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Biography of Thomas Percy 7th Earl of Northumberland 1528-1572

Paternal Family Tree: Reginar aka Percy

Maternal Family Tree: Margaret Markham

1537 Bigod's Rebellion

1562 News Years Day Gift Giving

1563 Creation of Garter Knights

1569 Rising of the North

In or before 1528 [his father] Thomas Percy (age 23) and [his mother] Eleanor Harbottle (age 23) were married. He the son of [his grandfather] Henry Percy 5th Earl of Northumberland and [his grandmother] Katherine Spencer Countess Northumberland (age 50). They were third cousins. He a great x 4 grandson of King Edward III of England. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

In 1528 Thomas Percy 7th Earl of Northumberland was born to Thomas Percy (age 24) and Eleanor Harbottle (age 24).

Bigod's Rebellion

On 02 Jun 1537 [his father] Thomas Percy (age 33), Francis Bigod (age 29), and John Bulmer and Ralph Bulmer were hanged at Tyburn [Map].

After 02 Jun 1537 Richard Holland of Denton in Lancashire and [his mother] Eleanor Harbottle (age 33) were married. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

On 30 Apr 1557 Thomas Percy 7th Earl of Northumberland (age 29) was created 1st Baron Percy of Alnwick.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 30 Apr 1557. The xxx day of Aprell was master Perse (age 29) was mad knyght and baroun.

Note. P. 133. Creations of Thomas Percy to the barony of Percy and earldom of Northumberland. Our chronicler has given correctly the dates of these restorations. The patents are printed in Rymer's collection, xv. 461, 462. In the following August the Earl was made Warden of the Middle and East Marches towards Scotland. Ibid. pp. 468, 472, 475.

On 01 May 1557 Thomas Percy 7th Earl of Northumberland (age 29) was restored 7th Earl of Northumberland, 10th Baron Percy of Alnwick, 18th Baron Percy of Topcliffe, 9th Baron Poynings.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 01 May 1557. The furst day of May was creatyd at Whytt-halle master Perse (age 29) the yerle of Northumberland, with viij haroldes and a dosen of trumpeters thrugh the quen('s) chambur, and thrugh the hall, and a-for hym my lord of Penbroke (age 56) and my lord Montyguw (age 28) and then my lord of Arundell (age 45) and my lord of Rutland (age 30), and hym-self whent in the myddes, alle in cremesun welvett in ther parlement robes, and whyt a hatt of velvett and cronet of gold on ys hed.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 18 Nov 1557. The xviij day of November cam tydynges from the yerle of Northumberland (age 29) owt of Skottland that the [Scots] and our men mett and ther fowth, and ther was taken and ... of the Skotts, att a place callyd (blank).

On 22 Jun 1558 Thomas Percy 7th Earl of Northumberland (age 30) and Anne Somerset Countess Northumberland (age 20) were married. She by marriage Countess of Northumberland. She the daughter of Henry Somerset 2nd Earl of Worcester and Elizabeth Browne Countess of Worcester (age 56). They were third cousins. He a great x 5 grandson of King Edward III of England. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

In 1559 [his daughter] Elizabeth Percy was born to Thomas Percy 7th Earl of Northumberland (age 31) and [his wife] Anne Somerset Countess Northumberland (age 21).

In 1560 [his son] Thomas Percy was born to Thomas Percy 7th Earl of Northumberland (age 32) and [his wife] Anne Somerset Countess Northumberland (age 22). He died shortly after birth.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 28 Apr 1560. The sam day at after-none att the court was grett justes, my lord of Sussex (age 35) and my lord Robartt Dudley (age 27) and ij more a-gaynst the yerle of Northumberland (age 32) and my lord Ambrose Dudley (age 30) and my lord of Hunsdon (age 34) and master Cornewalles and (blank): and ther was mony stayffes broken; and ther stod in the standyng as juges my lord markes of Northamtun (age 48), my lord of Ruttland (age 33), and my lord of Penbroke (age 59), and my lord admerall (age 50) and the Frenche inbassadur, and master Garter (age 50) and master Norey (age 50) dyd wrytt wome [whom] dyd rune; and by chanse of the brykyng of a stayff a pesse fluw up wher the juges sitt and hyt my lord of Penbroke (blank) and ther rod the trumpeters and the haroldes of armes.

On 11 May 1560 Thomas Wendy (age 60) died. He was buried at All Saints Church, Haslingfield [Map].

In his will he left his Thomas Percy (age 32), nephew of his former employer, in his will a silver ewer and basin "in remembrance of such benefits which I have received at the hands of my very good lord and late master the late [his uncle] earl of Northumberland his uncle".

He left Anne Preston Baroness Geneville Beaudasert and Parr Kendal his lands at Coton and Whitwell, Cambridgeshire 'as a poor token of the good will which I have ever borne to her ladyship and in remembrance that in that place she had her first acquaintance with my lord her husband (age 54)'.

He also remembered Judge Anthony Browne (age 51), [his brother] Henry Percy 8th Earl of Northumberland (age 28), Humphrey Radclyffe (age 51) and Richard Weston (age 33).

1562 News Years Day Gift Giving

On 01 Jan 1562 the New Years Gift Giving was held. Those who gave gifts provide an interesting who's who of the Elizabethan Court soon after Elizabeth I's Coronation. Queen Elizabeth (age 28) was present since a number are described as "With the Qene her Majestie."

For 'dimy' read 'demi' ie half-sovereigns.

Neweeyeur's Gyftes gevon to the Quene her Majestie by those Parsons whose Names hereafter ensue, the first of January, the Yere above wrytten.

By the Lady Margaret Strainge (age 22), a little round mounte of golde to conteyne a pomaunder in it. With the Qene her Majestie. Note. Lady Margaret Strange married Henry Stanley Lord Strange (age 30) on 07 Feb 1555. In 1561 he had not succeeded to Earldom of Derby and was known by the courtesy title Lord Strange. She is listed first since she was one of the few remaining direct descendants of Henry VII, being a great-granddaughter by his daughter Mary Tudor. Margaret Clifford was first in line to succeed in 1568 but died in 1596 before Elizabeth I.

Dukes, Marquises and Earls.

By the Duke of Norfolke (age 25), in a purse of purple silke and golde knit, in sundry coynes of golde £20 0s 0d.

By the Marquis of Winchester (age 79), High Threasourer of Englande, in a purse of crymsen satten, in angells £20 0s 0d.

By the Marquis of Northampton (age 50), in a purse of crymsen silke and gold knit, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.

By the Earle of Arundell (age 49), Lord Steward, in a paper, in angels, £30 0s 0d.

By the Earle of Shrewesburye (age 34), in a red silke purse, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.

By the Earle of Darbye (age 52), in a purse of crymsen satten, embraudered with golde, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.

By the Earle of Pembroke (age 61), in a purse of black silk and silver knit, in new angells £30 0s 0d.

By the Earle of Bedforde (age 35), in a purse of black silk and golde knytt, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.

By the Earle of Rutlande (age 35), in a purse of red silk and golde knytt, in dimy soveraigns and angells £20 0s 0d.

By the Earle of Huntingdon, in a red silk purse, in angells £15 0s 0d.

By the Earle of Westmerlande (age 37), in a red silk purse, in dimy soveraigns £10 0s 0d.

By the Earle of Oxforde (age 46), in a red silk purse, in dimy soveraigns £10 0s 0d.

By the Earle of Northumberlande (age 34), in a purse of black silke and silver knytt, in angells £10 0s 0d. With the Quene her Highness.

By the Earle of Warwike (age 32), a smocke wrought with black silk, a peire of slevis, and a partelett wrought with gold, silver, and black silke. Delivered to the Baroness Cobham (age 23).

By the Viscounte Mountague (age 33), in a purse of cloth of golde, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d. With her said Majestie.

Bishops. The list of Bishops ends with "With her said Majestie"; unclear whether this refers to all the Bishops listed.

By the Archbusshop of Caunterbury (age 57), in a red silk purse, in dimy soveraigns £40 0s 0d.

By the Archbusshop of York (age 61), in soveraigns £30 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Duresme (age 42), in a purse of crymson silk and gold knytt, in angells £30 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Ely (age 69), in a red vellat purse, in angells £30 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Wynchester (age 52), in a purse of crymsen silk and gold knytt and set with pearles, in angells £20 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of London (age 43), in a red satten purse, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Salisbury (age 39), in a red satten purse, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Worcester (age 43), in a black vellat purse, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Lyncoln (age 42), in a red purse, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Chychester (age 64), in a red purse, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Norwich (age 50), in a blew silk purse £13 6s 8d.

By the Busshop of Hereforde (age 52), in a green silk purse, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Lychfield and Coventry (age 48), in a red satten purse, in angells £13 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Rochester (age 48), in a red purse, in gold £13 6s 8d.

By the Busshop of Saint Davies (age 55), in a red silk purse, in angells £10 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Bathe, in a purse of red silk, in angells £10 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Exetour, in a blew silk purse, in angells £10 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Peterborowe, in a red purse, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Chester, in a red purse, in angells and soveraignes £10 0s 0d.

Duchesses and Countesses.

By the Duchess of Norfolke (age 22), in a prse of crymsen silk and gold knyt, in angells £20 0s 0d.

By the Duchess of Somerset (age 65), in a purse of silver and black silk, in royalls and ducketts £14 0s 0d. Probably the Dowager Duchess of Somerset since her husband Edward Seymour 1st Duke of Somerset had been executed in 1552, and their children disinherited as a result.

By the Countess of Surrey, in a purse of tawny silk and gold, in dimy soveraignes £5 0s 0d. Dowager since her husband Henry Howard 1516-1547, by courtesy Earl Surrey, had been executed in 1547.

By the Countess of Pembroke (age 38), in a cherry bag of crymsen satten, in new angells £15 0s 0d.

By the Countess of Bedford (age 36), in a purse of crymsen silk and silver knytt, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.

By the Countess of Darby (age 51), in a purse of crymson sattin embrodred with gold, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.

By the Countess of Oxford (age 36), in a red purse, in dimy soveraignes £5 0s 0d.

By the Countess of Shrewisbury, Dowager (age 62), in a purse of black silk knytt, in dimy soveraignes £12 0s 0d.

By the Countess of Shrewisbury (age 37), in a red silk purse knytt, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.

By the Countess of Huntingdon, Dowager (age 51), in a red purse, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.

By the Countess of Huntingdon (age 24), in a red purse, in angells £10 0s 0d.

By the [his wife] Countess of Northumberland (age 24), in a purse of black silk and silver knytt, in angells £10 0s 0d.

By the Countess of Rutland (age 29), in a red purse, in dimy soveraignes £13 6s 8d.


By the Vicountess Hereford, Dowager (age 42), six hankercheffes edged with gold delivered to the said Baroness Cobham.

By the Vicountess Mountague (age 24), in a purse of cloth of gold, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.


By the Lorde Keeper of the Great Seale, Bacon (age 51), in a purse of silver knytt, in angells £13 6s 8d.

By the Lorde William Howard, Lord Chamberlen (age 52), in a purse of crymsen silk and gold knytt, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.

By the Lorde Pagett (age 56), in a greene purse in dimy soveraignes £13 6s 8d.

By the Lorde Clynton, Lord Admyrall (age 50), in gold £10 0s 0d.

By the Lorde Riche (age 65), in a red satten purse, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.

By the Lorde North (age 66), in a purse of purple silk and silver, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.

By the Lorde Lumley (age 29), in a paper, in angells £20 0s 0d.

By the Lorde Hastings of Loughboro (age 41), in a red silk purse, in French crowns £13 0s 0d.

By the Lorde Stafford (age 60), in a red purse, in dimy soveraignes £5 0s 0d.

By the Lorde Windsor (age 30), in a purse of crymsn silk and gold knytt, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d. With her said Majestie.

by Lorde John Graye (age 38), a haunce pott of allabaster garnished with silver gilt. Delivered in charge to John Asteley, Esq Master and Threasourer of her Highnes Jewels and Plate. Lord John Grey assumed to be a courtesy title his father being Thomas Grey 2nd Marquess Dorset.

By the Lorde Barkeley (age 27), in a red purse, in gold £10 0s 0d.

By the Lorde Mountejoye (age 29), in a red purse, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.

By the Lorde Abergavennye (age 36), in a purse of red silke, in dimy soveraignes £5 0s 0d.

By the Lorde Scrowpe (age 28), in a purse of blak silk and silver knytt, in angells £10 0s 0d.

By the Lorde Caree of Hundesdon (age 35), in a purse of crymsen silk, in double ducketts £13 6s 8d.

By the Lorde Strainge, in a purse of red silk and gold, in dimy soveraignes £5 0s 0d. Lord Strange being the courtesy title for the Earldom of Derby. He wouldn't inherit until 1572.

By the Lorde Darcey of Chichey (age 30), in a red purse, in dimy soveraignes, £10 0s 0d.

By the Lorde Shefild (age 24), in a red silk purse, in gold £10 0s 0d.

By the Lorde Shandowes (age 40), in a blak silk purse, in angells £10 0s 0d. With her said Majestie.


By the Baroness Howarde (age 47), in a purse of crymsen silk and knytt, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d. With her said Majestie.

By the Baroness Clinton (age 35), a peire of sleevis of gold, pulled out with lawne. Delivered to the said Baroness Cobham.

By the Baroness Genevillet, in gold £6 13s 4d.

By the Lady Barkeley (age 24), Lord Barkeley's wife, in gold £5 0s 0d.

By the Lady Mountejoye (age 30), in a red silk purse, in angells £10 0s 0d.

By the Lady Abergavenny, in a red satten purse, in dimy soveraignes £5 0s 0d.

By the Lady Caree of Hundesdon (age 33), in a blak purse knytt, in angells £10 0s 0d.

By the Lady Taylboyes, Sir Peter Carewe's (age 48) wyfe, in a purse of blak silk and silver, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d. With her said Majestie.

By the Baroness Cobham, a partelett and a peire of sleeves of sypers wrought with silver and blak silke. Re-delivered to herself.

By the Lady Dakers (age 21), a warming ball of gold, per oz. 3 oz. dim. With her said Majestie.

By the Lady Shefilde (age 20), a paire of sleeves wrought with fringe of blak silk and lozeng of gold. Delivered to the said Baroness Cobham.

By the Margaret Baroness Scrope (age 18), in a purse of blak silk and silver, in angells £7 0s 0d. With her said Majestie.

By the Lady Shandowes (age 38), a peire of sleeves and a partlett of gold and silver knytt, cawle fashion. Delivered to the said Baroness Cobham.

By the Lady Knowlles (age 38), a feyne carpett of needleworke, theverende frienged and buttoned with gold and silk. Delivered to John Torneworth, Groom of the Privy Chamber.

By the Lady Butler, in a little white purse, in French crowns £6 0s 0d. With her said Majestie. Unclear as to who Lady Butler refers to.

By the Lady Raclyef, a peire of sleeves of cameryk, all over sett with purle, and two sweet bags. Delivered to the said Baroness Cobham.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 12 Jan 1563. [The xij day of January the Queen's second Parliament began to sit at Westminster, and the] lordes and byshopes rod in ther [parliament robes, and] the Quen('s) (age 29) grase in cremesun welvett, [and the earl of] Northumburland (age 35) bare the sword a-for the quen; [all the] haroldes of armes in ther cotte armurs, and all the trumpettes [blowing], and lythe at owre lade of Grace chapell, and they [went in]to the abbay, and ther was a sermon (by Nowell (age 46), dean of Saint Paul's.)

1563 Creation of Garter Knights

Henry Machyn's Diary. 24 Apr 1563. The sam day was elected knyghtes of the Garter the yerle of Northumberland (age 35) and the yerle of Warwyke (age 33).

On 24 Apr 1563 Queen Elizabeth I of England and Ireland (age 29) created two new Garter Knights:

346th Thomas Percy 7th Earl of Northumberland (age 35).

347th Ambrose Dudley 3rd Earl Warwick (age 33).

Henry Machyn's Diary. 23 May 1563. The xxiij day of May .... lord the duke of Northfoke (age 27) was .... vycont Montyguw (age 34) and my lord of Luthborow (age 42) .... and the yerle of Northumberland (age 35) and the yerle of [Warwick] (age 33) stallyd knyghtes of the Garter; and ser Henry Sydney (age 34) was depute for the yerle of Warwyke, and he bare ys hode and ys coller of the garter a-pone ys arme.

In 1567 [his mother] Eleanor Harbottle (age 63) died.

Rising of the North

In 1569 after the Rising of the North failed, Thomas Percy 7th Earl of Northumberland (age 41) fled to Scotland, where he was captured by the Earl of Morton (age 53), one of the leading Scottish nobles. He was held at Lochleven Castle. After three years of captivity he was sold to the English for £2000.

On 22 Aug 1572 Thomas Percy 7th Earl of Northumberland (age 44) was beheaded at The Pavement in York. He was buried at St Crux Church, York. His brother [his brother] Henry Percy 8th Earl of Northumberland (age 40) succeeded 8th Earl of Northumberland, 11th Baron Percy of Alnwick, 19th Baron Percy of Topcliffe, 2nd Baron Percy of Alnwick, 10th Baron Poynings.

On 13 May 1895 Thomas Percy 7th Earl of Northumberland was beatified.

Report of the Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts. 1570. Lady Margaret Erskine (age 54) to the Countess of Murray, circ. 1570. Madam. Efter meist hertlie commendatioun. I haue resawit your wreting fra this berer and your excuyss off your lang wreting to me, quhilk I except in gud pairt, be resoun of the ewill wedder, quhilk is als ewill heir as it is with you, and quhair ye wrett that ye and your barnis ar weall and in gud helth I am waray glaid of the same, and I assuyr your Ladysohip ther is ne woman of the erth that I wald war fayunar weill nor ye and your bairnis, and sail call meist ernestlie for the same one God, and quhair ye wrett that ye sail wisie me efter Candilraes ye salbe hartlie welcoum, and I beseik in God that ye sail think your traywell weill waird to se my baim, quha growls weill, and cumis weill fordwart, thankis to God. As for newis heir I haue nene to wratt, bot the Laird and all frindis heir ar weill, and in gud helth thankis to God. And the laird [William Douglas 6th Earl Morton (age 30)] is in the Loich, and it is all frosyn, quha is at greitt charges be resoun of grett eumpany in his houss daylie for the keiping of my Lord of Northumberland (age 42). As for newes of the Court, ye will gett from Bdinbruch, for it is ane waray sleicht court and small obeydience, and I dout nocht bot we sail think tham happye that ar away, and thay that ar wikkit that is behind. Ilk ane of thame sail try thair awain. pairt be tym, howbeit nayn uther will do it. I will cummer you vnth na laugar letter bot quhat that lyis in my power salbe reddye in the auld maner, as knauis God quha conserwe yow cternalie. Of the Newhons the fyft day of Januare be your Mother.

(Signed) Margart Erskyn

On 11 Jun 1570 [his son] Mary Percy was born to Thomas Percy 7th Earl of Northumberland (age 42) and [his wife] Anne Somerset Countess Northumberland (age 32).

On 17 Oct 1596 [his former wife] Anne Somerset Countess Northumberland (age 58) died.

[his daughter] Joan Percy was born to Thomas Percy 7th Earl of Northumberland and Anne Somerset Countess Northumberland.

[his daughter] Lucy Percy was born to Thomas Percy 7th Earl of Northumberland and Anne Somerset Countess Northumberland.

Thomas Percy 7th Earl of Northumberland 1528-1572 appears on the following Descendants Family Trees:

Richard Beauchamp 13th Earl Warwick 1382-1439

Royal Ancestors of Thomas Percy 7th Earl of Northumberland 1528-1572

Kings Wessex: Great x 15 Grand Son of King Edmund "Ironside" I of England

Kings Gwynedd: Great x 12 Grand Son of Owain "Great" King Gwynedd

Kings Seisyllwg: Great x 18 Grand Son of Hywel "Dda aka Good" King Seisyllwg King Deheubarth

Kings Powys: Great x 13 Grand Son of Maredudd ap Bleddyn King Powys

Kings England: Great x 5 Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Kings Scotland: Great x 14 Grand Son of King Duncan I of Scotland

Kings Franks: Great x 11 Grand Son of Louis VII King Franks

Kings France: Great x 7 Grand Son of Philip IV King France

Kings Duke Aquitaine: Great x 19 Grand Son of Ranulf I Duke Aquitaine

Ancestors of Thomas Percy 7th Earl of Northumberland 1528-1572

Great x 4 Grandfather: Henry "Hotspur" Percy 3 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Henry Percy 2nd Earl of Northumberland 2 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Elizabeth Mortimer Baroness Camoys Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 2 Grandfather: Henry Percy 3rd Earl of Northumberland 2 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Ralph Neville 1st Earl of Westmoreland 5 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Eleanor Neville Countess Northumberland Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Joan Beaufort Countess of Westmoreland Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 1 Grandfather: Henry Percy 4th Earl of Northumberland 3 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Robert Poynings 4th Baron Poynings 9 x Great Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Richard Poynings 5 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Eleanor Grey Baroness Poynings 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 2 Grandmother: Eleanor Poynings Countess Northumberland 6 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: John Berkeley 4 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Eleanor Berkeley Countess Arundel 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Elizabeth Bettershorne

GrandFather: Henry Percy 5th Earl of Northumberland 4 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 2 Grandfather: William Herbert 1st Earl Pembroke

Great x 4 Grandfather: Dafydd Gam Brecon

Great x 3 Grandmother: Gwladys ferch Dafydd Gam "Star of Abergavenny" Brecon

Great x 1 Grandmother: Maud Herbert Countess Northumberland 9 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Walter Devereux 6 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Walter Devereux 7 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Agnes Crophull 6 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Great x 2 Grandmother: Anne Devereux 8 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Elizabeth Merbury

Father: Thomas Percy 4 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 1 Grandfather: Robert Spencer of Spencer Combe

GrandMother: Katherine Spencer Countess Northumberland 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: John of Gaunt 1st Duke Lancaster Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: John Beaufort 1st Marquess Somerset and Dorset Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Katherine Roet Duchess Lancaster

Great x 2 Grandfather: Edmund Beaufort 1st or 2nd Duke of Somerset Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Thomas Holland 2nd Earl Kent Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Margaret Holland Duchess Clarence 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Alice Fitzalan Countess Kent 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England

Great x 1 Grandmother: Eleanor Beaufort Countess Ormonde 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Thomas Beauchamp 12th Earl Warwick 5 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Richard Beauchamp 13th Earl Warwick 4 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Margaret Ferrers Countess Warwick 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 2 Grandmother: Eleanor Beauchamp Duchess Somerset 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Thomas Berkeley 10th and 5th Baron Berkeley, Baron Lisle 2 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Elizabeth Berkeley Countess Warwick 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Margaret Lisle Baroness Berkeley 3rd Baroness Lisle 7 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Thomas Percy 7th Earl of Northumberland 5 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 2 Grandfather: Bertram Harbottle

Great x 1 Grandfather: Ralph Harbottle 9 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: John Lumley 6 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Thomas Lumley 1st Baron Lumley 7 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Felicia Wodecok

Great x 2 Grandmother: Joan Lumley 8 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: James Harrington

Great x 3 Grandmother: Margaret Harrington Baroness Knightley

GrandFather: Guiscard Harbottle 4 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Henry "Hotspur" Percy 3 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Henry Percy 2nd Earl of Northumberland 2 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Elizabeth Mortimer Baroness Camoys Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 2 Grandfather: Ralph Percy 2 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Ralph Neville 1st Earl of Westmoreland 5 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Eleanor Neville Countess Northumberland Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Joan Beaufort Countess of Westmoreland Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 1 Grandmother: Margaret Percy 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 2 Grandmother: Eleanor Acton

Mother: Eleanor Harbottle 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Edmund Willoughby 6 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Hugh Willoughby 7 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Isabel Annesley

Great x 2 Grandfather: Robert Willoughby 8 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Baldwin Freville

Great x 3 Grandmother: Margaret Freville

Great x 1 Grandfather: Henry Willoughby 9 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 2 Grandmother: Margaret Griffith

GrandMother: Jane Willoughby 10 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 2 Grandfather: Robert Markham

Great x 1 Grandmother: Margaret Markham