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Biography of Humphrey Stafford 1st Earl Devon 1439-1469

Paternal Family Tree: Stafford

Maternal Family Tree: Emmeline Riddlesford 1223-1276

1450 Jack Cade's Rebellion

1461 Coronation of Edward IV

1469 Execution of Warwick's Supporters

1469 Battle of Edgecote Moor aka Danes Moor aka Banbury

Before 1439 [his father] William Stafford (age 18) and [his mother] Catherine Chideocke (age 15) were married.

Around 1439 Humphrey Stafford 1st Earl Devon was born to William Stafford (age 19) and Catherine Chideocke (age 15) at Staffordshire.

1450 Jack Cade's Rebellion

Chronicle of Gregory 1450. 07 Jun 1450. And yn the fowarde, as they wolde have folowyde the captayne, was slayn Syr Umfray Stafforde (age 50) and [his father] Wylliam Stafford (age 30), squyer, one the mannylste man of alle this realme of Engelonde, whythe many moo othyr of mene personys at Sevenocke [Map], in Kentt, in her oute ragyng fro her oste of our sovereign lordys the kyng, Harry the vj te. And the kyng (age 28) loggyd that nyght at Grenewyche [Map], and son aftyr every lord whythe his retynewe rood home in to her contraye. [Note. The date sometimes given as the 08 Jun 1450 and 18 Jun 1850]

Coronation of Edward IV

Warkworth's Chronicle 1461. 27 Jun 1461.... at the coronacyone1 of the forseyde Edwarde, he create and made dukes his two brythir, the eldere George (age 11) Duke of Clarence, and his yongere brothir Richard (age 8) Duke of Gloucetre; and the Lord Montagu (age 30)2, the Earl of Warwick (age 32)'s brothere, the Earl of Northumberlonde; and one William Stafford squiere, Lord Stafforde of Southwyke; and Sere Herbard (age 38), Lorde Herbard, and after Lorde Earl of Penbroke3; and so the seide Lorde Stafforde (age 22) was made Earl of Devynschire4; the Lorde Gray Ryffyne (age 44), Earl of Kent6; the Lorde Bourchyer (age 57), Earl of Essex; the Lorde Jhon of Bokyngham (age 33), the Earl of Wyltschyre5; Sere Thomas [Walter] Blount (age 45), knyghte, Lord Mont[joy]; Sere Jhon Hawarde, Lorde Hawarde (age 36)8; William Hastynges (age 30) he made Lorde Hastynges and grete Chamberlayne; and the Lorde Ryvers; Denham squyere, Lorde Dynham; and worthy as is afore schewed; and othere of gentylmen and yomenne he made knyghtes and squyres, as they hade desserved.

Note 1. At the coronacyone. King Edward was crowned in Westminster Abbey, on the 29th of June 1461. Warkworth's first passage is both imperfect and incorrect, and would form a very bad specimen of the value of the subsequent portions of his narrative; yet we find it transferred to the Chronicle of Stowe. It must, however, be regarded rather as a memorandum of the various creations to the peerage made during Edward's reign, than as a part of the chronicle. Not even the third peerage mentioned, the Earldom of Northumberland, was conferred at the Coronation, but by patent dated 27 May 1464: and the only two Earldoms bestowed in Edward's first year (and probably at the Coronation) were, the Earldom of Essex, conferred on Henry Viscount Bourchier, Earl of Eu in Normandy, who had married the King's aunt, the Princess Isabel of York; and the Earldom of Kent, conferred on William Neville, Lord Fauconberg, one of King Edward's generals at Towton. The former creation is mentioned by Warkworth lower down in his list; the latter is omitted altogether. - J.G.N.

Note 2. The Lord Montagu. And then Kyng Edward, concidering the greate feate doon by the said Lord Montagu, made hym Earl of Northumberlond; and in July next folowyng th'Earl of Warwyk, with th'ayde of the said Earl of Northumberland, gate agayn the castell of Bamborugh, wheryn was taken Sir Raaf Gray (age 29), which said Ser Raaf was after behedid and quartred at York. Also, in this yere, the first day of May, the Kyng wedded Dame Elizabeth Gray (age 24), late wif unto the lord Gray of Groby, and doughter to the Lord Ryvers." - The London Chronicle, MS. Cotton. Vitell. A. xvi. fol. 126, ro. The MS. of the London Chronicle, from which Sir Harris Nicolas printed his edition, does not contain this passage. It is almost unnecessary to remark the chronological incorrectness of the above, but it serves to show how carelessly these slight Chronicles were compiled. Cf. MS. Add. Mus. Brit. 6113, fol. 192, rº. and MS. Cotton. Otho, B. XIV. fol. 221, ro.

Note 3. Lord Earl of Pembroke. William Lord Herbert of Chepstow, the first of the long line of Herbert Earls of Pembroke, was so created the 27th May 1468. His decapitation by the Duke of Clarence at Northampton in 1469, is noticed by Warkworth in p. 7.-J.G.N.

Note 4. Earl of Devynschire. Humphery Stafford, created Baron Stafford of Southwick by patent 24th April 1464, was advanced to the Earldom of Devon 7th May 1469; but beheaded by the commons at Bridgwater before the close of the same year, as related by Warkworth, ubi supra. - J.G.N.

Note 5. Earl of Wyltschyre. John Stafford, created Earl of Wiltshire, 5th Jan. 1470; he died in 1473.—J.G.N.

Note 6. "The Lorde Gray Ryffyne, Earl of Kent". The Earl of Kent, of the family of Neville, died without male issue, a few months after his elevation to that dignity; and it was conferred on the 30th May 1465, on Edmund Lord Grey de Ruthyn, on occasion of the Queen's coronation. He was cousin-german to Sir John Grey, of Groby, the Queen's first husband. On the same occasion the Queen's son Sir Thomas Grey (age 10) was created Marquess of Dorset; her father Richard Wydevile (age 60) lord Ryvers was advanced to the dignity of Earl Ryvers; and her brother Anthony (age 25) married to the heiress of Scales, in whose right he was summoned to Parliament as a Baron. - J.G.N.

Note 7. Sere Thomas Blount. This should be Walter, created Lord Montjoy 20th June 1465; he died in 1474.-J.G.N.

Note 8. Sere Jhon Hawarde, Lord Hawarde. John Howard 1st Duke of Norfolk. This peerage dates its origin, by writ of summons to Parliament, during the short restoration of Henry VI. in 1470, a circumstance more remarkable as "evidence exists that he did not attach himself to the interest of that Prince, being constitued by Edward, in the same year, commander of his fleet." See Sir Harris Nicolas's memoir of this distinguished person (afterwards the first Duke of Norfolk) in Cartwright's History of the Rape of Bramber, p. 189.-J.G.N.

On 24 Apr 1464 Humphrey Stafford (age 25) was created 1st Baron Stafford of Southwick. See Warkworth Note 4..

Execution of Warwick's Supporters

Warkworth's Chronicle 1469. Jan 1469. And the same yere Sere Thomas Hungerforde knyght, sonne to the Lorde Hungerforde, and Herry Curteney, the Earl of Devynschyre of right, were takene for treasoune and behedede1 at Salisbury, and menne seyde the Lorde Stafforde of Southwyke (age 30) was cause of the seyde Herry Curtenayes dethe, for he wolde be the Earl of Devynschyre, and so the Kynge made hym afterwarde, and [he] hade it noʒt halff a yere.

Note 1. Were takene for treasoune and behedede. See a valuable and curious note by Mr. Stapleton, in his volume of the Plumpton Correspondence, pp. 18, 19. This happened "circiter octavum Epiphanie [around the eighth day of Epiphany]." - MS. Arundel, Coll. Arm. 5, fol. 171, rº.

On 07 May 1469 Humphrey Stafford 1st Earl Devon (age 30) was created 1st Earl Devon. See Warkworth Note 4.

Battle of Edgecote Moor aka Danes Moor aka Banbury

On 26 Jul 1469 the Yorkist army suffered a defeat against a Lancastrian army led by Robin of Redesdale at the Battle of Edgecote Moor aka Danes Moor aka Banbury. The Yorkist army was commanded by Humphrey Stafford 1st Earl Devon (age 30) and William Herbert 1st Earl Pembroke (age 46).

Thomas Vaughan (age 69), John Wogan, Henry Neville (age 32), John Conyers (age 36), and brothers John Dudley (age 42) and Oliver Dudley were killed.

Humphrey Stafford 1st Earl Devon, John Conyers (age 58) and William Parr (age 35) fought.

Richard Woodville 1st Earl Rivers (age 64) and John Woodville (age 24) were captured.

There is some uncertainty about the date with some sources suggesting the 24 Jul 1469, the eve of St James' Feast day, as being the correct date.

Hall's Chronicle 1469. 26 Jul 1469. The Northern men incamped themself on the Southe hill. The erle of Penbroke and the lorde Stafford of Southwike (age 30), wer lodged at Banbery the daie before the feld whiche was sainct James daie, and there the erle of Pembroke, putte the Lorde Stattorde out of an Inne wherein he delighted muche to be, for the loue of a damosell that dwelled m the house: contrary to their mutuall agrement by them taken, whiche was, that whosoeuer obteined first a lodgyng, should not be deceiued nor remoued. After many great woordes and crakes, had betwene these twoo capitaines, the lorde Stafford of Southwyke, in greate dispite departed with his whole compaignie and band of Archers, leauyng the erle of Pembroke almoste desolate in the toune, whiche, with all diligence returned to his host, liyng in the feld vnpurueied of Archers, abidyng suche fortune as God would sende and prouide. Sir Henry Neuell (age 32) sonne to the Lorde Latimer (age 62), tooke with hym certain light horssemen, and skirmished with the Welshemen in the euenyng, euen before their Campe, where he did diuerse valiaunt feates of armes, but a litle to hardy, he went so farre forward that he was taken and yelded, and yet cruelly slain: whiche vnmercifull acte, the Welshemen sore ruled the next daie or night. For the Northren men beyng inflamed, & not a litle discontented, with the death of this noble man, in the mornyng valiauntly set on the Welshemenne, and by force of archers, caused theim quickely to descende the hill into the valey, where bothe the hostes fought. Therle of Penbroke behaued hymself like a hardy knight, and expert capitain, but his brother sir Richarde Herbert so valiauntly acquited hymself, that with his Polleaxe in his hand (as his enemies did afterward reporte) he twise by fine force passed through the battaill of his aduersaries, and without any mortall wounde returned. If euery one of his felowes and compaignions in armes, hud doen but halfe thactes, whiche he that daie by his noble prowes achiued, the Northremen had obteined neither sauetie nor victory.

On 17 Aug 1469 Humphrey Stafford 1st Earl Devon (age 30), having escaped after the Battle of Edgecote Moor aka Danes Moor aka Banbury, was captured and executed by a mob at Bridgwater, Somerset [Map]. He was buried at Glastonbury Abbey [Map]. Earl Devon, Baron Stafford of Southwick extinct.

In Aug 1469 Humphrey Stafford 1st Earl Devon (age 30) forfeit Earl Devon, Baron Stafford of Southwick.

Hall's Chronicle 1469. 17 Aug 1469When king Edward was advertised of this unfortunate chances, he wrote in all haste to the Sheriffs of Somerset and Devon, that if they could by any mean take the lord Stafford of Southwick (age 30), that they upon pain of their lives, should without delay put him in execution, which accordingly to the kynges commandment, after long exploration made, found him hid in a village in Brentmarche [Map], called.... where he was taken & brought to Bridgwater [Map], & there cut shorter by the head.

Before 23 Jul 1478 [his step-father] Roger Lewknor of Broadhurst (age 57) and [his mother] Catherine Chideocke (age 55) were married.

Hall's Chronicle 1469. When kyng Edwarde (to whom all the dooynges of the Erle of Wanvicke, and the Duke his brother, were manifest and ouerte, and wer come to that poynt, that he expected and loked for) was by diverse letters sent to him, certified that the great armie of the Northren men, wer with all spede commyng toward London. Therefore in greate hast he sent to Wyllyam lorde Herbert, whom, within twoo yeres before, he had created erle of Penbroke, that he should without delaye encountre with the Northren men, with the extremitie of all his power. The erle of Penbroke, commonly called the lorde Herbert, was not a litle ioyous of the kynges letters, partly to deserue the kynges liberalitie, whiche of a meane gentleman, had promoted hym to the estate of an erle, partly for the malice that he bare to the erle of Warwicke, beyng the sole obstacle (as he thought) why he obteined not the wardship of the Lorde Bonuiles daughter & heire, for his eldest sonne. Wherupon he accompaignied with his brother sir Richard Harbert, a valiaunt knight, and aboue. vi. or. vii. thousande Welshemenne well furnished, marched forwarde to encountre with the Northren men. And to assiste and furnishe hym with archers, was appoynted Humffray lorde Stafford of Southwike (named, but not created) Erle of Deuonshire, by the kyng, in hope that he valiauntly would serue hym in that iorney, and with hym he had eight hundred archers. When these twoo Lordes were met at Cottishold, they made diligent inquiry, to here where the Northren menne were, and so by their explorators they were asserteined, that thei were passyng towarde Northampton, whervpon the lorde Stafford, and sir Richard Harbert with twoo thousande well horsed Welshmen, saied: they would go vewe and se the demeanor and nombre of the Northern men, and so vnder a woodes side, thei couertly espied the passe forward, and sodainly set on the rerewarde: but the Northren men with suche agilitie so quickly turned aboute, that in a moment of an houre, the Welshemen wer clene discomfited and scatered, and many taken, and the remnaunt returned to the armie with small gain.

John Arundell and [his mother] Catherine Chideocke were married.

Humphrey Stafford 1st Earl Devon 1439-1469 appears on the following Descendants Family Trees:

John Neville 3rd Baron Neville of Raby 1337-1388

Maud Percy Baroness Neville Raby

Royal Ancestors of Humphrey Stafford 1st Earl Devon 1439-1469

Kings Wessex: Great x 13 Grand Son of King Edmund "Ironside" I of England

Kings Gwynedd: Great x 10 Grand Son of Owain "Great" King Gwynedd

Kings Seisyllwg: Great x 16 Grand Son of Hywel "Dda aka Good" King Seisyllwg King Deheubarth

Kings Powys: Great x 11 Grand Son of Maredudd ap Bleddyn King Powys

Kings England: Great x 8 Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Kings Scotland: Great x 12 Grand Son of King Duncan I of Scotland

Kings Franks: Great x 19 Grand Son of Louis "Pious" King Aquitaine I King Franks

Kings France: Great x 13 Grand Son of Robert "Pious" II King France

Kings Duke Aquitaine: Great x 18 Grand Son of Ranulf I Duke Aquitaine

Ancestors of Humphrey Stafford 1st Earl Devon 1439-1469

Great x 4 Grandfather: William Stafford

Great x 3 Grandfather: William Stafford

Great x 4 Grandmother: Ermentrude Unknown

Great x 2 Grandfather: John Stafford

Great x 4 Grandfather: Robert Stafford

Great x 3 Grandmother: Isabel Stafford

Great x 4 Grandmother: Gundreda Stafford

Great x 1 Grandfather: Humphrey Stafford 9 x Great Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Edmund Stafford 1st Baron Stafford

Great x 3 Grandfather: Ralph Stafford 1st Earl Stafford 7 x Great Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Margaret Basset 6 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 2 Grandmother: Margaret Stafford 8 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 4 Grandfather: John Hastings 2nd Baron Hastings 14th Baron Bergavenny 6 x Great Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Katherine Hastings Baroness Stafford 7 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Juliana Leybourne Countess Huntingdon

GrandFather: Humphrey Stafford 10 x Great Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 3 Grandfather: William Greville

Great x 2 Grandfather: John Greville of Southwick

Great x 1 Grandmother: Alice Greville

Father: William Stafford 11 x Great Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Humphrey Stafford 1st Earl Devon 8 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: John Chideock

Great x 2 Grandfather: John Chidiock 4th Baron Fitzpayn

Great x 4 Grandfather: Robert Fitzpayn 2nd Baron Fitzpayn

Great x 3 Grandmother: Isabel Fitzpayn

Great x 1 Grandfather: John Chidiock 5th Baron Fitzpayn

GrandFather: John Chideock 6th Baron Fitzpayn 9 x Great Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Fulk Fitzwarin 2nd Baron Fitzwarin 5 x Great Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 3 Grandfather: William Fitzwarin 6 x Great Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Eleanor Beauchamp Baroness Fitzwarin 6 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 2 Grandfather: Ivo Fitzwarin 7 x Great Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 1 Grandmother: Eleanor Fitzwarin 8 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 3 Grandfather: John Argentine

Great x 2 Grandmother: Maud Argentine

Mother: Catherine Chideocke 7 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Robert Lumley

Great x 2 Grandfather: Marmaduke Lumley

Great x 4 Grandfather: Marmaduke Thweng

Great x 3 Grandmother: Lucia Thweng

Great x 4 Grandmother: Isabel Ros

Great x 1 Grandfather: Ralph Lumley 1st Baron Lumley 6 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Robert Holland 1st Baron Holand

Great x 3 Grandfather: Robert Holland 2nd Baron Holand 4 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Maud Zouche Baroness Holand 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 2 Grandmother: Margaret Holand 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

GrandMother: Catherine Lumley 6 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Ralph Neville 2nd Baron Neville of Raby 8 x Great Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Euphemia Clavering Baroness Neville Raby 7 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 2 Grandfather: John Neville 3rd Baron Neville of Raby 4 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Hugh Audley 1st Baron Audley of Stratton Audley 2 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Alice Audley Baroness Greystoke and Neville 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Iseult Mortimer 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Great x 1 Grandmother: Eleanor Neville Baroness Lumley 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Henry Percy 9th and 1st Baron Percy

Great x 3 Grandfather: Henry Percy 10th and 2nd Baron Percy 5 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Eleanor Fitzalan Baroness Percy 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Great x 2 Grandmother: Maud Percy Baroness Neville Raby 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Robert Clifford 1st Baron Clifford 6 x Great Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Idonia Clifford Baroness Percy 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Maud Clare Baroness Clifford Baroness Welles 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England