British Isles, England, City of London, Bread Street Ward

Bread Street Ward is in City of London.

In 1600 Tobias Crispe was born to Ellis Crispe (age 37) and Hester Ireland in Bread Street Ward.

In 1610 Thomas Cambell (age 74) was elected Alderman for Bread Street Ward.

British Isles, England, City of London, Bread Street Ward, Basing Lane

Henry Machyn's Diary. 06 Jun 1562. The vj day of June was ther on [one] Crane wyff, dwellyng in Basyng lane, toke a kneyff and frust here-seylff be-tweyn the small rybes, and she ded the morowe after, and the vij day at after-none was the sam woman was bered, and serten clarkes was at her berehyng, and Veron the Frenchman dyd pryche for here, and more-overe he wold not the clarkes to brynge here to the chyrche.

British Isles, England, City of London, Bread Street Ward, Bread Street Counter [Map]

In 1467 Thomas Cooke was charged with high treason for lending money to Margaret (age 36), the queen of the deposed Lancastrian King Henry VI (age 45), on the strength of a confession of a statement obtained under torture from one Hawkins. Chief Justice Markham directed the jury to find it only misprision of treason, whereby Cooke's lands and life were saved, though he was heavily fined and long imprisoned. While awaiting his trial in the Tower his effects, both at his town house and at Gidea Hall [Map], were seized by Lord Rivers (age 62), then treasurer of England, and his wife was committed to the custody of the mayor. On his acquittal he was sent to the Bread Street compter [Map], and afterwards to the king's bench [Map], and was kept there until he paid eight thousand pounds to the king (age 24) and eight hundred pounds to the queen (age 30). Lord Rivers and his wife (age 52), the Duchess of Bedford, also obtained the dismissal of Markham from his office for having determined that Cooke was not guilty of treason.

Letters and Papers 1535. 24 Sep 1535. 431. Randall Tytley to Cromwell.

Petition stating that he has been a prisoner five years in Bread Street Counter [Map]; "and now of late one Mr. Broke was at the said Counter with charity from your good mastership, demanding of the prisoners how they were ordered, and commanded them, if they were not well ordered, to write to your good mastership for remedy."

Wrote accordingly the constitutions of the same Counter, and sent it to Mr. Brooke, to present to Cromwell; for doing which the keeper sent him to Newgate, where he is likely to die of the sickness of the house. At Bread Street every man pays for his bed, "some 4d., some 2d., if they be feather beds, and a mattress 1d.; " and if the prisoner wear any irons, he pays double; so that his beds, one week with another, amount to 30s. a year; although all the beds in the prison are scarcely worth one week's lodging; whereas the custom of the city is but a penny for the best feather bed within the prison, and ½d. for a mattrass, and if they complain they are sent to Newgate. If the friends of the prisoners bring them any charity, as bread, drink, cheese, &c., the keeper will suffer none to come to them, lest it hinder his own custom. If a prisoner come in for debt for £5 or above, he is forced to agree with his keeper at an exorbitant rate beyond his power; and if any one be in arrear for one night's lodging, and though he be able to pay when his friends come to him, he is thrust into the hole, and kept till he has sold all his clothes, and then there is no remedy but to Newgate with him, which has been the murder of many a tall man and true, able to do the King service. Moreover, if a man, after remaining long in prison, be released by the pity of his creditors, he is still detained for 8d., the keeper's fee of the door. The tapster also pays 6s. 8d. on every barrel, and is compelled to find the prisoners candles, which, on an average, cost 12d. a week; but the keeper pays only 3s. a barrel.

Large paper, pp. 2. Add.: Secretary.

Chronicle of Greyfriars. 28 Mar 1542. And the 28th day of March there was an affray made at the Counter in Breadstreet [Map] of a sergeant at arms of the parliament house by Robert Tomsone the yeoman and Thomas Craker of the same house for arrest of Robert Taylor sergeant of maysse, the which master shreffes ware sent for to the council, and they were sent unto the tower of London, and were there a three or four dayes.

Chronicle of Gregory Introduction. In the eighth year, our author writes, "were many men appeached of treason both of the city and of other towns. Of the city, Thomas Coke 5 knight and alderman, and John Plummer, knight and alderman, but the King gave them both pardon. And a man of the Lord Wenlock's., John Hawkins was his name, was hanged at Tyburn and beheaded for treason." The circumstances here so slightly alluded to are more perfectly known from other sources, but have never yet been fully recounted. Lancastrian plots were certainly thickening against King Edward, who though easily lulled into false security became fitfully cruel and tyrannical when impressed with a sense of danger. More than one messenger was intercepted with letters to or from Queen Margaret, b and many whose loyalty had been hitherto unsuspected were implicated in charges of treason. Among these was Lord Wenlock's servant, Hawkins, who accused not only Sir Thomas Coke but also his own master; and as we know that Lord Wenlock afterwards joined the Earl of Warwick against Edward there was probably more foundation for the latter accusation than the former. As to Sir Thomas Coke, Hawkins had but asked him for a loan of 1,000 marks, which he refused to give, finding that the money was intended for the use of Margaret of Anjou. He was, however, arrested on the accusation of Hawkins; but at the request of the Lady Margaret, the King's sister, he was admitted to bail. After that Princess's departure beyond sea he was again arrested and sent to the Tower, his goods were seized by Lord Rivers, Treasurer of England, and his wife placed in the custody of the Mayor of London. After lying some time in the Tower he was tried at Guildhall and acquitted, his offence being found to be mere misprision in the concealment of an application made to him by Edward's enemies.1 Nevertheless he was transferred to the Bread Street Counter [Map] and afterwards to the King's Bench Prison, in Southwark, from which he was only released on payment of a fine to the King of £8,000. But even so he was not quite out of his trouble, for a new demand was made upon him by virtue of an old abuse, called Aurum Regince, that for every £1,000. he had paid the King he should give the Queen 1,000 marks besides. With this, too, he was obliged to comply, and he suffered no further inconvenience; but he found on going back to his country house in Essex that both house and park had been plundered of everything valuable by the servants of Lord Eivers and the under treasurer Sir John Fogge, for which it was in vain to expect any compensation.1

Note 1. W. Wyrc, 515.

Note 2. Fabyan. Orridge's Illustrations of Jack Cade's Rebellion, pp. 12, 13.

Hall's Chronicle 1542. The Parliament sittyng, in Lent one George Ferreis Bourgeoys for the toune of Plimmouth, was arested in London upon a condempnacion, at the suite of one White. Whereupon the Serjaunt at armes, of the Common house, was sent to the Counter in Bredestrete [Map] to fetche hym: but the Clerckes would not deliver hym, wherfore the Serjeaunt and his manne, would have brought him awaie perforce. Diverse of the Shirifes officiers there present, withstoode the Serjeaunt, so that they fell to quarellyng, and the Serjeauntes man was sore hurte. After the Fraie ended, the Shirifes of London whose names wer Rowland Hill, and Henry Suckely came to the Counter, and first denied the deliverye of the prisoner, howbeit afterward they delivered hym. But this matter was so taken in the Common house, that the Shirifes and the Clercke, and five Officiers, and the partie plaintife were sent to the tower, and there laye twoo daies, and were delivered agayn by the Speaker and Common house.

British Isles, England, City of London, Bread Street Ward, Old Fish Street

In Sep 1547 Thomas Wendy (age 47) took a thirty year lease on the Bishop of Hereford's mansion near Old Fish Street.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1666 August 06. 06 Aug 1666. By and by comes Mr. Pierce and his wife, the first time she also hath been here since her lying-in, both having been brought to bed of boys, and both of them dead. And here we talked, and were pleasant, only my wife in a chagrin humour, she not being pleased with my kindnesse to either of them, and by and by she fell into some silly discourse wherein I checked her, which made her mighty pettish, and discoursed mighty offensively to Mrs. Pierce, which did displease me, but I would make no words, but put the discourse by as much as I could (it being about a report that my wife said was made of herself and meant by Mrs. Pierce, that she was grown a gallant, when she had but so few suits of clothes these two or three years, and a great deale of that silly discourse), and by and by Mrs. Pierce did tell her that such discourses should not trouble her, for there went as bad on other people, and particularly of herself at this end of the towne, meaning my wife, that she was crooked, which was quite false, which my wife had the wit not to acknowledge herself to be the speaker of, though she has said it twenty times. But by this means we had little pleasure in their visit; however, Knipp and I sang, and then I offered them to carry them home, and to take my wife with me, but she would not go: so I with them, leaving my wife in a very ill humour, and very slighting to them, which vexed me. However, I would not be removed from my civility to them, but sent for a coach, and went with them; and, in our way, Knipp saying that she come out of doors without a dinner to us, I took them to Old Fish Streete, to the very house and woman where I kept my wedding dinner, where I never was since, and there I did give them a joie of Salmon, and what else was to be had. And here we talked of the ill-humour of my wife, which I did excuse as much as I could, and they seemed to admit of it, but did both confess they wondered at it; but from thence to other discourse, and among others to that of my Lord Bruncker (age 46) and Mrs. Williams, who it seems do speake mighty hardly of me for my not treating them, and not giving her something to her closett, and do speake worse of my wife, and dishonourably, but it is what she do of all the world, though she be a whore herself; so I value it not. But they told me how poorly my Lord carried himself the other day to his kinswoman, Mrs. Howard, and was displeased because she called him uncle to a little gentlewoman that is there with him, which he will not admit of; for no relation is to be challenged from others to a lord, and did treat her thereupon very rudely and ungenteely.

Fishmarket called Old Fish Streete. In this old Fishstreete, is one row of small houses, placed along in the middest of Knightriders streete, which rowe is also of Bredstreete Warde: these houses now possessed by Fishmongers, were at the first but moueable boordes (or stalles) set out on market daies, to shew their fish there to be sold: but procuring license to set up sheds, they grew to shops, and by little and little, to tall houses, of three or foure stories in height, and now are called Fishstreete. Walter Turke Fishmonger, Mayor 1349. had two shops in old Fishstreete, ouer against saint Nicholas church, the one rented v.s. the yeere, the other iiii. s.

British Isles, England, City of London, Bread Street Ward, Old Fish Street, Church of St Mary Magdalen

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1660 May 13. 13 May 1660. Lord's Day. Trimmed in the morning, after that to the cook's room with Mr. Sheply, the first time that I was there this voyage. Then to the quarter-deck, upon which the tailors and painters were at work, cutting out some pieces of yellow cloth into the fashion of a crown and C. R. and put it upon a fine sheet, and that into the flag instead of the State's arms, which after dinner was finished and set up after it had been shewn to my Lord, who took physic to-day and was in his chamber, and liked it so well as to bid me give the tailors 20s. among them for doing of it. This morn Sir J. Boys and Capt. Isham (age 32) met us in the Nonsuch, the first of whom, after a word or two with my Lord, went forward, the other staid. I heard by them how Mr Downing (age 35) had never made any address to the King, and for that was hated exceedingly by the Court, and that he was in a Dutch ship which sailed by us, then going to England with disgrace. Also how Mr. Morland was knighted by the King this week, and that the King did give the reason of it openly, that it was for his giving him intelligence all the time he was clerk to Secretary Thurloe. In the afternoon a council of war, only to acquaint them that the Harp must be taken out of all their flags1, it being very offensive to the King. Mr. Cook, who came after us in the Yarmouth, bringing me a letter from my wife and a Latin letter from my brother John (age 19), with both of which I was exceedingly pleased. No sermon all day, we being under sail, only at night prayers, wherein Mr. Ibbott prayed for all that were related to us in a spiritual and fleshly way. We came within sight of Middle's shore. Late at night we writ letters to the King of the news of our coming, and Mr. Edward Pickering (age 42) carried them. Capt. Isham went on shore, nobody showing of him any respect; so the old man very fairly took leave of my Lord, and my Lord very coldly bid him "God be with you", which was very strange, but that I hear that he keeps a great deal of prating and talking on shore, on board, at the King's (age 29) Courts, what command he had with my Lord, &c. After letters were gone then to bed.

Note 1. In May, 1658, the old Union Jack (being the crosses of St. George and St. Andrew combined) was revived, with the Irish harp over the centre of the flag. This harp was taken off at the Restoration. (See "The National Flags of the Commonwealth", by H. W. Henfrey, Journ. Brit. Arch. Assoc"., vol. xxxi, p. 54.) The sign of the "Commonwealth Arms" was an uncommon one, but a token of one exists Francis Wood at ye Commonwealth arms in Mary Maudlens".

British Isles, England, City of London, Bread Street Ward, Old Fish Street, Feathers Tavern

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1660 October 17. 17 Oct 1660. Office day. At noon came Mr. Creed to me, whom I took along with me to the Feathers in Fish Street, where I was invited by Captain Cuttance to dinner, a dinner made by Mr. Dawes and his brother. We had two or three dishes of meat well done; their great design was to get me concerned in a business of theirs about a vessel of theirs that is in the service, hired by the King, in which I promise to do them all the service I can. From thence home again with Mr. Crew (age 62), where I finding Mrs. The. Turner (age 8) and her aunt Duke I would not be seen but walked in the garden till they were gone, where Mr. Spong came to me and Mr. Creed, Mr. Spong and I went to our music to sing, and he being gone, my wife and I went to put up my books in order in closet, and I to give her her books. After that to bed.

British Isles, England, City of London, Bread Street Ward, Old Fish Street, St Mary Mounthaw Church

On 08 May 1538 Bishop Edward Fox (age 42) died. He was buried at St Mary Mounthaw Church, Old Fish Street.

British Isles, England, City of London, Bread Street Ward, The Swan Old Fish Street

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1660 January 20. 20 Jan 1660. Friday. In the morning I went to Mr Downing's (age 35) bedside and gave him an account what I had done as to his guests, land I went thence to my Lord Widdrington (age 60) who I met in the street, going to seal the patents for the judges to-day, and so could not come to dinner. I called upon Mr. Calthrop (age 36) about the money due to my Lord. Here I met with Mr. Woodfine and drank with him at Sun in Chancery Lane and so to Westminster Hall [Map], where at the lobby I spoke with the rest of my guests and so to my office. At noon went by water with Mr. Maylard and Hales to Swan in Fish Street at our Goal Feast, where we were very merry at our Jole of Ling, and from thence after a great and good dinner Mr. Falconberge would go drink a cup of ale at a place where I had like to have shot at a scholar that lay over the house of office. Thence calling on Mr. Stephens and Wootton (with whom I drank) about business of my Lord's (age 34) I went to the Coffee Club where there was nothing done but choosing of a Committee for orders. Thence to Westminster Hall [Map] where Mrs. Lane and the rest of the maids had their white scarfs, all having been at the burial of a young bookseller in the Hall1.

Note 1. These stationers and booksellers, whose shops disfigured Westminster Hall down to a late period, were a privileged class. In the statutes for appointing licensers and regulating the press, there is a clause exempting them from the pains and penalties of these obnoxious laws.

Samuel Pepys' Diary 1662 August 15. 15 Aug 1662. So to the Swan in Old Fish Street, where Mr. Brigden and his father-in-law, Blackbury, of whom we had bought timber in the office, but have not dealt well with us, did make me a fine dinner only to myself; and after dinner comes in a jugler, which shewed us very pretty tricks. I seemed very pleasant, but am no friend to the man's dealings with us in the office.

British Isles, England, City of London, Bread Street Ward, St Nicholas Olave [Map]

On 15 Sep 1541 Dean Hugh Weston (age 36) was collated Rector of St Nicholas Olave [Map].

Henry Machyn's Diary. 05 Dec 1554. The v day of December, the which was saint Nicholas' eve, at evensong time, came a commandment that saint Nicholas should not go abroad, nor about. But, notwithstanding, there went about these saint Nicholases in divers parishes, as st. Andrew's, Holborn [Map], and st. Nicolas Olyffe [Map] in Bredstret.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 01 Jul 1555. The sam day was bered good master Thomas .... altherman, sum tyme shreyff of London, and [a hearse] with ij whyt branchys and xij longe torchys [a hearse] stayffe torchys and iiij grett tapurs, and xij gownes gyffen unto xij pore men of blake peneston, and the compene of the Clarkes and mony prestes and ... armes of the body and the tapurs, and ther wher ... blake gownes, and after durge speysse-bred and wine; and the morow masse of requeem, and ther dyd pryche a frere of Grenwyche, and a grett dolle.

Note. P. 91. Funeral of alderman Thomas Lewen. That the name which our MS. has here lost should be thus supplied is shown by the following inscription from the church of St. Nicholas Olave's [Map]: "Here lies the bodies of Thomas Lewen, ironmonger and some time alderman of the city of London, and Agnes his wife; which Thomas deceased the 29. day of June, Anno D'ni 1555, and the said Agnes deceased the 26. day of October, Anno D'ni 1562. This monument of Thomas Lewen and Agnes his wife was newly revived and beautified at the charge of the right worshipful company of the Ironmongers, of which he was free, the 29th May, Anno D'ni 1623." By his will dated in the year of his death (which is enrolled at Guildhall), Lewen left to the Ironmongers a messuage in Breadstreet, and four other houses, for the observance of an obit, the support of four almspeople, and a scholarship at Oxford, and another at Cambridge of 50s. each: see the Report of the Commissioners of Public Charities, and abstract therefrom in Herbert's City Companies, p. 615. A portrait of alderman Lewen is still preserved at Ironmongers' hall. His arms were, Ar. on a chevron engrailed gules, between three crescents of the second, each charged with a bezant, as many estoiles or, and between them two lozenges of the field, each charged with a martlet sable, all within a bordure engrailed gu.—a somewhat remarkable example of a fully, but not unartistically, crowded coat. (MS. Harl. 6860.) He was sheriff 1537–8, but not lord mayor.—A few particulars remain to be given in a subsequent page on occasion of the death of Mrs. Lewen, the alderman's widow.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 31 Jan 1562. The sam day at after-none was bered in sant Necolas Oleffe [Map] parryche good masteres Fanshawe, the good gentyll-woman, and wyff unto master Phanthawe (age 57), on [one] of the cheycker, [one of the Exchquer] with no armes.