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Alington Paternal Family Tree

See Paternal Family Trees England

William Alington

Born 1420

Killed 22 Aug 1485 (65)

Battle of Bosworth

Father: William Alington

Giles Alington

Born 05 Apr 1483

Died 25 Apr 1522 (39)

Father: Giles Alington

Giles Alington

Born Jun 1499

1515 m Ursula Drury x 2

1524 m Alice Middleton x 1

Died 22 Aug 1586 (87)

9 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Father: Giles Alington

Mother: Ursula Drury

Robert Alington

Born 1520

Before 22 May 1552 m Margaret Coningsby

Died 22 May 1552 (32)

10 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Father: Robert Alington

Giles Alington

Born 1540

Died 25 Nov 1573 (33)

11 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Father: Giles Alington

Giles Alington

Born 18 Sep 1572

Before 1601 m Dorothy Cecil x 4

Died 19 Sep 1638 (66)

8 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Father: Giles Alington

Mother: Dorothy Cecil

Dorothy Alington Lady Leventhorpe

Born 09 Jan 1603

Before 30 Jul 1629 m Thomas Leventhorpe 2nd Baronet x 2

Died 26 Sep 1643 (40)

8 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Father: Giles Alington

Mother: Dorothy Cecil

Susan Alington Lady Bacon

Lady Bacon of Redgrave in Suffolk

Born 30 Sep 1605

Before May 1650 m Edmund Bacon 4th Baronet x 1

Died 14 Sep 1681 (75)

8 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Father: Giles Alington

Mother: Dorothy Cecil

Anne Alington

Born 1607

1627 m Thomas Fanshawe 1st Viscount Fanshawe x 1

Died 1628 (21)

12 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Father: Giles Alington

William Alington 1st Baron Alington

Baron Alington of Killard

Born 14 Mar 1611

Before 01 Oct 1631 m Elizabeth Tollemache Baroness Alington x 7

Died 25 Oct 1648 (37)

8 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Father: William Alington 1st Baron Alington

Mother: Elizabeth Tollemache Baroness Alington

Eizabeth Alington 2nd Baroness Seymour Trowbridge

Baroness Seymour of Trowbridge

Born 16 Sep 1635

1654 m Charles Seymour 2nd Baron Seymour of Trowbridge x 3

Fourth Cousin

Died 1691 (55)

8 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: William Alington 1st Baron Alington

Mother: Elizabeth Tollemache Baroness Alington

William Alington 1st and 3rd Baron Alington

Baron Alington of Killard, Baron Alington of Wymondley in Hertfordshire

Born 1640

Before 1662 m Catherine Stanhope Baroness Alington

Third Cousin Once Removed

30 Jul 1664 m Juliana Noel Baroness Alington

15 Jul 1675 m Diana Russell Baroness Latimer Willoughby Broke Alington x 2

Died 01 Feb 1685 (45)

9 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: William Alington 1st and 3rd Baron Alington

Mother: Diana Russell Baroness Latimer Willoughby Broke Alington

Giles Alington 2nd and 4th Baron Alington

Baron Alington of Killard, Baron Alington of Wymondley in Hertfordshire

Born 1680

Died 18 Sep 1691 (11)

9 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Father: William Alington 1st and 3rd Baron Alington

Mother: Diana Russell Baroness Latimer Willoughby Broke Alington

Catherine Alington Lady Napier

Lady Napier of Middle Marsh in Dorset

Born 1685

28 Aug 1694 m Nathaniel Napier 3rd Baronet x 3

8 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: William Alington 1st Baron Alington

Mother: Elizabeth Tollemache Baroness Alington

Hildebrand Alington 3rd and 5th Baron Alington

Baron Alington of Killard, Baron Alington of Wymondley in Hertfordshire

Born 03 Aug 1641

Died 11 Feb 1723 (81)

8 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: William Alington 1st Baron Alington

Mother: Elizabeth Tollemache Baroness Alington

Giles Alington 2nd Baron Alington

Baron Alington of Killard

Born 1647

Died Mar 1660 (13)

8 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Father: William Alington 1st Baron Alington

Mother: Elizabeth Tollemache Baroness Alington

Juliana Alington Viscountess Howe

Viscountess Howe

Born 1649

1698 m Scrope Howe 1st Viscount Howe x 4

Died 10 Sep 1747 (98)

8 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Father: William Alington 1st Baron Alington

Mother: Elizabeth Tollemache Baroness Alington

Catherine Alington

8 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Father: William Alington 1st Baron Alington

Mother: Elizabeth Tollemache Baroness Alington

Diana Alington

8 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Father: Giles Alington

Mother: Dorothy Cecil

Mary Alington

In or before 1637 m Thomas Hatton 1st Baronet x 2

Father: Giles Alington

Mother: Alice Middleton

Richard Alington

Born 1535

Died of smallpox Jan 1562 (27)

Father: Richard Alington

Cordelia Alington

Born 1562

Married John Stanhope x 1

Died 1612 (50)

9 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Father: Giles Alington

Mother: Ursula Drury

Joan Alington

11 Jan 1554 m Thomas Browne of Flamberds in Essex

Died 04 Jan 1601

Father: Giles Alington

Susan Alinton

After 1606 m Robert Crane 1st Baronet x 2

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