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Biography of Lawrence Dalton 1510-1561

1558 Funeral of Mary I

1561 Creation of Garter Knights

Around 1510 Lawrence Dalton was born to Roger Dalton of Bispham in Lancashire.

On 15 Nov 1546 Lawrence Dalton (age 36) was appointed Rouge Croix Pursuivant of Arms in Ordinary.

On 12 Apr 1547 Lawrence Dalton (age 37) was appointed Richmond Herald of Arms in Ordinary.

On 09 Dec 1558 Lawrence Dalton (age 48) was appointed Norrey King of Arms.

Funeral of Mary I

Henry Machyn's Diary. 13 Dec 1558. [The xiij day of December, the corpse of the late Queen (deceased) was brought from St. James's, in a cha]rett, with the pyctur of emages [images] lyke [her person], adorned with cremesun velvett and her crowne on her hed, her septer on her hand, and mony goodly rynges on her fyngers; up the he-way [went] formett [foremost] [the] standard with the Faucon and [the Hart]; then cam a grett compene of morners; and after anodur godly standard of the Lyon and the Faucon; and then her houshold servandes, ij and ij together, in blake gownes, [the] haroldes rydyng to and fro to se them go in order; and after cam the iij standard with the Whyt Grahond and the Faucon; and then cam gentyllmen in gownes, morners; and then cam rydyng sqwyrs, bayryng of baners of armes; and then cam my lord marques of Wynchester (age 75) on hors-bake, bayryng the baner of the armes of England in-brodered with gold; and then cam after Chester the harold (age 60), baryng the helm and the crest and mantyll; then cam master Norroy (age 48), bayryng the targett with the garter and the crowne; and then cam master Clarenshus (age 48) bayreng the sword and after cam Garter (age 48), bayryng her cot-armur, on hors-bake they all; and baners borne abowt her, with knyghts, lords, and baners a-bowt the corse; with iiij harolds bayryng on horss-bake iiij whyt baners of santes wroth with fyne gold, master Samersett, master Lanckostur, master Wyndsor, and master Yorke; and then cam the corse, with her pyctur lyung over her, and the corse covered with cloth of gold, the crosse sylver, and then cam iij (blank) with the cheyff morners; and then lades rydyn, alle in blake, trapyd to the grond; and the charett that the quen was in rode the pages of honor with baners in ther handes; and a-for the corse her chapell, and after all the monkes, and after the bysshopes in order; and so by Charyng-crosse to Westmynster abay; and at the grett dore of the chyrche evere body dyd a-lykt of ther horse; and then was gentyll-men rede [ready] to take the quen owt of her charett, and so erles and lordes whent afor her grace to the herse ward, with her pyctur borne betwyn men of worshype; and at the cherche dore met her iiij byshopes, and the abbott (age 43), mytered, in copes, and sensyng the body; and so she lay all nyght under the herse, and her grace was wachyd. [And there were an hundred poor men in good black gowns] bayryng longe torchys, with [hoods on their heads, and arms] on them; and a-bowt her the gard bayryng [staff-torches] in blake cottes; and all the way chandlers [having] torchys, to gyffe them that had ther torchys [burnt out].

Note. P. 182. Funeral of queen Mary. The ceremonial is in the College of Arms, I. 14, ff. 19—30, and again in ff. 202—214; and the painters' charges at f. 198.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 09 Sep 1559. The ix day (of September) a-fore none thay cam to the chyrche from the byshope palles, the haroldes a-for them, master Garter (age 49), master Clarenshux (age 49), master Norrey (age 49), master Somersett, master Chaster (age 61), master Rechmond, master Yorke, master Wyndsor, master Lanckostur, and Ruge-crosse, Ruge-dragon, Bluw-mantyll, Perkullys, and ther thay had serves; my lord of Canturbere the meny[ster?], the bysshope Harford, Skore (age 49), dyd pryche, and the bysshope Barlow (age 61), thes iij had blake gownes and grett hodes lynyd with sylke, and drestes' capes [caps]; and after all done to (the bishop's) plasse to dener, for ther was offesers of the quen('s) howsse, of evere offes [office] sum, for ther was grett chere.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 21 Apr 1560. The sam day at after-non was grett justes at the curtt, and at the tylt, and ther rod the trumpeters blohyng (in) skraff(s) [scarfs] of whyt and blake sarsanett, and master Clarenshus (age 50), Norrey (age 50), Somersett, and Lankaster, and Rychemond, and Yorke, and Ruge dragon, and evere of them havyng a skarff a-bowt ther ne[cks, of] whyt and blake sarsenett, and ther rane of the (unfinished)

Henry Machyn's Diary. 28 Apr 1560. The sam day at after-none att the court was grett justes, my lord of Sussex (age 35) and my lord Robartt Dudley (age 27) and ij more a-gaynst the yerle of Northumberland (age 32) and my lord Ambrose Dudley (age 30) and my lord of Hunsdon (age 34) and master Cornewalles and (blank): and ther was mony stayffes broken; and ther stod in the standyng as juges my lord markes of Northamtun (age 48), my lord of Ruttland (age 33), and my lord of Penbroke (age 59), and my lord admerall (age 50) and the Frenche inbassadur, and master Garter (age 50) and master Norey (age 50) dyd wrytt wome [whom] dyd rune; and by chanse of the brykyng of a stayff a pesse fluw up wher the juges sitt and hyt my lord of Penbroke (blank) and ther rod the trumpeters and the haroldes of armes.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 25 Sep 1560. The xxv day of September was bered my lord Montegul (deceased), with a herse and a mageste [majesty] and valans of sarsenett, and iiij grett skochyons of armes, and a vj dosen of skochyons and vj of bokeram, and a standard and a grett baner of armes, and iiij baner-rolles of dyvers armes, and a cott armur, targett and sword, elmett, mantylles, and [crest;] and master Norrey (age 50) and Ruge-dragon the haroldes, and iiij dosen of ...

Note. P. 243. Funeral of lord Monteagle. Thomas Stanley succeeded his father 1523; made K.B. at the coronation of queen Anne Boleyne; married first lady Mary Brandon, daughter of the duke of Suffolk, and secondly Helen daughter of Thomas Preston esquire of Levens in Westmerland, and widow of sir James Leybourne. He died at his castle of Hornby, co. Lancaster, Aug. 18, 1560, and was buried on the 16th Sept. at the parish church of Melling. His funeral is in the College of Arms, I. 13, f. 27; see also MS. Harl. 897, f. 83.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 11 Feb 1561. The xj day of Feybruary was bered in sant Martens at Ludgatt master Daltun (age 51) of the North sqwyre, and ther was mony morners in blake gownes, and parson Veron the Frenche man dyd pryche ther, for he was parson ther, and ys menyster; and after was ys cott and pennon of armes and ij dosen of skochyons of armes.

1561 Creation of Garter Knights

Henry Machyn's Diary. 23 Apr 1561. [The xxiij of April, saint George's day, was kept] holy at the quen['s court , . ] her halle in copes to the nombur of XXX, with [O God^ the father of Hewyn, have merce on .. • . and the owtter cowrt to the gatt, and rond abowt st [rewed with rushes;] and after cam master Garter (age 51), and master Norres (age 51), and master dene of the ch[apel, in copes] of cremesun saten, with a crosse of sant Gorge red, and [eleven knights] of the garter in ther robes, and after the Quen('s) (age 27) grace in [her robes, and] all the garde in ther ryche cottes; and so bake to the [Chapel,] after serves done, bake thruge the hall to her graces chambur, and that done her grace and the lord(s) wh[ent to dinner,] and her grace wher goodly servyd; and after the lordes [sitting on one] syd, and servyd in gold and sylver 5 and after dener [there were] knyghtes of the Garter electyd ij, my lord of Shrewsbere (age 33) [and my] lord of Hunsdon (age 35); and ther wher all the haroldes in ther cote armurs afor the quen('s) grace, master Clarenshux (age 51), Lanckostur, Rychemond, Wyndsor, Yorke, Chastur, Blumantyl, Ruge-dragon.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 18 May 1561. The xviij day of May was sant Gorge fest keptt at Wyndsor [Map], and ther was stallyd ther the yerle of Shrowsbere (age 33) and my lord of Hunsdon (age 35), and the yerle of Arundell (age 49) was the quens deputte, and the way my lord Monteguw (age 32) and my lord Pagett (age 55), and so they came to cherche; and after matens done, they whent a prosessyon rond about the cherche, so done the mydes and so rond a-bowt, and a X almes-knyghtes in red kyrtylles, and a-loft a robe of purpull cloth syd with a crosse of sant Gorge, and after the verger, and then the clarkes and prestes a xxiiij syngyng the Englys prossessyon in chopes [copes] xxxiiij, and sum of them in gray ames [amices] and in calabur, and then cam my lord of Hunsdun, and after my lord Montyguw, and after the yerle of Shrowsbere, and after my lord Pagett, and after the yerle of Arundell, all they in their robes, and master Garter (age 51) and master Norres (age 51) and master dene in cremesun saten robes, with red crosses on ther shuldurs, and after rod up to the castylle to dener.

On 13 Dec 1561 Lawrence Dalton (age 51) died. He was buried at St Dunstan's in the West, Fleet Street [Map].

Henry Machyn's Diary. 15 Dec 1561. The xv day of Desember was bered in sant Donstons in the whest [Map] master Norrey (deceased), alleas Dalton, kynge of armes of the North from Trent unto Barwyke [Berwick].... were hanged at Tyb]orne [Map], and on [one] off them the sur[geons took] for a notyme [anatomy] in-to ther halle.

Note. P. 273. Funeral of Laurence Dalton, Norroy king of arms. See his epitaph in Stowe, and his funeral insignia described in the Collectanea Topogr. et Geneal. 1837, vol. iv. pp. 101–111. His funeral ceremony is recorded in the College of Arms. I. 13, f. 32, and his brass is drawn in the MS. Harl. 1099.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 27 Jan 1562. The xxvij day of January was bered master Charlys Wrys[seley] (age 52) alyas Wyndsore, with all the haroldes of armes, master Garter (age 52), master Clarenshux, master Chaster alleas Norrey, master Somersett, [master York,] master Rychmond, master Lankester, Rugecrosse, Ruge-dragon, [Portcullis,] and Blumantylle, with vj skochyons of armes, in sant P[ulcher's] parryche, bered in the body of the chyrche; and they [ie the heralds] payd the ch[arges].

Note. P. 275. Funeral of Charles Wryothesley, Windsor herald. He died "at Camden's howsse, in the parish of St. Pulcres in London." (MS. Harl. 897, f. 27b.) "Item. On Sounday the 25th of January, An°. 1561, departed out of this world about sixe of the cloacke, Charles Wryotheley al's Windsour herauld, who was buryed at Saint Sepulcres churche w'hout Newgate, on Tuesday in the morning, at the which buriall the sayd corsse was covered with a pall of blacke velvett, and on the same was laid a rich coate of armes, and of each corner of the sayd corpes went a pursivant of armes in a mourning gowne and hood, and in their coates of armes. And after the corsse went Somersett herauld in his gowne and hood, and after him Mr. Garter and Mr. Clarencieux, and after them the rest of the office of armes not in blacke." From the Papers of Sir Edward Walker, Garter, "Heralds, vol. I. p. 120, Coll. Arm." See also the MS. I. 13, f. 34.