Biography of William Paulet 1st Marquess Winchester 1483-1572

Paternal Family Tree: Paulett

1536 Trial of Brereton, Norris, Smeaton, and Weston

1543 Creation of Garter Knights

1546 Henry VIII Revises his Will

1551 Edward VI's 14th Birthday

1551 Trial and Execution of Edward Seymour Duke of Somerset and his Supporters

1558 Funeral of Mary I

1562 News Years Day Gift Giving

1837 Birth and Christening Edward VI

Around 1483 William Paulet 1st Marquess Winchester was born to John Paulet (age 31).

In 1503 William Paulet 1st Marquess Winchester (age 20) and Elizabeth Capell Marchioness Winchester were married.

Around 1510 [his son] John Paulet 2nd Marquess Winchester was born to William Paulet 1st Marquess Winchester (age 27) and [his wife] Elizabeth Capell Marchioness Winchester.

Around Sep 1515 [his son] Thomas Paulet was born to William Paulet 1st Marquess Winchester (age 32) and [his wife] Elizabeth Capell Marchioness Winchester.

In or before 1520 [his son] Chideok Paulett was born to William Paulet 1st Marquess Winchester (age 36) and [his wife] Elizabeth Capell Marchioness Winchester.

Before 20 Oct 1528 [his son] John Paulet 2nd Marquess Winchester (age 18) and [his daughter-in-law] Elizabeth Willoughby were married. He the son of William Paulet 1st Marquess Winchester (age 45) and [his wife] Elizabeth Capell Marchioness Winchester. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

Hall's Chronicle 1533. The King being advertised by the French King how that he and the Pope should meet at Nice in June following thought it convenient to send a solemn Ambassador to the French King both to accompany him to Nece and also to common with the Bishop of Rome concerning his unlawful stay in the King’s divorce: whereupon he appointed the duke of Norfolk, the Lorde Rocheforde (age 28) brother to the new Queen, Sir William Paulet (age 48) Comptroller of the King’s Household, Sir Anthony Browne and Sir Francis Bryan, Knights, to be his ambassadors which made great provision for that purpose and so with the number of one hundred and sixty horses came to Dover and so to Calais on Whitsun eve on which day the Queen made her entry through the City of London toward her Coronation) where they made their abode a certain space and passed through all France till they came to Lyons, where they remained a space as you shall here after.

In 1535 [his son] Chideok Paulett (age 15) and [his daughter-in-law] Elizabeth White were married. He the son of William Paulet 1st Marquess Winchester (age 52) and [his wife] Elizabeth Capell Marchioness Winchester.

Trial of Brereton, Norris, Smeaton, and Weston

Letters 1536. 12 May. R. O. 848. Trial of Weston (age 25), Norris (age 54), and others.

Special commission of Oyer and Terminer for Middlesex to Sir Thomas Audeley, Chancellor, Thomas Duke of Norfolk (age 63), Charles Duke of Suffolk (age 52), John Earl of Oxford (age 65), Ralph Earl of Westmoreland (age 38), Thomas Earl of Wiltshire (age 59), Rob. Earl of Sussex, William lord Sandys, Thomas Crumwell (age 51), chief secretary, Sir William Fitzwilliam (age 46), Sir William Paulet (age 53), Sir John Fitzjames, Sir John Baldewyn, Sir Richard Lister, Sir John Porte, Sir John Spelman, Sir Walter Luke, Sir Ant. Fitzherbert, Sir Thomas Englefeld, and Sir William Shelley. Westm., 24 April 28 Henry VIII.

ii. The justices' precept to the sheriff of Middlesex for the return of the grand jury at Westminster on Wednesday, 10 May next. Dated 9 May 28 Henry VIII.—Grand jury panel annexed, 16 sworn.

iii. Indictment found in Middlesex against Anne Boleyn (age 35), &c. as in No. 876, with marginal note stating that it was sent before the Duke of Norfolk as steward of England, hac vice, as regards all matters touching the Queen and Lord Rochford (age 33).

iv. The justices' precept to the constable of the Tower to bring up Sir Francis Weston, Henry Noreys, William Bryerton, and Mark Smeton (age 24), at Westminster, on Friday next after three weeks of Easter. Westm., 10 May 28 Henry VIII.—With reply of the Constable endorsed.

v. The justices' precept to the sheriff of Middlesex for the return of the petty jury for the trial of Henry Noreys, William Bryerton, and Sir Francis Weston [here follows an erasure which evidently contained the name of Mark Smeaton]. Westm., 12 May 28 Henry VIII.—With panel annexed.

vi. Special commission of Oyer and Terminer for Kent, to Sir Thomas Audeley (age 48), Chancellor, Thomas Duke of Norfolk, Charles Duke of Suffolk, John Earl of Oxford, Ralph Earl of Westmoreland, Rob. Earl of Sussex, Thomas Crumwell, chief secretary, Sir William Fitzwilliam, Sir William Paulet, Sir John Fitzjames, Sir John Baldewyn, Sir Richard Lyster, Sir John Porte, Sir John Spelman, Sir Walter Luke, Sir Anth. Fitzherbert, Sir Thomas Englefeld, and Sir William Shelley. Westm., 24 April 28 Henry VIII.

vii. The justices' precept to the sheriff of Kent for the return of the grand jury at Deptford, on Thursday, 11 May. Endd. by Sir Edward Wotton, sheriff.—Panel of grand jury annexed.

viii. Indictment found in Kent, as in No. 876, with memorandum in margin, as in section iii.

ix. Record of the sessions holden Friday after three weeks of Easter 28 Henry VIII. before the above justices. Noreys, Bryerton, Weston, and Smeton were brought up in the custody of the constable of the Tower, when Smeton pleaded guilty of violation and carnal knowledge of the Queen, and put himself in the King's mercy. Noreys, Bryerton, and Weston pleaded Not guilty. The jury return a verdict of Guilty, and that they have no lands, goods, or chattels.

Judgment against all four as in cases of treason; execution to be at Tyburn.

The above file of documents is endorsed: "Sessiones Comitatuum Middlesexiæ et Kanciæ primo tentæ apud villam Westmonasterii in comitatu Midd. coram Thoma Audeley, milite, Cancellario Angliæ, et aliis, &c., et secundo tentæ apud Depford in comitatu Kanciæ coram Johanne Baldewyn, milite et aliis, anno regni Regis Henrici VIII. vicesimo octavo."

On 09 Mar 1539 William Paulet 1st Marquess Winchester (age 56) was created 1st Baron St John.

1543 Creation of Garter Knights

In 1543, probably around St George's Day, 23 Apr 1543, King Henry VIII of England and Ireland (age 51) created three new Knights of the Garter:

310th. John Dudley 1st Duke Northumberland (age 39).

311th. William Paulet 1st Marquess Winchester (age 60).

312th. William Parr 1st Marquess Northampton (age 31).

Henry VIII Revises his Will

On 30 Dec 1546 Henry VIII (age 55) made his last revision to his will signed using the Dry Stamp that was used increasingly commonly. The will confirmed the succession as King Edward VI of England and Ireland (age 9), Queen Mary I of England and Ireland (age 30) and Queen Elizabeth I of England and Ireland (age 13).

The will appointed sixteen executors: Anthony Browne (age 46), Archbishop Thomas Cranmer (age 57), Anthony Denny (age 45), John Dudley 1st Duke Northumberland (age 42), William Herbert 1st Earl Pembroke (age 45), Edward Montagu (age 61), Edward North 1st Baron North (age 50), William Paget 1st Baron Paget Beaudasert (age 40), William Paulet 1st Marquess Winchester (age 63), John Russell 1st Earl Bedford (age 61), Edward Seymour 1st Duke of Somerset (age 46), Bishop Cuthbert Tunstall (age 72) and Thomas Wriothesley 1st Earl of Southampton (age 41).

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1547. The sixth daie of March the great scale of England was taken Lord Sir Thomas Wrythesley, Earle of Southampton (age 41) and Chauncelor of office, of Englande, which daie was the second Soundaie of Lente, and so was brought to my Lord Protecter (age 47), and on the morrowe it was delivered to my Lord Sainct John (age 64), my gret mastera, to keepe as conservator of the same till the counsell had sett further order therin.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1547. The 23rd dale of October Sir William [Paulet], Lord Sainct John (age 64), and Lord Great Master of the Kinges howse, delivered the Great Seale of England to the Kinges Majestie (age 10) and my Lord Protector, which he had bene custos of synce the dismission of my Lord Wriothesley (age 41), late Chauncelor; and the same daie Sir Richard Rich (age 50), Lord Rich, was chosen Lord Chauncelor, and the Kinges great scale delivered unto him; and the 26th daie of October he was sworne Lord Chauncelor in the Chauncerie in Westminster Hall.

Diary of Edward VI. 19 Jan 1550. Mr. Paget2 surrendring his controllership, Was made lord Paget of Beaudesert, and cited into the hier house by a writte of parliement.

Note 2. "The 19 of January sir John Russell (age 65), lord privie seale, was created Earl of Bedford; William Paulet (age 67), lord Saint John, lord great master, was created earle of Wiltshire; and sir William Paget (age 44), comptroller of the King's house, was made lord Paget." Stowe's Chronicle.

On 19 Jan 1550 William Paulet 1st Marquess Winchester (age 67) was created 1st Earl Wiltshire.

Diary of Edward VI. 02 Feb 1550. Sir Anthony Wingfeld (age 63), before visechamberlaine, made controller. Sir Thomas Darcy (age 43) made visechamberlaine.3

Note 3. "On Candlemas day, [Feb. 2] William lord Saint John (age 67) earl of Wiltshire, lord great master, president of the councell, was made Lord Treasurer; John Dudley (age 46) earl of Warwich, lord great chamberlain, was made Lord Great Master; William Parre (age 38), marques of Northampton, was made Lord Great Chamberlain; lord Wentworth was made Lord Cham

Annales of England by John Stow. 02 Feb 1550. On Candlemas day, William L. Saint-John earle of Wiltshire (age 67), L. great master, and president of the Counsell, was made Lord Treasurer: John Dudley earle of Warwike (age 46), lord great chamberlaine, was made lorde great master; William Parre Marques of Northhampton (age 38), was made Lorde great Chamberlaine: Lord Wentworth (age 49) was made L. chamberlaine of houshold: Sir Anthony Wingfield (age 63) captaine of the guard, was made comptroller of the kings house; and Thomas Darcy (age 43) knight, was made viz chamberlaine, and captaine of the Guard: and the earle of Arundel late lord Chamberlaine, with the Earle of Southampton (age 44), were put of the counsell, and commanded to heepe their houses in London.

The submission of the D. of Somerset (age 50) prisoner in the tower, made the 2, of Febuary.

Diary of Edward VI. 09 Jun 1550. The erle of Warwick (age 46), the lord treasorer (age 67), sir Wiliam Herbert (age 49), and the secretari Petre (age 45) went to the bishop of Winchester (age 67) with certain articles signed by me and the counsel, conteining the confessing of his faut, the supremici, the establissing of holy dayes, the abolishing of sixe articles, and divers other, wherof the copie is in the counsel chest1, wherunto he put his hand, saving to the confes(sion).

Diary of Edward VI. 09 Jun 1550. The duke of Somerset (age 50), marquis Northampton (age 38), lord tresorer (age 67) (St. John, the earl of) Bedford, and the secretary Petre (age 45), went to the bishope of Winchester (age 67)2, to know to what he wold stike. He mad(e) answer that he wold obey, and set furth al thinges set furth by me and my parliement; and if he were troubled in conscience he wold revele it to the counsel, and not reason openly against it.3

Note 2. Gardiner was now a prisoner in the Tower. The King paid great attention to the course of the proceedings directed by the council against the bishop, in relation to which several passages will occur in the succeeding pages. Foxe, in the first edition of his Actes and Monuments, inserted the record of these proceedings at very great length; which in subsequent editions was materially abridged, but in the last, by the Rev. S. E. Cattley, it is restored to its place, and occupies pp. 24-267 of the sixth volume. The depositions of many of the principal nobility and courtiers who had been present at Gardiner's trial sermon (already noticed in p. 59), contain many remarkable statements and biographical particulars.

Note 3. See the report made by the duke of Somerset and the rest, in Foxe, (edit. Cattley,) iv. 79, and Gardiner's own more particular account of this conference at p. 113.

Diary of Edward VI. 28 Sep 1550. The lord treasaurour (age 67) sent to London to geve order for the preservacion of the cite with th'elp of the mayor.

Edward VI's 14th Birthday

Henry Machyn's Diary. 11 Oct 1551. The xj day of October wher creatyd [at Hampton [Map]] curtte my lord marqwes Dorsett duke of Suffolk (age 34); the yerle of Warwyke duke of Northumburland (age 47); [the earl] of Wyllshere (age 68) created the marqwes of Wyncha[ster; sir] Wylliam Harbard (age 50) made lord of Cardyff, and after the yerle of Penbroke; and knyghtes mad the sam time, sir William Syssyll (age 31), secretery, knyght, and M. Hare Nevylle knyght, [sir William] Sydney knyght, and M. Cheke, the kynges scollmaster.

Note. Creation of new peerages. The intended creation of the dukes of Northumberland and Suffolk, the marquess of Winchester, and the earl of Pembroke, was made known to the Privy Council on the 4th Oct. 1551, as thus recorded in their minutes: "This daye the lord chamberlen together wth the lord chamberlen (sic), beinge sente from the kinge to the lordes, declared on his majesties behalfe, that, for asmuch as the lord marques of Dorset hath lately opened to his highness the occasyones of his inhabilletie to serve in the place of generall warden of the marches towardes Scotlande, and therefore besought his majestie to call him from that place; his majestie, thinkinge the same lord marques' suite reasonable, and mindinge not to leave such a rowme of importance unfurneshed of an able personage, hath resolved both to revoke the said marques from that offyce, and to appointe the earle of Warwicke in his steed, who for his greate experience, and namly in those partes, his highnes taketh to be moste meeteste for that rowme. And hath further determyned, as well to th'ende that the said earle of Warwicke may the rather be had in the estymacione he deserveth for his digneties sake, as for that also his majestie thinketh necessarye, the noble houses of this his realme being of late much decayed, to erect other in their stead by rewardinge such as have alredye well served, and maye be therby the rather encowraged to contynewe the same, to call both his lordship and other noble personages to hier estates and digneties; and therfore hath appointed to advaunce firste the said earle of Warwicke to the degree of a duke; the lorde marques Dorsett, as well for his service sacke as for that he is lyke by waye of maryage to have claime to the tytle of duke of Suffolke, his highnes is pleased to call to that degree; the lord treasuror nowe earl of Wiltesheir to the degree of a marques; the master of the horse [sir William Herbert] to the degree of an earle; which his majesties mynd and determenacion his highnes pleasure is shalbe gon through with all, and these personages to be created on Sondaye nexte; to the assistance whereof his majestie willeth that such of the lordes and nobles as shalbe thought needfull, to be presente," &c. (MS. Harl. 352, f. 188b.)

Note. The three new knights. Mr. Sidney (age 69) and Mr. Neville (age 31) had been made gentlemen of the privy chamber on the 18th April 1550, and Mr. Cheke held the same appointment. (King Edward's Diary.) Sir Henry Neville was the first settler at Billingbere of his name and family. He married Frances (age 9), only daughter and heir of sir John Gresham (age 33), and died July 13, 1593.

11 Oct 1551, the day before his fourteenth birthday, King Edward VI (age 13) celebrated at Hampton Court Palace [Map] by rewarding his guardians; it may have been a case of his guardians rewarding themselves.

John Dudley 1st Duke Northumberland (age 47) was created 1st Duke Northumberland. Jane Guildford Duchess Northumberland (age 42) by marriage Duchess Northumberland. His son Henry Dudley (age 25) was knighted.

Henry Grey 1st Duke of Suffolk (age 34) was created 1st Duke Suffolk for having married King Edward VI's first cousin Frances Brandon Duchess of Suffolk (age 34). Frances Brandon Duchess of Suffolk by marriage Duchess Suffolk.

William Paulet (age 68) was created 1st Marquess Winchester. [his wife] Elizabeth Capell Marchioness Winchester by marriage Marchioness Winchester.

His guardian William Herbert (age 50) was created 1st Earl Pembroke. Anne Parr Countess Pembroke (age 36) by marriage Countess Pembroke.

Edward Seymour 1st Duke of Somerset (age 51), the King's uncle attended.

Henry Dudley was knighted at Hampton Court Palace, Richmond [Map].

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1551. 04 Nov 1551. The 4 of November the sayd Quene (age 35) rode from the sayd place to the Kinges pallace at Whitehall by Westminster in hir charyot, accompanyed with diuers knightes and gentlemen, carles and lordes, the Lady Margaret Dowglas (age 36), the Duches of Richmond (age 32), the Duches of Suffolke (age 32), the Duches of Northumberland (age 42), with diuers other noble women of England and ladyes of Scotland followinge after them; the Dukes of Northumberland (age 47) and Suffolke and the Lord Treasurer (age 68) receivinge her within the Court gate, all the guard standinge on euery syde of the Court; and at her entringe in at the hall the Kinges Maiestie (age 14) stode in the upper ende of the hall, the Earle of Warwicke (age 24) [Note. assumed to be referring to the subsiduary title of the Duke of Northumberland] houldinge the sworde afore the Kinge; she kneelinge downe, the Kinges Maiestie tooke her up and, kissinge her, he tooke her by the hand, she comminge with him, he led her up into the chamber of presence, and so from thence to the Queues chamber of presence, where he kissed all the ladyes of Scotland, and so departed for a while; and that daye she dyned on the Quenes syde with the Kinges Maiestie, the Kinges service and hers comminge both togeather, richely serued in gylt plate; the Kinges seruice on the right hand of the table, and the Quenes on the left hand, she sittinge by the Kinge apart by his cloth of estate; the goodly cupbord of plate of gould and gylte that day there occupyed, with the rich hanginges and costly meates, was wondrous to see. All the ladyes of England and Scotland dyned in the Quenes great chamber, and were serued in siluer all theyr meates; dinner ended, the Kinges Maiestie shewed her his galleries and gardens, with other commodityes of that place; and about foure of the clocke he brought her downe againe by the hand into the hall, where he received her and there kissed hir, and so she departed to the Bishops house againe to Pawles in lyke manner as she went thither.

Trial and Execution of Edward Seymour Duke of Somerset and his Supporters

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1551. 01 Dec 1551. The first daye of December, beinge Tuesday, the Duke of Somersett (age 51) was had from the Tower of London [Map] by water and shott London bridge at v of the clocke in the morninge, and so went to Westminster, where was made ready a great scaffold in Westminster Hall [Map], and there the sayd Duke appeared, afore the Lordes and Peeres of the Realme, the Lord William Pawlet (age 68), Marques of Winchester and Lord High Treasurer of England, that daye sittinge under the cloath of estate as High Stuard of England; the indytement of the sayd duke beinge read, he was imedyately arraigned on the same for felony and treason, and after tryed by his peeres the nobles there presenta, which did quitt him of the treason but found him guilty of the felonyb, whereupon after their verdite giuen he had iudgment giuen to be had [thence to] the place [he came from] and from thence to the place of execution, there to be hanged till he were dead; but the people in the hall, supposinge that he had bene clerely quitt, when they see the axe of the Tower put downe, made such a shryke and castinge up of caps, that it was hard into the Longe Acre beyonde Charinge Crosse, and allso made the Lordes astonyed, and word likewise sent to London, which the people reioysed at; and about v of the clocke at night the sayd Duke landed at the Crane in the Vintre, and so [was] had thorough Can[dle]wyke Streete to the Tower, the people cryinge God saue him all the way as he wentj thinkinge that he had clerely bene quitt, but they were deceyued, but hoopinge he should haue the Kinges pardon.

Note a. His judges were Northumberland (age 47), Northampton (age 39), Pembroke (age 50), and the other leading members of the government, - the very parties against whom he was said to have conspired, - and the witnesses against him were not produced, bnt only their written depositions read, as was frequently the custom in those days.

Note b. For having designed the killing of the Duke of Northumberland and the others, although on consideration he had determined to abandon it; "yet," adds Edward VI. in his Journal, "he seemed to confess he went about their death."

Henry Machyn's Diary. 10 Feb 1553. The x day of January [Note. Probably February] rod my lade Mare('s) (age 36) grasse from Saynt [John's] and thrugh Flettstrett unto the kyng at Westmynster, with a grett nombur of lords and knyghtes, and alle the [great] women lades, the duches of Suffoke (age 35) and Northumberland (age 44), my lade marqwes of Northamptun (age 26), and [his wife] lade marqwes of Wynchester, and the contes of Bedfford (age 74), and the contes of Shrowsbere (age 53), and the contes of Arundelle, my lade Clynton (age 26), my lade Browne (age 24) and Browne [sic in manuscript], and many mo lades and gentyllwomen; and at the oter gatt ther mett her my lord of Suffoke (age 36) and my lord of Northumberland (age 49), my lord of Wynchester (age 70), my lord of Bedfford (age 68), and therle of Shrusbery (age 53), the therle of Arundell (age 40), my lord Chamburlayn, my lord Admerolle, and a gret nomber of knyghtes and gentyllmen, and so up unto the chambur of pressens, and ther the Kynges (age 15) grace mett her and salutyd her.... owyn a-pon payne of presunmentt and a grett [penalty, as ye] shalle fynd in the actes in secund yere of kyng ... the perlementt tyme of the sayd yere, and nott to be ... plasse as taverns, alle-howses, ines, or wher ... for cummers and gestes, and has commandyd unto alle shreyffes and baylles, constabulls, justes of pesse, or any .. thay shall se truthe (and) justys as thay shalle [inform the] kyng and ys consell, and bryng them to pressun of ... sun or poyssuns as be the offenders ther off for ... her of odur.

Chronicle of Queen Jane and Two Years of Queen Mary 1553. 16 Jul 1553. The xvj th daye of July the lorde highe treasurer (age 70)c was going to his howse in London at night, and about vij. of the clocke the gates of the Tower [Map] upon a sudden was shut, and the keyes caryed upp to the quene Jane (age 17); but what the cause was I knowe not. The noyes in the Tower was that ther was a seale lackinge; but many men thought they surmysed that but the truthe was she feared some packinge in the lorde treasurer, and so they dyd fetch him at xij. of the clocke in the night from his house in London into the Tower.

Note c. The marquess of Winchester.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 19 Jul 1553. The xix day of July was qwene Mare (age 37) proclamyd qwene of England, France, and Yrland, and alle domy(ni)ons, [as the] syster of the late kyng Edward the vj. and doythur unto the nobull kyng Henry the viij. be-twyn v and vj of the cloke at nyght, and ther wher at proclamasyon iiij trumpeters and ij harold(s) of armes, and the erle of Arundell (age 41), the erle of Shrossbery (age 53), th'erle Penbroke (age 52), my lord Tressorer (age 70), my lord of Preveselle, my lord Cobham (age 56), my lord Warden, master Masun, and my lord Mare, and dyvers odur nobull men; and thys was done at the crosse [Map] in Chepe, and from that plasse thay whent unto Powlls and ther was Te Deum Laudamus, with song, and the organes playhyng, and all the belles ryngyng thrugh London, and bone-fyres, and tabuls in evere strett, and wyne and bere and alle, and evere strett full of bonfyres, and ther was money cast a-way.

Note. Proclamation of queen Mary. A printed copy of the proclamation making known the title of queen Mary, is at the Society of Antiquaries.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 05 Aug 1553. And the Qwene (age 37) grace mad ser Edward Hastyngs (age 32) master of the horse, and ser Thomas Jernyngham [Note. Mistake for Henry made before.] vysse-chamburlayne and captayn of the gard, and master Rochastur (age 59) master controller; my lord marqwes of Wynchaster (age 70) lord tresorer of England, and dyvers odur offeserse, and dyvers odur.

Chronicle of Queen Jane and Two Years of Queen Mary 1554. 25 Jan 1554. The day afore, the lorde treasurer (age 71)f being at the yeld hall, with the mayre and aldermen, declared that yt was goode to have a nombre of ijML, or ther aboutes, in a redynes for the savegarde of the cyte, &c. with his ....

Note f. The marquess of Winchester.

Around Mar 1554 [his son] John Paulet 2nd Marquess Winchester (age 44) and [his daughter-in-law] Elizabeth Seymour Baroness Cromwell Oakham (age 36) were married. He the son of William Paulet 1st Marquess Winchester (age 71) and [his wife] Elizabeth Capell Marchioness Winchester.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 12 Nov 1554. The xij day of November the Kyng (age 27) and the Quen (age 38) rod unto Westmynster chyrche to the masse of the Holy-gost, and after masse to the parlement-howsse; and all the bysshopes and the lordes in ther parlement robes, with trompeters blohyng, and all the harolds in ther cote armurs, and the juges in ther robes; the yerle of Penbroke (age 53) bare the kyng('s) sword, and the yerle of Comberland (age 41) bare the quen('s) sword, and the yerle of Shrowsbery (age 54) bare the kyng('s) cape of mantenance, and the yerle of Arundell (age 42) bare the quen('s) cape of mantenance; and a-for them rod to-gether my lord chansheler (age 71) and my lord tressorer (age 71) in ther parlement robes.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 20 Mar 1555. [The xx day of March the earl of Bedford (deceased), lord privy-seal, who died at his house beside the Savoy, was carried to his buryingplace in the country, called Chenies, with three hundred horse all in black. He was carried with three crosses,] with mony clerkes and prestes, [till they came to the hill] a-boyffe sant James, and ther returnyd [certain of them] home; and thay had torchys and almes and money gyven them. And after evere man sett in aray on horssebake. First on red in blake bayryng a crosse of sylver, and serten prestes on horsebake wayryng ther surples; then cam the standard, and then all the gentyllmen and hed officers; and then cam haroldes, on beyryng ys elmet, and the mantylls, and the crest, and anodur ys baner of armes, and anodur ys target with the garter, and anodur ys cott armur; and anodur ys sword: and then master Garter in ys ryche cott armur and then cam the charett with vj banars rolles of armes, and a-bowt the charett iiij banars of ymages, and after the charet a gret horsse trapyd in cloth of gold with the sadyll of the sam; and then cam mornars, the cheyffe (of whom) my lord Russell (age 28) ys sune, and after my lord trayssorer (age 72), and the master of the horse (age 34), and dyver odur nobull men all in blake; and evere towne that he whent thrughe the clarkes and prestes mett ym with crosses; and they had in evere parryche iiij nobuls to gyffe to the pore, and the prest and clarke of evere parryche xs., tyll he cam to ys plasse at Cheynes; and the morowe after was he bered, and a grett doll of money; and ther the deyn of Powlles mad a godly sermon; and after a grett dener, and great plenty to all the contrey a-bowt that wold com thether.

Note. P. 83. Funeral of the earl of Bedford. John first earl of Bedford, K.G. created lord Russell 1539, and an earl in 1550. See a portrait with memoirs of him in Wiffen's House of Russell, vol. i.; another in Lodge's Illustrious Portraits; and his portrait is also in the collection by Houbraken, and in Chamberlain's Holbein Heads. The chapel at Chenies, which has ever since been the cemetery of the Russells, was built by his widow in 1556, in pursuance of his last will. His effigy at Chenies is described in Lipscomb's Buckinghamshire: but in the inscription, "Lord President of the Western Portes" is an error for Partes.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 29 Nov 1556. The xxix day of November was my lord abbott (age 41) consecratyd at Westmynster abbay; and ther was grett compene, and he was mad abbott, and dyd wher a myter; and my lord cardenall (age 56) was ther, and mony byshopes, and my lord chanseler (age 55) dyd syng masse, and the abbott mad the sermon, and my lord tressore (age 73) was [there].

Henry Machyn's Diary. 10 Feb 1557. The x day of Feybruary was slayne in Nugatt market, on Robartt Lentall, odur-wyse callyd Robart (blank), servant unto my lord tresorer the marques of Wynchester (age 74), by a servand unto the duke of Norffoke, and ys fottman, the wyche was ys on sekyng [seeking].... and iij women.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 26 Feb 1557. The xxvj day of Feybruary was rayned at Westmynster halle my lord Sturton (age 37), and for the juges and dyvers of the consell, as lord justes Broke, and the lord stuard, and my lord tresorer (age 74), and dyvers odur lordes and knyghtes; and longe yt wher or he wold answer, and so at last my lord justes stod up and declaryd to my lord and he wold nott answer to the artyculles that was led [laid] to hym, that he shuld be prast [pressed] to deth by the law of the rayme [realm]; and after he dyd answer, and so he was cast by ys owne wordes to be hangyd, and ys iiij men, and so to be cared to the Towre [Map] a-gayne tyll thay have a furder commondement from the consell.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 23 Apr 1557. The xxiij day of Aprell was sant George('s) day [the King's (age 29)] grace whent a pressessyon at Whyt-halle [through the hall] and rond abowt the court hard by the halle; and so [certain of] the knyghts of the garter as they whent in ther [robes] of the garter; the bysshope of Wynchaster (age 47) dyd exsecute the masse with ys myter; the furst as they whe[nt the lord] Montyguw (age 28), my lord admerall (age 47), ser Antony Sely[ger, the] lord Cobham (age 60), the lord Darce (age 60), ser Thomas Chenne, [the lord] Pagett (age 51), the lord of Penbroke (age 56), the lord of Arundel (age 45), [the] lord tressorer (age 74), and secretore Peter in a robe of cremesun velvett with the garter brodered on ys shuder, and [one bare] a rod of blake, and a docthur bare a boke; and [then went all] the harodes, and then my lord Talbott (age 29) bare the sword, then sergant(s) of armes, and the Kyng('s) grace [came next], and Quen('s) (age 41) grace lokyng owt of a wyndow [beside] the cowrt on the garden syde.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 16 Mar 1558. The xvj day of Marche my lord mare and the althermen wher commondyd unto Yeld-halle [Map], for thay had a commondement by the qwyen (age 42) that thay shuld lend the quen a (blank) of H.; for ther sat my lord stresorer (age 75), my lord preve-saylle (age 52), and the bysshope of Elly (age 52) as commyssyonars, and my lord chanseler (age 57), with odur of the conselle.... with ij whyt branchys and xij torchys .... great tapurs, and after a grett dener within the ....

Henry Machyn's Diary. 22 Mar 1558. The xxij day of Marche my lord mayre and the althermen whent unto Yeld-Halle [Map], and ther the quen('s) consell cam theder, furst my lord chanseler (age 57), my lord treysorer (age 75), my lord of preve-selle (age 52), the bysshope of Ele (age 52), and ser John Baker, secretore Peter, and mony more, and after whent to my lord mare to dener.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 24 Aug 1558. The xxiiij day at after-non was [buried] ser [his brother] Gorge Pallett (age 66) knyght, and brodur [to the lord] tressorer the marques of Wynchester (age 75), and with standard of armes, cott, elmett, targett, sword, and a vj dosen [of pensils] and iiij dosen of skochyons.

Before 26 Sep 1558 [his son-in-law] Richard Pecshall and [his daughter] Eleanor Paulett were married. She the daughter of William Paulet 1st Marquess Winchester (age 75) and [his wife] Elizabeth Capell Marchioness Winchester.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 17 Nov 1558. [The same] day, be-twyne a xj and xij a' fornoon, the lady Elizabeth was proclamyd quen Elsabeth (age 25), quen of England, France and Yrland, and deffender of the feyth, by dyvers haroldes of armes and trumpetors, and dukes, lordes [and knights,] the wyche was ther present, the duke of Norfoke (age 22), [the] lord tresorer (age 75), the yerle of Shrousbere (age 58), and the yerele of Bedford (age 31), and the lord mayre (age 49) and the althermen, and dyver odur lordes and knyghtes.'

Note. P. 178. A proclamation of queen Elizabeth, dated 18 November, declaring the date of her accession to have been "from the beginning of the xvijth," will be found in The Egerton Papers, p. 28.

Funeral of Mary I

Henry Machyn's Diary. 13 Dec 1558. [The xiij day of December, the corpse of the late Queen (deceased) was brought from St. James's, in a cha]rett, with the pyctur of emages [images] lyke [her person], adorned with cremesun velvett and her crowne on her hed, her septer on her hand, and mony goodly rynges on her fyngers; up the he-way [went] formett [foremost] [the] standard with the Faucon and [the Hart]; then cam a grett compene of morners; and after anodur godly standard of the Lyon and the Faucon; and then her houshold servandes, ij and ij together, in blake gownes, [the] haroldes rydyng to and fro to se them go in order; and after cam the iij standard with the Whyt Grahond and the Faucon; and then cam gentyllmen in gownes, morners; and then cam rydyng sqwyrs, bayryng of baners of armes; and then cam my lord marques of Wynchester (age 75) on hors-bake, bayryng the baner of the armes of England in-brodered with gold; and then cam after Chester the harold (age 60), baryng the helm and the crest and mantyll; then cam master Norroy (age 48), bayryng the targett with the garter and the crowne; and then cam master Clarenshus (age 48) bayreng the sword and after cam Garter (age 48), bayryng her cot-armur, on hors-bake they all; and baners borne abowt her, with knyghts, lords, and baners a-bowt the corse; with iiij harolds bayryng on horss-bake iiij whyt baners of santes wroth with fyne gold, master Samersett, master Lanckostur, master Wyndsor, and master Yorke; and then cam the corse, with her pyctur lyung over her, and the corse covered with cloth of gold, the crosse sylver, and then cam iij (blank) with the cheyff morners; and then lades rydyn, alle in blake, trapyd to the grond; and the charett that the quen was in rode the pages of honor with baners in ther handes; and a-for the corse her chapell, and after all the monkes, and after the bysshopes in order; and so by Charyng-crosse to Westmynster abay; and at the grett dore of the chyrche evere body dyd a-lykt of ther horse; and then was gentyll-men rede [ready] to take the quen owt of her charett, and so erles and lordes whent afor her grace to the herse ward, with her pyctur borne betwyn men of worshype; and at the cherche dore met her iiij byshopes, and the abbott (age 43), mytered, in copes, and sensyng the body; and so she lay all nyght under the herse, and her grace was wachyd. [And there were an hundred poor men in good black gowns] bayryng longe torchys, with [hoods on their heads, and arms] on them; and a-bowt her the gard bayryng [staff-torches] in blake cottes; and all the way chandlers [having] torchys, to gyffe them that had ther torchys [burnt out].

Note. P. 182. Funeral of queen Mary. The ceremonial is in the College of Arms, I. 14, ff. 19—30, and again in ff. 202—214; and the painters' charges at f. 198.

On 25 Dec 1558 [his wife] Elizabeth Capell Marchioness Winchester died.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 15 May 1559. The xv day of May dyd pryche at Powlles [cross] [Map] master Gryndalle (age 40), and ther was the quens consell, the duke of Norfoke (age 23), my lord keper of the seylle, and my lord of Arundell (age 47), my lord treysorer (age 76), my lord marques of Northamtun (age 47), my lord admerall (age 49), my lord of Sussex (age 34), my lord of Westmorland (age 34), my lord of Rutland (age 32), and mony mo lordes and knyghtes, my lord mare (age 50) and the althermen; and after sermon done they whent to my lord mayre to dener, and my lord Russell (age 32).

Henry Machyn's Diary. 25 May 1559. The thursday the xxv day of May master John Whyt altherman and grocer ys chyld was cristened in lytyll sant Barthelmuw be-syd sant Antonys; thes wher the god-fathers' names, my lord marques of Wynchester (age 76) now lord tresorer of England, and my lord byshope of Wynchester docthur Whytt (age 49), and the god-moder my lade Laxtun, lat the wyffe of ser Wylliam Laxtun latt mare of London and grocer; and after ther was waferers [wafers] and epocras grett plente; and after they whent home to the plasse, with the chyld nam(ed) John Whytt; the wyche wyff was master Raff Grenway altherman and grocer of London wyff.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 25 Jul 1559. The sam nyght was the Mersers' super, and ther supyd my lord mare (age 50) and my lord treysorer (age 76) and dyvers of the consell and dyvers althermen, and ther was chossen the shreyff for the quen master Logee, altherman and groser, for the yere to cume and nowe.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 08 Sep 1559. The viij day of September at after-none [was] the obseque of Henry the Frenche kyng, the herse garnyshed with grett skochyons of armes bosted [Note. Possibly embossed] with grett crownes, and all under ther fett [feet] with blake, and a grett palle of cloth of gold, and ys helmett and mantyll of cloth of gold and cott armur, targett and sworde, and crest, and angyd [hanged] all the quer [choir] with blake and armes, and my lord tresorer (age 76) the cheyff [mourner], and next my lord chamburlen, my lord of Burgany, my lord of Hunsdon (age 33), and my lord Cobam (age 31), my lord Dacurs of the Sowth, and my lord Pallett, ser Recherd Sakefeld (age 52), and ser Edward Warner (age 48), and mony mo morners all in blake; and contenent songe durge, and a xiiij [14] haroldes of armes in ther cott armur afor the lordes, and after to the bysshope('s) palles to drynke.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 18 Feb 1561. The iij yere of quen Elezabeth (age 27) the xviij day of [February] was sant Gorge fest; how all the knyghtes of the garter stod that day in order, the furst

On the Quen['s side.]

The Quen('s) grace.

The kyng Phelype (age 33).

The constabulle of France (age 67).

The yerle of Arundell (age 48).

The yerle of Darbe (age 51).

The duke of Northfoke (age 24).

The lord Pagett (age 55).

The yerle of Westmerland (age 36).

The lord chamburlayn, Haward (age 51).

The yerle of Shrowsbere (age 33)

The lord Montyguw-Browne (age 32).

The lord Gray of Wyltun (age 52).

On the Emperowre('s) syd.

The emperowre Ferna[ndo.] (age 57)

The prynse of Pyamont (age 32).

The duke Vanholtt (age 35).

The markes of Wynchester, tresorer (age 78).

The yerle of Penbroke (age 60).

The lord admerall Clynton (age 49).

The maques of Northamtun-Pare (age 49).

The yerle of Rutland-Rosse (age 34).

The yerle of Sussex (age 36).

The lord of Lugborow (age 40).

The lord Robart Dudley (age 28).

The lord of Hunsdon-Care (age 34).

In 1562 [his son] Chideok Paulett (age 42) and [his daughter-in-law] Frances Neville (age 43) were married. He the son of William Paulet 1st Marquess Winchester (age 79) and [his former wife] Elizabeth Capell Marchioness Winchester. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

1562 News Years Day Gift Giving

On 01 Jan 1562 the New Years Gift Giving was held. Those who gave gifts provide an interesting who's who of the Elizabethan Court soon after Elizabeth I's Coronation. Queen Elizabeth (age 28) was present since a number are described as "With the Qene her Majestie."

For 'dimy' read 'demi' ie half-sovereigns.

Neweeyeur's Gyftes gevon to the Quene her Majestie by those Parsons whose Names hereafter ensue, the first of January, the Yere above wrytten.

By the Lady Margaret Strainge (age 22), a little round mounte of golde to conteyne a pomaunder in it. With the Qene her Majestie. Note. Lady Margaret Strange married Henry Stanley Lord Strange (age 30) on 07 Feb 1555. In 1561 he had not succeeded to Earldom of Derby and was known by the courtesy title Lord Strange. She is listed first since she was one of the few remaining direct descendants of Henry VII, being a great-granddaughter by his daughter Mary Tudor. Margaret Clifford was first in line to succeed in 1568 but died in 1596 before Elizabeth I.

Dukes, Marquises and Earls.

By the Duke of Norfolke (age 25), in a purse of purple silke and golde knit, in sundry coynes of golde £20 0s 0d.

By the Marquis of Winchester (age 79), High Threasourer of Englande, in a purse of crymsen satten, in angells £20 0s 0d.

By the Marquis of Northampton (age 50), in a purse of crymsen silke and gold knit, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.

By the Earle of Arundell (age 49), Lord Steward, in a paper, in angels, £30 0s 0d.

By the Earle of Shrewesburye (age 34), in a red silke purse, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.

By the Earle of Darbye (age 52), in a purse of crymsen satten, embraudered with golde, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.

By the Earle of Pembroke (age 61), in a purse of black silk and silver knit, in new angells £30 0s 0d.

By the Earle of Bedforde (age 35), in a purse of black silk and golde knytt, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.

By the Earle of Rutlande (age 35), in a purse of red silk and golde knytt, in dimy soveraigns and angells £20 0s 0d.

By the Earle of Huntingdon, in a red silk purse, in angells £15 0s 0d.

By the Earle of Westmerlande (age 37), in a red silk purse, in dimy soveraigns £10 0s 0d.

By the Earle of Oxforde (age 46), in a red silk purse, in dimy soveraigns £10 0s 0d.

By the Earle of Northumberlande (age 34), in a purse of black silke and silver knytt, in angells £10 0s 0d. With the Quene her Highness.

By the Earle of Warwike (age 32), a smocke wrought with black silk, a peire of slevis, and a partelett wrought with gold, silver, and black silke. Delivered to the Baroness Cobham (age 23).

By the Viscounte Mountague (age 33), in a purse of cloth of golde, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d. With her said Majestie.

Bishops. The list of Bishops ends with "With her said Majestie"; unclear whether this refers to all the Bishops listed.

By the Archbusshop of Caunterbury (age 57), in a red silk purse, in dimy soveraigns £40 0s 0d.

By the Archbusshop of York (age 61), in soveraigns £30 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Duresme (age 42), in a purse of crymson silk and gold knytt, in angells £30 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Ely (age 69), in a red vellat purse, in angells £30 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Wynchester (age 52), in a purse of crymsen silk and gold knytt and set with pearles, in angells £20 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of London (age 43), in a red satten purse, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Salisbury (age 39), in a red satten purse, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Worcester (age 43), in a black vellat purse, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Lyncoln (age 42), in a red purse, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Chychester (age 64), in a red purse, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Norwich (age 50), in a blew silk purse £13 6s 8d.

By the Busshop of Hereforde (age 52), in a green silk purse, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Lychfield and Coventry (age 48), in a red satten purse, in angells £13 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Rochester (age 48), in a red purse, in gold £13 6s 8d.

By the Busshop of Saint Davies (age 55), in a red silk purse, in angells £10 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Bathe, in a purse of red silk, in angells £10 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Exetour, in a blew silk purse, in angells £10 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Peterborowe, in a red purse, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.

By the Busshop of Chester, in a red purse, in angells and soveraignes £10 0s 0d.

Duchesses and Countesses.

By the Duchess of Norfolke (age 22), in a prse of crymsen silk and gold knyt, in angells £20 0s 0d.

By the Duchess of Somerset (age 65), in a purse of silver and black silk, in royalls and ducketts £14 0s 0d. Probably the Dowager Duchess of Somerset since her husband Edward Seymour 1st Duke of Somerset had been executed in 1552, and their children disinherited as a result.

By the Countess of Surrey, in a purse of tawny silk and gold, in dimy soveraignes £5 0s 0d. Dowager since her husband Henry Howard 1516-1547, by courtesy Earl Surrey, had been executed in 1547.

By the Countess of Pembroke (age 38), in a cherry bag of crymsen satten, in new angells £15 0s 0d.

By the Countess of Bedford (age 36), in a purse of crymsen silk and silver knytt, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.

By the Countess of Darby (age 51), in a purse of crymson sattin embrodred with gold, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.

By the Countess of Oxford (age 36), in a red purse, in dimy soveraignes £5 0s 0d.

By the Countess of Shrewisbury, Dowager (age 62), in a purse of black silk knytt, in dimy soveraignes £12 0s 0d.

By the Countess of Shrewisbury (age 37), in a red silk purse knytt, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.

By the Countess of Huntingdon, Dowager (age 51), in a red purse, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.

By the Countess of Huntingdon (age 24), in a red purse, in angells £10 0s 0d.

By the Countess of Northumberland (age 24), in a purse of black silk and silver knytt, in angells £10 0s 0d.

By the Countess of Rutland (age 29), in a red purse, in dimy soveraignes £13 6s 8d.


By the Vicountess Hereford, Dowager (age 42), six hankercheffes edged with gold delivered to the said Baroness Cobham.

By the Vicountess Mountague (age 24), in a purse of cloth of gold, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.


By the Lorde Keeper of the Great Seale, Bacon (age 51), in a purse of silver knytt, in angells £13 6s 8d.

By the Lorde William Howard, Lord Chamberlen (age 52), in a purse of crymsen silk and gold knytt, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.

By the Lorde Pagett (age 56), in a greene purse in dimy soveraignes £13 6s 8d.

By the Lorde Clynton, Lord Admyrall (age 50), in gold £10 0s 0d.

By the Lorde Riche (age 65), in a red satten purse, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.

By the Lorde North (age 66), in a purse of purple silk and silver, in dimy soveraignes £20 0s 0d.

By the Lorde Lumley (age 29), in a paper, in angells £20 0s 0d.

By the Lorde Hastings of Loughboro (age 41), in a red silk purse, in French crowns £13 0s 0d.

By the Lorde Stafford (age 60), in a red purse, in dimy soveraignes £5 0s 0d.

By the Lorde Windsor (age 30), in a purse of crymsn silk and gold knytt, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d. With her said Majestie.

by Lorde John Graye (age 38), a haunce pott of allabaster garnished with silver gilt. Delivered in charge to John Asteley, Esq Master and Threasourer of her Highnes Jewels and Plate. Lord John Grey assumed to be a courtesy title his father being Thomas Grey 2nd Marquess Dorset.

By the Lorde Barkeley (age 27), in a red purse, in gold £10 0s 0d.

By the Lorde Mountejoye (age 29), in a red purse, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d.

By the Lorde Abergavennye (age 36), in a purse of red silke, in dimy soveraignes £5 0s 0d.

By the Lorde Scrowpe (age 28), in a purse of blak silk and silver knytt, in angells £10 0s 0d.

By the Lorde Caree of Hundesdon (age 35), in a purse of crymsen silk, in double ducketts £13 6s 8d.

By the Lorde Strainge, in a purse of red silk and gold, in dimy soveraignes £5 0s 0d. Lord Strange being the courtesy title for the Earldom of Derby. He wouldn't inherit until 1572.

By the Lorde Darcey of Chichey (age 30), in a red purse, in dimy soveraignes, £10 0s 0d.

By the Lorde Shefild (age 24), in a red silk purse, in gold £10 0s 0d.

By the Lorde Shandowes (age 40), in a blak silk purse, in angells £10 0s 0d. With her said Majestie.


By the Baroness Howarde (age 47), in a purse of crymsen silk and knytt, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d. With her said Majestie.

By the Baroness Clinton (age 35), a peire of sleevis of gold, pulled out with lawne. Delivered to the said Baroness Cobham.

By the Baroness Genevillet, in gold £6 13s 4d.

By the Lady Barkeley (age 24), Lord Barkeley's wife, in gold £5 0s 0d.

By the Lady Mountejoye (age 30), in a red silk purse, in angells £10 0s 0d.

By the Lady Abergavenny, in a red satten purse, in dimy soveraignes £5 0s 0d.

By the Lady Caree of Hundesdon (age 33), in a blak purse knytt, in angells £10 0s 0d.

By the Lady Taylboyes, Sir Peter Carewe's (age 48) wyfe, in a purse of blak silk and silver, in dimy soveraignes £10 0s 0d. With her said Majestie.

By the Baroness Cobham, a partelett and a peire of sleeves of sypers wrought with silver and blak silke. Re-delivered to herself.

By the Lady Dakers (age 21), a warming ball of gold, per oz. 3 oz. dim. With her said Majestie.

By the Lady Shefilde (age 20), a paire of sleeves wrought with fringe of blak silk and lozeng of gold. Delivered to the said Baroness Cobham.

By the Margaret Baroness Scrope (age 18), in a purse of blak silk and silver, in angells £7 0s 0d. With her said Majestie.

By the Lady Shandowes (age 38), a peire of sleeves and a partlett of gold and silver knytt, cawle fashion. Delivered to the said Baroness Cobham.

By the Lady Knowlles (age 38), a feyne carpett of needleworke, theverende frienged and buttoned with gold and silk. Delivered to John Torneworth, Groom of the Privy Chamber.

By the Lady Butler, in a little white purse, in French crowns £6 0s 0d. With her said Majestie. Unclear as to who Lady Butler refers to.

By the Lady Raclyef, a peire of sleeves of cameryk, all over sett with purle, and two sweet bags. Delivered to the said Baroness Cobham.

Before May 1571 [his son] John Paulet 2nd Marquess Winchester (age 61) and [his daughter-in-law] Winifred Brydges Marchioness Winchester were married. He the son of William Paulet 1st Marquess Winchester (age 88) and [his former wife] Elizabeth Capell Marchioness Winchester.

On 10 Mar 1572 William Paulet 1st Marquess Winchester (age 89) died. On His son [his son] John Paulet 2nd Marquess Winchester (age 62) succeeded 2nd Marquess Winchester, 2nd Earl Wiltshire, 2nd Baron St John. [his daughter-in-law] Winifred Brydges Marchioness Winchester by marriage Marchioness Winchester.

Around 1576 Unknown Painter. Portrait of William Paulet 1st Marquess Winchester wearing his Garter Collar and Lord Treasurer Staff of Office.

Birth and Christening Edward VI

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1536. 18 Oct 1837. Also, on Saint Lukes daiec, being Thursdaie, the Prince was proclaymed at the court "Edward, sonne and heire to King Henrie the Eight, Prince of Wales, Duke of Comewall, and Earle of Chesterd." Also the King made that daie tow earles and six knightes, that is to saie: Mr. Fittes Williams, Lord Admirall and Vice-Treasorer, was made Earle of Hamptone, and the Queenes brother, Viscount Beawchamp, was made Earle of Hertfordef and Mr. Powlett was made Vice-Treasorer,a and Sir John Russell, Controler of the Kinges howse, Mr. Henageb, Mr. Longc, and Mr. Knevett of the Kinges Privie Chamber, knightes, and Mr. Coffin, and Mr. Listred, knightes and Mr. Semere, the Queenes brother, knight..

Note c. October 18th.

Note d. This passage would seem to countenance the common account that the infant prince was almost immediately invested with these titles, whereas he himself tells us in his journal that he was only about to be created so when his father died, in which he is confirmed by Burnet, who says that Edward was called Prince of Wales, as the heirs to this crown are, yet he was not invested with that dignity by a formal creation.

Note e. William Fitzwilliam, descended from the ancestor of the present Earl Fitswilliam, was created Earl of Southampton, October 18th, 1537.

Note f. By which title he is known until the accession, in 1547, of his nephew Edward VI. when he was created Duke of Somerset, and was made Lord Protector of the Kingdom.

Note a. Sir William Poulet, Comptroller of the Household, was made Treasurer of the Household in 1587, when the Comptrollership was conferred on Sir John Russell, Gentleman of the Privy Chamber, who eventually became first Earl of Bedford.

Note b. Thomas Hennage.

Note c. Richard Long, Master of the Buckhonnds.

Note d. Richard Lister, Chief Baron of the Exchequer.

Note e. The Queen's younger brother, Thomas Seymour.

[his son] Giles Paulett was born to William Paulet 1st Marquess Winchester and Elizabeth Capell Marchioness Winchester.

[his daughter] Eleanor Paulett was born to William Paulet 1st Marquess Winchester and Elizabeth Capell Marchioness Winchester.

[his father] John Paulet and Alice Paulett were married. They were second cousin once removed.

Survey London Volume 4 Chelsea Part II. More's estate was granted to Sir William Paulet [See Patent Roll, I Edward VI., pt. 3.] (first Marquess of Winchester): it was inherited by his [his son] son the second Marquess, and in 1575 passed to Gregory Fiennes, Lord Dacre of the South, and his wife Anne - the foundress of those charming almshouses, Emmanuel Hospital, Westminster, now destroyed - who was a daughter of the Marchioness of Winchester by her former husband, Sir Robert Sackville. Baroness Dacre, who died in 1595, left the house to Lord Burleigh, who is said to have lived here, and he was followed by his youngest son, Sir Robert Cecil, afterwards Earl of Salisbury, who took possession in 1597. It is to Cecil's passion for building, which was not exhausted until he had parted with his fortune in completing Hatfield, that we owe the earliest representations on paper of the house at Chelsea. In his Chelsea Old Church Mr. Randall Davies published a reproduction of a beautiful plan of the Chelsea Estate, preserved among the Hatfield papers, and the present writer in some further research among Lord Salisbury's MSS. found five plans to a larger scale, all of which have reference to Cecil's schemes for rebuilding Sir Thomas More's house. For a detailed examination of these plans, the reader is referred to the Architectural Review of March and May, 1911, but by the courtesy of the proprietors of the Review, the reproductions are included here.

Royal Ancestors of William Paulet 1st Marquess Winchester 1483-1572

Kings Wessex: Great x 14 Grand Son of King Edmund "Ironside" I of England

Kings Gwynedd: Great x 12 Grand Son of Owain "Great" King Gwynedd

Kings Seisyllwg: Great x 17 Grand Son of Hywel "Dda aka Good" King Seisyllwg King Deheubarth

Kings Powys: Great x 13 Grand Son of Maredudd ap Bleddyn King Powys

Kings England: Great x 7 Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Kings Scotland: Great x 13 Grand Son of King Duncan I of Scotland

Kings Franks: Great x 10 Grand Son of Louis VII King Franks

Kings France: Great x 14 Grand Son of Robert "Pious" II King France

Royal Descendants of William Paulet 1st Marquess Winchester 1483-1572

Brigadier-General Charles FitzClarence

Queen Consort Camilla Shand

Diana Spencer Princess Wales

Ancestors of William Paulet 1st Marquess Winchester 1483-1572

Great x 3 Grandfather: John Paulett

Great x 2 Grandfather: William Paulet

Great x 1 Grandfather: John Paulet

GrandFather: John Paulet 5 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Thomas Poynings 5th Baron St John of Basing 8 x Great Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Isabel St John 4th Baroness St John of Basing 7 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 2 Grandfather: Hugh Poynings 9 x Great Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 1 Grandmother: Constance Poynings 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: John Welles 4th Baron Welles

Great x 3 Grandfather: John Welles 5th Baron Welles 6 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Maud Ros Baroness Welles 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 2 Grandmother: Eleanor Welles 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: John Mowbray 4th Baron Mowbray Baron Segrave 2 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Eleanor Mowbray Countess Rockingham 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Elizabeth Segrave 5th Baroness Segrave Baroness Mowbray Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Father: John Paulet 6 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: William Ros 2nd Baron Ros Helmsley

Great x 3 Grandfather: Thomas Ros 4th Baron Ros Helmsley 5 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Margery Badlesmere Baroness Ros of Helmsley 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 2 Grandfather: William Ros 6th Baron Ros Helmsley 3 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Ralph Stafford 1st Earl Stafford 7 x Great Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Beatrice Stafford Countess Desmond 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Margaret Audley Countess Stafford Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 1 Grandfather: Robert Ros of Gedney 4 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Richard Fitzalan 10th Earl of Arundel 8th Earl of Surrey 5 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: John Fitzalan 1st Baron Arundel Baron Maltravers 2 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Eleanor Plantagenet Countess Arundel and Surrey Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England

Great x 2 Grandmother: Margaret Fitzalan Baroness Ros of Helmsley 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: John Maltravers 4 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Eleanor Maltravers 2nd Baroness Maltravers Baroness Arundel and Cobham 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Gwenllian Unknown

GrandMother: Eleanor Ros 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England

Great x 2 Grandfather: John Skelton

Great x 1 Grandmother: Joan Skelton

William Paulet 1st Marquess Winchester 7 x Great Grand Son of King Henry III of England