British Isles, England, City of London, Castle Baynard, St Paul's Cathedral Churchyard, St Paul's Cross [Map]
St Paul's Cross is in St Paul's Cathedral Churchyard [Map].
1441 Trial and Punishment of Eleanor Cobham
1483 The Princes of the Tower described as Illegitimate
Chronicle of Gregory 1441. 1441. And in the same year there were take certayne traytourys, the whyche purposyd to slee our lege lord the kyng (age 19) by crafte of egremauncey1, and there instrumentys were opynly shewyde to alle men at the Crosse [Map] in Powlys chyrche yerde a-pon a schaffolde i-made there-for. Att the whyche tyme was present one of the same traytours, whiche was callyd Roger Bulbroke, a clerke of Oxforde, and for that same tresoun my Lady of Glouceter (age 41) toke sayntwerye at Westemyster; and the xj day of Auguste thenne next folowynge she toke the way to the castelle of Lesnes [Map].
Note 1. Necromancy.
On 22 Jun 1483 Ralph Shaa preached the bastardy of Edward IV's children by Elizabeth Woodville, including Edward V, and who were therefore ineligible to be King, at St Paul's Cross [Map].
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1485-1509. Dec 1498. This yeare, in December, was the weathercock of Paules, the crosse [Map], and the bowle,k taken downe, and all new made. And in May after were solemnlye hallowed, and sett up agayne.
Note k. ball.
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1530-1539. Dec 1531. This yeare was a purser of London burnt in Smythfeilde [Map] for heresie, who bare a fagott at Powles Crosse [Map] the yeare afore.
In Nov 1532, as Guardian of the Greenwich friary, Friar John Forest (age 61) spoke to the friars of the plans the King had to suppress the Order in England and denounced from the pulpit at St Paul's Cross [Map] plans for a divorce.
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1530-1539. 23 Nov 1533. This yeare, on St. Clements day, the 23rd of November, beinge Sunday, the Holie Maide of Kent (age 27) and two monckes, two freeres observants, a priest, and two laymen,e were brought from the Tower of London to Paules Crosse [Map], and there stood on a skaffolde all the sermon tyme, where was declared by him that preached the abuse of a miracle done on the saide Holye Mayde at our Ladie of Courte Upstreet,f in Kent, by the craft of the sayde monckes, freeres, and priest.
Note e. The abettors of Elizabeth Barton, called the Holy Maid of Kent, were Richard Master, priest, parson of Aldington, co. Kent, Edward Bockyng, D.D. monk of Canterbury, Richard Deryng, also monk of Canterbury, Edward Thwaites, gentleman, Thomas Lanrence, registrar to the Archdeacon of Canterbnzy, Henry Gold, BJ). parson of Aldermary (Alderbniy?), Hugh Biche, friar obserrant, Richarde Bisby, and Thomas Gold, gentlemen.
Note f. Coort-at-Street, a hamlet in the parish of Lympne.
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1536. 06 Feb 1536. This yeare also, the first Soundaie after Candlemas, being the sixt daie of Februarie, the Archbishopp of Canterberie, called Thomas Cranmer (age 46), preached at Paules Crosse [Map], my Lord Chauncelor (age 48)g being then present at his sermon, and their he approved, by scripture and by the decrees of the Popes lawes, that the Bishop of Rome, otherwise called Pope, was Antichrist, and also brought divers expositions of holie sainctes and doctors for the same; and how craftelie, and by what meanes, and how long, he had taken upon him the power of God and the aucthoritie above all princes christened, and how his aucthoritie and lawes was contrarie to scripture and the lawe of God, as he then honorably declared and approved to the cleere understanding of all the people.
Note g. Sir Thomas Audley, who had succeeded the learned Sir Thomas More as Chancellor in 1532.
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1536. 13 Feb 1536. The seconde sermon, being on Septuagesima Sundaie, their preached at Powles Crosse [Map] the Bishop of Rochester.a
Note a. John Hilsey, Prior of the Dominican Friars in London, appointed 4th October, 1535, to this see, then vacant by the execution of Bishop Fisher.
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1536. 20 Feb 1536. The Sondaie of Sexagesima preached at St. Poules Crosse [Map] the Bishopp of Lincolne (age 63).b
Note b. John Longland, Chancellor of the University of Oxford, and late Canon of Windsor.
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1536. 27 Feb 1536. The Soundaie of Quinquegesima, being the 27th daie of Februarie and Leepe yeare, a.d. 1536, preached at Paules Crosse [Map] the Bushoppe of Durhame, named Dr. Dunstall (age 62),c sometime Bishopp of London, and afore that, being Master of the Rolls; and their were present at his sermon the Archbishopp of Canterberie (age 46) with eight other bishopps, sitting at the crosse before the preacher; and the Lorde Chauncellor of Englande (age 48), the Duke of Norfolke (age 63), the Duke of Suffolke, with six Erles and divers other lordes, stoode behinde the preacher within the pulpitt, and also fower monkes of the Charterhouse of London were brought to the said sermon, which denied the King (age 44) to be supreame heade of the Church of Englande. And their the said preacher declared the profession of the Bishopp of Rome when he is elected Pope, according to the confirmation of eight universall general counsells, which were congregate for the faith of all Christendome; and everie Pope taketh an othe on the articles, promising to observe, keepe, and hould all that the said counsells confirmed, and to dampne all that they dampned; and how he, contrarie to his oth, hath usurped his power and aucthoritie over all Christendome; and also how uncharitably he had handled our Prince, King Henrie the Eight, in marying [him to] his brother's wife, contrarie to Godes lawes and also against his owne promise and decrees, which he opened by scriptures and by the cannons of the Appostles; and also how everie Kinge hath the highe power under God, and ought to be the supreame head over all spirituall prelates, which was a goodlie and gracious hearing to all the audience being their present at the same sermon. And in his prayers he said, after this manner, ye shall pray for the universall church of all Christendome, and especiall for the prosperous estate of our Soveraigne and Emperour King Henrie the Eight, being the onelie supreame head of this realme of Englande; and he declared also in his said sermon how that the Cardinalls of Rome bee but curattes and decons of the cittie and province of Bome, and how that everie curate of any parrish have as much power as they have, according to scripture, save onelie that the Pope of Rome hath made them so high aucthorities onelie for to ezhalt his name and power in Christen realmes for covetousnes, as by his owne decrees he evidentlie their approved.
Note c. Cuthbert Tunstall, translated from London 25th March, 1530.
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1536. The first Soundaie of Lent preached at Paules Crosse [Map] the Bishopp of Salisberie (age 51).a
Note a. Nicholas Shaxton, elected 22nd Febnuuy, 1586, in place of Cardinal Canipeggio» who was deprired by Act of Parliament, in 1534, for jion-residenoe.
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1536. The second Soundaie of Lent preached at Paules Crosse [Map] the Bishop of Worcestre (age 49).b
Note b. Hugh Latimer.
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1536. The third Soundaie of Lent preached at Paules Crosse [Map] the Bishopp of Bangor.c
Note c. John Salcot, alias Capon, Abbot of Hyde, consecrated 19th April, 1684.
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1538. Apr 1538. Also this yeare, in Lent, the Maire (age 53)f caused divers worshipfull Gathering for the poore men to gather money for the poore people everie Soundaie at the sermon at Poules Crosse [Map], tow parsons standing at everie dore to gather the devotions of the people, which said money was distributed weeklie to them that had most neede thereof in the cittie of London, and a registre kept of the same, and so to contynewe.
Note f. Sir Richard Gresham, who in so doing acted in accordance with the new statute 37 Hen. VIII. cap. 25, made for the relief of the indigent poor. By the same statute no alms were suffered to be given to beggars, on pain of forfeiting ten times the value. Curiously the act referred to wasn't legislated until 1545?
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1538. 12 May 1538. This yeare, the 12th daie of Maie, being the third Soundaie after Easter, the Bishopp of Worcester, called Dr. Latymer (age 51), preached at Poules Crosse [Map], at whose sermon should have bene present a penitent to have donne his penance called John Forrest, Friar Observant, Doctor of Divinitie, latelie abjured for heresie,b the eight daie of the said moneth of Maie, at Lambeth, before the most reverend father in God Thomas Cranmer (age 48), Archbishopp of Canterberie, with other, and after his said abjuration, sworne upon the Evangelistes, to abide the injunction of the said most reverend father for his penance; which said Friar Forrest obstinatlie and frowardlie, not like a true penitent performing his said penance, but standing yet stiff and proud in his malicious mynde, refused to doe; yet this daie againe, intreated by the Deane of the Arches, called Doctor Quent, with other, like a good Christian to performe his pennance, he yet notwithstanding, maliciouslie by the instigation of the devill, refused to doe, although the said Deane opened unto him the indignation of God and dampnation of his bodie and soule perpetuallie, and also have a temporall death by brenning as all heretickes should have by the lawes of this realme; which said Friar Forrest should this daie have borne a fagott at Paules Crosse for his pennance, and also with a lowde voyce have declared certaine thinges by his owne month, after the said sermon enjoyned him, for his said pennance; all which said thinges he refusing to doe, the said bishoppa desiring all the awdience then present at the said sermon to pray hartelie unto God to convert the said friar from his said obstinacie and proude minde, that he might have grace to turne to be a true penitent the soner by the grace of God at their prayers, and further their declaring his said abjuration, and articles subscribed with his owne hande, and sworne and abjured on the same, and after sworne againe to abide such injunction and pennance as he shoulde be enjoyned by the said court, whose articles were theise, as the Bishopp then openlie read at the said crosse, his owne hand subscribed to the same: First, that the Holie Catholike Church was the Church of Rome, and that wee ought to beeleve out of the same. Second, that wee should beleeve on the Popes pardon for remission of our sinnes. Thirdlie, that wee ought to beleeve and doe as our fathers have donne aforetyme fowertene yeares past. Fourthlie, that a priest maie turne and change the paines of hell of a sinner, trulie penitent, contrite of his shins, by certaine pennance enjoyned him in the paines of purgatorie; which said articles be most abhominable heresies, blasphemie against God and the countrey,b1 to Scripture, and the teaching of Christ and all his Apostles, and to abhorr any true Christian hart to thinck.
Note b. Forest was apprehended for that in secret confession he had declared to many of the King s subjects that the King was not supreme head of the Church, "whereas, before, hee had beene sworne to the Supremacie; upon this point hee was examined, and answered that he tooke his oath with his outward man, but his inward man never consented thereunto; then, being further accused of clivers hereticall opinions, hee submitted himself e to the punishment of the Church; but having more libertie than before to talke with whom he would, when his abjuration was sent him to read, hee utterly refused it."; Stow, p. 575.
Note a. Dr. Latimer of Worcester.
b1. Evidently a clerical error for " contrary."
On 24 Nov 1538 Bishop John Hilsey preached at St Paul's Cross [Map] and showed the blood of the abbey of Hales [Map], affirming it to be clarified honey and saffron (Holinshed, pp. 275, 946). He similarly denounced the Rood of Grace of Boxley, exhibiting its machinery and breaking it to pieces (Stow, Annales, p. 574; Burnet, Hist. of the Reformation, ed. Pocock, i. 385, vi. 194).
Henry Machyn's Diary. 29 Jul 1544. The xxix day of July dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] master Harpfeld and he dyd pray in ys bedes for the kyng and the quen Phelipe (age 17) and Mare (age 28) by the grace of God kyng and quene of England, Franse, Napuls, Jerusalem, Ierland, deffendors of the fayth, prynces of Spayne and Sycylye, archedukes of Austryche, dukes of Mylayne, Burgundye, and Brabant; contes of Haspurge, Flandurs, and Tyrole; whyt thes stylle as ys a-ffor.
Note. P. 67.King and Queen's style. The letters patent directing the lord chancellor to issue writs announcing the king and queen's style, dated at Winchester 27 July, 1554, are printed in Rymer's Fædera, xv. 404.
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1547. The fiftenth daie of Male, 1547, Doctor [Smith], of Wydington Collegeb, preached at Poules Crosse [Map], and their recanted and burned tow bookes which he had latelie sett fourth, one of traditions and another of unwrytten verities, and there he professed a new sincere doctrine contrarie to his old papisticall ordre, as his articles in wry ting playnelie sheweth.
Note b. Whittingtcm's College and Hospital.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 24 Sep 1553. The xxiiij day of September dyd pryche master doctur Fecknam (age 38) at Powlles crosse [Map], the Sonday a-for the qwuen('s) crounasyon; he mad a godly sermon as was hard in that place.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 10 Jun 1554. The x day of Juin dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] master (doctor Pendleton (age 30)); and be-twyn x and a xj of the cloke ther was a gunne shott over the prycher, and yt the wall, and yt was a pellett of tyne.
Wriothesley's Chronicle 15 Jul 1554. 15 Jul 1554. The 15 of Julie, beinge Sundaye, one Elizabeth Crofte, a yonge mayden, stood at Paules Crosse [Map] on a litle scaffolde neare the preacher, which was taken in Aldersgate Streete in Aprill last past, called the wbyte byrde, or the byrde that spake in the walla. Her confession was readd by the precher openlye, which declared that one Drakes, a servant of Sir Anthony Nevillsb, which gaue her a whistle, and by theyr develish pretence feyned her to speake divers thinges of the Queen and Prince of Spayne, of the masse and confession; as that one Myles, clerk of St. Butolphes in Aldersgate Street, and a player, and one Hyll, a weaverc in Reddcrosse Streete, declared to the peopled, which caused great assemblie of people to drawe thither, which there openlye lamented in the presence of all the people. After her confession read she kneeled downe, and asked God forgivenes, and the Queens Maiestie, desyringe the people to praye for her, and to beware of heresies. The sermon done she went to prison agayne in Bred Street, where she had bene a litle tyme, but afore that she was in Newgate [Map]. And after Dr. Scorye resorted to her divers tymes to examin her; and after this she was released.
Note a. "called the Spirit in the Wall."- Stow.
Note b. "John Drake, Sir Antony Knevett's servant." - Diary of a Resident in London, p. 66; but Stow agrees with the text.
Note c. Stow reads: "a player, a weaver, Hill, clerk of St. Leonard's in Foster Lane, and others confederate with her."
Henry Machyn's Diary. 23 Sep 1554. The xxiij day of September dyd pryche doctur Rud at Powlles crosse [Map], and he recantyd and repentyd that he ever was mared, and sayd openly that he cold not mare by God's law.
Wriothesley's Chronicle 30 Sep 1554. 30 Sep 1554. Sunday the xxxth of Septembre 1554 Dr. Steven Gardiner (age 71), Bishop of Winton [Winchester] and Lord Chauncellor of England, preached at Paules Crosse [Map], divers Lordes of the Queens Councell beinge present at his sermon, and goeinge afterward to dynner to the Lord Mayres howsse.
The first Sundaye after Michaellmas daye was kept the dedication of the churche throughe all England, accordinge to the olde costome.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 30 Sep 1554. The xxx day of September dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] my lord Chansseler the bysshope of Wynchester (age 71), and he mad a goodly sermon; and ther wher as grett a audyensse as ever I saw in my lyff.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 04 Nov 1554. The iiij day of November dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] master Harpfeld; and ther wher v dyd penance with shetts a-bowt them, and tapurs and rods in ther handes, and the prycher dyd stryke them with a rod, and ther dyd they stand tyll the sermon was all done; and then the sumner toke the shets and the rods, and they whent into Powlles a-gayn, and so up the syd of the quer; on prest, ys nam ys ser Thomas Lawes, odur wysse callyd ser Thomas Gryffyn, sum tyme a chanon at Eyssyng spyttyll; iiij of them wher relegyous men, and the feyth was a temporall man that had ij wyeffes.
Note. Ibid. Public penance at St. Paul's. Stowe, who varies in his account of the culprits, thus describes this ceremony: "The 4. of November, beeing Sunday, three preists that, beeing married, would not leave their wives, and two laymen that had two wives apeece, were punished alike, for they went in procession about Paules churche in white sheetes over them, and either of them a taper of waxe in the one hand and a rod in the other, and so they sate before the preacher at Paules crosse during the sermon, and then were displed on the heads with the same rods."
Henry Machyn's Diary. 11 Nov 1554. The xj day of November dyd pryche master Pendylltun (age 30) at Powlles crosse [Map] and mad a good sermon.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 18 Nov 1554. The xviij day of November dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] the nuw bysshope of Lynckolne, doctur White (age 44), late the warden of Wynchaster.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 25 Nov 1554. The xxv day of November dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] master Fecknam (age 39), den of Powlles, and a godly sermon.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 09 Dec 1554. The ix day of Desember dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] doctur Borne, bysshope of Bathe, and prayd for the pope of Rome (Julius) the thurde, and for alle the solles of purgatory.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 16 Dec 1554. The xvj day of Desember dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] doctur Cottes the bysshope of West Chastur, and h[is] sermon of the blessyd sacrement of the auter .... owt dyvers actours [authors] of the sacrement of dyvers ....
Henry Machyn's Diary. 14 Jan 1555. The xiiij day of Januarij ther preched [at Paul's cross [Map]] doctur Chadsay persun of Allalowes in Bred-strett.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 19 May 1555. The xix day of May dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] master Hapffeld; and ther wher ij women stode ther a-fore the precher, and ther the ij women declaryd that yt was falsse that they sayd a-fore, that the chyld dyd nott spyke, and bad all men take hed [heed] how eny man or voman shuld beleyffe any shuche person the wyche shuld spyke a chyld be-syd Powlles, the wyche the chyld should spyke and shuld bed [bid] men pray, and sayd that the kyngdom of God ys at hand.
Note. P. 88. The child supposed to speak. "By a lettere dated in London, 11 May, 1555, it appeares that in Poules churche yearde, at the signe of the hedgehog, the goodwyfe of the house was brought to bedde of a mane child, beinge of the age of 6 dayes, and dienge the 7th daye followinge; and halfe an houre before it departed spake these words followinge (rise and pray), and so continued halfe an howre in thes words, and then cryenge departed the worlde. Hereuppon the bushope of London examined the goodman of the house, and othur credible persones, who affirmed it to be true, and will dye uppon the same." (MS. Harl. 353, f. 145.)
Henry Machyn's Diary. 26 Nov 1555. [The xxvj of November a stripling was whipt about London, and about Paul's cross [Map], for speaking against the bishop] that dyd pryche the Sonday a-for.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 15 Dec 1555. [The xv day of December, before the sermon at Paul's cross [Map] began, an old man, a shepherd,] be-gane to spyke serten thynges and rayllyng, [whereupon he was] taken and carett to the conter for a tyme.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 08 Feb 1556. The viij day of Feybruary dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] master Peryn, a blake frere [blackfriar], and at the sam sermon was a prest, on ser Thomas Samsun, dyd penanse for he had ij wyffes, and a shett abowt hym, and a tapur in ys hand bornyng a-for the precher, and the mayre of London and the althermen and worshephull men, and mony odur.
Note. P. 100. Penance of Thomas Samson. This could scarcely be Thomas Sampson, late rector of Allhallows, Bread-street, and afterwards successively dean of Chichester and Christchurch Oxford: for his enemies would scarcely have been satisfied with a mere penance. He was probably already fled abroad (see Wood's Athenæ Oxon.): his address to his late parishioners written at Strasburg is printed in Strype, Memorials, iii. Appx. No. XVIII.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 08 Mar 1556. The viij day of Marche dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] doctur (blank), and ther was a man dyd penanse with ij pyges rede dythe, on apon ys hed sowd, the [which] he browth them to selle.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 16 Apr 1557. The xvj day of Aprell dyd pryche at Powlles Crosse [Map] (blank) Murryn, that was Good Fryday, and mad a godly sermon, and ther was grett audyens.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 02 May 1557. The ij day of May dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] dyd pryche docthur Chadsay, and mad a godly sermon, and ther he declaryd that serten trayturs that was taken at Skarborow castyll [Map], the wyche they fled over the see a-for ....
Henry Machyn's Diary. 20 Jun 1557. The xx day of Junj dyd pryche my lord abbott of Westmynster (age 42) at Powlles Crosse [Map], and mad a godly sermon of Dyves and Lazarus, and the crossear holdyng the stayffe at ys prechyng; and ther wher grett audyense, boyth the mayre (age 57) and juges and althermen, and mony worshepfulle.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 21 Nov 1557. The xxj day of November dyd pryche my lord [abbat of] Westmynster (age 42), and ther he mad a godly sermon, at Powlles crosse [Map].
Henry Machyn's Diary. 30 Jan 1558. The Sonday the xxx day of January dyd pryche at Powlles Crosse [Map] the byshope of Wynchester (age 48), and mad a goodly sermon.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 06 Feb 1558. The vj day of Feybruarij dyd pryche at Powlles Crosse [Map] the byshope of Westchaster (age 48); and ther wher at ys sermon xvj bysshopes, and my lord mayre and the althermen, and mony juges, and ther he declaryd that of Wedynsday next to go on generall prossessyon and pray to God.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 20 Feb 1558. The xx day of Feybruary dyd pryche [at Paul's] crosse [Map] docthur Watsun (age 43) bysshope of Lyncoln, and mad a godly sermon, for ther wer [present ten] bysshopes, be-syd my lord mare and the althermen and juges, and men of the law, and gret [audience] ther was.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 06 Mar 1558. [The vj day of March, being the second Sunday in Lent, preached before the lord mayor and the bishops] at [Paul's cross [Map]] my lord abbott of Westmynster docthur [Feckenham] (age 43); ther he mad a godly sermon as as bene [heard].
Henry Machyn's Diary. 01 Apr 1559. The ij day of Aprell dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] master Samsun.
Note. P. 192. At Powlles cross master Samsun. This it appears was the Rehearsal of the spital sermons just before mentioned. There had been no sermon at Paul's cross for many weeks, in consequence of the prohibition of unlicensed preaching. "Hereuppon no sermon was preached at Paules crosse untill the Rehearsall sermon was made upon the sunday after Easter: at which tyme, when the preacher was ready to mount into the pulpit, the keye could not be found: and when, by commandement of the lord mayor it was opened by a smyth, the place was very filthy and uncleane." Hayward's Annals of Elizabeth, p. 5.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 09 Apr 1559. The ix day of Aprell dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] doctur Bylle (age 54) the quen('s) (age 25) awmer, and declaryd warfor the byshopes whent to the Towre.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 15 May 1559. The xv day of May dyd pryche at Powlles [cross] [Map] master Gryndalle (age 40), and ther was the quens consell, the duke of Norfoke (age 23), my lord keper of the seylle, and my lord of Arundell (age 47), my lord treysorer (age 76), my lord marques of Northamtun (age 47), my lord admerall (age 49), my lord of Sussex (age 34), my lord of Westmorland (age 34), my lord of Rutland (age 32), and mony mo lordes and knyghtes, my lord mare (age 50) and the althermen; and after sermon done they whent to my lord mayre to dener, and my lord Russell (age 32).
Henry Machyn's Diary. 21 May 1559. The xxj day of May dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] master Horne (age 49), and ther was my lord mayre (age 50) and the althermen and mony juges and sergantes of the law, and a grett nombur of pepull to the nombur (blank)
Henry Machyn's Diary. 11 Jun 1559. The xj day of June dyd pryche at Powlles [Map] master [Sandys] (age 40), and ther was my lorde mayre (age 50) and the althermen, and my lord of Bedford (age 32), and with dyvers odur nobull men; and postulles [Apostles] masse mad an end that day, and masse a' Powlles was non that day, and the new dene toke possessyon that was afore, by my lord of Bedford, and thys was on sant Barnabe day; and the sam nyght thay had no evyng-song at Powlles.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 18 Jun 1559. The xviij day of June dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] docthur Juell (age 37), and ther was my lord mare (age 50) and the althermen and master comtroller of the quens howse ser Edward Rogers (age 61), and mony mo, boyth men and women.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 14 Jul 1559. The xvj day dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] (blank)
Henry Machyn's Diary. 13 Aug 1559. The xiij day of August dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] the bysshope of Harford, Skore (age 49).
Henry Machyn's Diary. 20 Aug 1559. The xx day of August, was sonday, ther was sarmon at Powlles crosse [Map]; ys name was (blank); and ther was a menester dyd penans [penance] for the marehyng [marrying] of a sertenn cupulle that was mared a-fore tyme.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 03 Sep 1559. The iij day of September dyd pryche at Powlles [Map] on Makebray, a Skott.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 10 Sep 1559. The x day of September dyd pryche at Powlles [cross] [Map] Torner, and ther was my lord mayre (age 50) and the [aldermen], and grett audyens of pepull boyth of the cowrt, [city, and country.]
Henry Machyn's Diary. 17 Sep 1559. [The xvij day of September did preach at Paul's cross [Map] master Veron a new] prycher, and ther was my lord mare (age 50) and .. grett audyense, and ther he sayd, Wher ar the bysshopes [and] old prechers? now they hyd ther hedes.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 24 Sep 1559. The xxiiij day of September dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] (blank) Huntyngtun the prycher, and ther was my lord mare (age 50) and my masters the althermen, and grett [audience] of pepull.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 15 Oct 1559. The xv day of October did pryche at Paul's crosse [Map] Crolley (age 42) sum-tyme a prynter.
Note. P. 215. Did preach Crolley sometime a printer. Strype has noted the first ordination of Robert Crowley as a deacon, by bishop Ridley, Sept. 29, 1551. In the bishop's register he is styled "stationer, of the parish of St. Andrew, Holborn." Of the productions of his press Strype has given some particulars in Memorials, book 1, chap. 32; and of his Thirty-one Epigrams, published in 1551, fifteen are reprinted in Strype's Appendix O O. See also Ames's Typographical Antiquities, by Dibdin, vol. iv. pp. 325–335. In 1566 he was presented to the vicarage of St. Giles's without Cripplegate, where he died June 18, 1588. See further in Newcourt's Rep. Londin. i. 181, or Wood's Athenæ Oxon.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 12 Nov 1559. [The xij day of November preached at Paul's cross [Map]] Coverdall (age 71) the (unfinished)
Henry Machyn's Diary. 19 Nov 1559. The xix day of November dyd pryche at P[aul's cross] [Map] master Bentun (age 45).
Henry Machyn's Diary. 26 Nov 1559. The xxvj day of November dyd pryche at Pow[l's cross] [Map] master Juell (age 37), byshope of Salyshere, and ther was my lord mare (age 63) and the althermen and mony of the courte, and ther was grett audyense as (has ever) bene at Powlles crosse.
Note. Pp. 218, 228. Sermons by bishop Jewell. In the edition of bishop Jewell's Works now in the course of publication by the Parker Society, the editor, the Rev. John Ayre, M.A. remarks that the challenge which originated the bishop's important controversy with Dr. Cole was first given in his sermon at Paul's Cross, Nov. 26, 1559—the occasion noticed by Machyn in p. 218. "The sermon, with the challenge amplified, was preached at the court, March 17, 1560 [as mentioned in p. 228]; and repeated at Paul's Cross March 31, being the second sunday before Easter." This last date is from the contemporary title-page of the sermon itself: and therefore is not to be doubted. Our Diarist, however (p. 229) says that Crowley preached at Paul's Cross on that day.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 20 Feb 1560. The xx day of Feybruary dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] master Nowell (age 43); and ther was a man dyd pennans for he would have a-nodur wyffe, the wyche he had on afore.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 03 Mar 1560. The sam day dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] the nuwe byshope of London master Gryndall (age 41), in ys rochet and chyminer; and after sermon done the pepull dyd syng; and ther was my lord mayre (age 64) and the althermen, and ther was grett audyence.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 10 Mar 1560. The x day of Marche dyd pryche at Powlles [Map] the byshope Skorre (age 50), and ther was my lord mare (age 64) and the althermen, and grett audyence, and he prechyd in ys rochet and ys chymber.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 17 Mar 1560. The xvij day of Marche dyd pryche at Powlles cross [Map] Veron, parsun of sant Marttens att Ludgatt, and ther was my lord mare (age 64) and the masters the althermen, with mony more pepull; and after the sermon done they songe all, old and yong, a salme in myter [metre], the tune of Genevay ways.
Note. P. 228. Veron admitted parson of St. Martin's at Ludgate. John Veron, S.T.P. was instituted to this rectory 8 Mar. 1559, on the deprivation of John Morren, S.T.B. Newcourt (Repertorium, i. 415,) has misprinted the name Heron, and supposed this rector to be the same with John Heron, who was vicar of Little Canfield in Essex in 1544–5. Veron afterwards obtained the vicarage of St. Sepulchre, Oct. 21, 1560, and held both livings until his death in 1563, together with the prebend of Mora, to which he was collated Nov. 8, 1559. His first ordination as a deacon took place at Fulham Aug. 2, 1551, from the hands of bishop Ridley, his name being entered in the register as "Joh'es Veroneus, Senonens. dioc. in Gallia:" and he was made priest on the 24th of the same month. (Strype, Memor.) He previously translated into English from Latin the Short Pathway to Scripture of Zuinglius, which was printed at Worcester 24 May, 1550, and was dedicated to sir Arthur Darcy (see Strype, Memorials, Book I. chap. 34). On the 3d Jan. 1552 he was instituted to the rectory of St. Alphage in London, of which he was deprived in 1554. He is frequently noticed as a preacher by the writer of this Diary (see the Index).
Henry Machyn's Diary. 24 Mar 1560. The xxiiij day of Marche, was mydlentt sonday, dyd pryche at Powlles [Map] [doctor] Sandes (age 41) the nuw byshope of Wosseter, and ther was m[y lord mayor (age 64)] and the althermen, and he prychyd in ys rochet [and chiminer,] and ther was my lord the erle of Bedford (age 33), and dyvers g[entlemen] and grett audyens of pepull.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 31 Mar 1560. The xxxj day of Marche dyd pryche at Polles crosse [Map] Crolley (age 43), the wyche was Passyon sonday, sum tyme a [exile, and a learned writer, afterwards minister of St. Giles, Cripplegate [Map].]
Henry Machyn's Diary. 07 Apr 1560. The vij day of Aprell, the wyche was Palm sonday, dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] master Wysdom.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 21 Apr 1560. The xxj day of Aprell dyd pryche at the Powlles [cross] [Map] master Samsun, and ther was my lord mare and all the althermen, and ther he concludyd the iij sermons that was at the [cross]; ther was grett audyense as has bene sene ther.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 28 Apr 1560. The xxviij day of (April) dyd pryche at the [Paul's] crosse [Map] master Coverdalle (age 72), and ther was my lord mare (age 64) and the althermen, and ther was grett audyense.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 05 May 1560. The v day of May dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] master Mollens archedeyken of London, and he mad a goodly sermon, and ther was my lord mare and the althermen, and grett audyense was ther.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 19 May 1560. The xix day of May dyd pryche at Powlles [cross] [Map] my lord byshope of Ele, docthur Kokes (age 67), sum-tyme dene of Westmynster, and ther was browth hym word that one had fond a (blank) of money, and any man cold or cane tell what money yt was, lett cum, and they shall have yt.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 26 May 1560. The xxvj day of May dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] [master] Skambeler, my lord of Canturbere('s) chapelen, and ther was my lord mayre (age 64) and my masters the althermen, and a grett audyense.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 09 Feb 1561. The ix day of Feybruary dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] master Pylkyngtun (age 41), electyd byshope of Durram, and ther was my lord mare (age 65) and the althermen and my lord Robart Dudley (age 28) and master secretore Sysselle (age 40), and dyvers odur of the quen('s) consell; and after to my lord mare to dener.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 23 Mar 1561. The xxiij day of Marche dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] a byshope.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 13 Apr 1561. The xiij day dyd pryche at the Powlles [Map] master Juell (age 38) byshope of Salysbere.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 07 Jun 1561. The vij day of July dyd pryche at the Gray Frers, because yt reynyd that they cold not pryche at Powlles crosse [Map].
Henry Machyn's Diary. 15 Jun 1561. The xv day dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] master Nowell (age 44) the dene of Powlles, and mad a goodly sermon, and my lord mayre (age 52) and the althermen and the most of the worshephull craftes wher commondyd to be ther, and ther wher grett audyense.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 22 Jun 1561. The xxij day of June dyd pryche at Powlles cross [Map] master Skynner, dene of Durram, and mad a godly sermon, [giving] men warnyng of a notheboke [naughty book] that ys pryntyd, and [bade every] man be ware of yt, for yt ys vere herese.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 20 Jul 1561. The xx day of July dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] (blank)
Henry Machyn's Diary. 05 Aug 1561. The x day of August, was sant Laurens day, Veron the Frencheman prychyd at Powlles crosse [Map].
Henry Machyn's Diary. 21 Aug 1561. The xxj day of August dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] master Molens the archedecon of London.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 21 Sep 1561. The xxj day of September dyd pryche at the Powlles crosse [Map], master Huttun (age 32), master of Trenete colege, and mad a godly sermon- of Cambridge.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 12 Oct 1561. The xij day of October dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] (master) Crolley (age 44), sum-tyme a boke-prynter dwelling in Holborne, in the byshope of Ely('s) renttes.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 02 Nov 1561. The ij day of November was a yonge [man] stod at Powlles crosse [Map] in the sermon tyme with a [sheet] a-bowtt hym for spykyng [speaking] of serten wordes agaynst Veron the precher.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 23 Nov 1561. The xxiij day of November, the iiij yere [of] quen Elesabeth, dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] Renagir, yt was sant Clement day, dyd sy[t] alle the sermon tyme monser Henry de Machyn [Note. The author of this diary], for ij [words?] the wyche was told hym, that Veron the French [man] the precher was taken with a wenche, by the rep[orting] by on Wylliam Laurans clarke of sant Mare Maudle[n's] [Map] in Mylke strett, the wyche the sam Hare [Harry] knellyd down[be-] for master Veron and the byshope, and yett (they) would nott for[give] hym, for alle ys fryndes that he had worshephulle.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 04 Jan 1562. The iiij day dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] [the] dene of Powlles (age 45), and ther dyd a man pennans; he was dume, but the masters of Brydwell mad ym [speak], and for that cause he was there.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 21 Jun 1562. The xxj day of June dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] master dene of Ettun colege be-syd Wyndsor.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 07 Feb 1563. The vij day of Feybruary dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] the byshope of Durram (age 43), the sonday callyd Septuagesyma.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 21 Mar 1563. The xxj day of Marche dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] the byshope of Wynchastur (age 53), and mad a godly sermon.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 18 Apr 1563. The xviij day of Aprell dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] master Bradley, and he declaryd the iij sermons that was prychyd at the spyttylle.
Autobiography Simon D'Ewes. 25 Aug 1622. On Sunday, the 25th day of this month, preached one Mr. Claydon, (minister of Hackney, near London,) at St. Paul's Cross [Map]; and cited a story out of our Chronicles, of a Spanish sheep, brought into England in Edward the First's time, which infected most of the sheep of England with a murrain, and prayed God no more such sheep might be brought over from thence hither; at which many of his bearers cried out "Amen." So much generally did all men fear that Prince Charles should marry1 the King of Spain's (age 17) sister (age 16), as they ever hated that nation. He lay awhile in prison for his sermon, but was soon after set at liberty by the mediation of Sir John Ramsey (age 42), Knt., a Scotchman, Earl of Holderness, whose chaplain he was.
Note 1. In MS. Egerton 783, is a curious paper, entitled "A Private Consideration of the intended Marriage between Charles, Prince of Woles, and Mary of Austria, Daughter of the late Phillip the Third king of Spain."It commences as follows: - "The House of Parliament should once have been blown up, and now is supposed to be broken up for the averseness of the Commons to the Spanish match, for expressing their fears of danger and loss to the kingdom, both daily confirmed and increased by the acquires of the King of Spain, and prooeedings of the Spanish action; by our treative complements with Spain, and for protesting to preserve their rights and privileges." The proposed articles of marriage are given in the same volume.
On 23 Sep 1634 Bishop Edward Rainbowe (age 26) preached his sermon "Labour forbidden and commanded" at St Paul's Cross [Map].