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Biography of Henry Stanley 4th Earl of Derby 1531-1593

Paternal Family Tree: Stanley

Maternal Family Tree: Agnes Tilney Duchess Norfolk 1477-1545

1550 Peace of Boulogne

1562 News Years Day Gift Giving

1586 Trial of Mary Queen of Scots

1589 Trial of Philip Earl of Arundel

In or before 1530 [his father] Edward Stanley 3rd Earl of Derby (age 20) and Katherine Howard Countess Derby were married without the King's permission. She the daughter of [his uncle] Thomas Howard 3rd Duke of Norfolk (age 56) and Elizabeth Stafford Duchess Norfolk (age 32). He the son of [his grandfather] Thomas Stanley 2nd Earl of Derby and [his grandmother] Anne Hastings Countess Derby (age 44). They were third cousins. He a great x 5 grandson of King Edward III of England.

Before Sep 1531 [his father] Edward Stanley 3rd Earl of Derby (age 22) and [his mother] Dorothy Howard Countess Derby (age 20) were married. She by marriage Countess Derby. She the daughter of [his grandfather] Thomas Howard 2nd Duke of Norfolk and [his grandmother] Agnes Tilney Duchess Norfolk (age 54). He the son of [his grandfather] Thomas Stanley 2nd Earl of Derby and [his grandmother] Anne Hastings Countess Derby (age 46). They were half third cousin once removed. He a great x 5 grandson of King Edward III of England.

In Sep 1531 Henry Stanley 4th Earl of Derby was born to Edward Stanley 3rd Earl of Derby (age 22) and Dorothy Howard Countess Derby (age 20) at Lathom, Lancashire.

Peace of Boulogne

Diary of Edward VI. 24 Mar 1550. Peax4 concluded between Englaund, Fraunce, and Scoteland, by, on th' English side, Jhon erl of Bedford lord previ seal, lord Paget de Beaudesert, sir William Petre (age 45) secretary, and sir Jhon Mason (age 47); on the French side, monsuir de Bochepot5, mons. Chastillon,1a Guillart de Mortier,2a and Bouchetel de Sarcy,3a upon condicions, that al titles, tributs and defensis shuld remaine; that the fault of on(e) man, except he be unpunished, shuld not breake the league; that the shippes of marchaundis shal passe to and froe, that pirats shall be called bake, and shippes of warre; that prisoners shal be deliverid of both sides; that we shal not warr with Scoteland, except new occasion be gieven; that Boulein, with the pecis of new conquest, and 2 basilicus,4a 2 demy canons, 3 culvrins, 2 dimy culvrins, 3 sacres, 6 faucons, 94 hagbutes a croke with wodden tayles,5a 21 iron peces; and Lodres1b and Dunglas, with, all th' ordonaunce, saving that that cam from Hadington [Map], shall, within six monthes after this peax proclaimed, be delivred, and for that the French to pay 200,000 scutes within three dayes after the delivery of Boullein, and 200,000 scutes on our Ladie day in harvest next ensuyng, and that if the Scottes raised Lodr. et [?]. we shuld raise Roxborough and Aymouth. For the performance of wich on the 7 of April shuld be deliveride at Guisnes and Ard thies hostagies:

2Marques de Means (age 31).1c, My lord of Soutlifolke (age 14).2c

Mons. Trimouille (age 29).1d My lord of Hertford (age 10).2d

Mons. d'Anguien (age 21).3d My lord Talbot (age 22).4d

Mons. Montmorency (age 19).5d My lord Fizwarren (age 21).6d

Mons. Henaudiere.7d My lord Matravers (age 12).8d

Vicedam de Chartres (age 28).9d My lord Straunge (age 18).10d

Note 4. The commission issued by Henry H. King of France on the 20th Jan. to his four plenipotentiaries to treat for peace is printed in Rymer, Fœdera, xv. 202, and that to the same persons for its ratification, dated 31 March, ibid. p. 220. King Edward's instructions to his commissioners are printed by Burnet, History of the Eeformation, ii. Eecords, No 49, followed (No. 50) by other articles devised in answer to certain doubts moved on the 27th Feb. The original of the latter paper is in MS. Cotton. Caligula, E. IV. (not E. I. as Burnet gives the reference) fol. 270, preceded by other original instructions, also bearing the signatures of the King and council. The treaty itself is printed in Rymer's collection, xv. 211.

Note 5. François de Montmorency (age 54), seigneur de la Rochepot, governor of the isle of France, and lieutenant-general in Picardy. He was younger brother to the constable Anne duc de Montmorency (age 57); and died in 1551. Auselme, Histoire Genealogique, iii. 603.

Note 1a. Gaspard de Coligny II. seigneur de Chatillon-sur-Loing, son of Gaspard de Coligny I. marshal of France, who died in 1541, and brother to Odet cardinal de Châtillon and François seigneur d'Andelot. He was born in 1516, and was now lieutenant-general of the Boulenois in the absence of the seigneur de la Rochepot. After the death of the seigneur d'Annebaut, in 1552, he was made admiral of France. He was afterwards still more distinguished as the chief of the Huguenots, and was one of the victims of the massacre of St. Bartholomew in 1572. Anselme, Histoire Geneal. vii. 152, 883.

Note 2a. André Guillart seigneur du Mortier, a privy councillor.

Note 3a. Guillerm Bochetel seigneur de Sassy, secretary of state and the finances, and greffier of the order of St. Michael.

Note 4a. The acquittance of the French commissioners on the receipt of the artillery and munitions here mentioned, dated the 24th March, is printed in Rymer, xv. 218. The list agrees very nearly with that given by King Edward: — "c'est assavoir, deux Gros Cannons qu'on appelle Bazehqs, deux Demys Canons, trois Coullevrines, deux Demyes Coulevrines, deux Sacres, six Faulcons, soixante quartorze Harquebuzes a crochet de bronze, quinze pieces de fer qu'on appelle Serpentines bons et mauvais, six Harquebuzes de fer a crocq, quatre barillz pouldre serpentine, septcens boulletz de fer pour demyz canons, quatre cens quatre vingtz boullets de fer pour coullevrines, quatre cens quatre vingtz douze boullets de fer pour demys coullevrines, et quatre vingtz douze boullets de fer pour sacres "Two of the "long French pieces called Basiliques" had been brought to Portsmouth, and are mentioned in a warrant addressed to sir Francis Flemming, April 2, 1550. (Council Book.)

Note 5a. The MS. is indistinct in the word "tayles" or "rayles;" but the figures are 94, instead of 74, according to the French receipt. "Hagbuttes of croke of yron" occur in an inventory of the royal artillery, 1 Edw. VI. printed in Meyrick's Critical Inquiry into Antient Armour, vol. iii. p. 11: and the croke is there explained as "the crooked part of the butt protected by iron." The hakbute, or harquebus, was "a short but heavy fire-arm whicli preceded the musket, and carried a ball of about three ounces. The stock of it greatly resembled that of a cross-bow." (Glossary in the same work.) I suspect the crook was really a rest to support it when discharged.

Note 1b. Lauder, in Scotland.

Note 2b. The French hostages were given as security for the payment of the sum of 200,000 crowns in the following August; the English as security for the restoration of the town of Boulogne to France. The custom of giving hostages during the period of a treaty for peace is one of very remote antiquity. "Jurisconsultis obsides dicuntur, qui dati sunt a populi Komani hostibus pro captivis redimendis, vel pro pace componenda." (Lexicon Antiq. Eoman.) The selection of the children of persons of high rank for this purpose may also be traced to the Roman times. Csesar mentions a resolution "Obsides nobilissimi cujusque liberos poscere." (De Bello Gall. i. 31. j The same custom may be traced existing at long intervals in subsequent ages. On the treaty with Scotland in 1139, David king of Scots gave as hostages to king Stephen the sons of five earls. (Ric. of Hexham, in Twysden's Decern Scriptores.) At the conclusion of peace between Edward II. and France in 1325, ten noble youths, who happened at the time to be wards of the Crown, were appointed to accompany the royal train. Their names were Edward de Monthermer, Bernard de la Bret, Jame le Botiller, Johan de Multon, Eobert de Ferrers, Johan Lestrange, Esteven Dabingdon, Hugh le Despenser, Donenald de Mar, and Eic. Tuyt. Each was to be attended either by a maistre or a compaignon. (Archasologia, xxxvi. 248.) On the present occasion the English hostages were all youths; but those of the French were of more advanced age. On the 28th of March the council directed "lettres to the duchesse of Suffolke to give order as the duke of Suffolke her son (being appointed to be a hostage in France) may be furnished and accompanied as to their honours and state belongeth; so as he may be beyond the seas by Easter day; and signifying his abode there not to be long, and his charges to be maintained by the Kinges Matie. The like letters to the duke of Somerset for th'earl of Hertford his son; to th'earl of Warwick for the lord Lisle (age 23) his son; to th' earl of Shrewsbury (age 50) for the lord Talbot; to the earl of Bedford for the lord Russell; to the earl of Derby for the lord Straunge; to the earl of Huntingdon for the lord Hastings; to the earl of Bath for the lord Fitzwarren; to the earl of Arundell for the lord Matravers. [Of these it will be perceived that three, the lords Lisle, Russell, and Hastings, were afterwards excused.] Letters to the lord Talbot for his speedy repayre hither by post for the same purpose. "On the 1st of April" the receiver of the Wards has warrant for CC markes to the duke of Suffolke towards his furniture into France." On the following day the Council issued a "warrant to mr. Ayleworth receiver of Devon and Cornwall for C li. to the lord Fitzwarren son to the earle of Bath, towards his furniture, being appointed one of the noblemen hostages to be sent into France. Also a warrant to mr. Wilhams for C li. to the lord Talbot, of the sales, for like purpose. Letters to the lord Cobham (age 53), deputy of Calais, to provide carriage for the stuff and other necessaryes of the hostages, with lodging. Mr. Williams had warrant for M li. to Robert Beverley for the household of the hostages, imprest of the sales. Letter to the said Beverley to defray money upon the warrant of Richard Blunt; governour of the hostages. Warrant to (blanJc) for xl li. towards the furniture of the officers of the household of the hostages, as followeth, for the Pantry, Ewry, Buttrey, Cellar, Kitchen, Pastry, and ScuUery, viij in number, according to the bill." On the xiij April the council sent "lettres to mr. Dansell to have in readiness M'M' crownes of the sunne to be sent into France to the Kinges matie hostages there, whensoever mr. Richard Blount their governour, or in his absence he that shall have the chief charge of them, shall send for the same; wherein he [Dansell] shoulde be repayd according to the value of the money." On the vij May, "a warrant to (blank) for payment of CC marks by waie of his Matie gifte towards the charges of the furniture of the erle of Hertford, appointed one of the hostaiges lately sent into Fraunce." On the iiij July "a warrant to (blank) to paie CCxlvli. xvj s. iijd. to the duke of Somerset in recompense of his charges emploied on the erle of Hertford when he was sent hostaige."

Note 1c. Francois de Lorraine, marquis de Mayenne, eldest son of Claude first duc de Guise (age 53), and brother to Mary queen of Scotland (age 7). His father died whilst he was in England on this occasion, on the 12th April, 1550. He became prince de Joinville in 1552, and grand-maitre of France in 1559. He was killed at the siege of Orleans in 1563. Anselme, Hist. Geneal. de France, iii. 486, viii. 387.

Note 2c. Charles Brandon, second duke of Suffolk (1545), who died of the sweating sickness in 1551. Two miniatures of him (one of which is incorrectly assigned to his brother) are engraved in Chamberlain's Holbein Heads. Other particulars respecting him are collected in a note to Machyn's Diary, p. 318.

Note 1d. Louis III. of the name, seigneur de la Tremouille, born in 1521. For his military services in Italy, and elsewhere, Charles IX. erected his vicomté of Thouars into a duchy in 1563. He died at the seige of Mesle in 1577. Anselme, iv. 170.

Note 2d. Edward Seymour, the Protector's (age 50) heir apparent, by his second wife Anne Stanhope (age 53); restored to the dignity of earl of Hertford by queen Elizabeth in 1559, and died in 1621. Mr. Tytler, vol. i. p. 279, has printed a letter of the duke of Somerset to lord Cobham, deputy of Calais, thanking him for letters dated 13th April 1550, whereby "we be advertised of the good health of our son the earl of Hertford, and also of his behaviour towards the company where he cometh, gaining thereby much commendation, whereof we be right glad." The duke, though no longer Protector, retained the royal "We."

Note 3d. Jean de Bourbon, comte de Soissons et d'Enghien, brother to Anthony de Bourbon (age 31) at this time duc de Vendosme and afterwards king of Navarre, and to the cardinal de Bourbon (age 26). He was bom in 1528, and died of a pistol-shot received at the battle of St. Quintin in 1557. Anselme, i. 330.

Note 4d. George Talbot, only son of the earl of Shrewsbury: he succeeded as ninth earl 1560, and died 1590.

Note 5d. François de Montmorency, eldest son of the constable Anne duc de Montmorency. He was born in 1530, and when duc de Montmorency was grand maitre and constable of France; he was elected a knight of the Garter in 1572, as his father had been in 1532. He died in 1579. Anselme, iii. 604.

Note 6d. John Bourchier, son and heir apparent of William [John] earl of Bath (age 51). He died in his father's life-time, leaving issue William, who succeeded his grandfather in 1560 [1561].

Note 7d. Jean III. seigneur d'Annebaut, only son of Claude d'Annebaut (age 55), marshal and admiral of France, by Françoise de Toumemine, baronne de la Hunaudaye, whose title he now bore. He died of wounds received at the battle of Dreux in 1562, and was the last of his ancient family. Anselme, vii. 179.

Note 8d. Henry FitzAlan, only son of the earl of Arundel (age 37), born in 1538. He also died during his father's life, in the year 1556, and the ancient earldom went in consequence to the Howards.

Note 9d. Francois de Vendome, vldame de Chartres, succeeded his father in 1526, and died in 1563, in his 38th year, or, according to other authorities, in 1560. Anselme, viii. 731.

Note 10d. Henry Stanley, son and heir apparent of the [his father] earl of Derby (age 40). He succeeded his father as the fourth earl in 1576 [1572?], and died in 1592 [1593].

Diary of Edward VI. 25 Apr 1550. The lord Clinton (age 38) captain of Bolein [Boulogne], having sent away befor al his men saving 1800, and al his ordonnaunce saving that the treaty did reserve, issued out of the towne with these 1800, delivering it to mons. Chastillon (age 31), receiving of him the six hostagies English1, aquittaunce for delivery of the towne1a and save-conduyt to com to Cales [Map], whither when lie cam(e) he placed 1800 in the emperour's frontieres.

Note 1. These young noblemen, when released from their honourable and very agreeable duty, were desirous to prolong their stay in France, in order to visit the French court. On the 24th of April — "Mocion was made for license that our hostaiges, that is to wete, the duke of Suffolke (age 14), th'erle of Hertforde (age 10), the lorde Matraverse (age 12), the lord Talbott (age 22), the lorde Strange (age 18), and the lorde Fitzwaren (age 21), might make their repaire unto the Frenche corte to see the king, like as the French hostaiges have libertie here to come to the corte. Whereupon it was thought convenient, that, forasmuch as the appointment of the delivery of Boloigne is this present day, which being accomplissed our hostaiges must be restored home, therefore they shall not have license till the counsaill be advertised of their deliverance: that, if they go, they may go at libertie and not as hostaiges. And to that effect a lettre written to mr. Blount, requiring him immediately upon their delivery to advertise the lords here, and to lerne withall the time of the Frenche king's approche into those parties, to th'entent our younge lords may meet him as neere the confines as may be.

"April xxviij. Upon lettres receaved from my lord Clynton and Richard Blount esquire, of the receipt of our hostaiges which are already retorned to Calays, it was agreed that, forasmuch as the French king's comyng downe into Bullonoys is uncertain, our young lords that had been hostaiges shulde immediately return home, notwithstanding their request and first determinacion that they shulde have licence to visite the French king." (Council Book.)

Note 1a. Boulogne was delivered to the seigneur de la Eochepot and the seigneur de Chastillon on the 25th of April by the hands of Edward lord Clinton, sir Richard Cotton, and sir Leonard Beckwith: see the acquittance of the French commissioners, mentioned by King Edward, in Rymer, xv. 228; the treaty for its surrender having been concluded on the 24th March (ibid. 230).

On 07 Feb 1555 Henry Stanley 4th Earl of Derby (age 23) and Margaret Clifford Countess Derby (age 15) were married. She the daughter of Henry Clifford 2nd Earl of Cumberland (age 38) and Eleanor Brandon Countess Cumberland. He the son of Edward Stanley 3rd Earl of Derby (age 45) and Dorothy Howard Countess Derby (age 44). They were fourth cousins. She a great granddaughter of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 12 Feb 1555. [Probably 07 Feb 1555]. The xij day of Feybruary was my lord Strange (age 23) mared to the [his wife] lade of Cumberland (age 15) the [his father-in-law] yerle of Cumberland (age 38) doyctur [daughter]; and after a grett dener, and justes, and after tornay on horsbake with swordes, and after soper Jube the cane, a play, [Juego de Canas, or tilting with canes, a sport introduced by the Spaniards] with torch-lyght and cressettlyghtes, lx cressets and C. of torchys, and a maske, and a bankett.

Note. P. 82. Marriage of lord Strange. The date of this was Feb. 7th, not the 12th. "The vij. of February the lord Strange being maried at the court, the same day at night was a goodly pastime of Juga cana by cresset lyght; there were lxx. cresset lightes." Stowe's Summarie, 1566.

Note. Pp. 76, 82, 83. Juego de cannas. This sport, which the Spanish cavaliers brought with them from their native country, was long a favourite there. When Lord Berners was ambassador in Spain in 1518, "on midsummer daye in the morninge the king, with xxiij with him, well apparelled in cootes and clokes of goulde and gouldsmythe work, on horsback, in the said market-place (at Saragossa), ranne and caste canes after the countreye maner, whearas the kinge did very well (and was) much praysed; a fresh sight for once or twise to behold, and afterward nothing. Assoone as the cane is caste, they flye; wherof the Frenche ambassador sayd, that it was a good game to teche men to flye. My lord Barners answered, that the Frenchmen learned it well besides Gingate, at the jurney of Spurres." (Letter from the ambassador in MS. Cotton. Vesp. C. i. 177.) It continued in practice when Charles prince of Wales visited Spain in 1623, and a pamphlet entitled, "A relation of the Royal Festivities and Juego de Canas, a turnament of darting with reedes after the manner of Spaine, made by the king of Spaine at Madrid, the 21st of August this present yeere 1623," is reprinted in Somers's Tracts and in Nichols's Progresses of King James I. vol. iv.—"The Juego de Cannas," remarks Sir Walter Scott, "was borrowed from the Moors, and is still practised by Eastern nations, under the name of El Djerid. It is a sort of rehearsal of the encounter of their light horsemen, armed with darts, as the Tourney represented the charge of the feudal cavaliers with their lances. In both cases, the differences between sport and reality only consisted in the weapons being sharp or pointless."

"So had he seen in fair Castile

The youth in glittering squadrons start,

Sudden the flying jennet wheel,

And hurl the unexpected dart."

(Scott's Lay of the Last Minstrel.)

In 1559 [his son] Ferdinando Stanley 5th Earl of Derby was born to Henry Stanley 4th Earl of Derby (age 27) and [his wife] Margaret Clifford Countess Derby (age 19). He a great x 2 grandson of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.

Around 1561 [his son] William Stanley 6th Earl of Derby was born to Henry Stanley 4th Earl of Derby (age 29) and [his wife] Margaret Clifford Countess Derby (age 21). He a great x 2 grandson of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.

In 1562 [his son] Francis Stanley was born to Henry Stanley 4th Earl of Derby (age 30) and [his wife] Margaret Clifford Countess Derby (age 22). He a great x 2 grandson of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.

1562 News Years Day Gift Giving

On 01 Jan 1562 the New Years Gift Giving was held. Those who gave gifts provide an interesting who's who of the Elizabethan Court soon after Elizabeth I's Coronation. Queen Elizabeth (age 28) was present since a number are described as "With the Qene her Majestie."

For 'dimy' read 'demi' ie half-sovereigns.

Neweeyeur's Gyftes gevon to the Quene her Majestie by those Parsons whose Names hereafter ensue, the first of January, the Yere above wrytten.

By the [his wife] Lady Margaret Strainge (age 22), a little round mounte of golde to conteyne a pomaunder in it. With the Qene her Majestie. Note. Lady Margaret Strange married Henry Stanley Lord Strange (age 30) on 07 Feb 1555. In 1561 he had not succeeded to Earldom of Derby and was known by the courtesy title Lord Strange. She is listed first since she was one of the few remaining direct descendants of Henry VII, being a great-granddaughter by his daughter Mary Tudor. Margaret Clifford was first in line to succeed in 1568 but died in 1596 before Elizabeth I.

Dukes, Marquises and Earls.

By the Duke of Norfolke (age 25), in a purse of purple silke and golde knit, in sundry coynes of golde £20 0s 0d.

By the Marquis of Winchester (age 79), High Threasourer of Englande, in a purse of crymsen satten, in angells £20 0s 0d.

By the Marquis of Northampton (age 50), in a purse of crymsen silke and gold knit, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.

By the Earle of Arundell (age 49), Lord Steward, in a paper, in angels, £30 0s 0d.

By the Earle of Shrewesburye (age 34), in a red silke purse, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.

By the [his father] Earle of Darbye (age 52), in a purse of crymsen satten, embraudered with golde, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.

By the Earle of Pembroke (age 61), in a purse of black silk and silver knit, in new angells £30 0s 0d.

By the Earle of Bedforde (age 35), in a purse of black silk and golde knytt, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.

By the Earle of Rutlande (age 35), in a purse of red silk and golde knytt, in dimy soveraigns and angells £20 0s 0d.

By the Earle of Huntingdon, in a red silk purse, in angells £15 0s 0d.

By the Earle of Westmerlande (age 37), in a red silk purse, in dimy soveraigns £10 0s 0d.

By the Earle of Oxforde (age 46), in a red silk purse, in dimy soveraigns £10 0s 0d.

By the Earle of Northumberlande (age 34), in a purse of black silke and silver knytt, in angells £10 0s 0d. With the Quene her Highness.

By the Earle of Warwike (age 32), a smocke wrought with black silk, a peire of slevis, and a partelett wrought with gold, silver, and black silke. Delivered to the Baroness Cobham (age 23).

By the Viscounte Mountague (age 33), in a purse of cloth of golde, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d. With her said Majestie.

Bishops. The list of Bishops ends with "With her said Majestie"; unclear whether this refers to all the Bishops listed.

By the Archbusshop of Caunterbury (age 57), in a red silk purse, in dimy soveraigns £40 0s 0d.

By the Archbusshop of York (age 61), in soveraigns £30 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Duresme (age 42), in a purse of crymson silk and gold knytt, in angells £30 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Ely (age 69), in a red vellat purse, in angells £30 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Wynchester (age 52), in a purse of crymsen silk and gold knytt and set with pearles, in angells £20 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of London (age 43), in a red satten purse, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Salisbury (age 39), in a red satten purse, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Worcester (age 43), in a black vellat purse, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Lyncoln (age 42), in a red purse, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Chychester (age 64), in a red purse, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Norwich (age 50), in a blew silk purse £13 6s 8d.

By the Busshop of Hereforde (age 52), in a green silk purse, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Lychfield and Coventry (age 48), in a red satten purse, in angells £13 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Rochester (age 48), in a red purse, in gold £13 6s 8d.

By the Busshop of Saint Davies (age 55), in a red silk purse, in angells £10 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Bathe, in a purse of red silk, in angells £10 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Exetour, in a blew silk purse, in angells £10 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Peterborowe, in a red purse, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Chester, in a red purse, in angells and soveraignes £10 0s 0d.

Duchesses and Countesses.

By the Duchess of Norfolke (age 22), in a prse of crymsen silk and gold knyt, in angells £20 0s 0d.

By the Duchess of Somerset (age 65), in a purse of silver and black silk, in royalls and ducketts £14 0s 0d. Probably the Dowager Duchess of Somerset since her husband Edward Seymour 1st Duke of Somerset had been executed in 1552, and their children disinherited as a result.

By the Countess of Surrey, in a purse of tawny silk and gold, in dimy soveraignes £5 0s 0d. Dowager since her husband Henry Howard 1516-1547, by courtesy Earl Surrey, had been executed in 1547.

By the Countess of Pembroke (age 38), in a cherry bag of crymsen satten, in new angells £15 0s 0d.

By the Countess of Bedford (age 36), in a purse of crymsen silk and silver knytt, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.

By the [his mother] Countess of Darby (age 51), in a purse of crymson sattin embrodred with gold, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.

By the Countess of Oxford (age 36), in a red purse, in dimy soveraignes £5 0s 0d.

By the Countess of Shrewisbury, Dowager (age 62), in a purse of black silk knytt, in dimy soveraignes £12 0s 0d.

By the Countess of Shrewisbury (age 37), in a red silk purse knytt, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.

By the Countess of Huntingdon, Dowager (age 51), in a red purse, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.

By the Countess of Huntingdon (age 24), in a red purse, in angells £10 0s 0d.

By the Countess of Northumberland (age 24), in a purse of black silk and silver knytt, in angells £10 0s 0d.

By the Countess of Rutland (age 29), in a red purse, in dimy soveraignes £13 6s 8d.


By the Vicountess Hereford, Dowager (age 42), six hankercheffes edged with gold delivered to the said Baroness Cobham.

By the Vicountess Mountague (age 24), in a purse of cloth of gold, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.


By the Lorde Keeper of the Great Seale, Bacon (age 51), in a purse of silver knytt, in angells £13 6s 8d.

By the [his uncle] Lorde William Howard, Lord Chamberlen (age 52), in a purse of crymsen silk and gold knytt, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.

By the Lorde Pagett (age 56), in a greene purse in dimy soveraignes £13 6s 8d.

By the Lorde Clynton, Lord Admyrall (age 50), in gold £10 0s 0d.

By the Lorde Riche (age 65), in a red satten purse, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.

By the Lorde North (age 66), in a purse of purple silk and silver, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.

By the Lorde Lumley (age 29), in a paper, in angells £20 0s 0d.

By the Lorde Hastings of Loughboro (age 41), in a red silk purse, in French crowns £13 0s 0d.

By the Lorde Stafford (age 60), in a red purse, in dimy soveraignes £5 0s 0d.

By the Lorde Windsor (age 30), in a purse of crymsn silk and gold knytt, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d. With her said Majestie.

by Lorde John Graye (age 38), a haunce pott of allabaster garnished with silver gilt. Delivered in charge to John Asteley, Esq Master and Threasourer of her Highnes Jewels and Plate. Lord John Grey assumed to be a courtesy title his father being Thomas Grey 2nd Marquess Dorset.

By the Lorde Barkeley (age 27), in a red purse, in gold £10 0s 0d.

By the Lorde Mountejoye (age 29), in a red purse, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.

By the Lorde Abergavennye (age 36), in a purse of red silke, in dimy soveraignes £5 0s 0d.

By the Lorde Scrowpe (age 28), in a purse of blak silk and silver knytt, in angells £10 0s 0d.

By the Lorde Caree of Hundesdon (age 35), in a purse of crymsen silk, in double ducketts £13 6s 8d.

By the Lorde Strainge, in a purse of red silk and gold, in dimy soveraignes £5 0s 0d. Lord Strange being the courtesy title for the Earldom of Derby. He wouldn't inherit until 1572.

By the Lorde Darcey of Chichey (age 30), in a red purse, in dimy soveraignes, £10 0s 0d.

By the Lorde Shefild (age 24), in a red silk purse, in gold £10 0s 0d.

By the Lorde Shandowes (age 40), in a blak silk purse, in angells £10 0s 0d. With her said Majestie.


By the Baroness Howarde (age 47), in a purse of crymsen silk and knytt, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d. With her said Majestie.

By the Baroness Clinton (age 35), a peire of sleevis of gold, pulled out with lawne. Delivered to the said Baroness Cobham.

By the Baroness Genevillet, in gold £6 13s 4d.

By the Lady Barkeley (age 24), Lord Barkeley's wife, in gold £5 0s 0d.

By the Lady Mountejoye (age 30), in a red silk purse, in angells £10 0s 0d.

By the Lady Abergavenny, in a red satten purse, in dimy soveraignes £5 0s 0d.

By the Lady Caree of Hundesdon (age 33), in a blak purse knytt, in angells £10 0s 0d.

By the Lady Taylboyes, Sir Peter Carewe's (age 48) wyfe, in a purse of blak silk and silver, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d. With her said Majestie.

By the Baroness Cobham, a partelett and a peire of sleeves of sypers wrought with silver and blak silke. Re-delivered to herself.

By the Lady Dakers (age 21), a warming ball of gold, per oz. 3 oz. dim. With her said Majestie.

By the Lady Shefilde (age 20), a paire of sleeves wrought with fringe of blak silk and lozeng of gold. Delivered to the said Baroness Cobham.

By the Margaret Baroness Scrope (age 18), in a purse of blak silk and silver, in angells £7 0s 0d. With her said Majestie.

By the Lady Shandowes (age 38), a peire of sleeves and a partlett of gold and silver knytt, cawle fashion. Delivered to the said Baroness Cobham.

By the Lady Knowlles (age 38), a feyne carpett of needleworke, theverende frienged and buttoned with gold and silk. Delivered to John Torneworth, Groom of the Privy Chamber.

By the Lady Butler, in a little white purse, in French crowns £6 0s 0d. With her said Majestie. Unclear as to who Lady Butler refers to.

By the Lady Raclyef, a peire of sleeves of cameryk, all over sett with purle, and two sweet bags. Delivered to the said Baroness Cobham.

In Jan 1570 [his father-in-law] Henry Clifford 2nd Earl of Cumberland (age 53) died. His son [his brother-in-law] George Clifford 3rd Earl of Cumberland (age 11) succeeded 3rd Earl of Cumberland, 13th Baron de Clifford, 13th Lord Skipton. Being underage his wardship went to Queen Elizabeth I of England and Ireland (age 36) who gave it to Francis Russell 2nd Earl Bedford (age 43) whose daughter George subsequently married.

On 24 Oct 1572 [his father] Edward Stanley 3rd Earl of Derby (age 63) died at Lathom, Lancashire. His son Henry Stanley 4th Earl of Derby (age 41) succeeded 4th Earl Derby, 12th Baron Strange Knockin, 8th Baron Mohun of Dunster, 5th Baron Stanley. [his wife] Margaret Clifford Countess Derby (age 32) by marriage Countess Derby.

Richard Shireburn (age 50) was an executor in his will.

In 1574 Henry Stanley 4th Earl of Derby (age 42) was appointed 359th Knight of the Garter by Queen Elizabeth I of England and Ireland (age 40).

Around 1575 Unknown Painter. Portrait of Henry Stanley 4th Earl of Derby (age 43).

In 1577 [his brother-in-law] George Clifford 3rd Earl of Cumberland (age 18) and Margaret Russell Countess Cumberland (age 16) were married. She being the daughter of Francis Russell 2nd Earl Bedford (age 50) who had been given George's wardship by Queen Elizabeth I of England and Ireland (age 43). She by marriage Countess of Cumberland. She the daughter of Francis Russell 2nd Earl Bedford and Margaret St John Countess Bedford. He the son of [his father-in-law] Henry Clifford 2nd Earl of Cumberland and Anne Dacre Countess Cumberland (age 56). They were third cousins.

Around 1579 [his son] Ferdinando Stanley 5th Earl of Derby (age 20) and [his daughter-in-law] Alice Spencer Countess Derby (age 29) were married. He the son of Henry Stanley 4th Earl of Derby (age 47) and [his wife] Margaret Clifford Countess Derby (age 39). He a great x 2 grandson of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.

In 1580 [his mother] Dorothy Howard Countess Derby (age 69) died.

In 1586 [his son-in-law] John Salusbury (age 19) and [his illegitimate daughter] Ursula Stanley were married. They had ten children of which six, four boys and two girls, survived to adulthood. She the illegitmate daughter of Henry Stanley 4th Earl of Derby (age 54) and Jane Halsall. He a great x 2 grandson of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.

Trial of Mary Queen of Scots

Around 1588 [his son-in-law] Cuthbert Halsall (age 15) and [his illegitimate daughter] Dorothy Stanley were married. She the illegitmate daughter of Henry Stanley 4th Earl of Derby (age 56) and Jane Halsall.

In 1589 Henry Stanley 4th Earl of Derby (age 57) was appointed Lord High Steward.

Around Mar 1589 [his brother-in-law] Francis Clifford 4th Earl of Cumberland (age 30) and Grisold Hughes Countess Cumberland were married. She by marriage Countess of Cumberland. He the son of [his father-in-law] Henry Clifford 2nd Earl of Cumberland and Anne Dacre Countess Cumberland.

Trial of Philip Earl of Arundel

On 14 Apr 1589 Philip Howard 13th or 20th Earl of Arundel (age 31) was condemned to death. He was attainted and his titles Earl Arundel, Earl Surrey, Baron Maltravers and Baron Arundel forfeit. Elizabeth I never signed the death warrant; Howard was never told. Henry Stanley 4th Earl of Derby (age 57) was present.

Around 1590 Isaac Oliver (age 25). Portrait of Henry Stanley 4th Earl of Derby (age 58).

On 25 Sep 1593 Henry Stanley 4th Earl of Derby (age 62) died at Lathom, Lancashire. His son [his son] Ferdinando Stanley 5th Earl of Derby (age 34) succeeded 5th Earl Derby, 13th Baron Strange Knockin, 9th Baron Mohun of Dunster, 6th Baron Stanley. [his daughter-in-law] Alice Spencer Countess Derby (age 44) by marriage Countess Derby.

On 29 Sep 1596 [his former wife] Margaret Clifford Countess Derby (age 56) died.

[his illegitimate daughter] Dorothy Stanley was born illegitimately to Henry Stanley 4th Earl of Derby and Jane Halsall.

[his illegitimate son] Henry Stanley was born illegitimately to Henry Stanley 4th Earl of Derby and Jane Halsall.

[his illegitimate son] Thomas Stanley was born illegitimately to Henry Stanley 4th Earl of Derby and Jane Halsall.

[his illegitimate daughter] Ursula Stanley was born illegitimately to Henry Stanley 4th Earl of Derby and Jane Halsall.

[his son] Edward Stanley was born to Henry Stanley 4th Earl of Derby and Margaret Clifford Countess Derby. He a great x 2 grandson of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.

Henry Stanley 4th Earl of Derby 1531-1593 appears on the following Descendants Family Trees:

Alice Montagu 5th Countess of Salisbury 1407-1462

Richard Neville Earl Salisbury 1400-1460

Jacquetta of Luxemburg Duchess Bedford 1415-1472

Royal Ancestors of Henry Stanley 4th Earl of Derby 1531-1593

Kings Wessex: Great x 14 Grand Son of King Edmund "Ironside" I of England

Kings Gwynedd: Great x 12 Grand Son of Owain "Great" King Gwynedd

Kings Seisyllwg: Great x 18 Grand Son of Hywel "Dda aka Good" King Seisyllwg King Deheubarth

Kings Powys: Great x 13 Grand Son of Maredudd ap Bleddyn King Powys

Kings England: Great x 6 Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Kings Scotland: Great x 13 Grand Son of King Duncan I of Scotland

Kings Franks: Great x 11 Grand Son of Louis VII King Franks

Kings France: Great x 8 Grand Son of Philip IV King France

Kings Duke Aquitaine: Great x 18 Grand Son of Ranulf I Duke Aquitaine

Royal Descendants of Henry Stanley 4th Earl of Derby 1531-1593

Diana Spencer Princess Wales

Ancestors of Henry Stanley 4th Earl of Derby 1531-1593

Great x 4 Grandfather: John Stanley 9 x Great Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Thomas Stanley 1st Baron Stanley 10 x Great Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Elizabeth Harrington

Great x 2 Grandfather: Thomas Stanley 1st Earl of Derby 4 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Robert Goushill

Great x 3 Grandmother: Jane Goushill Baroness Stanley 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Elizabeth Fitzalan Duchess Norfolk 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 1 Grandfather: George Stanley 9th Baron Strange Knockin 5th Baron Mohun Dunster 3 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Ralph Neville 1st Earl of Westmoreland 5 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Richard Neville Earl Salisbury Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Joan Beaufort Countess of Westmoreland Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 2 Grandmother: Eleanor Neville Baroness Stanley 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Thomas Montagu 1st Count Perche 4th Earl Salisbury 3 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Alice Montagu 5th Countess of Salisbury 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Eleanor Holland 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

GrandFather: Thomas Stanley 2nd Earl of Derby 4 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: John Strange 6th Baron Strange Knockin 6 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Richard Strange 3rd Baron Dunster 7th Baron Strange Knockin 7 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Maud Mohun Baroness Strange Knockin 6 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Great x 2 Grandfather: John Strange 8th Baron Strange Knockin 4th Baron Mohun Dunster 8 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Reginald Cobham 3rd Baron Cobham 6 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Elizabeth Cobham Baroness Strange and Mohun 7 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Great x 1 Grandmother: Joan Strange 9th Baroness Strange of Knockin 5th Baroness Dunster 7 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Richard Woodville

Great x 3 Grandfather: Richard Woodville 1st Earl Rivers

Great x 4 Grandmother: Joan Bittelsgate

Great x 2 Grandmother: Jacquetta Woodville Baroness Strange and Mohun 6 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Peter Luxemburg I Count Saint Pol 4 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Jacquetta of Luxemburg Duchess Bedford 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Margherita Baux 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Father: Edward Stanley 3rd Earl of Derby 5 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Ralph Hastings

Great x 3 Grandfather: Leonard Hastings

Great x 4 Grandmother: Maud Sutton

Great x 2 Grandfather: William Hastings 1st Baron Hastings 9 x Great Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Thomas Camoys 1st Baron Camoys 7 x Great Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Alice Camoys 8 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Elizabeth Louches Baroness Camoys

Great x 1 Grandfather: Edward Hastings 2nd Baron Hastings Baron Botreaux, Hungerford and Moleyns 3 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Ralph Neville 1st Earl of Westmoreland 5 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Richard Neville Earl Salisbury Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Joan Beaufort Countess of Westmoreland Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 2 Grandmother: Katherine Neville Baroness Bonville and Hastings 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Thomas Montagu 1st Count Perche 4th Earl Salisbury 3 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Alice Montagu 5th Countess of Salisbury 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Eleanor Holland 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

GrandMother: Anne Hastings Countess Derby 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Robert Hungerford 2nd Baron Hungerford 9 x Great Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Robert Hungerford 3rd Baron Hungerford 1st Baron Moleyns 6 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Margaret Botreaux 4th Baroness Botreaux Baroness Hungerford 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England

Great x 2 Grandfather: Thomas Hungerford 7 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: William Moleyns 5 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Eleanor Moleyns Baroness Hungerford 6 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England

Great x 1 Grandmother: Mary Hungerford Baroness Hastings, 4th Baroness Hungerford, 5th Baroness Botreaux and 2nd Baroness Moleyns 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Henry Percy 2nd Earl of Northumberland 2 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Henry Percy 3rd Earl of Northumberland 2 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Eleanor Neville Countess Northumberland Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 2 Grandmother: Anne Percy 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Richard Poynings 5 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Eleanor Poynings Countess Northumberland 6 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Eleanor Berkeley Countess Arundel 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Henry Stanley 4th Earl of Derby 6 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Robert Howard 2 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: John Howard 3 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Margaret Scales 7 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 2 Grandfather: Robert Howard 4 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: William Tendring

Great x 3 Grandmother: Alice Tendring

Great x 1 Grandfather: John Howard 1st Duke of Norfolk 4 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: John Mowbray 4th Baron Mowbray Baron Segrave 2 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Thomas Mowbray 1st Duke of Norfolk 2 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Elizabeth Segrave 5th Baroness Segrave Baroness Mowbray Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 2 Grandmother: Margaret Mowbray Baroness Grey Ruthyn 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Richard Fitzalan 9th Earl of Surrey 4th or 11th Earl of Arundel 2 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Elizabeth Fitzalan Duchess Norfolk 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Elizabeth Bohun Countess Arundel and Surrey Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

GrandFather: Thomas Howard 2nd Duke of Norfolk 5 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: William de Moleyns

Great x 3 Grandfather: Richard Moleyns

Great x 4 Grandmother: Margery Bacon

Great x 2 Grandfather: William Moleyns 4 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Henry Beaumont 3rd Baron Beaumont 2 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Eleanor Beaumont 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Margaret Vere Baroness Devereux and Beaumont 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 1 Grandmother: Katherine Moleyns 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England

Mother: Dorothy Howard Countess Derby 6 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Philip Tilney

Great x 3 Grandfather: Frederick Tilney

Great x 2 Grandfather: Philip Tilney

Great x 1 Grandfather: Hugh Tilney

GrandMother: Agnes Tilney Duchess Norfolk