Paternal Family Tree: Evelyn
Before 10 Sep 1647 [his father] John Evelyn (age 26) and [his mother] Mary Browne (age 12) were married by Bishop John Earle (age 46) at Paris [Map]. She is first mentioned in his diary John Evelyn's Diary on 10th September 1647.
John Evelyn's Diary. 19 Jan 1655. My [his mother] wife (age 20) was brought to bed of another son, being my third, but second living. Christened on the 26th by the name of John.
On 19 Jan 1655 John The Younger Evelyn was born to John Evelyn (age 34) and Mary Browne (age 20).
John Evelyn's Diary. 13 Dec 1660. I presented my son, John (age 5), to the Queen-Mother (age 51), who kissed him, talked with and made extraordinary much of him.
John Evelyn's Diary. 01 Aug 1662. Mr. H. Howard (age 34), his brothers Charles (age 32), Edward (age 25), Bernard (age 21), Philip (age 33), now the Queen's (age 23) Almoner (all brothers of the Duke of Norfolk, still in Italy), came with a great train, and dined with me; Mr. H. Howard leaving with me his eldest and youngest sons, Henry (age 7) and Thomas (age 5), for three or four days, my son, John (age 7), having been sometime bred up in their father's house.
John Evelyn's Diary. 24 Oct 1663. Mr. Edward Phillips came to be my son's (age 8) preceptor: this gentleman was nephew to Milton, who wrote against Salmasius's "Defensio"; but was not at all infected with his principles, though brought up by him.
John Evelyn's Diary. 17 Nov 1666. I returned to Chatham, Kent [Map], my chariot overturning on the steep of Bexley Hill, wounded me in two places on the head; my son, Jack (age 11), being with me, was like to have been worse cut by the glass; but I thank God we both escaped without much hurt, though not without exceeding danger.
John Evelyn's Diary. 24 Jan 1667. Visited my Lord Clarendon, and presented my son, John (age 12), to him, now preparing to go to Oxford, of which his Lordship was Chancellor. This evening I heard rare Italian voices, two eunuchs and one woman, in his Majesty's (age 36) green chamber, next his cabinet.
John Evelyn's Diary. 29 Jan 1667. To London, in order to my son's (age 12) Oxford journey, who, being very early entered both in Latin and Greek, and prompt to learn beyond most of his age, I was persuaded to trust him under the tutorage of Mr. Bohun, Fellow of New College, who had been his preceptor in my house some years before; but, at Oxford, under the inspection of Dr. Bathurst (age 47), President of Trinity College, where I placed him, not as yet thirteen years old. He was newly out of long coats.
John Evelyn's Diary. 10 Jan 1671. Mr. Bohun, my son's (age 15) tutor, had been five years in my house, and now Bachelor of Laws, and Fellow of New College, went from me to Oxford to reside there, having well and faithfully performed his charge.
John Evelyn's Diary. 02 May 1672. My son, John (age 17), was specially admitted of the Middle Temple by Sir Francis North (age 34), his Majesty's (age 41) Solicitor-General, and since Chancellor. I pray God bless this beginning, my intention being that he should seriously apply himself to the study of the law.
John Evelyn's Diary. 29 Mar 1673. I carried my son (age 18) to the Bishop of Chichester, that learned and pious man, Dr. Peter Gunning (age 59), to be instructed by him before he received the Holy Sacrament, when he gave him most excellent advice, which I pray God may influence and remain with him as long as he lives; and O that I had been so blessed and instructed, when first I was admitted to that sacred ordinance!
John Evelyn's Diary. 25 May 1673. My son (age 18) was made a younger brother of the Trinity House. The new master was Sir J. Smith, one of the Commissioners of the Navy, a stout seaman, who had interposed and saved the Duke (age 39) from perishing by a fire ship in the late war.
John Evelyn's Diary. 22 Jul 1674. I went to Windsor, Berkshire [Map] with my [his mother] wife (age 39) and son (age 19) to see my daughter [his sister] Mary (age 9), who was there with my Lady Tuke and to do my duty to his Majesty (age 44). Next day, to a great entertainment at Sir Robert Holmes's (age 52) at Cranbourne Lodge, Windsor, in the Forest; there were his Majesty, the Queen (age 35), Duke (age 40), Duchess (age 15), and all the Court. I returned in the evening with Sir Joseph Williamson (age 40), now declared Secretary of State. He was son of a poor clergyman somewhere in Cumberland, brought up at Queen's College, Oxford, of which he came to be a fellow; then traveled with ... and returning when the King was restored, was received as a clerk under Mr. Secretary Nicholas. Sir Henry Bennett (age 56) (now Lord Arlington) succeeding, Williamson is transferred to him, who loving his ease more than business (though sufficiently able had he applied himself to it) remitted all to his man Williamson; and, in a short time, let him so into the secret of affairs, that (as his Lordship himself told me) there was a kind of necessity to advance him; and so, by his subtlety, dexterity, and insinuation, he got now to be principal Secretary; absolutely Lord Arlington's creature, and ungrateful enough. It has been the fate of this obliging favorite to advance those who soon forgot their original. Sir Joseph was a musician, could play at Jeu de Goblets, exceedingly formal, a severe master to his servants, but so inward with my Lord O'Brien (age 32), that after a few months of that gentleman's death, he married his widow (age 34), who, being sister and heir of the Duke of Richmond, brought him a noble fortune. It was thought they lived not so kindly after marriage as they did before. She was much censured for marrying so meanly, being herself allied to the Royal family.
John Evelyn's Diary. 10 Jul 1675. The Vice Chancellor Dr. Bathurst (age 55) (who had formerly taken particular care of my son (age 20)), President of Trinity College invited me to dinner, and did me great honor all the time of my stay. The next day, he invited me and all my company, though strangers to him, to a very noble feast. I was at all the academic exercises.-Sunday, at St. Mary's, preached a Fellow of Brasen-nose, not a little magnifying the dignity of Churchmen.
John Evelyn's Diary. 15 Oct 1675. I settled affairs, my son (age 20) being to go into France with my Lord Berkeley (age 47), designed Ambassador-extraordinary for France and Plenipotentiary for the general treaty of peace at Nimeguen.
John Evelyn's Diary. 31 Oct 1675. Dined at my Lord Chamberlain's (age 57), with my son (age 20). There were the learned Isaac Vossius (age 57), and Spanhemius, son of the famous man of Heidelberg; nor was this gentleman less learned, being a general scholar. Among other pieces, he was author of an excellent treatise on Medals.
John Evelyn's Diary. 10 Nov 1675. Being the day appointed for my Lord Ambassador (age 47) to set out, I met them with my coach at New Cross. There were with him my Lady his wife, and my dear friend, Mrs. Godolphin (age 23), who, out of an extraordinary friendship, would needs accompany my lady to Paris [Map], and stay with her some time, which was the chief inducement for permitting my son (age 20) to travel, but I knew him safe under her inspection, and in regard my Lord himself had promised to take him into his special favor, he having intrusted all he had to my care.
John Evelyn's Diary. 13 May 1676. Returned home, and found my son (age 21) returned from France; praised be God!
John Evelyn's Diary. 16 Nov 1676. My son (age 21) and I dining at my Lord Chamberlain's (age 58), he showed us among others that incomparable piece of Raphael's, being a Minister of State dictating to Guicciardini, the earnestness of whose face looking up in expectation of what he was next to write, is so to the life, and so natural, as I esteem it one of the choicest pieces of that admirable artist. There was a woman's head of Leonardo da Vinci; a Madonna of old Palma, and two of Vandyke's, of which one was his own picture at length, when young, in a leaning posture; the other, an eunuch, singing. Rare pieces indeed!
John Evelyn's Diary. 29 Jul 1677. Mr. Bohun, my Son's (age 22) late tutor, preached at Abinger, on Phil., iv. 8, very elegantly and practically.
John Evelyn's Diary. 25 Dec 1677. I gave my son (age 22) an office, with instructions how to govern his youth; I pray God give him the grace to make a right use of it!
John Evelyn's Diary. 25 Aug 1678. There was at Weybridge the Duchess of Norfolk (age 35), Lord Thomas Howard (age 21) (a worthy and virtuous gentleman, with whom my son (age 23) was sometime bred in Arundel House [Map]), who was newly come from Rome, where he had been some time; also one of the Duke's daughters, by his first lady. My Lord (age 50) leading me about the house made no scruple of showing me all the hiding places for the Popish priests, and where they said mass, for he was no bigoted Papist. He told me he never trusted them with any secret, and used Protestants only in all businesses of importance.
John Evelyn's Diary. 31 Aug 1679. After evening service, to see a neighbor, one Mr. Bohun, related to my son's (age 24) late tutor of that name, a rich Spanish merchant, living in a neat place, which he has adorned with many curiosities, especially several carvings of Mr. Gibbons (age 31), and some pictures by Streeter.
John Evelyn's Diary. 21 Feb 1680. Shrove-Tuesday. My son (age 25) was married to [his future wife] Mrs. Martha Spencer (age 21), daughter to my Lady Stonehouse by a former gentleman, at St. Andrew's [Map], Holborn, by our Vicar, borrowing the church of Dr. Stillingfleet (age 44), Dean of St. Paul's, the present incumbent. We afterward dined at a house in Holborn; and, after the solemnity and dancing was done, they were bedded at Sir John Stonehouse's (age 41) lodgings in Bow Street, Convent Garden.
On 24 Feb 1680 John The Younger Evelyn (age 25) and Martha Spencer (age 21) were married. He the son of John Evelyn (age 59) and Mary Browne (age 45).
John Evelyn's Diary. 01 May 1680. Was a meeting of the feoffees of the poor of our parish. This year I would stand one of the collectors of their rents, to give example to others. My son (age 25) was added to the feoffees.
On 01 Mar 1682 [his son] John Evelyn 1st Baronet was born to John The Younger Evelyn (age 27) and [his wife] Martha Spencer (age 23) at Sayes Court, Deptford [Map]. He was baptised on 02 Mar 1682.
John Evelyn's Diary. 01 Jun 1691. I went with my son (age 36), and brother-in-law, Glanville (age 72), and his son, to Wotton, to solemnize the funeral of my nephew, which was performed the next day very decently and orderly by the herald in the afternoon, a very great appearance of the country being there. I was the chief mourner; the pall was held by Sir Francis Vincent (age 45), Sir Richard Onslow (age 36), Mr. Thomas Howard (son to Sir Robert, and Captain of the King's Guard), Mr. Hyldiard, Mr. James, Mr. Herbert, nephew to Lord Herbert of Cherbury, and cousin-german to my deceased nephew. He was laid in the vault at Wotton Church, in the burying place of the family. A great concourse of coaches and people accompanied the solemnity.
John Evelyn's Diary. 23 Jul 1692. I went with my [his mother] wife (age 57), son (age 37), and [his sister] daughter (age 23), to Eton [Map], to see my [his son] grandson (age 10), and thence to my Lord Godolphin's (age 47), at Cranburn, where we lay, and were most honorably entertained. The next day to St. George's Chapel [Map], and returned to London late in the evening.
John Evelyn's Diary. 13 May 1696. I went to London to meet my son (age 41), newly come from Ireland, indisposed. Money still continuing exceedingly scarce, so that none was paid or received, but all was on trust, the mint not supplying for common necessities. The Association with an oath required of all lawyers and officers, on pain of Praemunire, whereby men were obliged to renounce King James as no rightful king, and to revenge King William's death, if happening by assassination. This to be taken by all the Counsel by a day limited, so that the Courts of Chancery and King's Bench hardly heard any cause in Easter Term, so many crowded to take the oath. This was censured as a very entangling contrivance of the Parliament in expectation, that many in high office would lay down, and others surrender. Many gentlemen taken up on suspicion of the late plot, were now discharged out of prison.
John Evelyn's Diary. 01 Sep 1697. Very bright weather, but with sharp east wind. My son (age 42) came from London in his melancholy indisposition.
In 1699 John The Younger Evelyn (age 43) died.
John Evelyn's Diary. 24 Mar 1699. My only remaining son died after a tedious languishing sickness, contracted in Ireland, and increased here, to my exceeding grief and affliction; leaving me one [his son] grandson (age 17), now at Oxford, whom I pray God to prosper and be the support of the Wotton family. He was aged forty-four years and about three months. He had been six years one of the Commissioners of the Revenue in Ireland, with great ability and reputation.
In 1726 [his former wife] Martha Spencer (age 67) died.
[his daughter] Elizabeth Evelyn was born to John The Younger Evelyn.
Great x 2 Grandfather: John Evelyn of Kingston
Great x 1 Grandfather: George Evelyn of Long Ditton
GrandFather: Richard Evelyn of Wotton
Father: John Evelyn
Great x 1 Grandfather: John Stansfield
GrandMother: Eleanor Stansfield
Great x 1 Grandmother: Eleanor Comber
Great x 2 Grandfather: Richard Browne
GrandFather: Richard Browne 1st Baronet
Great x 2 Grandfather: Benjamin Gonson Surveyor of the Royal Navy
Great x 1 Grandmother: Thomasine Gonson
Great x 3 Grandfather: Anthony Hussey
Great x 2 Grandmother: Ursula Hussey
Great x 4 Grandfather: John Webbe
Great x 3 Grandmother: Katherine Webbe
Mother: Mary Browne
Great x 2 Grandfather: William Pretyman
Great x 1 Grandfather: John Prettyman
GrandMother: Elizabeth Prettyman