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Biography of Ford Madox Brown 1821-1893

Ford Madox Brown 1821-1893 is in Painters.

In 1818 [his father] Ford Brown (age 38) and [his mother] Caroline Madox (age 33) were married.

On 16 Apr 1821 Ford Madox Brown was born to Ford Brown (age 41) and Caroline Madox (age 36) at Calais [Map].

1840. Ford Madox Brown (age 18). "Study for the Dean in the 'Execution of Mary Queen of Scots'". The model is described in some sources as the artist's father [his father] Ford Brown (age 60).

Ford Brown: In 1780 he was born to John Brown. In 1818 he and Caroline Madox were married. In 1842 he died at Paris.

1840. Ford Madox Brown (age 18). "Study for 'Execution of Mary Queen of Scots'".

In 1841 [his mother] Caroline Madox (age 56) died.

Around 1841. Ford Madox Brown (age 19). "The Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots". The moment the Mary tells Bishop Richard Fletcher to stop praying for her in the Protestant faith. His first wife [his future wife] Elizabeth (age 22) modelled for one of the figures

Elizabeth Bromley: On 10 Sep 1818 she was born to Samuel Bromley and Mary Madox at Butt Lane, Deptford. She was baptised 02 Oct 1818. In Apr 1841 Ford Madox Brown and she were married. They were half first cousins. On 05 Jun 1846 Elizabeth Bromley died of tuberculosis in Paris. She was buried at Kensal Green Cemetery.

In Apr 1841 Ford Madox Brown (age 19) and Elizabeth Bromley (age 22) were married. They were half first cousins.

In 1842 [his father] Ford Brown (age 62) died at Paris [Map].

1842. Ford Madox Brown (age 20). "Manfred on the Jungfrau". Inspired by Scene II of the poem Manfred by George "Lord Byron" 6th Baron Byron.

On 19 Jul 1843 [his daughter] Emma Lucy Madox Brown was born to Ford Madox Brown (age 22) and [his wife] Elizabeth Bromley (age 24) at Paris [Map]. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.12%.

1844. Ford Madox Brown (age 22). "The Bromley Family". His first wife [his wife] Elizabeth (age 25) bottom right.

On 05 Jun 1846 [his wife] Elizabeth Bromley (age 27) died of tuberculosis in Paris [Map]. She was buried at Kensal Green Cemetery.

1849-1854. Ford Madox Brown (age 27). "Lear and Cordelia". Model for Cordelia [his future wife] Emma Matilda Hill (age 19).

1850. Ford Madox Brown (age 28). Self-protrait.

On 11 Nov 1850 [his illegitimate daughter] Catherine Emily Brown was born illegitimately to Ford Madox Brown (age 29) and [his future wife] Emma Matilda Hill (age 21).

1851. Unfinished. Ford Madox Brown (age 29). "Take Your Son, Sir". Model [his future wife] Emma Matilda Hill (age 21).

1851. Ford Madox Brown (age 29). "Pretty Baa Lambs". Models: the artist's future wife [his future wife] Emma Matilda Hill (age 21) and their daughter [his illegitimate daughter] Catherine Emily Brown.

The Diary of George Price Boyce 1851. 13 Nov 1851. After Clipstone Street spent the evening with Wells (age 22) at John (age 24) and Thomas Seddon's (age 30), 7 Percy Street; G. Rossetti (age 23), F. M. Brown (age 30) and G. Truefitt (age 27) were there.

1852 to 1865. Ford Madox Brown (age 30). "Work".

1852 to 1865. Ford Madox Brown (age 30). Potrait of his daughter [his illegitimate daughter] Catherine Emily Brown (age 1).

1853. Ford Madox Brown (age 31). Potrait of his daughter [his illegitimate daughter] Catherine Emily Brown (age 2).

On 05 Apr 1853 Ford Madox Brown (age 31) and Emma Matilda Hill (age 23) were married at St Dunstan's in the West, Fleet Street [Map]. The witnesses were Dante Gabriel Rossetti (age 24) and Thomas Seddon (age 31). Rector Edward Auriol (age 48) performed the ceremony.

Edward Auriol: On 27 Feb 1805 he was born to James Peter Auriol. In or before 1841 he was appointed Rector of St Dunstan's in the West, Fleet Street. In or before 1841 Edward Auriol and Georgina Morris. On 10 Jul 1880 Edward Auriol died.

1854 to 1855. Ford Madox Brown (age 32). "Waiting: an English Fireside". Models: the artists wife [his wife] Emma Matilda Hill (age 24) and daughter [his illegitimate daughter] Catherine Emily Brown (age 3).

1854-1855. Ford Madox Brown (age 32). "Carrying Corn".

1855-1856. Ford Madox Brown (age 33). "The Hayfield".

1855. Ford Madox Brown (age 33). "The Last Of England". Modelled by himself and his wife [his wife] Emma Matilda Hill (age 25). Inspired by the departure to Australia of his friend Thomas Woolner (age 29).

In 1855 [his son] Oliver Madox Brown was born to Ford Madox Brown (age 33) and [his wife] Emma Matilda Hill (age 25).

1856 to 1858. Ford Madox Brown (age 34). "Chaucer at the Court of Edward III".

1857. Ford Madox Brown (age 35). "Stages of Cruelty". Models: the artists wife [his wife] Emma Matilda Hill (age 27) and daughter [his illegitimate daughter] Catherine Emily Brown (age 6).

The Diary of George Price Boyce 1855-1857. 06 Jun 1857. Received from [his future son-in-law] Wm. Rossetti (age 27) circular of the New York Exhibition of British Art. Works to be in readiness by end of August. Augustus Ruxton projector. F. M. Brown (age 36) goes with the things.

Memorials of Edward Burne-Jones 1860. After In the unsettled week before his marriage Edward (age 26) had amused himself by painting some figures upon a plain deal sideboard which he possessed, and this in its new state was a delightful surprise to find. "Ladies and animals" he called the subjects illustrated, and there were seven pictures, three on the cupboard doors in front and two at each end, which shewed them in various relations to each other. Three kind and attentive ladies were feeding pigs, parrots and fishes; two cruel ones were tormenting an owl by forcing him to look at himself in a round mirror, and gold fish by draining them dry in a net; while two more were expiating such sins in terror at a hideous newt upon the garden path and the assault of a swarm of angry bees. Mrs. Catherwood gave us a piano, made by Priestly of Berners Street, who had patented a small one of inoffensive shape that we had seen and admired at Madox Brown's (age 39) house; we had ours made of unpolished American walnut, a perfectly plain wood of pleasing colour, so that Edward could paint upon it. The little instrument when opened shows inside the lid a very early design for the "Chant d' Amour," and on the panel beneath the keyboard there is a gilded and lacquered picture of Death, veiled and crowned, standing outside the gate of a garden where a number of girls, unconscious of his approach, are resting and listening to music. The lacquering of this panel was an exciting process, for its colour had to be bedeepened by heat while still liquid, and Edward used a red-hot poker for the work.

On 11 Feb 1862 at twenty past seven in the morning Elizabeth Siddal (age 32) overdosed on laudanum at 14 Chatham Place. Possibly suicide - there may have been a note that said "look after Harry (her invalid brother)" which Ford Madox Brown (age 40) persuaded Dante Gabriel Rossetti (age 33) to burn. Shortly after her death Sarah Cox aka Fanny Cornforth (age 27) moved into the family home to become housekeeper to Dante Gabriel Rossetti.

1867. Dante Gabriel Rossetti (age 38). Drawing of Ford Madox Brown (age 45).

02 Apr 1871. Census. 37 Fitzroy Square.

Ford Madox Brown (age 49). Head. 49.

[his wife] Emma Matilda Hill (age 41). Wife. 36.

[his daughter] Emma Lucy Madox Brown (age 27). Daughter. 26.

[his illegitimate daughter] Catherine Emily Brown (age 20). Daughter. 20.

[his son] Oliver Madox Brown (age 16). Son. 16.

Charloote Kirkby. Servant. 29.

Mary Ann Edwards. Servant. 19.

Oliver Madox Brown: In 1855 he was born to Ford Madox Brown and Emma Matilda Hill. In 1874 he died.

1872. Ford Madox Brown (age 50). "The Convalescent". Model [his wife] Emma Matilda Hill (age 42). When he made this pastel, the artist wrote, "Now that she is lying in bed thinned with the fever she looks very pictorial and young as ever again."

On 03 Sep 1872 [his son-in-law] Francis Heuffer (age 27) and [his illegitimate daughter] Catherine Emily Brown (age 21) were married. She the illegitmate daughter of Ford Madox Brown (age 51) and [his wife] Emma Matilda Hill (age 43).

On 31 Mar 1874 [his son-in-law] William Michael Rossetti (age 44) and [his daughter] Emma Lucy Madox Brown (age 30) were married. She the daughter of Ford Madox Brown (age 52) and [his former wife] Elizabeth Bromley.

On 09 Apr 1882 Dante Gabriel Rossetti (age 53) died. He was buried at All Saints Church, Birchington on Sea [Map]. There is a Celtic Cross marking his grave commissioned by his mother Frances Mary Lavinia Polidori (age 81), designed by Ford Madox Brown (age 60) and erected in the presence of his brother [his son-in-law] William Michael Rossetti (age 52) and sister Christina Georgina Rossetti (age 51) as written on the base of the cross.

On 11 Oct 1890 [his wife] Emma Matilda Hill (age 61) died.

05 Apr 1891. Census. 1 St Edmunds Terrace.

Ford Madox Brown (age 69). Head. Widower.

[his illegitimate daughter] Catherine Heuffer (age 40). Daughter. Widow.

[his grandson] Ford Madox Ford aka Heuffer (age 17). Grandson. 17.

[his grandson] Oliver Madox Heuffer (age 14). Grandson. 15.

[his granddaughter] Juliet Catherine Emma Heuffer (age 10). Granddaughter. 10.

Charlotte Kindy. Servant. 31.

Margaret Mullin. Servant. 23.

Ford Madox Ford aka Heuffer: On 17 Dec 1873 he was born to Francis Heuffer and Catherine Emily Brown On 26 Jun 1939 he died.

Oliver Madox Heuffer: In 1877 he was born to Francis Heuffer and Catherine Emily Brown On 22 Jun 1931 he died.

Juliet Catherine Emma Heuffer: In 1881 she was born to Francis Heuffer and Catherine Emily Brown In 1944 she died.

On 06 Oct 1893 Ford Madox Brown (age 72) died. He was buried at St Pancras and Islington Cemetery.

Diary of Ford Madox Brown. The Diary of Ford Madox Brown edited by Virginia Surtees. Published in 1981.

Ancestors of Ford Madox Brown 1821-1893

GrandFather: John Brown

Father: Ford Brown

Ford Madox Brown

GrandFather: Unknown Brown

Mother: Caroline Madox