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Biography of Henry Clifford 2nd Earl of Cumberland 1517-1570

Paternal Family Tree: Clifford

Maternal Family Tree: Margaret Pipard Baroness Lisle 1323-1375

1525 Knighting of Henry Fitzroy

1532 Coronation of Anne Boleyn

Before 1512 [his father] Henry Clifford 1st Earl of Cumberland (age 18) and Margaret Talbot Baroness Clifford were married. She by marriage Baroness de Clifford. She the daughter of George Talbot 4th Earl of Shrewsbury (age 43) and Anne Hastings Countess Shrewsbury and Waterford (age 40). They were half third cousin once removed. He a great x 5 grandson of King Edward I of England. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

In or before 1513 [his father] Henry Clifford 1st Earl of Cumberland (age 19) and [his mother] Margaret Percy Baroness Clifford (age 12) were married. She by marriage Baroness de Clifford. She the daughter of [his grandfather] Henry Percy 5th Earl of Northumberland (age 34) and [his grandmother] Katherine Spencer Countess Northumberland (age 35). They were fourth cousins. He a great x 5 grandson of King Edward I of England. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

In 1517 Henry Clifford 2nd Earl of Cumberland was born to Henry Clifford 1st Earl of Cumberland (age 24) and Margaret Percy Baroness Clifford (age 17).

Knighting of Henry Fitzroy

Around 18 Jun 1525 Henry Clifford 2nd Earl of Cumberland (age 8) and Eleanor Brandon Countess Cumberland (age 6) were married at Bridewell Palace [Map]. King Henry VIII of England and Ireland (age 33) was present. She the daughter of Charles Brandon 1st Duke of Suffolk (age 41) and Mary Tudor Queen Consort France (age 29). He the son of Henry Clifford 1st Earl of Cumberland (age 32) and Margaret Percy Baroness Clifford (age 25). They were half third cousins. He a great x 5 grandson of King Edward III of England. She a granddaughter of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.

Coronation of Anne Boleyn

The Noble Triumphant Coronacyon of Quene Anne. 30 May 1532. The fryday made Knyghtes of the Bathe xix whose names foloweth.

Also on fryday the thirteth day of Maye the Kynge treated and made in the towre of London, nineteen noble men Knyghtes of the bathe whose names folowe.

The lorde Marques Dorset (age 15).

The erle of Derby (age 23).

The lorde Clyfforde (age 15) sone aud heyre to therle of [his father] Cumberlande (age 39).

The lorde Fitzwater sone and heyre to therle of Sussex.

The lorde Hastynges sone and heyre to therle of Huntyngton.

The Lorde Barkelay.

The lorde Mountagle.

The lorde Vaux.

Syr Henry Parker sone and heyre to the lorde Morley.

Syr Wyllyam Wyndsour sone and heyre to the lorde Wyndesour.

Syr John Mordant sone and heyre to the lorde Mordant.

Syr Fraunces Weston.

Syr Thomas Aroundell.

Syr Johan Hudelston.

Syr Thomas Ponynges.

Syr Henry Sauell.

Syr George Fitz Wyllyam of Lyncolne shire.

Syr Johan Tyndall.

Syr Thomas Jermey.

In 1533 Henry Grey 1st Duke of Suffolk (age 16) and [his sister-in-law] Frances Brandon Duchess of Suffolk (age 15) were married. She by marriage Marchioness Dorset. She the daughter of [his father-in-law] Charles Brandon 1st Duke of Suffolk (age 49) and [his mother-in-law] Mary Tudor Queen Consort France (age 36). He the son of Thomas Grey 2nd Marquess Dorset and Margaret Wotton Marchioness Dorset (age 46). They were half second cousins. He a great x 5 grandson of King Edward III of England. She a granddaughter of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.

On 01 Mar 1534 [his brother-in-law] Henry Brandon (age 11) died at Southwark, Surrey [Map]. Earl Lincoln extinct.

In 1540 [his daughter] Margaret Clifford Countess Derby was born to Henry Clifford 2nd Earl of Cumberland (age 23) and [his wife] Eleanor Brandon Countess Cumberland (age 21). She a great granddaughter of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.

In 1540 [his mother] Margaret Percy Baroness Clifford (age 40) died.

On 22 Apr 1542 [his father] Henry Clifford 1st Earl of Cumberland (age 49) died. He was buried at Holy Trinity Church Skipton [Map]. His son Henry Clifford 2nd Earl of Cumberland (age 25) succeeded 2nd Earl of Cumberland, 12th Baron de Clifford, 12th Lord Skipton. [his wife] Eleanor Brandon Countess Cumberland (age 23).

On 22 Aug 1545 [his father-in-law] Charles Brandon 1st Duke of Suffolk (age 61) died. His son [his brother-in-law] Henry Brandon 2nd Duke of Suffolk (age 9) succeeded 2nd Duke Suffolk, 2nd Viscount Lisle.

After 1547 Henry Clifford 2nd Earl of Cumberland (age 30) and Anne Dacre Countess Cumberland (age 26) were married. She by marriage Countess of Cumberland. He the son of Henry Clifford 1st Earl of Cumberland and Margaret Percy Baroness Clifford. They were third cousin once removed. He a great x 5 grandson of King Edward III of England. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

On 27 Sep 1547 [his wife] Eleanor Brandon Countess Cumberland (age 28) died.

On 07 Feb 1555 [his son-in-law] Henry Stanley 4th Earl of Derby (age 23) and [his daughter] Margaret Clifford Countess Derby (age 15) were married. She the daughter of Henry Clifford 2nd Earl of Cumberland (age 38) and [his former wife] Eleanor Brandon Countess Cumberland. He the son of Edward Stanley 3rd Earl of Derby (age 45) and Dorothy Howard Countess Derby (age 44). They were fourth cousins. She a great granddaughter of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 12 Feb 1555. [Probably 07 Feb 1555]. The xij day of Feybruary was my [his son-in-law] lord Strange (age 23) mared to the [his daughter] lade of Cumberland (age 15) the yerle of Cumberland (age 38) doyctur [daughter]; and after a grett dener, and justes, and after tornay on horsbake with swordes, and after soper Jube the cane, a play, [Juego de Canas, or tilting with canes, a sport introduced by the Spaniards] with torch-lyght and cressettlyghtes, lx cressets and C. of torchys, and a maske, and a bankett.

Note. P. 82. Marriage of lord Strange. The date of this was Feb. 7th, not the 12th. "The vij. of February the lord Strange being maried at the court, the same day at night was a goodly pastime of Juga cana by cresset lyght; there were lxx. cresset lightes." Stowe's Summarie, 1566.

Note. Pp. 76, 82, 83. Juego de cannas. This sport, which the Spanish cavaliers brought with them from their native country, was long a favourite there. When Lord Berners was ambassador in Spain in 1518, "on midsummer daye in the morninge the king, with xxiij with him, well apparelled in cootes and clokes of goulde and gouldsmythe work, on horsback, in the said market-place (at Saragossa), ranne and caste canes after the countreye maner, whearas the kinge did very well (and was) much praysed; a fresh sight for once or twise to behold, and afterward nothing. Assoone as the cane is caste, they flye; wherof the Frenche ambassador sayd, that it was a good game to teche men to flye. My lord Barners answered, that the Frenchmen learned it well besides Gingate, at the jurney of Spurres." (Letter from the ambassador in MS. Cotton. Vesp. C. i. 177.) It continued in practice when Charles prince of Wales visited Spain in 1623, and a pamphlet entitled, "A relation of the Royal Festivities and Juego de Canas, a turnament of darting with reedes after the manner of Spaine, made by the king of Spaine at Madrid, the 21st of August this present yeere 1623," is reprinted in Somers's Tracts and in Nichols's Progresses of King James I. vol. iv.—"The Juego de Cannas," remarks Sir Walter Scott, "was borrowed from the Moors, and is still practised by Eastern nations, under the name of El Djerid. It is a sort of rehearsal of the encounter of their light horsemen, armed with darts, as the Tourney represented the charge of the feudal cavaliers with their lances. In both cases, the differences between sport and reality only consisted in the weapons being sharp or pointless."

"So had he seen in fair Castile

The youth in glittering squadrons start,

Sudden the flying jennet wheel,

And hurl the unexpected dart."

(Scott's Lay of the Last Minstrel.)

On 08 Aug 1558 [his son] George Clifford 3rd Earl of Cumberland was born to Henry Clifford 2nd Earl of Cumberland (age 41) and [his wife] Anne Dacre Countess Cumberland (age 37).

In 1559 [his son] Francis Clifford 4th Earl of Cumberland was born to Henry Clifford 2nd Earl of Cumberland (age 42) and [his wife] Anne Dacre Countess Cumberland (age 38).

In Jan 1570 Henry Clifford 2nd Earl of Cumberland (age 53) died. His son [his son] George Clifford 3rd Earl of Cumberland (age 11) succeeded 3rd Earl of Cumberland, 13th Baron de Clifford, 13th Lord Skipton. Being underage his wardship went to Queen Elizabeth I of England and Ireland (age 36) who gave it to Francis Russell 2nd Earl Bedford (age 43) whose daughter George subsequently married.

In Jul 1581 [his former wife] Anne Dacre Countess Cumberland (age 60) died.

[his daughter] Frances Clifford Baroness Wharton was born to Henry Clifford 2nd Earl of Cumberland and Anne Dacre Countess Cumberland.

Henry Clifford 2nd Earl of Cumberland 1517-1570 appears on the following Descendants Family Trees:

Thomas Holland 2nd Earl Kent 1350-1397

Richard Beauchamp 13th Earl Warwick 1382-1439

Royal Ancestors of Henry Clifford 2nd Earl of Cumberland 1517-1570

Kings Wessex: Great x 14 Grand Son of King Edmund "Ironside" I of England

Kings Gwynedd: Great x 11 Grand Son of Owain "Great" King Gwynedd

Kings Seisyllwg: Great x 17 Grand Son of Hywel "Dda aka Good" King Seisyllwg King Deheubarth

Kings Powys: Great x 12 Grand Son of Maredudd ap Bleddyn King Powys

Kings England: Great x 5 Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Kings Scotland: Great x 13 Grand Son of King Duncan I of Scotland

Kings Franks: Great x 10 Grand Son of Louis VII King Franks

Kings France: Great x 7 Grand Son of Philip IV King France

Kings Duke Aquitaine: Great x 18 Grand Son of Ranulf I Duke Aquitaine

Royal Descendants of Henry Clifford 2nd Earl of Cumberland 1517-1570

George Wharton

Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom

Queen Consort Camilla Shand

Diana Spencer Princess Wales

Ancestors of Henry Clifford 2nd Earl of Cumberland 1517-1570

Great x 4 Grandfather: Thomas Clifford 6th Baron Clifford 5 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: John Clifford 7th Baron Clifford 4 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Elizabeth Ros Baroness Clifford 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 2 Grandfather: Thomas Clifford 8th Baron Clifford 3 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Henry "Hotspur" Percy 3 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Elizabeth Percy Countess of Westmoreland 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Elizabeth Mortimer Baroness Camoys Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 1 Grandfather: John "Butcher" Clifford 9th Baron Clifford 4 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 2 Grandmother: Joan Dacre Baroness Clifford 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Ralph Neville 1st Earl of Westmoreland 5 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Philippa Neville Baroness Dacre of Gilsland 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Margaret Stafford Baroness Neville Raby 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

GrandFather: Henry "Shepherd Lord" Clifford 10th Baron Clifford 4 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Thomas Bromflete

Great x 2 Grandfather: Henry Bromflete 1st Baron Vesci

Great x 4 Grandfather: Edward St John

Great x 3 Grandmother: Margaret St John

Great x 4 Grandmother: Eustace Anastasia Aton

Great x 1 Grandmother: Margaret Bromflete Baroness Clifford 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Thomas Holland 1st Earl Kent 4 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Thomas Holland 2nd Earl Kent Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Joan "Fair Maid of Kent" Princess Wales Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 2 Grandmother: Joan Holland Duchess York 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Richard Fitzalan 3rd or 10th Earl of Arundel 8th Earl of Surrey 5 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Alice Fitzalan Countess Kent 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Eleanor Plantagenet Countess Arundel and Surrey Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England

Father: Henry Clifford 1st Earl of Cumberland 5 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Oliver St John

Great x 3 Grandfather: John St John

Great x 4 Grandmother: Elizabeth Barre

Great x 2 Grandfather: Oliver St John

Great x 4 Grandfather: John Paulett

Great x 3 Grandmother: Elizabeth Paulet

Great x 1 Grandfather: John St John 7 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Roger Beauchamp 2nd Baron Beauchamp Bletsoe 6 x Great Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 3 Grandfather: John Beauchamp 3rd Baron Beauchamp Bletsoe 7 x Great Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 2 Grandmother: Margaret Beauchamp Duchess Somerset 6 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: John Stourton 4 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Edith Stourton Baroness Beauchamp Bletsoe 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

GrandMother: Anne St John Baroness Clifford 8 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Great x 2 Grandfather: Thomas Bradshaigh

Great x 1 Grandmother: Alice Bradshaigh

Henry Clifford 2nd Earl of Cumberland 5 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Henry "Hotspur" Percy 3 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Henry Percy 2nd Earl of Northumberland 2 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Elizabeth Mortimer Baroness Camoys Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 2 Grandfather: Henry Percy 3rd Earl of Northumberland 2 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Ralph Neville 1st Earl of Westmoreland 5 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Eleanor Neville Countess Northumberland Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Joan Beaufort Countess of Westmoreland Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 1 Grandfather: Henry Percy 4th Earl of Northumberland 3 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Robert Poynings 4th Baron Poynings 9 x Great Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Richard Poynings 5 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Eleanor Grey Baroness Poynings 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 2 Grandmother: Eleanor Poynings Countess Northumberland 6 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: John Berkeley 4 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Eleanor Berkeley Countess Arundel 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Elizabeth Bettershorne

GrandFather: Henry Percy 5th Earl of Northumberland 4 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 2 Grandfather: William Herbert 1st Earl Pembroke

Great x 4 Grandfather: Dafydd Gam Brecon

Great x 3 Grandmother: Gwladys ferch Dafydd Gam "Star of Abergavenny" Brecon

Great x 1 Grandmother: Maud Herbert Countess Northumberland 9 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Walter Devereux 6 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Walter Devereux 7 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Agnes Crophull 6 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Great x 2 Grandmother: Anne Devereux 8 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Elizabeth Merbury

Mother: Margaret Percy Baroness Clifford 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 1 Grandfather: Robert Spencer of Spencer Combe

GrandMother: Katherine Spencer Countess Northumberland 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: John of Gaunt 1st Duke Lancaster Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: John Beaufort 1st Marquess Somerset and Dorset Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Katherine Roet Duchess Lancaster

Great x 2 Grandfather: Edmund Beaufort 1st or 2nd Duke of Somerset Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Thomas Holland 2nd Earl Kent Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Margaret Holland Duchess Clarence 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Alice Fitzalan Countess Kent 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England

Great x 1 Grandmother: Eleanor Beaufort Countess Ormonde 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Thomas Beauchamp 12th Earl Warwick 5 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Richard Beauchamp 13th Earl Warwick 4 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Margaret Ferrers Countess Warwick 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 2 Grandmother: Eleanor Beauchamp Duchess Somerset 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Thomas Berkeley 10th and 5th Baron Berkeley, Baron Lisle 2 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Elizabeth Berkeley Countess Warwick 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Margaret Lisle Baroness Berkeley 3rd Baroness Lisle 7 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England