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The Mayor of Bristowe is Kalendar by Robert Ricart is in Late Medieval Books.
1484 [Mayoral Year]. Henriecus Vaghan, Maior.
This yere, the xv day of Octobre [1484], was the grettest flode and the grettist wynde at Bristowe and in the cuntrey there abouts that euer was seen, and grete hurt doon in merchaunts sellers in wode and salt; shippes lost at Kyngrode, the Anthony of Bristowe and a ship of Bilbowe set a lond at Holow bakkes, and other botes and cokkes lost; Saltmerssh drowned, corne, catell, and houses borne awey with the see, and moche people drowned, to the noumebre of cc. and mo.
[02 Nov 1483] And sone after Herry Duc of Buks (age 29) was bihedded at Sarum.
1[Jul 1483]. And this yere the two sonnes of King E. were put to scylence in the Towre of London.
Note 1. This is written by Ricart in the margin, as though he had gone on and forgotten it.