Biography of Henry Brandon 2nd Duke of Suffolk 1535-1551

Paternal Family Tree: Brandon

1536 Henry VIII becomes Supreme Head of the Church

1550 Peace of Boulogne

1551 Sweating Sickness Outbreak

In 1508 [his father] Charles Brandon 1st Duke of Suffolk (age 24) and Anne Browne were married secretly at Stepney [Map]. She, Anne, being the step-daughter of his first wife's (age 42) sister Lucy Neville (age 40). They, Charles and Anne, had possibly been betrothed before his marriage to Margaret Neville.

In May 1515 [his father] Charles Brandon 1st Duke of Suffolk (age 31) and Mary Tudor Queen Consort France (age 19) were married. She by marriage Duchess Suffolk. She had married Louis XII King France in Oct 1514; he had died on 01 Jan 1515. Around this time he surrendered the title Viscount Lisle which he had been created in anticipation of this marriage to Elizabeth Grey Countess Devon (age 10) which never took place. She the daughter of King Henry VII of England and Ireland and Elizabeth York Queen Consort England.

On 07 Sep 1533 [his father] Charles Brandon 1st Duke of Suffolk (age 49) and [his mother] Catherine Willoughby Duchess Suffolk (age 14) were married. She by marriage Duchess Suffolk. The difference in their ages was 35 years.

On 18 Sep 1535 Henry Brandon 2nd Duke of Suffolk was born to Charles Brandon 1st Duke of Suffolk (age 51) and Catherine Willoughby Duchess Suffolk (age 16).

Henry VIII becomes Supreme Head of the Church

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1536. 27 Feb 1536. The Soundaie of Quinquegesima, being the 27th daie of Februarie and Leepe yeare, a.d. 1536, preached at Paules Crosse [Map] the Bushoppe of Durhame, named Dr. Dunstall (age 62),c sometime Bishopp of London, and afore that, being Master of the Rolls; and their were present at his sermon the Archbishopp of Canterberie (age 46) with eight other bishopps, sitting at the crosse before the preacher; and the Lorde Chauncellor of Englande (age 48), the Duke of Norfolke (age 63), the Duke of Suffolke, with six Erles and divers other lordes, stoode behinde the preacher within the pulpitt, and also fower monkes of the Charterhouse of London were brought to the said sermon, which denied the King (age 44) to be supreame heade of the Church of Englande. And their the said preacher declared the profession of the Bishopp of Rome when he is elected Pope, according to the confirmation of eight universall general counsells, which were congregate for the faith of all Christendome; and everie Pope taketh an othe on the articles, promising to observe, keepe, and hould all that the said counsells confirmed, and to dampne all that they dampned; and how he, contrarie to his oth, hath usurped his power and aucthoritie over all Christendome; and also how uncharitably he had handled our Prince, King Henrie the Eight, in marying [him to] his brother's wife, contrarie to Godes lawes and also against his owne promise and decrees, which he opened by scriptures and by the cannons of the Appostles; and also how everie Kinge hath the highe power under God, and ought to be the supreame head over all spirituall prelates, which was a goodlie and gracious hearing to all the audience being their present at the same sermon. And in his prayers he said, after this manner, ye shall pray for the universall church of all Christendome, and especiall for the prosperous estate of our Soveraigne and Emperour King Henrie the Eight, being the onelie supreame head of this realme of Englande; and he declared also in his said sermon how that the Cardinalls of Rome bee but curattes and decons of the cittie and province of Bome, and how that everie curate of any parrish have as much power as they have, according to scripture, save onelie that the Pope of Rome hath made them so high aucthorities onelie for to ezhalt his name and power in Christen realmes for covetousnes, as by his owne decrees he evidentlie their approved.

Note c. Cuthbert Tunstall, translated from London 25th March, 1530.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1536. Item, on Munday,c the 15th of May, 1536, there was arreigned within the Tower of London [Map] Queene Anne (age 35),d for treason againste the Kinges owne person, and there was a great scaffold made in the Kinges Hall within the Tower of London [Map], and there were made benches and seates for the lordes, my Lord of Northfolke (age 63) sittinge under the clothe of estate, representinge there the Kinges person as Highe Steward of Englande and uncle to the Queene, he holdinge a longe white staffe in his hande, and the Earle of Surrey (age 20) his sonne and heire, sittinge at his feete before him holdinge the golden staffe for the Earle Marshall of Englande, which sayde office the saide duke had in his handes; the Lord Awdley Chauncellour of England (age 48), sittinge on his right hande, and the Duke of Suffolke on his left hande, with other marqueses, earles, and lordes, everie one after their degrees.

Note c. Stow's account seems to hare been taken from this, with considerable verbal differences and some omissions.

Note d. There was no precedent for the trial of a Queen for treason, so Henry determined that she should be arraigned before a commission of Lords, as had been practised in the case of the Duke of Buckingham.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1536. 15 May 1536. And first the Kinges commission was redd, and then the Constable of the Tower (age 60)e and the Lieutenant (age 56) brought forthe the Queene (age 35) to the barre, where was made a chaire for her to sitt downe in, and then her indictment was redd afore her,g whereunto she made so wise and discreet aunsweres to all thinges layde against her, excusinge herselfe with her wordes so clearlie, as thoughe she had never bene faultie to the same,a and at length putt her to the triall of the Peeres of the Realme, and then were 26 of the greatest peeres there present chosen to passe on her, the Duke of Suffolke beinge highest, and, after they had communed together, the yongest lorde of the saide inquest was called first to give verdict, who sayde guiltie, and so everie lorde and earle after their degrees sayde guiltie to the last and so condemned her. And then the Duke of Northfolke (age 63) gave this sentence on her, sayinge: Because thou haste offended our Sovereigne the Kinges grace, in committinge treason against his person, and here attaynted of the same,' the lawe of the realme is this, that thou haste deserved death, and thy judgment is this: That thow shalt be brent here within the Tower of London on the Greene [Map], els to have thy head smitten of as the Kinges pleasure shal be further knowne of the same; and so she was brought to warde agayne, and two ladies wayted on her, which came in with her at the first, and wayted still on her, whose names were the Ladie Kingstone (age 60) and the Ladie Boleyn (age 56), her aunte.

Note e. Sir William Kingston.

Note f. Sir Edmond Walsingham.

Note g. Her indictment, which comprised six sereral charges, is preserred in the Public Record Office, with the subsequent proceedings thereon.

Note a. Upon her examination she positively denied she had ever been false to the King; but, being told that Norris, Weston, Brereton, and Smeton had accused her, she said she ought not to conceal certain things which had passed between her and them. See Burnet, tom, i. pp. 191, 280, &c.

1541 Hans Holbein The Younger (age 44). Miniature portrait of Henry Brandon 2nd Duke of Suffolk (age 5).

On 22 Aug 1545 [his father] Charles Brandon 1st Duke of Suffolk (age 61) died. His son Henry Brandon 2nd Duke of Suffolk (age 9) succeeded 2nd Duke Suffolk, 2nd Viscount Lisle.

Peace of Boulogne

Diary of Edward VI. 24 Mar 1550. Peax4 concluded between Englaund, Fraunce, and Scoteland, by, on th' English side, Jhon erl of Bedford lord previ seal, lord Paget de Beaudesert, sir William Petre (age 45) secretary, and sir Jhon Mason (age 47); on the French side, monsuir de Bochepot5, mons. Chastillon,1a Guillart de Mortier,2a and Bouchetel de Sarcy,3a upon condicions, that al titles, tributs and defensis shuld remaine; that the fault of on(e) man, except he be unpunished, shuld not breake the league; that the shippes of marchaundis shal passe to and froe, that pirats shall be called bake, and shippes of warre; that prisoners shal be deliverid of both sides; that we shal not warr with Scoteland, except new occasion be gieven; that Boulein, with the pecis of new conquest, and 2 basilicus,4a 2 demy canons, 3 culvrins, 2 dimy culvrins, 3 sacres, 6 faucons, 94 hagbutes a croke with wodden tayles,5a 21 iron peces; and Lodres1b and Dunglas, with, all th' ordonaunce, saving that that cam from Hadington [Map], shall, within six monthes after this peax proclaimed, be delivred, and for that the French to pay 200,000 scutes within three dayes after the delivery of Boullein, and 200,000 scutes on our Ladie day in harvest next ensuyng, and that if the Scottes raised Lodr. et [?]. we shuld raise Roxborough and Aymouth. For the performance of wich on the 7 of April shuld be deliveride at Guisnes and Ard thies hostagies:

2Marques de Means (age 31).1c, My lord of Soutlifolke (age 14).2c

Mons. Trimouille (age 29).1d My lord of Hertford (age 10).2d

Mons. d'Anguien (age 21).3d My lord Talbot (age 22).4d

Mons. Montmorency (age 19).5d My lord Fizwarren (age 21).6d

Mons. Henaudiere.7d My lord Matravers (age 12).8d

Vicedam de Chartres (age 28).9d My lord Straunge (age 18).10d

Note 4. The commission issued by Henry H. King of France on the 20th Jan. to his four plenipotentiaries to treat for peace is printed in Rymer, Fœdera, xv. 202, and that to the same persons for its ratification, dated 31 March, ibid. p. 220. King Edward's instructions to his commissioners are printed by Burnet, History of the Eeformation, ii. Eecords, No 49, followed (No. 50) by other articles devised in answer to certain doubts moved on the 27th Feb. The original of the latter paper is in MS. Cotton. Caligula, E. IV. (not E. I. as Burnet gives the reference) fol. 270, preceded by other original instructions, also bearing the signatures of the King and council. The treaty itself is printed in Rymer's collection, xv. 211.

Note 5. François de Montmorency (age 54), seigneur de la Rochepot, governor of the isle of France, and lieutenant-general in Picardy. He was younger brother to the constable Anne duc de Montmorency (age 57); and died in 1551. Auselme, Histoire Genealogique, iii. 603.

Note 1a. Gaspard de Coligny II. seigneur de Chatillon-sur-Loing, son of Gaspard de Coligny I. marshal of France, who died in 1541, and brother to Odet cardinal de Châtillon and François seigneur d'Andelot. He was born in 1516, and was now lieutenant-general of the Boulenois in the absence of the seigneur de la Rochepot. After the death of the seigneur d'Annebaut, in 1552, he was made admiral of France. He was afterwards still more distinguished as the chief of the Huguenots, and was one of the victims of the massacre of St. Bartholomew in 1572. Anselme, Histoire Geneal. vii. 152, 883.

Note 2a. André Guillart seigneur du Mortier, a privy councillor.

Note 3a. Guillerm Bochetel seigneur de Sassy, secretary of state and the finances, and greffier of the order of St. Michael.

Note 4a. The acquittance of the French commissioners on the receipt of the artillery and munitions here mentioned, dated the 24th March, is printed in Rymer, xv. 218. The list agrees very nearly with that given by King Edward: — "c'est assavoir, deux Gros Cannons qu'on appelle Bazehqs, deux Demys Canons, trois Coullevrines, deux Demyes Coulevrines, deux Sacres, six Faulcons, soixante quartorze Harquebuzes a crochet de bronze, quinze pieces de fer qu'on appelle Serpentines bons et mauvais, six Harquebuzes de fer a crocq, quatre barillz pouldre serpentine, septcens boulletz de fer pour demyz canons, quatre cens quatre vingtz boullets de fer pour coullevrines, quatre cens quatre vingtz douze boullets de fer pour demys coullevrines, et quatre vingtz douze boullets de fer pour sacres "Two of the "long French pieces called Basiliques" had been brought to Portsmouth, and are mentioned in a warrant addressed to sir Francis Flemming, April 2, 1550. (Council Book.)

Note 5a. The MS. is indistinct in the word "tayles" or "rayles;" but the figures are 94, instead of 74, according to the French receipt. "Hagbuttes of croke of yron" occur in an inventory of the royal artillery, 1 Edw. VI. printed in Meyrick's Critical Inquiry into Antient Armour, vol. iii. p. 11: and the croke is there explained as "the crooked part of the butt protected by iron." The hakbute, or harquebus, was "a short but heavy fire-arm whicli preceded the musket, and carried a ball of about three ounces. The stock of it greatly resembled that of a cross-bow." (Glossary in the same work.) I suspect the crook was really a rest to support it when discharged.

Note 1b. Lauder, in Scotland.

Note 2b. The French hostages were given as security for the payment of the sum of 200,000 crowns in the following August; the English as security for the restoration of the town of Boulogne to France. The custom of giving hostages during the period of a treaty for peace is one of very remote antiquity. "Jurisconsultis obsides dicuntur, qui dati sunt a populi Komani hostibus pro captivis redimendis, vel pro pace componenda." (Lexicon Antiq. Eoman.) The selection of the children of persons of high rank for this purpose may also be traced to the Roman times. Csesar mentions a resolution "Obsides nobilissimi cujusque liberos poscere." (De Bello Gall. i. 31. j The same custom may be traced existing at long intervals in subsequent ages. On the treaty with Scotland in 1139, David king of Scots gave as hostages to king Stephen the sons of five earls. (Ric. of Hexham, in Twysden's Decern Scriptores.) At the conclusion of peace between Edward II. and France in 1325, ten noble youths, who happened at the time to be wards of the Crown, were appointed to accompany the royal train. Their names were Edward de Monthermer, Bernard de la Bret, Jame le Botiller, Johan de Multon, Eobert de Ferrers, Johan Lestrange, Esteven Dabingdon, Hugh le Despenser, Donenald de Mar, and Eic. Tuyt. Each was to be attended either by a maistre or a compaignon. (Archasologia, xxxvi. 248.) On the present occasion the English hostages were all youths; but those of the French were of more advanced age. On the 28th of March the council directed "lettres to the duchesse of Suffolke to give order as the duke of Suffolke her son (being appointed to be a hostage in France) may be furnished and accompanied as to their honours and state belongeth; so as he may be beyond the seas by Easter day; and signifying his abode there not to be long, and his charges to be maintained by the Kinges Matie. The like letters to the duke of Somerset for th'earl of Hertford his son; to th'earl of Warwick for the lord Lisle (age 23) his son; to th' earl of Shrewsbury (age 50) for the lord Talbot; to the earl of Bedford for the lord Russell; to the earl of Derby for the lord Straunge; to the earl of Huntingdon for the lord Hastings; to the earl of Bath for the lord Fitzwarren; to the earl of Arundell for the lord Matravers. [Of these it will be perceived that three, the lords Lisle, Russell, and Hastings, were afterwards excused.] Letters to the lord Talbot for his speedy repayre hither by post for the same purpose. "On the 1st of April" the receiver of the Wards has warrant for CC markes to the duke of Suffolke towards his furniture into France." On the following day the Council issued a "warrant to mr. Ayleworth receiver of Devon and Cornwall for C li. to the lord Fitzwarren son to the earle of Bath, towards his furniture, being appointed one of the noblemen hostages to be sent into France. Also a warrant to mr. Wilhams for C li. to the lord Talbot, of the sales, for like purpose. Letters to the lord Cobham (age 53), deputy of Calais, to provide carriage for the stuff and other necessaryes of the hostages, with lodging. Mr. Williams had warrant for M li. to Robert Beverley for the household of the hostages, imprest of the sales. Letter to the said Beverley to defray money upon the warrant of Richard Blunt; governour of the hostages. Warrant to (blanJc) for xl li. towards the furniture of the officers of the household of the hostages, as followeth, for the Pantry, Ewry, Buttrey, Cellar, Kitchen, Pastry, and ScuUery, viij in number, according to the bill." On the xiij April the council sent "lettres to mr. Dansell to have in readiness M'M' crownes of the sunne to be sent into France to the Kinges matie hostages there, whensoever mr. Richard Blount their governour, or in his absence he that shall have the chief charge of them, shall send for the same; wherein he [Dansell] shoulde be repayd according to the value of the money." On the vij May, "a warrant to (blank) for payment of CC marks by waie of his Matie gifte towards the charges of the furniture of the erle of Hertford, appointed one of the hostaiges lately sent into Fraunce." On the iiij July "a warrant to (blank) to paie CCxlvli. xvj s. iijd. to the duke of Somerset in recompense of his charges emploied on the erle of Hertford when he was sent hostaige."

Note 1c. Francois de Lorraine, marquis de Mayenne, eldest son of Claude first duc de Guise (age 53), and brother to Mary queen of Scotland (age 7). His father died whilst he was in England on this occasion, on the 12th April, 1550. He became prince de Joinville in 1552, and grand-maitre of France in 1559. He was killed at the siege of Orleans in 1563. Anselme, Hist. Geneal. de France, iii. 486, viii. 387.

Note 2c. Charles Brandon, second duke of Suffolk (1545), who died of the sweating sickness in 1551. Two miniatures of him (one of which is incorrectly assigned to his brother) are engraved in Chamberlain's Holbein Heads. Other particulars respecting him are collected in a note to Machyn's Diary, p. 318.

Note 1d. Louis III. of the name, seigneur de la Tremouille, born in 1521. For his military services in Italy, and elsewhere, Charles IX. erected his vicomté of Thouars into a duchy in 1563. He died at the seige of Mesle in 1577. Anselme, iv. 170.

Note 2d. Edward Seymour, the Protector's (age 50) heir apparent, by his second wife Anne Stanhope (age 53); restored to the dignity of earl of Hertford by queen Elizabeth in 1559, and died in 1621. Mr. Tytler, vol. i. p. 279, has printed a letter of the duke of Somerset to lord Cobham, deputy of Calais, thanking him for letters dated 13th April 1550, whereby "we be advertised of the good health of our son the earl of Hertford, and also of his behaviour towards the company where he cometh, gaining thereby much commendation, whereof we be right glad." The duke, though no longer Protector, retained the royal "We."

Note 3d. Jean de Bourbon, comte de Soissons et d'Enghien, brother to Anthony de Bourbon (age 31) at this time duc de Vendosme and afterwards king of Navarre, and to the cardinal de Bourbon (age 26). He was bom in 1528, and died of a pistol-shot received at the battle of St. Quintin in 1557. Anselme, i. 330.

Note 4d. George Talbot, only son of the earl of Shrewsbury: he succeeded as ninth earl 1560, and died 1590.

Note 5d. François de Montmorency, eldest son of the constable Anne duc de Montmorency. He was born in 1530, and when duc de Montmorency was grand maitre and constable of France; he was elected a knight of the Garter in 1572, as his father had been in 1532. He died in 1579. Anselme, iii. 604.

Note 6d. John Bourchier, son and heir apparent of William [John] earl of Bath (age 51). He died in his father's life-time, leaving issue William, who succeeded his grandfather in 1560 [1561].

Note 7d. Jean III. seigneur d'Annebaut, only son of Claude d'Annebaut (age 55), marshal and admiral of France, by Françoise de Toumemine, baronne de la Hunaudaye, whose title he now bore. He died of wounds received at the battle of Dreux in 1562, and was the last of his ancient family. Anselme, vii. 179.

Note 8d. Henry FitzAlan, only son of the earl of Arundel (age 37), born in 1538. He also died during his father's life, in the year 1556, and the ancient earldom went in consequence to the Howards.

Note 9d. Francois de Vendome, vldame de Chartres, succeeded his father in 1526, and died in 1563, in his 38th year, or, according to other authorities, in 1560. Anselme, viii. 731.

Note 10d. Henry Stanley, son and heir apparent of the earl of Derby (age 40). He succeeded his father as the fourth earl in 1576 [1572?], and died in 1592 [1593].

Diary of Edward VI. 25 Apr 1550. The lord Clinton (age 38) captain of Bolein [Boulogne], having sent away befor al his men saving 1800, and al his ordonnaunce saving that the treaty did reserve, issued out of the towne with these 1800, delivering it to mons. Chastillon (age 31), receiving of him the six hostagies English1, aquittaunce for delivery of the towne1a and save-conduyt to com to Cales [Map], whither when lie cam(e) he placed 1800 in the emperour's frontieres.

Note 1. These young noblemen, when released from their honourable and very agreeable duty, were desirous to prolong their stay in France, in order to visit the French court. On the 24th of April — "Mocion was made for license that our hostaiges, that is to wete, the duke of Suffolke (age 14), th'erle of Hertforde (age 10), the lorde Matraverse (age 12), the lord Talbott (age 22), the lorde Strange (age 18), and the lorde Fitzwaren (age 21), might make their repaire unto the Frenche corte to see the king, like as the French hostaiges have libertie here to come to the corte. Whereupon it was thought convenient, that, forasmuch as the appointment of the delivery of Boloigne is this present day, which being accomplissed our hostaiges must be restored home, therefore they shall not have license till the counsaill be advertised of their deliverance: that, if they go, they may go at libertie and not as hostaiges. And to that effect a lettre written to mr. Blount, requiring him immediately upon their delivery to advertise the lords here, and to lerne withall the time of the Frenche king's approche into those parties, to th'entent our younge lords may meet him as neere the confines as may be.

"April xxviij. Upon lettres receaved from my lord Clynton and Richard Blount esquire, of the receipt of our hostaiges which are already retorned to Calays, it was agreed that, forasmuch as the French king's comyng downe into Bullonoys is uncertain, our young lords that had been hostaiges shulde immediately return home, notwithstanding their request and first determinacion that they shulde have licence to visite the French king." (Council Book.)

Note 1a. Boulogne was delivered to the seigneur de la Eochepot and the seigneur de Chastillon on the 25th of April by the hands of Edward lord Clinton, sir Richard Cotton, and sir Leonard Beckwith: see the acquittance of the French commissioners, mentioned by King Edward, in Rymer, xv. 228; the treaty for its surrender having been concluded on the 24th March (ibid. 230).

After 1551 [his step-father] Richard Bertie Baron Willoughby (age 34) and [his mother] Catherine Willoughby Duchess Suffolk (age 31) were married. He by marriage Baron Willoughby de Eresby.

1551 Sweating Sickness Outbreak

On 14 Jul 1551 the two Brandon brothers died of sweating sickness at the Bishop of Lincoln's Palace, Buckden [Map]. They were buried at St Mary's Church, Buckden [Map].

Henry Brandon 2nd Duke of Suffolk (age 15) died of sweating sickness . His brother [his brother] Charles Brandon 3rd Duke of Suffolk (age 14) succeeded 3rd Duke Suffolk, 3rd Viscount Lisle.

Charles Brandon 3rd Duke of Suffolk died of sweating sickness an hour or so after his brother. Duke Suffolk, Viscount Lisle extinct.

Charles Brandon 3rd Duke of Suffolk: In 1537 he was born to Charles Brandon 1st Duke of Suffolk and Catherine Willoughby Duchess Suffolk. Henry Machyn's Diary. 22 Sep 1551. The xxij day of September was the monyth ['s mind of the] ij dukkes of Suffoke [Note. Henry Brandon 2nd Duke of Suffolk and Charles Brandon 3rd Duke of Suffolk] in Chambryge-shyre, with [ij] standards, ij baners grett of armes and large, and banars rolles of dyver armes, with ij elmets, ij [swords, ij] targetts crownyd, ij cotes of armes, ij crests, and [ten dozen] of schochyons crounyd; and yt was grett pete of [their] dethe, and yt had plesyd God, of so nobull a stok they wher, for ther ys no more left of them.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 16 Jul 1551. The xvj day of July ded of the swet the ij yonge dukes of Suffoke [Note. Henry Brandon 2nd Duke of Suffolk (deceased) and [his brother] Charles Brandon 3rd Duke of Suffolk (deceased)] of the swet, boyth in one bed in Chambryge-shyre [Map]; and [buried] at (blank in MS.); and ther ded from the viij day of July unto the xix ded of the swett in London of all dyssesus, viijc. iijxx. and xij. and no more in alle, and so the chanseller is serteffyd.

Note. Death of the two young dukes of Suffolk. Henry and Charles Brandon, the only sons of [his father] Charles Brandon, duke of Suffolk. Their mother was his second wife, [his mother] Katharine (age 32), daughter and sole heir of [his grandfather] William lord Willoughby de Eresby. (See some excellent letters of hers in Miss Wood's collection, vol. iii.) The report which reached our diarist is incorrect in two respects: the noble youths did not die "in one bed" nor "in Cambridgeshire." Their deaths took place at the bishop of Lincoln's palace [Map] at Bugden, in the county of Huntingdon. A narrative, entitled "Epistola de vita et obitu duorum fratrum Suffolciensium, Henrici et Caroli Brandon," written by sir Thomas Wilson, was shortly after printed. Two interesting extracts from this rare volume will be found in the Gentleman's Magazine for Sept. 1825, vol. xcv. ii. 206. The young men, accompanied by their mother, had just arrived at Bugden, when the duke was suddenly taken ill of the fatal sweat, which in five hours deprived him of life. The younger brother Charles, though placed in a distant chamber, immediately learned what had happened, and being asked by the physician upon what he was meditating, replied, "I am thinking how hard it is to be deprived of one's dearest friend." "Why do you say so?" said he. He answered, "How can you ask me? My brother is dead. However, it is of little matter, I shall soon follow him." And so he did, in half an hour. Sir Thomas Wilson admits the title of duke to the younger brother immediately on the elder's demise, and so we find from our Diary "the ij. dukes" were so called in London. The other extract given in the Gentleman's Magazine is a very high character (in Latin) of the young duke Henry, written by Dr. Walter Haddon, regius professor of civil law in the university of Cambridge: of this Strype (Memorials, Book ii. c. 4,) has given the substance in a translated form. Sir Thomas Wilson, in his Arte of Rhetorique, has also an interesting passage describing the characters of these young noblemen; and some Latin verses on their death, "Carmina in Mortem," &c. were written by Michael Reniger, and printed in 1552, 4to. The circumstance that their mother the duchess was the great patroness of the reforming divines accounts for the extraordinary interest excited by their death. An engraving in Chamberlain's Holbein Heads is taken from two miniatures, supposed to represent these brothers: but if the dates given in the inscriptions are compared, they will be found both to belong to the elder boy.

Note. Mortality from the sweating sickness. Two other reports of this have come down to us, and, though the figures do not exactly correspond, yet they seem all to have been derived from official returns, and there is also some difference in the periods of time. "Letters from London reporte there died in London of the sweatynge sicknes from the 7. of July till the 20. of the same 938 persons, but howe many have died since to this daye, beinge the 23., I knowe not. I truste it is nowe cleane gone." (MS. Harl. 353, f. 107.) Shortly after the disease had terminated, the celebrated Dr. Caius wrote a treatise upon it, which was printed in the following year, under the title of "A boke or counseill against the disease commonly called the sweate, or sweatyng sicknesse. Made by John Caius, doctour in physicke. 1552." Printed by Richard Grafton in black letter, 40 leaves, 12mo. The Dedication to the earl of Pembroke is dated 1st April, 1552. (Caius also wrote a Latin treatise on the same subject, of which a late edition, entitled "Johannis Caii de Ephemera Britannica liber unus," was printed in London, 8vo. 1721.) From this curious volume we learn that the disease first appeared with the army of Henry the Seventh, which arrived at Milford, out of France, the 7 Aug. 1485; next in 1506; again in 1517; a fourth time in 1528; and a fifth in 1551, shortly before the composition of his treatise. On this occasion, "Beginning at Shrewesbury in the middest of April, proceadinge with greate mortalitie to Ludlowe, Prestene, and other places in Wales, then to Westchestre, Coventre, Oxenfoorde, and other tounes in the Southe, and suche as were in and aboute the way to London, whether it came notablie the seventh of July, and there continuing sore, with the loss of vijC.lxi. from the ix. day until the xvi. daye, besides those that died in the vii. and viii. dayes, of whom no registre was kept, from that it abated until the xxx. day of the same, with the loss of C.xlii. more. Then ceasing there, it wente from thence throughe al the east partes of England into the northe, untill the ende of Auguste, at which tyme it diminished, and in the ende of Septembre fully ceassed." The following singular passage relating to this disease occurs in a report of the preaching of Thomas Hancocke, minister of Poole in Dorsetshire. "—in his doctrine he taught them that God had plagued this Realme most justly for their sins with three notable plagues. The first plague was a warning to England, which was the Posting Sweat, that posted from town to town thorow England, and was named Stop-Gallant: for it spared none. For there were some dauncing in the Court at nine a'clock that were dead at eleven. In the same sweat also at Cambridge dyed two worthy imps, the duke of Suffolk his sons, Charles and his brother." (Strype, Memor. iii. chap. vii.) The singular name here noticed occurs also in the register of Uffculme, Devonshire, where the disease prevailed in the month following its devastation in London. "Out of 38 burials entered in that year, 27 were in the first 11 days of August, and 16 of them in three days. The disease of which these persons died is called, in the parish-register, the hote sickness or stup-gallant." Magna Britannia, by Lysons, who adds that he had not been able to find the term elsewhere.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 22 Sep 1551. The xxij day of September was the monyth ['s mind of the] ij dukkes of Suffoke [Note. Henry Brandon 2nd Duke of Suffolk and [his brother] Charles Brandon 3rd Duke of Suffolk] in Chambryge-shyre, with [ij] standards, ij baners grett of armes and large, and banars rolles of dyver armes, with ij elmets, ij [swords, ij] targetts crownyd, ij cotes of armes, ij crests, and [ten dozen] of schochyons crounyd; and yt was grett pete of [their] dethe, and yt had plesyd God, of so nobull a stok they wher, for ther ys no more left of them.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1551. 04 Nov 1551. The 4 of November the sayd Quene (age 35) rode from the sayd place to the Kinges pallace at Whitehall by Westminster in hir charyot, accompanyed with diuers knightes and gentlemen, carles and lordes, the Lady Margaret Dowglas (age 36), the Duches of Richmond (age 32), the [his mother] Duches of Suffolke (age 32), the Duches of Northumberland (age 42), with diuers other noble women of England and ladyes of Scotland followinge after them; the Dukes of Northumberland (age 47) and Suffolke and the Lord Treasurer (age 68) receivinge her within the Court gate, all the guard standinge on euery syde of the Court; and at her entringe in at the hall the Kinges Maiestie (age 14) stode in the upper ende of the hall, the Earle of Warwicke (age 24) [Note. assumed to be referring to the subsiduary title of the Duke of Northumberland] houldinge the sworde afore the Kinge; she kneelinge downe, the Kinges Maiestie tooke her up and, kissinge her, he tooke her by the hand, she comminge with him, he led her up into the chamber of presence, and so from thence to the Queues chamber of presence, where he kissed all the ladyes of Scotland, and so departed for a while; and that daye she dyned on the Quenes syde with the Kinges Maiestie, the Kinges service and hers comminge both togeather, richely serued in gylt plate; the Kinges seruice on the right hand of the table, and the Quenes on the left hand, she sittinge by the Kinge apart by his cloth of estate; the goodly cupbord of plate of gould and gylte that day there occupyed, with the rich hanginges and costly meates, was wondrous to see. All the ladyes of England and Scotland dyned in the Quenes great chamber, and were serued in siluer all theyr meates; dinner ended, the Kinges Maiestie shewed her his galleries and gardens, with other commodityes of that place; and about foure of the clocke he brought her downe againe by the hand into the hall, where he received her and there kissed hir, and so she departed to the Bishops house againe to Pawles in lyke manner as she went thither.

Royal Ancestors of Henry Brandon 2nd Duke of Suffolk 1535-1551

Kings Wessex: Great x 15 Grand Son of King Edmund "Ironside" I of England

Kings Gwynedd: Great x 13 Grand Son of Owain "Great" King Gwynedd

Kings Seisyllwg: Great x 18 Grand Son of Hywel "Dda aka Good" King Seisyllwg King Deheubarth

Kings Powys: Great x 14 Grand Son of Maredudd ap Bleddyn King Powys

Kings England: Great x 7 Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Kings Scotland: Great x 14 Grand Son of King Duncan I of Scotland

Kings Franks: Great x 11 Grand Son of Louis VII King Franks

Kings France: Great x 15 Grand Son of Robert "Pious" II King France

Kings Duke Aquitaine: Great x 19 Grand Son of Ranulf I Duke Aquitaine

Ancestors of Henry Brandon 2nd Duke of Suffolk 1535-1551

Great x 2 Grandfather: Robert Brandon

Great x 1 Grandfather: William Brandon

Great x 2 Grandmother: Ada Calthorpe

GrandFather: William Brandon 5 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: John Wingfield

Great x 3 Grandfather: Robert Wingfield 7 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Margaret Hastings 6 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Great x 2 Grandfather: Robert Wingfield 8 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Great x 1 Grandmother: Elizabeth Wingfield 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Robert Goushill

Great x 2 Grandmother: Elizabeth Goushill 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Richard Fitzalan 9th Earl of Surrey 4th or 11th Earl of Arundel 2 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Elizabeth Fitzalan Duchess Norfolk 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Elizabeth Bohun Countess Arundel and Surrey Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Father: Charles Brandon 1st Duke of Suffolk 6 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Ingram le Bruyn

Great x 2 Grandfather: Morice Bruyn

Great x 4 Grandfather: Edmund de la Pole

Great x 3 Grandmother: Elizabeth Pole

Great x 1 Grandfather: Henry Bruyn aka Darcy

GrandMother: Elizabeth Bruyn

Great x 4 Grandfather: Henry Darcy

Great x 3 Grandfather: Robert Darcy

Great x 2 Grandfather: Robert Dracy

Great x 1 Grandmother: Elizabeth Darcy

Henry Brandon 2nd Duke of Suffolk 7 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: William Willoughby 5th Baron Willoughby 7 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Thomas Willoughby of Parham 7 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Lucy Strange Baroness Willoughby Eresby 6 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Great x 2 Grandfather: Robert Willoughby 5 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Richard Fitzalan 3 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Joan Fitzalan 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England

Great x 1 Grandfather: Christopher Willoughby 10th Baron Willoughby 6 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Eudo Welles 3 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Lionel Welles 6th Baron Welles 4 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Maud Greystoke 6 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 2 Grandmother: Cecily Welles 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Robert Waterton

Great x 3 Grandmother: Joan or Cecily Waterton

Great x 4 Grandmother: Cecily Fleming

GrandFather: William Willoughby 11th Baron Willoughby 7 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Great x 2 Grandfather: William Jenney

Great x 1 Grandmother: Margaret Jenney Baroness Willoughby of Eresby

Great x 3 Grandfather: Thomas Cawse

Great x 2 Grandmother: Elizabeth Cawse

Mother: Catherine Willoughby Duchess Suffolk 8 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England

Great x 1 Grandfather: Martín de Salinas

GrandMother: Maria de Salinas Baroness Willoughby

Great x 1 Grandmother: Josefa González de Salas