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John Evelyn's Diary 1649 is in John Evelyn's Diary 1640s.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1649, John Evelyn's Diary January 1649
01 Jan 1649. I had a lodging and some books at my father-in-law's house, Sayes Court, Deptford [Map].
02 Jan 1649. I went to see my old friend and fellow-traveler, Mr. Henshaw, who had two rare pieces of Stenwyck's perspective.
17 Jan 1649. To London. I heard the rebel, Peters, incite the rebel powers met in the Painted Chamber [Map], to destroy his Majesty (age 48); and saw that archtraitor, Bradshaw (age 47), who not long after condemned him.
19 Jan 1649. I returned home, passing an extraordinary danger of being drowned by our wherries falling foul in the night on another vessel then at anchor, shooting the bridge at three quarters' ebb, for which His mercy God Almighty be praised.
21 Jan 1649. Was published my translation of Liberty and Servitude, for the preface of which I was severely threatened.
22 Jan 1649. I went through a course of chemistry, at Sayes Court, Deptford [Map]. Now was the Thames frozen over, and horrid tempests of wind.
22 Jan 1649. The villany of the rebels proceeding now so far as to try, condemn, and murder our excellent King (age 48) on the 30th of this month, struck me with such horror, that I kept the day of his martyrdom a fast, and would not be present at that execrable wickedness; receiving the sad account of it from my brother George (age 31), and Mr. Owen, who came to visit me this afternoon, and recounted all the circumstances.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1649, John Evelyn's Diary February 1649
01 Feb 1649. Now were Duke Hamilton (age 42), the Earl of Norwich (age 63), Lord Capell (age 40), etc., at their trial before the rebels' New Court of Injustice.
15 Feb 1649. I went to see the collection of one Trean, a rich merchant, who had some good pictures, especially a rare perspective of Stenwyck; from thence, to other virtuosos.
15 Feb 1649. The painter, La Neve has an Andromeda, but I think it a copy after Vandyke from Titian, for the original is in France. Webb, at the Exchange, has some rare things in miniature, of Breughel's, also Putti, in twelve squares, that were plundered from Sir James Palmer (age 64).
15 Feb 1649. At Du Bois, we saw two tables of Putti, that were gotten, I know not how, out of the Castle of St. Angelo, by old Petit, thought to be Titian's; he had some good heads of Palma, and one of Stenwyck. Bellcar showed us an excellent copy of his Majesty's Sleeping Venus and the Satyr, with other figures; for now they had plundered, sold, and dispersed a world of rare paintings of the King's, and his loyal subjects. After all, Sir William Ducy showed me some excellent things in miniature, and in oil of Holbein's; Sir Thomas More's head, and a whole-length figure of Edward VI., which were certainly his Majesty's; also a picture of Queen Elizabeth; the Lady Isabella Thynne (age 25); a rare painting of Rothenhamer, being a Susanna; and a Magdalen, of Quintin, the blacksmith; also a Henry VIII., of Holbein; and Francis I., rare indeed, but of whose hand I know not.
16 Feb 1649. Paris [Map] being now strictly besieged by the Prince de Condé (age 27), my wife (age 14) being shut up with her father (age 44) and mother (age 39), I wrote a letter of consolation to her: and, on the 22d, having recommended Obadiah Walker (age 33), a learned and most ingenious person, to be tutor to, and travel with, Mr. Hillyard's two sons, returned to Sayes Court, Deptford [Map].
25 Feb 1649. Came to visit me Dr. Joyliffe (age 28), discoverer of the lymphatic vessels, and an excellent anatomist.
26 Feb 1649. Came to see me Captain George Evelyn, my kinsman, the great traveler, and one who believed himself a better architect than really he was; witness the portico in the Garden at Wotton, Surrey [Map]; yet the great room at Albury is somewhat better understood. He had a large mind, but over-built everything.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1649, John Evelyn's Diary March 1649
09 Mar 1649. Now were the Lords murdered in the Palace Yard. [Note. The original entry was dated 05 Mar 1649 whereas most sources agree on the date of their execution being 09 Mar 1649?]
18 Mar 1649. Mr. Owen, a sequestered and learned minister, preached in my parlor, and gave us the blessed Sacrament, now wholly out of use in the parish churches, on which the Presbyterians and fanatics had usurped.
21 Mar 1649. I received letters from Paris from my wife (age 14), and from Sir Richard [Browne], with whom I kept up a political correspondence, with no small danger of being discovered.
25 Mar 1649. I heard the Common Prayer (a rare thing in these days) in St. Peter's, at Paul's Wharf [Map], London; and, in the morning, the Archbishop of Armagh, that pious person and learned man, Usher (age 68), in Lincoln's Inn Chapel.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1649, John Evelyn's Diary April 1649
02 Apr 1649. To London, and inventoried my movables that had hitherto been dispersed for fear of plundering: wrote into France, touching my sudden resolutions of coming over to them. On the 8th, again heard an excellent discourse from Archbishop Usher (age 68), on Ephes. 4, v. 26-27.
02 Apr 1649. My Italian collection being now arrived, came Moulins, the great chirurgeon, to see and admire the Tables of Veins and Arteries, which I purchased and caused to be drawn out of several human bodies at Padua.
11th April 1649. Received news out of France that peace was concluded; dined with Sir Joseph Evelyn, at Westminster; and on the 13th I saw a private dissection at Moulins's house.
17 Apr 1649. I fell dangerously ill of my head; was blistered and let bleed behind the ears and forehead: on the 23d, began to have ease by using the fumes of camomile on embers applied to my ears, after all the physicians had done their best.
29 Apr 1649. I saw in London a huge ox bred in Kent, 17 feet in length, and much higher than I could reach.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1649, John Evelyn's Diary May 1649
12 May 1649. I purchased the manor of Warley Magna, Essex [Map], in Essex: in the afternoon went to see Gildron's collections of paintings, where I found Mr. Endymion Porter (age 62), of his late Majesty's bedchamber.
17 May 1649. Went to Putney by water, in the barge with divers ladies, to see the schools, or colleges, of the young gentlewomen.
19 May 1649. To see a rare cabinet of one Delabarr, who had some good paintings, especially a monk at his beads.
30 May 1649. Unkingship was proclaimed, and his Majesty's statues thrown down at St. Paul's Portico, and the Exchange.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1649, John Evelyn's Diary June 1649
07 Jun 1649. I visited Sir Arthur Hopton (age 61) (brother [Note. Nephew?] to Sir Ralph, Lord Hopton (age 53), that noble hero), who having been Ambassador extraordinary in Spain, sojourned some time with my father-in-law (age 44) at Paris, a most excellent person. Also Signora Lucretia, a Greek lady, whom I knew in Italy, now come over with her husband, an English gentleman. Also, the Earl and Countess of Arundel (age 18), taking leave of them and other friends now ready to depart for France. This night was a scuffle between some rebel soldiers and gentlemen about the Temple.
10 Jun 1649. Preached the Archbishop of Armagh (age 68) in Lincoln's-Inn, from Romans 5, verse 13. I received the blessed Sacrament, preparatory to my journey.
13 Jun 1649. I dined with my worthy friend, Sir John Owen (age 49), newly freed from sentence of death among the lords that suffered. With him was one Carew, who played incomparably on the Welsh harp; afterward I treated divers ladies of my relations, in Spring Garden.
13 Jun 1649. This night was buried with great pomp, Dorislaus, slain at the Hague, the villain who managed the trial against his sacred Majesty.
17 Jun 1649. I got a pass from the rebel Bradshaw (age 47), then in great power.
20 Jun 1649. I went to Putney, Surrey [Map], and other places on the Thames, to take prospects in crayon, to carry into France, where I thought to have them engraved.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1649, John Evelyn's Diary July 1649
02 Jul 1649. I went from Wotton, Surrey [Map] to Godstone, Surrey (the residence of Sir John Evelyn (age 58)), where was also Sir John Evelyn of Wilts. (age 47), when I took leave of both Sir Johns and their ladies. Mem. the prodigious memory of Sir John of Wilts' daughter, since married to Mr. W. Pierrepont [Note. Mr R Pierrepoint], and mother of the present Earl of Kingston. I returned to Sayes Court, Deptford [Map] this night.
04 Jul 1649. Visited Baroness Hatton (age 37), her lord (age 44) sojourning at Paris [Map] with my father-in-law (age 44).
09 Jul 1649. Dined with Sir Walter Pye, and my good friend, Mr. Eaton, afterward a judge, who corresponded with me in France.
11 Jul 1649. Came to see me old Alexander Rosse, the divine historian and poet; Mr. Henshaw, Mr. Scudamore, and other friends to take leave of me.
12 Jul 1649. It was about three in the afternoon, I took oars for Gravesend, Kent [Map]., accompanied by my cousin, Stephens, and sister, Glanville, who there supped with me and returned; whence I took post immediately to Dover, Kent [Map], where I arrived by nine in the morning; and, about eleven that night, went on board a barque guarded by a pinnace of eight guns; this being the first time the Packet-boat had obtained a convoy, having several times before been pillaged. We had a good passage, though chased for some hours by a pirate, but he dared not attack our frigate, and we then chased him till he got under the protection of the castle at Calais. It was a small privateer belonging to the Prince of Wales. I carried over with me my servant, Richard Hoare, an incomparable writer of several hands, whom I afterward preferred in the Prerogative Office, at the return of his Majesty. Lady Catherine Scott, daughter of the Earl of Norwich (age 64), followed us in a shallop, with Mr. Arthur Slingsby (age 26), who left England incognito. At the entrance of the town, the Lieutenant Governor, being on his horse with the guards, let us pass courteously. I visited Sir Richard Lloyd, an English gentleman, and walked in the church, where the ornament about the high altar of black marble is very fine, and there is a good picture of the Assumption. The citadel seems to be impregnable, and the whole country about it to be laid under water by sluices for many miles.
16 Jul 1649. We departed from Paris, in company with that very pleasant lady, Lady Catherine Scott, and others. In all this journey we were greatly apprehensive of parties, which caused us to alight often out of our coach and walk separately on foot, with our guns on our shoulders, in all suspected places.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1649, John Evelyn's Diary August 1649
01 Aug 1649. At three in the afternoon we came to St. Denis, saw the rarities of the church and treasury; and so to Paris that evening.
01 Aug 1649. The next day, came to welcome me at dinner the Lord High Treasurer Cottington (age 70), Sir Edward Hyde, Chancellor (age 40), Sir Edward Nicholas, Secretary of State, Sir George Carteret, Governor of Jersey (age 39), and Dr. Earle (age 48), having now been absent from my wife (age 14) above a year and a half.
18 Aug 1649. I went to St. Germains, to kiss his Majesty's (age 19) hand; in the coach, which was my Lord Wilmot's (age 36), went Mrs. Barlow (age 19), the King's mistress and mother to the Duke of Monmouth, a brown, beautiful, bold, but insipid creature.
19 Aug 1649. I went to salute the French King (age 10) and the Queen Dowager (age 47); and, on the 21st, returned in one of the Queen's coaches with my Lord Germain, Duke of Buckingham (age 21), Lord Wentworth (age 37), and Mr. Croftes (age 38), since Lord Croftes.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1649, John Evelyn's Diary September 1649
07 Sep 1649. Went with my wife (age 14) and dear Cousin to St. Germains, and kissed the Queen-Mother's (age 39) hand; dined with my Lord Keeper and Lord Hatton (age 44). Divers of the great men of France came to see the King (age 19). The next day, came the Prince of Condé (age 27). Returning to Paris, we went to see the President Maison's palace, built castle-wise, of a milk-white fine freestone; the house not vast, but well contrived, especially the staircase, and the ornaments of Putti, about it. It is environed in a dry moat, the offices under ground, the gardens very excellent with extraordinary long walks, set with elms, and a noble prospect toward the forest, and on the Seine toward Paris. Take it altogether, the meadows, walks, river, forest, corn-ground, and vineyards, I hardly saw anything in Italy to exceed it. The iron gates are very magnificent. He has pulled down a whole village to make room for his pleasure about it.
12 Sep 1649. Dr. Crighton, a Scotchman, and one of his Majesty's chaplains, a learned Grecian who set out the Council of Florence, preached.
13 Sep 1649. The King (age 19) invited the Prince of Condé (age 28) to supper at St. Cloud; there I kissed the Duke of York's (age 15) hand in the tennis court, where I saw a famous match between Monsieur Saumeurs and Colonel Cooke, and so returned to Paris. It was noised about that I was knighted, a dignity I often declined.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1649, John Evelyn's Diary October 1649
01 Oct 1649. Went with my cousin Tuke (age 34) (afterward Sir Samuel), to see the fountains of St. Cloud and Ruel; and, after dinner, to talk with the poor ignorant and superstitious anchorite at Mount Calvary, and so to Paris.
02 Oct 1649. Came Mr. William Coventry (age 21) (afterward Sir William) and the Duke's secretary, etc., to visit me.
05 Oct 1649. Dined with Sir George Ratcliffe, the great favorite of the late Earl of Stratford, formerly Lord Deputy of Ireland, decapitated.
07 Oct 1649. To the Louvre, to visit the Countess of Moreton (age 40), governess to Madame (age 5).
15 Oct 1649. Came news of Drogheda being taken by the rebels, and all put to the sword, which made us very sad, forerunning the loss of all Ireland.
21 Oct 1649. I went to hear Dr. d'Avinson's lecture in the physical garden, and see his laboratory, he being Prefect of that excellent garden, and Professor Botanicus.
30 Oct 1649. I was at the funeral of one Mr. Downes, a sober English gentleman. We accompanied his corpse to Charenton, where he was interred in a cabbage-garden, yet with the office of our church, which was said before in our chapel at Paris. Here I saw also where they buried the great soldier, Gassion, who had a tomb built over him like a fountain, the design and materials mean enough. I returned to Paris with Sir Philip Musgrave (age 42), and Sir Marmaduke Langdale, since Lord Langdale. Memorandum. This was a very sickly and mortal autumn.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1649, John Evelyn's Diary November 1649
05 Nov 1649. I received divers letters out of England, requiring me to come over about settling some of my concerns.
07 Nov 1649. Dr. George Morley (age 51) (since Bishop of Winchester) preached in our chapel on Matthew 4, verse 3.
18 Nov 1649. I went with my father-in-law (age 44) to see his audience at the French Court, where next the Pope's Nuncio, he was introduced by the master of ceremonies, and, after delivery of his credentials, as from our King, since his father's murder, he was most graciously received by the King of France and his mother, with whom he had a long audience. This was in the Palais Cardinal.
18 Nov 1649. After this, being presented to his Majesty (age 19) and the Queen Regent I went to see the house built by the late great Cardinal de Richelieu. The most observable thing is the gallery, painted with the portraits of the most illustrious persons and single actions in France, with innumerable emblems between every table. In the middle of the gallery, is a neat chapel, rarely paved in work and devices of several sorts of marble, besides the altar-piece and two statues of white marble, one of St. John, the other of the Virgin Mary, by Bernini. The rest of the apartments are rarely gilded and carved, with some good modern paintings. In the presence hang three huge branches of crystal. In the French King's bedchamber, is an alcove like another chamber, set as it were in a chamber like a movable box, with a rich embroidered bed. The fabric of the palace is not magnificent, being but of two stories; but the garden is so spacious as to contain a noble basin and fountain continually playing, and there is a mall, with an elbow, or turning, to protract it. So I left his Majesty on the terrace, busy in seeing a bull-baiting, and returned home in Prince Edward's coach with Mr. Paul, the Prince Elector's agent.
19 Nov 1649. Visited Mr. Waller (age 43), where meeting Dr. Holden, an English Sorbonne divine, we fell into some discourse about religion.
Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1649, John Evelyn's Diary December 1649
28 Dec 1649. Going to wait on Mr. Waller (age 43), I viewed St. Stephen's church; the building, though Gothic, is full of carving; within it is beautiful, especially the choir and winding stairs. The glass is well painted, and the tapestry hung up this day about the choir, representing the conversion of Constantine, was exceedingly rich.
28 Dec 1649. I went to that excellent engraver, Du Bosse, for his instruction about some difficulties in perspective which were delivered in his book.
28 Dec 1649. I concluded this year in health, for which I gave solemn thanks to Almighty God.
29 Dec 1649. I christened Sir Hugh Rilie's child with Sir George Radcliffe in our chapel, the parents being so poor that they had provided no gossips, so as several of us drawing lots it fell on me, the Dean of Peterborough (Dr. Cousin (age 55)) officiating: we named it Andrew, being on the eve of that Apostle's day.