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Paternal Family Tree: Woodville
Richard Woodville was appointed High Sheriff of Kent and Captain of Calais.
Richard Woodville was appointed Chamberlain to John Lancaster 1st Duke Bedford.
In 1385 Richard Woodville was born to John Woodville (age 44) at Maidstone, Kent [Map].
After 08 Sep 1403 [his father] John Woodville (deceased) died at Grafton Regis, Northamptonshire [Map].
In 1405 [his son] Richard Woodville 1st Earl Rivers was born to Richard Woodville (age 20) and [his wife] Joan Bittelsgate (age 15) at Maidstone, Kent [Map].
In 1409 [his daughter] Joan Woodville was born to Richard Woodville (age 24) and [his wife] Joan Bittelsgate (age 19).
In or before 1430 [his son-in-law] William Haute (age 39) and [his daughter] Joan Woodville (age 20) were married.
In 1433 Richard Woodville (age 48) was appointed Constable of the Tower of London.
Before 1437 [his son] Richard Woodville 1st Earl Rivers (age 31) and [his daughter-in-law] Jacquetta of Luxemburg Duchess Bedford (age 21) were married. She the daughter of Peter Luxemburg I Count Saint Pol and Margherita Baux (age 42). She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Henry III of England.
Chronicle of Gregory 1439. 1439. And the same year the Erle of Huntyngdone (age 43) wente unto Gyenne whythe a grete navy. And the same year went Syr Richard Woodevyle (age 54) in to Normandy and Syr Wylliam Peytowe, and many moo othyr, whythe a fayre mayne.
Chronicle of Gregory 1440. 1440. Ande that same year werre the barrys in Smethefylde [Map] newe made, for Syr Rycharde Woodevyle (age 55), knyght, was chalengyd of a knyght of Spayne for to donne certayne poyntys of armys in the felde.
Chronicle of Gregory 1441. 16 May 1441. Ande the xvj day of May the Duke of Yorke (age 29), the Erle of Oxynforde (age 33), the Erle of Ewe (age 37), the Erle of Ormounde (age 47), and Syr Richard Woodevyle (age 56), whythe many othyr knyghtys and squyers, toke the way towarde Fraunce, and they schippyd at Portysmouthe [Map].
On 29 Nov 1441 Richard Woodville (age 56) died at Grafton Regis, Northamptonshire [Map].
On 17 Jul 1448 [his former wife] Joan Bittelsgate (age 58) died.