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Around 1643 Jane Bickerton Duchess Norfolk was born to Robert Bickerton.
Around 1652 [her future husband] Henry Howard 6th Duke of Norfolk (age 23) and Anne Somerset Countess Norfolk (age 21) were married. She the daughter of Henry Somerset 1st Marquess Worcester and Anne Russell 2nd Marchioness Worcester. He the son of Henry Howard 15th or 22nd Earl of Arundel 5th Earl of Surrey 2nd Earl Norfolk (age 43) and Elizabeth Stewart Countess Arundel and Norfolk (age 42).
John Evelyn's Diary. 17 Oct 1671. My [her future husband] Lord Henry Howard (age 43) coming this night to visit my Lord Chamberlain, and staying a day, would needs have me go with him to Norwich, Norfolk [Map], promising to convey me back, after a day or two; this, as I could not refuse, I was not hard to be pursuaded to, having a desire to see that famous scholar and physician, Dr. T. Browne (age 65), author of the Religio Medici and Vulgar Errors, now lately knighted. Thither, then, went my Lord and I alone, in his flying chariot with six horses; and by the way, discoursing with me of several of his concerns, he acquainted me of his going to marry his eldest son to one of the King's (age 41) natural daughters [Note. Either Anne Fitzroy Countess Sussex (age 10) or Charlotte Fitzroy Countess Lichfield (age 7).], by the Duchess of Cleveland (age 30); by which he reckoned he should come into mighty favor. He also told me that, though he kept that idle creature, Mrs. B-- [Note. Jane Bickerton Duchess Norfolk (age 28)], and would leave £200 a year to the son [Note. Henry Howard and Jane Bickerton had three sons; not clear which is being referred to since the eldest may have died and the reference may be to a surviving son.] he had by her, he would never marry her, and that the King himself had cautioned him against it. All the world knows how he kept his promise [Note. meaning he didn't keep his promise since Henry Howard did marry Jane Bickerton - this a case of John Evelyn writing his diary retrospectively?], and I was sorry at heart to hear what now he confessed to me; and that a person and a family which I so much honored for the sake of that noble and illustrious friend of mine, his grandfather, should dishonor and pollute them both with those base and vicious courses he of late had taken since the death of Sir Samuel Tuke (age 56), and that of his own virtuous lady (my Lady Anne Somerset, sister to the Marquis); who, while they lived, preserved this gentleman by their example and advice from those many extravagances that impaired both his fortune and reputation.
Around 1675 Mary Beale aka Cradock (age 41). Portrait of Lady Norwich. Probably Jane Bickerton Duchess Norfolk (age 32) who married the Duke around 1675 being his mistress prior to their marriage.
Around 1675 Henry Howard 6th Duke of Norfolk (age 46) and Jane Bickerton Duchess Norfolk (age 32) were married. He the son of Henry Howard 15th or 22nd Earl of Arundel 5th Earl of Surrey 2nd Earl Norfolk and Elizabeth Stewart Countess Arundel and Norfolk.
In Oct 1676 [her son-in-law] George Gordon 1st Duke Gordon (age 33) and [her daughter] Elizabeth Howard Duchess Gordon were married. She by marriage Marchioness Huntly. She the daughter of [her husband] Henry Howard 6th Duke of Norfolk (age 48) and Jane Bickerton Duchess Norfolk (age 33). He the son of Lewis Gordon 3rd Marquess Huntly. They were third cousins.
On 08 Aug 1677 [her step-son] Henry Howard 7th Duke of Norfolk (age 22) and Mary Mordaunt Duchess Norfolk (age 18) were married. She the daughter of Henry Mordaunt 2nd Earl Peterborough (age 55) and Penelope O'Brien Countess Peterborough (age 55). He the son of [her husband] Henry Howard 6th Duke of Norfolk (age 49) and Anne Somerset Countess Norfolk.
On 13 Dec 1677 [her brother-in-law] Thomas Howard 5th Duke of Norfolk (age 50) died in Padua unmarried. He had suffered mental disabilities all his life. His brother [her husband] Henry Howard 6th Duke of Norfolk (age 49) succeeded 6th Duke Norfolk, 24th Earl Arundel, 7th Earl Surrey, 4th Earl Norfolk, 18th Baron Segrave, 19th Baron Strange Blackmere, 17th Baron Mowbray, 16th Baron Talbot, 15th Baron Furnivall, 14th Baron Maltravers, 14th Baron Arundel. Jane Bickerton Duchess Norfolk (age 34) by marriage Duchess Norfolk. The marriage being so unpopular with his family they went abroad for some time.
John Evelyn's Diary. 23 Jan 1678. Dined with the [her husband] Duke of Norfolk (age 49), being the first time I had seen him since the death of his [her brother-in-law] elder brother, who died at Padua in Italy, where he had resided above thirty years. The Duke had now newly declared his marriage to his concubine (age 35), whom he promised me he never would marry. I went with him to see the Duke of Buckingham (age 49), thence to my Lord Sunderland (age 36), now Secretary of State, to show him that rare piece of Vosterman's (son of old Vosterman), which was a view, or landscape of my Lord's palace, etc., at Althorpe [Map] in Northamptonshire.
John Evelyn's Diary. 25 Aug 1678. There was at Weybridge the Duchess of Norfolk (age 35), [her step-son] Lord Thomas Howard (age 21) (a worthy and virtuous gentleman, with whom my son (age 23) was sometime bred in Arundel House [Map]), who was newly come from Rome, where he had been some time; also one of the Duke's daughters, by his first lady. My [her husband] Lord (age 50) leading me about the house made no scruple of showing me all the hiding places for the Popish priests, and where they said mass, for he was no bigoted Papist. He told me he never trusted them with any secret, and used Protestants only in all businesses of importance.
On 13 Jan 1684 [her husband] Henry Howard 6th Duke of Norfolk (age 55) died. His son [her step-son] Henry Howard 7th Duke of Norfolk (age 29) succeeded 7th Duke Norfolk, 25th Earl Arundel, 8th Earl Surrey, 5th Earl Norfolk, 2nd Earl Norwich, 18th Baron Mowbray, 19th Baron Segrave, 16th Baron Furnivall, 20th Baron Strange Blackmere, 17th Baron Talbot, 15th Baron Maltravers, 15th Baron Arundel, 2nd Baron Howard of Castle Rising, Earl Marshal.
Mary Mordaunt Duchess Norfolk (age 25) by marriage Duchess Norfolk.
On 28 Aug 1693 Jane Bickerton Duchess Norfolk (age 50) died.
[her son] Frederick Henry Howard was born to Henry Howard 6th Duke of Norfolk and Jane Bickerton Duchess Norfolk.
[her daughter] Catherine Howard was born to Henry Howard 6th Duke of Norfolk and Jane Bickerton Duchess Norfolk.
[her son] James Howard was born to Henry Howard 6th Duke of Norfolk and Jane Bickerton Duchess Norfolk.
[her daughter] Elizabeth Howard Duchess Gordon was born to Henry Howard 6th Duke of Norfolk and Jane Bickerton Duchess Norfolk.
[her son] George Howard was born to Henry Howard 6th Duke of Norfolk and Jane Bickerton Duchess Norfolk.
[her daughter] Philippa Howard was born to Henry Howard 6th Duke of Norfolk and Jane Bickerton Duchess Norfolk.