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British Isles, North-East England, Northumberland, Glendale, Norham Castle [Map]

Norham Castle is in Norham, Northumberland, Castles in Northumberland.

1462 Siege of Norham Castle

1464 Battle of Hedgeley Moor

In 1319 Thomas Grey (age 39) was appointed Constable of Norham Castle.

1462 Siege of Norham Castle

Around Jun 1462 a Scottish and Lancastrian force, including King James III of Scotland (age 10), his mother Mary of Guelders Queen Consort Scotland (age 28), King Henry VI of England and II of France (age 40) and his wife Margaret of Anjou Queen Consort England (age 32), laid siege to Norham Castle [Map]. They held Norham for eighteen days until a force led by Richard "Kingmaker" Neville Earl Warwick, 6th Earl Salisbury (age 33) and his brother John Neville 1st Marquess Montagu (age 31) advanced to Norham Castle [Map] at which time the Scottish and Lancastrian force fled in panic pursued by the Yorkist army. Margaret of Anjou Queen Consort England and her son Edward of Westminster Prince of Wales (age 8) escaped to Berwick on Tweed, Northumberland [Map] and then to the continent. King Henry VI of England and II of France remained in Scotland - he and his wife never saw each other again.

Chronicle of Gregory 1462. Jun 1463. And thenne aftyr that come Kyng Harry that was, and the Quene to the King of Schottys, Syr Perys de Brasylle (age 53), with iiijxx M1 Schottys, and layde a sege unto the castelle of Norham [Map], and lay there xviij [18] dayes.

Battle of Hedgeley Moor

Chronicle of Gregory 1464. Before 25 Apr 1464. The poyntement was that they Schottys and [t]ey shulde mete at Yorke. And then was my Lord of Mountegewe (age 33) assygnyd to fecche yn the Schottys pesseabylly, for he was Wardon of the Marchys. And then my Lord of Mountegewe toke his jornaye towarde the Newe Castelle [Map]. And by the waye was full falsely i-purvyde that fals Duke Harry of Somersett (age 28) and Percy (age 39), with her feleschyppe assocyat unto them, that there was layde by the waye, a lytylle from the Newecastel, in a woode, that fals traytoure Syr Umfray Nevyle (age 25), with iiij schore [Note. 80] sperys, and the bowys there too. And they shulde have falle on the Lord Mountegeue sodenly, and slayne him sodenly, but, God be thonkyd, her fals treson was aspyde and knowe. And thenne the Lord Montegewe toke a nothyr waye, and made to be gaderyd a grete feleschippe, and went to the Newecastelle [Map], and soo toke his jornaye unto Norham [Map] warde. Ande in the wey thedyrwarde there met with him that fals Duke of Somersette, Syr Raffe Percy, the Lord Hungerforde (age 33), and the Lord Roos (age 36), whythe alle her company, to the nombyr of vM [Note. 5000] men of armys. And this metynge was a pon Synte Markys day; and that same day was Syr Raffe Percy slayne. And whenn that he was dede alle the party was schomfytyd and put to rebuke. Ande every man avoydyd and toke his way with full sory hertys. And then my Lord of Mountegeue toke his hors and roode to Norham, and fecchyd yn the Schottys, and brought them unto the Lordys Commyssyonourys. And there was concludyd a pes [Note. peace] for xv year with the Schottys. And the Schottys ben trewe it moste nedys contynu so longe, but hit is harde for to tryste unto hem, for they byn evyr founde full of gyle and dyssayte.

Chronicle of Scotland by Robert Lindesay Volume 1 Book 20 Chapter 18. [Sep 1513] Hou the king passit to the feild of floudane. Hou the king cuist doun werk [Map]1 and norem [Map]2 and fuird [Map]3 and atill [Map]4. Hou the king mellit with the lady furd. Hou the men of weiris wictuallis wer spendit. Hou the lady of fuird askit licence at the king to wisie hir freindis. Hou the lady fuird schowit the Erle of Surrie all the king of Scotlandis secreittis.

Note 1. Wark Castle, Northumberland [Map].

Note 2. Norham Castle [Map].

Note 3. Ford Castle [Map].

Note 4. Etal Castle, Northumberland [Map].

1798. Joseph Mallord William Turner (age 22). Norham Castle [Map]: Sunrise.

Around 1822. Joseph Mallord William Turner (age 46). Norham Castle [Map], on the River Tweed.

1845. Joseph Mallord William Turner (age 69). Norham Castle [Map]: Sunrise.

2022. Norham Castle [Map] protects a strategically important crossing of the River Tweed.