Biography of Bishop George Morley 1598-1684
On 27 Feb 1598 Bishop George Morley was born.
Evelyn's Diary. 07 Nov 1649. Dr. George Morley (age 51) (since Bishop of Winchester) preached in our chapel on Matthew 4, verse 3.
In 1660 Bishop George Morley (age 61) was consecrated Bishop of Worcester.
Evelyn's Diary. 23 Apr 1661. The next day, being St. George's, he went by water to Westminster Abbey [Map]. When his Majesty (age 30) was entered, the Dean and Prebendaries brought all the regalia, and delivered them to several noblemen to bear before the King (age 30), who met them at the west door of the church, singing an anthem, to the choir. Then, came the Peers, in their robes, and coronets in their hands, till his Majesty (age 30) was placed on a throne elevated before the altar. Afterward, the Bishop of London (the Archbishop of Canterbury (age 79) being sick) went to every side of the throne to present the King (age 30) to the people, asking if they would have him for their King, and do him homage; at this, they shouted four times "God save King Charles II!" Then, an anthem was sung. His Majesty (age 30), attended by three Bishops, went up to the altar, and he offered a pall and a pound of gold. Afterward, he sat down in another chair during the sermon, which was preached by Dr. Morley (age 63), Bishop of Worcester.
In 1662 Bishop George Morley (age 63) was appointed Dean Chapel Royal which post he held until 1688.
In 1662 Bishop George Morley (age 63) was translated to Bishop of Winchester.
Evelyn's Diary. 30 Nov 1662. St. Andrew's day. Invited by the Dean of Westminster (age 61) to his consecration dinner and ceremony, on his being made Bishop of Worcester. Dr. Bolton preached in the Abbey Church [Map]; then followed the consecration by the Bishops of London (age 64), Chichester (age 70), Winchester (age 64), Salisbury (age 70), etc. After this, was one of the most plentiful and magnificent dinners that in my life I ever saw; it cost near £600 as I was informed. Here were the judges, nobility, clergy, and gentlemen innumerable, this Bishop being universally beloved for his sweet and gentle disposition. He was author of those Characters which go under the name of Blount. He translated his late Majesty's (age 32) "Icon" into Latin, was Clerk of his Closet, Chaplain, Dean of Westminster (age 61), and yet a most humble, meek, and cheerful man, an excellent scholar, and rare preacher. I had the honor to be loved by him. He married me at Paris, during his Majesty's (age 32) and the Church's exile. When I took leave of him, he brought me to the cloisters in his episcopal habit. I then went to prayers at Whitehall [Map], where I passed that evening.
Pepy's Diary. 25 Dec 1662. By and by down to the chappell again where Bishopp Morley (age 64) preached upon the song of the Angels, "Glory to God on high, on earth peace, and good will towards men". Methought he made but a poor sermon, but long, and reprehending the mistaken jollity of the Court for the true joy that shall and ought to be on these days, he particularized concerning their excess in plays and gaming, saying that he whose office it is to keep the gamesters in order and within bounds, serves but for a second rather in a duell, meaning the groom-porter. Upon which it was worth observing how far they are come from taking the reprehensions of a bishopp seriously, that they all laugh in the chappell when he reflected on their ill actions and courses. He did much press us to joy in these publique days of joy, and to hospitality. But one that stood by whispered in my ear that the Bishopp himself do not spend one groat to the poor himself. The sermon done, a good anthem followed, with vialls, and then the King (age 32) came down to receive the Sacrament.
Evelyn's Diary. 18 Aug 1663. To London, to see my Lord Chancellor (age 54), where I had discourse with my Lord Archbishop of Canterbury (age 65) and the Bishop of Winchester (age 65), who enjoined me to write to Dr. Pierce (age 41), President of Magdalen College, Oxford, about a letter sent him by Dr. Goffe (age 58), a Romish Oratorian, concerning an answer to Dean Cressy's late book.
Evelyn's Diary. 31 Aug 1663. I was invited to the translation of Dr. Sheldon (age 65), Bishop of London, from that see to Canterbury, the ceremony performed at Lambeth Palace [Map]. First, went his Grace's mace bearer, steward, treasurer, comptroller, all in their gowns, and with white staves; next, the bishops in their habits, eight in number; Dr. Sweate, Dean of the Arches, Dr. Exton, Judge of the Admiralty, Sir William Merick, Judge of the Prerogative Court, with divers advocates in scarlet. After divine service in the chapel, performed with music extraordinary, Dr. French and Dr. Stradling (his Grace's chaplains) said prayers. The Archbishop in a private room looking into the chapel, the bishops, who were commissioners, went up to a table placed before the altar, and sat round it in chairs. Then Dr. Chaworth presented the commission under the broad seal to the Bishop of Winchester (age 65), and it was read by Dr. Sweate. After which, the Vicar-General went to the vestry, and brought his Grace into the chapel, his other officers marching before. He being presented to the Commissioners, was seated in a great armchair at one end of the table, when the definitive sentence was read by the Bishop of Winchester (age 65), and subscribed by all the bishops, and proclamation was three times made at the chapel door, which was then set open for any to enter, and give their exceptions; if any they had. This done, we all went to dinner in the great hall to a mighty feast. There were present all the nobility in town, the Lord Mayor of London, Sheriffs, Duke of Albemarle (age 54), etc. My Lord Archbishop did in particular most civilly welcome me. So going to visit my Lady Needham, who lived at Lambeth, I went over to London.
Evelyn's Diary. 15 Oct 1664. Dined at the Lord Chancellor's (age 55), where was the Duke of Ormond (age 53), Earl of Cork, and Bishop of Winchester (age 66). After dinner, my Lord Chancellor (age 55) and his lady (age 47) carried me in their coach to see their palace (for he now lived at Worcester-House in the Strand), building at the upper end of St. James's street, and to project the garden. In the evening, I presented him with my book on Architecture, as before I had done to his Majesty (age 34) and the Queen-Mother (age 54). His lordship caused me to stay with him in his bedchamber, discoursing of several matters very late, even till he was going into his bed.
Evelyn's Diary. 23 Feb 1665. I was invited to a great feast at Mr. Rich's (a relation of my wife's (age 30), now reader at Lincoln's Inn); where was the Duke of Monmouth (age 15), the Archbishop of Canterbury (age 66), Bishops of London (age 33) and Winchester (age 66), the Speaker of the House of Commons (age 48), divers of the Judges, and several other great men.
Pepy's Diary. 06 Feb 1668. Up, and to the office, where all the morning, and among other things Sir H. Cholmly (age 35) comes to me about a little business, and there tells me how the Parliament, which is to meet again to-day, are likely to fall heavy on the business of the Duke of Buckingham's (age 40) pardon; and I shall be glad of it: and that the King (age 37) hath put out of the Court the two Hides, my Chancellor's (age 58) two sons [Note. Henry Hyde 2nd Earl Clarendon and Lawrence Hyde 1st Earl Rochester (age 25)], and also the Bishops of Rochester (age 43) and Winchester (age 69), the latter of whom should have preached before him yesterday, being Ash Wednesday, and had his sermon ready, but was put by; which is great news.
On 27 Jun 1675 Bishop Thomas Barlow (age 67) was consecrated Bishop of Lincoln by Bishop George Morley (age 77) at the Chapel at the Palace of the Bishop of Ely, Holborn rather than Lambeth Palace [Map] since Gilbert Sheldon (age 77), the Archbishop of Canterbury, was opposed to his election.
Evelyn's Diary. 21 Dec 1675. Visited her Ladyship (age 43) again, where I found the Bishop of Winchester (age 77), whom I had long known in France; he invited me to his house at Chelsea.
Evelyn's Diary. 29 May 1682. I gave notice to the Bishop of Rochester (age 57) of what Maimburg had published about the motives of the late Duchess of York's perversion, in his "History of Calvinism;" and did myself write to the Bishop of Winchester (age 84) about it, who being concerned in it, I urged him to set forth his vindication.
On 29 Oct 1684 Bishop George Morley (age 86) died.