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Samuel Pepys' Diary 1669 May is in Samuel Pepys' Diary 1669.
Stewart Books, Samuel Pepys' Diary 1669 May 01
01 May 1669. Up betimes. Called up by my tailor, and there first put on a summer suit this year; but it was not my fine one of flowered tabby vest, and coloured camelott tunique, because it was too fine with the gold lace at the hands, that I was afeard to be seen in it; but put on the stuff suit I made the last year, which is now repaired; and so did go to the Office in it, and sat all the morning, the day looking as if it would be fowle.
01 May 1669. At noon home to dinner, and there find my wife extraordinary fine, with her flowered tabby gown that she made two years ago, now laced exceeding pretty; and, indeed, was fine all over; and mighty earnest to go, though the day was very lowering; and she would have me put on my fine suit, which I did. And so anon we went alone through the town with our new liveries of serge, and the horses' manes and tails tied with red ribbons, and the standards there gilt with varnish, and all clean, and green refines, that people did mightily look upon us; and, the truth is, I did not see any coach more pretty, though more gay, than ours, all the day. But we set out, out of humour-I because Betty, whom I expected, was not come to go with us; and my wife that I would sit on the same seat with her, which she likes not, being so fine: and she then expected to meet Sheres, which we did in the Pell Mell [Map], and, against my will, I was forced to take him into the coach, but was sullen all day almost, and little complaisant: the day also being unpleasing, though the Park full of coaches, but dusty and windy, and cold, and now and then a little dribbling rain; and, what made it worst, there were so many Hackney-coaches as spoiled the sight of the gentlemen's; and so we had little pleasure. But here was W. Batelier and his sister in a borrowed coach by themselves, and I took them and we to the lodge; and at the door did give them a syllabub, and other things, cost me 12s., and pretty merry. And so back to the coaches, and there till the evening, and then home, leaving Mr. Sheres at St. James's Gate, where he took leave of us for altogether, he; being this night to set out for Portsmouth, Hampshire [Map] post, in his way to Tangier, which troubled my wife mightily, who is mighty, though not, I think, too fond of him. But she was out of humour all the evening, and I vexed at her for it, and she did not rest almost all the night, so as in the night I was forced; to take her and hug her to put her to rest.
01 May 1669. So home, and after a little supper, to bed.
Stewart Books, Samuel Pepys' Diary 1669 May 02
02 May 1669. Lord's Day. Up, and by water to White Hall, and there visit my Lord Sandwich (age 43), who, after about two months' absence at Hinchingbroke [Map], come to town last night. I saw him, and very kind; and I am glad he is so, I having not wrote to him all the time, my eyes indeed not letting me. Here with Sir Charles Herbert [Harbord] (age 29), and my Lord Hinchingbrooke (age 21), and Sidney (age 18), we looked upon the picture of Tangier, designed: by Charles Herbert [Harbord], and drawn by Dancre (age 44), which my Lord Sandwich admires, as being the truest picture that ever he's saw in his life: and it is indeed very pretty, and I will be at the cost of having one of them.
02 May 1669. Thence with them to White Hall, and there walked out the sermon, with one or other; and then saw the Duke of York (age 35) after sermon, and he talked to me a little; and so away back by water home, and after dinner got my wife to read, and then by coach, she and I, to the Park, and there spent the evening with much pleasure, it proving clear after a little shower, and we mighty fine as yesterday, and people mightily pleased with our coach, as I perceived; but I had not on my fine suit, being really afeard to wear it, it being so fine with the gold lace, though not gay.
02 May 1669. So home and to supper, and my wife to read, and Tom, my Nepotisme, and then to bed.
Stewart Books, Samuel Pepys' Diary 1669 May 03
03 May 1669. Up, and by coach to my Lord Brouncker's (age 49), where Sir G. Carteret (age 59) did meet Sir J. Minnes (age 70) and me, to discourse upon Mr. Deering's business, who was directed, in the time of the war, to provide provisions at Hamburgh, by Sir G. Carteret's direction; and now G. Carteret is afeard to own it, it being done without written order. But by our meeting we do all begin to recollect enough to preserve Mr. Deering, I think, which, poor silly man! I shall be glad of, it being too much he should suffer for endeavouring to serve us.
03 May 1669. Thence to St. James's, where the Duke of York (age 35) was playing in the Pell Mell [Map]; and so he called me to him most part of the time that he played, which was an hour, and talked alone to me; and, among other things, tells me how the King (age 38) will not yet be got to name anybody in the room of Pen, but puts it off for three or four days; from whence he do collect that they are brewing something for the Navy, but what he knows not; but I perceive is vexed that things should go so, and he hath reason; for he told me that it is likely they will do in this as in other things-resolve first, and consider it and the fitness of it afterward.
03 May 1669. Thence to White Hall, and met with Creed, and I took him to the Harp and Ball, and there drank a cup of ale, he and I alone, and discoursed of matters; and I perceive by him that he makes no doubt but that all will turn to the old religion, for these people cannot hold things in their hands, nor prevent its coming to that; and by his discourse fits himself for it, and would have my Lord Sandwich (age 43) do so, too, and me. After a little talk with him, and particularly about the ruinous condition of Tangier, which I have a great mind to lay before the Duke of York (age 35), before it be too late, but dare not, because of his great kindness to Lord Middleton (age 61), we parted, and I homeward; but called at Povy's (age 55), and there he stopped me to dinner, there being Mr. Williamson (age 35), the Lieutenant of the Tower, Mr. Childe, and several others. And after dinner, Povy and I together to talk of Tangier; and he would have me move the Duke of York in it, for it concerns him particularly, more than any, as being the head of us; and I do think to do it.
03 May 1669. Thence home, and at the office busy all the afternoon, and so to supper and to bed.
Stewart Books, Samuel Pepys' Diary 1669 May 04
04 May 1669. Up, and to the office, and then my wife being gone to see her mother at Deptford, Kent [Map], I before the office sat went to the Excise Office, and thence being alone stepped into Duck Lane [Map], and thence tried to have sent a porter to Deb.'s, but durst not trust him, and therefore having bought a book to satisfy the bookseller for my stay there, a 12d. book, Andronicus of Tom Fuller, I took coach, and at the end of Jewen Street next Red Cross Street I sent the coachman to her lodging, and understand she is gone for Greenwich, Kent [Map] to one Marys's, a tanner's, at which I, was glad, hoping to have opportunity to find her out; and so, in great fear of being seen, I to the office, and there all the morning, dined at home, and presently after dinner comes home my wife, who I believe is jealous of my spending the day, and I had very good fortune in being at home, for if Deb. had been to have been found it is forty to one but I had been abroad, God forgive me. So the afternoon at the office, and at night walked with my wife in the garden, and my Lord Brouncker (age 49) with us, who is newly come to W. Pen's (age 48) lodgings; and by and by comes Mr. Hooke (age 33); and my Lord, and he, and I into my Lord's lodgings, and there discoursed of many fine things in philosophy, to my great content, and so home to supper and to bed.
Stewart Books, Samuel Pepys' Diary 1669 May 05
05 May 1669. Up, and thought to have gone with Lord Brouncker (age 49) to Mr. Hooke (age 33) this morning betimes; but my Lord is taken ill of the gout, and says his new lodgings have infected him, he never having had any symptoms of it till now. So walked to Gresham College, to tell Hooke that my Lord could not come; and so left word, he being abroad, and I to St. James's, and thence, with the Duke of York (age 35), to White Hall, where the Board waited on him all the morning: and so at noon with Sir Thomas Allen (age 36), and Sir Edward Scott, and Lord Carlingford (age 66), to the Spanish Embassador's, where I dined the first time. The Olio not so good as Sheres's. There was at the table himself and a Spanish Countess, a good, comely, and witty lady-three Fathers and us. Discourse good and pleasant. And here was an Oxford scholar in a Doctor of Law's gowne, sent from the College where the Embassador lay, when the Court was there, to salute him before his return to Spain: This man, though a gentle sort of scholar, yet sat like a fool for want of French or Spanish, but [knew] only Latin, which he spoke like an Englishman to one of the Fathers. And by and by he and I to talk, and the company very merry at my defending Cambridge against Oxford: and I made much use of my French and Spanish here, to my great content. But the dinner not extraordinary at all, either for quantity or quality.
05 May 1669. Thence home, where my wife ill of those upon the maid's bed, and troubled at my being abroad. So I to the office, and there till night, and then to her, and she read to me the Epistle of Cassandra, which is very good indeed; and the better to her, because recommended by Sheres.
05 May 1669. So to supper, and to bed.
Stewart Books, Samuel Pepys' Diary 1669 May 06
06 May 1669. Up, and by coach to Sir W. Coventry's (age 41), but he gone out. I by water back to the Office, and there all the morning; then to dinner, and then to the Office again, and anon with my wife by coach to take the ayre, it being a noble day, as far as the Greene Man, mightily pleased with our journey, and our condition of doing it in our own coach, and so home, and to walk in the garden, and so to supper and to bed, my eyes being bad with writing my journal, part of it, to-night.
Stewart Books, Samuel Pepys' Diary 1669 May 07
07 May 1669. Up, and by coach to W. Coventry's (age 41); and there to talk with him a great deal with great content; and so to the Duke of York (age 35), having a great mind to speak to him about Tangier; but, when I come to it, his interest for my Lord Middleton (age 61) is such that I dare not.
07 May 1669. So to the Treasury chamber, and then walked home round by the Excise Office, having by private vows last night in prayer to God Almighty cleared my mind for the present of the thoughts of going to Deb. at Greenwich, Kent [Map], which I did long after. I passed by Guildhall [Map], which is almost finished, and saw a poor labourer carried by, I think, dead with a fall, as many there are, I hear.
07 May 1669. So home to dinner, and then to the office a little, and so to see my Lord Brouncker (age 49), who is a little ill of the gout; and there Madam Williams told me that she heard that my wife was going into France this year, which I did not deny, if I can get time, and I pray God I may. But I wondering how she come to know it, she tells me a woman that my wife spoke to for a maid, did tell her so, and that a lady that desires to go thither would be glad to go in her company.
07 May 1669. Thence with my wife abroad, with our coach, most pleasant weather; and to Hackney, and into the marshes, where I never was before, and thence round about to Old Ford and Bow; and coming through the latter home, there being some young gentlewomen at a door, and I seeming not to know who they were, my wife's jealousy told me presently that I knew well enough it was that damned place where Deb. dwelt, which made me swear very angrily that it was false, as it was, and I carried [her] back again to see the place, and it proved not so, so I continued out of humour a good while at it, she being willing to be friends, so I was by and by, saying no more of it.
07 May 1669. So home, and there met with a letter from Captain Silas Taylor (age 44), and, with it, his written copy of a play that he hath wrote, and intends to have acted.-It is called "The Serenade, or Disappointment", which I will read, not believing he can make any good of that kind. He did once offer to show Harris (age 35) it, but Harris told him that he would judge by one Act whether it were good or no, which is indeed a foolish saying, and we see them out themselves in the choice of a play after they have read the whole, it being sometimes found not fit to act above three times; nay, and some that have been refused at one house is found a good one at the other. This made Taylor say he would not shew it him, but is angry, and hath carried it to the other house, and he thinks it will be acted there, though he tells me they are not yet agreed upon it. But I will find time to get it read to me, and I did get my wife to begin a little to-night in the garden, but not so much as I could make any judgment of it.
07 May 1669. So home to supper and to bed.
Stewart Books, Samuel Pepys' Diary 1669 May 08
08 May 1669. Up, and to the Office, and there comes Lead to me, and at last my vizards are done, and glasses got to put in and out, as I will; and I think I have brought it to the utmost, both for easiness of using and benefit, that I can; and so I paid him 15s. for what he hath done now last, in the finishing them, and they, I hope, will do me a great deal of ease. At the Office all the morning, and this day, the first time, did alter my side of the table, after above eight years sitting on that next the fire. But now I am not able to bear the light of the windows in my eyes, I do begin there, and I did sit with much more content than I had done on the other side for a great while, and in winter the fire will not trouble my back.
08 May 1669. At noon home to dinner, and after dinner all the afternoon within, with Mr. Hater, Gibson, and W. Hewer (age 27), reading over and drawing up new things in the Instructions of Commanders, which will be good, and I hope to get them confirmed by the Duke of York (age 35), though I perceive nothing will effectually perfect them but to look over the whole body of the Instructions, of all the Officers of a ship, and make them all perfect together. This being done, comes my bookseller, and brings me home bound my collection of papers, about my Addresse to the Duke of York in August, which makes me glad, it being that which shall do me more right many years hence than, perhaps, all I ever did in my life: and therefore I do, both for my own and the King's sake, value it much.
08 May 1669. By and by also comes Browne, the mathematical instrument maker, and brings me home my instrument for perspective, made according to the description of Dr. Wren's (age 45), in the late Transactions; and he hath made it, I think, very well, and that, that I believe will do the thing, and therein gives me great content; but have I fear all the content that must be received by my eyes is almost lost.
08 May 1669. So to the office, and there late at business, and then home to supper and to bed.
Stewart Books, Samuel Pepys' Diary 1669 May 09
09 May 1669. Lord's Day. Up; and, after dressing in my best suit with gold trimming, I to the Office, and there with Gibson and Tom finishing against to-morrow my notes upon Commanders' Instructions; and, when church-time, to church with my wife, leaving them at work. Dr. Mills preached a dull sermon, and so we home to dinner; and thence by coach to St. Andrew's [Map], Holborne, thinking to have heard Dr. Stillingfleete (age 34) preach, but we could not get a place, and so to St. Margaret's, Westminster [Map], and there heard a sermon, and did get a place, the first we have heard there these many years, and here at a distance I saw Betty Michell, but she is become much a plainer woman than she was a girl.
09 May 1669. Thence towards the Park, but too soon to go in, so went on to Knightsbridge, and there eat and drank at "The World's End [Map]", where we had good things, and then back to the Park, and there till night, being fine weather, and much company, and so home, and after supper to bed. This day I first left off both my waistcoats by day, and my waistcoat by night, it being very hot weather, so hot as to make me break out, here and there, in my hands, which vexes me to see, but is good for me.
Stewart Books, Samuel Pepys' Diary 1669 May 10
10 May 1669. Troubled, about three in the morning, with my wife's calling her maid up, and rising herself, to go with her coach abroad, to gather May-dew, which she did, and I troubled for it, for fear of any hurt, going abroad so betimes, happening to her; but I to sleep again, and she come home about six, and to bed again all well, and I up and with Mr. Gibson by coach to St. James's, and thence to White Hall, where the Duke of York (age 35) met the Office, and there discoursed of several things, particularly the Instructions of Commanders of ships. But here happened by chance a discourse of the Council of Trade, against which the Duke of York is mightily displeased, and particularly Mr. Child, against whom he speaking hardly, Captain Cox did second the Duke of York, by saying that he was talked of for an unfayre dealer with masters of ships, about freight: to which Sir T. Littleton (age 48) very hotly and foolishly replied presently, that he never heard any honest man speak ill of Child; to which the Duke of York did make a smart reply, and was angry; so as I was sorry to hear it come so far, and that I, by seeming to assent to Cox, might be observed too much by Littleton, though I said nothing aloud, for this must breed great heart-burnings. After this meeting done, the Duke of York took the Treasurers into his closet to chide them, as Mr. Wren (age 40) tells me; for that my Lord Keeper did last night at the Council say, when nobody was ready to say any thing against the constitution of the Navy, that he did believe the Treasurers of the Navy had something to say, which was very foul on their part, to be parties against us. They being gone, Mr. Wren [and I] took boat, thinking to dine with my Lord of Canterbury (age 70); but, when we come to Lambeth, the gate was shut, which is strictly done at twelve o'clock, and nobody comes in afterwards: so we lost our labour, and therefore back to White Hall, and thence walked my boy Jacke with me, to my Lord Crew (age 71), whom I have not seen since he was sick, which is eight months ago, I think and there dined with him: he is mightily broke. A stranger a country gentleman, was with him: and he pleased with my discourse accidentally about the decay of gentlemen's families in the country, telling us that the old rule was, that a family might remain fifty miles from London one hundred years, one hundred miles from London two hundred years, and so farther, or nearer London more or less years. He also told us that he hath heard his father say, that in his time it was so rare for a country gentleman to come to London, that, when he did come, he used to make his will before he set out.
10 May 1669. Thence: to St. James's, and there met the Duke of York (age 35), who told me, with great content, that he did now think he should master our adversaries, for that the King (age 38) did tell him that he was; satisfied in the constitution of the Navy, but that it was well to give these people leave to object against it, which they having not done, he did give order to give warrant to the Duke of York to direct Sir Jeremy Smith to be a Commissioner of the Navy in the room of Pen; which, though he be an impertinent fellow, yet I am glad of it, it showing that the other side is not so strong as it was: and so, in plain terms, the Duke of York did tell me, that they were every day losing ground; and particularly that he would take care to keep out Child: at all which I am glad, though yet I dare not think myself secure, as the King may yet be wrought upon by these people to bring changes in our Office, and remove us, ere it be long.
10 May 1669. Thence I to White Hall, an there took boat to Westminster, and to Mrs. Martin's, who is not come to town from her husband at Portsmouth, Hampshire [Map]. So drank only at Cragg's with Doll, and so to the Swan [Map], and there baiser a new maid that is there, and so to White Hall again, to a Committee of Tangier, where I see all things going to rack in the business of the Corporation, and consequently in the place, by Middleton's going.
10 May 1669. Thence walked a little with Creed, who tells me he hears how fine my horses and coach are, and advises me to avoid being noted for it, which I was vexed to hear taken notice of, it being what I feared and Povy (age 55) told me of my gold-lace sleeves in the Park yesterday, which vexed me also, so as to resolve never to appear in Court with them, but presently to have them taken off, as it is fit I should, and so to my wife at Unthanke's, and coach, and so called at my tailor's to that purpose, and so home, and after a little walk in the garden, home to supper and to bed.
Stewart Books, Samuel Pepys' Diary 1669 May 11
11 May 1669. My wife again up by four o'clock, to go to gather May-dew; and so back home by seven, to bed, and by and by I up and to the office, where all the morning, and dined at noon at home with my people, and so all the afternoon.
11 May 1669. In the evening my wife and I all alone, with the boy, by water, up as high as Putney, Surrey [Map] almost, with the tide, and back again, neither staying going nor coming; but talking, and singing, and reading a foolish copy of verses upon my Lord Mayor's entertaining of all the bachelors, designed in praise to my Lord Mayor, and so home and to the office a little, and then home to bed, my eyes being bad. Some trouble at Court for fear of the Queen's (age 30) miscarrying; she being, as they all conclude, far gone with child.
Stewart Books, Samuel Pepys' Diary 1669 May 12
12 May 1669. Up, and to Westminster Hall [Map], where the term is, and this the first day of my being there, and here by chance met Roger Pepys (age 52), come to town the last night: I was glad to see him. After some talk with him and others, and among others Sir Charles Harbord (age 29) and Sidney Montagu (age 18), the latter of whom is to set out to-morrow towards Flanders and Italy, I invited them to dine with me to-morrow, and so to Mrs. Martin's lodging, who come to town last night, and there je did hazer her, she having been a month, I think, at Portsmouth, Hampshire [Map] with her husband, newly come home from the Streights. But, Lord! how silly the woman talks of her great entertainment there, and how all the gentry come to visit her, and that she believes her husband is worth £6 or £700, which nevertheless I am glad of, but I doubt they will spend it a fast.
12 May 1669. Thence home, and after dinner my wife and I to the Duke of York's playhouse, and there, in the side balcony, over against the musick, did hear, but not see, a new play, the first day acted, "The Roman Virgin", an old play, and but ordinary, I thought; but the trouble of my eyes with the light of the candles did almost kill me.
12 May 1669. Thence to my Lord Sandwich's (age 43), and there had a promise from Sidney (age 18) to come and dine with me to-morrow; and so my wife and I home in our coach, and there find my brother John (age 28), as I looked for, come to town from Ellington, where, among other things, he tell me the first news that my [sister Jackson (age 28)] is with child, and fat gone, which I know not whether it did more trouble or please me, having no great care for my friends to have children; though I love other people's. So, glad to see him, we to supper, and so to bed.
Stewart Books, Samuel Pepys' Diary 1669 May 13
13 May 1669. Up, and to the office, where all the morning, it being a rainy foul day. But at noon comes my Lord Hinchingbrooke (age 21), and Sidney (age 18), and Sir Charles Harbord (age 29), and Roger Pepys (age 52), and dined with me; and had a good dinner, and very merry with; us all the afternoon, it being a farewell to Sidney; and so in the evening they away, and I to my business at the Office and so to supper, and talk with my brother, and so to bed.
Stewart Books, Samuel Pepys' Diary 1669 May 14
14 May 1669. Up, and to St. James's to the Duke of York (age 35), and thence to White Hall, where we met about office business, and then at noon with Mr. Wren (age 40) to Lambeth, to dinner with the Archbishop of Canterbury (age 70); the first time I was ever there and I have long longed for it; where a noble house, and well furnished with good pictures and furniture, and noble attendance in good order, and great deal of company, though an ordinary day; and exceeding great cheer, no where better, or so much, that ever I think I saw, for an ordinary table: and the Bishop mighty kind to me, particularly desiring my company another time, when less company there. Most of the company gone, and I going, I heard by a gentleman of a sermon that was to be there; and so I staid to hear it, thinking it serious, till by and by the gentleman told me it was a mockery, by one Cornet Bolton, a very gentleman-like man, that behind a chair did pray and preach like a Presbyter Scot that ever I heard in my life, with all the possible imitation in grimaces and voice. And his text about the hanging up their harps upon the willows: and a serious good sermon too, exclaiming against Bishops, and crying up of my good Lord Eglinton, a till it made us all burst; but I did wonder to have the Bishop at this time to make himself sport with things of this kind, but I perceive it was shewn him as a rarity; and he took care to have the room-door shut, but there were about twenty gentlemen there, and myself, infinitely pleased with the novelty. So over to White Hall, to a little Committee of Tangier; and thence walking in the Gallery, I met Sir Thomas Osborne (age 37), who, to my great content, did of his own accord fall into discourse with me, with so much professions of value and respect, placing the whole virtue of the Office of the Navy upon me, and that for the Comptroller's place, no man in England was fit for it but me, when Sir J. Minnes (age 70), as he says it is necessary, is removed: but then he knows not what to do for a man in my place; and in discourse, though I have no mind to the other, I did bring in Tom Hater to be the fittest man in the world for it, which he took good notice of. But in the whole I was mightily pleased, reckoning myself now fifty per cent. securer in my place than I did before think myself to be.
14 May 1669. Thence to Unthanke's, and there find my wife, but not dressed, which vexed me, because going to the Park, it being a most pleasant day after yesterday's rain, which lays all the dust, and most people going out thither, which vexed me.
14 May 1669. So home, sullen; but then my wife and I by water, with my brother, as high as Fulham, talking and singing, and playing the rogue with the Western barge-men, about the women of Woolwich, Kent [Map], which mads them, an so back home to supper and to bed.
Stewart Books, Samuel Pepys' Diary 1669 May 15
15 May 1669. Up, and at the Office all the morning. Dined at home and Creed with me home, and I did discourse about evening some reckonings with him in the afternoon; but I could not, for my eyes, do it, which troubled me, and vexed him that would not; but yet we were friends, I advancing him more without it, and so to walk all the afternoon together in the garden; and I perceive still he do expect a change in of matters, especially as to religion, and fits himself for it by professing himself for it in his discourse. He gone, I to my business at my Office, and so at night home to supper, and to bed.
Stewart Books, Samuel Pepys' Diary 1669 May 16
16 May 1669. Lord's Day. My wife and I at church, our pew filled with Mrs. Backewell, and six more that she brought with her, which vexed me at her confidence.
16 May 1669. Dined at home and W. Batelier with us, and I all the afternoon drawing up a foul draught of my petition to the Duke of York (age 35), about my eyes, for leave to spend three or four months out of the Office, drawing it so as to give occasion to a voyage abroad which I did, to my pretty good liking; and then with my wife to Hyde Park, where a good deal of company, and good weather, and so home to supper and to bed.
Stewart Books, Samuel Pepys' Diary 1669 May 17
17 May 1669. Up, and to several places doing business, and the home to dinner, and then my wife and I and brother John (age 28) by coach to the King's playhouse, and saw "The Spanish Curate" revived, which is a pretty good play, but my eyes troubled with seeing it, mightily.
17 May 1669. Thence carried them and Mr. Gibson, who met me at my Lord Brouncker's (age 49) with a fair copy of my petition, which I thought to shew the Duke of York (age 35) this night, but could not, and therefore carried them to the Park, where they had never been, and so home to supper and to bed. Great the news now of the French taking St. Domingo, in Spaniola, from the Spaniards, which troubles us, that they should have it, and have the honour of taking it, when we could not.
Stewart Books, Samuel Pepys' Diary 1669 May 18
18 May 1669. Up, and to St. James's and other places, and then to the office, where all the morning. At noon home and dined in my wife's chamber, she being much troubled with the tooth-ake, and I staid till a surgeon of hers come, one Leeson, who hath formerly drawn her mouth, and he advised her to draw it: so I to the Office, and by and by word is come that she hath drawn it, which pleased me, it being well done. So I home, to comfort her, and so back to the office till night, busy, and so home to supper and to bed.
Stewart Books, Samuel Pepys' Diary 1669 May 19
19 May 1669. With my coach to St. James's; and there finding the Duke of York (age 35) gone to muster his men, in Hyde Park, I alone with my boy thither, and there saw more, walking out of my coach as other gentlemen did, of a soldier's trade, than ever I did in my life: the men being mighty fine, and their Commanders, particularly the Duke of Monmouth (age 20); but me-thought their trade but very easy as to the mustering of their men, and the men but indifferently ready to perform what was commanded, in the handling of their arms. Here the news was first talked of Harry Killigrew's (age 32) being wounded in nine places last night, by footmen, in the highway, going from the Park in a Hackney-coach towards Hammersmith, to his house at Turnham Greene: they being supposed to be my Lady Shrewsbury's (age 27) men, she being by, in her coach with six horses; upon an old grudge of his saying openly that he had lain with her.
19 May 1669. Thence by and by to White Hall, and there I waited upon the King (age 38) and Queen (age 30) all dinner-time, in the Queen's lodgings, she being in her white pinner and apron, like a woman with child; and she seemed handsomer plain so, than dressed. And by and by, dinner done, I out, and to walk in the Gallery, for the Duke of York's (age 35) coming out; and there, meeting Mr. May (age 47), he took me down about four o'clock to Mr. Chevins's (age 67) lodgings, and all alone did get me a dish of cold chickens, and good wine; and I dined like a Prince, being before very hungry and empty.
19 May 1669. By and by the Duke of York (age 35) comes, and readily took me to his closet, and received my petition, and discoursed about my eyes, and pitied me, and with much kindness did give me his consent to be absent, and approved of my proposition to go into Holland to observe things there, of the Navy; but would first ask the King's leave, which he anon did, and did tell me that the King (age 38) would be a good master to me, these were his words, about my eyes, and do like of my going into Holland, but do advise that nobody should know of my going thither, but pretend that I did go into the country somewhere, which I liked well. Glad of this, I home, and thence took out my wife, and to Mr. Holliard's (age 60) about a swelling in her cheek, but he not at home, and so round by Islington [Map] and eat and drink, and so home, and after supper to bed. In discourse this afternoon, the Duke of York did tell me that he was the most amazed at one thing just now, that ever he was in his life, which was, that the Duke of Buckingham (age 41) did just now come into the Queen's (age 30) bed-chamber, where the King was, and much mixed company, and among others, Tom Killigrew (age 57), the father of Harry (age 32), who was last night wounded so as to be in danger of death, and his man is quite dead; and [Buckingham] there in discourse did say that he had spoke with some one that was by (which all the world must know that it must be his whore, my Lady Shrewsbury (age 27)), who says that they did not mean to hurt, but beat him, and that he did run first at them with his sword; so that he do hereby clearly discover that he knows who did it, and is of conspiracy with them, being of known conspiracy with her, which the Duke of York did seem to be pleased with, and said it might, perhaps, cost him his life in the House of Lords; and I find was mightily pleased with it, saying it was the most impudent thing, as well as the most foolish, that ever he knew man do in all his life.
Stewart Books, Samuel Pepys' Diary 1669 May 20
20 May 1669. Up and to the Office, where all the morning. At noon, the whole Office-Brouncker (age 49), J. Minnes (age 70), T. Middleton, Samuel Pepys, and Captain Cox to dine with the Parish, at the Three Tuns [Map], this day being Ascension-day, where exceeding good discourse among the merchants, and thence back home, and after a little talk with my wife, to my office did a great deal of business, and so with my eyes might weary, and my head full of care how to get my accounts and business settled against my journey, home to supper, and bed. Yesterday, at my coming home, I found that my wife had, on a sudden, put away Matt upon some falling out, and I doubt my wife did call her ill names by my wife's own discourse; but I did not meddle to say anything upon it, but let her go, being not sorry, because now we may get one that speaks French, to go abroad with us.
Stewart Books, Samuel Pepys' Diary 1669 May 21
21 May 1669. I waited with the Office upon the Duke of York (age 35) in the morning.
21 May 1669. Dined at home, where Lewis Phillips the friend of his, dined with me. In the afternoon at the Office.
21 May 1669. In the evening visited by Roger Pepys (age 52) and Philip Packer and so home.
Stewart Books, Samuel Pepys' Diary 1669 May 22
22 May 1669. Dined at home, the rest of the whole day at office.
Stewart Books, Samuel Pepys' Diary 1669 May 23
23 May 1669. Lord's Day. Called up by Roger Pepys (age 52) and his son who to church with me, and then home to dinner. In the afternoon carried them to Westminster, and myself to James's, where, not finding the Duke of York (age 35), back home, and with my wife spent the evening taking the ayre about Hackney, with great pleasure, and places we had never seen before.
Stewart Books, Samuel Pepys' Diary 1669 May 24
24 May 1669. To White Hall, and there all the morning, and they home, and giving order for some business and setting my brother to making a catalogue of my books, I back again to W. Hewer (age 27) to White Hall, where I attended the Duke of York (age 35) and was by him led to [the King (age 38)], who expressed great sense of my misfortune in my eyes, and concernment for their recovery; and accordingly signified, not only his assent to desire therein, but commanded me to give them rest summer, according to my late petition to the Duke of York. W. Hewer and I dined alone at the Swan [Map]; and thence having thus waited on the King, spent till four o'clock in St. James's Park, when I met my wife at Unthanke's, and so home.
Stewart Books, Samuel Pepys' Diary 1669 May 25
25 May 1669. Dined at home; and the rest of the day, morning and afternoon, at the Office.
Stewart Books, Samuel Pepys' Diary 1669 May 26
26 May 1669. To White Hall, where all the morning. Dined with Mr. Chevins (age 67), with Alderman Backewell (age 51), and Spragg (age 49). The Court full of the news from Captain Hubbert, of "The Milford", touching his being affronted in the Streights, shot at, and having eight men killed him by a French man-of-war, calling him "English dog", and commanding him to strike, which he refused, and, as knowing himself much too weak for him, made away from him. The Queen (age 30), as being supposed with child, fell ill, so as to call for Madam Nun, Mr. Chevins's sister, and one of her women, from dinner from us; this being the last day of their doubtfulness touching her being with child; and they were therein well confirmed by her Majesty's being well again before night. One Sir Edmund Bury Godfry (age 47), a woodmonger and justice of Peace in Westminster, having two days since arrested Sir Alexander Frazier (age 59) for about £30 in firing, the bailiffs were apprehended, committed to the porter's lodge, and there, by the King's command, the last night severely whipped; from which the justice himself very hardly escaped, to such an unusual degree was the King (age 38) moved therein. But he lies now in the lodge, justifying his act, as grounded upon the opinion of several of the judges, and, among others, my Lord Chief Justice (age 62); which makes the King very angry with the Chief-Justice, as they say; and the justice do lie and justify his act, and says he will suffer in the cause for the people, and do refuse to receive almost any nutriment. The effects of it may be bad to the Court. Expected a meeting of Tangier this afternoon, but failed.
26 May 1669. So home, met by my wife at Unthanke's.
Stewart Books, Samuel Pepys' Diary 1669 May 27
27 May 1669. At the office all the morning, dined at home, Mr. Hollier (age 60) with me. Presented this day by Mr. Browne with a book of drawing by him, lately printed, which cost me 20s. to him. In the afternoon to the Temple [Map], to meet with Auditor Aldworth about my interest account, but failed meeting him. To visit my cozen Creed, and found her ill at home, being with child, and looks poorly.
27 May 1669. Thence to her husband, at Gresham College, upon some occasions of Tangier; and so home, with Sir John Bankes (age 42) with me, to Mark Lane [Map].
Stewart Books, Samuel Pepys' Diary 1669 May 28
28 May 1669. To St. James's, where the King's being with the Duke of York (age 35) prevented a meeting of the Tangier Commission. But, Lord! what a deal of sorry discourse did I hear between the King (age 38) and several Lords about him here! but very mean methought. So with Creed to the Excise Office, and back to White Hall, where, in the Park, Sir G. Carteret (age 59) did give me an account of his discourse lately, with the Commissioners of Accounts, who except against many things, but none that I find considerable; among others, that of the Officers of the Navy selling of the King's goods, and particularly my providing him with calico flags, which having been by order, and but once, when necessity, and the King's apparent profit, justified it, as conformable to my particular duty, it will prove to my advantage that it be enquired into. Nevertheless, having this morning received from them a demand of an account of all monies within their cognizance, received and issued by me, I was willing, upon this hint, to give myself rest, by knowing whether their meaning therein might reach only to my Treasurership for Tangier, or the monies employed on this occasion. I went, therefore, to them this afternoon, to understand what monies they meant, where they answered me, by saying, "The eleven months' tax, customs, and prizemoney", without mentioning, any more than I demanding, the service they respected therein; and so, without further discourse, we parted, upon very good terms of respect, and with few words, but my mind not fully satisfied about the monies they mean.
28 May 1669. At noon Mr. Gibson and I dined at the Swan [Map], and thence doing this at Brook house, and thence caking at the Excise Office for an account of payment of my tallies for Tangier, I home, and thence with my wife and brother spent the evening on the water, carrying our supper with us, as high as Chelsea; so home, making sport with the Westerne bargees, and my wife and I singing, to my great content.
Stewart Books, Samuel Pepys' Diary 1669 May 29
29 May 1669. The King's birth-day. To White Hall, where all very gay; and particularly the Prince of Tuscany (age 26) very fine, and is the first day of his appearing out of mourning, since he come. I heard the Bishop of Peterborough (age 61) preach but dully; but a good anthem of Pelham's (age 22).
29 May 1669. Home to dinner, and then with my wife to Hyde Park, where all the evening; great store of company, and great preparations by the Prince of Tuscany (age 26) to celebrate the night with fire-works, for the King's birth-day. And so home.
Stewart Books, Samuel Pepys' Diary 1669 May 30
30 May 1669. Whitsunday. By water to White Hall, and thence to Sir W. Coventry (age 41), where all the morning by his bed-side, he being indisposed. Our discourse was upon the notes I have lately prepared for Commanders' Instructions; but concluded that nothing will render them effectual, without an amendment in the choice of them, that they be seamen, and not gentleman above the command of the Admiral, by the greatness of their relations at Court.
30 May 1669. Thence to White Hall, and dined alone with Mr. Chevins (age 67) his sister: whither by and by come in Mr. Progers and Sir Thomas Allen (age 36), and by and by fine Mrs. Wells (age 27), who is a great beauty; and there I had my full gaze upon her, to my great content, she being a woman of pretty conversation.
30 May 1669. Thence to the Duke of York (age 35), who, with the officers of the Navy, made a good entrance on my draught of my new Instructions to Commanders, as well expressing general [views] of a reformation among them, as liking of my humble offers towards it.
30 May 1669. Thence being called by my wife, Mr. Gibson and I, we to the Park, whence the rain suddenly home.
Stewart Books, Samuel Pepys' Diary 1669 May 31
31 May 1669. Up very betimes, and so continued all the morning with W. Hewer (age 27), upon examining and stating my accounts, in order to the fitting myself to go abroad beyond sea, which the ill condition of my eyes, and my neglect for a year or two, hath kept me behindhand in, and so as to render it very difficult now, and troublesome to my mind to do it; but I this day made a satisfactory entrance therein.
31 May 1669. Dined at home, and in the afternoon by water to White Hall, calling by the way at Michell's, where I have not been many a day till just the other day, and now I met her mother there and knew her husband to be out of town. And here je did baiser elle, but had not opportunity para hazer some with her as I would have offered if je had had it. And thence had another meeting with the Duke of York (age 35), at White Hall, on yesterday's work, and made a good advance: and so, being called by my wife, we to the Park, Mary Batelier, and a Dutch gentleman, a friend of hers, being with us.
31 May 1669. Thence to "The World's End [Map]", a drinking-house by the Park; and there merry, and so home late.
31 May 1669. And thus ends all that I doubt I shall ever be able to do with my own eyes in the keeping of my journal, I being not able to do it any longer, having done now so long as to undo my eyes almost every time that I take a pen in my hand; and, therefore, whatever comes of it, I must forbear: and, therefore, resolve, from this time forward, to have it kept by my people in long-hand, and must therefore be contented to set down no more than is fit for them and all the world to know; or, if there be any thing, which cannot be much, now my amours to Deb. are past, and my eyes hindering me in almost all other pleasures, I must endeavour to keep a margin in my book open, to add, here and there, a note in short-hand with my own hand.
31 May 1669. And so I betake myself to that course, which is almost as much as to see myself go into my grave: for which, and all the discomforts that will accompany my being blind, the good God prepare me!