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Nicholas Stone 1587-1647 is in Sculptors.
After 21 Feb 1581. Church of St Peter and St Paul, Exton, Rutlandshire [Map]. Elizabethan Period monument to Robert Keilway (deceased). This memorial is attributed by Pevsner to Nicholas Johnson and by others to Nicholas Stone. Made of various marbles, a large standing wall monument of 1580, richly decorated and with a recumbent and kneeling figures of the whole family, in an aedicule, capped by obelisk, arms, etc.
His grandson Kelwey who died aged 21 weeks.
His grand-daughter Lucy Harrington Countess Bedford (age 1).
His feet resting on a horse with its head turned back.
His arms quartered 1: Keilway Arms.
A separate wall mounted monument to Robert Keilway with the inscription "Here lies Robert Keylway a distinguished esquire among civilians (whilst he lived), renowned for talent, learning and virtue, who loved retirement, lived as a Christian and died in the Lord on the 21st of February 1581 in the year of our Salvation, 1580, and the 84th year of his age. He left Anne his sole heiress and only dearly loved daughter married to John Harrington of Exton, Knt, whom he had always affectionately loved as a son and friend, by which Anne the said John had during the life of the aforesaid Robert two children, a son, Kelwey, who died Dec. 2nd, 1570, 21 weeks old, and lies buried here with his grandfather, and also a daughter Lucy still surviving, and may God grant her a long life. To pay, therefore, a just tribute to so dear and affectionate a parent and to leave to posterity an evidence of their deep gratitude, the said John and Anne have raised this. Monument and dedicated to their father, Keylwey, and their son Keylwey (to their lasting memory if it so please God) and design it, if God will, as a sepulchre for themselves also".
Around 1587 Nicholas Stone was born in Woodbury Exeter, Devon.
On 24 Jan 1592 James Harrington (age 81) died. He was buried in the Church of St Peter and St Paul, Exton, Rutlandshire [Map]. Monument to James Harrington and Lucy Sidney. A large standing Elizabethan Period monument with 2 kneeling figures at a prie-dieu in a double aedicule. Wrought in various marbles and enriched with low-relief carving, strapwork etc. surmounted by obelisk, and arms. Stylistically similar to the monument to Robert Keilway. Possibly sculpted by Nicholas Johnson or Nicholas Stone (age 5).
Lucy Sidney: James Harrington and she were married. Around 1520 she was born to William Sidney and Anne Pakenham at Penshurst, Kent. Around 1591 Lucy Sidney died at Exton, Rutlandshire.
After 1607. Monument to father, son and daughter-in-law in Church of St Oswald, Methley [Map] to (right) John Savile (age 62), (middle) Henry Savile 1st Baronet (age 28) and (right) Mary Dent. Probably sculpted by Nicholas Stone (age 20). Chrisom Child. Ruff.
Mary Dent: she was born to John Dent of London. Before 23 Jun 1632 Henry Savile 1st Baronet and she were married.
In 1620 Elizabeth Neville (age 70) commissioned Nicholas Stone (age 33), ten years before her death, at a cost of £220, to sculpt her monument for her subsequent burial at St Michael's Church, Stowe Nine Churches [Map].
On 22 Nov 1624 Nicholas Bacon 1st Baronet (age 84) died in Culford, Suffolk [Map]. He was buried at St Mary's Church, Redgrave. At the east end of the north aisle is a chest tomb in black and white marble with the effigies of Sir Nicholas Bacon his wife Anne Butts made in 1616 by Nicholas Stone (age 37). His son Edmund Bacon 2nd Baronet (age 54) succeeded 2nd Baronet Bacon of Redgrave in Suffolk.
On 17 Jan 1625 Henry Sacheverell (age 59) died. He was buried at Holy Trinity Church Ratcliffe on Soar [Map].
Dutch School mural monument with his three wives (Marie Giddings wearing Bongrace, Elizabeth Copley and Lucie Boughton) above and he recumbent. Below effigies of children including Chrisom Child. Possibly Jasper Hollemans or Nicholas Stone (age 38).
On 14 Nov 1627 Elizabeth Waldegrave died. On 06 Dec 1629 Arthur Coke (age 40) died in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk [Map]. Stuart Hooded Monument sculpted by Nicholas Stone (age 40) in St Andrew's Church, Bramfield [Map]. White and black marble; reclining effigy of Elizabeth with Arthur kneeling in prayer above within an arched Recess; Arms over the arch and surrounding it are seven Cartouche's.
Elizabeth Waldegrave: she was born to George Waldegrave. On 08 Feb 1608 Arthur Coke and she were married at Hitcham, Norfolk as recorded in the papers of the Winthrop Family Folio 36: "The viijth of Feb. beinge Shrovetuesday the L Cokes seconde soonne maryed the daughter and heire of Sir George Waldegrave at Hiccham". The Hitcham Register gives 09 Feb as the date of the marriage. He a great x 5 grandson of King Edward III of England.
Arthur Coke: In 1587 he was born to Edward Coke and Bridget Paston.
On 10 Mar 1629 Katherine Knyvet (age 50) died. Monument in St Margaret's Church, Paston [Map] sculpted by Nicholas Stone (age 42). His diary ... made a tomb for my lady Paston ... veryy extraordinary entertained, and pay'd for it £340. The inscription is by John Donne (age 57): To the Reviving Memory of the virtuous and right worth Lady, Dame Katherine Paston, daughter unto the Right Worp'll Sir Thomas Knevitt, Knt., and wife to Sir Edmund Paston, Knight with whom she lived in wedlock 26 years and issue two sonnes yet surviving, vizt. William and Thomas, She departed this life the 10th day of March, 1628, and lyeth here intombed expecting a Joyful Resurrection.
On the pedestal ...
Can a man be silent and not Praise find.
For her that lived the praise of womankind.
Whose outward frame was sent this world to gess.
What shapes our soules shall weare in happiness.
Whose verture did all ill so overswaye.
That her whole life was a communion daye.
On another panel ...
Not that she needeth monument of stone.
For her wel-gotten fame to rest upon.
But this was reared to testifie.
Katherine Knyvet: On or before 22 Jun 1578 she was born to Thomas Knyvet 4th Baron Berners and Muriel Parry. On 22 Jun 1578 she was baptised at Ashwellthorpe, Norfolk. On 28 Apr 1603 Edmund Paston and she were married. In 1611 Edmund Paston and Katherine Knyvet moved into Paston Hall on the death of his grandfather Christopher Paston.
On 03 Sep 1634 Edward Coke (age 82) died. Monument in Church of St Mary the Virgin, Tittleshall [Map]. Simple sarcophagus on pedestal with lying effigy. Pair of flanking Tuscan columns supporting a full entablature with putti on frieze and broken segmental pediment. Carved and painted achievement in and above tympanum flanked by four reclining figures of the Virtues on pediment extrados.
Above. Quarterly of eight: Coke Arms, Crispin, Folkard, Sparham, Nerford, Yarmouth,
Knightley Arms and Pawe. The crest is broken. Farrer says it was: On a chapeau Azure, turned up Ermine, an ostrich Argent, holding in its mouth a horseshoe Or. The motto reads Prudens qui Patiens.
The effigy was carved by John Hargrave, the rest of the memorial was made by Nicholas Stone (age 47).
Below the effigy are three shields. Left Coke Arms implaling
Paston Arms. His first wife Bridget Paston. Middle
Coke Arms. Right
Coke Arms impaling
Cecil Arms; his second wife Elizabeth Cecil Countess Berkshire (age 38).
Bridget Paston: she was born to John Paston. On 13 Aug 1582 Edward Coke and she were married. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.
In 1636 Lady Katherine Bertie died in childbirth. Memorial in the Church of St Michael, Oxnead [Map]. Bust carved by Nicholas Stone (age 49). Paston Arms and
Bertie Arms.
Lady Katherine Bertie: she was born to Robert Bertie 1st Earl Lindsey and Elizabeth Montagu Countess Lindsey. In 1631 William Paston 1st Baronet and she were married. She the daughter of Robert Bertie 1st Earl Lindsey and Elizabeth Montagu Countess Lindsey.
After 1636 . St Withburga's Church, Holkham [Map]. Monument to members of the Wheatley family including Anthony Wheatley and Meriall Wheatley, and their daughter Meriall Wheatley, and her husband John Coke (age 45). Left John Coke and Meriall Wheatley. Middle Anthony Wheatley and Anne Armiger. Right William Wheatley and Martha Skinner.
Probably sculpted by Robert Pook who was an assistant to Nicholas Stone (age 49).
On 20 Mar 1637 Thomas Puckering 1st Baronet (age 45) died. He was buried at St Mary's Church, Warwick [Map] where there is a monument by Nicholas Stone (age 50). Baronet Puckering of Weston in Hertfordshire extinct.
On 10 May 1639 Miles Armiger died unmarried. Memorial slab at St Withburga's Church, Holkham [Map]. Probably sculpted by Robert Pook who was an assistant to Nicholas Stone (age 52).
Miles Armiger: he was born to William Armiger of North Creeke.
1640. Holy Trinity Church, Blatherwycke [Map]. Monument to Thomas Randolph commissioned by Christopher Hatton 1st Baron Hatton (age 34). Sculpted by Nicholas Stone (age 53). Epitaph written by Peter Hausted (age 35).
Thomas Randolph: On 15 Jun 1605 he was born to William Randolph at Newnham, Northamptonshire. He was baptised on 18 Jun 1605. Before 17 Mar 1635 he died at Blatherwycke Hall whilst visiting there. On 17 Mar 1635 Thomas Randolph was buried at Holy Trinity Church, Blatherwycke.
Peter Hausted: Around 1605 he was born at Oundle, Northamptonshire. On 20 Jul 1644 he died at the Siege of Banbury Castle.
After 21 Jul 1643. Monument at St James' Church, Chipping Campden [Map] to Baptist Hicks 1st Viscount Campden and Elizabeth May Viscountess Campden (deceased).
Monument in St James' Church, Chipping Campden [Map]. A sumptuous marble canopied and collonaded. Possibly by Nicholas Stone (age 56).
On 24 Aug 1647 Nicholas Stone (age 60) died in Long Acre. He was buried in St Martin in the Fields [Map].