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Ros Paternal Family Tree

See Paternal Family Trees England

Robert Ros

Born 1172

1191 m Isabella Mac William Dunkeld x 2

In or before 1200 m Isabell Bruce

Died 12 Dec 1226 (54)

Father: Robert Ros

Mother: Isabella Mac William Dunkeld

William Ros

Born 1200

Before 1237 m Lucy Fitzpiers x 5

Died 1265 (65)

Father: William Ros

Mother: Lucy Fitzpiers

Alicia Ros

Born 1215

Married John Comyn

Died 1280 (65)

Father: William Ros

Mother: Lucy Fitzpiers

Lucy Ros

Born 1230

In or before 1242 m William Kyme x 1

Died 1279 (49)

Father: William Ros

Mother: Lucy Fitzpiers

Robert Ros

Born 1236

1243 m Isabel D'Aubigny x 9

Fourth Cousin

Died 13 May 1285 (49)

Father: Robert Ros

Mother: Isabel D'Aubigny

Mary Ros Baroness de Braose

Baroness Braose

Born 1250

Before 1290 m William de Braose 1st Baron de Braose 9th Baron Bramber x 3

Died 23 May 1326 (76)

Father: Robert Ros

Mother: Isabel D'Aubigny

William Ros 1st Baron Ros Helmsley

Baron Ros Helmsley

Born 1255

Before 1287 m Maud Vaux Baroness Ros x 7

Died 06 Aug 1316 (61)

Father: William Ros 1st Baron Ros Helmsley

Mother: Maud Vaux Baroness Ros

William Ros 2nd Baron Ros Helmsley

Baron Ros Helmsley

Born 1285

Before 25 Nov 1316 m Margery Badlesmere Baroness Ros of Helmsley x 7

Died 03 Feb 1343 (58)

5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Father: William Ros 2nd Baron Ros Helmsley

Mother: Margery Badlesmere Baroness Ros of Helmsley

Margaret Ros

Born 1323

27 Jan 1332 m Edward Bohun

Died 1341 (18)

5 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Father: William Ros 2nd Baron Ros Helmsley

Mother: Margery Badlesmere Baroness Ros of Helmsley

William Ros 3rd Baron Ros Helmsley

Baron Ros Helmsley

Born 19 May 1329

Married Margaret Neville

Died 03 Dec 1352 (23)

5 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Father: William Ros 2nd Baron Ros Helmsley

Mother: Margery Badlesmere Baroness Ros of Helmsley

Thomas Ros 4th Baron Ros Helmsley

Baron Ros Helmsley

Born 13 Jan 1335

12 Apr 1363 m Beatrice Stafford Countess Desmond x 4

Third Cousin

Died 08 Jun 1384 (49)

3 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Father: Thomas Ros 4th Baron Ros Helmsley

Mother: Beatrice Stafford Countess Desmond

John Ros 5th Baron Ros Helmsley

Baron Ros Helmsley

Born 1369

22 Jun 1382 m Mary Percy Baroness Ros of Helmsley

Third Cousin

Died 06 Aug 1393 (24)

3 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Father: Thomas Ros 4th Baron Ros Helmsley

Mother: Beatrice Stafford Countess Desmond

William Ros 6th Baron Ros Helmsley

Baron Ros Helmsley

Born 1370

1394 m Margaret Fitzalan Baroness Ros of Helmsley x 10

Died 01 Sep 1414 (44)

4 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Father: William Ros 6th Baron Ros Helmsley

Mother: Margaret Fitzalan Baroness Ros of Helmsley

Robert Ros

Born 1394

After 25 Jan 1433 m Margaret Tuchet Countess Tankerville

Second Cousin Once Removed

After 25 Jan 1433 m Anne Halsham x 2

Died 30 Dec 1448 (54)

5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England

Father: Robert Ros

Mother: Anne Halsham

Avelina Ros

Born 1420

In or before 1480 m John Bohun

Died 1502 (82)

5 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Father: Robert Ros

Mother: Anne Halsham

Henry Roos

Died 1504

4 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Father: William Ros 6th Baron Ros Helmsley

Mother: Margaret Fitzalan Baroness Ros of Helmsley

William Ros

Born 1397

Killed 22 Mar 1421 (24)

Battle of Baugé

4 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Father: William Ros 6th Baron Ros Helmsley

Mother: Margaret Fitzalan Baroness Ros of Helmsley

John Ros 7th Baron Ros Helmsley

Baron Ros Helmsley

Born 1397

Before 22 Mar 1421 m Margery Despencer 3rd Baroness Despencer, Baroness Ros

Third Cousin

Was killed in battle 22 Mar 1421 (24)

Battle of Baugé

4 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Father: William Ros 6th Baron Ros Helmsley

Mother: Margaret Fitzalan Baroness Ros of Helmsley

Robert Ros of Gedney

Born 1406

Before 23 Jun 1432 m Joan Skelton x 1

Died 1465 (59)

5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England

Father: Robert Ros of Gedney

Mother: Joan Skelton

Eleanor Ros

Born 23 Jun 1432

Married John Paulet x 2

Third Cousin Once Removed

Died May 1509 (76)

4 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Father: William Ros 6th Baron Ros Helmsley

Mother: Margaret Fitzalan Baroness Ros of Helmsley

Thomas Ros 8th Baron Ros Helmsley

Baron Ros Helmsley

Born 26 Sep 1407

Before 09 Sep 1427 m Eleanor Beauchamp Duchess Somerset x 3

Fourth Cousin

Died 18 Aug 1430 (22)

5 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Father: Thomas Ros 8th Baron Ros Helmsley

Mother: Eleanor Beauchamp Duchess Somerset

Thomas Ros 9th Baron Ros Helmsley

Baron Ros Helmsley

Born 09 Sep 1427

Before 1455 m Philippa Tiptoft Baroness Ros of Helmsley x 5

Third Cousin

Killed 25 Apr 1464 (36)

Battle of Hedgeley Moor

5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Father: Thomas Ros 9th Baron Ros Helmsley

Mother: Philippa Tiptoft Baroness Ros of Helmsley

Eleanor Ros

Born 1449

In or before 1460 m Robert Manners x 3

Died 1487 (38)

5 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Father: Thomas Ros 9th Baron Ros Helmsley

Mother: Philippa Tiptoft Baroness Ros of Helmsley

Edmund Ros 10th Baron Ros Helmsley

Baron Ros Helmsley

Born 1455

Died 23 Oct 1508 (53)

5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Father: Thomas Ros 9th Baron Ros Helmsley

Mother: Philippa Tiptoft Baroness Ros of Helmsley

Isabel Ros

Before 1492 m Thomas Lovell

Died 1509

5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Father: Thomas Ros 9th Baron Ros Helmsley

Mother: Philippa Tiptoft Baroness Ros of Helmsley

Margaret Ros

5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Father: Thomas Ros 9th Baron Ros Helmsley

Mother: Philippa Tiptoft Baroness Ros of Helmsley

Joan Ros

5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England

Father: Thomas Ros 8th Baron Ros Helmsley

Mother: Eleanor Beauchamp Duchess Somerset

Margaret Ros Baroness Botreaux Baroness Burgh

Baroness Botreaux, Baroness Burgh

Born 1430

Before 1458 m William Botreaux 3rd Baron Botreaux

Before 1463 m Thomas Burgh 1st Baron Burgh of Gainsborough x 5

Fourth Cousin

Died 1488 (58)

5 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Father: Thomas Ros 8th Baron Ros Helmsley

Mother: Eleanor Beauchamp Duchess Somerset

Richard Ros

Before 1468 m Jane or Joan Knyvet

4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England

Father: William Ros 6th Baron Ros Helmsley

Mother: Margaret Fitzalan Baroness Ros of Helmsley

Elizabeth Ros Baroness Marshal Baroness Morley

Baroness Marshal, Baroness Morley

Before May 1442 m Robert Morley 7th Baron Marshal 6th Baron Morley x 1

Second Cousin Once Removed

4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England

Father: William Ros 6th Baron Ros Helmsley

Mother: Margaret Fitzalan Baroness Ros of Helmsley

Alice Ros

4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England

Father: William Ros 6th Baron Ros Helmsley

Mother: Margaret Fitzalan Baroness Ros of Helmsley

Margaret Ros Baroness Audley Heighley

Baroness Audley of Heighley in Staffordshire, Baroness Tuchet

24 Feb 1415 m James Tuchet 5th Baron Audley, 2nd Baron Tuchet x 3

Half Second Cousin Once Removed

4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England

Father: William Ros 6th Baron Ros Helmsley

Mother: Margaret Fitzalan Baroness Ros of Helmsley

Beatrice Ros

4 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Father: William Ros 6th Baron Ros Helmsley

Mother: Margaret Fitzalan Baroness Ros of Helmsley

Richard Ros

3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Father: Thomas Ros 4th Baron Ros Helmsley

Mother: Beatrice Stafford Countess Desmond

Elizabeth Ros Baroness Clifford

Baroness de Clifford

Before 1379 m Thomas Clifford 6th Baron Clifford x 2

Third Cousin

3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Father: Thomas Ros 4th Baron Ros Helmsley

Mother: Beatrice Stafford Countess Desmond

Margaret Ros Baroness Grey Ruthyn

Baroness Grey of Ruthyn

In or before 1387 m Reginald Grey 3rd Baron Grey Ruthyn x 5

Third Cousin Once Removed

5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Father: William Ros 2nd Baron Ros Helmsley

Mother: Margery Badlesmere Baroness Ros of Helmsley

Maud Ros Baroness Welles

Baroness Welles

1345 m John Welles 4th Baron Welles x 3

Died 09 Jul 1388

5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Father: William Ros 2nd Baron Ros Helmsley

Mother: Margery Badlesmere Baroness Ros of Helmsley

Elizabeth Ros Baroness Zouche Harringworth

Baroness Zouche Harringworth

Before 16 Jul 1334 m William Zouche 2nd Baron Zouche Harringworth x 3

Second Cousin Once Removed

5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Father: William Ros 2nd Baron Ros Helmsley

Mother: Margery Badlesmere Baroness Ros of Helmsley

Alice Ros

Before 15 Oct 1331 m Nicholas Meinhill x 1

5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Father: William Ros 2nd Baron Ros Helmsley

Mother: Margery Badlesmere Baroness Ros of Helmsley

Milicent Ros

Father: William Ros 1st Baron Ros Helmsley

Mother: Maud Vaux Baroness Ros

Margaret Ros Baroness Musgrave

Baroness Musgrave

Born 1298

1335 m Thomas Musgrave 1st Baron Musgrave x 2

Died 17 Oct 1357 (59)

Father: William Ros 1st Baron Ros Helmsley

Mother: Maud Vaux Baroness Ros

John Ros

Father: William Ros 1st Baron Ros Helmsley

Mother: Maud Vaux Baroness Ros

Thomas Ros

Father: William Ros 1st Baron Ros Helmsley

Mother: Maud Vaux Baroness Ros

George Ros

Father: William Ros 1st Baron Ros Helmsley

Mother: Maud Vaux Baroness Ros

Agnes Ros Baroness Tibetot

Baroness Tibetot

Before 1313 m Pain Tiptoft 1st Baron Tibetot x 1

Before 07 Jun 1315 m Thomas de Vere

Father: William Ros 1st Baron Ros Helmsley

Mother: Maud Vaux Baroness Ros

Alice Ros

Father: Robert Ros

Mother: Isabel D'Aubigny

Joan Ros Baroness Lovel

Baroness Lovel of Titchmarsh

Born 1260

Before 1280 m John Lovell 1st Baron Lovel x 4

Died 13 Oct 1348 (88)

Father: Robert Ros

Mother: Isabel D'Aubigny

Robert Ros

Born 1265

Married Erneburga Constable x 5

Died 1361 (96)

Father: Robert Ros

Mother: Erneburga Constable

James Ros

Born 1310

Father: Robert Ros

Mother: Erneburga Constable

William Ros

Father: Robert Ros

Mother: Erneburga Constable

Isabel Ros

Father: Robert Ros

Mother: Erneburga Constable

Joan Ros

Father: Robert Ros

Mother: Erneburga Constable

John Ros

Father: Robert Ros

Mother: Isabel D'Aubigny

Lucy Ros

Married William Rhyther x 1

Father: Robert Ros

Mother: Isabel D'Aubigny

Isabel Ros Baroness Fauconberg

Baroness Fauconberg

Before 24 Jun 1290 m Walter Fauconberg 2nd Baron Fauconberg x 1

Father: Robert Ros

Mother: Isabel D'Aubigny

Nicholas Ros

Father: Robert Ros

Mother: Isabel D'Aubigny

John Ros

Father: Robert Ros

Mother: Isabel D'Aubigny

Peter Ros

Father: William Ros

Mother: Lucy Fitzpiers

Anne Ros

Born 1244

Married Sayer IV Sutton x 2

Died 1290 (46)

Father: William Ros

Mother: Lucy Fitzpiers

William Ros

Born 1245

Died 28 May 1310 (65)

Father: William Ros

Isabel Ros

Born 1268

In or before 1280 m Marmaduke Thweng x 1

Died 1309 (40)

Father: William Ros

William Ros of Ingmanthorpe

Born 1270

Died 12 Nov 1334 (64)

Father: William Ros of Ingmanthorpe

Robert Ros of Ingmanthorpe

Born 1310

Died 11 Feb 1393 (83)

Father: Robert Ros of Ingmanthorpe

Robert Ros

Born 1345

Died 1408 (63)

Father: Robert Ros

John Ros

Born 1405

Died 11 Dec 1459 (54)

Father: John Ros

Robert Ros

Born 1430

Before 1445 m Elizabeth Middleton x 1

Died 08 Jul 1484 (54)

Father: Robert Ros

Mother: Elizabeth Middleton

William Ros

Born 1445

Father: William Ros

Humphrey Ros

Born 1475

Died 17 Jul 1521 (46)

Father: Humphrey Ros

Francis Ros

Born 1506

Died 04 Nov 1577 (71)

Father: Francis Ros

Alice Ros

Born 1530

1548 m Brian Stapleton of Burton Joyce in Nottinghamshire x 1

Died 03 Jan 1596 (66)

Father: William Ros

Ivette Ros

Born 1285

Married Geoffrey Scrope x 5

Died 1331 (46)

Father: Robert Ros

Mother: Isabella Mac William Dunkeld

Robert Ros 1st Baron Ros Werke

Born 1206

In or before 1237 m Christian Bertam Baroness Ros Werke x 1

Died 1269 (63)

Father: Robert Ros 1st Baron Ros Werke

Mother: Christian Bertam Baroness Ros Werke

Robert Ros

Born 1237

Married Margaret Brus x 1

Died 20 Apr 1274 (37)

Father: Robert Ros

Mother: Margaret Brus

William Ros 1st Baron Ros Kendal

Baron Ros Kendal

Born 1272

In or before 1307 m Devorgilla Galloway Baroness Ros Kendal x 1

Died 09 May 1310 (38)

Father: William Ros 1st Baron Ros Kendal

Mother: Devorgilla Galloway Baroness Ros Kendal

Thomas Ros 2nd Baron Ros Kendal

Baron Ros Kendal

Born 1307

Died 1391 (84)

Father: Thomas Ros 2nd Baron Ros Kendal

John Ros

Before 1358 m Catherine Latimer x 2

Before 1358 m Catherine Strickland

Father: John Ros

Mother: Catherine Latimer

Elizabeth Ros

Born 1356

Before 16 May 1380 m William Parr x 3

Died 16 May 1380 (24)

Father: John Ros

Mother: Catherine Latimer

Robert Ros 3rd Baron Ros Kendal

Baron Ros Kendal

Died 1458

Father: Robert Ros 3rd Baron Ros Kendal

Robert Ros 4th Baron Ros Kendal

Baron Ros Kendal

Born 1400

Before 1473 m Anne Thornborough Baroness Ros Kendal x 1

Died 1473 (73)

Father: Robert Ros 4th Baron Ros Kendal

Mother: Anne Thornborough Baroness Ros Kendal

Anne Ros

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