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Biography of Henry Isley 1500-1554

Maternal Family Tree: Philippe Thornbury 1431-1485

1544 Wyatt's Rebellion

1554 Battle of Hartley

1554 Wyatt's Rebellion Executions

In or before 1500 [his father] Thomas Isley (age 13) and [his mother] Elizabeth Guildford (age 11) were married.

Around 1500 Henry Isley was born to Thomas Isley (age 14) and Elizabeth Guildford (age 12).

In 1512 [his mother] Elizabeth Guildford (age 24) died.

In 1520 [his father] Thomas Isley (age 34) died.

Around 1530 Henry Isley (age 30) and Cecily Cromer (age 20) were married.

In 1542 Henry Isley (age 42) was appointed High Sheriff of Kent.

Wyatt's Rebellion

Henry Machyn's Diary. 03 Feb 1544. The iij day of Feybruarii was a proclamacyon that who so ever do take ser Thomas Wyatt (age 23), exsept Harper, Ysseley (age 44), and Rudston (age 29), shuld have C. lb. land to ym and ys heirs for ever.

On 22 Jan 1554 the conspirators met at Allington Castle [Map].

Henry Isley (age 54) attended.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 26 Jan 1554. The xxvj day of January began wachyng at evere gatt in arness, for tydyngs cam the sam tym to the quen and her consell that ser Thomas Wyatt (age 33), ser George Harper, ser Hare Ysseley (age 54), master Cobam, and master Rudston (age 39), and master Knevetts (age 37), and dyvers odur gentyllmen and commons, wher up, and tha say because the prynche of Spayne (age 26) commyng in to have owre quen (age 37), for they kepe Rochaster castell [Map] and the bryge and odur plases.

Note. P. 52. Sir Thomas Wyatt. A copious narrative of Wyatt's rebellion, together with the letters written by the duke of Norfolk, lord Cobham, and others, to the Privy Council, on the occasion, (from the originals in the State Paper Office,) will be found in Cruden's History of Gravesend, 1842, 8vo. pp. 172 et seq.

In 1550 Henry Isley (age 50) was appointed High Sheriff of Kent.

Battle of Hartley

On 28 Jan 1554 the Battle of Hartley was fought at Hartley Sevenoaks, Kent between a rebel force of Wyatt's Rebellion led by Henry Isley (age 54) and a loyal royalist force led by Henry Neville 6th and 4th Baron Bergavenny (age 24) and Robert Southwell (age 48). The rebels were defeated. Rebel Anthony Knyvet (age 37) fought and was captured.

Wyatt's Rebellion Executions

After 22 Feb 1554 Henry Isley (deceased) was hanged, drawn and quartered. His head was sent to Maidstone, Kent [Map].

Before 14 May 1561 [his former wife] Cecily Cromer (age 51) died.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 14 May 1561. The xiiij day of May, was Assensyon evyn, was bered in sant Pulkers parryche my [his former wife] lade Esley (age 51) the wyfg of ser Henre Hesley knyght, of Kentt, the wyche he cam in with sir Thomas Wyett knyght by quen Mare('s) days, and he was hangyd and drane and quartered, and ys hed sent unto Maydston [Map], and set a-pone (blank) and she had nothyng done for here, butt master Skammeler (age 41) mad a sermon for here - the byshope of Peterborow,

Ancestors of Henry Isley 1500-1554

Father: Thomas Isley

Henry Isley

Great x 1 Grandfather: John Guildford

GrandFather: Richard Guildford

Great x 2 Grandfather: Richard Waller

Great x 1 Grandmother: Alice Waller

Mother: Elizabeth Guildford

Great x 1 Grandfather: John Pympe

GrandMother: Ann Pympe

Great x 1 Grandmother: Philippe Thornbury