Biography of Bishop Hugh de Puiset 1125-1195

Maternal Family Tree: Gerberge Unknown Viscountess Anjou

In 1104 [his father] Hugh III of Le Puiset and [his mother] Agnes Blois were married. She the daughter of [his grandfather] Stephen Blois II Count Blois and Chartres and [his grandmother] Adela Normandy Countess Blois (age 37). She a granddaughter of King William "Conqueror" I of England.

Around 1125 Bishop Hugh de Puiset was born to Hugh III of Le Puiset and Agnes Blois. He was, through his mother, a nephew of King Stephen I England (age 31). He a great grandson of King William "Conqueror" I of England.

In 1129 [his mother] Agnes Blois died.

In 1132 [his father] Hugh III of Le Puiset died in the Middle East.

In 1153 Bishop Hugh de Puiset (age 28) was elected Bishop of Durham despite opposition from Archbishop Henry Murdac.

In 1177 King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England (age 43) seized Durham Castle [Map] after a disagreement with the then-bishop, Bishop Hugh de Puiset (age 52).

Coronation of Richard I

Gesta Regis Henrici 1189. 03 Sep 1189. Then Richard (age 31), Duke of Normandy, came to London, and having gathered there the archbishops and bishops, earls and barons, and a large multitude of knights, on the third day before the Nones of September, on a Sunday, the moon being in its nineteenth phase, on the feast of the ordination of Pope Saint Gregory, an ill-omened day, the aforementioned Richard, Duke of Normandy, was consecrated and crowned as King of England at Westminster in London by Baldwin (age 64), Archbishop of Canterbury. Assisting him in this office were Walter, Archbishop of Rouen, John, Archbishop of Dublin, Formale, Archbishop of Trier, Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln, Hugh (age 64), Bishop of Durham, William, Bishop of Worcester, John, Bishop of Exeter, Reginald, Bishop of Bath, John, Bishop of Norwich, Seffrid, Bishop of Chichester, Gilbert, Bishop of Rochester, Peter, Bishop of St. David's in Wales, the Bishop of St. Asaph in Wales, the Bishop of Bangor in Wales, Albinus, Bishop of Ferns in Ireland, and Concors, Bishop of Kildare in Ireland.

Deinde Ricardus dux Normanniæ venit Lundonias, et congregatis ibi archiepiscopis et episcopis, comitibus et baronibus et copiosa militum multitudine, tertio nonas Septembris, die Dominica, luna xix., festo ordinationis Sancti Gregorii papa, die mala, prædictus Ricardus dux Normanniæ consecratus et coronatus est in regem Angliæ, apud Lundonias in Westmonasterio, a Baldewino Cantuariensi archiepiscopo, ministrantibus illi in illo officio Waltero Rothomagensi archiepiscopo, Johanne Dublinensi archiepiscopo, Formale1 Treverensi archiepiscopo, Hugone Lincolniensi episcopo, Hugone Dunelmensi episcopo, Willelmo Wigornensi episcopo, Johanne Exoniensi episcopo, Reginaldo Bathoniensi episcopo, Johanne Norwicensi episcopo, Sefrido Cices- trensi episcopo, Gilleberto Rofensi episcopo, Petro episcopo de Sancto David in Wallia, episcopo2 de Asfath in Wallia, episcopo3 de Pangor in Wallia.—Albinus episcopus Fernensis4 in Hibernia, Concors episcopus Heghdunensis5 in Hibernia;

Note 1. Fulmar, Formalis, or Formator, archdeacon of Treves, was elected archbishop by intrigue in 1183, and consecrated by pope Urban III. on Whit Sunday 1186. He never gained full possession of his see, and was, with his competitor Rodolf, deprived by Clement III. in 1189. He then came to England, where he died.

Note 2. [episcopo] Reiner, 1186-1224.

Note 3. [episcopo] Guy, 1177-1190.

Note 4. [Fernensis] Albinus, 1185-1122.

Note 5. [Heghdunensis] Concord, bishop of Euaghduu.

Gesta Regis Henrici 1189. 03 Sep 1189. And after them went William de Mandeville, Earl of Aumale and Essex, carrying the golden crown in his hands. Then came Richard (age 31), Duke of Normandy, with Hugh (age 64), Bishop of Durham, walking on his right, and Reginald, Bishop of Bath, walking on his left, while a silk canopy was carried over them. The entire throng of earls, barons, knights, and others, both clerics and laypeople, followed all the way to the courtyard of the church, and thus into the church up to the altar.

Et post illos ibat Willelmus de Mandevilla comes de Albemarla et de Exessa, portans coronam auream in manibus suis. Deinde venit Ricardus dux Normanniæ, et Hugo Dunelmensis episcopus a dextris illius ibat, et Eeginaldus Bathoniensis episcopus a sinistris illius ibat, et umbraculum sericum portabatur super illos. Et omnis turba comitum et baronum et militum et aliorum, tarn clericorum quam laicorum, sequebatur usque in atrium ecclesiæ, et sic usque in ecclesiam ad altare.

Before 1195 Bishop Hugh de Puiset (age 69) commissioned the building of the Gallilee of Durham Cathedral [Map] which now contains the grave of the Venerable Bede among others.

Venerable Bede: In 673 he was born. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 734. This year was the moon as if covered with blood; and Archbishop Tatwine and Bede departed this life; and Egbert was consecrated bishop. On 26 May 735 he died.

On 03 Mar 1195 Bishop Hugh de Puiset (age 70) died.

Bishop Hugh de Puiset 1125-1195 appears on the following Descendants Family Trees:

King William "Conqueror" I of England 1028-1087

Royal Ancestors of Bishop Hugh de Puiset 1125-1195

Kings Wessex: Great x 8 Grand Son of King Alfred "The Great" of Wessex

Kings England: Great Grand Son of King William "Conqueror" I of England

Kings Franks: Great x 8 Grand Son of Louis "Pious" King Aquitaine I King Franks

Kings France: Great x 3 Grand Son of Robert "Pious" II King France

Kings Duke Aquitaine: Great x 8 Grand Son of Ranulf I Duke Aquitaine

Ancestors of Bishop Hugh de Puiset 1125-1195

GrandFather: Éverard III of Puiset Viscount of Chartres

Father: Hugh III of Le Puiset

Bishop Hugh de Puiset Great Grand Son of King William "Conqueror" I of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Odo Blois I Count Blois

Great x 4 Grandmother: Luitgarde Vermandois Duchess Normandy

Great x 2 Grandfather: Odo Blois II Count Blois

Great x 4 Grandfather: Conrad I King Burgundy

Great x 3 Grandmother: Bertha Welf Queen Consort France

Great x 1 Grandfather: Theobald Blois III Count Blois

Great x 3 Grandfather: William IV Auvergne

Great x 2 Grandmother: Ermengarde Auvergne Countess Blois

GrandFather: Stephen Blois II Count Blois and Chartres

Great x 4 Grandfather: Hugh Maine II Count Maine

Great x 3 Grandfather: Hugh Maine III Count Maine

Great x 2 Grandfather: Herbert "Wakedog" Maine I Count Maine

Great x 1 Grandmother: Gersenda Maine Countess Blois

Mother: Agnes Blois Grand Daughter of King William "Conqueror" I of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Richard "Good" Normandy II Duke Normandy

Great x 4 Grandmother: Gunnora Countess Ponthieu

Great x 2 Grandfather: Robert "Magnificent" Normandy I Duke Normandy

Great x 1 Grandfather: King William "Conqueror" I of England -2 x Great Grand Son of King William "Conqueror" I of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Father of Beatrix and Herleva

Great x 2 Grandmother: Herleva Falaise

GrandMother: Adela Normandy Countess Blois Daughter of King William "Conqueror" I of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Arnulf II Count Flanders

Great x 3 Grandfather: Baldwin "Bearded" IV Count Flanders

Great x 4 Grandmother: Rozala of Italy

Great x 2 Grandfather: Baldwin "The Good" V Count Flanders

Great x 4 Grandfather: Frederick Luxemburg Ardennes

Great x 3 Grandmother: Ogive Luxemburg Countess Flanders

Great x 4 Grandmother: Ermentrude Gleiburg

Great x 1 Grandmother: Matilda Flanders Queen Consort England