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Tudor Books, The Antiquarian Repertory

The Antiquarian Repertory is in Tudor Books.

1503 Funeral Procession of Elizabeth of York

1503 Lying in State of Elizabeth of York

1503 Funeral of Elizabeth of York Queen Consort

Tudor Books, The Antiquarian Repertory Volume 4

Tudor Books, The Antiquarian Repertory Volume 4 Funeral Ceremonies of Queen Elizabeth

From a MS. in the possession of Richard Bull, Esq. F. S. A.

REMEMBRANCE for the enterment of the right high right excellent and most Christen Princese Elizabeth Queene of England and of France Lady of Ireland and the Eldest daughter of king Edward the fourth wife to the most hygh most puyssant and most victorious king Henry the viith our most dread Souveraigne Lord the which deceased in childbed in The Tower of London [Map] the xith day of Februarye which was upon Saturday and the xviiith yeare of the reigne of our said Soveraigne Lord the king her most dearest husband whose departing was as heveye and dolorous to the kings hcighuess as hath been sene or heard of. And also in likeyse to all the Estates of this Realme as well Citizens as Comnyns for she was one of the most gracious and best, beloved princesses in the world in her tyme beinge.

Then the king of his wisdom ordeyned certaine of his Counsell for the ordering of her buryall to be at Westminster. That is to say The Erle of Surry Treasurer of England and Sr Richard Guilford Comptrowler of his noble household And himselfe tooke with him certain of his secretest and prevely departed to a solitary place to passe his sorrows and would no man should resort to him but such his grace appointed untill such tyme it should please him to showe his pleasure and over yt every Officer to give their Attendance upon the said Councellours And over yt in his Departing ordeyned Incontinent the next day following for vi Hundredth and xxxvi hole masses said in London and by Sr Charles Somerset and Sr Richard Guilford sent the best comfort to all the Queens servants that hath bene sene of a soveraigne Lord with as good words.

Also then were ronngen the bells of London everye one and after that through out the Realme with solomne Dyrgies and Masses of Requiems and everye Religious place collegs and Churches.

And after that the corps (deceased) was could the Serjeant of the Chandry with such officers that belong to that Office had the Charge of baumeing with other serimonies theirto belonging and were allowed xl. Ells of lynning holland Cloth of Ell bredth with there gomes baumes Spices sweet wines and other as thereto belongeth and was thereto according.

Item after that she was sered by the Kings Plumer Closed her in lead with an Epitaph of lead what she was and then all that was Chested in borcle sufficiently Coverd for bearing of the same which was covered with white and black velvet with a Crosse of white damaske.

Item in the quire of the Chappell of the Tower [Map] was ordeyned a hearse of fine prncipills with Renninge lights about the Church and all the windowes rayled about a good heighte furnish'd with burninge tapers and also hanged with black Cloth furnish'd with scochins of her Armes.

The Sunday next following the corps was removed from her Chamber to the Chappcll [Map] in manner that followeth.

First there was The Abbott of Westminster (age 39) in pontificalibus with the Dean of the kings Chappell (age 63) and the whole company of the same fowr knights bearing the Canapye with great Number of Gentlemen which went two and two together on every syde of the prossion great Number of torches brening borne by the Kings and the Queens servants after them the Officers of Armes and the Greatest estates and other Lords their present layd their hands to the Corps the Lady Elizabeth Stafford (age 24) was that day principall Mourner and all the other Laides followed her two and two together in such most sadd and simplest Clothing that they had on their heads thredden kierchiefs hanging on their shoulders and close under their Chins and this daily until their slopps mantells hoodes and paris were made and Ordyned. And when the Corps was sett under the hearse in the Chapell [Map] Coverd with a rich Cloth of black velvet with a Crosse of Cloth of Gold. And an Officer of Armes in an high voice said for Queen EHzebeth soule and all Xtn souls Pater noster and every ...... and atoremus before the Collect Aminabus inlykewise.

That night and every Night following was ordyned a goodly watch both of men and Gentlewomen at the lest iiij gentlewomen ij officers of Armes and vij yeomen and grooms. The gentlewomen were relieved with vj ladies which continually did knele about the Corps.

Then the kings Chaplin began and Redd the sawter that done to the laudes and Commendations.

After that the Deane of the kings Chappell all the nobles officers of Armes other gentle and honest persons went to the great chamber for the Ladys to the Masse of Requiem.

Then was the Lady Catherin (age 23) sister of the noble Queene Cheif mourner led by the Earle of Surry (age 60) and Earle of Essex her train borne by the Lady Elizabeth Stafford accompanied also with all the other Laidies and Gentlewomen of the Court And when they were comen to the quier the foresaid vj Laides gave roome to there betters in tyme masse was done after which they continued their watch.

The Cheif Mourner kneled at the heade alone then an officer of Arms began for the Queene &c And so began the masse songen by the Abbot of Westminster at the Offringe the Lady was led by ij of the greatest Estates there present and the lest gave her the offring having before her the Chamberlain and the Officers of Arms passing always by the Corps did their obeysance as before.

Then offered the other six Laides before any Estate ij and ij together then the greatest estates and all the Laides and Gentlewomen then all the other Laides and knights and squires with other Gentlemen So this order as before was dayly kept as long as she was in the Tower every day in pontificalibus by a Bishop or an Abbott at the least as the next day by the Abbott of Barmsey The iij11 by the Abbott Albones The iiijth by the Abbott of Winchcomb The vth by the Abbott of Towerhill The vj'h by the Abbott of Stratford The vij"1 day there was iij solempne masses The first of our lady sungen by the Abbott of Redyng att that masse offered a piece of Gold of xld for the masse pennye the principle Mourner and no other person The second masse songen by the bishop Landaffe and Likewise at the masse none offered but she and then offered a piece of Gold of 5s. The iijd Masse songen by the bishop of Norwigge and att that Masse she offered a Noble Then offered the Laides and the Nobles as before The viijth day the service was done by the Bishop of Bangor The ixth day by the Bishop of Exeter the xii day by the Bishop of Lincolne.

That Masse done the Lords and Laides went to breakfast and in meane tyme the Corps was conveyd into the Chaire which was eniparralled as followeth:

First all the bayles sydes and Coffers were covered with black velvett and over all along of a prety depnes a Cloth of black velvett with a Crosse of White Cloth of gould well frindged drawn with vi horses traped with black velvett and all the draught of the same.

And when the Corps was in the Chest there was Ordeyned an Image or a personage like a Queene Clothed in the very Roabes of Estate of the Queene having her very rich Crowne on her Head her heire about her shoulders her septer in her right Hand and her fingers well garnished with Gould and precious Stones.

And on every end of the Chair on the Coffer kneeled a Gentleman Usher by all the way to Westminster.

On the fore horse and the tyller ij charriott men and on the other vij horses iiij henchmen in black gowns and mourning hood over their heads every horse having iiij lozengs of the quenes Armes beaten in oyle rolled upon sarcenett with fine Gould and the fore horse having one on his forehead and none but he.

And by every horse there was a man of honour a foot with mourning hoods over their heads and at every corner of the Chaire a White banner of our Lady borne by a knight the banners were all White in token that she dyed in Childbed their wereordeyned and appoynted

Certain knights and Esquires to go by the Chaire and the horse to beare the banner and every each to assist other whose names followeth Sr Edward Haward (age 27) Sr Henery Wylongby (age 52) Sr Thomas West (age 46) sonne and heir of the Lord Lavarres Sr Edward Darell (age 37) Sr John Petche (age 53) Sr George Manners (age 33) Sr Richard Carew (age 34) Sr Edward Wingfield Sr William Sands (age 68) Srr Raufe Verney (age 48).

Sir John Hodelston Sr John Rainsford William Denton Richard Wingfuld Raphe Dacre Xtofer Wylongby (age 22) Edward Guilford (age 29) William West John Gawge (age 23)

Also their were ordyned viij palferys saddled traped and empelled with black velvett for the viij Laidesof honour to follow the Chaire that is to say the Lady Katherine (age 23) The Lady Elizebeth Stafford (age 24) The Countess of Essex [Note. Possibly Mary Saye Countess Essex and Eu (age 29) although she is believed to have married the Earl in 1512. The previous Countess of Essex Isabel York Countess Eu and Essex died in 1484.] The Lady Harbert (age 27) The Lady Lucey of Mountagne The Lady Anne Percy (age 17) The Lady Lisle The Lady Scrope of Upsall.

All these Laides Roode alone in their slopps and mantles every horse led with a man a foote without hood in a demy black gowne The ij Chaire drawn with vi horses trapped with Black Cloth and also covered with the same having iij Charriott men in that Chaire was the Lady Anne The Lady Marquesse The Lady Daubeny and the Lady Clifford following the Chaire the horses empelled with black Cloth The Lady Dacres The Lady Verney The Lady Guilford The Lady Darell The Lady Egrernonnt The Lady Risseley The Lady Petche The Lady Bryan and in like manner the iij Chaire in which was the Lady Gordon The Lady Fitzwater The Lady Monjoy and the Lady Bray following that Chaire Mrs Cromer Mrs Burn Mrs, Stafford Mrs Belknappe Mrs Weston Mrs Anne Browne Mrs Brent Mrs Yon Then iiijth Chaire emparelled as before in the which, was The Lady Pudsey Mrs Catesby Mrs Lary Mrs Tendringe Mrs Florence Bruges Mrs Balstrod Mrs Ffog Mrs Fitzharbert and Mrs Jones in the lyke manner as before was the vtb Chaire apperrelled in the Avhich was Mrs Dany Mrs Skilling Mrs Elizebeth Mrs. ITrancs.

Then after them the honest persons citizens of London on horseback in a great number after them the kings servants after them the Lords Servants in great number And from the foremost horse backward they were C of the Kings servants as Marshells servants yeomen and gromes with mourning hoods over their heads bearing a hundred of staffe torches of pure wax.

Here followeth the ordering before the Chaire through London to Westminster First next before the foremost horse of the first Chaire The Earle of Derby Constable of England Before him Garter andthe Maior of London The Queenes Chamberlain in manner between the Maior and the Lord Constable before them the Queens Confessor and Aumnoer and before them in manner as ensueth on the left syde the pression of London Also first next to the Corps the kings Chappell before them the quier of Poules and so forth on the same syde the generall pression of London in their ould Custome that is to say the Crossed fryers the white the Augustines and the black and in the middes as farr fourth as they might strydeing the cannells one after another in mourning habitt ijC poore men ewych bearing a weyghty torch.

The manner of the right syde next before the Confessor and aulmoner all the great Lords after there Estate ij and ij together and next before them ij of the Cheif Judges and Mtr of the Rovvles before them knights of the Garter not lords before them the great Chapleines that be of dignitye as the secretary to the king almoner the Deane of York The archdeacon of Richmond The Dean of Windsor and such other Before them the Aldermen of London Before them all knights before them the squires for the Body before them Chapleines of dignitye before them gentlemen and squires before them The Esterlings before them the frenchmen before them the portingalls before them the Venetians before them the Jannayes before them the Lewknors before them the trumppetts and mynsterells on horseback without their instruments before them the messengers.

From Mark lane to Temple bar by estimation were beyond iiij or v thousand torches set all the street along of the parish Churches in there best manner with Crosses pressions and singing and orasons envyroned the Corps.

Att fanchers were set xxxvij Virgins all in White linnen having Chappletts of white and grene on their heads eiiych houlding a breningtap of wax in the honour of our Lady and that the foresaid good quene was in xxxvij'" year.

Also all the surplus of the Citizens of London that rode not in black were along from thence the end of Cheap. In the which strete the lady mayresse ordeyned also xxxvij other virgins all in their heires houlding likewise as the other pretty taps brening.

Also it is to be remembered that the nation of Fraunce had xij torches with scochins of the armes of Fraunce.

Item the Spaniards had xxiiij torches with the armes of Spayne on them.

Item the Venetians had xxiiij torches and these fore said torch bearers of the said strangers had mourning habbitts.

And as the for surplus of strangers had no torches as Esterlings Portingalls Jannaynes and Lukeners but yet they rode all in black.

Item their were ordeyned divers torch bearrers of certain Crafts of London whose torches bearers had gownes and hoods of white wollen clothe afore against Charing Crosse besyds the little bridge depted the quire of Poules and then left the generall pression and there mett the corps the Abbott of Westminster and the Abbott of Barmesey both in pontificalibus with the Covent of that place in black Coopes senced the Corps and so in order proceded to the Church Yard of St Margaretts without meeting of any pression of St Stephens or St Margaretts to my marvell and in that Church Yard the Marquiss and th' earles tooke there man tells and evry bodyes horse was conveyed by the Santuarye.

Then there was redy with Sensars and holy water all in pontificalibus the plats that followeth

First the Byshopp of London the Byshopp of Sailsbury The Byshopp of Lincolne The Byshopp Excester The Byshopp of Rochester The Byshopp of Norwige The Byshopp of Landaf The Byshopp of Bangor.

The Abbots

The Abbott of Redyng The Abbott of St Albons The Abbott of Winchcombe The Abbott of Stratford The Abbott of Towerhill The Prior of Towerhill and the Priour of Christchurch London.

After that the Corps was Sensed and taken out of the Chare borne by such persons as was appoynted Image and all as it appteyneth with the fore said bans of our lady and the greatest estates laying there hands was with pression conveyed to the hearse And then began the dirge After that an Herauld of Armes had sayd, forQuene Elizabeth soule &c by the Byshop of London.

The Abbott of St Albons red the first Lesson The Byshop of Bangor the ij11 The Byshop of Landaffe the third The Byshop of Norwidge the fourth The Byshop of Rochester the vtk The Byshop of Excester the vith The Byshop of Lincoln the vijth The Byshop of Sailsbury the viijth The Byshop of London the ixth.

Then the estats and the Officers of Armes accompanied the Cheif Mourner led by the lord Marquis and The Earle of Derby to the Quenes great Chamber to supper.

That night was ordeyned a goodly watch of Ladies and Gentlewomen knights Esquires Officers of Armes yeomen and other with xxiiij Torch bearers all the night longe.

After midnight when mattenswas done the prior of that place with the Covent full devoutly came from the quire and stood about the Corps saying divers psalrnes Deus mesereatur nostri Deprofundis with Oraisans tbSt Peter and from thence to St Edwards shrine then returned to there rest.

24 Feb 1503. On the morne anon after vi of the Clock began the laudes Sungen by the kings Chappell Then the Deane and the other laides which were rcdy by vii of the Clock.

Then began our lady Masse Songen by the Byshopp of Lincolne th' Abbott of Winchcombe gospeller and doctor Hatton Epistoler in the absence of the priour of Crychurch alt that Masse the lady Katheriu accompanied as before led by the Marquis and th' Earle of Darby And the lady Marqucsse the Elder bare her traine and all th' other ladies accompanied her and none offred but she alone at that Masse a piece of iij5 iiijd in gold.

That done the ladies went to a Chappell ordeyned for the same intent to refresh them then they returned to the second Masse.

The second masse of the Try ny tie Songen by the Byshop of Sailsbury ij Abbotts were gospeller and Epistoler att that Masse none offered but she led accompanied as before And then she offred a piece of Gold v9 an huisher alwaies supporting her traine.

The third Masse of Requiem song by the Byshop of Lincolne an Abbott Gospeller And priour Epistoler And att that masse th' aforesaid lady accompanied with other ladies and all the Nobles offred an noble for the Masse penny And after her sister Anne And she offred for themselfs Then the Lady Marquis And the lady Elizabeth Stafford and so in order all the ladies mourners.

Item to expresse more plainly the Offring of the said 3d Masse that is to wete that the lady Katherine cheif mourner accompanied with divers noble ladies assysted and her trayne borne by the noble persons as aforesaid so going up to the offringe and there offered an Angell for the Masse pennye and in the same order brought dovvne again to the head of the hearse then was her trayne layd downe and none assistance she with the lady Anne her sister went up again and offered for themselves Then the lady Marquesse and the lady Elizebeth Stafford and so in order all the ladyes mourners ij and ij together that is to say groats a piece.

After them the plats went up and the Earles on there left syde the plats offred at the high ater then Temporalls to the Byshop next th' Earles the Maior of London.

Then the Barons.

Then the Cheif Justice.

Then the Knights of the Garter not lords and some other knights for the body and Counsellours.

Then the Aldermen of London in asrnuch as by there gvilege they repsent the state of Barrens.

Then the other knights.

Then the Esquires for the body.

Then the oder Esquires officers.

Then the other gentlemen in great number.

And after th' offring of money there were offered to the Corps by the laides xxxvij palls in manner as followeth first the lady Montjoy a pall delivered to her at the quier dore by a gent huisher and when she came to the feete of the Corps there stood two officers of Armes after that she had done her obey sauce and kissed it and layd it along the Corps In likewise the lady Dacre of the south offred another which the said officers layde a Crosse over that other and lykewise these laides offred palls whose names follow.

The lady Fitzwater.

The lady Gordon.

The lady Scrope,

The lady Powys.

The lady Clifford,

The lady Daubeny.

The lady vicountesse Lisley ij.

The lady Anne Percy.

The lady Lucey of Montague.

The lady Herbard.

The countess of Essex iij.

The lady Elizebeth Stafford iij.

The lady marquisse iiij.

Every of the Queens sisters instead of Dutchesses v which all were layde acrosse over the Corps.

All the Ceremony of that offring doone to the sermon said by the said lord Richard Fitzjames Byshopp of Rochester which tooke to his anteme Misere mei misere mei saltern vos amici mei quia manus Dm tetigit me he spake these wordes in the name of England and the lovers and friends of the same seing the great losse of that vertuous Queene and that noble prince and th' Arch Byshop of Canterbury.

The Masse done a mynister of the Church tooke away the palls.

Then the ladyes depted.

After whose depture the Image with the Crowne and the rich robes were had to a secret place to St Edwards shrine.

Then all the Prelates wilh the kings Chappell came about the hearse and the grave was opened and hallowed by the Byshop of London and after many oraisons and seremonies the Chest layd in the grave.

Incontinent her Chamberlaine brake the staffe of his office and cast it into the grave and so did the gentlemans ushers there then there was weeping and sorrowing and so degted.

On whose soule God have mereye Amen.

That masse season there was a great Dole of groates to every man and woman.

Item grater almes given to bed-rid folks lazars blynde folkes and others.

Item every place of the fryers of London had v marke xx schochins and certain torches.

Item every parish Church of London and the suburbs had vj schochins and a noble some two torches and some one.

Item every colledge hospittall and oder had armes besydes them that were sent and geuen into the Gun try to the nomber in all passed ij thousand Ix and x.

Item Banners in all xxviij.

Item Pencells ij c. and od.

Item the greatest ly very of black gowns that ever was given in our days.

Item the hearse was curiously wrought Avith Imagery wele garnished with banners banner rolles pencells Cloth of Majestye and valence with the fringe accordinge the nomber of lights upon the said hearse passed a thousand a hundred and vj.

Item the vauts and the Crosse of me Church was hanged with black Cloth above the which were ij c. and Ixxiij tags of ij Ib. a piece garnished with scochins and bolles of white and greene.