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Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1694

 John Evelyn's Diary March 1694 John Evelyn's Diary May 1694 John Evelyn's Diary October 1694

John Evelyn's Diary 1694 is in John Evelyn's Diary 1690s.

1694 Turkish Fleet Disaster

1694 Death and Funeral of Queen Mary II

Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1694, John Evelyn's Diary January 1694

01 Jan 1694. Prince Lewis of Baden (age 38) came to London, and was much feasted. Danish ships arrested carrying corn and naval stores to France.

11 Jan 1694. Supped at Mr. Edward Sheldon's, where was Mr. Dryden (age 62), the poet, who now intended to write no more plays, being intent on his translation of Virgil. He read to us his prologue and epilogue to his valedictory play now shortly to be acted.

21 Jan 1694. Lord Macclesfield (deceased), Lord Warrington (deceased), and Lord Westmorland, all died within about one week. Several persons shot, hanged, and made away with themselves.

Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1694, John Evelyn's Diary February 1694

11 Feb 1694. Now was the great trial of the appeal of Lord Bath (age 65) and Lord Montagu (age 55) before the Lords, for the estate of the late Duke of Albemarle.

Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1694, John Evelyn's Diary March 1694

10 Mar 1694. Mr. Stringfellow preached at Trinity parish, being restored to that place, after the contest between the Queen (age 31) and the Bishop of London (age 62) who had displaced him.

22 Mar 1694. Came the dismal news of the disaster befallen our Turkey fleet by tempest, to the almost utter ruin of that trade, the convoy of three or four men-of-war, and divers merchant ships, with all their men and lading, having perished.

25 Mar 1694. Mr. Goode, minister of St. Martin's [Map], preached; he was likewise put in by the Queen (age 31), on the issue of her process with the Bishop of London (age 62).

30 Mar 1694. I went to the Duke of Norfolk (age 39), to desire him to make cousin Evelyn of Nutfield (age 52) one of the Deputy-Lieutenants of Surrey, and entreat him to dismiss my brother (age 76), now unable to serve by reason of age and infirmity. The Duke (age 39) granted the one, but would not suffer my brother (age 76) to resign his commission, desiring he should keep the honor of it during his life, though he could not act. He professed great kindness to our family.

Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1694, John Evelyn's Diary April 1694

01 Apr 1694. Dr. Sharp (age 49), Archbishop of York, preached in the afternoon at the Tabernacle, by Soho.

13 Apr 1694. Mr. Bentley, our Boyle Lecturer, Chaplain to the Bishop of Worcester (age 58), came to see me.

15 Apr 1694. One Mr. Stanhope preached a most excellent sermon.

22 Apr 1694. A fiery exhalation rising out of the sea, spread itself in Montgomeryshire a furlong broad, and many miles in length, burning all straw, hay, thatch, and grass, but doing no harm to trees, timber, or any solid things, only firing barns, or thatched houses. It left such a taint on the grass as to kill all the cattle that eat of it. I saw the attestations in the hands of the sufferers. It lasted many months. "The Berkeley Castle" sunk by the French coming from the East Indies, worth £200,000. The French took our castle of Gamboo in Guinea, so that the Africa Actions fell to £30, and the India to £80. Some regiments of Highland Dragoons were on their march through England; they were of large stature, well appointed and disciplined. One of them having reproached a Dutchman for cowardice in our late fight, was attacked by two Dutchmen, when with his sword he struck off the head of one, and cleft the skull of the other down to his chin.

22 Apr 1694. A very young gentleman named Wilson, the younger son of one who had not above £200 a year estate, lived in the garb and equipage of the richest nobleman, for house, furniture, coaches, saddle horses, and kept a table, and all things accordingly, redeemed his father's estate, and gave portions to his sisters, being challenged by one Laws, a Scotchman, was killed in a duel, not fairly. The quarrel arose from his taking away his own sister from lodging in a house where this Laws had a mistress, which the mistress of the house thinking a disparagement to it, and losing by it, instigated Laws to this duel. He was taken and condemned for murder. The mystery is how this so young a gentleman, very sober and of good fame, could live in such an expensive manner; it could not be discovered by all possible industry, or entreaty of his friends to make him reveal it. It did not appear that he was kept by women, play, coining, padding, or dealing in chemistry; but he would sometimes say that if he should live ever so long, he had wherewith to maintain himself in the same manner. He was very civil and well-natured, but of no great force of understanding. This was a subject of much discourse.

24 Apr 1694. I went to visit Mr. Waller, an extraordinary young gentleman of great accomplishments, skilled in mathematics, anatomy, music, painting both in oil and miniature to great perfection, an excellent botanist, a rare engraver on brass, writer in Latin, and a poet; and with all this exceedingly modest. His house is an academy of itself. I carried him to see Brompton Park [by Knightsbridge], where he was in admiration at the store of rare plants, and the method he found in that noble nursery, and how well it was cultivated. A public Bank of £140,000, set up by Act of Parliament among other Acts, and Lotteries for money to carry on the war. The whole month of April without rain. A great rising of people in Buckinghamshire, on the declaration of a famous preacher, till now reputed a sober and religious man, that our Lord Christ appearing to him on the 16th of this month, told him he was now come down, and would appear publicly at Pentecost, and gather all the saints, Jews and Gentiles, and lead them to Jerusalem, and begin the Millennium, and destroying and judging the wicked, deliver the government of the world to the saints. Great multitudes followed this preacher, divers of the most zealous brought their goods and considerable sums of money, and began to live in imitation of the primitive saints, minding no private concerns, continually dancing and singing Hallelujah night and day. This brings to mind what I lately happened to find in Alstedius, that the thousand years should begin this very year 1694; it is in his "Encyclopædia Biblica". My copy of the book printed near sixty years ago.

Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1694, John Evelyn's Diary May 1694

04 May 1694. I went this day with my wife (age 59) and four servants from Sayes Court [Map], removing much furniture of all sorts, books, pictures, hangings, bedding, etc., to furnish the apartment my brother (age 76) assigned me, and now, after more than forty years, to spend the rest of my days with him at Wotton, Surrey [Map], where I was born; leaving my house at Deptford, Kent [Map] full furnished, and three servants, to my son-in-law Draper, to pass the summer in, and such longer time as he should think fit to make use of it.

06 May 1694. This being the first Sunday in the month, the blessed sacrament of the Lord's Supper ought to have been celebrated at Wotton church, but in this parish it is exceedingly neglected, so that, unless at the four great feasts, there is no communion hereabouts; which is a great fault both in ministers and people. I have spoken to my brother (age 76), who is the patron, to discourse the minister about it. Scarcely one shower has fallen since the beginning of April.

30 May 1694. This week we had news of my Lord Tiviot (deceased) having cut his own throat, through what discontent not yet said. He had been, not many years past, my colleague in the commission of the Privy Seal, in old acquaintance, very soberly and religiously inclined. Lord, what are we without thy continual grace!

30 May 1694. Lord Falkland (deceased), grandson to the learned Lord Falkland, Secretary of State to King Charles I., and slain in his service, died now of the smallpox. He was a pretty, brisk, understanding, industrious young gentleman; had formerly been faulty, but now much reclaimed; had also the good luck to marry a very great fortune, besides being entitled to a vast sum, his share of the Spanish wreck, taken up at the expense of divers adventurers. From a Scotch Viscount he was made an English Baron, designed Ambassador for Holland; had been Treasurer of the Navy, and advancing extremely in the new Court. All now gone in a moment, and I think the title is extinct. I know not whether the estate devolves to my cousin Carew. It was at my Lord Falkland's, whose lady importuned us to let our daughter be with her some time, so that that dear child took the same infection, which cost her valuable life.

Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1694, John Evelyn's Diary June 1694

03 Jun 1694. Mr. Edwards, minister of Denton, in Sussex, a living in my brother's (age 76) gift, came to see him. He had suffered much by a fire. Seasonable showers.

14 Jun 1694. The public fast. Mr. Wotton, that extraordinary learned young man, preached excellently.

Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1694, John Evelyn's Diary July 1694

01 Jul 1694. Mr. Duncomb, minister of Albury, preached at Wotton, a very religious and exact discourse.

01 Jul 1694. The first great bank for a fund of money being now established by Act of Parliament, was filled and completed to the sum of £120,000, and put under the government of the most able and wealthy citizens of London. All who adventured any sum had four per cent., so long as it lay in the bank, and had power either to take it out at pleasure, or transfer it. Glorious steady weather; corn and all fruits in extraordinary plenty generally.

13 Jul 1694. Lord Berkeley (age 31) burnt Dieppe and Havre de Grace with bombs, in revenge for the defeat at Brest. This manner of destructive war was begun by the French, is exceedingly ruinous, especially falling on the poorer people, and does not seem to tend to make a more speedy end of the war; but rather to exasperate and incite to revenge. Many executed at London for clipping money, now done to that intolerable extent, that there was hardly any money that was worth above half the nominal icon.

Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1694, John Evelyn's Diary August 1694

04 Aug 1694. I went to visit my cousin, George Evelyn of Nutfield (age 52), where I found a family of ten children, five sons and five daughters-all beautiful women grown, and extremely well-fashioned. All painted in one piece, very well, by Mr. Lutterell, in crayon on copper, and seeming to be as finely painted as the best miniature. They are the children of two extraordinary beautiful wives. The boys were at school.

05 Aug 1694. Stormy and unseasonable wet weather this week.

Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1694, John Evelyn's Diary October 1694

05 Oct 1694. I went to St. Paul's [Map] to see the choir, now finished as to the stone work, and the scaffold struck both without and within, in that part. Some exceptions might perhaps be taken as to the placing columns on pilasters at the east tribunal. As to the rest it is a piece of architecture without reproach. The pulling out the forms, like drawers, from under the stalls, is ingenious. I went also to see the building beginning near St. Giles's [Map], where seven streets make a star from a Doric pillar placed in the middle of a circular area; said to be built by Mr. Neale, introducer of the late lotteries, in imitation of those at Venice [Map], now set up here, for himself twice, and now one for the State.

28 Oct 1694. Mr. Stringfellow preached at Trinity church.

Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1694, John Evelyn's Diary November 1694

22 Nov 1694. Visited the Bishop of Lincoln (age 58) [Tenison] newly come on the death of the Archbishop of Canterbury (age 64), who a few days before had a paralytic stroke,-the same day and month that Archbishop Sancroft was put out. A very sickly time, especially the smallpox, of which divers considerable persons died. The State lottery drawing, Mr. Cock, a French refugee, and a President in the Parliament of Paris for the Reformed, drew a lot of £1,000 per annum.

29 Nov 1694. I visited the Marquis of Normanby (age 46), and had much discourse concerning King Charles II. being poisoned. Also concerning the quinquina which the physicians would not give to the King, at a time when, in a dangerous ague, it was the only thing that could cure him (out of envy because it had been brought into vogue by Mr. Tudor, an apothecary), till Dr. Short, to whom the King sent to know his opinion of it privately, he being reputed a Papist (but who was in truth a very honest, good Christian), sent word to the King that it was the only thing which could save his life, and then the King enjoined his physicians to give it to him, which they did and he recovered. Being asked by this Lord why they would not prescribe it, Dr. Lower said it would spoil their practice, or some such expression, and at last confessed it was a remedy fit only for kings. Exception was taken that the late Archbishop did not cause any of his Chaplains to use any office for the sick during his illness.

Stewart Books, John Evelyn's Diary 1694, John Evelyn's Diary December 1694

09 Dec 1694. I had news that my dear and worthy friend, Dr. Tenison (age 58), Bishop of Lincoln, was made Archbishop of Canterbury, for which I thank God and rejoice, he being most worthy of it, for his learning, piety, and prudence.

13 Dec 1694. I went to London to congratulate him. He being my proxy, gave my vote for Dr. Williams, to succeed Mr. Bentley in Mr. Boyle's lectures.

29 Dec 1694. The smallpox increased exceedingly, and was very mortal. The Queen (deceased) died of it on the 28th.