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Biography of Joan Burghesh Baroness Dunster 1319-1404

Paternal Family Tree: Burghesh

Maternal Family Tree: Clemence Roches Countess Blois

Before 1314 [her father] Bartholomew "The Elder" Burghesh 1st Baron Burghesh (age 26) and [her mother] Elizabeth Verdun Baroness Burghesh (age 13) were married. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King John of England.

Around 1319 Joan Burghesh Baroness Dunster was born to Bartholomew "The Elder" Burghesh 1st Baron Burghesh (age 32) and Elizabeth Verdun Baroness Burghesh (age 19) at Burwash.

On 31 Aug 1330 John Mohun 1st Baron Dunster (age 61) died. His grandson [her future husband] John Mohun 2nd Baron Mohun of Dunster (age 10) succeeded 2nd Baron Mohun of Dunster. Given his young age he became a ward of the King who sold his wardship and marriage to [her uncle] Bishop Henry Burghesh (age 38) who then married him to his niece Joan Burghesh Baroness Dunster (age 11), daugher of his brother [her father] Bartholomew "The Elder" Burghesh 1st Baron Burghesh (age 43).

On 03 Aug 1355 [her father] Bartholomew "The Elder" Burghesh 1st Baron Burghesh (age 68) died at Dover, Kent [Map]. He was buried in the St Catherine Chantry at Lincoln Cathedral [Map] with his father and brother. His son [her brother] Bartholomew "The Younger" Burghesh 2nd Baron Burghesh (age 27) succeeded 2nd Baron Burghesh. Cecily Weyland Baroness Burghesh by marriage Baroness Burghesh.

Cecily Weyland Baroness Burghesh: Around 1314 she was born to Richard de Weyland. Before 10 May 1335 Bartholomew "The Younger" Burghesh 2nd Baron Burghesh and she were married. He a great x 5 grandson of King John of England. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King John of England. In Aug 1354 she died.

In or before 1357 John Mohun 2nd Baron Mohun of Dunster (age 36) and Joan Burghesh Baroness Dunster (age 37) were married. She by marriage Baroness Mohun of Dunster. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King John of England.

Around 1357 [her daughter] Maud Mohun Baroness Strange Knockin was born to [her husband] John Mohun 2nd Baron Mohun of Dunster (age 37) and Joan Burghesh Baroness Dunster (age 38).

On 01 May 1360 [her mother] Elizabeth Verdun Baroness Burghesh (age 60) died. She was buried at Croxden Abbey, Staffordshire [Map].

Around 1367 [her daughter] Philippa Mohun Duchess AlbemarleDuchess York was born to [her husband] John Mohun 2nd Baron Mohun of Dunster (age 47) and Joan Burghesh Baroness Dunster (age 48) in Dunster, Somerset.

On 15 Sep 1375 [her husband] John Mohun 2nd Baron Mohun of Dunster (age 55) died. Since he had no male issue the title Baron Mohun of Dunster went into abeyance between his three daughters. [her daughter] Elizabeth Mohun Countess of Salisbury had one child who died in 1397. [her daughter] Philippa Mohun Duchess AlbemarleDuchess York (age 8) didn't have issue. [her daughter] Maud Mohun Baroness Strange Knockin (age 18) had one son [her grandson] Richard Strange 3rd Baron Dunster 7th Baron Strange Knockin who succeeded as 3rd Baron Mohun of Dunster on the death of his aunt Philippa Mohun Duchess AlbemarleDuchess York.

In 1376 Joan Burghesh Baroness Dunster (age 57) sold Dunster Castle [Map] and its associated estates including the manors of Minehead and Kilton, and the hundred of Carhampton for £5000 to Elizabeth Courtenay. She retained a life interest.

In or before 1381 1369 [her son-in-law] John Strange 6th Baron Strange Knockin (age 29) and [her daughter] Maud Mohun Baroness Strange Knockin (age 23) were married. She by marriage Baroness Strange Knockin. They were fourth cousins.

After 07 Aug 1385 [her son-in-law] William Montagu 2nd Earl Salisbury (age 57) and [her daughter] Elizabeth Mohun Countess of Salisbury were married. She by marriage Countess Salisbury. He the son of William Montagu 1st Earl Salisbury and Catherine Grandison Countess of Salisbury.

Before 07 Oct 1398 [her son-in-law] Edward 2nd Duke of York 1st Duke Albemarle (age 25) and [her daughter] Philippa Mohun Duchess AlbemarleDuchess York (age 31) were married. He the son of Edmund of Langley 1st Duke of York (age 57) and Isabella of Castile Duchess York. He a grandson of King Edward III of England.

On 03 Oct 1404 Joan Burghesh Baroness Dunster (age 85) died at Guest House Canterbury Cathedral. She was buried at Canterbury, Kent [Map].

Effigy of Joam Burwaschs, Lady Mohun. JOAN BURWASCHs, or de Burghersh, was the daughter of [her father] Bartholomew de Burghersh, and wife of [her former husband] John de Mohun, Lord of Dunster, in Somersetshire, who had during his nonage been in the wardship of her father. She founded a chantry in 1395, by indenture between herself and the Prior and Monks of Christchurch, Canterbury. In consideration of the payment of 350 marks, and the gift of certain appendages necessary for her chantry, and of the manor of Selgrave being amortized to them by royal licence, they covenanted that when she died her body should be laid in the tomb which she had already, at her own cost, erected in the Lady Chapel of the undercroft of Canterbury cathedral [Map], and that her remains should never be removed from the monument, which was to be honourably kept up. Hasted says, that the Dean and Chapter possess the manor, but that the tomb was in his day sadly neglected. The effigy of Lady Mohun lies on an altar-tomb under a gothic canopy, adorned with pinnacles and arches terminating in corbelled points. The inscription on the verge of the tomb is here copied from Dart:

"Pour Dieu priez por l'ame Johane Burwaschs, qe feut Dame de Mohun [For God pray for the soul Johane Burwaschs, who was Lady of Mohun]."

After 18 Nov 1434. St Mary's Church, Ewelme [Map]. Monument to Thomas Chaucer (deceased) and Maud Burghesh (age 55).

The Arms in two rows left to right ...

Top Row:

1 Beaufort Arms

2 York Arms. Possibly Cecily "Rose of Raby" Neville Duchess York impaled Neville Arms

3 Thomas Beaufort 1st Duke Exeter 1377 1426 Arms

4 Thomas of Brotherton 1st Earl Norfolk 1300 1338 Arms impaled Neville Arms

5 Thomas Beaufort 1st Duke Exeter 1377 1426 Arms (again?)

6 Stafford Arms impaled Neville Arms

7 Montacute and Monthermer Arms impaled Chaucer Modern Arms.

Bottom Row:

1 Beauchamp Arms quartered with Beaumont Arms; Earl Warwick reflecting the Beauchamp family having inherited the Earldom of Warwick through marriage to Isabel Maudit who was the sister of William Maudit 8th Earl Warwick who died without issue. Isabel Maudit and William Maudit 8th Earl Warwick were the children of William Maudit and Alice Beaumont. Alice Beaumont inherited the Earldom of Warwick when her half-niece Margaret Beaumont 7th Countess Warwick died.

2 Courtenay Arms impaled Beaufort Arms

3 Montacute and Monthermer Arms impaled Mohun Arms

4 Montacute and Monthermer Arms quartered Neville Arms

5 De La Pole Arms quartered Chaucer Modern Arms

6 Despencer Arms impaled Chaucer Modern Arms

7 Mohun Arms impaled Chaucer Modern Arms. [her former husband] John Mohun 2nd Baron Mohun of Dunster and Joan Burghesh Baroness Dunster.

[her daughter] Elizabeth Mohun Countess of Salisbury was born to John Mohun 2nd Baron Mohun of Dunster and Joan Burghesh Baroness Dunster in Dunster, Somerset.

Royal Ancestors of Joan Burghesh Baroness Dunster 1319-1404

Kings Wessex: Great x 10 Grand Daughter of King Edmund "Ironside" I of England

Kings Gwynedd: Great x 6 Grand Daughter of Owain "Great" King Gwynedd

Kings Seisyllwg: Great x 12 Grand Daughter of Hywel "Dda aka Good" King Seisyllwg King Deheubarth

Kings Powys: Great x 7 Grand Daughter of Maredudd ap Bleddyn King Powys

Kings England: Great x 5 Grand Daughter of King John of England

Kings Scotland: Great x 9 Grand Daughter of King Duncan I of Scotland

Kings Franks: Great x 16 Grand Daughter of Charles "Charlemagne aka Great" King Franks King Lombardy Holy Roman Emperor

Kings France: Great x 10 Grand Daughter of Robert "Pious" II King France

Kings Duke Aquitaine: Great x 15 Grand Daughter of Ranulf I Duke Aquitaine

Royal Descendants of Joan Burghesh Baroness Dunster 1319-1404

George Wharton

Brigadier-General Charles FitzClarence

Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom

Queen Consort Camilla Shand

Diana Spencer Princess Wales

Ancestors of Joan Burghesh Baroness Dunster 1319-1404

Father: Bartholomew "The Elder" Burghesh 1st Baron Burghesh

Great x 1 Grandfather: Gunselin Badlesmere

GrandMother: Maud Badlesmere Baroness Burghesh

Great x 1 Grandmother: Joan Fitzbernard

Joan Burghesh Baroness Dunster 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Theobald Walter

Great x 3 Grandfather: Theobald Butler

Great x 4 Grandmother: Maud Vavasour

Great x 2 Grandfather: John "The Botiller" Verdun

Great x 4 Grandfather: Nicholas Verdun

Great x 3 Grandmother: Rohesia Verdun

Great x 1 Grandfather: Theobald Verdun 1st Lord Verdun

Great x 4 Grandfather: Walter Lacy Lord Meath

Great x 3 Grandfather: Gilbert Lacy

Great x 4 Grandmother: Margaret de Braose

Great x 2 Grandmother: Margaret "Lady of Dulek" Lacy

Great x 4 Grandfather: Hugh Bigod 3rd Earl Norfolk

Great x 3 Grandmother: Isabel Bigod

GrandFather: Theobald Verdun 2nd Lord Verdun

Great x 4 Grandfather: Henry Bohun 1st Earl Hereford

Great x 3 Grandfather: Humphrey Bohun 2nd Earl Hereford 1st Earl Essex

Great x 4 Grandmother: Maud Mandeville Countess Hereford

Great x 2 Grandfather: Humphrey Bohun

Great x 4 Grandfather: Raoul Lusignan Count of Eu

Great x 3 Grandmother: Matilda Lusignan Countess Hereford and Essex

Great x 4 Grandmother: Alix Eu

Great x 1 Grandmother: Margery Bohun Lady Verdun

Great x 3 Grandfather: William de Braose 9th Baron Bergaveny 7th Baron Bramber

Great x 4 Grandmother: Graecia Briwere

Great x 2 Grandmother: Eleanor de Braose

Great x 4 Grandfather: William Marshal 1st Earl Pembroke

Great x 3 Grandmother: Eva Marshal

Great x 4 Grandmother: Isabel Clare Countess Pembroke

Mother: Elizabeth Verdun Baroness Burghesh 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Roger Mortimer

Great x 3 Grandfather: Ralph Mortimer

Great x 4 Grandmother: Isabel Ferrers

Great x 2 Grandfather: Roger Mortimer 1st Baron Mortimer of Wigmore Great Grand Son of King John of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Llewellyn "The Great" Aberffraw

Great x 3 Grandmother: Gwladus verch Llewelyn "Dark Eyed" Aberffraw Grand Daughter of King John of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Joan Plantagenet Daughter of King John of England

Great x 1 Grandfather: Edmund Mortimer 2nd Baron Mortimer of Wigmore 2 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: William de Braose 9th Baron Bergaveny 7th Baron Bramber

Great x 4 Grandmother: Graecia Briwere

Great x 2 Grandmother: Maud de Braose

Great x 4 Grandfather: William Marshal 1st Earl Pembroke

Great x 3 Grandmother: Eva Marshal

Great x 4 Grandmother: Isabel Clare Countess Pembroke

GrandMother: Maud Mortimer Lady Verdun 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: William Fiennes

Great x 3 Grandfather: Enguerrand Ingleram Fiennes

Great x 4 Grandmother: Agnes Dammartin

Great x 2 Grandfather: William Fiennes

Great x 3 Grandmother: Isabel Provence

Great x 1 Grandmother: Margaret Fiennes 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: John de Brienne I King Jerusalem

Great x 3 Grandfather: John Beaumont 2 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Beregaria Ivrea Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 2 Grandmother: Blanche Beaumont 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Jeanne Chateaudun

Great x 4 Grandmother: Clemence Roches Countess Blois