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Sutton Paternal Family Tree

See Paternal Family Trees England

John Sutton

Married Margery Somery x 1

Father: John Sutton

Mother: Margery Somery

John Sutton 1st Baron Sutton

Baron Sutton of Dudley

Born 1310

Before 1329 m Isabella Charleton Baroness Sutton Dudley x 1

Died 21 Nov 1359 (49)

Father: John Sutton 1st Baron Sutton

Mother: Isabella Charleton Baroness Sutton Dudley

John Sutton 2nd Baron Sutton

Baron Sutton of Dudley

Born 1339

25 Dec 1357 m Katherine Stafford Baroness Sutton Dudley

Half Third Cousin Once Removed

After Dec 1361 m Joan Clinton Baroness Sutton Dudley x 1

Died 1370 (31)

6 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Father: John Sutton 2nd Baron Sutton

Mother: Joan Clinton Baroness Sutton Dudley

John Sutton 3rd Baron Sutton

Baron Sutton of Dudley

Born 06 Dec 1361

Before 1392 m Alice Despencer Baroness Sutton Dudley

After 1392 m Joan Unknown Baroness Sutton Dudley x 1

Died 10 Mar 1396 (34)

7 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Father: John Sutton 3rd Baron Sutton

Mother: Joan Unknown Baroness Sutton Dudley

John Sutton 4th Baron Sutton

Baron Sutton of Dudley

Born Feb 1380

Before 25 Dec 1400 m Constance Blount Baroness Sutton Dudley x 3

Died 28 Aug 1406 (26)

8 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Father: John Sutton 4th Baron Sutton

Mother: Constance Blount Baroness Sutton Dudley

John Sutton 1st Baron Dudley

Baron Dudley

Born 25 Dec 1400

After 14 Mar 1420 m Elizabeth Berkeley Baroness Cherleton Baroness Dudley x 8

Died 30 Sep 1487 (86)

6 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Father: John Sutton 1st Baron Dudley

Mother: Elizabeth Berkeley Baroness Cherleton Baroness Dudley

Catherine Sutton

Born 1421

1443 m Lionel Lowthe

6 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Father: John Sutton 1st Baron Dudley

Mother: Elizabeth Berkeley Baroness Cherleton Baroness Dudley

Bishop William Dudley

Born 1425

Died 29 Nov 1483 (58)

6 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Father: John Sutton 1st Baron Dudley

Mother: Elizabeth Berkeley Baroness Cherleton Baroness Dudley

Edmund Sutton

Born 1425

In or before 1459 m Joyce Tiptoft x 2

1463 m Maud Clifford x 1

Died 06 Jul 1483 (58)

5 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Father: Edmund Sutton

Mother: Joyce Tiptoft

Edward Sutton 2nd Baron Dudley

Baron Dudley

Born 1459

1484 m Cecily Willoughby Baroness Dudley x 11

Fourth Cousin

Died 31 Jan 1532 (73)

6 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Father: Edward Sutton 2nd Baron Dudley

Mother: Cecily Willoughby Baroness Dudley

Eleanor Dudley Countess Somerset

Countess Worcester

Born 1487

1515 m Charles Somerset 1st Earl of Worcester

Third Cousin Once Removed

After 15 Mar 1526 m Leonard Grey 1st Viscount Grane

Fourth Cousin

Died 15 Mar 1526 (39)

6 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Father: Edward Sutton 2nd Baron Dudley

Mother: Cecily Willoughby Baroness Dudley

John Sutton 3rd Baron Dudley

Baron Dudley

Born 1494

Before 1525 m Cecily Grey Baroness Dudley x 8

Fourth Cousin

Died 21 Sep 1553 (59)

5 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: John Sutton 3rd Baron Dudley

Mother: Cecily Grey Baroness Dudley

Edward Sutton 4th Baron Dudley

Baron Dudley

Born 1525

1556 m Katherine Brydges Baroness Dudley x 2

1567 m Jane Stanley Baroness Dudley

Half Second Cousin Once Removed

16 Dec 1571 m Mary Howard Baroness Dudley

Died 12 Jul 1586 (61)

6 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: Edward Sutton 4th Baron Dudley

Mother: Katherine Brydges Baroness Dudley

Edward Dudley 5th Baron Dudley

Baron Dudley

Born 17 Sep 1567

1581 m Theodosia Harrington Baroness Dudley x 5

Died 23 Jun 1643 (75)

7 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Father: Edward Dudley 5th Baron Dudley

Mother: Theodosia Harrington Baroness Dudley

Mary Dudley Countess Home

Countess of Home

Born 1586

Married Alexander Home 1st Earl of Home x 3

Died 1645 (59)

7 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: Edward Dudley 5th Baron Dudley

Mother: Theodosia Harrington Baroness Dudley

Ferdinando Dudley

Born 1588

Before 23 Jul 1611 m Honora Seymour x 1

Third Cousin Once Removed

Died 1621 (33)

4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry VII of England and Ireland

Father: Ferdinando Dudley

Mother: Honora Seymour

Frances Sutton 6th Baroness Dudley

Baroness Dudley

Born 23 Jul 1611

17 Feb 1628 m Humble Ward 1st Baron Ward of Birmingham Baron Dudley x 2

Died 11 Aug 1697 (86)

7 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Father: Edward Dudley 5th Baron Dudley

Mother: Theodosia Harrington Baroness Dudley

Anne Dudley

Born 1589

Before 06 Dec 1615 m Hans Meinhard Schomberg x 1

Died 06 Dec 1615 (26)

7 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Father: Edward Dudley 5th Baron Dudley

Mother: Theodosia Harrington Baroness Dudley

Margaret Dudley

Married Miles Hobart

7 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Father: Edward Dudley 5th Baron Dudley

Mother: Theodosia Harrington Baroness Dudley

Theodosia Sutton Dudley

6 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: Edward Sutton 4th Baron Dudley

Mother: Katherine Brydges Baroness Dudley

John Dudley

Born 30 Nov 1569

Before 1590 m Elizabeth Whorwood

Died Feb 1645 (75)

5 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: John Sutton 3rd Baron Dudley

Mother: Cecily Grey Baroness Dudley

Henry Dudley

Born 1526

Died 1568 (41)

6 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: Henry Dudley

Roger Dudley

Born 1540

08 Jun 1575 m Susannah Thorne x 5

Died 1587 (47)

7 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: Roger Dudley

Mother: Susannah Thorne

Thomas Dudley

Born 12 Oct 1576

Died 31 Jul 1653 (76)

8 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: Thomas Dudley

Joseph Dudley

Born 23 Sep 1647

1668 m Rebecca Tyng x 4

Died 02 Apr 1720 (72)

9 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: Joseph Dudley

Mother: Rebecca Tyng

Paul Dudley

Born 03 Sep 1675

Died 25 Jan 1751 (75)

9 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: Joseph Dudley

Mother: Rebecca Tyng

2 x Children Dudley

9 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: Joseph Dudley

Mother: Rebecca Tyng

8 x Children Dudley

9 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: Joseph Dudley

Mother: Rebecca Tyng

William Dudley

7 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: Roger Dudley

Mother: Susannah Thorne

Richard Dudley

Born 1583

Died 20 Aug 1603 (20)

7 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Father: Roger Dudley

Mother: Susannah Thorne

Mary Dudley

7 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Father: Roger Dudley

Mother: Susannah Thorne

Dorothy Dudley

7 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: Roger Dudley

Mother: Susannah Thorne

David Dudley

5 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: John Sutton 3rd Baron Dudley

Mother: Cecily Grey Baroness Dudley

George Dudley

5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Father: John Sutton 3rd Baron Dudley

Mother: Cecily Grey Baroness Dudley

Margaret Dudley

5 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: John Sutton 3rd Baron Dudley

Mother: Cecily Grey Baroness Dudley

Thomas Dudley

5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Father: John Sutton 3rd Baron Dudley

Mother: Cecily Grey Baroness Dudley

Dorothy Dudley

5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Father: John Sutton 3rd Baron Dudley

Mother: Cecily Grey Baroness Dudley

Elizabeth Dudley

5 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: John Sutton 3rd Baron Dudley

Mother: Cecily Grey Baroness Dudley

Robert Dudley

6 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Father: Edward Sutton 2nd Baron Dudley

Mother: Cecily Willoughby Baroness Dudley

Catherine Dudley

Married George Gresley x 1

6 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Father: Edward Sutton 2nd Baron Dudley

Mother: Cecily Willoughby Baroness Dudley

Arthur Dudley

6 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Father: Edward Sutton 2nd Baron Dudley

Mother: Cecily Willoughby Baroness Dudley

Elizabeth Dudley

Married Thomas Butler

6 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Father: Edward Sutton 2nd Baron Dudley

Mother: Cecily Willoughby Baroness Dudley

Thomas Dudley

6 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Father: Edward Sutton 2nd Baron Dudley

Mother: Cecily Willoughby Baroness Dudley

Geoffrey Dudley

Married Eleanor Talbot

Third Cousin Once Removed

6 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Father: Edward Sutton 2nd Baron Dudley

Mother: Cecily Willoughby Baroness Dudley

Joyce Dudley

Married Richard Lee

Married John Leighton x 2

6 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Father: Edward Sutton 2nd Baron Dudley

Mother: Cecily Willoughby Baroness Dudley

Jane Dudley

Married Thomas Fiennes x 1

Third Cousin Once Removed

6 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Father: Edward Sutton 2nd Baron Dudley

Mother: Cecily Willoughby Baroness Dudley

Margaret Dudley Baroness Grey Powis

Baroness Grey of Powis

Married John Grey 2nd Baron Grey of Powis x 1

Third Cousin Once Removed

6 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Father: Edward Sutton 2nd Baron Dudley

Mother: Cecily Willoughby Baroness Dudley

Alice Dudley

5 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Father: Edmund Sutton

Mother: Joyce Tiptoft

John Dudley

Born 1461

Died 1541 (80)

5 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: Edmund Sutton

Mother: Maud Clifford

Thomas Dudley

Born 1475

Before 1500 m Grace Threlkeld x 1

Died 1530 (55)

5 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Father: Thomas Dudley

Mother: Grace Threlkeld

Richard Dudley

Born 1500

Died 01 Jan 1593 (93)

6 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Father: John Sutton 1st Baron Dudley

Mother: Elizabeth Berkeley Baroness Cherleton Baroness Dudley

John Dudley

Born 1427

1460 m Katherine Neville

Half Second Cousin Twice Removed

In or before 1462 m Elizabeth Bramshott x 1

Killed 26 Jul 1469 (42)

Battle of Edgecote Moor aka Danes Moor aka Banbury

7 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Father: John Dudley

Mother: Elizabeth Bramshott

Edmund Dudley

Born 1462

1494 m Anne Windsor x 1

1502 m Elizabeth Grey Viscountess Lisle x 3

Beheaded 17 Aug 1510 (48)

Execution of Richard Empson and Edmund Dudley

8 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Father: Edmund Dudley

Mother: Anne Windsor

Elizabeth Dudley Baroness Stourton

Baroness Stourton

Born 1500

In or before 1520 m William Stourton 7th Baron Stourton x 3

Died 19 Aug 1560 (60)

7 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Father: Edmund Dudley

Mother: Elizabeth Grey Viscountess Lisle

John Dudley 1st Duke Northumberland

Duke Northumberland

Born 1504

1525 m Jane Guildford Duchess Northumberland x 11

Beheaded 22 Aug 1553 (49)

Trial and Execution of Lady Jane Grey's Supporters

8 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Father: John Dudley 1st Duke Northumberland

Mother: Jane Guildford Duchess Northumberland

John Dudley 2nd Earl Warwick

Earl Warwick

Born 1527

03 Jun 1550 m Anne Seymour Countess of Warwick

Died 21 Oct 1554 (27)

8 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Father: John Dudley 1st Duke Northumberland

Mother: Jane Guildford Duchess Northumberland

Mary Dudley

Born 1530

1551 m Henry Sidney x 7

Died 09 Aug 1586 (56)

8 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Father: John Dudley 1st Duke Northumberland

Mother: Jane Guildford Duchess Northumberland

Ambrose Dudley 3rd Earl Warwick

Earl Warwick

Born 1530

1549 m Anne Whorwood

1553 m Elizabeth Tailboys Countess Warwick

11 Nov 1565 m Anne Russell Countess Warwick

Died 21 Feb 1590 (60)

8 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Father: John Dudley 1st Duke Northumberland

Mother: Jane Guildford Duchess Northumberland

Henry Dudley

Born 1531

Before 22 Aug 1553 m Margaret Audley Duchess Norfolk

Third Cousin Once Removed

Killed 10 Aug 1557 (26)

Battle of St Quentin

8 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Father: John Dudley 1st Duke Northumberland

Mother: Jane Guildford Duchess Northumberland

Robert Dudley 1st Earl of Leicester

Earl of Leicester

Born 24 Jun 1532

04 Jun 1550 m Amy Robsart

21 Sep 1578 m Lettice Knollys Countess Essex

Died 04 Sep 1588 (56)

8 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Father: Robert Dudley 1st Earl of Leicester

Mother: Douglas Howard Baroness Sheffield

Robert Dudley

Born 07 Aug 1574

1591 m Margaret Cavendish

Dec 1596 m Alice Leigh 1st Duchess Dudley x 4

1606 m Elizabeth Southwell

First Cousin Once Removed

Died 06 Sep 1649 (75)

9 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Father: Robert Dudley

Mother: Alice Leigh 1st Duchess Dudley

Alicia Douglassia Dudley

Born 25 Sep 1597

Died May 1621 (23)

9 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Father: Robert Dudley

Mother: Alice Leigh 1st Duchess Dudley

Frances Dudley

In or before 1611 m Gilbert Kniveton 2nd Baronet x 1

9 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Father: Robert Dudley

Mother: Alice Leigh 1st Duchess Dudley

Anne Dudley

Before 1663 m Robert Holborne

9 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Father: Robert Dudley

Mother: Alice Leigh 1st Duchess Dudley

Catherine Dudley

23 Jul 1629 m Richard Leveson

Died 25 Mar 1674

8 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Father: John Dudley 1st Duke Northumberland

Mother: Jane Guildford Duchess Northumberland

Guildford Dudley

Born 1535

25 May 1553 m Jane Grey I Queen England and Ireland

Third Cousin Once Removed

Beheaded 12 Feb 1554 (19)

Execution of Lady Jane Grey and her Faction

8 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Father: John Dudley 1st Duke Northumberland

Mother: Jane Guildford Duchess Northumberland

Katherine Dudley Countess Huntingdon

Countess Huntingdon

Born 1538

25 May 1553 m Henry Hastings 3rd Earl Huntingdon

Died 14 Aug 1620 (82)

8 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Father: John Dudley 1st Duke Northumberland

Mother: Jane Guildford Duchess Northumberland

Katherine Dudley

8 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Father: John Dudley 1st Duke Northumberland

Mother: Jane Guildford Duchess Northumberland

Temperance Dudley

8 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Father: John Dudley 1st Duke Northumberland

Mother: Jane Guildford Duchess Northumberland

Margaret Dudley

8 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Father: John Dudley 1st Duke Northumberland

Mother: Jane Guildford Duchess Northumberland

Charles Dudley

7 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Father: Edmund Dudley

Mother: Elizabeth Grey Viscountess Lisle

Andrew Dudley

Born 1507

Died 1559 (52)

7 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Father: Edmund Dudley

Mother: Elizabeth Grey Viscountess Lisle

Jerome Dudley

Died 1555

6 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Father: John Sutton 1st Baron Dudley

Mother: Elizabeth Berkeley Baroness Cherleton Baroness Dudley

Margaret Dudley

Born 1429

Married George Longueville

Died 1457 (28)

6 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Father: John Sutton 1st Baron Dudley

Mother: Elizabeth Berkeley Baroness Cherleton Baroness Dudley

Jane Dudley

Born 1434

Before 20 Mar 1468 m Thomas Mainwaring x 2

Died 1478 (44)

6 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Father: John Sutton 1st Baron Dudley

Mother: Elizabeth Berkeley Baroness Cherleton Baroness Dudley

Eleanor Dudley

Born 1439

Married George Stanley x 2

1460 m Henry Beaumont

Died 1513 (74)

6 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Father: John Sutton 1st Baron Dudley

Mother: Elizabeth Berkeley Baroness Cherleton Baroness Dudley

Oliver Dudley

Killed 26 Jul 1469

Battle of Edgecote Moor aka Danes Moor aka Banbury

8 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Father: John Sutton 4th Baron Sutton

Mother: Constance Blount Baroness Sutton Dudley

Thomas Dudley

8 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Father: John Sutton 4th Baron Sutton

Mother: Constance Blount Baroness Sutton Dudley

Elizabeth Dudley

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