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Paternal Family Tree: Guildford
Maternal Family Tree: Philippe Thornbury 1431-1485
In or before 1474 [his father] Richard Guildford (age 23) and [his mother] Ann Pympe (age 19) were married. His [his grandfather] father (age 43) had married, or would marry, her [his grandmother] mother (age 42) each as their second spouse.
Around 1474 Edward Guildford was born to Richard Guildford (age 24) and Ann Pympe (age 20) at Offington Worthing.
Around 1490 [his mother] Ann Pympe (age 36) died.
After 1490 [his father] Richard Guildford (age 40) and [his step-mother] Joan Vaux "Mother Guildford" (age 27) were married.
Before 1496 Edward Guildford (age 21) and Eleanor West (age 14) were married.
The Antiquarian Repertory Volume 4 Funeral Ceremonies of Queen Elizabeth. And on every end of the Chair on the Coffer kneeled a Gentleman Usher by all the way to Westminster.
On the fore horse and the tyller ij charriott men and on the other vij horses iiij henchmen in black gowns and mourning hood over their heads every horse having iiij lozengs of the quenes Armes beaten in oyle rolled upon sarcenett with fine Gould and the fore horse having one on his forehead and none but he.
And by every horse there was a man of honour a foot with mourning hoods over their heads and at every corner of the Chaire a White banner of our Lady borne by a knight the banners were all White in token that she dyed in Childbed their wereordeyned and appoynted
Certain knights and Esquires to go by the Chaire and the horse to beare the banner and every each to assist other whose names followeth Sr Edward Haward (age 27) Sr Henery Wylongby (age 52) Sr [his father-in-law] Thomas West (age 46) sonne and heir of the Lord Lavarres Sr Edward Darell (age 37) Sr John Petche (age 53) Sr George Manners (age 33) Sr Richard Carew (age 34) Sr Edward Wingfield Sr William Sands (age 68) Srr Raufe Verney (age 48).
Sir John Hodelston Sr John Rainsford William Denton Richard Wingfuld Raphe Dacre Xtofer Wylongby (age 22) Edward Guilford (age 29) William West John Gawge (age 23)
Also their were ordyned viij palferys saddled traped and empelled with black velvett for the viij Laidesof honour to follow the Chaire that is to say the Lady Katherine (age 23) The Lady Elizebeth Stafford (age 24) The Countess of Essex [Note. Possibly Mary Saye Countess Essex and Eu (age 29) although she is believed to have married the Earl in 1512. The previous Countess of Essex Isabel York Countess Eu and Essex died in 1484.] The Lady Harbert (age 27) The Lady Lucey of Mountagne The Lady Anne Percy (age 17) The Lady Lisle The Lady Scrope of Upsall.
All these Laides Roode alone in their slopps and mantles every horse led with a man a foote without hood in a demy black gowne The ij Chaire drawn with vi horses trapped with Black Cloth and also covered with the same having iij Charriott men in that Chaire was the Lady Anne The Lady Marquesse The Lady Daubeny and the Lady Clifford following the Chaire the horses empelled with black Cloth The Lady Dacres The Lady Verney The Lady Guilford The Lady Darell The Lady Egrernonnt The Lady Risseley The Lady Petche The Lady Bryan and in like manner the iij Chaire in which was the Lady Gordon The Lady Fitzwater The Lady Monjoy and the Lady Bray following that Chaire Mrs Cromer Mrs Burn Mrs, Stafford Mrs Belknappe Mrs Weston Mrs Anne Browne Mrs Brent Mrs Yon Then iiijth Chaire emparelled as before in the which, was The Lady Pudsey Mrs Catesby Mrs Lary Mrs Tendringe Mrs Florence Bruges Mrs Balstrod Mrs Ffog Mrs Fitzharbert and Mrs Jones in the lyke manner as before was the vtb Chaire apperrelled in the Avhich was Mrs Dany Mrs Skilling Mrs Elizebeth Mrs. ITrancs.
Then after them the honest persons citizens of London on horseback in a great number after them the kings servants after them the Lords Servants in great number And from the foremost horse backward they were C of the Kings servants as Marshells servants yeomen and gromes with mourning hoods over their heads bearing a hundred of staffe torches of pure wax.
Here followeth the ordering before the Chaire through London to Westminster First next before the foremost horse of the first Chaire The Earle of Derby Constable of England Before him Garter andthe Maior of London The Queenes Chamberlain in manner between the Maior and the Lord Constable before them the Queens Confessor and Aumnoer and before them in manner as ensueth on the left syde the pression of London Also first next to the Corps the kings Chappell before them the quier of Poules and so forth on the same syde the generall pression of London in their ould Custome that is to say the Crossed fryers the white the Augustines and the black and in the middes as farr fourth as they might strydeing the cannells one after another in mourning habitt ijC poore men ewych bearing a weyghty torch.
The manner of the right syde next before the Confessor and aulmoner all the great Lords after there Estate ij and ij together and next before them ij of the Cheif Judges and Mtr of the Rovvles before them knights of the Garter not lords before them the great Chapleines that be of dignitye as the secretary to the king almoner the Deane of York The archdeacon of Richmond The Dean of Windsor and such other Before them the Aldermen of London Before them all knights before them the squires for the Body before them Chapleines of dignitye before them gentlemen and squires before them The Esterlings before them the frenchmen before them the portingalls before them the Venetians before them the Jannayes before them the Lewknors before them the trumppetts and mynsterells on horseback without their instruments before them the messengers.
From Mark lane to Temple bar by estimation were beyond iiij or v thousand torches set all the street along of the parish Churches in there best manner with Crosses pressions and singing and orasons envyroned the Corps.
Att fanchers were set xxxvij Virgins all in White linnen having Chappletts of white and grene on their heads eiiych houlding a breningtap of wax in the honour of our Lady and that the foresaid good quene was in xxxvij'" year.
In 1506 [his father] Richard Guildford (age 56) died at Jerusalem [Map].
In 1509 [his daughter] Jane Guildford Duchess Northumberland was born to Edward Guildford (age 35) and [his wife] Eleanor West (age 28).
The Life and Times of Cardinal Wolsey Volume 2. Jun 1517. In the Beginning of the Month of June, his Majesty caused a grand Joust to be prepared for the Entertainment both of himself and the foreign Ambassadors, in which our young Monarch appeared against the Duke of Suffolk (who came to attend the King at this Sport) having each twelve Noblemen and Gentlemen of a Side, richly habited according to the Custom of those Times.
His Majesty, attended by Gentlemen Armorers and other Officers, to the number of 125 persons, clothed in white velvet, first entered the ring on one side, and the Duke of Suffolk, the Marquis of Dorset, the Earls of Essex and Surrey, with several others of his band, entered on the other; then the trumpets blew, and the King and the Duke immediately engaged, and ran fiercely at each other, whilst the other parties were no less active and such was the pastime of the day, according to the report of Sir Edward Guilford (age 43), Master of the Armoury, and of the Judges and Heralds in waiting, that there were no less than five hundred and six spears broken. The sport being over, his Majesty entertained the Ambassadors and his Court with a sumptuous supper; proposing to continue these jousts, at proper times, during the summer, which were then looked on as the most healthy exercise in being.
In 1519 Edward Guildford (age 45) was appointed Marshall of Calais.
Hall's Chronicle 1522. 25 May 1522. On Sunday the twenty-fifth day of May, the Lord Marques of Dorset (age 44), the Bishop of Chichester (age 69), and the [his father-in-law] Lord de la Warr (age 65), with other noble men, at the water of Graveling, received the Emperor (age 22) in the name of the King of England, and so the Emperor embraced them, and he having in his company many noble men, came toward Calice, where at the Turnpike in the lordship of Marke, he was received of Sir Edward Guildford (age 48) Marshall of Calais, with fifty men of arms richly be seen, and also a hundred archers on horseback, then in passing forward toward Calais, the ordnance shot terribly, and into Calais he was received with procession, and then by the lord Barne deputy there, and the counsel of the town then was he received by the Mayor and Aldermen of the town, and then of the Mayor and Merchants of the Staple, and so conveyed to the Exchequer, and there lodged.
In 1525 [his son-in-law] John Dudley 1st Duke Northumberland (age 21) and [his daughter] Jane Guildford Duchess Northumberland (age 16) were married. They had grown up together since John Dudley 1st Duke Northumberland had become her father's ward.
Letters and Papers 1528. 11 Jul 1528. R. O. 4501. Sir Edward Guldeford (age 54) to Wolsey.
On Sunday last, 5 July, Roger Horne, of Kenerton, and John Bell, of Apuldre, came to me at Hallden, and showed me the lewd sayings of Sir John Crake, parish priest of Brensett in Romney Marsh. Sends a bill of it. Has committed the priest to Maidstone gaol until Wolsey's pleasure be known, as it was not meet to trouble him with strangers in the time of this plague. Has been ill of it himself. Would be glad to have one of the late Sir Wm. Compton's (deceased) offices. Hallden, 11 July. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
In or before 1533 [his son] Richard Guildford and [his daughter-in-law] Elizabeth Mortimer were married.
Before 1534 Edward Guildford (age 59) and Joan Pidleston were married.
In 1534 Edward Guildford (age 60) died.
In 1534 Richard Clement of Ightham Mote (age 52) was imprisoned in the Fleet Prison [Map] for having used excessive force in his roile as Justice of the Peace Kent during a property dispute in Shipbourne, Kent between the rector and Robert Brenner of Hadlow, a servant of Edward Guildford (age 60) who was the father-in-law of [his son-in-law] John Dudley 1504-1553 (age 30), the future Duke of Northumberland.
[his son] Richard Guildford was born to Edward Guildford and Eleanor West.
GrandFather: John Guildford
Father: Richard Guildford
Great x 1 Grandfather: Richard Waller
GrandMother: Alice Waller
GrandFather: John Pympe
Mother: Ann Pympe
GrandMother: Philippe Thornbury