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Paternal Family Tree: Clifford
Before 01 Aug 1630 [his father] Hugh Clifford of Ugbrooke (age 27) and [his mother] Mary Chudleigh were married.
On 01 Aug 1630 Thomas Clifford 1st Baron Clifford Chudleigh was born to Hugh Clifford of Ugbrooke (age 27) and Mary Chudleigh at Ugbrooke House Chudleigh, Devon.
On 12 Feb 1639 [his father] Hugh Clifford of Ugbrooke (age 35) died.
In 1652 [his son] Thomas Clifford was born to Thomas Clifford 1st Baron Clifford Chudleigh (age 21) and [his future wife] Elizabeth Martin Baroness Clifford.
In 1663 [his son] Hugh Clifford 2nd Baron Clifford Chudleigh was born to Thomas Clifford 1st Baron Clifford Chudleigh (age 32) and [his wife] Elizabeth Martin Baroness Clifford.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 11 Oct 1664. Thence to the Fishery in Thames Street, and there several good discourses about the letting of the Lotterys, and, among others, one Sir Thomas Clifford (age 34), whom yet I knew not, do speak very well and neatly.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 25 Feb 1666. He tells me my Lord of Suffolke (age 47), Lord Arlington (age 48), Archbishop of Canterbury (age 67), Lord Treasurer (age 58), Mr. Atturny Montagu (age 48), Sir Thomas Clifford (age 35) in the House of Commons, Sir G. Carteret (age 56), and some others I cannot presently remember, are friends that I may rely on for him. He tells me my Chancellor (age 57) seems his very good friend, but doubts that he may not think him so much a servant of the Duke of Yorke's (age 32) as he would have him, and indeed my Lord tells me he hath lately made it his business to be seen studious of the King's favour, and not of the Duke's, and by the King (age 35) will stand or fall, for factions there are, as he tells me, and God knows how high they may come.
Calendar of State Papers Charles II 05 Aug 1666. 05 Aug 1666. 86. Instructions given to Sir Thomas Clifford (age 36), returning to the fleet, to be communicated to Prince Rupert (age 46) and the Duke of Albemarle (age 57), generals, viz.: to assure them of the King's satisfaction with their conduct in the last happy engagement; to acquaint them with the state of supplies, the condition of ships sent in disabled, the state of the fleet bound for Gottenburg; to consult about that for Hamburg which waits a convoy, as do the vessels ready to come thence with naval provisions, &c.; to tell them of the disadvantages that may arise from their remaining on the Holland coast, many ships being presumed to be too much: hurt to bear foul weather or the shcck of another engagement, when the Dutch are strengthened with De Beaufort's (age 50) fleet, and perhaps some ships from "Denmark, especially as unless their East India and merchant ships come in a few days, they will put into harbour, on notice that their fleet is disabled, and ours: waiting them on their coasts; to tell them that the complaint of Sir Jeremy Smith's misbehaviour in the late engagement being so universal, unless he have fully satisfied the generals, he should be brought to trial by court martial, and there purged or condemned, but sentence not executed till further orders; to represent that the fleet will run less risk, more easily refresh and refit itself, sooner join the ships making ready, especially the fire-ships, and receive expected recruits, by returning to the Downs, Sole Bay [Map], or the Isle of Wight, but as, on the other hand, the reputation of the victory will be best maintained by the fleet's continuing on the enemy's coast, the generals are to reflect seriously on these points and decide for themselves whether to stay or return; to recommend them to let His Majesty hear often from them, and especially their resolutions upon these several directions. [3 pages, draft, corrected by Lord Arlington.]
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 17 Sep 1666. Up betimes, and shaved myself after a week's growth, but, Lord! how ugly I was yesterday and how fine to-day! By water, seeing the City all the way, a sad sight indeed, much fire being still in. To Sir W. Coventry (age 38), and there read over my yesterday's work: being a collection of the particulars of the excess of charge created by a war, with good content. Sir W. Coventry was in great pain lest the French fleete should be passed by our fleete, who had notice of them on Saturday, and were preparing to go meet them; but their minds altered, and judged them merchant-men, when the same day the Success, Captain Ball, made their whole fleete, and come to Brighthelmstone, and thence at five o'clock afternoon, Saturday, wrote Sir W. Coventry newes thereof; so that we do much fear our missing them. Here come in and talked with him Sir Thomas Clifford (age 36), who appears a very fine gentleman, and much set by at Court for his activity in going to sea, and stoutness everywhere, and stirring up and down.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 17 Sep 1666. Thence by coach over the ruines, down Fleete Streete [Map] and Cheapside [Map] to Broad Streete (age 36) to Sir G. Carteret (age 56), where Sir W. Batten (age 65) (and Sir J. Minnes (age 67), whom I had not seen a long time before, being his first coming abroad) and Lord Bruncker (age 46) passing his accounts.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 24 Oct 1666. I to the Hall and there walked long, among others talking with Mr. Hayes (age 29), Prince Rupert's (age 46) Secretary, a very ingenious man, and one, I think, fit to contract some friendship with. Here I staid late, walking to and again, hearing how the Parliament proceeds, which is mighty slowly in the settling of the money business, and great factions growing every day among them. I am told also how Holmes (age 44) did last Sunday deliver in his articles to the King (age 36) and Cabinet against [Sir Jeremy] Smith, and that Smith hath given in his answer, and lays his not accompanying the fleete to his pilot, who would not undertake to carry the ship further; which the pilot acknowledges. The thing is not accommodated, but only taken up, and both sides commanded to be quiet; but no peace like to be. The Duke of Albemarle (age 57) is Smith's friend, and hath publiquely swore that he would never go to sea again unless Holmes's commission were taken from him1. I find by Hayes that they did expect great glory in coming home in so good condition as they did with the fleete, and therefore I the less wonder that the Prince was distasted with my discourse the other day about the bad state of the fleete. But it pleases me to hear that he did expect great thanks, and lays the fault of the want of it upon the fire, which deadened everything, and the glory of his services. About seven at night home, and called my wife, and, it being moonshine, took her into the garden, and there layed open our condition as to our estate, and the danger of my having it [his money] all in the house at once, in case of any disorder or troubles in the State, and therefore resolved to remove part of it to Brampton [Map], and part some whither else, and part in my owne house, which is very necessary, and will tend to our safety, though I shall not think it safe out of my owne sight. So to the office, and then to supper and to bed.
Note 1. In the instructions given to Sir Thomas Clifford (age 36) (August 5th, 1666) to be communicated to Prince Rupert and the Duke of Albemarle, we read: "to tell them that the complaint of Sir Jeremy Smith's misbehaviour in the late engagement being so universal, unless he have fully satisfied the generals he should be brought to trial by court-martial, and there purged or condemned". The Duke of Albemarle answered the King (August 14th?): "Wishes to clear a gallant man falsely accused, Sir Jeremiah Smith, who had more men killed and hurt, and his ship received more shot than any in the fleet. There is not a more spirited man serves in the fleet". On October 27th H. Muddiman wrote to Sir Edward Stradling: "Sir Jeremy Smith has got as much credit by his late examination as his enemies wished him disgrace, the King and Duke of York (age 33) being fully satisfied of his valour in the engagement. It appears that he had 147 men killed and wounded, while the most eminent of his accusers had but two or three". With regard to Sir Jeremy's counter-charges, we read: "Nov. 3. The King having maturely considered the charges brought against Sir Rob. Holmes by Sir Jeremy Smith, finds no cause to suspect Sir Robert of cowardice in the fight with the Dutch of June 25 and 26, but thinks that on the night of the 26th he yielded too easily to the opinion of his pilot, without consulting those of the other ships, muzzled his ship, and thus obliged the squadron to do the same, and so the enemy, which might have been driven into the body of the King's fleet, then returning from the pursuit, was allowed to escape" (Calendar of State Papers, 1666-67, pp. 14, 40, 222, 236).
John Evelyn's Diary. 27 Nov 1666. Sir Hugh Pollard (age 63), Comptroller of the Household, died at Whitehall [Map], and his Majesty (age 36) conferred the white staff on my brother Commissioner for sick and wounded, Sir Thomas Clifford (age 36), a bold young gentleman, of a small fortune in Devon, but advanced by Lord Arlington (age 48), Secretary of State, to the great astonishment of all the Court. This gentleman was somewhat related to me by the marriage of his [his mother] mother to my nearest kinsman, Gregory Coale, and was ever my noble friend, a valiant and daring person, but by no means fit for a supple and flattering courtier.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 29 Nov 1666. "I doubt not of your lordship's hearing of Sir Thomas Clifford's (age 36) succeeding Sir H. Pollard (deceased) in the Comptrollership of the King's house but perhaps our ill, but confirmed, tidings from the Barbadoes may not [have reached you] yet, it coming but yesterday; viz., that about eleven ships, whereof two of the King's, the Hope and Coventry, going thence with men to attack St. Christopher's, were seized by a violent hurricane, and all sunk-two only of thirteen escaping, and those with loss of masts, &c. My Lord Willoughby himself is involved in the disaster, and I think two ships thrown upon an island of the French, and so all the men, to 500, become their prisoners. 'Tis said, too, that eighteen Dutch men-of-war are passed the Channell, in order to meet with our Smyrna ships; and some, I hear, do fright us with the King of Sweden's (age 11) seizing our mast-ships at Gottenburgh. But we have too much ill newes true, to afflict ourselves with what is uncertain. That which I hear from Scotland is, the Duke of York's (age 33) saying, yesterday, that he is confident the Lieutenant-Generall there hath driven them into a pound, somewhere towards the mountains".
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 24 Feb 1667. In the afternoon away to White Hall by water, and took a turn or two in the Park, and then back to White Hall, and there meeting my Lord Arlington (age 49), he, by I know not what kindness, offered to carry me along with him to my Lord Treasurer's (age 59), whither, I told him, I was going. I believe he had a mind to discourse of some Navy businesses, but Sir Thomas Clifford (age 36) coming into the coach to us, we were prevented; which I was sorry for, for I had a mind to begin an acquaintance with him. He speaks well, and hath pretty slight superficial parts, I believe.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 26 Apr 1667. By and by we discoursed of Sir Thomas Clifford (age 36), whom I took for a very rich and learned man, and of the great family of that name. He tells me he is only a man of about seven-score pounds a-year, of little learning more than the law of a justice of peace, which he knows well: a parson's son, got to be burgess in a little borough in the West, and here fell into the acquaintance of my Lord Arlington (age 49), whose creature he is, and never from him; a man of virtue, and comely, and good parts enough; and hath come into his place with a great grace, though with a great skip over the heads of a great many, as Chichly and Duncum, and some Lords that did expect it.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 22 May 1667. Up, and by water to White Hall to Sir G. Carteret (age 57), who tells me now for certain how the Commission for the Treasury is disposed of: viz., to Duke of Albemarle (age 58), Lord Ashly (age 45), Sir W. Coventry (age 39), Sir John Duncomb (age 44), and Sir Thomas Clifford (age 36): at which, he says, all the whole Court is disturbed; it having been once concluded otherwise into the other hands formerly mentioned in yesterday's notes, but all of a sudden the King's choice was changed, and these are to be the men; the first of which is only for a puppet to give honour to the rest. He do presage that these men will make it their business to find faults in the management of the late Lord Treasurer (deceased), and in discouraging the bankers: but I am, whatever I in compliance do say to him, of another mind, and my heart is very glad of it, for I do expect they will do much good, and that it is the happiest thing that hath appeared to me for the good of the nation since the King (age 36) come in.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 03 Jun 1667. By and by, I, upon desire, was called in, and delivered in my report of my Accounts. Present, Lord Ashly (age 45), Clifford (age 36), and Duncomb (age 44), who, being busy, did not read it; but committed it to Sir George Downing (age 42), and so I was dismissed; but, Lord! to see how Duncomb do take upon him is an eyesore, though I think he deserves great honour, but only the suddenness of his rise, and his pride. But I do like the way of these lords, that they admit nobody to use many words, nor do they spend many words themselves, but in great state do hear what they see necessary, and say little themselves, but bid withdraw.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 19 Jun 1667. While we were discoursing over our publique misfortunes, I am called in to a large Committee of the Council: present the Duke of Albemarle (age 58), Anglesey (age 52), Arlington (age 49), Ashly (age 45), Carteret (age 57), Duncomb (age 44), Coventry (age 39), Ingram (age 52), Clifford (age 36), Lauderdale (age 51), Morrice (age 64), Manchester (age 65), Craven (age 59), Carlisle (age 38), Bridgewater (age 44).
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 24 Jun 1667. He tells me, speaking of the horrid effeminacy of the King (age 37), that the King hath taken ten times more care and pains in making friends between my Baroness Castlemayne (age 26) and Mrs. Stewart (age 19), when they have fallen out, than ever he did to save his kingdom; nay, that upon any falling out between my Baroness Castlemayne's nurse and her woman, my Lady hath often said she would make the King to make them friends, and they would be friends and be quiet; which the King hath been fain to do: that the King is, at this day, every night in Hyde Park with the Duchesse of Monmouth (age 16), or with my Baroness Castlemaine's: that he [Povy (age 53)] is concerned of late by my Lord Arlington (age 49) in the looking after some buildings that he is about in Norfolke, where my Lord is laying out a great deal of money; and that he, Mr. Povy, considering the unsafeness of laying out money at such a time as this, and, besides, the enviousness of the particular county, as well as all the Kingdom, to find him building and employing workmen, while all the ordinary people of the country are carried down to the seasides for securing the land, he thought it becoming him to go to my Lord Arlington (Sir Thomas Clifford (age 36) by), and give it as his advice to hold his hands a little; but my Lord would not, but would have him go on, and so Sir Thomas Clifford advised also, which one would think, if he were a statesman worth a fart should be a sign of his foreseeing that all shall do well. But I do forbear concluding any such thing from them. He tells me that there is not so great confidence between any two men of power in the nation at this day, that he knows of, as between my Lord Arlington and Sir Thomas Clifford; and that it arises by accident only, there being no relation nor acquaintance between them, but only Sir Thomas Clifford's coming to him, and applying himself to him for favours, when he come first up to town to be a Parliament-man. He tells me that he do not think there is anything in the world for us possibly to be saved by but the King of France's (age 28) generousnesse to stand by us against the Dutch, and getting us a tolerable peace, it may be, upon our giving him Tangier and the islands he hath taken, and other things he shall please to ask. He confirms me in the several grounds I have conceived of fearing that we shall shortly fall into mutinys and outrages among ourselves, and that therefore he, as a Treasurer, and therefore much more myself, I say, as being not only a Treasurer but an officer of the Navy, on whom, for all the world knows, the faults of all our evils are to be laid, do fear to be seized on by some rude hands as having money to answer for, which will make me the more desirous to get off of this Treasurership as soon as I can, as I had before in my mind resolved.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 13 Nov 1667. Up, and down to the Old Swan [Map], and so to Westminster; where I find the House sitting, and in a mighty heat about Commissioner Pett (age 57), that they would have him impeached, though the Committee have yet brought in but part of their Report: and this heat of the House is much heightened by Sir Thomas Clifford (age 37) telling them, that he was the man that did, out of his own purse, employ people at the out-ports to prevent the King of Scots (age 37) to escape after the battle of Worcester. The House was in a great heat all this day about it; and at last it was carried, however, that it should be referred back to the Committee to make further enquiry. I here spoke with Roger Pepys (age 50), who sent for me, and it was to tell me that the Committee is mighty full of the business of buying and selling of tickets, and to caution me against such an enquiry (wherein I am very safe), and that they have already found out Sir Richard Ford's (age 53) son to have had a hand in it, which they take to be the same as if the father had done it, and I do believe the father may be as likely to be concerned in it as his son. But I perceive by him they are resolved to find out the bottom of the business if it be possible.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 15 Mar 1668. So to White Hall, and there walked with this man and that man till chapel done, and, the King (age 37) dined and then Sir Thomas Clifford (age 37), the Comptroller, took me with him to dinner to his lodgings, where my Lord Arlington (age 50) and a great deal of good and great company; where I very civilly used by them, and had a most excellent dinner: and good discourse of Spain, Mr. Godolphin (age 33) being there; particularly of the removal of the bodies of all the dead Kings of Spain that could be got together, and brought to the Pantheon at the Escuriall, when it was finished, and there placed before the altar, there to lie for ever; and there was a sermon made to them upon this text, "Arida ossa, audite verbum Dei"; and a most eloquent sermon, as they say, who say they have read it.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 19 May 1668. Thence W. Coventry (age 40) and I in the Matted Gallery, and there he did talk very well to me about the way to save the credit of the officers of the Navy, and their places too, by making use of this interval of Parliament to be found to be mending of matters in the Navy, and that nothing but this will do it, and gives an instance in themselves of the Treasury, whereof himself and Sir John Duncombe (age 45) all the world knows have enemies, and my Lord Ashly (age 46) a man obnoxious to most, and Sir Thomas Clifford (age 37) one that as a man suddenly rising and a creature of my Lord Arlington's (age 50) hath enemies enough (none of them being otherwise but the Duke of Albemarle (age 59)), yet with all this fault they hear nothing of the business of the Treasury, but all well spoken of there. He is for the removal of Sir John Minnes (age 69), thinking that thereby the world will see a greater change in the hands than now they do; and I will endeavour it, and endeavour to do some good in the office also.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 09 Sep 1668. Thence by water home and to dinner, and after dinner by water again to White Hall, where Brouncker (age 48), W. Pen (age 47), and I attended the Commissioners of the Treasury about the victualling-contract, where high words between Sir Thomas Clifford (age 38) and us, and myself more particularly, who told him that something, that he said was told him about this business, was a flat untruth. However, we went on to our business in, the examination of the draught, and so parted, and I vexed at what happened, and Brouncker and W. Pen and I home in a Hackney coach. And I all that night so vexed that I did not sleep almost all night, which shows how unfit I am for trouble. So, after a little supper, vexed, and spending a little time melancholy in making a base to the Lark's song, I to bed.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 05 Nov 1668. Up, and Willet come home in the morning, and, God forgive me! I could not conceal my content thereat by smiling, and my wife observed it, but I said nothing, nor she, but away to the office. Presently up by water to White Hall, and there all of us to wait on the Duke of York (age 35), which we did, having little to do, and then I up and down the house, till by and by the Duke of York, who had bid me stay, did come to his closet again, and there did call in me and Mr. Wren; and there my paper, that I have lately taken pains to draw up, was read, and the Duke of York pleased therewith; and we did all along conclude upon answers to my mind for the Board, and that that, if put in execution, will do the King's business. But I do now more and more perceive the Duke of York's trouble, and that he do lie under great weight of mind from the Duke of Buckingham's (age 40) carrying things against him; and particularly when I advised that he would use his interest that a seaman might come into the room of W. Pen (age 47), who is now declared to be gone from us to that of the Victualling, and did shew how the Office would now be left without one seaman in it, but the Surveyour and the Controller, who is so old as to be able to do nothing, he told me plainly that I knew his mind well enough as to seamen, but that it must be as others will. And Wren did tell it me as a secret, that when the Duke of York did first tell the King (age 38) about Sir W. Pen's leaving of the place, and that when the Duke of York did move the King that either Captain Cox or Sir Jer. Smith might succeed him, the King did tell him that that was a matter fit to be considered of, and would not agree to either presently; and so the Duke of York could not prevail for either, nor knows who it shall be. The Duke of York did tell me himself, that if he had not carried it privately when first he mentioned Pen's leaving his place to the King, it had not been done; for the Duke of Buckingham and those of his party do cry out upon it, as a strange thing to trust such a thing into the hands of one that stands accused in Parliament: and that they have so far prevailed upon the King that he would not have him named in Council, but only take his name to the Board; but I think he said that only D. Gawden's name shall go in the patent; at least, at the time when Sir Richard Browne (age 63) asked the King the names of D. Gawden's security, the King told him it was not yet necessary for him to declare them. And by and by, when the Duke of York and we had done, and Wren brought into the closet Captain Cox and James Temple [Map] About business of the Guiney Company, and talking something of the Duke of Buckingham's concernment therein, and says the Duke of York, "I will give the Devil his due, as they say the Duke of Buckingham hath paid in his money to the Company", or something of that kind, wherein he would do right to him. The Duke of York told me how these people do begin to cast dirt upon the business that passed the Council lately, touching Supernumeraries, as passed by virtue of his authority there, there being not liberty for any man to withstand what the Duke of York advises there; which, he told me, they bring only as an argument to insinuate the putting of the Admiralty into Commission, which by all men's discourse is now designed, and I perceive the same by him. This being done, and going from him, I up and down the house to hear news: and there every body's mouth full of changes; and, among others, the Duke of York's regiment of Guards, that was raised during the late war at sea, is to be disbanded: and also, that this day the King do intend to declare that the Duke of Ormond (age 58) is no more Deputy of Ireland, but that he will put it into Commission. This day our new Treasurers did kiss the King's hand, who complimented them, as they say, very highly, that he had for a long time been abused in his Treasurer, and that he was now safe in their hands. I saw them walk up and down the Court together all this morning; the first time I ever saw Osborne, who is a comely gentleman. This day I was told that my Lord Anglesey (age 54) did deliver a petition on Wednesday in Council to the King, laying open, that whereas he had heard that his Majesty had made such a disposal of his place, which he had formerly granted him for life upon a valuable consideration, and that, without any thing laid to his charge, and during a Parliament's sessions, he prayed that his Majesty would be pleased to let his case be heard before the Council and the judges of the land, who were his proper counsel in all matters of right: to which, I am told, the King, after my Lord's being withdrawn, concluded upon his giving him an answer some few days hence; and so he was called in, and told so, and so it ended. Having heard all this I took coach and to Mr. Povy's (age 54), where I hear he is gone to the Swedes Resident in Covent Garden [Map], where he is to dine. I went thither, but he is not come yet, so I to White Hall to look for him, and up and down walking there I met with Sir Robert Holmes (age 46), who asking news I told him of Sir W. Pen's going from us, who ketched at it so as that my heart misgives me that he will have a mind to it, which made me heartily sorry for my words, but he invited me and would have me go to dine with him at the Treasurer's, Sir Thomas Clifford (age 38), where I did go and eat some oysters; which while we were at, in comes my Lord Keeper and much company; and so I thought it best to withdraw. And so away, and to the Swedes Agent's, and there met Mr. Povy; where the Agent would have me stay and dine, there being only them, and Joseph Williamson (age 35), and Sir Thomas Clayton; but what he is I know not. Here much extraordinary noble discourse of foreign Princes, and particularly the greatness of the King of France (age 30), and of his being fallen into the right way of making the Kingdom great, which [none] of his ancestors ever did before. I was mightily pleased with this company and their discourse, so as to have been seldom so much in all my life, and so after dinner up into his upper room, and there did see a piece of perspective, but much inferior to Mr. Povy's.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 12 Feb 1669. Thence to the Treasurer's; and I and Sir J. Minnes (age 69) and Mr. Tippets down to the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, and there had a hot debate from Sir Thomas Clifford (age 38) and my Lord Ashly (age 47) (the latter of which, I hear, is turning about as fast as he can to the Duke of Buckingham's (age 41) side, being in danger, it seems, of being otherwise out of play, which would not be convenient for him), against Sir W. Coventry (age 41) and Sir J. Duncomb, who did uphold our Office against an accusation of our Treasurers, who told the Lords that they found that we had run the King (age 38) in debt £50,000 or more, more than the money appointed for the year would defray, which they declared like fools, and with design to hurt us, though the thing is in itself ridiculous. But my Lord Ashly and Clifford did most horribly cry out against the want of method in the Office. At last it come that it should be put in writing what they had to object; but I was devilish mad at it, to see us thus wounded by our own members, and so away vexed, and called my wife, and to Hercules Pillars, Tom and I, there dined; and here there coming a Frenchman by with his Shew, we did make him shew it us, which he did just as Lacy (age 54) acts it, which made it mighty pleasant to me. So after dinner we away and to Dancre's (age 44), and there saw our picture of Greenwich, Kent [Map] in doing, which is mighty pretty, and so to White Hall, my wife to Unthank's, and I attended with Lord Brouncker (age 49) the King and Council, about the proposition of balancing Storekeeper's accounts and there presented Hosier's book, and it was mighty well resented and approved of. So the Council being up, we to the Queen's (age 30) side with the King and Duke of York (age 35): and the Duke of York did take me out to talk of our Treasurers, whom he is mighty angry with: and I perceive he is mighty desirous to bring in as many good motions of profit and reformation in the Navy as he can, before the Treasurers do light upon them, they being desirous, it seems, to be thought the great reformers: and the Duke of York do well. But to my great joy he is mighty open to me in every thing; and by this means I know his whole mind, and shall be able to secure myself, if he stands. Here to-night I understand, by my Lord Brouncker, that at last it is concluded on by the King and Buckingham that my Lord of Ormond (age 58) shall not hold his government of Ireland, which is a great stroke, to shew the power of Buckingham and the poor spirit of the King, and little hold that any man can have of him.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 06 Mar 1669. Up, and to the office, where all the morning, only before the Office I stepped to Sir W. Coventry (age 41) at the Tower, and there had a great deal of discourse with him; among others, of the King's putting him out of the Council yesterday, with which he is well contented, as with what else they can strip him of, he telling me, and so hath long done, that he is weary and surfeited of business; but he joins with me in his fears that all will go to naught, as matters are now managed. He told me the matter of the play that was intended for his abuse, wherein they foolishly and sillily bring in two tables like that which he hath made, with a round hole in the middle, in his closet, to turn himself in; and he is to be in one of them as master, and Sir J. Duncomb in the other, as his man or imitator: and their discourse in those tables, about the disposing of their books and papers, very foolish. But that, that he is offended with, is his being made so contemptible, as that any should dare to make a gentleman a subject for the mirth of the world: and that therefore he had told Tom Killigrew (age 57) that he should tell his actors, whoever they were, that did offer at any thing like representing him, that he would not complain to my Lord Camberlain, which was too weak, nor get him beaten, as Sir Charles Sidly is said to do, but that he would cause his nose to be cut. He told me the passage at the Council much like what my Lord Bellassis (age 54) told me. He told me how that the Duke of Buckingham (age 41) did himself, some time since, desire to join with him, of all men in England, and did bid him propound to himself to be Chief Minister of State, saying that he would bring it about, but that he refused to have anything to do with any faction; and that the Duke of Buckingham did, within these few days, say that, of all men in England, he would have chosen W. Coventry to have joined entire with. He tells me that he fears their prevailing against the Duke of York (age 35); and that their violence will force them to it, as being already beyond his pardon. He repeated to me many examples of challenging of Privy-Councillors and others; but never any proceeded against with that severity which he is, it never amounting to others to more than a little confinement. He tells me of his being weary of the Treasury, and of the folly, ambition, and desire of popularity of Sir Thomas Clifford (age 38); and yet the rudeness of his tongue and passions when angry. This and much more discourse being over I with great pleasure come home and to the office, where all the morning, and at noon home to dinner, and thence to the office again, where very hard at work all the afternoon till night, and then home to my wife to read to me, and to bed, my cold having been now almost for three days quite gone from me. This day my wife made it appear to me that my late entertainment this week cost me above £12, an expence which I am almost ashamed of, though it is but once in a great while, and is the end for which, in the most part, we live, to have such a merry day once or twice in a man's life.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 19 Mar 1669. Up, and by water to White Hall, there to the Lords of the Treasury, and did some business, and here Sir Thomas Clifford (age 38) did speak to me, as desirous that I would some time come and confer with him about the Navy, which I am glad of, but will take the direction of the Duke of York (age 35) before I do it, though I would be glad to do something to secure myself, if I could, in my employment.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 22 Mar 1669. Thence to the Treasury-Chamber, and there all the morning to my great grief, put to do Sir G. Downing's (age 44) work of dividing the Customes for this year, between the Navy, the Ordnance and Tangier: but it did so trouble my eyes, that I had rather have given £20 than have had it to do; but I did thereby oblige Sir Thomas Clifford (age 38) and Sir J. Duncombe, and so am glad of the opportunity to recommend myself to the former for the latter I need not, he loving me well already. At it till noon, here being several of my brethren with me but doing nothing, but I all. But this day I did also represent to our Treasurers, which was read here, a state of the charge of the Navy, and what the expence of it this year would likely be; which is done so as it will appear well done and to my honour, for so the Lords did take it: and I oblige the Treasurers by doing it, at their request.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 29 Mar 1669. Up, and by water to White Hall; and there to the Duke of York (age 35), to shew myself, after my journey to Chatham, Kent [Map], but did no business to-day with him: only after gone from him, I to Sir T. Clifford's (age 38); and there, after an hour's waiting, he being alone in his closet, I did speak with him, and give him the account he gave me to draw up, and he did like it very well: and then fell to talk of the business of the Navy and giving me good words, did fall foul of the constitution [of the Board], and did then discover his thoughts, that Sir J. Minnes (age 70) was too old, and so was Colonel Middleton, and that my Lord Brouncker (age 49) did mind his mathematics too much. I did not give much encouragement to that of finding fault with my fellow-officers; but did stand up for the constitution, and did say that what faults there were in our Office would be found not to arise from the constitution, but from the failures of the officers in whose hands it was. This he did seem to give good ear to; but did give me of myself very good words, which pleased me well, though I shall not build upon them any thing.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 30 Mar 1669. Up, and to Sir W. Coventry (age 41), to see and discourse with him; and he tells me that he hath lately been with my Lord Keeper, and had much discourse about the Navy; and particularly he tells me that he finds they are divided touching me and my Lord Brouncker (age 49); some are for removing; and some for keeping us. He told my Lord Keeper that it would cost the King (age 38) £10,000 before he hath made another as fit to serve him in the Navy as I am; which, though I believe it is true, yet I am much pleased to have that character given me by W. Coventry, whatever be the success of it. But I perceive they do think that I know too much, and shall impose upon whomever shall come next, and therefore must be removed, though he tells me that Sir T. Clifford (age 38) is inclined well enough to me, and Sir T. Osborne (age 37); by what I have lately done, I suppose. This news do a little trouble me, but yet, when I consider it, it is but what I ought not to be much troubled for, considering my incapacity, in regard to my eyes, to continue long at this work, and this when I think of and talk with my wife do make me the less troubled for it. After some talk of the business of the navy more with him, I away and to the Office, where all the morning; and Sir W. Pen (age 47), the first time that he hath been here since his being last sick, which, I think, is two or three months; and I think will be the last that he will be here as one of the Board, he now inviting us all to dine with him, as a parting dinner, on Thursday next, which I am glad of, I am sure; for he is a very villain.
John Evelyn's Diary. 02 Apr 1669. Dined at Mr. Treasurer's (age 38), where was (with many noblemen) Colonel Titus (age 46) of the bedchamber, author of the famous piece against Cromwell, "Killing no Murder"..
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 08 Apr 1669. Up, and to White Hall, to the King's side, to find Sir T. Clifford (age 38), where the Duke of York (age 35) come and found me, which I was sorry for, for fear he should think I was making friends on that side. But I did put it off the best I could, my being there: and so, by and by, had opportunity alone to shew Sir T. Clifford the fair account I had drawn up of the Customes, which he liked, and seemed mightily pleased with me; and so away to the Excise-Office, to do a little business there, and so to the Office, where all the morning.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 18 Apr 1669. Lord's Day. Up, and all the morning till 2 o'clock at my Office, with Gibson and Tom, about drawing up fair my discourse of the Administration of the Navy, and then, Mr. Spong being come to dine with me, I in to dinner, and then out to my Office again, to examine the fair draught; and so borrowing Sir J. Minnes's (age 70) coach, he going with Colonel Middleton, I to White Hall, where we all met and did sign it and then to my Lord Arlington's (age 51), where the King (age 38), and the Duke of York (age 35), and Prince Rupert (age 49), as also Ormond and the two Secretaries, with my Lord Ashly (age 47) and Sir T. Clifton (age 38) was. And there, by and by, being called in, Mr. Williamson (age 35) did read over our paper, which was in a letter to the Duke of York, bound up in a book with the Duke of York's Book of Instructions. He read it well; and, after read, we were bid to withdraw, nothing being at all said to it. And by and by we were called in again, and nothing said to that business; but another begun, about the state of this year's action, and our wants of money, as I had stated the same lately to our Treasurers; which I was bid, and did largely, and with great content, open. And having so done, we all withdrew, and left them to debate our supply of money; to which, being called in, and referred to attend on the Lords of the Treasury, we all departed. And I only staid in the House till the Council rose; and then to the Duke of York, who in the Duchess's chamber come to me, and told me that the book was there left with my Lord Arlington, for any of the Lords to view that had a mind, and to prepare and present to the King what they had to say in writing, to any part of it, which is all we can desire, and so that rested. The Duke of York then went to other talk; and by and by comes the Prince of Tuscany (age 26) to visit him, and the Duchess (age 32); and I find that he do still remain incognito, and so intends to do all the time he stays here, for avoiding trouble to the King and himself, and expence also to both.
John Evelyn's Diary. 20 Aug 1670. At Windsor, Berkshire [Map] I supped with the Duke of Monmouth (age 21); and, the next day, invited by Lord Arlington (age 52), dined with the same Duke and divers Lords. After dinner my Lord and I had a conference of more than an hour alone in his bedchamber, to engage me in the History. I showed him something that I had drawn up, to his great satisfaction, and he desired me to show it to the Treasurer (age 40).
John Evelyn's Diary. 28 Aug 1670. I dined with the Treasurer (age 40), and consulted with him what pieces I was to add; in the afternoon the King (age 40) took me aside into the balcony over the terrace, extremely pleased with what had been told him I had begun, in order to his commands, and enjoining me to proceed vigorously in it. He told me he had ordered the Secretaries of State to give me all necessary assistance of papers and particulars relating to it and enjoining me to make it a LITTLE KEEN, for that the Hollanders had very unhandsomely abused him in their pictures, books, and libels.
John Evelyn's Diary. 14 Oct 1670. I spent the whole afternoon in private with the Treasurer (age 40) who put into my hands those secret pieces and transactions concerning the Dutch war, and particularly the expedition of Bergen, in which he had himself the chief part, and gave me instructions, till the King (age 40) arriving from Newmarket, we both went up into his bedchamber.
John Evelyn's Diary. 21 Oct 1670. Dined with the Treasurer (age 40); and, after dinner, we were shut up together. I received other [further] advices, and ten paper books of dispatches and treaties; to return which again I gave a note under my hand to Mr. Joseph Williamson, Master of the Paper office.
John Evelyn's Diary. 24 Nov 1670. I dined with the Treasurer (age 40), where was the Earl of Rochester (age 23), a very profane wit.
John Evelyn's Diary. 20 Jan 1671. The King (age 40) came to me in the Queen's (age 32) withdrawing-room from the circle of ladies, to talk with me as to what advance I had made in the Dutch History. I dined with the Treasurer (age 40), and afterward we went to the Secretary's (age 53) Office, where we conferred about divers particulars.
John Evelyn's Diary. 28 Feb 1671. The Treasurer (age 40) acquainted me that his Majesty (age 40) was graciously pleased to nominate me one of the Council of Foreign Plantations, and give me a salary of £500 per annum, to encourage me.
John Evelyn's Diary. 28 Feb 1671. [Note. Original entry stated 29 Feb 1671 which is clearly incorrect since 1671 isn't a leap year.] I went to thank the Treasurer (age 40), who was my great friend and loved me; I dined with him and much company, and went thence to my Lord Arlington (age 53), Secretary of State, in whose favor I likewise was upon many occasions, though I cultivated neither of their friendships by any mean submissions. I kissed his Majesty's (age 40) hand, on his making me one of the new-established Council.
John Evelyn's Diary. 02 Apr 1671. To Sir Thomas Clifford (age 40), the Treasurer, to condole with him on the loss of his [his son] eldest son (deceased), who died at Florence, Italy.
John Evelyn's Diary. 10 May 1671. Dined at Mr. Treasurer's (age 40), in company with Monsieur De Grammont (age 50) and several French noblemen, and one Blood (age 53), that impudent, bold fellow who had not long before attempted to steal the imperial crown itself out of the Tower of London [Map], pretending only curiosity of seeing the regalia there, when, stabbing the keeper, though not mortally, he boldly went away with it through all the guards, taken only by the accident of his horse falling down. How he came to be pardoned, and even received into favor, not only after this, but several other exploits almost as daring both in Ireland and here, I could never come to understand. Some believed he became a spy of several parties, being well with the sectaries and enthusiasts, and did his Majesty (age 40) services that way, which none alive could do so well as he; but it was certainly the boldest attempt, so the only treason of this sort that was ever pardoned. This man had not only a daring but a villanous, unmerciful look, a false countenance, but very well-spoken and dangerously insinuating.
John Evelyn's Diary. 17 May 1671. Dined at Mr. Treasurer's (age 40) with the Earl of Arlington (age 53), Carlingford, Lord Arundel of Wardour (age 63), Lord Almoner to the Queen, a French Count and two abbots, with several more of French nobility; and now by something I had lately observed of Mr. Treasurer's conversation on occasion, I suspected him a little warping to Rome.
John Evelyn's Diary. 26 May 1671. The Earl of Bristol's (age 58) house in Queen's Street was taken for the Commissioners of Trade and Plantations, and furnished with rich hangings of the King's (age 40). It consisted of seven rooms on a floor, with a long gallery, gardens, etc. This day we met the Duke of Buckingham (age 43), Earl of Lauderdale (age 55), Lord Culpeper, Sir George Carteret (age 61), Vice-Chamberlain, and myself, had the oaths given us by the Earl of Sandwich (age 45), our President. It was to advise and counsel his Majesty, to the best of our abilities, for the well-governing of his Foreign Plantations, etc., the form very little differing from that given to the Privy Council. We then took our places at the Board in the Council-Chamber, a very large room furnished with atlases, maps, charts, globes, etc. Then came the Lord Keeper, Sir Orlando Bridgeman (age 65), Earl of Arlington (age 53), Secretary of State, Lord Ashley, Mr. Treasurer (age 40), Sir John Trevor (age 34), the other Secretary, Sir John Duncomb (age 49), Lord Allington (age 31), Mr. Grey, son to the Lord Grey, Mr. Henry Broncher, Sir Humphrey Winch (age 49), Sir John Finch, Mr. Waller (age 65), and Colonel Titus (age 48), of the bedchamber, with Mr. Slingsby, Secretary to the Council, and two Clerks of the Council, who had all been sworn some days before. Being all set, our Patent was read, and then the additional Patent, in which was recited this new establishment; then, was delivered to each a copy of the Patent, and of instructions: after which, we proceeded to business.
John Evelyn's Diary. 29 Aug 1671. To London, with some more papers of my progress in the Dutch War, delivered to the Treasurer (age 41).
John Evelyn's Diary. 01 Sep 1671. Dined with the Treasurer (age 41), in company with my Lord Arlington (age 53), Halifax (age 37), and Sir Thomas Strickland [Note. Possibly Thomas Strickland (age 49) or Thomas Strickland 2nd Baronet (age 32).]; and next day, went home, being the anniversary of the late dreadful fire of London.
John Evelyn's Diary. 22 Sep 1671. This over, I went that night with Mr. Treasurer (age 41) to Euston, a palace of Lord Arlington's (age 53), where we found Monsieur Colbert (age 46) (the French Ambassador), and the famous new French Maid of Honor, Mademoiselle Querouaille (age 22), now coming to be in great favor with the King (age 41). Here was also the Countess of Sunderland (age 25), and several lords and ladies, who lodged in the house.
John Evelyn's Diary. 22 Sep 1671. After dinner, the Treasurer (age 41) carried me to Lincoln's Inn, to one of the Parliament Clerks, to obtain of him, that I might carry home and peruse, some of the Journals, which were, accordingly, delivered to me to examine about the late Dutch War. Returning home, I went on shore to see the Custom House, now newly rebuilt since the dreadful conflagration.
John Evelyn's Diary. 22 Sep 1671. I dined at the Treasurer's (age 41), where I had discourse with Sir Henry Jones (now come over to raise a regiment of horse), concerning the French conquests in Lorraine; he told me the King (age 41) sold all things to the soldiers, even to a handful of hay.
John Evelyn's Diary. 09 Oct 1671 and 10 Oct 1671. I went, after evening service, to London, in order to a journey of refreshment with Mr. Treasurer (age 41), to Newmarket, Suffolk, where the King (age 41) then was, in his coach with six brave horses, which we changed thrice, first, at Bishop-Stortford [Map], and last, at Chesterford; so, by night, we got to Newmarket, Suffolk, where Mr. Henry Jermain (age 35) (nephew to the Earl of St. Alban (age 66)) lodged me very civilly. We proceeded immediately to Court, the King and all the English gallants being there at their autumnal sports. Supped at the Lord Chamberlain's; and, the next day, after dinner, I was on the heath, where I saw the great match run between Woodcock and Flatfoot, belonging to the King, and to Mr. Eliot, of the bedchamber, many thousands being spectators; a more signal race had not been run for many years.
Around 1672 Peter Lely (age 53). Portrait of Thomas Clifford 1st Baron Clifford Chudleigh (age 41).
John Evelyn's Diary. 12 Mar 1672. To this succeeded the King's (age 41) declaration for an universal toleration; Papists and swarms of Sectaries, now boldly showing themselves in their public meetings. !This was imputed to the same council, Clifford (age 41) warping to Rome as was believed, nor was Lord Arlington (age 54) clear of suspicion, to gratify that party, but as since it has proved, and was then evidently foreseen, to the extreme weakening of the Church of England and its Episcopal Government, as it was projected. I speak not this as my own sense, but what was the discourse and thoughts of others, who were lookers-on; for I think there might be some relaxations without the least prejudice to the present establishment, discreetly limited, but to let go the reins in this manner, and then to imagine they could take them up again as easily, was a false policy, and greatly destructive. The truth is, our Bishops slipped the occasion; for, had they held a steady hand upon his Majesty's restoration, as they might easily have done, the Church of England had emerged and flourished, without interruption; but they were then remiss, and covetous after advantages of another kind while his Majesty suffered them to come into a harvest, with which, without any injustice he might have remunerated innumerable gallant gentlemen for their services who had ruined themselves in the late rebellion.
John Evelyn's Diary. 12 Mar 1672. A few days before this, the Treasurer of the Household, Sir Thomas Clifford (age 41), hinted to me, as a confidant, that his Majesty (age 41) would SHUT UP THE EXCHEQUER (and, accordingly, his Majesty made use of infinite treasure there, to prepare for an intended rupture); but, says he, it will soon be open again, and everybody satisfied; for this bold man, who had been the sole adviser of the King to invade that sacred stock (though some pretend it was Lord Ashley's counsel, then Chancellor of the Exchequer), was so over-confident of the success of this unworthy design against the Smyrna merchants, as to put his Majesty on an action which not only lost the hearts of his subjects, and ruined many widows and orphans, whose stocks were lent him, but the reputation of his Exchequer forever, it being before in such credit, that he might have commanded half the wealth of the nation.
On 22 Apr 1672 Thomas Clifford 1st Baron Clifford Chudleigh (age 41) was created 1st Baron Clifford of Chudleigh in Devon. [his wife] Elizabeth Martin Baroness Clifford by marriage Baroness Clifford of Chudleigh in Devon.
John Evelyn's Diary. 30 Apr 1672. Congratulated Mr. Treasurer Clifford's (age 41) new honor, being made a Baron.
John Evelyn's Diary. 31 May 1672. Here, I cannot but make some reflections on things past. It was not above a day or two that going to Whitehall [Map] to take leave of his Lordship (deceased), who had his lodgings in the Privy-Garden, shaking me by the hand he bid me good-by, and said he thought he would see me no more, and I saw, to my thinking, something boding in his countenance: "No", says he, "they will not have me live. Had I lost a fleet (meaning on his return from Bergen when he took the East India prize) I should have fared better; but, be as it pleases God-I must do something, I know not what, to save my reputation". Something to this effect, he had hinted to me; thus I took my leave. I well remember that the Duke of Albemarle, and my now Lord Clifford (age 41), had, I know not why, no great opinion of his courage, because, in former conflicts, being an able and experienced seaman (which neither of them were), he always brought off his Majesty's (age 42) ships without loss, though not without as many marks of true courage as the stoutest of them; and I am a witness that, in the late war, his own ship was pierced like a colander. But the business was, he was utterly against this war from the beginning, and abhorred the attacking of the Smyrna fleet; he did not favor the heady expedition of Clifford at Bergen, nor was he so furious and confident as was the Duke of Albemarle, who believed he could vanquish the Hollanders with one squadron. My Lord Sandwich was prudent as well as valiant, and always governed his affairs with success and little loss; he was for deliberation and reason, they for action and slaughter without either; and for this, whispered as if my Lord Sandwich was not so gallant, because he was not so rash, and knew how fatal it was to lose a fleet, such as was that under his conduct, and for which these very persons would have censured him on the other side. This it was, I am confident, grieved him, and made him enter like a lion, and fight like one too, in the midst of the hottest service, where the stoutest of the rest seeing him engaged, and so many ships upon him, dared not, or would not, come to his succor, as some of them, whom I know, might have done. Thus, this gallant person perished, to gratify the pride and envy of some I named.
John Evelyn's Diary. 01 Sep 1672. I spent this week in soliciting for moneys, and in reading to my Lord Clifford (age 42) my papers relating to the first Holland war. Now, our Council of Plantations met at Lord Shaftesbury's (age 51) (Chancellor of the Exchequer) to read and reform the draft of our new Patent, joining the Council of Trade to our political capacities. After this, I returned home, in order to another excursion to the seaside, to get as many as possible of the men who were recovered on board the fleet.
John Evelyn's Diary. 06 Oct 1672. Dr. Thistlethwaite preached at Whitehall on Rev. v. 2, - a young, but good preacher. I received the blessed Communion, Dr. Blandford (age 56), Bishop of Worcester, and Dean of the Chapel, officiating. Dined at my Lord Clifford's (age 42), with Lord Mulgrave (age 24), Sir Gilbert Talbot (age 41), and Sir Robert Holmes (age 50).
In 1673 [his son-in-law] Henry Carew 2nd Baronet (age 19) and [his daughter] Elizbeth Clifford were married. There was no issue from the marriage.
John Evelyn's Diary. 19 Jun 1673. Congratulated the new Lord Treasurer, Sir Thomas Osborne (age 41), a gentleman with whom I had been intimately acquainted at Paris, and who was every day at my father-in-law's (age 68) house and table there; on which account I was too confident of succeeding in his favor, as I had done in his predecessor's; but such a friend shall I never find, and I neglected my time, far from believing that my Lord Clifford (age 42) would have so rashly laid down his staff, as he did, to the amazement of all the world, when it came to the test of his receiving the Communion, which I am confident he forbore more from some promise he had entered into to gratify the Duke, than from any prejudice to the Protestant religion, though I found him wavering a pretty while.
John Evelyn's Diary. 25 Jul 1673. I went to Tunbridge Wells, Kent [Map], to visit my Lord Clifford (age 42), late Lord Treasurer, who was there to divert his mind more than his body; it was believed that he had so engaged himself to the Duke (age 39), that rather than take the Test, without which he was not capable of holding any office, he would resign that great and honorable station. This, I am confident, grieved him to the heart, and at last broke it; for, though he carried with him music, and people to divert him, and, when I came to see him, lodged me in his own apartment, and would not let me go from him, I found he was struggling in his mind; and being of a rough and ambitious nature, he could not long brook the necessity he had brought on himself, of submission to this conjuncture. Besides, he saw the Dutch war, which was made much by his advice, as well as the shutting up of the Exchequer, very unprosperous. These things his high spirit could not support. Having stayed here two or three days, I obtained leave of my Lord to return.
John Evelyn's Diary. 18 Aug 1673. For the rest, my Lord Clifford (age 43) was a valiant, incorrupt gentleman, ambitious, not covetous; generous, passionate, a most constant, sincere friend, to me in particular, so as when he laid down his office, I was at the end of all my hopes and endeavors. These were not for high matters, but to obtain what his Majesty (age 43) was really indebted to my father-in-law, which was the utmost of my ambition, and which I had undoubtedly obtained, if this friend had stood. Sir Thomas Osborn (age 41), who succeeded him, though much more obliged to my father-in-law and his family, and my long and old acquaintance, being of a more haughty and far less obliging nature, I could hope for little; a man of excellent natural parts; but nothing of generous or grateful.
John Evelyn's Diary. 18 Aug 1673. My Lord Clifford (age 43), being about this time returned from Tunbridge [Map], and preparing for Devonshire, I went to take my leave of him at Wallingford House; he was packing up pictures, most of which were of hunting wild beasts and vast pieces of bull-baiting, bear-baiting, etc. I found him in his study, and restored to him several papers of state, and others of importance, which he had furnished me with, on engaging me to write the "History of the Holland War", with other private letters of his acknowledgments to my Lord Arlington (age 55), who from a private gentleman of a very noble family, but inconsiderable fortune, had advanced him from almost nothing. The first thing was his being in Parliament, then knighted, then made one of the Commissioners of sick and wounded, on which occasion we sat long together; then, on the death of Hugh Pollard, he was made Comptroller of the Household and Privy Councillor, yet still my brother Commissioner; after the death of Lord Fitz-Harding, Treasurer of the Household, he, by letters to Lord Arlington, which that Lord showed me, begged of his Lordship to obtain it for him as the very height of his ambition. These were written with such submissions and professions of his patronage, as I had never seen any more acknowledging. The Earl of Southampton then dying, he was made one of the Commissioners of the Treasury. His Majesty (age 43) inclining to put it into one hand, my Lord Clifford, under pretense of making all his interest for his patron, my Lord Arlington, cut the grass under his feet, and procured it for himself, assuring the King that Lord Arlington did not desire it. Indeed, my Lord Arlington protested to me that his confidence in Lord Clifford made him so remiss and his affection to him was so particular, that he was absolutely minded to devolve it on Lord Clifford, all the world knowing how he himself affected ease and quiet, now growing into years, yet little thinking of this go-by. This was the great ingratitude Lord Clifford showed, keeping my Lord Arlington in ignorance, continually assuring him he was pursuing his interest, which was the Duke's (age 39) into whose great favor Lord Clifford was now gotten; but which certainly cost him the loss of all, namely, his going so irrevocably far in his interest.
John Evelyn's Diary. 18 Aug 1673. Taking leave of my Lord Clifford (age 43), he wrung me by the hand, and, looking earnestly on me, bid me God-b'ye, adding, "Mr. Evelyn, I shall never see thee more". "No!" said I, "my Lord, what's the meaning of this? I hope I shall see you often, and as great a person again". "No, Mr. Evelyn, do not expect it, I will never see this place, this city, or Court again", or words of this sound. In this manner, not without almost mutual tears, I parted from him; nor was it long after, but the news was that he was dead, and I have heard from some who I believe knew, he made himself away, after an extraordinary melancholy. This is not confidently affirmed, but a servant who lived in the house, and afterward with Sir Robert Clayton (age 44), Lord Mayor, did, as well as others, report it, and when I hinted some such thing to Mr. Prideaux, one of his trustees, he was not willing to enter into that discourse.
John Evelyn's Diary. 18 Aug 1673. And I the rather am confident of it, remembering what Sir Edward Walker (age 62) (Garter King at Arms) had likewise affirmed to me a long time before, even when he was first made a Lord; that carrying his pedigree to Lord Clifford (age 43) on his being created a peer, and, finding him busy, he bade him go into his study and divert himself there till he was at leisure to discourse with him about some things relating to his family; there lay, said Sir Edward, on his table, his horoscope and nativity calculated, with some writing under it, where he read that he should be advanced to the highest degree in the state that could be conferred upon him, but that he should not long enjoy it, but should die, or expressions to that sense; and I think, (but cannot confidently say) a bloody death. This Sir Edward affirmed both to me and Sir Richard Browne; nor could I forbear to note this extraordinary passage in these memoirs.
On 17 Oct 1673 Thomas Clifford 1st Baron Clifford Chudleigh (age 43) committed suicide. His son [his son] Hugh Clifford 2nd Baron Clifford Chudleigh (age 10) succeeded 2nd Baron Clifford of Chudleigh in Devon.
[his daughter] Elizbeth Clifford was born to Thomas Clifford 1st Baron Clifford Chudleigh and Elizabeth Martin Baroness Clifford.
Kings Wessex: Great x 18 Grand Son of King Edmund "Ironside" I of England
Kings Gwynedd: Great x 15 Grand Son of Owain "Great" King Gwynedd
Kings Seisyllwg: Great x 21 Grand Son of Hywel "Dda aka Good" King Seisyllwg King Deheubarth
Kings Powys: Great x 16 Grand Son of Maredudd ap Bleddyn King Powys
Kings England: Great x 11 Grand Son of King Henry III of England
Kings Scotland: Great x 17 Grand Son of King Duncan I of Scotland
Kings Franks: Great x 14 Grand Son of Louis VII King Franks
Kings France: Great x 18 Grand Son of Robert "Pious" II King France
Kings Duke Aquitaine: Great x 22 Grand Son of Ranulf I Duke Aquitaine
Great x 4 Grandfather: Thomas Clifford 5 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England
Great x 3 Grandfather: William Clifford 6 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England
Great x 2 Grandfather: Henry Clifford 7 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England
Great x 1 Grandfather: Anthony Clifford 8 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England
GrandFather: Thomas Clifford 9 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England
Father: Hugh Clifford of Ugbrooke 10 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England
Thomas Clifford 1st Baron Clifford Chudleigh 11 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England
Great x 1 Grandfather: John Chudleigh
GrandFather: George Chudleigh 1st Baronet
Mother: Mary Chudleigh