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Palace of Placentia, Greenwich is in Greenwich, Kent [Map].
1491 Birth and Christening of Henry VIII
1514 Marriage of Mary Tudor and Louis XII of France
1533 Anne Boleyn's First Appearance as Queen
1533 Coronation of Anne Boleyn
1533 Birth and Christening of Elizabeth I
1536 Henry VIII Tournament Accident
On 23 May 1482 Mary York (age 14) died at Palace of Placentia, Greenwich [Map]. She was buried at St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle [Map].
After 1491 Friar John Forest (age 20) was appointed confessor to Catherine of Aragon Queen Consort England (age 5); his Friary being attached to the Palace of Placentia, Greenwich [Map].
Hall's Chronicle 1492. This yere was borne at Grenewiche [Map] lord Henry, second son to the King (age 34), which was created duke of Yorke, and after Prince of Wales, and in conclusion succeeded his father in crown and dignity. Nowe let us return to the new found son of King Edward, conjured by men’s policies from death to life.
And first to declare his lineage and beginning, you must understad that the Duchess of Burgoyne (age 45) so nourished and brought up in the seditious and scelerate factions of false contryers and founders of discord could never cease nor be unquiet (like a viper that is ready to burst with superfluity of poison) except he should infest and unquiet the King of England, for no desert or displeasure by him to her committed, but only because he was propagate and descended of the house of Lancaster, ever being adverse and enemy to her line and lineage. For which only cause she compassed, imagined and invented how to cast a scorpion in his bosom, and to infect his whole realm with, a pestiferous discord. To the intent that he being vanquished and brought to confusion, both the boiling heat of her malicious heart might be fully satiated with his innocent blood, and also advance and prefer some darling of her faction to his Empire rule and dignity. And principally remembering that the Earl of Lincoln, which was by her set forth and al his company had small fortune and worse success in their progression and enterprise, contrary to her hope and expectation, she like a dog reverting to her olde vomit, began to devise and spin a new web, like a spider that daily weaves when his caul is torn. And as the devil provides venomous sauce to corrupt banckettes, so for her purpose she espied a certain young man of visage beautiful, of countenance demure, of with subtle crafty and pregnant, called Peter Warbreck. And for his dastard cowardness of the Englishmen, in derision called Perkin Warbreck (age 17), according to the Dutch phrase, which change the name of Peter to Pekin, to younglings of no strength nor courage for their timorous hearts and pusillanimity. Which young man travelling many countries, could speak English and many other languages, and for his basenes of stock and birth was known of none almost, and only for the gain of his living from his childhood was of necessity, compelled to seek and frequent diverse realms and regions. Therefore the duches thinking to have gotten God by the foot, when she had the devil by the taile, and adjudging this young man to be a mete organ to convey her purpose, and one not unlike to be duke of Yorke, son to her brother King Edward, which was called Richard, kept him a certain space with her privately, and him with such diligence instructed, both of the secretes and common affaires of the realm of England, and of the lineage, descent and order of the House of Yorke, that he like a good scholar not forgetting his lesson could tell all that was taught him promptly without any difficulty or sign of any subornation and besides, he kept such a princely countenance, and so counterfeit a Majesty Royal, that all men in manner did firmly believe that he was extracted of the noble house and family of the Dukes of Yorke. For surely it was a gift given to that noble progeny as of nature in the root planted that all the sequel of that line and stock did study and devise how to be equivalent in honour and fame with their forefathers and noble predecessors.
On 28 Jun 1491 Henry VIII was born to King Henry VII of England and Ireland (age 34) and Elizabeth York Queen Consort England (age 25) at the Palace of Placentia, Greenwich [Map]. He was created Duke of Cornwall.
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1485-1509. 28 Jun 1491. This yeare, in June,f Kinge Henrie the Eightg was borne at Greenewich [Map], which was second sonne to King Henry the VIIth (age 34), named Duke of Yorke.
Note f. June 28th, 1491.
Note g. This expression shows that this portion of the Chronicle was written after the accession of Henry VIII.
On 21 Feb 1499 Edmund Tudor 1st Duke of Somerset was born to King Henry VII of England and Ireland (age 42) and Elizabeth York Queen Consort England (age 33) at the Palace of Placentia, Greenwich [Map] being their sixth child. On 24 Feb 1499 he was christened at the Church of the Observant Friars, Greenwich [Map]. His godparents were Margaret Beaufort Countess Richmond (age 55), Edward Stafford 3rd Duke of Buckingham (age 21) and Bishop Richard Foxe (age 51), then Bishop of Durham. He is believed to have been created 1st Duke Somerset on the same day although there is no documentation.
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1485-1509. 22 Feb 1499. This yeare was borne the third sonne of King Henry the VII (age 42) named Edmunde Duke of Somersett, at Greenwich [Map], the 22nd of Februarie.
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1485-1509. 1501. This yeare the Kinge (age 43) buylded new his manner at Sheene,d and chaunged the name and named it Richmonde [Map];e and buylded new his place, called the Baynards Castle [Map], in London; and repayred his place in Greenewich [Map], with muche new buyldinge.f
Note d. Stow has placed this paragraph under the year 1507, being the twenty-second year of Henry's reign.
Note e. After his own title.
Note f. Greenwich [Map] has much favoured by Henry VII and here his son, afterwards Henry VIII (age 9) was born.
On 13 Aug 1514 Louis XII King France (age 52) and Mary Tudor Queen Consort France (age 18) were married by proxy at the Palace of Placentia, Greenwich [Map]. Louis d'Orléans, Duc de Longueville (age 34), a hostage in England at the time, stood in for Louis XII King France.
On 18 Feb 1516 Queen Mary I of England and Ireland was born to Henry VIII (age 24) and Catherine of Aragon (age 30) at Palace of Placentia, Greenwich [Map]. Margaret Bourchier 1st Baroness Bryan (age 48) was created 1st Baroness Bryan and appointed the child's governess. Catherine York Countess Devon (age 36) was her godmother.
Letters and Papers 1529. 25 Oct 1529. Bradford, 256. 6026. Chapuys (age 39) to Charles V (age 29).
On the receipt of your letter on Thursday the 21st, dated Piacenza, I sent to Windsor to ask for an audience. As the administration has fallen principally into the hands of the Duke of Norfolk (age 56), and the communication is more agreeable to him than that of the marriage, I hastened to visit him. The Cardinal (age 56), who was dis-evangelised on the day of St. Luke the Evangelist (18 Oct.), has been deprived of his offices. I was received by the Duke with great distinction, and expressed to him the regard in which you had always held him for his goodwill. He seemed highly pleased, and said that he and his family had always been attached to the house of Burgundy; that no one more lamented the late disagreements than himself, but that all the evil and misunderstanding ought to be attributed to those who formerly directed the King's councils, acting by their own will and authority, with which the King himself was often dissatisfied.
In reply to his remark that he should like to serve your Majesty against the Turk, I praised his virtuous feelings, and told him that was the main object of my communication; but for the better security of peace, which the King had done so much to establish, one unhappy difference between himself and the Queen remained to be settled. I told him that, however strongly he might feel from family considerations, he could not but feel as a true knight, nor act otherwise than if it had been his own daughter, and as conscience directed; and that your Majesty was convinced that he had not been the promoter of this step. He replied that he would sooner have lost one of his hands than that such a question should have arisen; but it was entirely a matter of law and conscience, and he had never been appealed to; that it had been submitted to ecclesiastics and doctors, who had pronounced against the validity of the marriage; that if the dispensation you held was illegal, the King would consider himself the most abused prince in Christendom; and that if you had not declared yourself in it so openly, it might have sooner been brought to a satisfactory issue. I explained to him the constraint under which you acted; and that, as to the king of England not having declared himself a party in the matter, it was clear that he had done so from the proceedings of the English ambassadors at Rome. Finding he remained thoughtful, I changed the subject. Shortly after he turned to me with a laugh, and said, "How glad the Emperor will be to hear of this fall of the Cardinal, and his loss of office?" I answered, I thought you would, but not from any hatred you had to the Cardinal; and that he could have done neither good nor ill to you, and was not of such importance as that you would care to be avenged, or trouble yourself about his disgrace; but what you rejoiced at was, that the king of England would now learn who had been his evil counsellors, and leave the management of affairs to men who from birth and circumstances were more competent. I told him that I was the first who had broken through the chain of paying court to the Cardinal, and addressed myself to him. He thanked me for my good intentions, and said that the government was managed not by an individual but by the Council, where he usually assisted, and would promote Your Majesty's interests.
In order to please the Duke I asked him what I should do, although I had already sent one of my secretaries to the King. He told me that the King had ordered that application should be made direct to himself, before any other person was acquainted with the communication. He followed me to the hall, using very courteous language.
On the 22nd my secretary returned from Windsor, stating that the King would be at Greenwich on Saturday, and I was to go the day after. On my reaching Greenwich [Map] I found a civil gentleman, named Poller (Bollen?), sent by the King to conduct me to the palace. There I found the bishop of London (age 55), who led me to the King's antechamber, where the Court was assembled, and was received by two dukes and the archbishop of Canterbury (age 79). I conversed with these lords, waiting for the King to go to mass; and we talked of the conference at Bologna. The King, on going to mass, came directly to me, and taking me by the sleeve said, with the utmost graciousness, "You have news from my brother the Emperor." On answering Yes, he asked the date, and then said your Majesty was very careful to give him information. I assured him that you were anxious to make him partaker of all affairs, and thus show your brotherly affection. I then presented your letters, and, as to the particulars of my credentials, he said that the ambassadors in your court were authorised to treat about them. Speaking of your going into Italy I bespoke his good offices.
On his return from mass, he came up to me again, and resumed the subject. When we talked of the necessity of resisting the Turk, and of the Pope's arrival at Bologna on the 5th, I said I thought it advisable that he should commission his ambassadors with the Pope to treat; and I combated his remark that he could do but little against the Turk, seeing he was wealthy, and as absolute in his dominions as the Pope. He urged that this affair was chiefly yours, and if you wished to accomplish it you must make peace with the princes of Italy. I assured him you had never ceased from efforts in this direction. The conversation then turned on the duke Francesco Sforza; and I urged, in opposition to his remark, that your proceedings were as favorable to the Duke as could be. He objected to the cession of Pavia and Alexandria, alleging the cruelties which had taken place at Sienna. I told him Pavia was out of dispute, as it was already given up. "Between ourselves," said he, "I think it is a great shame that whilst the Turk is in Austria, the patrimony of the Emperor, he should not rescue it, but make war upon Christians." On my urging the danger that might be expected from Sforza and the Venetians if your troops were withdrawn, he urged that neither could do anything. Shortly after, changing his tone, he said, with some emphasis, "My brother the king of France has made your Emperor a marvellous offer." This he repeated three times. I said, if it were so, he had now done a virtuous part, and kept his professions. After various other topics it grew late. Not a word was said of the Queen. After dinner he asked me if I had anything more to say.
All here are satisfied with the treaty of Cambray. As for the observance of it, the Queen, as I have already written, has expressed her doubt of its duration. It is supposed to have cost this King 800,000 ducats. He is not therefore likely to break it. People here are not very anxious to repeat the dose, as it is not to their taste. At present they seem on good terms with the French. The ambassador has been only once at court with his brother since my arrival. He has been commanded to deliver his message to the Council, and abstain from communication with the Cardinal; at which he was greatly vexed. Various ambassadors are here. The most in favour is the Milanese, on whom the King has spent money. Those who are now in most credit are the dukes of Norfolk and Suffolk (age 45). There is not a single person about the King who is not saturated with French money; and though they profess great affection to you, their affection for money is much stronger. I have submitted the proposition to the King respecting the sea being kept free from pirates. He has ordered a good reception for Mons. Rosymbez.
The downfall of the Cardinal is complete. He is dismissed from the Council, deprived of the Chancellorship, and constrained to make an inventory of his goods in his own hand, that nothing may be forgotten. It is said that he has acknowledged his faults, and presented all his effects to the King. Yesterday the King returned to Greenwich by water secretly, in order to see them, and found them much greater than he expected. He took with him "sa mye" (his darling-Ann Boleyn (age 28)), her mother (age 49), and a gentleman of his chamber (Norris?) The Cardinal, notwithstanding his troubles, has always shown a good face, especially towards the town, but since St. Luke's Day all has been changed to sighs and tears night and day. The King, either moved by pity, or for fear if he should die the whole extent of his effects would not be found, sent him a ring for his comfort. He has withdrawn with a small attendance to a place ten miles off. They have sent for his son from Paris. People say execrable things of him, all which will be known at this Parliament. But those who have raised the storm will not let it abate, not knowing, if he returned to power, what would become of them. The ambassador of France commiserates him most. It was feared the Cardinal would get his goods out of the country, and therefore a strict watch was kept at the ports, and the watch insisted on opening the coffers of cardinal Campeggio (age 54), notwithstanding his passport, and, on his refusal, broke open the locks. He said they had done him great wrong to suppose that he could be corrupted by the Cardinal, since he had been proof against the innumerable presents offered him by the King.
The Chancellor's seal has remained in the hands of the Duke of Norfolk till this morning, when it was transferred to Sir Thomas More (age 51). Every one is delighted at his promotion, because he is an upright and learned man, and a good servant of the Queen. He was Chancellor of Lancaster, an office now conferred on the Sieur Villeury (Fitzwilliam). Richard Pace, a faithful servant of your Majesty, whom the Cardinal had kept in prison for two years, as well in the Tower of London as in a monastery (Syon House), is set at liberty. Unless his mind should again become unsettled, it is thought he will rise in higher favour at Court than ever.
There is a young man here, sent by the duke of Saxony, who has much business with the King and the bishop of London.
Of the King's affair there is nothing new to communicate, except what the bishop of London has told me, that Dr. Stokesley (age 54) had been sent to France to consult the doctors of Paris. The Queen begs your Majesty will send some respectable person there to do the same, for without some definitive sentence the King will remain obstinate in his opinions. She thinks that delay will be more dangerous than profitable, and therefore we have thought it desirable not to consent to the postponement demanded. To avoid creating suspicion in the mind of the King, she thinks I had better cease to visit her, but she will provide means for my speaking with her in private. London, 25 Oct. 1529.
P.S.-Two days after I had written the above, the Cardinal was definitively condemned by the Council, declared a rebel, and guilty of high treason for having obtained a legatine bull, whereby he had conferred many benefices in the King's patronage. He has been deprived of his dignities, his goods confiscated, and himself sentenced to prison until the King shall decide. This sentence was not given in his presence, but to his two proctors. This he will not find easy of digestion, but worse remains behind (mais encoures ne serat il quicte pour le prix).
On 12 Apr 1533, Saturday, Easter Eve, Queen Anne Boleyn of England (age 32) made her first appearance as Queen attending mass at the Queen's Closet at Greenwich Palace [Map]. She was accompanied by sixty ladies including Margaret "Madge" Shelton.
The Venetian Ambassdor reported ... "This morning of Easter Eve, the Marchioness Anne went with the King (age 41) to high mass, as Queen, and with all the pomp of a Queen, clad in cloth of gold, and loaded (carga) with the richest jewels; and she dined in public; although they have not yet proclaimed the decision of the Parliament.".
Calendar of State Papers Spain Volume 5 Part 2 1531-1533. 15 Apr 1533. 1061. Eustace Chapuys (age 43) to the Emperor (age 33).
On Tuesday the 7th inst., having been informed of the strange and outrageous conduct and proceedings of this king (age 41) against the Queen (age 47), whereof I have written to Your Majesty, I went to Court at the hour appointed for the King's audience, that I might there duly remonstrate against the Queen's treatment. I took with me Mr. Hesdin, who by the consent of the Queen [of Hungary] is now here to claim the arrears of his pension, in order that he might be present, and hear the remonstrances I had to address the King, hoping also that if I had to use threatening language the King might not be so much offended if uttered in the presence of the said Hesdin. On my arrival at Greenwich [Map] the earl of Vulchier (age 56) (Wiltshire) came to meet me, and leading me to the apartments of the duke of Norfolk (age 60), who had just gone to see the Queen, said to me that the King being very much engaged at that hour had deputed him to listen to what I had to say, and report thereupon. My answer was that my communication was of such a nature and so important that I could not possibly make it to anyone but to the King in person. Until now he had never refused me audience, or put me off, and I could not think that he would now break through the custom without my having given him any occasion for it, especially as the King knew that Your Majesty most willingly received the English ambassadors at all hours, whatever might be their errand or business. The Earl repeated his excuses, and seemed at first disinclined to take my answer back to the King, until at last, perceiving my firm determination, he went in and came back saying the King would see me immediately, though he still tried to ascertain what my business was, and advised me to put off my communication until after the festivals. It was settled at last that I should see the King on Thursday in Holy Week, on which day having about me a copy of my last despatch [to Your Majesty], I took again the road to Court, accompanied as before by the said Master Hesdin, and was introduced to the Royal presence by the same earl of Wiltshire. The King received us graciously enough. After the usual salutations and inquiries about Your Majesty's health, the King asked me what news I had of your movements. I answered that the letters I had received last were rather old, but that I had reason to believe you had already embarked to return to Spain at the beginning of this present month. This statement the King easily believed, and was rejoiced to hear (such is his wish to see you fairly out of Italy). I added that the weather for the last days could not have been more favourable, and therefore that it was to be hoped Your Majesty had reached Spain in safety. Having then asked me whether I had other news to communicate, I told him that your brother, the king of the Romans (age 30), had made his peace with the Turk, and that the latter had sent an embassy, at which piece of intelligence the King remained for some time in silent astonishment as if he did not know what to answer.
Calendar of State Papers Spain Volume 5 Part 2 1531-1533. 15 Apr 1533. 1061. Eustace Chapuys (age 43) to the Emperor (age 33).
On Saturday, the eve of Easter, Lady Anne went to mass in truly Royal state, loaded with diamonds and other precious stones, and dressed in a gorgeous suit of tissue, the train of which was carried by the daughter (age 34) of the duke of Norfolk (age 80), betrothed to the Duke of Richmond. She was followed by numerous damsels, and conducted to and from the church [Map] with the same or perhaps greater ceremonies and solemnities than those used with former Queens on such occasions. She has now changed her title of marchioness for that of Queen, and preachers specially name her so in their church prayers. At which all people here are perfectly astonished, for the whole thing seems a dream, and even those who support her party do not know whether to laugh or cry at it. The King is watching what sort of mien the people put on at this, and solicits his nobles to visit and pay their court to his new Queen, whom he purposes to have crowned after Easter in the most solemn manner, and it is said that there will be banqueting and tournaments on the occasion. Indeed some think that Clarence, the king-at-arms who left for France four days ago, is gone for the purpose of inviting knights for the tournament in imitation of the Most Christian King when he celebrated his own nuptials. I cannot say whether the coronation will take place before or after these festivities, but I am told that this King has secretly arranged with the archbishop of Canterbury (age 63), that in virtue of his office, and without application from anyone he is to summon him before his court as having two wives, upon which, without sending for the Queen, he (the Archbishop) will declare that the King can lawfully marry again, as he has done, without waiting for a dispensation, for a sentence from the Pope, or any other declaration whatever.
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1530-1539. 29 May 1533. Memorandum, Thursdaie, the 29th daie of Maie, 1533, Ladie Anne, Marques of Pembroke (age 32), was receayed as Queene of Englande by all the Lordes of Englande.c And the Majord and Aldermen, with all the craftes of the Cittie of London, went to Greenewych in their barges after the best fashion, with a barge also of Batchlers of the Majors crafte rytchlie behanged with cloath of golde and a foyste to wayte on her. And so all the Lordes, the Major, with all the craftes of London, brought her by water from Greenewych [Map] to the Tower of London [Map], and ther the Kinges grace (age 41) receaved her at her landinge; and then were shott at the Towre above a thousand gunnes, besides other shotts that were shott at Lymehowse, and in other shipps lying in the Thammes. And the morrowe after being Fridaief their were made divers Knightes of the Bath.
Note c. Anne Boleyn was descended through both parents from the royal stock of King Edward I; paternally, from Elizabeth, daughter of that monarch, and, maternally, from Thomas de Brotherton, Earl of Norfolk, son of the same King.
Note d. Sir Stephen Pecocke
Note e. A light and fast-sailing ship.
Note f. May 30.
On 10 Sep 1533 the future Elizabeth I was christened at the Palace of Placentia, Greenwich [Map].
Gertrude Blount Marchioness of Exeter (age 30), Archbishop Thomas Cranmer (age 44) and Margaret Wotton Marchioness Dorset (age 46) were Godparents.
Henry Bourchier 2nd Earl Essex 3rd Count of Eu carried the covered gilt basin. Charles Brandon 1st Duke of Suffolk (age 49) escorted the Dowager Duchess of Norfolk (age 56). Henry Grey 1st Duke of Suffolk (age 16) carried the Salt. Elizabeth Stafford Duchess Norfolk (age 36) carried the Chrisom. Agnes Tilney Duchess Norfolk carried Queen Elizabeth I of England and Ireland. Henry Courtenay 1st Marquess Exeter (age 37) carried a taper of virgin wax.
Edward Stanley 3rd Earl of Derby (age 24), Thomas Boleyn 1st Earl Wiltshire and Ormonde (age 56), Henry Grey 4th Earl Kent (age 38) and George Boleyn Viscount Rochford (age 30) supported the train of the mantle.
Thomas Howard 3rd Duke of Norfolk (age 60), William Howard 1st Baron Howard (age 23), Thomas Howard (age 22) and John Hussey 1st Baron Hussey of Sleaford (age 68) carried the canopy.
On 24 Jan 1536 Henry VIII (age 44) held a tournament at the Palace of Placentia, Greenwich [Map] some two weeks after Catherine of Aragon's (deceased) death.
On 06 Jan 1540 Henry VIII (age 48) and Anne of Cleves (age 24) were married by Archbishop Thomas Cranmer (age 50) at the Palace of Placentia, Greenwich [Map]. Anne of Cleves was crowned Queen Consort England. The difference in their ages was 24 years. She the daughter of John La Marck III Duke Cleves and Maria Jülich Berg Duchess Cleves. He the son of King Henry VII of England and Ireland and Elizabeth York Queen Consort England.
Catherine Carey (age 16) and Eleanor Paston Countess Rutland (age 45) were appointed Lady in Waiting to Anne of Cleves Queen Consort England.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 03 May 1551. The iij day of May ther was a grett tryhumpe at Grenwyche [Map]. The Kyng (age 13) and alle ys compeny wher alle blacke and whyt, fott men and trumpeters, hats, clokes, and baners blacke and whytt, and speres; and the thodur parte was the yerle of Harfford (age 51), and a grett compeny of lords and knyghts, alle yonge men, and trompeters, ther hats, baners, and fott men alle in yelow, and so they rayne [at the] rynge, and at tornay with swords-the v yer K. E. vjth.
A great triumph at Greenwich. Thus noticed in the King's diary:
"March 31. A chaleng made by me that I, with 16 of my chaumbre, shuld runne at base, shote, and rune at ring, with any 17 of my servauntes, gentlemen in the court." —
"May 3. The chaleng at running at ringe performed, at the wich first came the kinge, 16 footmen, and 10 hor[se]men, in blake silk cootes pulled out with wight tafeta; then al lordes, having three [sic. qu. their] men likewise appareled, and al gentlemen, ther footmen in whit fustian pulled out with blake taveta. The tother side came al in yelow tafta. At lenght the yelow band toke it thrise in 120 courses, and my band tainted often, wich was counted as nothing, and toke never, wich seemed very straunge, and so the price was of my side lost. After that turnay folowed, betwen 6 of my band and sixe ofthers."
Henry Machyn's Diary. 06 Jul 1551. The vj day of July the Kynges (age 13) grace rod thrugh Grenwyche parke [Map] unto Blake heth [Map], and my lord of Darbe (age 42), and my lord of Warwyke (age 47), and my lord admerall Clyntun (age 39), and sir Wylliam Harbard (age 50), and odur lordes and knyghts and gentyllmen, and trumpeters playhyng, and alle the gardes in ther dobelets and ther hosse, with bowes and arowes and halbards ij and ij to-gether, and the Kynges grace in the myds on horsse-bake, and ther the Kynges grace ran at the ryng on Blake heth with lordes and knyghtes. [The earl of Warwick met the King there with a hundred men of arms, and great horses, and gentlemen] in clothe, and brodered the alffe, and the same night the Kyng suppyd at Depforth [Map] in a shype with my lord Admyral, [and the lords] of the conselle, and with many gentylmen.
Note. The king supped at Deptford. Machyn has dated this event two days too late. It is thus recorded in the king's own diary: "4. I was banketted by the lord Clinton at Detford, where I saw the Primrose and the Marie Willoughby launched."
Henry Machyn's Diary. 30 Apr 1552. The sam day the Kynges (age 14) grase removyd from Westmynster unto Grenwyche [Map] at viij a-cloke in the mornyng.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 13 Jun 1552. The xiij day of Juin rod thrugh London unto the Towre warffe [Map] my lade Mare (age 36) grase, the kynges syster, and toke her barge to Grenwyche [Map] the kynges courte, and so cam agayn at vj a-cloke at nyght, and so landyd at the Towre, and so unto Saynt Johns beyond Smyth-feld.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 27 Jun 1552. The xxvij day of Juin the Kyng's (age 14) mageste removed from Grenwyche [Map] by water unto Pottney [Map], and ther [he] toke ys horsse unto Hamtun [Map] cowrte one ys progres, and ther lyvyng ther x days, and so to Ottland [Map], and to Gy[lford] [Map].
Note. The king took horse on his progress. King Edward's Diary, (May 23, 1551) gives the following enumeration of the bands of men of arms appointed at this time to accompany him on his progress:
Lord Treasure 30 Earl of Rutland 15 Lord Cobham 20
Lord Great Master 25 Earl of Huntingdon 25 Lord Warden 20
Lord Privy Seal 30 Earl of Pembroke 50 Mr. Vice-chamberlain 15
Duke of Suffolk 25 Lord Admiral 15 Mr. Sadler 15
Earl of Warwick 25 Lord Darcy 30 Mr. Sydney 15
Afterwards, on the 22d of June, it was agreed that the bands appointed to Mr. Sidney, Mr. Vice-chamberlain, Mr. Hobby, and Mr. Sadler, should not be furnished, but left off. Again, when the king was in Sussex, on the 24th July, "because the number of bands that went with me this progress made the train great, it was thought good they should be sent home, save only 150 which were picked out of all the bands. This was because the train was thought to be near 4000 horse, which were enough to eat up the country, for there was little meadow or hay all the way as I went."
Henry Machyn's Diary. 23 Dec 1552. The xxiij day of Desember the Kynges (age 15) grace removyd from Westmynster unto Grenwyche [Map] to kepe ys Crystymas, and so he begane to kepe Halle, and ys grasse had a lord of myss-rulle, keepyng goodly pastyme, for ys grace('s) plesur, and with alle passtyme as have bene sene.
Note. The king's lord of misrule. This important officer was "a gentleman, wise and learned, named George Ferrers." (Holinshed, 1st edit. p. 1709.) He was a member of Lincoln's Inn. (Stowe's Chronicle, p. 608.) Many curious documents respecting his revels in this and subsequent years are printed in Kempe's Loseley Manuscripts, 8vo. 1835, pp. 24, et seq. George Ferrers was probably the same person who, being member of Parliament for Plymouth in 1542, was arrested for debt in the city of London, and committed to the counter: whereupon he was reclaimed by the house of commons, and the sheriffs committed to the Tower: see a long narrative in the histories of London.
The procession of the lord of misrule, or "lord of merry disports" (as he was also called), into London, which occurs subsequently in this page, is also described in Stowe's Chronicle, p. 608: "hee was received by sergeant Vawce, lord of misrule to John Mainard one of the sheriffes of London."
On 06 Jul 1553 King Edward VI of England and Ireland (age 15) died at Palace of Placentia, Greenwich [Map]. His first cousin once removed Lady Jane Grey (age 17) succeeded I Queen of England.
Thomas Wendy (age 53) attended the King as physician.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 10 Mar 1558. The x day of Marche the Quen('s) (age 42) grace removyd unto Grenwyche [Map], in lentt, for to kepe ester.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 17 Jul 1559. The xvij day of July the Quen('s) (age 25) grace removyd from Grenwyche [Map] of her prograsse unto Darford [Map] in Kent; so the next day removyd unto Cobham [Map], my lord Cobham('s) (age 31) plasse, and ther her grace had grett chere.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 14 May 1560. The xiiij day of May the Quen('s) (age 26) grace removyd from Westmynster by water unto Grenwyche [Map], and as her grace was gohyng by water not so farre as ..., cam by water to her grace master Henry Perse (age 28) owt of F[rance,] with serten tydynges.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 29 Jul 1560. The xxix day of July the Quen('s) (age 26) grace removyd from Grenwyche [Map] on her grace('s) progresse, and at Lambeth [Map] she dynyd with my lord of Canturbere (age 55) and her consell; and after [took her] gorney towhard Rychmond [Map], and her grace lay ther v [5] days; and after to Ottland [Map], and ther So[nday and] Monday dener, and to Suttun to soper.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 05 Jun 1562. The v day of June the Quen('s) (age 28) grace removyd from Westmynster unto Grenwyche [Map] by water, and ther was grett shutyng of gones at the Tower [Map] as her grace whentt, and in odur places.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 14 Jun 1562. The xiiij day of June whent unto the quen (age 28) at Greenwich [Map] the sam prophett that men calle hym Helyas Hall; and master (blank) dyd pryche - master Pylkyntun (age 42), and declared of hym and off ys levyng.
Note. P. 284. Helyas Hall. The real name of this prophet was Elizeus Hall: many particulars respecting him will be found in Strype, Annals, chap. 25.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 14 Jun 1563. The xiiij day of June the Quen('s) (age 29) grace removyd from Whythall by water toward Grenwyche [Map], and a-bowt Ratclyff [Map] and Lymhowse [Map] capten Stukely dyd shuwe here grace the pleysur that cold be on the water with shuttyng of gones after lyke warle with plahhyng of drumes and trum[pets.]
On 08 Apr 1605 Princess Mary Stewart was born to King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland (age 38) and Anne of Denmark Queen Consort Scotland England and Ireland (age 30) at the Palace of Placentia, Greenwich [Map]. Alice Dennis was chosen as midwife for which she received a reward of £100.
On 05 May 1605 Princess Mary Stewart was christened at the Palace of Placentia [Map]. Elizabeth Vere Countess Derby (age 29) carried the child. The infant's clothing, a train of purple velvet, embroidered with gold and furred with Ermines, was supported by two countesses, being so long that it fell to the ground. Richard Bancroft Archibishop Canterbury (age 60) performed the christening. The Queen's (age 30) brother Prince Ulrik Oldenburg (age 26), the King's (age 38) first cousin Arabella Stewart (age 30) and Dorothy Devereux Countess Northumberland (age 41) were godparents. The King presented Queen Anne (who was not present) with new jewelry.
On 22 Jun 1610 William Seymour 2nd Duke of Somerset (age 22) and Arabella Stewart (age 35) were married in secret at Palace of Placentia, Greenwich [Map]. For having married without permission King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland (age 44) had Arabella Stewart imprisoned in Sir Thomas Perry's House, Lambeth and he in the Tower of London [Map]. She the daughter of Charles Stewart 5th Earl Lennox and Elizabeth Cavendish Countess Lennox. They were third cousin once removed. He a great x 3 grandson of King Henry VII of England and Ireland. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.
Vesta Monumenta. 1753. Plate 2.25. Palace of Placentia, Greenwich [Map]. Engraving by James Basire (age 23) after George Vertue (age 69).
Letters and Papers 1528. This day, as the King came "towards evensong," the marquis of Exeter brought two great bucks from Burllyng [Map], the best of which the King sends to your Grace. This day the King has received his Maker at the Friars', when my Lord of Lincoln administered. On Tuesday the King goes to Waltham [Map]. Greenwich [Map], Corpus Christi Day. Signed.