Europe, British Isles, South-East England, Surrey, Lambeth Palace [Map]
Lambeth Palace is in Lambeth, Surrey [Map].
On 19 May 1280 Bishop Oliver Sutton (age 61) was consecrated Bishop of Lincoln at Lambeth Palace [Map].
On 06 Feb 1446 Bishop Adam Moleyns was consecrated Bishop of Chichester at Lambeth Palace [Map].
On 27 Oct 1485 King Henry VII of England and Ireland (age 28) and Robert Fitzroger 5th Baron Warkworth dined together at Lambeth Palace [Map].
Henry Machyn's Diary. 24 Nov 1554. [The same day cardinal Pole (age 54) came from Gravesend [Map] by water, with the earl of Shrewsbury (age 54), the lord Montagu (age 25), the bishops of Durham (age 80) and Ely (age 48), the lord Paget (age 48), sir Edward Hastings (age 33), the lord Cobham (age 57), and diverse] knyghts and gentyllmen, in barges, and thay all [did shoot the] bryge be-twyn xij and on of the cloke, and a-g[ainst] the steleard [Map] of Temes my lord chanseler (age 71) mett [them in his] barge, and my lord of Shrousbury (age 54) [had his] barge with the [talbot, all] ys men in bluw cotes, red-hosse, skarlett capes, [and white] fethers; and so to the cort gatt, and ther the Kyng('s) (age 27) grace [met him] and inbrasyd hym, and so lad ym thrughe the kyng('s) hall;] and he had borne a-for hym a sylver crosse, and [he was arrayed in] a skarlet gowne and a sqware skarlett cape; and my lord [North] bare the swarde a-for the Kyng; and so they whent up unto the Quens chambur, and ther her grace (age 38) salutyd hym; and after he toke ys leyffe, and toke ys barge to ys plase at Lambeth [Map], that was the bysshope of Cantorberys, Crenmer (age 65), and so to dener.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 20 Sep 1555. The xx day of September was cared from Nugatt unto the lolrar stowre [Map] serten men.
Note. P. 94. The Lollards' Tower. When I wrote the note in this page, and another in p. 118, I was not aware that there had been any other "Lollards' Tower" than that still remaining at Lambeth. I have since noticed in Stowe's Survey that the southern bell-tower at the west end of St. Paul's cathedral was so called. The tower towards the north, next the Bishop's palace, was attached to "the use of the same palace; the other, towards the south, is called the Lollards' Tower, and hath beene used as the bishop's prison, for such as were detected for opinions in religion, contrary to the faith of the church." The last prisoner Stowe had known confined there was in 1573. It is probable therefore that our Londoner meant the Lollards' Tower nearest at hand.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 20 Oct 1556. The xx day of October was delivered out of the Lowlar towre [Map] alle the heretykes that cam out of Essex, and odur plassys, and so to kepe them good and truw to God and to the king and quen.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 15 Jul 1557. The xv day of July the Quen('s) (age 41) grace dynyd at Lambeth [Map] with my lord cardenall Polle (age 57), and after dener removyd to Rychmond [Map], and ther (her) grace tares ther her plesur.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 19 Nov 1558. The xix day of November ded be-twyn v and vj in the morning my lord cardenall Polle (deceased) at Lambeth [Map], and he was byshope of Canturbere; and ther he lay tyll the consell sett the tyme he shuld be bered, and when, and wher.
Note. Page 178. Death of cardinal Pole. It seems to have been supposed by some persons at the time, that Pole died on the same day as queen Mary; and it is so asserted by Hume and other writers. According to our diarist (who even mentions the hours) the cardinal survived the queen for two days.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 10 Dec 1558. The sam mornyng my lord cardenall (deceased) was [removed from] Lambeth [Map], and cared toward Canturbery [Map] with grett [company in] blake; and he was cared in a charett with [banner-]rolles wroth [wrought] with fyne gold and grett baners [of arms,] and iiij baners of santes in owllo [oil].
On 18 Nov 1559 Bishop Cuthbert Tunstall (age 85) died in Lambeth Palace [Map].
On 17 Dec 1559 Archbishop Matthew Parker (age 55) was consecrated Archbishop of Canterbury at Lambeth Palace [Map] by Bishop William Barlow (age 61).
On 21 Jan 1560 two Bishops were consecrated ...
Bishop Nicholas Bullingham (age 40) was consecrated Bishop of Lincoln.
Archbishop Thomas Young (age 53) was consecrated Bishop of St David's at Lambeth Palace [Map] by Archbishop Matthew Parker (age 55).
On 24 Mar 1560 Bishop Gilbert Berkeley (age 59) was consecrated Bishop of Bath and Wells at Lambeth Palace [Map].
Henry Machyn's Diary. 29 Jul 1560. The xxix day of July the Quen('s) (age 26) grace removyd from Grenwyche [Map] on her grace('s) progresse, and at Lambeth [Map] she dynyd with my lord of Canturbere (age 55) and her consell; and after [took her] gorney towhard Rychmond [Map], and her grace lay ther v [5] days; and after to Ottland [Map], and ther So[nday and] Monday dener, and to Suttun to soper.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 16 Feb 1561. The sam day at Lambeth [Map] was consecratyd nuwe byshopes, master Horne (age 51) of Wynchastur, and master Skamler byshope (age 41) of Peterborowe.
On 02 Nov 1610 Richard Bancroft Archibishop Canterbury (age 66) died at Lambeth Palace [Map].
On 11 May 1640 apprentices attacked Lambeth Palace [Map].
Evelyn's Diary. 10 Jun 1640. London, and especially the Court, were at this period in frequent disorders, and great insolences were committed by the abused and too happy City: in particular, the Bishop of Canterbury's (age 66) Palace [Map] at Lambeth was assaulted by a rude rabble from Southwark, Surrey [Map], my Lord Chamberlain (age 55) imprisoned and many scandalous libels and invectives scattered about the streets, to the reproach of Government, and the fermentation of our since distractions: so that, upon the 25th of June, I was sent for to Wotton, Surrey [Map], and the 27th after, my father's (age 53) indisposition augmenting, by advice of the physicians he repaired to the Bath, Somerset [Map].
Diary of Isabella Twysden 1645. 28 Jun 1645. the 28 June there was brought in to Lambeth hous [Map] from the atillirer yard 680 pore prisoners, part of those which were taken at nasby.
Evelyn's Diary. 31 Aug 1663. I was invited to the translation of Dr. Sheldon (age 65), Bishop of London, from that see to Canterbury, the ceremony performed at Lambeth Palace [Map]. First, went his Grace's mace bearer, steward, treasurer, comptroller, all in their gowns, and with white staves; next, the bishops in their habits, eight in number; Dr. Sweate, Dean of the Arches, Dr. Exton, Judge of the Admiralty, Sir William Merick, Judge of the Prerogative Court, with divers advocates in scarlet. After divine service in the chapel, performed with music extraordinary, Dr. French and Dr. Stradling (his Grace's chaplains) said prayers. The Archbishop in a private room looking into the chapel, the bishops, who were commissioners, went up to a table placed before the altar, and sat round it in chairs. Then Dr. Chaworth presented the commission under the broad seal to the Bishop of Winchester (age 65), and it was read by Dr. Sweate. After which, the Vicar-General went to the vestry, and brought his Grace into the chapel, his other officers marching before. He being presented to the Commissioners, was seated in a great armchair at one end of the table, when the definitive sentence was read by the Bishop of Winchester (age 65), and subscribed by all the bishops, and proclamation was three times made at the chapel door, which was then set open for any to enter, and give their exceptions; if any they had. This done, we all went to dinner in the great hall to a mighty feast. There were present all the nobility in town, the Lord Mayor of London, Sheriffs, Duke of Albemarle (age 54), etc. My Lord Archbishop did in particular most civilly welcome me. So going to visit my Lady Needham, who lived at Lambeth, I went over to London.
Evelyn's Diary. 25 Sep 1665. My Lord Admiral (age 40) being come from the fleet to Greenwich, I went thence with him to the Cock-pit, to consult with the Duke of Albemarle (age 56). I was peremptory that, unless we had £10,000 immediately, the prisoners would starve, and it was proposed it should be raised out of the East India prizes now taken by Lord Sandwich (age 40). They being but two of the commission, and so not empowered to determine, sent an express to his Majesty (age 35) and Council, to know what they should do. In the meantime, I had five vessels, with competent guards, to keep the prisoners in for the present, to be placed as I should think best. After dinner (which was at the General's) I went over to visit his Grace, the Archbishop of Canterbury (age 67), at Lambeth [Map].
Evelyn's Diary. 14 Apr 1669. I dined with the Archbishop of Canterbury (age 70), at Lambeth Palace [Map], and saw the library, which was not very considerable.
On 11 Nov 1683 Bishop Francis Turner (age 46) was consecrated Bishop of Rochester at Lambeth Palace [Map].
Evelyn's Diary. 09 Jan 1684. I went crosse the Thames on the ice, now become so thick as to beare not onely streetes of boothes, in which they roasted meate, and had divers shops of wares, quite acrosse as in a towne, but coaches, carts, and horses, passed over. So I went from Westminster Stayres to Lambeth [Map], and din'd with the Archbishop (age 66): where I met my Lord Bruce, Sir Geo. Wheeler (age 32), Coll. Cooke, and severall divines. After dinner and discourse with his Grace till evening prayers, Sir Geo. Wheeler (age 32) and I walked over the ice from Lambeth Stayres to the horse ferry.
Evelyn's Diary. 14 Nov 1685. I dined at Lambeth [Map], my Lord Archbishop (age 68) carrying me with him in his barge: there were my Lord Deputy of Ireland, the Bp. of Ely (age 48), and St. Asaph (age 58), Dr. Sherlock, and other divines; Sir Wm Hayward, Sir Paule Rycaut, &c.
Evelyn's Diary. 08 Jul 1686. I waited on the Archbishop (age 69) at Lambeth [Map], where I dined and met the famous preacher and writer, Dr. Allix (age 45), doubtless a most excellent and learned person. The Archbishop (age 69) and he spoke Latin together, and that very readily.
Evelyn's Diary. 21 Feb 1689. The Archbishop of Canterbury (age 72) and some of the rest, on scruple of conscience and to salve the oaths they had taken, entered their protests and hung off, especially the Archbishop, who had not all this while so much as appeared out of Lambeth [Map]. This occasioned the wonder of many who observed with what zeal they contributed to the Prince's (age 38) expedition, and all the while also rejecting any proposals of sending again to the absent King (age 55); that they should now raise scruples, and such as created much division among the people, greatly rejoicing the old courtiers, and especially the Papists.
Evelyn's Diary. 12 Apr 1689. I went with the Bishop of St. Asaph (age 61) to visit my Lord of Canterbury (age 58) at Lambeth [Map], who had excused himself from officiating at the coronation, which was performed by the Bishop of London (age 57), assisted by the Archbishop of York (age 74). We had much private and free discourse with his Grace (age 58) concerning several things relating to the Church, there being now a bill of comprehension to be brought from the Lords to the Commons. I urged that when they went about to reform some particulars in the Liturgy, Church discipline, Canons, etc., the baptizing in private houses without necessity might be reformed, as likewise so frequent burials in churches; the one proceeding much from the pride of women, bringing that into custom which was only indulged in case of imminent danger, and out of necessity during the rebellion, and persecution of the clergy in our late civil wars; the other from the avarice of ministers, who, in some opulent parishes, made almost as much of permission to bury in the chancel and the church, as of their livings, and were paid with considerable advantage and gifts for baptizing in chambers. To this they heartily assented, and promised their endeavor to get it reformed, utterly disliking both practices as novel and indecent.
Evelyn's Diary. 26 Apr 1689. I heard the lawyers plead before the Lords the writ of error in the judgment of Oates (age 39), as to the charge against him of perjury, which after debate they referred to the answer of Holloway, etc., who were his judges. I then went with the Bishop of St. Asaph (age 61) to the Archbishop (age 72) at Lambeth [Map], where they entered into discourse concerning the final destruction of Antichrist, both concluding that the third trumpet and vial were now pouring out. My Lord St. Asaph (age 61) considered the killing of the two witnesses, to be the utter destruction of the Cevennes Protestants by the French and Duke of Savoy, and the other the Waldenses and Pyrenean Christians, who by all appearance from good history had kept the primitive faith from the very Apostles' time till now. The doubt his Grace suggested was, whether it could be made evident that the present persecution had made so great a havoc of those faithful people as of the other, and whether there were not yet some among them in being who met together, it being stated from the text, Apoc. xi., that they should both be slain together. They both much approved of Mr. Mede's way of interpretation, and that he only failed in resolving too hastily on the King of Sweden's (Gustavus Adolphus) success in Germany. They agreed that it would be good to employ some intelligent French minister to travel as far as the Pyrenees to understand the present state of the Church there, it being a country where hardly anyone travels.
Evelyn's Diary. 28 Dec 1691. Dined at Lambeth [Map] with the new Archbishop (age 61). Saw the effect of my greenhouse furnace, set up by the Archbishop's son-in-law.
Evelyn's Diary. 06 Jul 1695. I dined at Lambeth [Map], making my first visit to the Archbishop (age 58), where there was much company, and great cheer. After prayers in the evening, my Lord (age 58) made me stay to show me his house, furniture, and garden, which were all very fine, and far beyond the usual Archbishops, not as affected by this, but being bought ready furnished by his predecessor. We discoursed of several public matters, particularly of the Princess of Denmark (age 30), who made so little figure.
Evelyn's Diary. 02 May 1696. I dined at Lambeth [Map], being summoned to meet my co-trustees, the Archbishop (age 59), Sir Henry Ashurst, and Mr. Serjeant Rotheram, to consult about settling Mr. Boyle's lecture for a perpetuity; which we concluded upon, by buying a rent charge of £50 per annum, with the stock in our hands.
Evelyn's Diary. 06 May 1696. I went to Lambeth [Map], to meet at dinner the Countess of Sunderland (age 54) and divers ladies. We dined in the Archbishop's wife's apartment with his Grace (age 59), and stayed late; yet I returned to Deptford, Kent [Map] at night.
Evelyn's Diary. 03 Aug 1696. The Bank lending the £200,000 to pay the array in Flanders, that had done nothing against the enemy, had so exhausted the treasure of the nation, that one could not have borrowed money under 14 or 15 per cent on bills, or on Exchequer Tallies under 30 per cent. Reasonable good harvest weather. I went to Lambeth [Map] and dined with the Archbishop (age 59), who had been at Court on the complaint against Dr. Thomas Watson (age 59), Bishop of St. David's, who was suspended for simony. The Archbishop (age 59) told me how unsatisfied he was with the Canon law, and how exceedingly unreasonable all their pleadings appeared to him.
On 30 Aug 1696 Philip Meadowes (age 24) and Dorothy Boscawen were married by Archbishop Thomas Tenison (age 59) at Lambeth Palace [Map].
Evelyn's Diary. 06 Sep 1696. I went to congratulate the marriage of a daughter of Mr. Boscawen to the son (age 24) of Sir Philip Meadows; she is niece to my Lord Godolphin (age 51), married at Lambeth [Map] by the Archbishop (age 59), 30th of August. After above six months' stay in London about Greenwich Hospital, I returned to Wotton, Surrey [Map].
Evelyn's Diary. 18 Dec 1697. At Lambeth [Map], to Dr. Bentley, about the Library at St. James's.
Evelyn's Diary. 24 May 1705. I dined at Lambeth [Map] with the Archbishop of Dublin, Dr. King (age 55), a sharp and ready man in politics, as well as very learned.
On 24 Jan 1737 Archbishop William Wake (age 79) died at Lambeth Palace [Map].
On 03 Dec 1738 Bishop Joseph Butler (age 46) was consecrated Bishop of Bristol at Lambeth Palace [Map].
On 04 Oct 1747 Bishop John Thomas (age 51) was consecrated Bishop of Peterborough at Lambeth Palace [Map].
On 01 Oct 1769 Bishop Shute Barrington (age 35) was consecrated as Bishop of Llandaff at Lambeth Palace [Map] by Archbishop Frederick Cornwallis (age 56).
On 21 Aug 1777 Charles Townshend 1st Baron Bayning (age 47) and Annabella Smith-Powlett (age 23) were married at Lambeth Palace [Map]. The difference in their ages was 24 years. They were first cousin once removed.
On 18 Jul 1807 Henry Pelham-Clinton 4th Duke Newcastle-under-Lyme (age 22) and Georgiana Elizabeth Miller Mundy Duchess Newcastle under Lyne (age 18) were married in Lambeth Palace [Map]. She by marriage Duchess Newcastle under Lyme. He the son of Thomas Pelham-Clinton 3rd Duke Newcastle-under-Lyme and Anna Maria Stanhope Countess Lincoln. He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.
On 21 Apr 1828 Archbishop Charles Manners-Sutton (age 73) died at Lambeth Palace [Map].
On 04 Aug 1839 Bishop Aubrey Spencer (age 44) was consecrated as Bishop Newfoundland at Lambeth Palace [Map].
On 01 Dec 1861 Bishop Charles Caulfield (age 57) was consecrated Bishop of Nassau and the Bahamas at Lambeth Palace [Map].
Time Team Series 2 Episode 4: The Archbishop's Back Garden was filmed between 08 Jul 1994 and 10 Jul 1994. It was originally shown on 29 Jan 1995.
Location: Lambeth Palace [Map], London.
Tony Robinson (age 48), Presenter
Mick Aston (age 48), Bristol University Landscape Archaeologist
Carenza Lewis (age 31), Field Archaeologist
Phil Harding (age 45), Wessex Archaeological Trust Field Archaeologist
Robin Bush (age 51), Archivist
Victor Ambrus (age 59), Historical Illustrator
John Gator, Chris Gaffney, Geophysics
Jane Sidell, Museum of London Archaeologist
Stewart Ainsworth (age 43), Landscape Archaeologist
Harvey Sheldon, Authority on Roman London
Gustav Milne, Institue of Archaeology
Hedley Swain, Field Archaeologist
London Fire Brigade Boat
Sources: Excavations of Bernard Davis in the 1930s, Cassius Dio Book 60 Sections 20 and 21, 1562 Map of London showing Horseferry Stairs and Stangate Stairs, Registers of the Archbishops of Canterbury at Lambeth Palace Library, 1746 Map of Lambeth Palace Gardens, John Rokes 18th Century Map of London
Techniques: Core Samples, Excavation, a string with a brick to determine rievr depth
Outcomes: Piece of a Mortarium, Reconstructed Roman Road, Garden features in the Palace, Roman River Level was lower by a couple of feet, Causeway on lower side of Westminster Bridge, Peer walked across 1950s1, location of Stangate Stairs.
Note 1. The New York Times 26 Mar 2002. Lord Noel-Buxton waded about half-way across the river and had to swim the rest.
Europe, British Isles, South-East England, Surrey, St Mary's Church Lambeth Palace [Map]
On 03 Apr 1538 Elizabeth Howard Countess of Wiltshire and Ormonde (age 58) died. She was buried at St Mary's Church Lambeth Palace [Map].
On 19 Mar 1783 Archbishop Frederick Cornwallis (age 70) died. He was buried at St Mary's Church Lambeth Palace [Map].
On 16 May 1791 Henry Charles Somerset 6th Duke Beaufort (age 24) and Charlotte Sophia Leveson-Gower Duchess Beaufort (age 20) were married at St Mary's Church Lambeth Palace [Map]. She the daughter of Granville Leveson-Gower 1st Marquess Stafford (age 69) and Susanna Stewart Marchioness Stafford. He the son of Henry Somerset 5th Duke Beaufort (age 46) and Elizabeth Boscawen Duchess Beaufort (age 43).