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Biography of Eleanor "Fair Maid of Britanny" 4th Countess of Richmond 1184-1241

Paternal Family Tree: Anjou aka Plantagenet

Maternal Family Tree: Adela Valois Countess Blois and Vermandois

1199 Death of Richard I

1202 Battle of Mirebeau

In Jul 1181 [her father] Geoffrey Plantagenet 2nd Duke Brittany (age 22) and [her mother] Constance Penthièvre Duchess Brittany (age 20) were married. She by marriage Duchess Brittany. He by marriage Duke Brittany. She the daughter of [her grandfather] Conan "The Young" Penthièvre IV Duke Brittany and [her grandmother] Margaret Dunkeld Duchess Brittany (age 36). He the son of [her grandfather] King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England (age 48) and [her grandmother] Eleanor of Aquitaine Queen Consort Franks and England (age 59). They were half second cousin once removed. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England.

In 1184 Eleanor "Fair Maid of Britanny" 4th Countess of Richmond was born to Geoffrey Plantagenet 2nd Duke Brittany (age 25) and Constance Penthièvre Duchess Brittany (age 23) at Bristol Castle, Gloucestershire [Map]. She a granddaughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

On 19 Aug 1186 [her father] Geoffrey Plantagenet 2nd Duke Brittany (age 27) died at Paris [Map].

In 1188 [her step-father] Ranulf de Blondeville Gernon 6th Earl Chester 1st Earl Lincoln (age 18) and [her mother] Constance Penthièvre Duchess Brittany (age 27) were married. She by marriage Countess Chester. She the daughter of [her grandfather] Conan "The Young" Penthièvre IV Duke Brittany and [her grandmother] Margaret Dunkeld Duchess Brittany (age 43). He the son of Hugh de Kevelioc Gernon 5th Earl Chester and Bertrade Montfort Countess Chester. They were half third cousins. He a great x 2 grandson of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England.

In 1193 Eleanor "Fair Maid of Britanny" 4th Countess of Richmond (age 9) was engaged to Duke Frederick I of Austria (age 18), son of Leopold V Duke of Austria (age 36). Leopold had imprisoned [her uncle] King Richard (age 35) when he was returning from the crusade. Leopold demanded the marriage of King Richard's niece Eleanor to his son Frederick, as part of the ransom for Richard's release. Leopold V Duke of Austria died the following year so the marriage didn't take place. Eleanor "Fair Maid of Britanny" 4th Countess of Richmond was travelling to Austria, accompanied by Baldwin Béthune Count Aumale (age 35), when Leopold died. She returned with her grandmother [her grandmother] Eleanor of Aquitaine Queen Consort Franks and England (age 71).

Around Jul 1195 King Philip II of France (age 29) proposed Eleanor "Fair Maid of Britanny" 4th Countess of Richmond (age 11) marry his son King Louis VIII of France (age 7) as part of peace negotiations with [her uncle] King Richard "Lionheart" I of England (age 37).

Death of Richard I

On 06 Apr 1199 [her uncle] King Richard "Lionheart" I of England (age 41) was besieging Châlus Chabrol Castle, Domfront. During the course of the evening King Richard "Lionheart" I of England was shot by a crossbow. The wound quickly became gangrenous; Richard died in the arms of his mother [her grandmother] Eleanor of Aquitaine Queen Consort Franks and England (age 77). His brother [her uncle] King John of England (age 32) succeeded I King of England.

There was a brother between Richard and John named [her father] Geoffrey Duke of Brittany who had a son [her brother] Arthur (age 12), who was around twelve, and a daughter Eleanor (age 15), who was around fifteen, whose mother was [her mother] Constance Penthièvre Duchess Brittany (age 38).

King Philip II of France (age 33) had planned for Eleanor to marry his son, probably to bring Brittany into the French Royal family, possibly to pursue a claim on England.

King Philip II of France supported Arthur's claim to the English throne. In the resulting war Arthur was captured, imprisoned and never seen again. Eleanor was captured, probably around the same time as Arthur, and imprisoned, more or less, for the remainder of her life, even after King John's death through the reign of King Henry III since she represented a threat to Henry's succession.

Before 1200 [her step-father] Guy Thouars (age 59) and [her mother] Constance Penthièvre Duchess Brittany (age 38) were married. The difference in their ages was 21 years. She the daughter of [her grandfather] Conan "The Young" Penthièvre IV Duke Brittany and [her grandmother] Margaret Dunkeld Duchess Brittany (age 54). She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England.

On 05 Sep 1201 [her mother] Constance Penthièvre Duchess Brittany (age 40) died. Her son [her brother] Arthur Plantagenet 3rd Duke Brittany (age 14) succeeded 3rd Duke Brittany, 4th Earl Richmond.

Battle of Mirebeau

On 01 Aug 1202 [her uncle] King John of England (age 35) defeated the army of his nephew [her brother] Arthur Plantagenet 3rd Duke Brittany (age 15) and Hugh Lusignan X Count Lusignan V Count La Marche (age 19) which was besieging John's mother [her grandmother] Eleanor of Aquitaine Queen Consort Franks and England (age 80) at Mirebeau Castle. King John of England took Arthur Plantagenet 3rd Duke Brittany 1187-1203's army by surprise capturing most. Arthur Plantagenet 3rd Duke Brittany and, probably, his sister Eleanor "Fair Maid of Britanny" 4th Countess of Richmond (age 18), both of whom arguably had better claims to the throne than King John of England were captured.

In 1203 [her brother] Arthur Plantagenet 3rd Duke Brittany (age 16) was murdered at Rouen, France [Map]. His half sister [her half-sister] Alix Thouars Duchess of Brittany (age 1) succeeded 5th Countess Richmond. Her half-sister Eleanor "Fair Maid of Britanny" 4th Countess of Richmond (age 19), who was imprisoned from 1202 to her death, also used the title Countess of Richmond.

In 1206 Eleanor Fair Maid of Brittany (age 22) was imprisoned at Brough Castle [Map], under the guard of Robert de Vipont Baron of Westmoreland, then at Bowes Castle, County Durham [Map], then Corfe Castle, Dorset [Map]. At Corfe Castle, Dorset [Map] she was accompanied by twenty-five French knights loyal to her. Following an attempt to escape twenty-two of the knights were starved to death.

Letters. 27 May 1208. Letter VII. Eleanor "Fair Maid of Britanny" 4th Countess of Richmond (age 24) to her subjects in Brittany.

Eleanora, duchess of Bretagne and countess of Richmond, to her dear and faithful lords the bishops of Nantes, Vannes, and Cornwall, and to Eudo de Poule, and Geoffry Espine, and Oliver de Rugy, and Pagan de Mal-Estrail, and all other her barons and faithful subjects of Bretagne, greeting.

We give you manifold thanks concerning the things of which you have informed us, and earnestly entreat you that you, the above-named, come to England to my [her uncle] lord and uncle the king of England (age 41); and know you, certainly, that your advent will, God willing, tend to your and our great honour and convenience, and, by God's grace, to our liberation.

We have spoken with our said uncle about affording you a safe-conduct, and he is glad of your coming, and sends you his letters patent of safe-conduct; and you may all come safely by means of those letters - or as many of you as can, if all cannot come.

Witness myself, at Sarum, the 27th day of May.

In 1209 King William I of Scotland (age 66) sent his two daughters Margaret Dunkeld Countess Kent (age 16) and Isabella Dunkeld Countess Norfolk (age 14) to [her uncle] King John of England (age 42) as hostages to keep the peace. They, Margaret and Isabella, were imprisoned with Eleanor Fair Maid of Brittany (age 25) at Corfe Castle, Dorset [Map].

On 13 Jun 1222 Eleanor Fair Maid of Brittany (age 38) was imprisoned at Gloucester Castle, Gloucestershire [Map] where she remained until 20 Jul 1223.

On 20 Aug 1222 Eleanor Fair Maid of Brittany (age 38) was moved to Marlborough Castle [Map] where she remained until 09 Oct 1223.

In Jun 1224 Eleanor Fair Maid of Brittany (age 40) was moved to Bristol Castle, Gloucestershire [Map].

Close Rolls Henry III. 15 Jul 1228. Concerning a writ for the purchase of wimples. — The king to the sheriffs of London, greetings. We command you that two pairs of silk wimples be bought and delivered to Rembald, the messenger of Ralph de Willington, constable of Bristol, to be carried to Bristol for the use of Alienore (age 44), our kinswoman. And the cost, etc., shall be accounted for, etc. Witness the king at Westminster, on the 15th day of July, in the twelfth year of our reign.

Contrabreve de wymplis emptis. — Rex vicecomitibus Lond' salutem. Precipimus vobis quod duo paria winplamm de serico emi et liberari faciatis Rembaldo nuncio Radulfi de Wjlinton' constabularii Bristoll' deferenda usque Bristoll' ad opus Alienore cognate nostre. Et custum etc. computabitur etc. Teste rege apud Westmonasteriuihy, xv die Julii, anno regni nostri xijo.

Close Rolls Henry III. 1229. To the constable of Bristol concerning the collection of beer in Bristol — The king has granted to William de Futot, constable of Bristol, for as long as it pleases the king, the right to collect the levy on beer in the town of Bristol, for the custody of Alienore (age 45), the king's kinswoman; for which he is accustomed to render account at the king's Exchequer as part of his farm of 100 shillings. And it is commanded to the bailiffs of Bristol that they should ensure that the aforesaid levy on beer be granted to him, as aforesaid, and the king will allow the said 100 shillings in their farm. Witnessed as above.

Pro constabulario Bristoll' de prisa cervisie in Bristoll' — Rex concessit Willelmo de Futot, constabulario Bristoll', quamdiu regi placuerit, ad custodiam Alienore cognate regis, prisam cervisie in villa Bristoll'; pro qua respondere consueverit ad Scaccarium regis in firma sua de c s. Et mandatum ent ballivis Bristoll' quod predictam prisam cervisie ei habere faciant, sicut predictum est, et rex predictos c s. in firma sua eis faciei allocari Teste ut supra.

Close Rolls Henry III. 01 Nov 1229. Concerning the custody of the castles of Gloucester and Bristol and the county of Gloucester — The king, for the custody of the castles of Bristol and Gloucester and the county of Gloucester, which William de Putot will keep at his own expense, and for the provision of Alienore (age 45), the king's kinswoman, residing in the aforementioned castle of Bristol, and all others, both knights, servants, and others residing in the aforementioned castle of Bristol and the aforementioned castle of Gloucester, for whom he will provide all necessities except for ten foot soldiers residing in the aforementioned castle of Bristol, who shall be on the king's provision; the lord king has granted to the same William, for as long as it pleases him, the profit of the county of Gloucester and the income from his farm in Bristol, and sixty marks per year and the beer from the levy in Bristol, which is worth 100 shillings per year. And it is commanded to the barons of the Exchequer that they cause this to be done and enrolled. Witness the king at Merton, on the first day of November.

De custodia castrorum Glouc' el Bristoll' et comitatus Glouc' — Rex pro custodia castrorum Bristoll' et Glouc' et comitatus Giouc', que Willelmus de Putot custodiet ad custum suum, et pro exhibitione Alienore cognate regis morantis in predicto castro Bristoll', et omnium aliorum tam militum servientum quam aliorum morantium tam in predicto castro Bristoll' quam in predicto castro Glouc', quibus omnibus necessaria inveniet preterquam x servientibus peditibus morantibus in predicto castro Bristoll', qui erunt ad liberationes regis; concessit eidem Willelmo dominus rex, quamdiu ei placuerit, proficuum comitatus Glouc' et exitum bertone sue Bristoll' et sexaginta marcas per annum et cervisiam de prisa Bristoll', que valet per annum c. s. Et mandatum est baronibus de Scaccario quod sic fieri et irrotulari faciant. Teste rege apud Mereton', primo die Novembris.

On 10 Aug 1241 Eleanor "Fair Maid of Britanny" 4th Countess of Richmond (age 57) died at Bristol Castle, Gloucestershire [Map]. She was initially buried at St James Priory, Bristol [Map] then reburied at Amesbury Abbey, Wiltshire [Map].

Eleanor "Fair Maid of Britanny" 4th Countess of Richmond 1184-1241 appears on the following Descendants Family Trees:

King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England 1133-1189

Eleanor of Aquitaine Queen Consort Franks and England 1122-1204

King William "Conqueror" I of England 1028-1087

King Malcolm III of Scotland 1031-1093

Royal Ancestors of Eleanor "Fair Maid of Britanny" 4th Countess of Richmond 1184-1241

Kings Wessex: Great x 5 Grand Daughter of King Edmund "Ironside" I of England

Kings England: Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Kings Scotland: Great x 4 Grand Daughter of King Duncan I of Scotland

Kings Franks: Great x 11 Grand Daughter of Louis "Pious" King Aquitaine I King Franks

Kings France: Great x 5 Grand Daughter of Robert "Pious" II King France

Kings Duke Aquitaine: Great x 9 Grand Daughter of Ranulf I Duke Aquitaine

Ancestors of Eleanor "Fair Maid of Britanny" 4th Countess of Richmond 1184-1241

Great x 2 Grandfather: Fulk "Young" King Jerusalem

Great x 4 Grandfather: Simon Montfort

Great x 3 Grandmother: Bertrade Montfort Queen Consort France

Great x 4 Grandmother: Agnès of Normandy

Great x 1 Grandfather: Geoffrey Plantagenet Duke Normandy

Great x 4 Grandfather: Jean de la Flèche La Flèche De Baugency

Great x 3 Grandfather: Elias La Flèche De Baugency I Count Maine

Great x 4 Grandmother: Paula Maine

Great x 2 Grandmother: Ermengarde La Flèche De Baugency Countess Anjou

Great x 4 Grandfather: Gervais II Lord Chateau Du Loir

Great x 3 Grandmother: Matilda Chateau Du Loir Countess Maine

GrandFather: King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 3 Grandfather: King William "Conqueror" I of England -2 x Great Grand Son of King William "Conqueror" I of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Herleva Falaise

Great x 2 Grandfather: King Henry I "Beauclerc" England Son of King William "Conqueror" I of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Baldwin "The Good" V Count Flanders

Great x 3 Grandmother: Matilda Flanders Queen Consort England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Adela Capet Duchess Normandy

Great x 1 Grandmother: Empress Matilda Daughter of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 4 Grandfather: King Duncan I of Scotland

Great x 3 Grandfather: King Malcolm III of Scotland

Great x 2 Grandmother: Edith aka Matilda Dunkeld Queen Consort England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Edward "The Exile" Wessex

Great x 3 Grandmother: Margaret Wessex Queen Consort Scotland

Great x 4 Grandmother: Agatha

Father: Geoffrey Plantagenet 2nd Duke Brittany Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: William "Great" V Duke Aquitaine

Great x 3 Grandfather: Guy William Poitiers VIII Duke Aquitaine

Great x 4 Grandmother: Agnes Ivrea Duchess Aquitaine

Great x 2 Grandfather: William "Troubadour" Poitiers IX Duke Aquitaine

Great x 4 Grandfather: Robert I Duke Burgundy

Great x 3 Grandmother: Hildegarde Burgundy Duchess Aquitaine

Great x 1 Grandfather: William "Saint" Poitiers X Duke Aquitaine

Great x 4 Grandfather: Pons Rouerge Margrave Provence

Great x 3 Grandfather: William Rouerge Duke Narbonne

Great x 4 Grandmother: Almodis La Marche Margrave Provence

Great x 2 Grandmother: Philippa Rouerge Duchess Aquitaine

Great x 3 Grandmother: Emma Mortain Duchess Narbonne

Great x 4 Grandmother: Matilda or Maud Montgomery

GrandMother: Eleanor of Aquitaine Queen Consort Franks and England

Great x 2 Grandfather: Aimery Chatellerault Viscount Châtellerault

Great x 1 Grandmother: Aenor Chatellerault Duchess Aquitaine

Great x 3 Grandfather: Bartholomew Île Bouchard

Great x 2 Grandmother: Dangereuse Ile Bouchard Viscountess Chatellerault

Eleanor "Fair Maid of Britanny" 4th Countess of Richmond Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Geoffrey Penthièvre I Duke Brittany

Great x 3 Grandfather: Odo Penthièvre I Count Penthièvre

Great x 4 Grandmother: Hawise Normandy Countess Rennes

Great x 2 Grandfather: Stephen Penthièvre Count Tréguier

Great x 4 Grandfather: Alan Canhiart Count Cornouaille

Great x 3 Grandmother: Agnes Canhiart

Great x 1 Grandfather: Alan "Black" Penthièvre 1st Earl Richmond

Great x 2 Grandmother: Hawise Guingamp

GrandFather: Conan "The Young" Penthièvre IV Duke Brittany Great Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Hoël Canhiart II Duke Brittany

Great x 3 Grandfather: Alan Canhiart IV Duke Brittany

Great x 2 Grandfather: Conan "Fat" Canhiart III Duke Brittany

Great x 4 Grandfather: Fulk "Réchin" Anjou 4th Count Anjou

Great x 3 Grandmother: Ermengarde Anjou Duchess Brittany and Aquitaine

Great x 4 Grandmother: Hildegarde Beaugency Countess Anjou

Great x 1 Grandmother: Bertha Canhiart I Duchess Brittany Grand Daughter of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 4 Grandfather: King William "Conqueror" I of England -2 x Great Grand Son of King William "Conqueror" I of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: King Henry I "Beauclerc" England Son of King William "Conqueror" I of England

Great x 2 Grandmother: Matilda Fitzroy Duchess Brittany Daughter of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Mother: Constance Penthièvre Duchess Brittany 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 4 Grandfather: King Duncan I of Scotland

Great x 3 Grandfather: King Malcolm III of Scotland

Great x 2 Grandfather: King David I of Scotland

Great x 4 Grandfather: Edward "The Exile" Wessex

Great x 3 Grandmother: Margaret Wessex Queen Consort Scotland

Great x 4 Grandmother: Agatha

Great x 1 Grandfather: Henry Dunkeld 3rd Earl Huntingdon 1st Earl of Northumbria

Great x 4 Grandfather: Siward "Stout" Earl of Northumbria

Great x 3 Grandfather: Waltheof Northumbria 1st Earl of Northampton 1st Earl Huntingdon

Great x 4 Grandmother: Aelfflaed Northumbria

Great x 2 Grandmother: Maud Queen Consort Scotland

GrandMother: Margaret Dunkeld Duchess Brittany

Great x 4 Grandfather: Ralph Warenne

Great x 3 Grandfather: William Warenne 1st Earl of Surrey

Great x 2 Grandfather: William Warenne 2nd Earl of Surrey

Great x 4 Grandfather: Gerbod The Fleming

Great x 3 Grandmother: Gundred Countess of Surrey

Great x 1 Grandmother: Ada Warenne Countess Huntingdon and Northumbria

Great x 4 Grandfather: King Henry I of France

Great x 3 Grandfather: Hugh "Great" Capet

Great x 4 Grandmother: Anne Rurik Queen Consort France

Great x 2 Grandmother: Elizabeth Capet Countess Leicester, Meulan and Surrey

Great x 3 Grandmother: Adelaide I Countess Vermandois

Great x 4 Grandmother: Adela Valois Countess Blois and Vermandois