, citizen and poulterer of London; was sheriff 1562–3, lord mayor 1571–2. "He was at first free of the Leathersellers, afterwards a Mercer. And dwelled when he was sheriff in Bow-lane; when he was maior, in Tower-strete. But buried at St. Botulphes without Bishopsgate, in which parish he was borne." Arms, Per fess sable and argent, a pale engrailed counterchanged, and three talbots passant of the second, collared gules. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.)
26 May 1560. The xxvj day of May dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] [master] Skambeler, my lord of Canturbere('s) chapelen, and ther was my lord mayre (age 64) and my masters the althermen, and a grett audyense.
27 May 1560. The xxvij day of May was the obseque and fen[eral] of master docthur Wende (deceased), fessyssyon [physician] at Cambryge, a penon of armes and a cott armur, and vj dosen and d' of skochyons of armes, and a harold of armes master Somersett, and .. morners in blake, and he gayff mony gownes to pore men, and ther was a grett dolle, and thether resortyd xx m[iles] off vC. pepull and had grett plente of mett and drynke, boyth hosses [houses] and barnes and feldes, grett store as has bene [seen] for a men [mean ie middle rank] gentyllman, and gret mone mad [moan made].
Note. P. 235. Funeral of Dr. Wendy. Thomas Wendy, M.D. was one of the witnesses to the will of king Henry VIII. together with doctor George Owen and doctor Thomas Huicke, and they each received a legacy of 100l. (Rymer, xv. 117.) He was re-appointed physician to king Edward VI. March 3, 1546–7, with an annuity of 100l. (ibid. 143); and on the 22d Nov. 1548, was appointed one of the commissioners to visit the university of Cambridge (ibid. 178).
27 May 1560. The sam day was the Clarkes' dener, and they had evynsong over-nyght at Yeld-hall colege, and the morow a communion, and after to the Carpynters' hall to dener.
27 May 1560. The sam day was bered mastores Grafton at Criste-chyche, the wyff of master Grafton (age 53) the cheyff master of the hospetall, and of Brydwell; and sche had a ij dosen and a half skochyons of armes, and ys plase and all the cowrt to the grett gatt next the strett was hangyd with blake and armes, and mony morners in blake, and he gayff unto powre (unfinished)
Note. P. 236. Funeral of mistress Grafton,—"the wife of master Grafton the chief master of the hospital, and of Bridewell." This was Richard Grafton the printer, who is known from his books to have resided at Christ's hospital, and from this passage it seems to have been in an official capacity. There are other items in the present volume which may be added to what Dr. Dibdin terms "the comparatively full account" of Grafton, in his edition of the Typographical Antiquities, vol. iii. He was evidently a man active in public business. He occurs twice as warden of the Grocers' company (pp. 90, 108), as a master of Bridewell (pp. 205), and as an overseer for the repairs of Saint Paul's cathedral (p. 262). He was also elected to Parliament for the city of London in 1554 and 1556, and in 1562 for Coventry.
27 May 1560. Item in gaune [gang] wyke callyd Rogasyon weke they whent a prosessyon with baners in dyvers plases, boyth in Bockynghamshyre and in Cornwall in dyvers plases, and in dyvers plases they had good chere after.
28 May 1560. The xxviij day of May ther was a m [aid] sett on the pelere for the sam of-fense [of poisoning,] and bornyd [burned] in the brow.
29 May 1560. The xxix day of May toke ther gorney [journey] into Skotteland master Syssell (age 39) secretore and master docthur Wattun (age 45) my (unfinished).
30 May 1560. The xxx day of May was the ij [2] maydes [set] on the pelere, one for the ruwmor rane that she was ded because she fell in a swone the iij.
Tudor Books, Henry Machyn's Diary 1560 June
01 Jun 1560. The furst day in mornyng of June ded master [Hussey] (age 64) sqwyre, and a grett marchand of the Muskovea and odur plases, and a-ganst ys bereall was mad pennons of armes and a cott armur, and a vj dosen of skochyons of armes.
Note. Pp. 236, 237. Death and funeral of Anthony Hussey esquire. From epitaphs in St. Martin's Ludgate, which will be found in Stowe, it appears that this person, a native of London, had been chief registrar of the archbishop of Canterbury and of the chapter of St. Paul's; and had also for some years performed the functions of a judge in maritime causes, and a master in chancery. At length in his advanced years (having apparently resigned his office of registrar of the court of Canterbury to his son William, who died in the November before him, aged 28,) he became the governor of the company of merchants of Muscovy, which (it is stated in the same place) exercised their commerce among the Belgians as well as the Muscovites and Germans,—"lingua facundus, memoria tenax, ingenio, prudentia, doctrinaque pollens, morum comitate et probitate gratiosus." He died June 1560, æt. 63.
02 Jun 1560. The ij day of June my lord the byshope of London (age 41) mad a goodly sermon a-boyff in Powlles.
03 Jun 1560. The iij day of June at nyght whent to the Towre [Map] my old lord the byshope of Ely, doctur Thurlbe (age 54).
05 Jun 1560. The v day of June was bered master Husse (deceased) sqwyre, and a grett marchand-ventorer and of Muskovea and haburdassher, and with a C. mornars of men and vomen; hand he had v pennons of armes, and a cotte armur, and ij haroldes of armes master Clarenshux (age 50) and master Somersett; and ther was Powlles qwyre and the clarkes of London, and bered at sant Martens at Ludgatt by ys sun; and all the cherche hangyd and ys plasse with blake and armes, and a vj dosen and d' of skochyons of armes; and master Alley the redere of Powlles prychyd boyth days; ser Wylliam Garrett (age 53), ser Wylliam Chester (age 51), master Loge the shreyf, master Argalle, master Bulle, and master Husse (his) sune, and dyver odur mornars, and after to the plasse to dener, a godly plasse.... Barwyke by captayn .... mantyll frys jerkens all gunners.
10 Jun 1560. The x day of June was the master of the compene of Skyners fest, and ther mony worshepfull men wher [at] dener, for ther was a worshepfull dener, and ther was chosen the master of felowshipe master Flecher, and master warden[s chosen] master Clarenshux (age 50) and iij mo, and afterward they wher [brought] home by the leverey; and master Clarenshux mad a grett bankett [banquet] for the masters and ys compene, furst spyse-bred, cheres [cherries] straberes, pepyns, and marmelade, and sukett, comfets, and portynggalles [Note. Possibly oranges] and dyvers odur dyssys [dishes], epocras, rennys [wyn], clarett wyn, and bere and alle grett plente; and all was welcome.
10 Jun 1560. The sam day was the masters the Grosers, and ther dynyd my lord mare (age 64) and dyvers althermen and the shreyffes and [many] worshepfull men and dades [Note. Read ladies] gentyllmen and gentyll-women; ther was a nobull dener as has bene ther.
10 Jun 1560. The sam day was had to the Towre [Map] the (arch-)byshope of (York) docthur Heth (age 59), latt chanseler of Engeland by quen Mare('s) days, and part by quen Elesabeth('s) days.
10 Jun 1560. The sam (day) was cared to the Flett [Map] docthur Colle (age 60) latt dene of Powlles.
12 Jun 1560. The xij day of June dyd ryd in (a) care a-bowtt London ij men and iij women; one man was for he was the bowd, and to brynge women unto strangers, and on woman was the wyff of the Bell in Gracyous-strett [Map], and a-nodur the wyff of the Bull-hed be-syd London stone, and boyth wher bawdes and hores, and the thodur man and the woman wher brodur and syster, and wher taken nakyd together.
12 Jun 1560. The sam day at after-non toke hys horse toward Walles, [Wales] with a vij-skore horse, ser Henry Sydney (age 31) to be the lord presidentt ther of Walles, as my lord of Tame was; the quen (age 26) and the consell gayff yt hym to be governer ther....The .. day of .... browth women unto strangers.
18 Jun 1560. The xviij day of June was sent to the Towre [Map] secr[etary] Boxhalle unto quen Mare, and doctur Borne latt byshope of Bayth, and docthur Trobullfeld latt byshope of Excetur.
Note. P. 238. Secretary Boxall. John Boxall, secretary of state to queen Mary: see notices of him in the Zurich Letters, 1st Series, p. 255.
23 Jun 1560. The xxiij day of June was had to the contur docthur Frere, and the next day was delevered hom.
20 Jun 1560. The xx day of June was the fenerall of ser Marmaduke Constabull (deceased) knyght, with ys standard and ys cott armur and ys pennon of armes, and with skochyons [of] ys armes and hers [ie his wife's].
24 Jun 1560. The xxiiij day of June, was Mydsomer day, sant John the baptyste, was Marchand-tayllers' fest, and ther was grett chere, and the nuw master was chosen master Manearlin, and master warden master Rosse, and the ij. warden master Meryk; and ij renters master Duckyngtun and master Sparke.
Note. P. 238. The Merchant-taylors' feast. As an old scholar of the grammar-school of this worshipful company, I cannot resist transcribing the memorandum made by the honest merchant-taylor John Stowe on the very memorable event of this year: "The xxj. of March, 1560, a notable grammar-schoole was founded by the mayster, wardens, and assistants of the worshipfull company of the Marchant-taylours of the citie of London, in the paryshe of S. Laurence Pounteney, the ryght worshypful Emanuell Lucar, Robert Rose, Wyllyam Merike, John Sparke, and Robert Duckyngton then being mayster and wardens of the same company." It will be seen that these names are the same as those given by our diarist in p. 239; but the Christian name of the master sorely puzzled him. Emanuell Lucar married the daughter of Paul Withypoll; she died Oct. 29, 1537, and her husband erected a monument to her in St. Lawrence Pountney, with a very remarkable testimony to her varied accomplishments, written in English verse, which is preserved in Stowe's Survay.
28 Jun 1560. The xxviij day of June dyd ryd in a care abowt London mastores Warner, sum-tyme the wyff of master Warner sum-tyme serjantt of the ammerallte, for baudre to her doythur and mayd, and both the doythur and the mayd with chyld, and she a hore.
28 Jun 1560. The sam day was bered at Maydston in Kentt master Hearenden sqwyre, with xij skochyons of armes.
Note. P. 239. Funeral of master Herenden. This family is not noticed in Hasted's Kent, but some of their epitaphs, formerly in the parish church of "St. Anne's in the willowes," in the ward of Aldersgate, will be found in Stowe's Survay of London, 1633, p. 326. Richard Herenden of West Farleigh in Kent, esq. (probably the person whose funeral is here recorded) was father of Edward Herenden esquire, citizen and mercer of London, who died 1572.
27 Jun 1560. The xxvij day of June the penters [painters] whent in hand with the yerle of Huntyngtun('s) (deceased) berehyng.
Tudor Books, Henry Machyn's Diary 1560 July
Around 01 Jul 1560. The .. day of July be-twyn ... in the mornyng with-in Crokyd lane ther .. by a gone [gun] or ij, an(d) ther they shott a pese [which burst] in pesys by mysfortune yt thruw that ho ... a v howses and a goodly chyrche goyn .... yt laft never a glasse wyndow holle and .... goodly chyrche as any chyrche in London, .... a grett pesse of the on syd downe and t .. viij men and on mayd slayne and hurtt dyvers .. and a-nodur ded with-in a senett [seven nights] after.
Note. P. 239. Accident in Crooked lane. This passage, so imperfect in our diary, is elucidated by one in Stowe's chronicle of 1560: "The fifth of July, through shooting of a gunne which brake in the house of one Adrian Arten, a Dutchman in Crooked lane, and setting fire on a firken and barell of gunpowder, four houses were blown up, and divers other sore scattered."
14 Jul 1560. The xiiij day of July was bered the nob[le] erle of Hunting(don) (deceased) knyght of the garter, with a st[andard] and mony morners, and then cam ys grett baner of [arms], and then cam mo morners, and then cam iij har[olds of arms] in ther cott armurs, on bare the helme and the [crest] and the mantylles, and a-nodur cared the targett with the g[arter] and the sword, and a-nodur ys cott armur, and then [came] the cors with viij goodly grett banar-rolles a-b [out] hym; and then mony mornars; and the chyrche [Map] and the [place] and the strett hangyd with blake and armes; and ther was a goodly hers, and garnyshed with grett skochyons of armes, and a grett mageste of taffata and the valans gyldyd, and a-pone hym a nuw pall of blake velvett, and iij haroldes, master Garter (age 50), master Clarenshux (age 50), and (blank)
Note. P. 239. Funeral of the earl of Huntingdon. Francis second earl of Huntingdon, K.G. succeeded his father in 1554. He died at Ashby de la Zouche, June 22, 1560 (MS. Harl. 897, f. 80); and a full memoir of him will be found in Nichols's History of Leicestershire, vol. iii. pp. 580–583, and at p. 619 a description of his monument in the church of Ashby de la Zouche [Map], of which a folio engraving is given, pl. lxxxiii. It bears recumbent effigies of the earl and of his countess (age 49), who was a niece of cardinal Pole, and acted in 1569 as administratrix of the cardinal's will.
After 14 Jul 1560. The .. day of July .... master Loves mercer; he gayff to .... ther was the clothyng of ys compene .... blake gownes and the compene of the Clarkes sy[ngi]ng, [and there preached] master Alley (age 50) the byshope of Exseter, and a goodly sermon.
22 Jul 1560. The xxij day of July was a proclamacion by the mare (age 64) that no man shuld have no gone-powder in ther howses nor sellers, and that men shuld take hed for pyche and tere [pitch and tar] and flax and wax, or elles hyre sum plase nere the townes endes.
23 Jul 1560. The xxiij day of July was bered my good lade [Chester,] the wyff of ser Wylliam Chester (age 51) knyght and draper and altherman and marchand of the stapull, and the howse and the cherche and the strette hangyd with blake and armes, and she gayff to xx [20] pore women good rossett gownes, and he gayff unto iiij [4] althermen blake gownes and odur men gownes and cottes to the nombur of a C [100] and to women gownes ... and ther was ij [2] harold(s) of armes; and then cam the corse and iiij [4] morners beyryng of iiij [4] pennon of armes abowtt, and cam morners a-for and after, and the clarkes syngyng; and master Beycon dyd pryche over nyght; and the morow after to the howse to dener; vj dosen of skochyons and a d' of bokeram.
Note. P. 240. Funeral of lady Chester. Sir William Chester, draper, (son of John Chester, citizen and draper of London,) sheriff in 1554–5, lord mayor in 1560–1, was buried "with his wives," in the church of St. Edmund the King in Lombard-street. He was the son of sir John Chester, by Margaret, afterwards re-married to sir John Milborne, draper, lord mayor in 1522. Several memorials to these and other of his relatives were in the church above named; but Stowe's account of them is confused. Sir William Chester "dwelled at the upper end of Lombard-street, over against the George, nere to St. Edmund's church, where he is buried." Arms, Per pale argent and sable, a chevron engrailed between three goat's heads counterchanged, horned or, within a bordure gules bezantee. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.)
25 Jul 1560. The xxv day of July saint James fayer by Westminster was so great that a man could not have a pygg for mony; and the beare [beer] wiffes hadd nother meate nor drinck before iiij [4] of cloke in the same day. And the chese went very well away for 1d. q. the pounde. Besides the great and mighti armie of beggares and bandes that ther were. [Note. This entry is in a different hand to the rest of the Diary]
The ij yere of the quen Elesabeth was alle the rod-loftes [rood lofts] taken done in London, and wrytynges wrytyne in the sam plase.... byshope of London at Powlles crosse by the .. sonday.
Note. P. 241. This year (1560) were all the Roodlofts taken down in London. Those parishes which had been backward in removing this relic of idolatry were now compelled to do so by authority. "Memorandum. At a vestry holden the 27th day of December in Anno 1560, there was showed unto the parishioners a letter sent from the lord of Canterbury's grace, directed to master alderman Draper, sheriff of London, and to the churchwardens with the rest of the parish, concerning the translating and pulling down of the rood-loft; whereupon it was agreed by the whole vestry, that the rood-loft should be taken down and translated by the discretion of the churchwardens. In witness whereof we the said parishioners have set-to our names the day and year above written." (Account of the church of St. Dunstan's in the East, by the Rev. T. B. Murray.)
So at St. Margaret's, Westminster, where the Rood itself had been removed in 1559 (see p. 399,) the Roodloft was left to the following year. It had been built at great expense in 1519, and its "new re-forming" was also a considerable charge to the parishioners:—
"Item, paide to joyners and labowrers abowt the takyng downe and new reformyng of the Roode-loft, as by a particuler booke therof mad dothe and may appeare, xxxvijli. xs. ijd.
"Item, paide for boordes, glew, nayles, and other necessaries belonging to the saide loft xiiijli. xiijs. ixd.
"Item, paide to a paynter for payntyng the same xijd.
(Then follow several other charges respecting the scaffolding.)
29 Jul 1560. The xxix day of July the Quen('s) (age 26) grace removyd from Grenwyche [Map] on her grace('s) progresse, and at Lambeth [Map] she dynyd with my lord of Canturbere (age 55) and her consell; and after [took her] gorney towhard Rychmond [Map], and her grace lay ther v [5] days; and after to Ottland [Map], and ther So[nday and] Monday dener, and to Suttun to soper.
Tudor Books, Henry Machyn's Diary 1560 August
01 Aug 1560. The furst day of August was Lammas day, and the lord mare (age 64) and the masters the althermen and the commenars and all the craftes in ther leverey for to chus the shreyff, and ther serten althermen and serten commenars in the elecsyon to be shreyff for London, butt serten men callyd mygg . master Blakwell skrevener to be shreyff, butt after-ward [the more] vowys whent a-pon master Fokes clothworker and altherman was electyd shreyff, for at the mare('s) fest [feast] was chosen master altherman Draper (age 50) and yrmonger was chosen the quen('s) shreyff.
Note. P. 241. Master Folkes proposed for sheriff. Richard Folkes, clothworker, was an alderman, but never actually served sheriff. Arms, Sable, two bars argent charged with three cinquefoils azure; a mullet for difference. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.)
Note. Alderman Draper. Christopher Draper, son of John Draper, of Melton Mowbray in Leicestershire; sheriff 1560–1, lord mayor 1566–7. Arms, Argent, on two chevronels between three escallops sable, six martlets or. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.) He was buried at St. Dunstan's in the East, and Stowe gives his epitaph, but with the incorrect date 1560. He died in 1580, aged 70. His daughters were married to Sir William Webbe, sir Wolstan Dixie (age 35), and sir Henry Billingsley, all subsequently lord mayors
07 Aug 1560. The vij day of August was Suttun bornyd [burned], wher the Quen('s) (age 26) grase dyd ly iij nyghtes a-for, that was master Westun's plase.
10 Aug 1560. The x day of August was bered within the Towre [Map] withowt a offeser of armes, and (with) master Alley (age 50) the nuw byshope of Excetur, and the chyrch hangyd with blake and armes, my lade Warner (deceased), the wyff of ser Edward Warner (age 49).
Note. P. 241. Funeral of lady Warner. "Elizabeth, late wiff to sir Edward Warner knight, lieutenaunte of the tower of London; she was doter of Thomas Cobham, and dysceased the 8. of August 1560, and left issue a [son] whosse name is Edward." (MS. Harl. 897, f. 19.)
12 Aug 1560. The xij day of August was bered at Powlles master May the nuw dene of Powlles, and my lord of Londun (age 41) mad the sermon in ys rochett, bered hym.
Note. P. 241. Funeral of master May, dean of Paul's. William May, LL.D. He was the "new dean of Paul's," inasmuch as he had replaced Dr. Cole, but he had been previously dean from 1545 to the accession of Mary. At the time of his death he was designated to the archiepiscopal see of York: see in Dugdale's History of St. Paul's his epitaph, formerly in the choir of the old cathedral church.
13 Aug 1560. The xiij day of August was a grett robere done with-in Clementt('s) inn with-owt Tempulle bare, by on master Cutt and iij mo, and iij of them was taken, on led into Nuwgatt [Map] and a-nodur in Wostrett contur, and a-nodur in the contur in the Pultre.
The .. day [of August] .... lygthenyng and rayn vj owre[s] ... [lightning and rain]
19 Aug 1560. The xix day of August my lade Northe [was carried] from Charter howse toward Cambregshyre ... with a C [100] men in blake rydyng, and master Clarenshus (age 50) sett them in ordur, and a grett denur with venesun, wyne, and stronge bere.
21 Aug 1560. The xxj day of August ryd a-bowt London in a care iij for baudre, a man and ys wyff and a woman the wyff of (blank) Brown dwellyng with-owtt Nuwgatt a talowchandeler.
22 Aug 1560. The xxij day of August was bered in Cambregshyre my lade North, the wyff of my lord North (age 64), with ij haroldes of armes, master Clarenshus (age 50) and master Somersett, and mony mornars in blake gownes; then cam a grett baner of armes borne; and then cam the corse kevered [covered] with a pall of blake welvett and armes, and banars borne abowtt the corse; and then cam mony women mornars in blake; and the plase and the chyrche hangyd with blake and armes, and after to the plase to dener, for ther was myche a-doo; and thys was at Cateleg my lord('s) place; and (blank) dyd pryche at the bereall, and was mony pore men and women that had gownes and met [meat] and drynke.
Note. P. 242. Funeral of lady North. Alice, daughter of Oliver Squyer, of Southby, near Portsmouth, widow of Edward Mirfyn of London (son of sir John Mirfyn, lord mayor in 1519,) and also widow of John Brigadine, of Northampton. After this, lord North married another lady who had had three husbands, and died himself before the end of 1565. The present lady was the mother of his children.
29 Aug 1560. The xxviiij day of August at sant Towlys [Map] in Sowthwarke the menyster (blank) Harold dyd cristenyd a chyld with-owtt a godfather, and the mydwyff haskyd hym how he cold do yt, and he hanswered her and sayd yt was butt a seremony.
On or after 29 Aug 1560. The (blank) day of August was bered my lade Dudley (age 28) the wyff of my lord Robart Dudley (age 28) the master of the quen('s) horse, with a grett baner of armes and a vj baners-rolles of armes, and a viij dosen penselles and viij dosen skochyons, and iiij grett skochyons of armes, and iiij haroldes, master Garter (age 50), master Clarenshux (age 50), master Lanckostur, and (blank).... with ij harolds, master Clarenshux and Ruge-crosse, and a standard and a pennon of armes, a cot armur, helmett, and crest, and mantylles, and sword, and a viij dosen of skochyons of armes and vj of bokeram, and [many] mornars in blake, and ther was grett [dinner and] a dolle of mones [money] as many as cam.
Note. P. 242. Funeral of lady Amy Dudley. The name of "Amy Robsart" is invested with a prevailing interest as the heroine of poetry and romance. I have collected what is known of her, and endeavoured to sift the mysterious rumours of her assassination, in a memoir which appeared in the Gentleman's Magazine for December, 1845. I have now to append the following additional memorial: "Lady Amie Robsert, late wyff to the right noble the lord Robert Dudley, knight and companyon of the most noble order of the garter, and master of the horsse to the quenes moste excellent majestie, dyed on sonday the 8. of Septembre at a howsse of Mr. Foster, iij. myles from Oxford, in the 2. yere of quene Elizabeth, 1560, and was beryed on sonday the 22. of September next enshewenge in our Lady churche of Oxford." (MS. Harl. 897, f. 80b.)
Tudor Books, Henry Machyn's Diary 1560 September
20 Sep 1560. The xx day of September was bered in (Kent) master Recherd Howllett of Sydnam sqwyre, in the parryche of Lussam, with a pennon of armes and a cott armur and a ij dosen of skochyons of armes and a d' of [buckram,] and master West dyd pryche, and after to Sydnam to dener, the wyche was a fyse [fish] dener and the godlest dener that has bene in Kentt for all kyndes of fysse [both] fresse and salt, and ther was (unfinished)
23 Sep 1560. The xxiij day of September was bered in Sussex ser John Pellam (deceased) knyght, with a standard and a pennon of armes and a cott armur, elmett, crest, targett, mantylls, and sword, a iiij dosen of skochyons and d', and master Somersett was the harold.
Note. P. 243. Funeral of sir (Nicholas) Pelham. Sir Nicholas Pelham (to whom our diarist erroneously gave the Christian name John, which was that of his son and heir), was of Laughton in Sussex, and lineal ancestor of the earls of Chichester. He was M.P. for Arundel 1547, sheriff of Surrey and Sussex 1549, and knighted Nov. 17 in that year, and afterwards twice knight of the shire for Sussex. He died Dec. 15, 1560, æt. 44, and was buried in St. Michael's church, Lewes, where is his monument, with a kneeling effigy: of which see an engraving in Horsfield's History of Lewes, 4to. 1824, or the Gentleman's Magazine for Sept. 1825, p. 215.
25 Sep 1560. The xxv day of September was bered my lord Montegul (deceased), with a herse and a mageste [majesty] and valans of sarsenett, and iiij grett skochyons of armes, and a vj dosen of skochyons and vj of bokeram, and a standard and a grett baner of armes, and iiij baner-rolles of dyvers armes, and a cott armur, targett and sword, elmett, mantylles, and [crest;] and master Norrey (age 50) and Ruge-dragon the haroldes, and iiij dosen of ...
Note. P. 243. Funeral of lord Monteagle. Thomas Stanley succeeded his father 1523; made K.B. at the coronation of queen Anne Boleyne; married first lady Mary Brandon, daughter of the duke of Suffolk, and secondly Helen daughter of Thomas Preston esquire of Levens in Westmerland, and widow of sir James Leybourne. He died at his castle of Hornby, co. Lancaster, Aug. 18, 1560, and was buried on the 16th Sept. at the parish church of Melling. His funeral is in the College of Arms, I. 13, f. 27; see also MS. Harl. 897, f. 83.
27 Sep 1560. The xxvij day of September was a proclamassyon that the best testons should goo for no more but iiijd. [a piece]; and the testons of the lyone, the flowre de lusse, and the harpe [but] for ij pens q.; and a penny iij fardynges; and ob hopene and a fardyng.
Note. P. 243. Reduction of the coinage. On this subjeet see Ruding's Annals of the Coinage, vol. ii. pp. 135–142, Burgon's Life of Sir Thomas Gresham, vol. i. pp. 354–360, and the Zurich Letters, 1st Series, p. 93.
Tudor Books, Henry Machyn's Diary 1560 October
10 Oct 1560. The x day of October was mared in the parryche of sant Alphes at Crepullgatt master Wylliam Drure (age 33) unto lade Wylliams of Tame, and mared by master Frence on of the masters of Wyndsore, and after gohyng home to dener the trumpettes blohyng, and after the flutt and drum, and at the furst corse servyng the trumpettes blohyng, for ther was a gret dener and gret museke ther....
15 Oct 1560. The xv day of October was bered [the countess] [Note. This is a mistake for the Earl?] of Shrowsbere, Frances (deceased), in Halumshyre, with [iij heralds] of armes, master Garter (age 50), master Chester (age 62), master Lankostur; .... with a standard, a grett baner of armes, [and baner-]rolles of mareges [marriages ie alliances], and a x dosen penselles, .... skochyons of armes, and a mageste and valans ... dosen of bokeram skochyons, and a thousand in .... and cottes with the pore men and women, and a grett dolle of money, and of mett and drynke, for all that cam, and all the prestes and clarkes of, and had boyth money and mett and drynke.
Note. P. 244. Funeral of Francis earl of Shrewsbury, K.G. Misled by the diarist's spelling of the name Frances, the word "countess" was inadvertently inserted instead of "earl." He died at his manor of Sheffield 28 Sept. 1560, and the funeral took place at the same place on the 21st Oct. The ceremonial at full is printed in Peck's Desiderata Curiosa, lib. vii. pp. 17–21; and also in Hunter's Hallamshire, p. 56.
Tudor Books, Henry Machyn's Diary 1560 November
14 Nov 1560. The xiiij day of November was kyllyd in Powlles chyrche-yerde [Map] a hossear [hosier] by on Necolles a tayller.
22 Nov 1560. The xxij day of November was bered in sant .... on master Bulthered with a pennon of armes and cote [armur, and] vj skochyons of armes.
Note. P. 244. Burial of master Bulstrode ("Bulthered"). Thomas Bulstrode, of Hedgerley, Bucks, died 9 Nov. 2 Eliz. in the parish of St. Sepulchre. See the pedigree of Bulstrode in Aungier's History of Syon, Isleworth, and Hounslow, opposite p. 495.
23 Nov 1560. The xxiij day of November was bered in s[aint Stephen's] in Colmanstrett ser John Jermy knyght of Suff[olke be]yonde Epwyche [Map] iiij mylles, the wyche was a goo[d man] of the age of iiijxx and ode [odd], the wyche he left iiij sunes [sons] and iij dowthers [daughters], and he had a standard and a pennon of armes, and cott armur, elmett, targett, and sword, and mantyll, and a iij dosen of skochyons and alff a dosen of bokeram; and the chyrche was hangyd with blake, and with armes; and ther was mony morners; and gohyng to the chyrche a mornar beyryng the standard in blake, and anodur a pennon of armes, and then serten mornars; then cam master Somersett the harold bere the elme [helmet] and crest, and after cam master Clarenshux (age 50) beyryng ys cote armur and the clarke(s) syngyng; and (then) cam the corse with a palle of blake velvett with skochyons on yt, and (then) cam the cheyff morners, and after ys servandes in blake; and master Mollens the archdeacon dyd pryche; and after all done hom to a fleccher('s) howse to dener.
Note. P. 244. Funeral of sir John Jermy. Sir John Jermy was of Metfield and Brightwell in Suffolk, the latter of which is about five miles from Ipswich, and was therefore the residence to which our diarist alludes. He had been one of the knights of the Bath made at the coronation of quene Anne Boleyne.
24 Nov 1560. The xxiiij day cam downe from my lord mare (age 51) that sertten of craftes shuld walke in evere markett, with a whyt rod in ther handes, to loke that men shuld take testons of the ratt as the quen has proclamyd in all markettes thrughe all London, that the markett folke take the money, be-cause the rumore rane that they shuld falle.... master Nuwwell, and Te Deum sung .... with all the quer.
29 Nov 1560. The xxix day of November ther was a man ryd [in a cart?] for bryngyng of messelle porke to selle.
30 Nov 1560. The xxx day of November ther was iiij men sett on the pelere for purjure, and a-for they wher sett on the pelere at Westmynster.
30 Nov 1560. The last day of November, that was sant Andrews day, was a grett fray at the cowrt be-twyn my lord Robart [Dudley's] (age 28) men and (blank) Harbard('s) [Herbert's] men; and that day was no water in [any] condyth [conduit] in London but in Lothbere.
19 Nov 1560. The xix day of November was electyd the byshope of Wynchester at the cowrt, master Horne (age 50) late dene of Durram.
Tudor Books, Henry Machyn's Diary 1560 December
09 Dec 1560. The ix day of Desember was bered in sant Andrews undershaft mastores Lusun wedow, the wyff of master Lusun merser and stapoler and late shreyff of London, with a lx in blake gownes, and her plase and the chyrche hangyd with blake and armes, and a xxiiij clarkes syngyng; and she gayff xl gownes to men and women of brod cloth, and evere woman had nuw raylles, and ther was a sermon, and a iiij dosen of skochyons of armes; and after a gret dole, and after a grett dener.
Note. P. 245. Funeral of mistress Luson or Leveson. This was the widow of "Nicholas Leveson, mercer, sheriff 1535. Buried at St. Andrew's Undershaft." Arms, Azure, a fess undy argent and sable, between three leaves or. (List by Wm. Smith, Rougedragon.)
14 Dec 1560. The xiiij day (of) Desember was ij men wypyd for cuttyng of pypes of lede, the wyche lettyd [letted ie hindered] that w[e] had no water on sant Androwes day last.
15 Dec 1560. The xv day of Desember was a proclamasyon that no fremen shuld were [wear] no clokes in London.
23 Dec 1560. The xxiij day of Desember was bered in sant Lenardes in Foster lane master Trapes gold-smyth; the howse, the stret, and the chyrche hangyd with blake and armes, and gayff mony gownes boyth to men and women. Master Beycun dyd pryche, and powre men had gownes, and a iij dosen skochyons; and after a grett dener.
Note. P. 246. Funeral of master Trapps, goldsmith. This was one of a family of which several memorials were in the church of St. Leonard's, Foster-lane, which will be found printed in Weever's Funerall Monuments, and the several histories of London: particularly some curious English verses (A°. 1529), alluding to funeral ceremonies, which begin "When the bells be merrily roung, And the masse devoutly soung, And the meate [be] merrily eaten, Then shall Robart Trappis, his wyffs and his children be forgotten."
Another monument to Joyce Frankland, widow, daughter of Robert and Joane Trappes, was the erection of the principal and scholars of Brazenose college, Oxford.
17 Dec 1560. The xvij day of Desember after mydnyth wher sene in the element open, and as red and flames of fyre over London, and odur plases in reme [realm], and sene of M [1000] men.... Elesabeth in the mydes .... and armes, and the over hend [end] was ...., and he had a standard and a pennon of armes, elmett, targett, and sword, mantylles and crest, and a vj [dozen scocheons] and alffe a dosen of bokeram; and ther was iij haroldes in ther cottes armurs, master Clarenshus (age 50), master Somersett .... and mony mornars in blake, a iiijxx, and master Skambler (age 40) the byshope electyd of Peterborow mad the serm[on, and so] in-to the abbey ys plase to dener.
20 Dec 1560. The xx day of Desember was a man .... was slayne and browth in-to sant Margaret's Westmynster [Map] chyrche-yerde, and ther he was .... brod, and he was repyd, and ys bowhelles taken owtt, and .... the wyche after-ward was knowne that he was slayne in ....
Note. Man slain in Saint Margaret's (Westminster) churchyard. Buried, "Dec. the xxij day. John Harrys kylde." (Par. Reg.)
10 Dec 1560. The x day of Desember cam tydans to the quen('s) (age 27) grace and to the consell that the Frenche kyng (deceased) was ded-the yonge kyng.
29 Dec 1560. The xxix day of Desember at nyght be-twyn vj and vij of the cloke was slayn on Wylliam Bettes, a master of fense, by one (blank) at Warwyke lane corner, and was frust [thrust] throwth-owt the body.
13 Dec 1560. The xiij of Desember was stallyd at Wyndsor [Map] the duke of Wanholt (age 34), knyght of the nobull order of the gartter, and the good erle of Ruttland (age 34) was the quen('s) (age 27) depute at that tyme.
Note. P. 247. Installation of the duke of Vanholt at Windsor. Adolphus duke of Holstein, elected 10 June, 1560, installed (by proxy) the 15th Dec. (Beltz.) He died Oct. 1,1586.