Biography of John Hayls 1600-1679

John Hayls 1600-1679 is in Painters.

In 1600 John Hayls was born.

In 1660. John Hayls (age 60). Portrait of Anne Coventry Baroness Savile (age 48).

Around 1665. John Hayls (age 65). Portrait of Lucy Cotton Lady Woodhouse. The armorials top left being Wodehouse Augmented Arms impaled with armorial of Baronet Cotton of Conington in Huntingdonshire.

Lucy Cotton Lady Woodhouse: she was born to Thomas Cotton 2nd Baronet and Margaret Howard Lady Cotton. On 10 Jul 1634 Philip Wodehouse 3rd Baronet and she were married. In 1684 Lucy Cotton Lady Woodhouse died.

In 1666. John Hayls (age 66). Portrait of John Cotton 3rd Baronet (age 45).

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 February 14. 14 Feb 1666. Thence with him to his paynter, Mr. Hales (age 66), who is drawing his picture, which will be mighty like him, and pleased me so, that I am resolved presently to have my wife's and mine done by him, he having a very masterly hand. So with mighty satisfaction to the 'Change [Map] and thence home, and after dinner abroad, taking Mrs. Mary Batelier with us, who was just come to see my wife, and they set me down at my Lord Treasurer's (age 58), and themselves went with the coach into the fields to take the ayre. I staid a meeting of the Duke of Yorke's (age 32), and the officers of the Navy and Ordnance. My Lord Treasurer lying in bed of the gowte. Our business was discourse of the straits of the Navy for want of money, but after long discourse as much out of order as ordinary people's, we come to no issue, nor any money promised, or like to be had, and yet the worke must be done. Here I perceive Sir G. Carteret (age 56) had prepared himself to answer a choque of Sir W. Coventry (age 38), by offering of himself to shew all he had paid, and what is unpaid, and what moneys and assignments he hath in his hands, which, if he makes good, was the best thing he ever did say in his life, and the best timed, for else it must have fallen very foule on him.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 February 15. 15 Feb 1666. At noon to Starky's, a great cooke in Austin Friars, invited by Colonell Atkins, and a good dinner for Colonell Norwood (age 52) and his friends, among others Sir Edward Spragg (age 46) and others, but ill attendance. Before dined, called on by my wife in a coach, and so I took leave, and then with her and Knipp and Mercer (Mr. Hunt newly come out of the country being there also come to see us) to Mr. Hales (age 66), the Paynter's (age 57), having set down Mr. Hunt by the way. Here Mr. Hales' begun my wife in the posture we saw one of my Lady Peters, like a St. Katharine1. While he painted, Knipp, and Mercer, and I, sang; and by and by comes Mrs. Pierce, with my name in her bosom for her Valentine, which will cost me money. But strange how like his very first dead colouring is, that it did me good to see it, and pleases me mightily, and I believe will be a noble picture.

Note 1. It was the fashion at this time to be painted as St. Catherine, in compliment to the Queen (age 27).

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 February 22. 22 Feb 1666. At noon home to dinner and thence by coach with my wife for ayre principally for her. I alone stopped at Hales's (age 66) and there mightily am pleased with my wife's picture that is begun there, and with Mr. Hill's (age 36), though I must [owne] I am not more pleased with it now the face is finished than I was when I saw it the second time of sitting.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 February 23. 23 Feb 1666. Up betimes, and out of doors by 6 of the clock, and walked (W. Howe with me) to my Lord Sandwich's (age 40), who did lie the last night at his house in Lincoln's Inne Fields. It being fine walking in the morning, and the streets full of people again. There I staid, and the house full of people come to take leave of my Lord, who this day goes out of towne upon his embassy towards Spayne. And I was glad to find Sir W. Coventry (age 38) to come, though I know it is only a piece of courtshipp. I had much discourse with my Lord, he telling me how fully he leaves the King (age 35) his friend and the large discourse he had with him the other day, and how he desired to have the business of the prizes examined before he went, and that he yielded to it, and it is done as far as it concerns himself to the full, and the Lords Commissioners for prizes did reprehend all the informers in what related to his Lordship, which I am glad of in many respects. But we could not make an end of discourse, so I promised to waite upon (him) on Sunday at Cranborne, and took leave and away hence to Mr. Hales's (age 66) with Mr. Hill (age 36) and two of the Houblons, who come thither to speak with me, and saw my wife's picture, which pleases me well, but Mr. Hill's picture never a whit so well as it did before it was finished, which troubled me, and I begin to doubt the picture of my Lady Peters my wife takes her posture from, and which is an excellent picture, is not of his making, it is so master-like. I set them down at the 'Change [Map] and I home to the office, and at noon dined at home and to the office again.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 February 24. 24 Feb 1666. All the morning at the office till past three o'clock. At that houre home and eat a bit alone, my wife being gone out. So abroad by coach with Mr. Hill (age 36), who staid for me to speake about business, and he and I to Hales's (age 66), where I find my wife and her woman, and Pierce and Knipp, and there sung and was mighty merry, and I joyed myself in it; but vexed at first to find my wife's picture not so like as I expected; but it was only his having finished one part, and not another, of the face; but, before I went, I was satisfied it will be an excellent picture. Here we had ale and cakes and mighty merry, and sung my song, which she [Knipp] now sings bravely, and makes me proud of myself.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 February 27. 27 Feb 1666. Up, and after a harsh word or two my wife and I good friends, and so up and to the office, where all the morning. At noon late to dinner, my wife gone out to Hales's (age 66) about her picture, and, after dinner, I after her, and do mightily like her picture, and think it will be as good as my Lady Peters's.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 March 03. 03 Mar 1666. Thence by coach to Hales's (age 66), and there saw my wife sit; and I do like her picture mightily, and very like it will be, and a brave piece of work. But he do complain that her nose hath cost him as much work as another's face, and he hath done it finely indeed.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 March 08. 08 Mar 1666. After dinner I took coach and away to Hales's (age 66), where my wife is sitting; and, indeed, her face and necke, which are now finished, do so please me that I am not myself almost, nor was not all the night after in writing of my letters, in consideration of the fine picture that I shall be master of.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 March 10. 10 Mar 1666. Thence to Hales's (age 66) to have seen our pictures, but could not get in, he being abroad, and so to the Cakehouse hard by, and there sat in the coach with great pleasure, and eat some fine cakes and so carried them to Pierces and away home. It is a mighty fine witty boy, Mrs. Pierce's little boy.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 March 14. 14 Mar 1666. Thence, I being in a little haste walked before and to the 'Change [Map] a little and then home, and presently to Trinity House, Deptford [Map] to dinner, where Captain Cox made his Elder Brother's dinner. But it seemed to me a very poor sorry dinner. I having many things in my head rose, when my belly was full, though the dinner not half done, and home and there to do some business, and by and by out of doors and met Mr. Povy (age 52) coming to me by appointment, but it being a little too late, I took a little pride in the streete not to go back with him, but prayed him to come another time, and I away to Kate Joyce's, thinking to have spoke to her husband about Pall's business, but a stranger, the Welsh Dr. Powell, being there I forebore and went away and so to Hales's (age 66), to see my wife's picture, which I like mighty well, and there had the pleasure to see how suddenly he draws the Heavens, laying a darke ground and then lightening it when and where he will.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 March 15. 15 Mar 1666. Thence to Hales's (age 66), where I met my wife and people; and do find the picture, above all things, a most pretty picture, and mighty like my wife; and I asked him his price: he says £14, and the truth is, I think he do deserve it.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 March 15. 15 Mar 1666. Lay till it was full time to rise, it being eight o'clock, and so to the office and there sat till almost three o'clock and then to dinner, and after dinner (my wife and Mercer and Mrs. Barbary being gone to Hales's (age 66) before), I and my cozen Anthony Joyce, who come on purpose to dinner with me, and he and I to discourse of our proposition of marriage between Pall and Harman (age 29), and upon discourse he and I to Harman's house and took him to a taverne hard by, and we to discourse of our business, and I offered £500, and he declares most ingenuously that his trade is not to be trusted on, that he however needs no money, but would have her money bestowed on her, which I like well, he saying that he would adventure 2 or £300 with her. I like him as a most good-natured, and discreet man, and, I believe, very cunning. We come to this conclusion for us to meete one another the next weeke, and then we hope to come to some end, for I did declare myself well satisfied with the match.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 March 17. 17 Mar 1666. At noon home to dinner and presently with my wife out to Hales's (age 66), where I am still infinitely pleased with my wife's picture. I paid him £14 for it, and 25s. for the frame, and I think it is not a whit too deare for so good a picture. It is not yet quite finished and dry, so as to be fit to bring home yet. This day I begun to sit, and he will make me, I think, a very fine picture. He promises it shall be as good as my wife's, and I sit to have it full of shadows, and do almost break my neck looking over my shoulder to make the posture for him to work by.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 March 20. 20 Mar 1666. At noon dined in haste, and so my wife, Mrs. Barbary, Mercer, and I by coach to Hales's (age 66), where I find my wife's picture now perfectly finished in all respects, and a beautiful picture it is, as almost I ever saw. I sat again, and had a great deale done, but, whatever the matter is, I do not fancy that it has the ayre of my face, though it will be a very fine picture.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 March 23. 23 Mar 1666. Anon comes my wife and Mercer and little Tooker, and having done with me we all to a picture drawer's hard by, Hales (age 66) carrying me to see some landskipps of a man's doing. But I do not [like] any of them, save only a piece of fruit, which indeed was very fine.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 March 23. 23 Mar 1666. I out by six o'clock by appointment to Hales's (age 66), where we fell to my picture presently very hard, and it comes on a very fine picture, and very merry, pleasant discourse we had all the morning while he was painting.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 March 28. 28 Mar 1666. So by coach to Hales's (age 66), and there sat again, and it is become mighty like. Hither come my wife and Mercer brought by Mrs. Pierce and Knipp, we were mighty merry and the picture goes on the better for it.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 March 30. 30 Mar 1666. Thence home and eat one mouthful, and so to Hales's (age 66), and there sat till almost quite darke upon working my gowne, which I hired to be drawn in; an Indian gowne, and I do see all the reason to expect a most excellent picture of it.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 April 04. 04 Apr 1666. After done several businesses at the 'Change [Map] I home, and being washing day dined upon cold meate, and so abroad by coach to Hales's (age 66), and there sat till night, mightily pleased with my picture, which is now almost finished.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 April 06. 06 Apr 1666. Thence to Mr. Hales (age 66) and there sat, and my picture almost finished, which by the word of Mr. and Mrs. Pierce (who come in accidentally) is mighty like, and I am sure I am mightily pleased both in the thing and the posture.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 April 07. 07 Apr 1666. Thence took her by coach to Hales's (age 66), and there find Mrs. Pierce and her boy and Mary. She had done sitting the first time, and indeed her face is mighty like at first dash.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 April 11. 11 Apr 1666. To White Hall, having first set my people to worke about setting me rails upon the leads of my wife's closett, a thing I have long designed, but never had a fit opportunity till now. After having done with the Duke of Yorke (age 32), I to Hales's (age 66), where there was nothing found to be done more to my picture, but the musique, which now pleases me mightily, it being painted true.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 April 13. 13 Apr 1666. So back and waited on the Duke (age 32) and received some commands of his, and so by coach to Hales's (age 66), where it is pretty strange to see that his second doing, I mean the second time of her sitting, is less like Mrs. Pierce than the first, and yet I am confident will be most like her, for he is so curious that I do not see how it is possible for him to mistake.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 April 18. 18 Apr 1666. There left her 'sans essayer alcune cose con elle1', and so away by boat to the 'Change [Map], and took coach and to Mr. Hales (age 66), where he would have persuaded me to have had the landskipp stand in my picture, but I like it not and will have it otherwise, which I perceive he do not like so well, however is so civil as to say it shall be altered.

Note 1. 'sans essayer alcune cose con elle'. Without trying to do anything with her.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 April 20. 20 Apr 1666. Thence to Mr. Hales's (age 66), and there, though against his particular mind, I had my landskipp done out, and only a heaven made in the roome of it, which though it do not please me thoroughly now it is done, yet it will do better than as it was before.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 April 23. 23 Apr 1666. Dined at home and took Balty (age 26) with me to Hales's (age 66) to show him his sister's picture, and thence to Westminster, and there I to the Swan [Map] and drank, and so back again alone to Hales's and there met my wife and Mercer, Mrs. Pierce being sitting, and two or three idle people of her acquaintance more standing by. Her picture do come on well. So staid until she had done and then set her down at home, and my wife and I and the girle by coach to Islington [Map], and there eat and drank in the coach and so home, and there find a girle sent at my desire by Mrs. Michell of Westminster Hall [Map], to be my girle under the cooke-mayde, Susan. But I am a little dissatisfied that the girle, though young, is taller and bigger than Su, and will not, I fear, be under her command, which will trouble me, and the more because she is recommended by a friend that I would not have any unkindness with, but my wife do like very well of her.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 April 28. 28 Apr 1666. Up and to the office. At noon dined at home. After dinner abroad with my wife to Hales's (age 66) to see only our pictures and Mrs. Pierce's, which I do not think so fine as I might have expected it. My wife to her father's, to carry him some ruling work, which I have advised her to let him do. It will get him some money. She also is to look out again for another little girle, the last we had being also gone home the very same day she came. She was also to look after a necklace of pearle, which she is mighty busy about, I being contented to lay out £80 in one for her. I home to my business.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 May 04. 04 May 1666. Up and by water to Westminster to Charing Cross [Map] (Mr. Gregory for company with me) to Sir Ph. Warwicke's (age 56), who was not within. So I took Gregory to White Hall, and there spoke with Joseph Williamson to have leave in the next Gazette to have a general pay for the Chest at Chatham declared upon such a day in June. Here I left Gregory, and I by coach back again to Sir Philip Warwicke's, and in the Park met him walking, so discoursed about the business of striking a quarter's tallys for Tangier, due this day, which he hath promised to get my Lord Treasurer's (age 59) warrant for, and so away hence, and to Mr. Hales (age 66), to see what he had done to Mrs. Pierce's picture, and whatever he pretends, I do not think it will ever be so good a picture as my wife's.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 May 09. 09 May 1666. Thence by water to Westminster, and there looked after my Tangier order, and so by coach to Mrs. Pierce's, thinking to have gone to Hales's (age 66), but she was not ready, so away home and to dinner, and after dinner out by coach to Lovett's to have forwarded what I have doing there, but find him and his pretty wife gone to my house to show me something.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 May 09. 09 May 1666. So away to my Lord Treasurer's (age 59), and thence to Pierces, where I find Knipp, and I took them to Hales's (age 66) to see our pictures finished, which are very pretty, but I like not hers half so well as I thought at first, it being not so like, nor so well painted as I expected, or as mine and my wife's are.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 May 16. 16 May 1666. Thence to Mr. Hales (age 66), and paid him for my picture, and Mr. Hill's (age 36), for the first £14 for the picture, and 25s. for the frame, and for the other £7 for the picture, it being a copy of his only, and 5s. for the frame; in all, £22 10s. I am very well satisfied in my pictures, and so took them in another coach home along with me, and there with great pleasure my wife and I hung them up, and, that being done, to dinner, where Mrs. Barbara Sheldon come to see us and dined with us, and we kept her all the day with us, I going down to Deptford, Kent [Map], and, Lord! to see with what itching desire I did endeavour to see Bagwell's wife, but failed, for which I am glad, only I observe the folly of my mind that cannot refrain from pleasure at a season above all others in my life requisite for me to shew my utmost care in. I walked both going and coming, spending my time reading of my Civill and Ecclesiastical Law book. Being returned home, I took my wife and Mrs. Barbary and Mercer out by coach and went our Grand Tour, and baited at Islington [Map], and so late home about 11 at night, and so with much pleasure to bed.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 June 06. 06 Jun 1666. Then home and found my wife at dinner, not knowing of my being at church, and after dinner my father and she out to Hales's (age 66), where my father is to begin to sit to-day for his picture, which I have a desire to have. I all the afternoon at home doing some business, drawing up my vowes for the rest of the yeare to Christmas; but, Lord! to see in what a condition of happiness I am, if I would but keepe myself so; but my love of pleasure is such, that my very soul is angry with itself for my vanity in so doing.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 June 06. 06 Jun 1666. Anon took coach and to Hales's (age 66), but he was gone out, and my father and wife gone. So I to Lovett's, and there to my trouble saw plainly that my project of varnished books will not take, it not keeping colour, not being able to take polishing upon a single paper.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 June 13. 13 Jun 1666. Thence with mighty content homeward, and in my way at the Stockes did buy a couple of lobsters, and so home to dinner, where I find my wife and father had dined, and were going out to Hales's (age 66) to sit there, so Balty (age 26) and I alone to dinner, and in the middle of my grace, praying for a blessing upon (these his good creatures), my mind fell upon my lobsters: upon which I cried, Odd zooks! and Balty looked upon me like a man at a losse what I meant, thinking at first that I meant only that I had said the grace after meat instead of that before meat. But then I cried, what is become of my lobsters? Whereupon he run out of doors to overtake the coach, but could not, so came back again, and mighty merry at dinner to thinke of my surprize.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 June 13. 13 Jun 1666. Thence with Balty (age 26) to Hales's (age 66) by coach, it being the seventh day from my making my late oathes, and by them I am at liberty to dispense with any of my oathes every seventh day after I had for the six days before going performed all my vowes. Here I find my father's picture begun, and so much to my content, that it joys my very heart to thinke that I should have his picture so well done; who, besides that he is my father, and a man that loves me, and hath ever done so, is also, at this day, one of the most carefull and innocent men, in the world.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 June 14. 14 Jun 1666. Up, and to the office, and there sat all the morning. At noon dined at home, and thence with my wife and father to Hales's (age 66), and there looked only on my father's picture (which is mighty like); and so away to White Hall to a Committee for Tangier, where the Duke of York (age 32) was, and Sir W. Coventry (age 38), and a very full committee; and instead of having a very prejudiced meeting, they did, though indeed inclined against Yeabsly, yield to the greatest part of his account, so as to allow of his demands to the value of £7,000 and more, and only give time for him to make good his pretence to the rest; which was mighty joy to me: and so we rose up. But I must observe the force of money, which did make my Lord Ashly (age 44) to argue and behave himself in the business with the greatest friendship, and yet with all the discretion imaginable; and [it] will be a business of admonition and instruction to me concerning him (and other men, too, for aught I know) as long as I live.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 June 18. 18 Jun 1666. Thence to Hales's (age 66) to see how my father's picture goes on, which pleases me mighty well, though I find again, as I did in Mrs. Pierce's, that a picture may have more of a likeness in the first or second working than it shall have when finished, though this is very well and to my full content, but so it is, and certainly mine was not so like at the first, second, or third sitting as it was afterward.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 June 20. 20 Jun 1666. Thence to the Hall and with Mrs. Martin home and staid with her a while, and then away to the Swan [Map] and sent for a bit of meat and dined there, and thence to Faythorne (age 50), the picture-seller's, and there chose two or three good Cutts to try to vernish, and so to Hales's (age 66) to see my father's picture, which is now near finished and is very good, and here I staid and took a nap of an hour, thinking my father and wife would have come, but they did not; so I away home as fast as I could, fearing lest my father this day going abroad to see Mr. Honiwood at Major Russell's might meet with any trouble, and so in great pain home; but to spite me, in Cheapside I met Mrs. Williams in a coach, and she called me, so I must needs 'light and go along with her and poor Knipp (who is so big as she can tumble and looks-every day to lie down) as far as Paternoster Row [Map], which I did do and there staid in Bennett's shop with them, and was fearfull lest the people of the shop, knowing me, should aske after my father and give Mrs. Williams any knowledge of me to my disgrace. Having seen them done there and accompanied them to Ludgate I 'light and into my owne coach and home, where I find my father and wife had had no intent of coming at all to Hales's. So I at home all the evening doing business, and at night in the garden (it having been these three or four days mighty hot weather) singing in the evening, and then home to supper and to bed.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 June 27. 27 Jun 1666. Thence home to dinner, and after dinner carried my wife to her sister's and I to Mr. Hales's (age 66), to pay for my father's picture, which cost me £10 the head and 25s. The frame.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 December 03. 03 Dec 1666. Thence at noon home, and there find Kate Joyce, who dined with me: Her husband and she are weary of their new life of being an Innkeeper, and will leave it, and would fain get some office; but I know none the foole is fit for, but would be glad to help them, if I could, though they have enough to live on, God be thanked! though their loss hath been to the value of £3000 W. Joyce now has all the trade, she says, the trade being come to that end of the towne. She dined with me, my wife being ill of her months in bed. I left her with my wife, and away myself to Westminster Hall [Map] by appointment and there found out Burroughs, and I took her by coach as far as the Lord Treasurer's (age 59) and called at the cake house by Hales's (age 66), and there in the coach eat and drank and then carried her home.... So having set her down in the palace I to the Swan [Map], and there did the first time 'baiser' the little sister of Sarah that is come into her place, and so away by coach home, where to my vyall and supper and then to bed, being weary of the following of my pleasure and sorry for my omitting (though with a true salvo to my vowes) the stating my last month's accounts in time, as I should, but resolve to settle, and clear all my business before me this month, that I may begin afresh the next yeare, and enjoy some little pleasure freely at Christmasse.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1667 March 25. 25 Mar 1667. Ladyday. Up, and with Sir W. Batten (age 66) and Sir W. Pen (age 45) by coach to Exeter House [Map] to our lawyers to have consulted about our trial to-morrow, but missed them, so parted, and Sir W. Pen and I to Mr. Povy's (age 53) about a little business of Sir W. Pen's, where we went over Mr. Povy's house, which lies in the same good condition as ever, which is most extraordinary fine, and he was now at work with a cabinet-maker, making of a new inlaid table. Having seen his house, we away, having in our way thither called at Mr. Lilly's (age 48), who was working; and indeed his pictures are without doubt much beyond Mr. Hales's (age 67), I think I may say I am convinced: but a mighty proud man he is, and full of state.

In 1668 John Hayls (age 68) moved from Southampton Street to Long Acre.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1668 March 29. 29 Mar 1668. Lord's Day. Up, and I to Church, where I have not been these many weeks before, and there did first find a strange Reader, who could not find in the Service-book the place for churching women, but was fain to change books with the clerke: and then a stranger preached, a seeming able man; but said in his pulpit that God did a greater work in raising of an oake-tree from an akehorne, than a man's body raising it, at the last day, from his dust (shewing the possibility of the Resurrection): which was, methought, a strange saying. At home to dinner, whither comes and dines with me W. Howe, and by invitation Mr. Harris (age 34) and Mr. Banister (age 38), most extraordinary company both, the latter for musique of all sorts, the former for everything: here we sang, and Banister played on the theorbo, and afterwards Banister played on his flageolet, and I had very good discourse with him about musique, so confirming some of my new notions about musique that it puts me upon a resolution to go on and make a scheme and theory of musique not yet ever made in the world. Harris do so commend my wife's picture of Mr. Hales's (age 68), that I shall have him draw Harris's head; and he hath also persuaded me to have Cooper draw my wife's, which, though it cost £30, yet I will have done. Thus spent the afternoon most deliciously, and then broke up and walked with them as far as the Temple [Map], and there parted, and I took coach to Westminster, but there did nothing, meeting nobody that I had a mind to speak with, and so home, and there find Mr. Pelling, and then also comes Mrs. Turner (age 45), and supped and talked with us, and so to bed. I do hear by several that Sir W. Pen's (age 46) going to sea do dislike the Parliament mightily, and that they have revived the Committee of Miscarriages to find something to prevent it; and that he being the other day with the Duke of Albemarle (age 59) to ask his opinion touching his going to sea, the Duchess overheard and come in to him, and asks W. Pen how he durst have the confidence to offer to go to sea again, to the endangering the nation, when he knew himself such a coward as he was, which, if true, is very severe.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1668 March 30. 30 Mar 1668. Up betimes, and so to the office, there to do business till about to o'clock, and then out with my wife and Deb. and W. Hewer (age 26) by coach to Common-garden Coffee-house, where by appointment I was to meet Harris (age 34); which I did, and also Mr. Cooper, the great painter, and Mr. Hales (age 68): and thence presently to Mr. Cooper's house, to see some of his work, which is all in little, but so excellent as, though I must confess I do think the colouring of the flesh to be a little forced, yet the painting is so extraordinary, as I do never expect to see the like again. Here I did see Mrs. Stewart's (age 20) picture as when a young maid, and now just done before her having the smallpox: and it would make a man weep to see what she was then, and what she is like to be, by people's discourse, now. Here I saw my Lord Generall's picture, and my Lord Arlington (age 50) and Ashly's, and several others; but among the rest one Swinfen, that was Secretary to my Lord Manchester (age 66), Lord Chamberlain, with Cooling, done so admirably as I never saw any thing: but the misery was, this fellow died in debt, and never paid Cooper (age 59) for his picture; but, it being seized on by his creditors, among his other goods, after his death, Cooper himself says that he did buy it, and give £25 out of his purse for it, for what he was to have had but £30. Being infinitely satisfied with this sight, and resolving that my wife shall be drawn by him when she comes out of the country, I away with Harris and Hales to the Coffee-house, sending my people away, and there resolve for Hales to begin Harris's head for me, which I will be at the cost of.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1668 April 26. 26 Apr 1668. Lord's Day. Lay long, and then up and to Church, and so home, where there come and dined with me Harris (age 34), Rolt (age 39), and Bannister, and one Bland, that sings well also, and very merry at dinner, and, after dinner, to sing all the afternoon. But when all was done, I did begin to think that the pleasure of these people was not worth so often charge and cost to me, as it hath occasioned me. They being gone I and Balty (age 28) walked as far as Charing Cross [Map], and there got a coach and to Hales's (age 68) the painter, thinking to have found Harris sitting there for his picture, which is drawing for me. But he, and all this day's company, and Hales, were got to the Crown tavern, at next door, and thither I to them and stayed a minute, leaving Captain Grant (age 48) telling pretty stories of people that have killed themselves, or been accessory to it, in revenge to other people, and to mischief other people, and thence with Hales to his house, and there did see his beginning of Harris's picture, which I think will be pretty like, and he promises a very good picture.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1668 May 06. 06 May 1668. Thence by water to the New Exchange, where bought a pair of shoe-strings, and so to Mr. Pierce's, where invited, and there was Knepp and Mrs. Foster and here dined, but a poor, sluttish dinner, as usual, and so I could not be heartily merry at it: here saw her girl's picture, but it is mighty far short of her boy's, and not like her neither; but it makes Hales's (age 68) picture of her boy appear a good picture.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1668 May 20. 20 May 1668. Thence walked to the King's playhouse, and saw "The Mulberry Garden" again, and cannot be reconciled to it, but only to find here and there an independent sentence of wit, and that is all. Here met with Creed; and took him to Hales's (age 68), and there saw the beginnings of Harris's (age 34) head which he draws for me, which I do not yet like. So he and I down to the New Exchange, and there cheapened ribbands for my wife, and so down to the Whey house and drank some and eat some curds, which did by and by make my belly ake mightily. So he and I to White Hall, and walked over the Park to the Mulberry-Garden [Map]1, where I never was before; and find it a very silly place, worse than Spring-garden, and but little company, and those a rascally, whoring, roguing sort of people, only a wilderness here, that is somewhat pretty, but rude. Did not stay to drink, but walked an hour and so away to Charing Cross [Map], and there took coach and away home, in my way going into Bishopsgate Street, to bespeak places for myself and boy to go to Cambridge in the coach this week, and so to Brampton [Map], to see my wife. So home, and to supper and to bed.

Note 1. On the site of the present Buckingham Palace and gardens. Originally a garden [Map] of mulberry trees, planted by James I in 1609 with the intention of cultivating the manufacture of English silks.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1668 July 18. 18 Jul 1668. Thence to the office, and then with my wife to the 'Change [Map] and Unthanke's, after having been at Cooper's (age 59) and sat there for her picture, which will be a noble picture, but yet I think not so like as Hales's (age 68) is.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1668 July 19. 19 Jul 1668. Lord's Day. Up, and to my chamber, and there I up and down in the house spent the morning getting things ready against noon, when come Mr. Cooper (age 59), Hales (age 68), Harris (age 34), Mr. Butler, that wrote Hudibras, and Mr. Cooper's cozen Jacke; and by and by comes Mr. Reeves and his wife, whom I never saw before: and there we dined: a good dinner, and company that pleased me mightily, being all eminent men in their way. Spent all the afternoon in talk and mirth, and in the evening parted, and then my wife and I to walk in the garden, and so home to supper, Mrs. Turner (age 45) and husband and daughter with us, and then to bed.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1668 August 28. 28 Aug 1668. At noon I home with W. Coventry (age 40) to his house; and there dined with him, and talked freely with him; and did acquaint him with what I have done, which he is well pleased with, and glad of: and do tell me that there are endeavours on foot to bring the Navy into new, but, he fears, worse hands. After much talk with great content with him, I walked to the Temple [Map], and staid at Starky's, my bookseller's (looking over Dr. Heylin's new book of the Life of Bishop Laud, a strange book of the Church History of his time), till Mr. Wren (age 39) comes, and by appointment we to the Atturney General's chamber, and there read and heard the witnesses in the business of Ackeworth, most troublesome and perplexed by the counter swearing of the witnesses one against the other, and so with Mr. Wren away thence to St. [James's] for his papers, and so to White Hall, and after the Committee was done at the Council chamber about the business of Supernumeraries, wherein W. Pen (age 47) was to do all and did, but like an ignorant illiterate coxcomb, the Duke of York (age 34) fell to work with us, the Committee being gone, in the Council-chamber; and there, with his own hand, did give us his long letter, telling us that he had received several from us, and now did give us one from him, taking notice of our several duties and failures, and desired answer to it, as he therein desired; this pleased me well; and so fell to other business, and then parted. And the Duke of York, and Wren, and I, it being now candle-light, into the Duke of York's closet in White Hall; and there read over this paper of my Lord Keeper's, wherein are laid down the faults of the Navy, so silly, and the remedies so ridiculous, or else the same that are now already provided, that we thought it not to need any answer, the Duke of York being able himself to do it: that so it makes us admire the confidence of these men to offer things so silly, in a business of such moment. But it is a most perfect instance of the complexion of the times! and so the Duke of York said himself, who, I perceive, is mightily concerned in it, and do, again and again, recommend it to Mr. Wren and me together, to consider upon remedies fit to provide for him to propound to the King (age 38), before the rest of the world, and particularly the Commissioners of Accounts, who are men of understanding and order, to find our faults, and offer remedies of their own, which I am glad of, and will endeavour to do something in it. So parted, and with much difficulty, by candle-light, walked over the Matted Gallery, as it is now with the mats and boards all taken up, so that we walked over the rafters. But strange to see what hard matter the plaister of Paris is, that is there taken up, as hard as stone! And pity to see Holben's work in the ceiling blotted on, and only whited over! Thence; with much ado, by several coaches home, to supper and to bed. My wife having been this day with Hales (age 68), to sit for her hand to be mended, in her picture.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1668 September 01. 01 Sep 1668. Up and all the morning at the office busy, and after dinner to the office again busy till about four, and then I abroad (my wife being gone to Hales's (age 68) about drawing her hand new in her picture) and I to see Betty Michell, which I did, but su mari was dentro, and no pleasure.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1668 September 05. 05 Sep 1668. Up, and at the office all the morning. At noon home to dinner, and to the office to work all the afternoon again till the evening, and then by coach to Mr. Hales's (age 68) new house, where, I find, he hath finished my wife's hand, which is better than the other; and here I find Harris's (age 34) picture, done in his habit of "Henry the Fifth"; mighty like a player, but I do not think the picture near so good as any yet he hath made for me: however, it is pretty well, and thence through the fair home, but saw nothing, it being late, and so home to my business at the office, and thence to supper and to bed.

In or before 1674. John Hayls (age 73). Portrait of Jemima Crew Countess Sandwich (age 48).

In or before 1679. John Hayls (age 78). Portrait of Richard Cromwell Lord Protector (age 52).

In or before 1679. John Hayls (age 78). Portrait of Mary Daniell.

Mary Daniell: Before 26 Feb 1694 Charles Scarburgh and she were married. On 26 Feb 1694 Charles Scarburgh died. He was buried at St Dunstan Church Cranford where his wife Mary Daniell commissioned a memorial.

In or before 1679. John Hayls (age 78). Portrait of Colonel John Strode (age 51).

In or before 1679. John Hayls (age 78). Portrait of Abraham Hill (age 45).

In or before 1679. John Hayls (age 78). Portrait of Gilbert Talbot (age 72).

Gilbert Talbot: In 1606 he was born to Sharington Talbot and Elizabeth Leighton. In 1660 he was appointed Master of the Jewel House. Evelyn's Diary. 21 Aug 1662. I was admitted and then sworn one of the Council of the Royal Society, being nominated in his Majesty's original grant to be of this Council for the regulation of the Society, and making laws and statutes conducible to its establishment and progress, for which we now set apart every Wednesday morning till they were all finished. Lord Viscount Brouncker (that excellent mathematician) was also by his Majesty, our founder, nominated our first President. The King gave us the arms of England to be borne in a canton in our arms, and sent us a mace of silver gilt, of the same fashion and size as those carried before his Majesty, to be borne before our president on meeting days. It was brought by Sir Gilbert Talbot, master of his Majesty's jewel house. In 1695 Gilbert Talbot died.

In or before 1679. John Hayls (age 78). Portrait of John Pole 3rd Baronet (age 29).

John Pole 3rd Baronet: On 17 Jun 1649 he was born to Courtenay Pole 2nd Baronet and Urith Shapcote Lady Pole. Around 1666 John Pole 3rd Baronet and Anne Morice Lady Pole were married. Before 13 Apr 1695 Courtenay Pole 2nd Baronet died. He was buried in Shute, Devon. His son John Pole 3rd Baronet succeeded 3rd Baronet Pole of Shute House in Devon. Anne Morice Lady Pole by marriage Lady Pole of Shute House in Devon. On 13 Mar 1708 John Pole 3rd Baronet died. His son William Pole 4th Baronet succeeded 4th Baronet Pole of Shute House in Devon.

In or before 1679. John Hayls (age 78). Portrait of Frances Petre.

Frances Petre: In 1645 Captain Allen Apsley and she were married. In 1698 she died.

In or before 1679. John Hayls (age 78). Portrait of William Craven (age 40).

William Craven: On 26 Aug 1638 he was born to Thomas Craven. In 1665 William Craven 1st Earl Craven was created 1st Baron Craven of Hamstead Marshall in Berkshire with a special remainder to his cousin William Craven. On 28 Oct 1695 William Craven died.

In 1679 John Hayls (age 79) died at his house in Long Acre.