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Pontefract is in South Yorkshire.
In 1093 Ilbert Lacy 1st Baron Pontefract (age 48) died at Pontefract [Map]. His son Robert Lacy 2nd Baron Pontefract (age 18) succeeded 2nd Baron Pontefract.
On 01 Oct 1211 Roger Lacy 6th Baron Pontefract 7th Baron Halton (age 40) died in Pontefract [Map].
John Lacy Earl Lincoln (age 19) succeeded 8th Baron Halton, 7th Baron Pontefract. Alice Aquila Baroness Bowland, Halton and Lacy by marriage Baroness Halton, Baroness Pontefract.
In 1214 John Lacy Earl Lincoln (age 22) and Alice Aquila Baroness Bowland, Halton and Lacy were married at Pontefract [Map].
On 01 Mar 1322 Bartholomew Badlesmere 1st Baron Badlesmere (age 46) reached at Pontefract [Map].
On 16 Mar 1322 the rebel army led by Thomas Plantagenet 2nd Earl of Leicester, 2nd Earl Lancaster, Earl of Salisbury and Lincoln (age 44) attempted to cross the bridge over the River Ure (between Ripon and York) at Boroughbridge Bridge [Map]. Their path was blocked by forces loyal to the King led by Andrew Harclay 1st Earl Carlisle (age 52). Bartholomew Badlesmere 1st Baron Badlesmere (age 46), Roger Mortimer 1st Earl March (age 34), John Botetort 1st Baron Botetort (age 57) and John Maltravers 1st Baron Maltravers (age 32) fought for the rebels. Roger Clifford 2nd Baron Clifford (age 22), Nicholas Longford (age 37), Thomas Plantagenet 2nd Earl of Leicester, 2nd Earl Lancaster, Earl of Salisbury and Lincoln, John Mowbray 2nd Baron Mowbray (age 35) were captured.
Warin Lisle (age 51) was hanged after the battle at Pontefract [Map].
Following the battle Hugh Audley 1st Earl Gloucester (age 31) and his wife Margaret Clare Countess Gloucester were both imprisoned. He in Nottingham Castle [Map] and she in Sempringham Priory [Map].
John Clinton 2nd Baron Clinton (age 22), Ralph Greystoke 1st Baron Greystoke (age 22), William Latimer 2nd Baron Latimer of Corby (age 46), Robert Lisle 1st Baron Lisle (age 34), Domhnall Mar II Earl Mar (age 29) and Peter Saltmarsh (age 42) fought for the King.
Adam Everingham 1st Baron Everingham of Laxton (age 43) was captured.
Humphrey Bohun 4th Earl Hereford 3rd Earl Essex (age 46) was killed. His son John Bohun 5th Earl Hereford 4th Earl Essex (age 15) succeeded 5th Earl Hereford, 4th Earl Essex.
Piers Grandison 2nd Baron Grandison (age 31) fough for the rebels, and was captured.
Hugh Audley 1st Baron Audley of Stratton Audley (age 55) surrendered before the battle and was imprisoned in Wallingford Castle [Map] for the rest of his life
John Giffard 2nd Baron Giffard Brimpsfield (age 34) was captured.
The History of King Richard the Third by Thomas More. 01 May 1483. And as soon as they came in his presence, they alighted down with all their company about them. To whom the Duke of Buckingham (age 28) said, "Go before, gentlemen and yeomen, keep your rooms." And thus in a goodly array, they came to the King (age 12) and, on their knees in very humble fashion, assuaged his Grace, who received them in very joyous and amiable manner, nothing earthly knowing nor mistrusting as yet. But even by and by, in his presence, they picked a quarrel with the Lord Richard Grey (age 26), the King's other brother by his mother, saying that he, with the Lord Marquis (age 28) his brother and the Lord Rivers (age 43) his uncle, had planned to rule the King and the realm, and to set variance among the lords, and to subdue and destroy the noble blood of the realm. Toward the accomplishing whereof, they said that the Lord Marquis had entered into the Tower of London [Map], and thence taken out the King's treasure, and sent men to the sea. All of which things, these dukes knew well, were done for good purposes and necessary ones by the whole council at London, except that they must say something.
Unto which words, the King answered, "What my brother marquis has done I cannot say. But in good faith I dare well answer for mine uncle Rivers and my brother here, that they be innocent of any such matters.".
"Yea, my Liege," said the Duke of Buckingham, "they have kept their dealing in these matters far from the knowledge of your good Grace.".
And forthwith they arrested the Lord Richard and Sir Thomas Vaughan (age 73), knight, in the King's presence, and brought the King and all back unto Northampton [Map], where they took again further counsel. And there they sent away from the King whomever it pleased them, and set new servants about him, such as liked them better than him. At which dealing he wept and was nothing content, but it remedied not. And at dinner the Duke of Gloucester (age 30) sent a dish from his own table to the Lord Rivers, praying him to be of good cheer, all should be well enough. And he thanked the Duke, and prayed the messenger to bear it to his nephew, the Lord Richard, with the same message for his comfort, who he thought had more need of comfort, as one to whom such adversity was foreign. But for himself, he had been all his days used to a life therewith, and therefore could bear it the better. But for all this comfortable courtesy of the Duke of Gloucester, he sent the Lord Rivers and the Lord Richard with Sir Thomas Vaughan into the north country to different places to prison and, afterwards, all to Pomfrait [Map], where they were, in conclusion, beheaded.
On 18 Jan 1537 Francis Bigod (age 29) ... "Though the commons at first had me in suspicion for my learning and conversation with such a lewd one as they judged were enemies both to Christ's Church and the commonwealth, and I was even in danger of my life at Pountefrett [Map], they have now the greatest confidence in me. Now messengers come from Bishopric, Richmondshire, and the West, for me to go forward with the commons, especially to bring John Halom, whom the mayor of Hull has imprisoned, to their great offence. I have sworn to go with the commons having good reason to doubt the Duke of Norfolk is coming rather to bring them to captivity like those of Lincolnshire than to fulfil our petitions. There is no man they trust so much as Constable whom Bygott would gladly join and follow his advice, if he will be true to them." He begs an answer and sends a copy of their oath.
In 1594 Bishop John Bramhall was born in Pontefract [Map].
In 1626 Francis Foljambe 1st Baronet (age 36) was elected MP Pontefract.
John Evelyn's Diary. 17 Aug 1654. Passed through Pontefract [Map]; the richard castle famous for many sieges both of late and ancient times, and the death of that unhappy King murdered in it, was now demolishing by the Rebels; it stands on a mount, and makes a goodly show at a distance. The Queen (age 44) has a house here, and there are many fair seats near it, especially Mr. Pierrepont's (age 48), built at the foot of a hill out of the castle ruins. We all alighted in the highway to drink at a crystal spring, which they call Robin Hood's Well; near it, is a stone chair, and an iron ladle to drink out of, chained to the seat. We rode to Tadcaster [Map], at the side of which we have prospect of the Archbishop's Palace (which is a noble seat), and in sight of divers other gentlemen's fair houses. This tract is a goodly, fertile, well-watered, and wooded country, abounding with pasture and plenty of provisions.
In 1747 William Monckton aka Monckton-Arundell 2nd Viscount Galway (age 22) was elected MP Pontefract which seat he held until 1748.
In 1754 William Monckton aka Monckton-Arundell 2nd Viscount Galway (age 29) was elected MP Pontefract which seat he held until 1772.
In 1780 Robert Monckton-Arundell 4th Viscount Galway (age 27) was elected MP Pontefract which seat he held until 1783.
In 1796 Robert Monckton-Arundell 4th Viscount Galway (age 43) was elected MP Pontefract which seat he held until 1802.
In 1806 Robert Pemberton Milnes (age 21) was elected MP Pontefract which seat he held until 1818.
In 1885 Rowland Winn 2nd Baron St Oswald (age 27) was elected MP Pontefract.
British Isles, England, South Yorkshire, Pontefract, All Saints Church [Map]
All Saints Church, Pontefract is also in Churches in South Yorkshire.
Between 1200 and 1500 the original All Saints Church, Pontefract [Map] was constructed. It is noted for its double-helix staircase.
In 1645 All Saints Church, Pontefract [Map] was ruined during the Civil War.
In 1831 the Tower and Transept of All Saints Church, Pontefract [Map] were restored.
In 1967 a new Nave was constructed at All Saints Church, Pontefract [Map].
British Isles, England, South Yorkshire, Pontefract Priory [Map]
Pontefract Priory is also in Priories in England.
In 1090 Robert Lacy 2nd Baron Pontefract (age 15) founded at Pontefract Priory [Map].
Pontefract Priory [Map] was a Cluniac monastery founded about 1090 by Robert Lacy 2nd Baron Pontefract (age 15). It was dedicated to St. John the Evangelist. The Priory was a dependency of the Abbey of la Charité-sur-Loire, which supplied the first monks.
On 22 Mar 1322 Thomas Plantagenet 2nd Earl of Leicester, 2nd Earl Lancaster, Earl of Salisbury and Lincoln (age 44) was beheaded at Pontefract Castle [Map] following his capture six days before at the Battle of Boroughbridge. He was buried at Pontefract Priory [Map].
After 30 Dec 1460 Edmund York 1st Earl of Rutland (deceased) was buried at Pontefract Priory [Map].