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British Isles, England, Welsh March, Herefordshire, Kilpeck, Church of St Mary and St David [Map]

Church of St Mary and St David, Kilpeck is in Kilpeck, Herefordshire, Churches in Herefordshire.

Kilpeck Castle adjcent to the Church of St Mary and St David, Kilpeck [Map].

Church of St Mary and St David, Kilpeck [Map]. Chancel.

Church of St Mary and St David, Kilpeck [Map]. South door. Fine example of the Herefordshire School of Carving.

Church of St Mary and St David, Kilpeck [Map]. Detail of the carvings on the columns of the north door.

Church of St Mary and St David, Kilpeck [Map]. Internal arch.

Church of St Mary and St David, Kilpeck [Map]. Corbelling.

The Church of St Mary and St David, Kilpeck [Map] was built around 1140, and almost certainly before 1143 when it was given to the Abbey of Gloucester. It may have replaced an earlier Saxon church at the same site, and the oval raised form of the churchyard is typical of even older Celtic foundations.

Archaeologia Volume 30 Section V. 14 Apr 1842. A Letter from Joun Gage Rokewode, Esq. F.R.S., Director, to Sir Henry Ellis, K.H., F.RS., Secretary, on the sculptured Figures of Welsh Knights at Kilpeck Church in Herefordshire [Map].

Read 14th April, 1842.