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On 24 May 1522 Bishop John Jewel was born.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 18 Jun 1559. The xviij day of June dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] docthur Juell (age 37), and ther was my lord mare (age 50) and the althermen and master comtroller of the quens howse ser Edward Rogers (age 61), and mony mo, boyth men and women.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 26 Nov 1559. The xxvj day of November dyd pryche at Pow[l's cross] [Map] master Juell (age 37), byshope of Salyshere, and ther was my lord mare (age 63) and the althermen and mony of the courte, and ther was grett audyense as (has ever) bene at Powlles crosse.
Note. Pp. 218, 228. Sermons by bishop Jewell. In the edition of bishop Jewell's Works now in the course of publication by the Parker Society, the editor, the Rev. John Ayre, M.A. remarks that the challenge which originated the bishop's important controversy with Dr. Cole was first given in his sermon at Paul's Cross, Nov. 26, 1559—the occasion noticed by Machyn in p. 218. "The sermon, with the challenge amplified, was preached at the court, March 17, 1560 [as mentioned in p. 228]; and repeated at Paul's Cross March 31, being the second sunday before Easter." This last date is from the contemporary title-page of the sermon itself: and therefore is not to be doubted. Our Diarist, however (p. 229) says that Crowley preached at Paul's Cross on that day.
On 05 Dec 1559 Frances Brandon Duchess of Suffolk (deceased) was buried in St Edmund's Chapel in Westminster Abbey [Map] at a ceremony conducted by Bishop John Jewel (age 37). Her daughter Catherine Grey Countess Hertford (age 19) was Chief Mourner. Mary Grey (age 14) was present. Her effigy, possibly designed by Cornelius Cure, was paid for by her husband Adrian Stokes (age 40): recumbent effigy dressed in Ermine robes signifying she was a duchess with a pendant around her neck. She lies on mattress with a lion at her feet and her coronet has been repaired and gilded.
The inscription on her grave reads in Latin:
Nor grace, nor splendor, nor a royal name,
Nor widespread fame can aught avail;
All, all have vanished here.
True worth alone Survives the funeral pyre and silent tomb.
And ...
Dirge for the most noble Lady Frances, onetime Duchess of Suffolk: naught avails glory or splendour, naught avail titles of kings; naught profits a magnificent abode, resplendent with wealth. All, all are passed away: the glory of virtue alone remained, impervious to the funeral pyres of Tartarus [part of Hades or the Underworld]. She was married first to the Duke, and after was wife to Mr Stock, Esq. Now, in death, may you fare well, united to God.
And continues ...
Here lieth the ladie Francis, Duches of Southfolke, daughter to Charles Brandon, Duke of Southfolke, and Marie the Frenche Quene: first wife to Henrie Duke of Southfolke and after to Adrian Stock Esquier.
In 1560 Bishop John Jewel (age 37) was consecrated as Bishop of Salisbury.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 08 Jan 1560. The viij day of January was bered at sant Botulf with-owt Algatt [Map] my lade Darce, the wyff of ser Arthur Darce (age 65) knyght; and so the chyrche and the quer wher hangyd with blake and armes, and so browth to the chyrche with xxx [priests] and clarkes syngyng, and ther was ij haroldes of armes, master Clarenshux (age 50) and master Somersett in ther ryche cottes; [then] cam the mornars, in gownes and cottes; then came ... that bare a pennon of armes, and the corse, with a ryche palle; there was a C [100] in blake, and xxiiij [24] men and women pore had gownes; and master Juell (age 37) byshope of Salysbere dyd pryche; and the(re) was a communyon; and all the morners offered; and after a grett dolle of money; and, all done, to the plasse to dener, for ther was a grett dener, and there were vij [7] dosen of skochyons of armes.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 30 Jan 1560. The xxx day of January was bered in sant Margettes-moyses master Busse skynner, on of the masturs of the hospetall, and ther was all the masturs of the hospetall with gren stayffes in ther handes, and all the masters of ys compene in ther leverey, and a xx clarkes syngyng; and he gayff a xij mantyll frys gownes, vj men and vj women; and ther dyd pryche master Juell (age 37) the nuw byshope of Salysbere, and ther he sayd playnly that ther was no purgatore; and after to ys howse to dener, and ther was a xvj [16] morners in blake gownes and cottes.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 17 Mar 1560. The sam day at after-non dyd pryche at the cowrt [at] the prychyng plasse master Juell (age 37) the nuw byshope of Salysbere, in ys rochet and chymmer.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 17 Apr 1560. The xvij day of Aprell dyd pryche at sant Mare spytyll master Juelle (age 37).
Henry Machyn's Diary. 24 Apr 1560. The xxiv day of Aprell was bered at sant Magd[alene's] master Hansley a grocer, and he had a dossen of skochyons of armes, and ther was the masturs of the compene of the Grocers, and prestes and clarkes syngyng, and master Juelle (age 37) the byshope of Saylbere dyd pryche, and he gayff (blank) gownes unto pore men; and ther was at ys berehyng all the masters of (the) hospetalle with ther gren stayffes in ther handes.... the Queen (age 26) with the lord Russelle (age 33) whent downe unto Depford .... shype and her nuw galley, and dynyd in the s[hip] and ther my lord admerall (age 50) mad her grett ch[eer, and] after wher serten brygendar wher red [ready] with [furniture of] ware [war]; and ther wher iiij lytyll pennys de .... hordenanse, and gayff grett sawtt [assault] unto the breg[antine] and shott grett ordenanse and fowth [fought] were ser .... all maner of artelere, and ther youe shuld [have] sene men sthrone [thrown] in-to the water, and horlyng stones and mores pykes; and ther was grett fythe [fight] be-twyne the bryg dendar [and the] pennys, and as grett shutyng as cold be; ther wher a-boyff iiij thowsand of pepull [on the water] and the land.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 13 Apr 1561. The xiij day dyd pryche at the Powlles [Map] master Juell (age 38) byshope of Salysbere.
On 01 Jan 1562 the New Years Gift Giving was held. Those who gave gifts provide an interesting who's who of the Elizabethan Court soon after Elizabeth I's Coronation. Queen Elizabeth (age 28) was present since a number are described as "With the Qene her Majestie."
For 'dimy' read 'demi' ie half-sovereigns.
Neweeyeur's Gyftes gevon to the Quene her Majestie by those Parsons whose Names hereafter ensue, the first of January, the Yere above wrytten.
By the Lady Margaret Strainge (age 22), a little round mounte of golde to conteyne a pomaunder in it. With the Qene her Majestie. Note. Lady Margaret Strange married Henry Stanley Lord Strange (age 30) on 07 Feb 1555. In 1561 he had not succeeded to Earldom of Derby and was known by the courtesy title Lord Strange. She is listed first since she was one of the few remaining direct descendants of Henry VII, being a great-granddaughter by his daughter Mary Tudor. Margaret Clifford was first in line to succeed in 1568 but died in 1596 before Elizabeth I.
Dukes, Marquises and Earls.
By the Duke of Norfolke (age 25), in a purse of purple silke and golde knit, in sundry coynes of golde £20 0s 0d.
By the Marquis of Winchester (age 79), High Threasourer of Englande, in a purse of crymsen satten, in angells £20 0s 0d.
By the Marquis of Northampton (age 50), in a purse of crymsen silke and gold knit, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.
By the Earle of Arundell (age 49), Lord Steward, in a paper, in angels, £30 0s 0d.
By the Earle of Shrewesburye (age 34), in a red silke purse, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.
By the Earle of Darbye (age 52), in a purse of crymsen satten, embraudered with golde, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.
By the Earle of Pembroke (age 61), in a purse of black silk and silver knit, in new angells £30 0s 0d.
By the Earle of Bedforde (age 35), in a purse of black silk and golde knytt, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.
By the Earle of Rutlande (age 35), in a purse of red silk and golde knytt, in dimy soveraigns and angells £20 0s 0d.
By the Earle of Huntingdon, in a red silk purse, in angells £15 0s 0d.
By the Earle of Westmerlande (age 37), in a red silk purse, in dimy soveraigns £10 0s 0d.
By the Earle of Oxforde (age 46), in a red silk purse, in dimy soveraigns £10 0s 0d.
By the Earle of Northumberlande (age 34), in a purse of black silke and silver knytt, in angells £10 0s 0d. With the Quene her Highness.
By the Earle of Warwike (age 32), a smocke wrought with black silk, a peire of slevis, and a partelett wrought with gold, silver, and black silke. Delivered to the Baroness Cobham (age 23).
By the Viscounte Mountague (age 33), in a purse of cloth of golde, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d. With her said Majestie.
Bishops. The list of Bishops ends with "With her said Majestie"; unclear whether this refers to all the Bishops listed.
By the Archbusshop of Caunterbury (age 57), in a red silk purse, in dimy soveraigns £40 0s 0d.
By the Archbusshop of York (age 61), in soveraigns £30 0s 0d.
By the Busshop of Duresme (age 42), in a purse of crymson silk and gold knytt, in angells £30 0s 0d.
By the Busshop of Ely (age 69), in a red vellat purse, in angells £30 0s 0d.
By the Busshop of Wynchester (age 52), in a purse of crymsen silk and gold knytt and set with pearles, in angells £20 0s 0d.
By the Busshop of London (age 43), in a red satten purse, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.
By the Busshop of Salisbury (age 39), in a red satten purse, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.
By the Busshop of Worcester (age 43), in a black vellat purse, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.
By the Busshop of Lyncoln (age 42), in a red purse, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.
By the Busshop of Chychester (age 64), in a red purse, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.
By the Busshop of Norwich (age 50), in a blew silk purse £13 6s 8d.
By the Busshop of Hereforde (age 52), in a green silk purse, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.
By the Busshop of Lychfield and Coventry (age 48), in a red satten purse, in angells £13 0s 0d.
By the Busshop of Rochester (age 48), in a red purse, in gold £13 6s 8d.
By the Busshop of Saint Davies (age 55), in a red silk purse, in angells £10 0s 0d.
By the Busshop of Bathe, in a purse of red silk, in angells £10 0s 0d.
By the Busshop of Exetour, in a blew silk purse, in angells £10 0s 0d.
By the Busshop of Peterborowe, in a red purse, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.
By the Busshop of Chester, in a red purse, in angells and soveraignes £10 0s 0d.
Duchesses and Countesses.
By the Duchess of Norfolke (age 22), in a prse of crymsen silk and gold knyt, in angells £20 0s 0d.
By the Duchess of Somerset (age 65), in a purse of silver and black silk, in royalls and ducketts £14 0s 0d. Probably the Dowager Duchess of Somerset since her husband Edward Seymour 1st Duke of Somerset had been executed in 1552, and their children disinherited as a result.
By the Countess of Surrey, in a purse of tawny silk and gold, in dimy soveraignes £5 0s 0d. Dowager since her husband Henry Howard 1516-1547, by courtesy Earl Surrey, had been executed in 1547.
By the Countess of Pembroke (age 38), in a cherry bag of crymsen satten, in new angells £15 0s 0d.
By the Countess of Bedford (age 36), in a purse of crymsen silk and silver knytt, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.
By the Countess of Darby (age 51), in a purse of crymson sattin embrodred with gold, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.
By the Countess of Oxford (age 36), in a red purse, in dimy soveraignes £5 0s 0d.
By the Countess of Shrewisbury, Dowager (age 62), in a purse of black silk knytt, in dimy soveraignes £12 0s 0d.
By the Countess of Shrewisbury (age 37), in a red silk purse knytt, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.
By the Countess of Huntingdon, Dowager (age 51), in a red purse, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.
By the Countess of Huntingdon (age 24), in a red purse, in angells £10 0s 0d.
By the Countess of Northumberland (age 24), in a purse of black silk and silver knytt, in angells £10 0s 0d.
By the Countess of Rutland (age 29), in a red purse, in dimy soveraignes £13 6s 8d.
By the Vicountess Hereford, Dowager (age 42), six hankercheffes edged with gold delivered to the said Baroness Cobham.
By the Vicountess Mountague (age 24), in a purse of cloth of gold, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.
By the Lorde Keeper of the Great Seale, Bacon (age 51), in a purse of silver knytt, in angells £13 6s 8d.
By the Lorde William Howard, Lord Chamberlen (age 52), in a purse of crymsen silk and gold knytt, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.
By the Lorde Pagett (age 56), in a greene purse in dimy soveraignes £13 6s 8d.
By the Lorde Clynton, Lord Admyrall (age 50), in gold £10 0s 0d.
By the Lorde Riche (age 65), in a red satten purse, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.
By the Lorde North (age 66), in a purse of purple silk and silver, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.
By the Lorde Lumley (age 29), in a paper, in angells £20 0s 0d.
By the Lorde Hastings of Loughboro (age 41), in a red silk purse, in French crowns £13 0s 0d.
By the Lorde Stafford (age 60), in a red purse, in dimy soveraignes £5 0s 0d.
By the Lorde Windsor (age 30), in a purse of crymsn silk and gold knytt, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d. With her said Majestie.
by Lorde John Graye (age 38), a haunce pott of allabaster garnished with silver gilt. Delivered in charge to John Asteley, Esq Master and Threasourer of her Highnes Jewels and Plate. Lord John Grey assumed to be a courtesy title his father being Thomas Grey 2nd Marquess Dorset.
By the Lorde Barkeley (age 27), in a red purse, in gold £10 0s 0d.
By the Lorde Mountejoye (age 29), in a red purse, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.
By the Lorde Abergavennye (age 36), in a purse of red silke, in dimy soveraignes £5 0s 0d.
By the Lorde Scrowpe (age 28), in a purse of blak silk and silver knytt, in angells £10 0s 0d.
By the Lorde Caree of Hundesdon (age 35), in a purse of crymsen silk, in double ducketts £13 6s 8d.
By the Lorde Strainge, in a purse of red silk and gold, in dimy soveraignes £5 0s 0d. Lord Strange being the courtesy title for the Earldom of Derby. He wouldn't inherit until 1572.
By the Lorde Darcey of Chichey (age 30), in a red purse, in dimy soveraignes, £10 0s 0d.
By the Lorde Shefild (age 24), in a red silk purse, in gold £10 0s 0d.
By the Lorde Shandowes (age 40), in a blak silk purse, in angells £10 0s 0d. With her said Majestie.
By the Baroness Howarde (age 47), in a purse of crymsen silk and knytt, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d. With her said Majestie.
By the Baroness Clinton (age 35), a peire of sleevis of gold, pulled out with lawne. Delivered to the said Baroness Cobham.
By the Baroness Genevillet, in gold £6 13s 4d.
By the Lady Barkeley (age 24), Lord Barkeley's wife, in gold £5 0s 0d.
By the Lady Mountejoye (age 30), in a red silk purse, in angells £10 0s 0d.
By the Lady Abergavenny, in a red satten purse, in dimy soveraignes £5 0s 0d.
By the Lady Caree of Hundesdon (age 33), in a blak purse knytt, in angells £10 0s 0d.
By the Lady Taylboyes, Sir Peter Carewe's (age 48) wyfe, in a purse of blak silk and silver, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d. With her said Majestie.
By the Baroness Cobham, a partelett and a peire of sleeves of sypers wrought with silver and blak silke. Re-delivered to herself.
By the Lady Dakers (age 21), a warming ball of gold, per oz. 3 oz. dim. With her said Majestie.
By the Lady Shefilde (age 20), a paire of sleeves wrought with fringe of blak silk and lozeng of gold. Delivered to the said Baroness Cobham.
By the Margaret Baroness Scrope (age 18), in a purse of blak silk and silver, in angells £7 0s 0d. With her said Majestie.
By the Lady Shandowes (age 38), a peire of sleeves and a partlett of gold and silver knytt, cawle fashion. Delivered to the said Baroness Cobham.
By the Lady Knowlles (age 38), a feyne carpett of needleworke, theverende frienged and buttoned with gold and silk. Delivered to John Torneworth, Groom of the Privy Chamber.
By the Lady Butler, in a little white purse, in French crowns £6 0s 0d. With her said Majestie. Unclear as to who Lady Butler refers to.
By the Lady Raclyef, a peire of sleeves of cameryk, all over sett with purle, and two sweet bags. Delivered to the said Baroness Cobham.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 20 Mar 1562. The xx day of Marche dyd pryche at the cowrt, that was Palmsonday, master Juell (age 39), the byshope of (Salisbury.)
On 23 Sep 1571 Bishop John Jewel (age 49) died at Monkton Farleigh, Wiltshire. He was buried at Salisbury Cathedral [Map].