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Books, Calendars of Parliamentary Rolls, Patent Rolls Edward IV

Patent Rolls Edward IV is in Patent Rolls.

Books, Calendars of Parliamentary Rolls, Patent Rolls Edward IV 1462

17 Jan 1462. Release to William Pemberton, the mayor, and the citizens of Lincoln, Westminster, on account of their impoverishment through the payment of £180 for the fee farm of the city and through the removal of the staple thence to Boston [Map] and other losses, of £100 yearly which Thomas de Roos, knight, and his ancestors received from the said fee farm of the grant of Edward II., in the king's hands by reason of an act in Parliament at Westminster, 4 November; and grant to them of all lands and possessions in Ingham and Cotes by Ingham, co. Lincoln, which Edward Burton, late mayor, and the citizens acquired from John Helwell, late of Gunby, co. Lincoln, esquire, and which William Tallboys (age 47), late of Kyme, co. Lincoln, esquire, lately entered into and expelled them from, now in the king's hands by the act aforesaid.

08 Feb 1462. Appointment of Laurence, Bishop of Durham (age 42), the king's kinsman John, Earl of Worcester (age 34), Robert Botell, prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England, John Wenlok of Wenlok, knight, and Master Robert Stillington (age 42), doctor of laws, keeper of the privy seal, as ambassadors to treat with the king's kinsman John de He, Earl of Rosse and lord of the Isles.

26 Jun 1462. Westminster Palace [Map]. Licence for the king's kinsman Richard, Earl of Warwick and Salisbury (age 33), to grant castles, manors, lordships, lands, rents and services, of the yearly value of 1,000/., held in chief, although the reversion of the same may belong to the crown on his death without issue, to George, Bishop of Exeter, John, Earl of Worcester, John Markham, Robert Dauby, Walter Blounte, James Strangwais, Walter Wrottesley, knights, Thomas Witham (age 42), Thomas Colte, Henry Sotehill (age 44) and William Kelsy in fee simple to pay his debts and fulfil his will alter his death. By K.

26 Jun 1462. Westminster Palace [Map]. Appointment of W. archbishop of York, Richard, Earl of Warwick (age 33), John Neville of Muntague, knight, Robert Danby, knight, Robert Constable, knight, the mayor of York, Thomas Wytham (age 42), Brian Rouclyff, Henry Sotehill (age 44), Guy Fairefax, John Grenefeld, Richard Pygote, Henry Thwaites, Nicholas Girlyiigton, John Wencelagh, John Thirske, Nicholas Holgate, John Marton, William Bradford and John Shirwode as justices of the survey and custody of the rivers in the county of York pursuant to the statutes of 24 Edward III., 4o Edward III., and 1 Henry IV., concerning the erection of weirs, mills, stanks, pales and kiddles.

12 Jul 1462. Grant in fee simple to the king's servant John Wenlok (age 62), knight, lord of Wenlok, of all lordships, manors, lands, rents and services with knight's fees and advowsons late of John Fortescue (age 68), knight, in the counties of Middlesex and Hertford and elsewhere within the realm and the reversion of the manor of Eburton, co. Gloucester, on the death of Jocosa Grevill alias Beauchampe, widow, belonging to the king by reason of the forfeiture of the said John Fortescue. By K.

Vacated by surrender and cancelled, because on 3 February, 8 Edward IV. the king by writ of privy seal ordered Robert, Bishop of Bath and Wells (age 42), chancellor, and Robert Kirkeham, keeper of the rolls of Chancery, to receive the same from the said John, by John Holme.

01 Aug 1462. Westminster Palace [Map]. Grant to the king's uncle William Neville (age 57), Earl of Kent and lord of Fauconberg, and the heirs male of his body of the manors and lordships of Crukerne, Misterton, Glopton, Kyngeston by Yevulchestre, Somerton Erleghy Batheneston and Shekerwike, co. Somerset, Northam, Londay, Slapton, Torrybrian, Clyfton Dertmouth Hardenesse, Norton Daunde by Dertmouth, Aylesbeare and Whympell, co. Devon, and Shevyok, Antony, Portloo, Landulp, Trelowia, Northill, Landrian, Legh Durant, Oldlawitta, Penpol, Elerky and Lanyhorn, co. Cornwall, the boroughs of Crofthull and Portpigham, co. Cornwall, the lordships and manors of Ebryngton, Yeverne Courteney, Maperton, Ramsam, Wroxhale, Childefrome, Tolre Porcorum, Pountknoll, Valet, Clevecombo, Swere, Netherkentcombe and Hasilbeare, co. Dorset, the castle and lordship of Warder, co. Wilts, the lordships and manors of Chellesfelde, Esthall, Faukehnm, Ayssh and Wylmyngtou, co. Kent, and Maunsfelde, Lyndeby and Clypston in Shirwode, co. Nottingham, tho castle and lordships of Horeston and Balsover, co. Derby, the lordships and manor's of Whitle and Warpesden alias Warpelesden, co. Surrey, the manors of Bondeby, co. Lincoln, and Westle, co. Suffolk, all manors, messuages, lands, rents and services late of Antony Nuthill of Holdernesse in the county of York, all burgages, messuages, lands, rents and services late of Thomas Tresham (age 42), knight, in the town, suburb and fields of Norhampton, the manor of Wavenden, co. Buckingham, and all other lands, rents and services in those places, with all timber and lead, late of the said Thomas Tresham in the town of Norhampton, with advowsons, knights' fees, frandchises, liberties, hundreds, courts leet, views of frank-pledge, fairs, markets, warrens, fisheries, wreck of sea, chattels of felons and fugitives and all other profits, in the king's hands by reason of an act of Parliament at Westminster, 4 November, and all the issues of the same from the first day of the reign. And if he die without male heir of his body the king grants the said lordships and manors of Crukeme, Aylesbcare, Whympell, Torribrian, Ebryngton, Yeverne Courtenay, Shevyok, Antony, Portloo, Landulp, Trelowia, Northll, Landryan, Legh Durant, Oldlawitta, Penpoll, Elerky, Norton, Croftholl, Porpighan and Lavyhome with advowsons and knight's fees to George Neville, Bishop of Exeter (age 30), John Markham, knight, chief Justice of the Bench, Robert Danby, knight, chief justice of the Common Bench, Thomas Witham (age 42), chancellor of the Exchequer, Thomas Cooke, citizen and alderman of London, Robert Ingleton, John Payntour and Thomas Graveson for twelve years from his death.

04 Aug 1462. Westminster Palace [Map]. Commission to Humphrey Bourghchier of Cromwell, Walter Blount and John Greseley, knights, John Bothe, Nicholas Fitzherbert, Nicholas Stathom, John Tunsted, James Hopwode and the sheriff of Derby to arrest in the counties of Derby, Nottingham or York and imprison Richard Ghiitford of Retford, co. Nottingham, and his abettors, who wander about the county of Derby and stir up the king's subjects to rebellion and have imprisoned certain of the king's officers.

The like to Humphrey Bourghchier of Cromwell, Robert Clyfton and Robert Strclley, knights, John Stanhope, Richard Wilughby, Thomas Nevill of Rolleston, William Merynges, Thomas Nevill of Southleverton and the sheriff of Nottingham.

The like to John Neviie of Mountague, Ralph de Graystok, Thomas Lomley, James Strangweys, Robert Constable, John Conyers, John Melton and John Constable, knights, Thomas Wytham (age 42), John Hastynges, Brian Roclyff, Henry Sothehill, Edmund Fitzwiliiam, William Burgh, Richard Pygot, Nicholas Girlyngton, Ralph Ayssheton, Robert Nevyle, John Thwaytes, Guy Fairefax, William Scargill, Percival Grisaker, William Eland, John Wenslagh, John Vavasour, John Haitfeld, John Grenefeld and the sheriff of York.

20 Aug 1462. Westminster Palace [Map]. Grant for life to Thomas Witham (age 42), from Michaelmas last, for his good service to the king and his father Richard, late duke of York, of £20 yearly from the fee farm of the town of Scardeburgh [Map] and the manor of Walgrave and from 60 acres of land and the issues of the town.

Books, Calendars of Parliamentary Rolls, Patent Rolls Edward IV 1463

13 Mar 1463. Westminster Palace [Map]. Commission to James Strangways, knight, Thomas Witham (age 43), chancellor of the Exchequer, Thomas Mouutford, esquire, John Laton, esquire, and Ralph Assheton, esquire, to enquire by oath of good men of the county of York whether Joan Faucombregge, late Countess of Kent (age 56), is an idiot and incapable of the government of herself and her possessions, whether she has alienated any of her lands, and who is her next heir.

24 May 1463. John Richard alias Richardson late of Bysshepcrophill, co. Nottingham, 'husbondman,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer Robert Stillyngton (age 43), clerk, touching a debt of 4 marks.

23 Jun 1463. Inspeximus and confirmation to the mayor, bailiffs and burgesses of Clyfton, Dertmuth and Hardenesse of (1) letters patent dated 14 December, 2 Richard II. inspecting and confirming a charter dated at the Tower of London, 14 April, 15 Edward III. [Charter Roll, 15 Edward III. No. 18,] and (2) a charter dated at Westminster, 5 November, 17 Richard II. [Charter Noll, 15-17 Richard II. No. 10]; and grant that the adjoining township of Southtouudertemouth shall henceforth be annexed to the said borough of Cliftondertemouth Hardenasse, in consideration of the fact that the burgesses keep watches against invaders on the confines of the township and beyond at a place called 'Galions Boure' but the inhabitants of the township contribute nothing because they do not enjoy the liberties of the borough. Th« mayor and bailiffs shall have return of writs and execution thereof within the said township and the liberty of the borough, saving always the right of the lord of the fee of the township, and all pleas real and personal and attachments and fines and amercements, and also view of frauk-pledge and all that peitains to it. And they may acquire, in mortmain, after inquisition, lands, tenements, rents and other possessions, not held in chief, to the value of 201. yearly. Witnesses: Th. archbishop of Canterbury (age 45), W. archbishop of York (age 75), G. Bishop of Exeter (age 31), the chancellor, J. Bishop of Carlisle, the king's brothers George, duke of Clarence (age 13), and Richard, duke of Gloucester (age 10), the king's kinsmen Richard, Earl of Warwick (age 34), and John, Earl of Worcester (age 36), treasurer of England, Robert Styllyngton (age 43), king's clerk, keeper of the privy seal, and William Hastynges of Hastynges (age 32), the king's chamberlain, and John Wenlok of Wenlok (age 63), knights.

30 Jun 1463. Grant to the king's kinsman John, Earl of Worcester (age 36), and Robert Styllyngton (age 43), king's clerk, keeper of the privy seal, in repayment of £1938 12s. 3d. and £960 6s 8d. due to them respectively for certain causes concerning the custody of the sea, of two parts and the third part respectively of all the moneys arising from the subsidies culled 'tonnage' and 'poundage', viz. 3s. from the tun and 12d. from the pound, in the ports of London, Southampton and Sandwich until they be fully satisfied; and grant that during that time they may nominate as often as they please a suitable person to the treasurer of England for appointment as one of the collectors in each of the said ports.

Books, Calendars of Parliamentary Rolls, Patent Rolls Edward IV 1464

15 Mar 1464. Grant to John Walbrond, prebendary of Cerdestoke alias Cherdestoke in the cathedral of Salisbury, of a prebend within the free chapel of St. Stephen within the king's palace of Westminster, on an exchange of benefices with Robert Stillyngton (age 44). By K. Mandate in pursuance to the dean of the said free chapel.

02 Jul 1464. Grant to John Scot (age 41), knight, controller of the king's household, or his executors after his death of all moneys arising from the subsidy called 'tonnage and poundage,'viz, the 3s. in the tun and the 12d. in the pound, in the port of the city of London at the hands of the collectors immediately after the full repayment of £1938 12s. 3d. to the king's kinsman John, Earl of Worcester (age 37), and £960 6s. iid. to Robert Styllington (age 44), king's clerk, keeper of the privy seal, from the said subsidy in the ports of London, Southampton and Sandwich, as granted to them by letters patent dated 30 June, 3 Edward IV., until he shall be fully satisfied of the sum of £256 3s. 6d. in which the king is indebted to him for having prepared divers ships in the port of Sandwich at the king's command and taken them to the north with victuals and soldiers on the defence of the realm. And until he be thus fully satisfied he shall ns often as he pleases nominate a suitable person to the treasurer of England to be appointed one of the collectors of the said subsidy. By K.

03 Sep 1664. Penley. Grant to the kiug's servitor Thomas Witham, chancellor of the Exchequer, of the custody of the body of Catharine Metcalf, late the wife of Edmund Metcalf, who has been an idiot from her birth, and of all her lands and tenements in the county of York and in Kingeston on Hull, to hold during her idiotcy without rendering anything to the king but finding a competent sustenance for her and supporting all charges. By K.

26 Sep 1664. Reading, Berkshire [Map]. Grant to Thomas Metcalf and Miles Metcalf, brothers of Edmund Metcalf, for their good service to the king, the king's father Richard, late duke of York, and the king's uncle Richard, late Earl of Salisbury, of the custody of the body of Catharine Metcalf, late the wife of the said Edmund, and of all her lands and tenements in the county of York and in Kingeston on Hull, to hold during her idiotcy without rendering anything to the king, but finding a competent sustenance for her and supporting all charges, in the same manner as the same was granted to Thomas Witham, chancellor of the Exchequer, by letters patent, surrendered.

Books, Calendars of Parliamentary Rolls, Patent Rolls Edward IV 1465

20 Jan 1465. Grant to Master Robert Stillyngton (age 45), king's clerk, keeper of the privy Westminster, seal, by mainprise of John Brewester of London, 'gentilman,' and Thomas Wode of Farnham, co. Essex, 'gentilman,' of the custody of all the temporalities of the Bishopric of Bath and Wells, in the king's hands by the death of Thomas, late bishop (deceased), so long as they remain in the king's hands, rendering as much as may be agreed upon between him and the treasurer before Midsummer and supporting all charges, and also all advowsons belonging to the king by reason of the said temporalities. By K.

17 Mar 1465. Grant to the king's kinsman Ralph, lord of Graystok (age 51), knight, and the, heirs male of his body of the manors and lordships of Storthwayte, Garton and Melburne, co. York, with their members, worth 60/. yearly, and the advowson or patronage of the priory of Kirkeham, co. York, worth nothings and the manor of Ravensthorp, co. York, worth 35/. yearly, the custody of which was granted by letters patent dated 5 November, 1 Edward IV. to Robert Danby and Thomas Wytham (age 45), chancellor of the Exchequer, for 20 years from Michaelmas then last past at a rent of 26/. 13s, 4d. yearly, with a toft and a bovate of land in Boltby, co. York, late of John son of William de la Boure, worth 2^. yearly, and the said 26/. 13^. 4d. and all issues and arrears of the above premises from 3 March before the said 5 November, and pardon to the said Ralph, Robert and Thomas of all accounts for the same. By p.s. Vacated by surrender and cancelled because the king granted the above I to him and the heirs male of his body by other letters patent on 30 November, 8 Edward IV.

16 Nov 1465. Westminster Palace [Map]. Licence for Thomas Witham (age 45), esquire, and his executors to found a perpetual chantry of one chaplain to celebrate divine service daily at the altar of Holy Trinity and St. Giles in a church or chapel newly built by him at Corneburgh, co. York, for the good estate of the king and the said Thomas and Agnes his wife and for their souls after death and the souls of the king's father Richard, duke of York, Richard, Earl of Salisbury, and Alice his wife and the relatives and benefactors of the said Thomas and Agnes and all for whom the said Thomas is in any way bound to pray, to be called the chantry of Thomas Witham, esquire; and for the alienation in mortmain to the said chaplain by the said Thomas and Agnes and their executors and assigns of lands, rents, services and possessions, not held in chief, to the value of 10 marks yeaiiy.

By E. and for lOOs, paid in the hanaper.

Books, Calendars of Parliamentary Rolls, Patent Rolls Edward IV 1466

29 Jan 1466. Mandate to the escheator in the county of Somerset for the restitution of the temporalities of the Bishopric of Bath and Wells to Master Robert Styllyngton (age 46), whom the pope has appointed bishop in the place of Thomas, late bishop, deceased, and who has renounced everything prejudicial to the king and his crown. [Foedera.] By p.s. The like to the escheators in the following counties:- Middlesex. Oxford and Berks. Gloucester. Southampton. Writ de intendendo in pursuance to the tenants.

17 Mar 1466. General pardon to Robert Stillyngton (age 46), Bishop of Bath and Wells, dean of Westminster, the king's free chapel of St. Martin le Grand, London, and keeper of the privy seal, of all provisions of apostolic letters or bulls and all other offences committed by him before 13 January. By p.s.

24 Sep 1466. Licence for the king's sister Anne, duchess of Exeter (age 27), to grant the manors of Rachfonl, Lye, Pakeleshnm and Folncsse, co. Essex, Ardyngton, co. Berks, Barford St. Martin, co. Wilts, and Thorpwatcrvyle, Aldwynkle, Achirch, Chelveston and Cnldeote, co. Northampton, with all other lands, rents, reversions and services of her tenants iu the towns and manors aforesaid, held in chief, to the king's kinsman Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury (age 48), Robert, Bishop of Bath and Wells (age 46), John, duke of Norfolk (age 41), John, duke of Suffolk (age 23), William, Earl of Arundel (age 48), Henry, Earl of Essex (age 62), Richard, earl Ryvers (age 61), Antony Widevill, lord of Scales and Newselles (age 26), John Say, knight, Thomas Colt, Thomas Decoue and Robert Isham, esquires, and their heirs and assigns. By K.

Grant to the said archbishop and others and their heirs and assigns of all the king's-estate and title in the manors of Wodham Ferreres and other lands in the same town, co. Essex, and the manors of Newebotell and Brynton and the advowson of the church there and other lands in the same town, co. Northampton, which the king holds in the title and possession of his consort Elizabeth, Queen of England, with advowsons, knights' fees, rents and services. By K.

Books, Calendars of Parliamentary Rolls, Patent Rolls Edward IV 1470

21 Feb 1470. Exemplification, at tlie supplication of Jaquetta, duchess of Bedford (age 55), late, the wife of Richard, earl of Ryvers, of the tenour of an act in the great council, remaining in the office of the privy seal in the chamber of the great council called 'le Parlment chambre' within the palace of Westminster, made on 10 February, 9 Edward IV. In the presence of the king and the cardinal archbishop of Canterbury, the archbishop of York, the bishops of Bath, chancellor, Ely, treasui'er, Rochester, keeper of the privy seal, London, Durham and Carlisle, the earls of Warwick, Essex, Northumberland, Shrewsbury and Kent, and the lords Hastings, Mountjoye, Lyle, Cromwell, Scrope of Bolton, Saye and others a supplication addressed to the king on behialf of the said duchess and two schedules in paper annexed were openly read, and afterwards his highness by the advice of the said lords of the council accepting the declaration of the said lady commanded the same to be enacted of record and letters of exemplification to be made. The tenours of the supplication and schedules above mentioned ensue in this wise. The duchess complains that Thomas Wake, esquire, in the time of tlie late trouble caused her to be brought in a common noise and slander of witchcraft throughout a great part of the realm, insomuch as he caused to be brought to Warwick to divers of the lords present when the king was last there an image of lead made like a man of arms of the length of a man's finger broken in the middle and made fast with a wire, saying that it was made by her to use with witchcraft and sorcery, and for the performing of his malicious intent entreated one John Daunger, parish clerk of Stoke Brewerne, co. Northampton, to say that there were two other images made by her, one for the king and one for the queen, whereunto the said John Daunger neither could nor would be entreated, and the king commandeil the siMd Wake and John Daunger to attend upon the bishop of Carlisle, the earl of Northumberland, the lords Hastyuges and Mountjoye and Master Roger Radcliff to be examined, and their examination is here annexed, and in the great council on 19 January last she was cleared of the said slander, wherefore she prays that the same may be enacted of record. Thomas Wake says that this image was shown and left in Stoke with an honest person who delivered it to the clerk of the church and so showed it to divers neighbours after to the parson in the church openly to men both of Schytlanger and Stoke and after it was; shown iu Sewrisley, a nunnery, and to many other persons, and of all this he heard or wist nothing till after it was sent him by Thomas Kymbell from the said clerk. John Daunger of Shetyllanger said that Thomas Wake sent to him one Thomas Kymbell, then his bailiff, and bad the said John send him the image of lead that he had and so he .sent it, at which time he heard no witchcraft of the lady of Bedford, and that the image was delivered to him by one Harry Kyngeston of Stoke, who found it in his house after the departing of soldiers, antl that the said Tiiomas Wake after he came from London from the king sent for him and said that he had excused himself and laid all the blame on John and bad him say that he durst not keep the image and for that cause sent it to Thomas and also bad him say that there were two other images, one for the king and one for the queen, but he refused to say so. English. [Rolls of Parliament, VI. 232.] By p.s. [3033.]

Books, Calendars of Parliamentary Rolls, Patent Rolls Edward IV 1476

04 Dec 1476. Protection for William Shore, citizen and mercer of London, and his servants with all his lands, goods and possessions in England and elsewhere. By p.s.

Around Dec 1476 King Edward IV of England (age 34) began an affair with Elizabeth "Jane Shore" Lambert (age 31). See Patent Rolls Edward IV 1476.

Books, Calendars of Parliamentary Rolls, Patent Rolls Edward IV 1477

18 Apr 1477. Grant to Robert, Bishop of Bath and Wells (age 57), John, Bishop of Rochester, Westminster, and Thomas Vaghan, knight, chamberlain of the king's firstborn son Edward, prince of Wales, and their assigns, of the disposition of the deanery of the king's free chapel of St. Stephen within the palace of Westminster at its next voidance.

13 Jun 1477. Commission to John Grevyle, knight, Simon Mountford, knight, Thomas Kokesey, esquire, William Lucy, esquire, Henry Boteler and John Beaufitz to enquire what lands Thomas Burdet (age 52), esquire, attainted of high treason, held on 20 April, 14 Edward IV, in the counties of Warwick and Worcester and what they are worth and to take them into the king's hands. The like to John Grevyle, knight, William Notyngham, Thomas Kokesey, esquire, Thomas Norton, esquire, Thomas Lymberyk and Thomas Whetyngton in the county of Gloucester.

13 Jun 1477. Grant to Mary late the wife of John Stacy late of Oxford, alias John Westminster. Stace late of London, "gentilman," alias Marion Stacy of London, widow, of all the goods and debts late of the said John, lately attainted of high treason and hung. By p.s.