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Paternal Family Tree: Gage
1503 Funeral Procession of Elizabeth of York
1537 Birth and Christening Edward VI
1541 Creation of Garter Knights
1547 Death of Henry VIII Accession of Edward VI
On 28 Oct 1479 John Gage was born to William Gage.
On 14 Apr 1502 John Gage (age 22) and Philippa Guildford (age 22) were married.
Around 1503 [his son] Edward Gage was born to John Gage (age 23) and [his wife] Philippa Guildford (age 23) at Firle, East Sussex.
The Antiquarian Repertory Volume 4 Funeral Ceremonies of Queen Elizabeth. And on every end of the Chair on the Coffer kneeled a Gentleman Usher by all the way to Westminster.
On the fore horse and the tyller ij charriott men and on the other vij horses iiij henchmen in black gowns and mourning hood over their heads every horse having iiij lozengs of the quenes Armes beaten in oyle rolled upon sarcenett with fine Gould and the fore horse having one on his forehead and none but he.
And by every horse there was a man of honour a foot with mourning hoods over their heads and at every corner of the Chaire a White banner of our Lady borne by a knight the banners were all White in token that she dyed in Childbed their wereordeyned and appoynted
Certain knights and Esquires to go by the Chaire and the horse to beare the banner and every each to assist other whose names followeth Sr Edward Haward (age 27) Sr Henery Wylongby (age 52) Sr Thomas West (age 46) sonne and heir of the Lord Lavarres Sr Edward Darell (age 37) Sr John Petche (age 53) Sr George Manners (age 33) Sr Richard Carew (age 34) Sr Edward Wingfield Sr William Sands (age 68) Srr Raufe Verney (age 48).
Sir John Hodelston Sr John Rainsford William Denton Richard Wingfuld Raphe Dacre Xtofer Wylongby (age 22) [his brother-in-law] Edward Guilford (age 29) William West John Gawge (age 23)
Also their were ordyned viij palferys saddled traped and empelled with black velvett for the viij Laidesof honour to follow the Chaire that is to say the Lady Katherine (age 23) The Lady Elizebeth Stafford (age 24) The Countess of Essex [Note. Possibly Mary Saye Countess Essex and Eu (age 29) although she is believed to have married the Earl in 1512. The previous Countess of Essex Isabel York Countess Eu and Essex died in 1484.] The Lady Harbert (age 27) The Lady Lucey of Mountagne The Lady Anne Percy (age 17) The Lady Lisle The Lady Scrope of Upsall.
All these Laides Roode alone in their slopps and mantles every horse led with a man a foote without hood in a demy black gowne The ij Chaire drawn with vi horses trapped with Black Cloth and also covered with the same having iij Charriott men in that Chaire was the Lady Anne The Lady Marquesse The Lady Daubeny and the Lady Clifford following the Chaire the horses empelled with black Cloth The Lady Dacres The Lady Verney The Lady Guilford The Lady Darell The Lady Egrernonnt The Lady Risseley The Lady Petche The Lady Bryan and in like manner the iij Chaire in which was the Lady Gordon The Lady Fitzwater The Lady Monjoy and the Lady Bray following that Chaire Mrs Cromer Mrs Burn Mrs, Stafford Mrs Belknappe Mrs Weston Mrs Anne Browne Mrs Brent Mrs Yon Then iiijth Chaire emparelled as before in the which, was The Lady Pudsey Mrs Catesby Mrs Lary Mrs Tendringe Mrs Florence Bruges Mrs Balstrod Mrs Ffog Mrs Fitzharbert and Mrs Jones in the lyke manner as before was the vtb Chaire apperrelled in the Avhich was Mrs Dany Mrs Skilling Mrs Elizebeth Mrs. ITrancs.
Then after them the honest persons citizens of London on horseback in a great number after them the kings servants after them the Lords Servants in great number And from the foremost horse backward they were C of the Kings servants as Marshells servants yeomen and gromes with mourning hoods over their heads bearing a hundred of staffe torches of pure wax.
Here followeth the ordering before the Chaire through London to Westminster First next before the foremost horse of the first Chaire The Earle of Derby Constable of England Before him Garter andthe Maior of London The Queenes Chamberlain in manner between the Maior and the Lord Constable before them the Queens Confessor and Aumnoer and before them in manner as ensueth on the left syde the pression of London Also first next to the Corps the kings Chappell before them the quier of Poules and so forth on the same syde the generall pression of London in their ould Custome that is to say the Crossed fryers the white the Augustines and the black and in the middes as farr fourth as they might strydeing the cannells one after another in mourning habitt ijC poore men ewych bearing a weyghty torch.
The manner of the right syde next before the Confessor and aulmoner all the great Lords after there Estate ij and ij together and next before them ij of the Cheif Judges and Mtr of the Rovvles before them knights of the Garter not lords before them the great Chapleines that be of dignitye as the secretary to the king almoner the Deane of York The archdeacon of Richmond The Dean of Windsor and such other Before them the Aldermen of London Before them all knights before them the squires for the Body before them Chapleines of dignitye before them gentlemen and squires before them The Esterlings before them the frenchmen before them the portingalls before them the Venetians before them the Jannayes before them the Lewknors before them the trumppetts and mynsterells on horseback without their instruments before them the messengers.
From Mark lane to Temple bar by estimation were beyond iiij or v thousand torches set all the street along of the parish Churches in there best manner with Crosses pressions and singing and orasons envyroned the Corps.
Att fanchers were set xxxvij Virgins all in White linnen having Chappletts of white and grene on their heads eiiych houlding a breningtap of wax in the honour of our Lady and that the foresaid good quene was in xxxvij'" year.
Around 1504 [his son] Robert Gage was born to John Gage (age 24) and [his wife] Philippa Guildford (age 24).
Around 1506 [his daughter] Alice Gage was born to John Gage (age 26) and [his wife] Philippa Guildford (age 26).
Around 1508 [his wife] Philippa Guildford (age 28) died. She was buried at West Firle Church Firle, East Sussex.
Before 1526 [his son-in-law] Anthony Browne (age 25) and [his daughter] Alice Gage (age 19) were married. He a great x 4 grandson of King Edward III of England.
In 1529 John Gage (age 49) was elected MP Sussex.
On 15 Oct 1537 the future Edward VI was christened by Bishop John Stokesley (age 62) at the Chapel Royal in Hampton Court Palace [Map]. Archbishop Thomas Cranmer (age 48) performed the Baptismal Rites, and was appointed Godfather. Thomas Howard 3rd Duke of Norfolk (age 64) and Queen Mary I of England and Ireland (age 21) were Godparents.
King Edward VI of England and Ireland was created Duke of Cornwall, 1st Earl Chester.
Henry Bourchier 2nd Earl Essex 3rd Count of Eu carried the Salt. Charles Brandon 1st Duke of Suffolk (age 53) was Godfather and supported the Marchioness of Exeter. Richard Long (age 43) was knighted. Thomas Cromwell 1st Earl Essex (age 52), Philip Boteler (age 45), John de Vere 15th Earl of Oxford (age 66) and John Gage (age 57) attended. Mary Scrope (age 61) carried Lady Mary's train. Robert Radclyffe 1st Earl of Sussex (age 54) carried a covered basin. Robert Radclyffe 1st Earl of Sussex carried the canopy.
Edward Seymour 1st Duke of Somerset (age 37) helped his young niece the future Elizabeth I to carry the Crisom. Henry Courtenay 1st Marquess Exeter (age 41) supported his wife Gertrude Blount Marchioness of Exeter (age 34) to carry the child. Thomas Boleyn 1st Earl Wiltshire and Ormonde (age 60) bore a taper of virgin wax. William Fitzalan 11th or 18th Earl of Arundel (age 61) carried the train of the Prince's robe. Christopher Barker proclaimed the Prince's titles.
Edward Seymour 1st Duke of Somerset was created 1st Earl Hertford.
Nicholas Carew (age 41), Francis Bryan (age 47), [his son-in-law] Anthony Browne (age 37) and John Russell 1st Earl Bedford (age 52) surrounded the font.
Henry Knyvet of Charlton Wiltshire (age 27), Edward Neville (age 66), Thomas Seymour 1st Baron Seymour (age 29), Richard Long and John Wallop (age 47) carried the canopy.
Arthur Hopton (age 48), Bishop Robert Parfew aka Warton and Bishop John Bell attended.
William Fitzwilliam 1st Earl of Southampton (age 47) was created 1st Earl of Southampton. Mabel Clifford Countess Southampton (age 55) by marriage Countess of Southampton.
On 12 Nov 1537 Queen Jane Seymour (deceased) was buried in the Henry VIII Vault in St George's Chapel in Windsor [Map].
Queen Mary I of England and Ireland (age 21) was Chief Mourner.
Thomas Boleyn 1st Earl Wiltshire and Ormonde (age 60), Charles Brandon 1st Duke of Suffolk (age 53), John Gage (age 58), Henry Grey 1st Duke of Suffolk (age 20), Thomas Howard 3rd Duke of Norfolk (age 64), Thomas Manners 1st Earl of Rutland (age 45), Ralph Neville 4th Earl of Westmoreland (age 39), Robert Radclyffe 1st Earl of Sussex (age 54), John de Vere 15th Earl of Oxford (age 66), Bishop Robert Parfew aka Warton and Henry Courtenay 1st Marquess Exeter (age 41) attended.
John Mordaunt 1st Baron Mordaunt (age 57) carried the banner.
In 1539 John Gage (age 59) was elected MP Sussex.
In 1540 John Gage (age 60) was appointed Comptroller of the Household.
In 1540 John Gage (age 60) was appointed Constable of the Tower of London.
In 1541, probably around St George's Day, 23 Apr 1541, King Henry VIII of England and Ireland (age 49) created four new Knights of the Garter:
306th. Edward Seymour 1st Duke of Somerset (age 41).
307th. Henry Howard (age 25).
308th. John Gage (age 61).
309th. Anthony Wingfield (age 54).
Before 27 Jan 1541 [his son] Edward Gage (age 38) and [his daughter-in-law] Elizabeth Parker (age 18) were married. The difference in their ages was 20 years.
In 1542 John Gage (age 62) was appointed Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster.
In 1542 John Gage (age 62) was elected MP Sussex.
Before 14 Aug 1545 [his son-in-law] John Jenyns (age 65) and [his daughter] Elizabeth Gage were married.
Annales of England by John Stow. 28 Jan 1547. Edward (age 9) the first borne at Hampton court [Map] (by the decease of k. Henry (age 55) his father) began his raigne the 28 of January, and was proclaimed k. of England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, and of the churches of England and also of Ireland the supreme head immedlatly in earth under God, & on the last day of January, in the yere of Christ after the Church of England 1546 but after the accompt of them that begin the yere at Christmas 1547 being then of the age of nine yéeres. And the same day in the afternoone the saide young king came to the tower of London [Map] from Hertford, and rode into the City at Aldgate, and so along the wall by the crossed Friars [Map] to the Tower hill, & entred at the red bulwarke [Map], where be was received by sir John Gage (age 67) constable of the tower, and the lieutenant on horseback, the Earle of Hertford (age 47) riding before the king, and [his former son-in-law] sir Anthony Browne (age 47) riding after him: and on the bridge next the warde gate, the archbishop of Canterbury (age 57), the lorde Chancellor (age 41), with other great lords of the Councell received him, and so brought him to his chamber of pretence, there they were sworne to his majesty.
On 16 Feb 1547 Henry VIII (deceased) was buried in the Henry VIII Vault, St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle [Map]. John Gage (age 67) attended.
In 1553 John Gage (age 73) was appointed Lord Chamberlain.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 05 Aug 1553. The v day of August cam in to the Towre my lord Ferrys by .... at ix of the cloke, and so whent he a-for the consell, and so with-in a nowre he was delevered unto ser John Gage (age 73), constabull of the Towre, and so he had the custody of my lord for that tyme.
On 01 Oct 1553 Queen Mary I of England and Ireland (age 37) was crowned I Queen of England and Ireland at Westminster Abbey [Map].
Edward Courtenay 1st Earl Devon (age 26) carried the Sword of State.
John Gage (age 73) bore the queen's train. Edward Dymoke (age 45) attended as the Queen's Champion. James Blount 6th Baron Mountjoy (age 20) and Henry Parker 12th Baron Marshal 11th Baron Morley (age 20) were created Knight of the Bath. Thomas Hastings (age 38) and John Leigh (age 51) were knighted. Thomas Howard 3rd Duke of Norfolk (age 80) and Henry Neville 5th Earl of Westmoreland (age 28) attended.
Anne of Cleves Queen Consort England (age 38) took part in the procession.
On 25 Jul 1554 Prince Philip of Spain (age 27) and Queen Mary (age 38) were married by Bishop Stephen Gardiner (age 71) at Winchester Cathedral [Map]. She the daughter of King Henry VIII of England and Ireland and Catherine of Aragon Queen Consort England. He the son of Charles V Holy Roman Emperor (age 54) and Isabel Aviz Queen Consort Spain. They were first cousin once removed. He a great x 5 grandson of King Edward III of England.
John Gage (age 74) bore the queen's train.
[his granddaughter-in-law] Magdalen Dacre Viscountess Montague (age 16) took part in the Bridal Procession.
Wriothesley's Chronicle 17 Aug 1554. 17 Aug 1554. The 17 of Augusta the King (age 27) and Queen (age 38) came by water from Richmond in the after noone, and landed at my Lord Chancellors stayers in St. Marye Overies, and there had a banquett in the Lord Chauncellors (age 71) howsse [Map], and then passed throughe the parke to the howse at St. Georges, of which Sir John Gage, Lord Chamberlayne to the Queene (age 74), had the keepinge, and there lay that night and dyned there the next daye.
Note a. The authorities differ widely as to this date. The Grey Friars' Chronicle (p. 91 ) says: "They came not unto London tyll it was the 18th day of Angnst, and then came hothe unto the place in Sothwarke, and lay there that nyght, and the 19th day came into London." And Stow (p. 625): "The 11 of August, the King and Queene remooued to Richmond, from thence by water to Southwarke, &c. And the next day, heing the 12 of August, they rode through Southwarke oner the bridge, and so through London, &c." While Baker's Chronicle reads: "The eleventh of August they remoued to Richmond, the seven-and-twentieth to Suffolk Place in Southwark, and the next day to London," &c. (p. 342).
History and Antiquities of Hengrave in Suffolk. 1555. At the commencement of Edward's reign Sir John Gage (age 75) assisted at the council; but Somerset prevailing, he retired from the board, and was afterward dis placed from his office of Comptroller, which was given to Sir Anthony Wingfield. He appears not to have attended the council again until the day after the secret meeting at Ely House, when, joining Southampton, then the avowed leader of the Catholic party, he signed the declaration against the Protector. Dudley, who now acquired the ascendancy, was found to be equally a favourer of the reformed church; upon which Southampton and Sir John Gage, on the same day, resigned their seats in the council. Gage and Dudley had both formed alliances with the Guldeford family, one having married the daughter of Sir Richard Guldeford, the other, the daughter of Sir Edward, his younger brother. Nevertheless, a few days before the death of King Edward, at the moment when Dudley, aiming at the crown for his daughter-in - law, the Lady Jane Gray, placed her in the Tower, as well in the affectation of royal state, as for personal security, Gage was super seded in the command of that fortress; which had been conferred on him for life: a fact strongly illustrative of his principles.
On 18 Apr 1556 John Gage (age 76) died at Firle Place.
History and Antiquities of Hengrave in Suffolk. 25 Apr 1556. On the twenty-fifth of April, f 1556, his (deceased) remains were deposited in West Firle church, in a chapel, adjoining the chancel, appropriated for the burial place of the family. Attached to the east wall is an altar tomb, with the recumbent figures, beautifully sculptured in alabaster, of Sir John Gage and Philippa his wife; at his feet is a ram, the crest of his family; at her's the crest of Gulde ford, the trunk of a tree, emitting flames of fire. At the west end of the tomb, on a brass plate, are the arms of Gage, quartering St. Clere, and impaling Gulde ford, viz. quarterly, 1st, or, a saltire between four martlets sable, for Guldeford; 2d. argent, a chief sable, over all a bend ingrailed gules, for Halden; 3d. Barry of six or and azure, on a chief, of the first, two pallets between two esquires, of the second, and on an escutcheon of pretence, argent, a pheon sable, for Mortimer; 4th. ermine on a chevron azure, fess between three wolves heads erased azure; 6th. Vairé a canton gules, for Filliol: round the verge of the tomb are the words: Scio quod Redemptor meus vivit, et in novissimo die de terra surrecturus sum, et rursum circumdabor pelle mea, et in carne mea videbo Deum Salvatorem meum, quem visurus sum ego ipse, et oculi mei conspecturi sunt, et non alius: reposita est hæc spes mea in sinu meo. Job cap. xix, versus xx. On a brass plate, at the east end of the tomb, against the wall, in a small canopied recess, are the arms of Gage and St. Clere, quarterly, encircled by the garter, with this inscription:
Note f. Strype's Eccles. Mem.
Note g. A mistake for 1556.
On 25 Apr 1556 John Gage (deceased) was buried at West Firle Church Firle, East Sussex.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 25 May 1556. The xxv of Aprell was bered lord chamberlayne Gage (deceased) to the quen, with ij haroldes, with a standard, .. [banners of] armes and iiij of emages, and with a hersse and ij [white branches,] ij dossen of stayffes, and viij dosen of skochyons; bered at (blank)
Note. P. 105. Funeral of sir John Gage, K.G. The imperfect paragraph in this page probably relates to the funeral of sir John Gage, K.G. who died 18 April, 1556. He was buried at Firle in Sussex, where a monument with recumbent effigies of himself and his wife [his former wife] Philippa, daughter of sir [his former father-in-law] Richard Guilford, K.G. still remains. See an engraving of it in Gage's History of Hengrave, 4to. 1822, and also a portrait and memoir of Sir John.
[his daughter] Elizabeth Gage was born to John Gage and Philippa Guildford.
[his son] James Gage was born to John Gage and Philippa Guildford.
Chronicle of Queen Jane and Two Years of Queen Mary 1554. At Charinge crosse ther stoode the lorde chamberlayne,b with the garde and a nomber of other, almost a thousande persons, the whiche, upon Wyat's coming, shott at his company, and at last fledd to the court gates, which certayn pursued, and forced them with shott to shyt the court gates against them. In this repulse the said lord chamberlayn and others were so amased that men. cry ed Treason! treason! in the court, and had thought that the erle of Penbroke, who was assayling the tayle of his enemeys, had gon to Wyat, taking his part agaynst the quene. There should ye have seene runninge and cryenge of ladyes and gentyll women, shyting of dores, and such a scryking and noyse as yt was wonderfull to here.
Note b. Sir John Gage.