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Tudor Books

Tudor Books is in Books.

The Martyrdom of the King of Scotland

Martyrdom of the King of Scotland, by Adam Blackwood, 1587.

Chronicles of London

The Chronicles of London. Edited with Introduction and Notes by Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, M.A. St. John's College, Oxford. Oxford at the Clarendon Press 1905.

Chronique Metric

Table of the Governor-General of the Netherlands, at the beginning of the sixteenth century.

The History of England under Henry VIII

The History of England under Henry VIII. By Edward Herbert 1st Baron Herbert Chirbury (age 65).

The Death of Mary Queen of Scots

It is noteworthy that in her will and in her final requests, Her Majesty wrote some things in a veiled manner, fearing that if the English were to inspect them, they might not fully understand them and might retain them. She declared the interpretation to her servants to convey when they were in France. She also wrote a letter to Monseigneur de Guise, filled with pity and compassion.

Perambulation of Kent by William Lambarde

A Perambulation of Kent containing the Description, History and Customs of that Shire. Written in the year 1570, by William Lambarde, of Lincoln's Inn, Gent: First published in the Year 1576.

Life of Anne Boleyn by Lancelot du Carle

Anne Boleyn. Her Life as told by Lancelot de Carle's 1536 Letter. published by Twenty Trees.

Available on Amazon in paperback and Ebook.

In 1536, two weeks after the execution of Anne Boleyn, her brother George and four others, Lancelot du Carle, wrote an extraordinary letter that described Anne's life, and her trial and execution, to which he was a witness. This book presents a new translation of that letter, with additional material from other contemporary sources such as Letters, Hall's and Wriothesley's Chronicles, the pamphlets of Wynkyn the Worde, the Memorial of George Constantyne, the Portuguese Letter and the Baga de Secrets, all of which are provided in Appendices.

The following paragraphs are extracted from our book ...

Manuscripts of J Eliot Hodgkin

14 Aug 1514. Sir Thomas Boleyn (age 37) to Margaret of Austria (age 34), Governor of the Netherlands. Greenwich.

The Life and Reign of King Edward VI

At this time the seditious lived by rapine and ruine of all the country, omitting nothing of that which savages enraged in the height of their unruly behaviour doe commit, but the Citizens driven to great distresse for want of vicuales, bread they made of coursest branne moulded in cloathes, for that otherwise it would not cleave together. Their finest flesh was of their owne horses, especially for 12 daies they endured most extreame famine. During this time they were much encouraged by an aged cittizen, who brought forth all his provisions and said, that as hee did communicate unto them his store, so would he participate of their wants. And that for his part he would feed on the one arme and fight with the other before he would consent to put the citty into the seditious hands. Herewith the Lord privy Seale for want of power to performe any services, was about to rise and returne to London. But in good time the Lord Gray came to him with supply of forces most Almane horsemen, and with him came Spinola with his band of Italians consisting of 300 shot, purposed for Scotland, also 200 men were sent unto him from Reading, so being in all not much above 1000 strong, he made head against the seditious.