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Before 1319 Guy de Bryan was born to Guy de Bryan of Walwyn's Castle.
Around 1328 Giles Badlesmere 2nd Baron Badlesmere (age 13) and [his future wife] Elizabeth Montagu Baroness Badlesmere and Despencer (age 4) were married. She the daughter of William Montagu 1st Earl Salisbury (age 27) and Catherine Grandison Countess of Salisbury (age 24). He a great x 4 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.
Before 27 Apr 1341 Hugh Despencer 1st Baron Despencer (age 33) and [his future wife] Elizabeth Montagu Baroness Badlesmere and Despencer (age 17) were married. She by marriage Baroness Despencer. She the daughter of William Montagu 1st Earl Salisbury (age 40) and Catherine Grandison Countess of Salisbury (age 37). He a great grandson of King Edward I of England.
Before 1348 Guy de Bryan (age 29) and Joan Carew (age 27) were married.
On 12 Apr 1348 [his wife] Joan Carew (age 28) died.
In 1349 [his father] Guy de Bryan of Walwyn's Castle died.
Before 10 Jul 1350 Guy de Bryan (age 31) and Elizabeth Montagu Baroness Badlesmere and Despencer (age 26) were married. She the daughter of William Montagu 1st Earl Salisbury and Catherine Grandison Countess of Salisbury.
Before 1352 Roger Mortimer 2nd Earl March (age 23) and [his sister-in-law] Philippa Montagu Countess March (age 19) were married. She by marriage Countess March. She the daughter of William Montagu 1st Earl Salisbury and Catherine Grandison Countess of Salisbury. He the son of Edmund Mortimer and Elizabeth Badlesmere Countess Northampton (age 38). He a great x 5 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.
On 31 May 1359 [his wife] Elizabeth Montagu Baroness Badlesmere and Despencer (age 35) died. Monument in Tewkesbury Abbey [Map].
On 23 Apr 1369 King Edward III of England (age 56) created new Garter Knights
46th John Neville 3rd Baron Neville of Raby (age 32).
47th Robert Dampierre (age 46).
48th John Hastings 2nd Earl Pembroke (age 21). Some sources say 1370 but that would be inconsistent with the numbering?
49th Thomas Grandison 4th Baron Grandison (age 30).
50th Guy de Bryan (age 50). Possibly on 31 Dec 1369?.
On 17 Aug 1390 Guy de Bryan (age 71) died. Monument at Tewkesbury Abbey [Map]. Alabaster with, unusually, a portrait rather than a generic face. Early Plate Bascinet Period. He was buried at St James' Church, Slapton.
Effigy of Sir Guy Bryan. Although this subject suffers considerably in its appearance, from the mutilations it has undergone, yet, from the richness and peculiarities of the armour, it is a valuable specimen. It is executed in stone, and has been painted, gilt, and silvered, though there is but little of this now remaining. Sir Guy Bryan appears to have been represented in the act of drawing his sword, an action not common on monuments at so late a period: on his head is the basinet, the camail attached to it by a red lace; the surcoat is charged with the arms of Bryan, or, three piles meeting in base azure, the field is diapered with a white raised composition; the piles are painted with ultramarine, and have been beautifully diapered with white, the only remains of which are to be traced under the right arm. The arms are covered by the mail sleeves of the haubergeon, the lower part only from the elbow defended with plate: on the upper, upon the mail, are singular appearances—a number of iron pegs placed in regular order, enclosing a space, in form and extent the same on both arms; for what purpose they were placed there, it is not easy to conjecture. The sword and dagger are broken away, as are also the gauntlets. The mail chausses covering the legs seldom appear after plate-armour had been so long introduced, and they have here singular additions, being strengthened with narrow plates above and below the genouillieres, each plate having, distributed equidistant along its sides, six pegs of wood, the purpose of these, or why they were of an extraneous substance, is as unaccountable as what we find on the arms. The whole of the armour, plate and mail, has been once covered with silver leaf. The mailles of the camail, haubergeon, and chausses, are of different sizes, and formed with a white impressed composition, as on the surcoat. The crest upon the helmet under the head is too much mutilated to determine what it is, but most resembles a griffin's head. We should have expected a bugle-horn for the crest. Sir William Bryan, son of Sir Guy, bearing this on his brass in Seale Church, Kent. The architectural part of the monument is extremely light and elegant, and it has on that account severely suffered; for many of the shafts, which supported this delicate fabric, are lost, and a great number of those that remain are out of their perpendiculars in all directions. As far as there were authorities remaining, a restoration has been made in the etching, which represents the monument nearly in its original state. The arms on the base are in the centre, and on each side. The wife of Sir Guy Bryan, being [his former wife] Elizabeth, daughter of William de Montacute, Earl of Salisbury.
Details.—Plate 2. Fig. 1, 2, 3, mailles of the camail, haubergeon, and chausses, the same size as the originals. 4. Raised diapering on the surcoat. 5. Part of the girdle.
[his son] William Bryan was born to Guy de Bryan and Elizabeth Montagu Baroness Badlesmere and Despencer.
[his son] William Bryan was born to Guy de Bryan and Elizabeth Montagu Baroness Badlesmere and Despencer.
[his son] Guy Bryan was born to Guy de Bryan and Elizabeth Montagu Baroness Badlesmere and Despencer.
[his daughter] Phillipe Bryan was born to Guy de Bryan and Elizabeth Montagu Baroness Badlesmere and Despencer.