British Isles, South-East England, Sussex

Sussex is in South-East England.

1194 Richard Lionheart Returns to England

1287 Great Storm

1322 Battle of Boroughbridge

1350 Battle of Winchelsea

1666 Great Fire of London

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Ashburnham

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Ashburnham, St Peter's Church [Map]

St Peter's Church, Ashburnham is also in Churches in Sussex.

On 10 Mar 1737 John Ashburnham 1st Earl Ashburnham (age 49) died. He was buried at St Peter's Church, Ashburnham [Map]. His son John Ashburnham 2nd Earl Ashburnham (age 12) succeeded 2nd Earl Ashburham, 4th Baron Ashburnham of Ashburnham in Sussex

On 12 May 1924 Thomas Ashburnham 6th Earl Ashburnham (age 69) died. He was buried at St Peter's Church, Ashburnham [Map]. Earl Ashburham, Baron Ashburnham of Ashburnham in Sussex extinct.

British Isles, South-East England, Balcombe Sussex

British Isles, South-East England, Balcombe Sussex, St Mary's Church Balcombe

In 1551 Bishop William Overton (age 26) was appointed Rector of St Mary's Church Balcombe.

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Battle Abbey [Map]

Battle Abbey is also in Abbeys in England.

Flowers of History. 1067. King William (age 39), exulting in his victory, gave praise to God. The same year also, the king built an abbey, which, in reference to the battle that had been fought there, he called Battle [Map], in order that glory, and praise, and thanks, might be offered up in it to God for ever for the victory which he had given him, and also that offices for the souls of the dead who were slain there might be perfonned by the monks who were established in it, with the offering of salutary victims; and he endowed and enriched the church with estates and priyileges, and committed it to the patronage and protection of the kings who should reign in England after him.

Florence of Worcester. 1094. King William went to Hastings, and while there caused the church of Battle [Map] to be dedicated ; and then crossing over to Normandy had a conference with his brother [Robert Curthose III Duke Normandy (age 43)], under a safe conduct, but came away without being reconciled to him, and the earl went to Rouen. The king returned to Eu, and establishing himself there, took soldiers into his pay from all quarters, and induced several of the Norman nobles to forfeit tlieir allegiance to his brother, and place their castles in his power, some by promises, others by gifts of gold, silver, and lands; and having secured their consent, he distributed liis own troops among tlie castles which he already held, or those which were now made over to him. Meanwhile, he took the castle of Bures, and sent some of the earl's soldiers who were taken there prisoners to England, and contined the rest in Normandy. Thus he harassed his brother in various ways, and used his utmost efforts to deprive him of his inheritance.

On 08 Apr 1608 Magdalen Dacre Viscountess Montague (age 70) died at Battle Abbey [Map]. She was buried at Midhurst; subsequently moved to St Mary's Church, Easebourne, Sussex [Map].

Letters of Horace Walpole. 05 Aug 1752. Now you are fully master of Hurst Monceaux, I shall carry you on to Battel-By the way, we bring you a thousand sketches, that you may show us what we have seen. Battel Abbey [Map] stands at the end of the town, exactly as Warwick Castle does of Warwick; but the house of Webster have taken due care that it should not resemble it in any thing else. A vast building, which they call the old refectory, but which I believe was the original church, is now barn, coach-house, etc. The situation is noble, above the level of abbeys: what does remain of gateways and towers is beautiful, particularly the flat side of a cloister, which is now the front of the mansion-house. Miss of the family has clothed a fragment of a portico with cockle-shells! The grounds, and what has been a park, lie in a vile condition. In the church is the tomb of Sir Anthony Browne, master of the horse for life to Harry VIII: from whose descendants the estate was purchased. The head of John Hanimond, the last abbot, is still perfect in one of the windows. Mr. Chute says, "What charming things we should have done if Battel Abbey had been to be sold at Mrs. Chenevix's, as Strawberry was!" Good night!

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Bersted

On 19 Nov 1246 Henry Audley (age 71) died at Bersted.

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Mainwaring Bersted

Around 1197 Bertrade Mainwaring was born to Ralph Mainwaring at Mainwaring Bersted.

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Bramber

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Bramber Castle [Map]

Bramber Castle is also in Castles in Sussex.

Around 1070 William de Braose 1st Baron Bramber commissioned the building of Bramber Castle [Map].

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Bramber, Small Dole [Map]

On 01 Sep 1909 Jack Russell 25th Baron de Clifford (age 25) died in a car accident at Small Dole, Bramber [Map]. He was buried at St Peter's Church, Cowfold [Map]. His son Edward Russell 26th Baron de Clifford (age 2) succeeded 26th Baron de Clifford.

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Broadwater

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, St Mary's Church Broadwater

On 11 Oct 1525 Thomas West 8th Baron De La Warr 5th Baron West (age 68) died. He was buried at St Mary's Church Broadwater. His son Thomas West 9th Baron De La Warr 6th Baron West (age 50) succeeded 9th Baron De La Warr, 6th Baron West. Elizabeth Bonville Baroness De La Warr and West (age 51) by marriage Baroness De La Warr, Baroness West.

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Buckhurst

On 01 Oct 1615 Cicely Baker Countess Dorset (age 80) died in Buckhurst.

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Burghesh

Around 1254 Robert Burghesh 1st Baron Burghesh was born at Burghesh.

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Burwash

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Buxted

On 10 Oct 1827 Catherine Bisshopp Countess Liverpool (deceased) was buried Buxted.

On 02 Feb 1846 Christopher Wordsworth (age 71) died at Buxted.

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Climping

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Atherington Climping

Around 1427 John Dudley was born to John Sutton 1st Baron Dudley (age 26) and Elizabeth Berkeley Baroness Cherleton Baroness Dudley at Atherington Climping.

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Cuckfield

Around 1530 William Butler was born at Cuckfield.

In 1580 Margaret Greeke (age 46) died at Cuckfield.

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, East Grinstead

On 21 Sep 1744 William Neville 16th and 14th Baron Bergavenny (age 49) died at Bath, Somerset [Map]. On 30 Sep 1744 he was buried at East Grinstead. His son George Neville 1st Earl Abergavenny (age 17) succeeded 17th Baron Bergavenny, 15th Baron Bergavenny.

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Findon

The Times. 27 Jan 1916. The death of Lady Ulrica Thynne (deceased) took place on Wednesday at 30, Grosvenor-gardens. She was the second daughter of the 12th Duke of Somerset and was born in 1833. She married, in 1858, Lord Henry Frederick Thynne, second son of the third Marquess of Bath, who was Treasurer of the Household to Queen Victoria and for over 25 years M.P. for South Wilts. There were four sons and two daughters of the marriage. The funeral will be at Findon, near Worthing, on Monday, at 1 o'clock.

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Frant

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Frant, St Alban's Church

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Hailsham

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Wartling Hailsham

On 20 Aug 1326 John St Leger of Offley (age 32) died at Wartling Hailsham.

On 22 Nov 1410 William Hoo (age 75) died at Wartling Hailsham.

Sibyl Filiol was born to William Filiol in Wartling Hailsham.

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Halland

Around 22 Sep 1597 Thomas Pelham 2nd Baronet was born to Thomas Pelham 1st Baronet (age 57) and Mary Walsingham Baroness Pelham Laughton (age 33) at Halland.

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Harting

Around 1475 Reginald Bray (age 35) and Katherine Hussey were married. Katherine brought him lands in Harting.

On 03 Sep 1670 Edward Ford (age 65) died at Ireland. His body was brought to England, and interred in the family burial-place at Harting.

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Harting, Up Park

In 1605 Edward Ford was born to William Ford of Harting (age 35) at Up Park.

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Horsted Keynes

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, St Giles' Church Horsted Keynes [Map]

St Giles' Church Horsted Keynes is also in Churches in Sussex.

On 09 Jan 1685 Elias Leighton died at the Parish of St Andrew's Holborn. He was buried at St Giles' Church Horsted Keynes [Map].

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Mayfield

On 26 Apr 1366 Archbishop Simon Islip died at Mayfield. During his last three years he was unable to speak as a consequence of a stroke.

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Midhurst

Around 1245 Cecilia Bohun was born to Ralph Bohun (age 25) and Sibyl Ferrers in Midhurst.

Around 28 Sep 1247 John Bohun was born to Ralph Bohun (age 27) and Sibyl Ferrers in Midhurst.

Around 05 Dec 1367 John Bohun (age 66) died in Midhurst.

On 29 Jun 1592 Anthony Browne (age 39) died at Riverbank House Cowdray Midhurst. He was buried at Midhurst.

On 08 Apr 1608 Magdalen Dacre Viscountess Montague (age 70) died at Battle Abbey [Map]. She was buried at Midhurst; subsequently moved to St Mary's Church, Easebourne, Sussex [Map].

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Cowdray Midhurst

Around 1489 Arthur Hopton was born to George Hopton (age 28) at Cowdray Midhurst.

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Riverbank House Cowdray Midhurst

On 29 Jun 1592 Anthony Browne (age 39) died at Riverbank House Cowdray Midhurst. He was buried at Midhurst.

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, North Mudham

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, North Mudham, Church of St Stephen

On 28 Nov 1586 Thomas Bowyer 1st Baronet was born to Thomas Bowyer of Leighthorne, Sussex and Jane Birch. He was baptised on 04 Dec 1586 at Church of St Stephen, North Mudham.

Before 28 Feb 1651 Thomas Bowyer 1st Baronet (age 64) died. He was buried at the Church of St Stephen, North Mudham on 28 Feb 1651. His son Thomas Bowyer 2nd Baronet (age 42) succeeded 2nd Baronet Bowyer of Leighthorne in Sussex.

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Preston

On 20 Apr 1887 Dorothy Una Ratcliffe nee Clough was born to George Benson Clough at Preston.

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Racton

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Rother

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Penhurst Rother

On 20 Jul 1639, some sources say 11 Jul 1639, Henry Spencer 1st Earl of Sunderland (age 18) and Dorothy Sidney Countess Sunderland (age 21) were married at Penhurst Rother. She by marriage Baroness Spencer Wormleighton. Her long-term suitor, she was the 'Sacharissa' of his poems, Edmund Waller (age 33) wrote a letter to the bride's sister (age 12) on the occasion of the wedding. She the daughter of Robert Sidney 2nd Earl of Leicester (age 43) and Dorothy Percy Countess Leicester (age 41).


In this common joy at Penshurst, I know none to whom complaints may come less unseasonably than to your ladyship, the loss of a bedfellow being almost equal to that of a mistress; and therefore you ought at least to pardon, if you consent not to the imprecations of, the deserted, which just Heaven no doubt will hear. May my lady Dorothy, if we may yet call her so, suffer as much, and have the like passion for this young lord, whom she has preferred to the rest of mankind, as others have had for her; and may his love, before the year go about, make her taste of the first curse imposed upon womankind, the pains of becoming a mother. May her first born be none of her own sex, nor so like her but that he may resemble her lord as much as herself. May she that always affected silence and retirement have the house filled with the noise and number of her children, and hereafter of her grandchildren; and then may she arrive at that great curse, so much declined by fair ladies, old age; may she live to be very old and yet seem young; be told so by her glass, and have no aches to inform her of the truth; and when she shall appear to be mortal, may her lord not mourn for her, but go hand in hand with her to that place where we are told there is neither marrying nor giving in marriage, that being there divorced we may all have an equal interest in her again! My revenge being immortal, I wish all this may befall her posterity to the world's end and afterwards! To you, madam, I wish all good things, and that this loss may in good time be happily supplied with a more constant bedfellow of the other sex. Madam, I humbly kiss your hands, and beg pardon for this trouble, from

Your ladyship's

most humble servant,

E. Waller.

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Rougham

Around 1430 Roger Copley was born to Richard Copley (age 36) in Rougham.

On 21 Dec 1490 Roger Copley (age 60) died in Rougham.

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Rye [Map]

On 04 Mar 1194 King Richard "Lionheart" I of England (age 36) and his mother Eleanor of Aquitaine Queen Consort Franks and England (age 72) sailed from Antwerp [Map] on board the Trenchemer. The royal admiral, Stephen of Turnham, who was commanding in person, had to employ experienced pilots to take her through the coastal islets and out into the estuary of the Scheldt. It was a long crossing, perhaps deliberately so, to avoid ambush. The Trenchemer was escorted by a large cog from the Cinque port of Rye [Map].

King Richard "Lionheart" I of England and his mother Eleanor of Aquitaine Queen Consort Franks and England landed in England at Sandwich, Kent [Map].

On 14 Dec 1287 a great storm caused a significant number of deaths on both sides of the English Channel. In the Low Countries around 50,000 people are believed to have died. In England hundreds were killed. The port of New Romney was so changed as to be replaced by Rye [Map] through which the course of the River Rother now ran. The port of Dunwich, Suffolk never recovered from the storm and thereafter declined.

On or before 20 Dec 1579, the date he was baptised, John Fletcher was born to Bishop Richard Fletcher (age 34) at Rye [Map].

John Evelyn's Diary. 03 Jun 1652. I received a letter from Colonel Morley (age 36) to the Magistrates and Searchers at Rye [Map], to assist my wife (age 17) at her landing, and show her all civility.

John Evelyn's Diary. 04 Jun 1652. I set out to meet her now on her journey from Paris, after she had obtained leave to come out of that city, which had now been besieged some time by the Prince of Condé's army in the time of the rebellion, and after she had been now near twelve years from her own country, that is, since five years of age, at which time she went over. I went to Rye [Map] to meet her, where was an embargo on occasion of the late conflict with the Holland fleet, the two nations being now in war, and which made sailing very unsafe.

After 15 May 1660 Henry Mildmay (age 67) was captured by Heneage Finch 3rd Earl Winchilsea (age 32) at Rye [Map].

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 27 Jul 1661. From thence to Westminster Hall [Map], where it was expected that the Parliament was to have been adjourned for two or three months, but something hinders it for a day or two. In the lobby I spoke with Mr. George Montagu (age 38), and advised about a ship to carry my Lord Hinchingbroke and the rest of the young gentlemen to France, and they have resolved of going in a hired vessell from Rye [Map], and not in a man of war. He told me in discourse that my Lord Chancellor (age 52) is much envied, and that many great men, such as the Duke of Buckingham (age 33) and my Lord of Bristoll (age 48), do endeavour to undermine him, and that he believes it will not be done; for that the King (though he loves him not in the way of a companion, as he do these young gallants that can answer him in his pleasures), yet cannot be without him, for his policy and service.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 27 Aug 1661. This morning to the Wardrobe, and there took leave of my Lord Hinchingbroke and his brother, and saw them go out by coach toward Rye [Map] in their way to France, whom God bless. Then I was called up to my Lady's bedside, where we talked an hour about Mr. Edward Montagu's disposing of the £5000 for my Lord's departure for Portugal, and our fears that he will not do it to my Lord's honour, and less to his profit, which I am to enquire a little after. Hence to the office, and there sat till noon, and then my wife and I by coach to my cozen, Thos. Pepys, the Executor, to dinner, where some ladies and my father and mother, where very merry, but methinks he makes but poor dinners for such guests, though there was a poor venison pasty.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 04 Sep 1666. Now begins the practice of blowing up of houses in Tower-streete [Map], those next the Tower, which at first did frighten people more than anything, but it stopped the fire where it was done, it bringing down the1 houses to the ground in the same places they stood, and then it was easy to quench what little fire was in it, though it kindled nothing almost. W. Newer this day went to see how his mother did, and comes late home, telling us how he hath been forced to remove her to Islington [Map], her house in Pye-corner being burned; so that the fire is got so far that way, and all the Old Bayly, and was running down to Fleete-streete [Map]; and Paul's [Map] is burned, and all Cheapside [Map]. I wrote to my father this night, but the post-house being burned, the letter could not go2. 5th. I lay down in the office again upon W. Hewer's (age 24), quilt, being mighty weary, and sore in my feet with going till I was hardly able to stand. About two in the morning my wife calls me up and tells me of new cRye [Map]s of fire, it being come to Barkeing Church, which is the bottom of our lane. I up, and finding it so, resolved presently to take her away, and did, and took my gold, which was about £2350, W. Newer, and Jane, down by Proundy's boat to Woolwich, Kent [Map]; but, Lord! what sad sight it was by moone-light to see, the whole City almost on fire, that you might see it plain at Woolwich, Kent [Map], as if you were by it. There, when I come, I find the gates shut, but no guard kept at all, which troubled me, because of discourse now begun, that there is plot in it, and that the French had done it. I got the gates open, and to Mr. Shelden's, where I locked up my gold, and charged, my wife and W. Newer never to leave the room without one of them in it, night, or day. So back again, by the way seeing my goods well in the lighters at Deptford, Kent [Map], and watched well by people.

Note 1. A copy of this letter, preserved among the Pepys MSS. in the author's own handwriting, is subjoined: "SIR, The fire is now very neere us as well on Tower Streete as Fanchurch Street side, and we little hope of our escape but by this remedy, to ye want whereof we doe certainly owe ye loss of ye City namely, ye pulling down of houses, in ye way of ye fire. This way Sir W. Pen (age 45) and myself have so far concluded upon ye practising, that he is gone to Woolwich, Kent [Map] and Deptford, Kent [Map] to supply himself with men and necessarys in order to the doeing thereof, in case at his returne our condition be not bettered and that he meets with his R. Hs. approbation, which I had thus undertaken to learn of you. Pray please to let me have this night (at whatever hour it is) what his R. Hs. directions are in this particular; Sir J. Minnes (age 67) and Sir W. Batten (age 65) having left us, we cannot add, though we are well assured of their, as well as all ye neighbourhood's concurrence. "Yr. obedient servnt. "S. P. "Sir W. Coventry (age 38), "Septr. 4, 1666"..

Note 2. J. Hickes wrote to Williamson on September 3rd from the "Golden Lyon", Red Cross Street Posthouse. Sir Philip (Frowde) and his lady fled from the (letter) office at midnight for: safety; stayed himself till 1 am. till his wife and childrens' patience could stay, no longer, fearing lest they should be quite stopped up; the passage was so tedious they had much ado to get where they are. The Chester and Irish, mails have come-in; sends him his letters, knows not how to dispose of the business (Calendar of State Papers, 1666-67, p. 95).

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Salehurst

Around 06 Dec 1559 William Culpepper (age 50) died William Culpepper at Salehurst.

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Sele Priory [Map]

Sele Priory is also in Priories in England.

Sele Priory [Map] was a Benedictine Order priory founded before 1126.

Around Jan 1291 William de Braose 1st Baron de Braose 9th Baron Bramber (age 67) died at Findon. He was buried at Sele Priory [Map]. His son William de Braose 2nd Baron de Braose 10th Baron Bramber (age 31) succeeded 10th Baron Bramber Feudal, 2nd Baron Braose.

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Steyning

On 03 Jan 1835 Sarah Cox aka Fanny Cornforth was born to William Cox (age 21) and Jane Woolgar (age 21) at Steyning, Sussex. She was baptised on 01 Feb 1835.

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Stopham

Around 1300 Isabella St John was born to Edward St John (age 41) and Eve Hauterive at Stopham.

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Storrington

On 07 Dec 1816 Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Hollis Bradford (age 35) died at La Vacherie from wounds he had received at the Battle of Waterloo. He was buried at Storrington.

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Street

Around 1275 William Cheney was born to Alexander Cheney (age 27) and Agnes Saye (age 25) at Street.

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Trotton

Around 1351 Thomas Camoys 1st Baron Camoys was born to John Camoys (age 31) and Elizabeth Latimer at Trotton.

Around 1469 Roger Lewknor was born to Thomas Lewknor (age 25) at Trotton.

On 15 Jan 1543 Roger Lewknor (age 74) died at Trotton.

On 03 Mar 1652 Thomas Otway was born in Trotton.

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, St George's Church Trotton

On 20 Apr 1417 Elizabeth Mortimer Baroness Camoys (age 46) died. She was buried at St George's Church Trotton.

On 28 Mar 1421 Thomas Camoys 1st Baron Camoys (age 70) died. He was buried at St George's Church Trotton. His grandson Hugh Camoys 2nd Baron Camoys (age 8) succeeded 2nd Baron Camoys.

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Turners Hill [Map]

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Uckfield

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Uckfield House Uckfield

The Times. 05 Jan 1938. MR. J. NEVILL (age 23) AND MISS HARRISON (age 22).

The Duke (age 37) and Duchess of Gloucester (age 36) have sent a silver condiments set to Mr. John Nevill, Life Guards, elder son of Major (age 54) and Mrs. Guy Larnach-Nevill (age 47), of Uckfield House, and Miss Patricia Harrison, daughter of Major and the Hon. Mrs. J. F. Harrison, of Kings Walden Bury, Hitchin, whose marriage took place yesterday at St. Paul's, Knightsbridge. The Rev. G. S. Shackleford officiated, assisted by the Rev. E. C. Dunford. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a gown of ivory-tinted panne velvet, embossed with sprays of silver flowers. The bodice was fashioned with a square neckline and long sleeves, slightly full at the shoulder, and the square train was lined with silver tissue. A headdress of silver-tipped doves' wings surmounted her long tulle veil, and she carried a spray of mixed white flowers. A retinue of six little girls and four pages folowed the bride. They were Penelope Harrison (sister of the bride), the Hon. Clare Beckett, Marye Pepys (niece of the bridegroom), Margaret Rosselli, Caroline Bury, Joanna Spencer, Hugh Lawson (cousin of the bride), David Myddelton (cousin of the bridegroom), Thomas Pilkington (nephew of the bride), and Charles Smith-Bingham. The pages wore replicas of the uniform of the Life Guards of the early nineteenth century, and the little girls wore long frocks of silver lame, the high-waisted bodices cut with short, puff sleeves, and square necks. They wore caps of silver lame, trimmed with white fur, and carried white fur muffs. Lord Roderic Pratt (age 22), Life Guards, was best man, and there was a guard of honour from the same regiment. The Hon. Mrs. J. F. Harrison afterwards held a reception at 28, Grosvenor Square, W1. The honeymoon wil be spent in Switzerland.

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Warbleton

Around 1516 Thomas Cheney was born to Thomas Cheney (age 42) at Warbleton.

In 1563 John Cheney was born to Thomas Cheney (age 47) at Warbleton.

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Cralle Manor Warbleton

Around 1384 Elizabeth Cheney was born to Richard Cheney (age 32) at Cralle Manor Warbleton.

In 1417 Alexander Cheney was born to Simon Cheney (age 25) at Cralle Manor Warbleton.

Around 1417 William Cheney was born to Simon Cheney (age 25) at Cralle Manor Warbleton.

In 1419 Richard Cheney was born to Simon Cheney (age 27) at Cralle Manor Warbleton.

In 1421 Robert Cheney was born to Simon Cheney (age 29) at Cralle Manor Warbleton.

In 1443 John Cheney was born to William Cheney (age 26) at Cralle Manor Warbleton.

On 06 Jun 1494 John Cheney (age 51) died at Cralle Manor Warbleton.

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, West Poyning

On 25 Sep 1410 Elizabeth Carew (age 38) died at West Poyning.

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Wigsell

In 1538 Francis Culpepper was born to William Culpepper (age 29) and Cicely Barrett (age 26) at Wigsell.

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Winchelsea [Map]

In 1321 Thomas Culpepper (age 61) died at Winchelsea [Map].

In 1321 Walter Culpepper (age 55) died at Winchelsea [Map].

Froissart Book 1 Chapter 6. 1322. THE foresaid king Edward the second (age 37), father to the noble king Edward the third (age 9), on whom our matter is founded, this said king governed right diversely his realm by the exhortation of sir Hugh Spencer (age 36), who had been nourished with him sith the beginning of his yongth; the which sir Hugh had so enticed the king, that his father and he were the greatest masters in all the realm, and by envy thought to surmount all other barons of England; whereby after the great discomfiture that the Scots had made at Stirling [Map] great murmuring there arose in England between. The noble barons and the king's council, and namely against sir Hugh Spencer. They put on him that by his counsel they were discomfited, and that he was favourable to the king of Scots. And on this point the barons had divers times communication together, to be advised what they might do, whereof Thomas earl of Lancaster (age 44), who was uncle to the king, was chief. And anon when sir Hugh Spencer had espied this, he purveyed for remedy, for he was so great with the king and so near him, that he was more beloved with the king than all the world after. So on a day he came to the king and said, 'Sir, certain lords of your realm have made alliance together against you, and without ye take heed thereto betimes, they purpose to put you out of your realm': and so by his malicious means he caused that the king made all the said lords to be taken, and their heads to be stricken off without delay, and without knowledge or answer to any cause. First of all sir Thomas earl of Lancaster, who was a noble and a wise, holy knight, and hath done sith many fair miracles in Pomfret, where he was beheaded, for the which deed the said sir Hugh Spencer achieved great hate in all the realm, and specially of the queen (age 27) and of the earl of Kent (age 20), brother to the king. And when he perceived the displeasure of the queen, by his subtle wit he set great discord between the king and the queen, so that the king would not see the queen nor come in her company, the which discord endured a long space. Then was it skewed to the queen secretly and to the earl of Kent, that without they took good heed to themselves, they were likely to be destroyage to Saint Thomas of Canterbury, and so to Winchelsea [Map], and in the night went into a ship that was ready for her, and her young son Edward with her, and the earl of Kent and sir Roger Mortimer (age 34), and in another ship they had put all their purveyance, and had wind at will, and the next morning they arrived in the haven of Boulogne [Map].

On 29 Aug 1350 the English fleet defeated a Castilian fleet at Winchelsea [Map] during the Battle of Winchelsea. Around twenty Castilian ships were captured; several were sunk. For the English King Edward III of England (age 37) and his son Edward "Black Prince" (age 20), James Audley (age 32), Henry Scrope 1st Baron Scrope of Masham (age 37), Henry of Grosmont 1st Duke Lancaster (age 40) and John Sully (age 67) fought.

Chronicle of Gregory 1403-1419. 1405. Ande that year Syr Thomas (age 16) the kyngys son was Amerelle of the See, and he wente unto Flaundrys and brent bothe in Cachante and in Flaundrys, ande londyd at Scluse [Map] and gaffe there to a strong sawte. Alle so he toke carrekys of Jene and brought them unto Wynchylse [Map], and they were brent thorowe mysse governaunce and moche of the goode ther ynne.

John Evelyn's Diary. 04 Jun 1652. On Whit Sunday, I went to the church (which is a very fair one), and heard one of the canters, who dismissed the assembly rudely, and without any blessing. Here I stayed till the 10th with no small impatience, when I walked over to survey the ruins of Winchelsea [Map], that ancient cinq-port, which by the remains and ruins of ancient streets and public structures, discovers it to have been formerly a considerable and large city. There are to be seen vast caves and vaults, walls and towers, ruins of monasteries and of a sumptuous church, in which are some handsome monuments, especially of the Templars, buried just in the manner of those in the Temple at London. This place being now all in rubbish, and a few despicable hovels and cottages only standing, hath yet a Mayor. The sea, which formerly rendered it a rich and commodious port, has now forsaken it.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 21 Oct 1666. This afternoon walking with Sir H. Cholmly (age 34) long in the gallery, he told me, among many other things, how Harry Killigrew (age 29) is banished the Court lately, for saying that my Baroness Castlemayne (age 25) was a little lecherous girle when she was young.... This she complained to the King (age 36) of, and he sent to the Duke of York (age 33), whose servant he is, to turn him away. The Duke of York hath done it, but takes it ill of my Lady that he was not complained to first. She attended him to excute it, but ill blood is made by it. He told me how Mr. Williamson (age 33) stood in a little place to have come into the House of Commons, and they would not choose him; they said, "No courtier". And which is worse, Bab May (age 38) went down in great state to Winchelsea [Map] with the Duke of York's letters, not doubting to be chosen; and there the people chose a private gentleman in spite of him, and cried out they would have no Court pimp to be their burgesse; which are things that bode very ill. This afternoon I went to see and sat a good while with Mrs. Martin, and there was her sister Doll, with whom, contrary to all expectation, I did what I would, and might have done anything else.

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Wiston

In 1443 Ralph Shirley was born to Ralph Shirley (age 30) and Elizabeth Blount (age 27) at Wiston.

In 1451 Alice Shirley was born to Ralph Shirley (age 38) and Elizabeth Blount (age 35) at Wiston.

Around 1478 Richard Shirley was born to Ralph Shirley (age 35) and Jane Bellingham (age 22) at Wiston.

In 1498 William Shirley was born to Richard Shirley (age 20) at Wiston.

On 10 Nov 1540 Richard Shirley (age 62) died at Wiston.

On 09 May 1542 Thomas Shirley was born to William Shirley (age 44) at Wiston.

Around 1546 Anthony Shirley was born to William Shirley (age 48) at Wiston.

On 29 May 1551 William Shirley (age 53) died at Wiston.

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Withyham

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Buckhurst Withyham

Before 1601 Henry Neville 9th and 7th Baron Bergavenny (age 21) and Mary Sackville (age 16) were married at Buckhurst Withyham. She the daughter of Thomas Sackville 1st Earl Dorset (age 64) and Cicely Baker Countess Dorset (age 65).

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Wood Weir Reservoir [Map]

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Worthing

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Offington Worthing

Around 1474 Edward Guildford was born to Richard Guildford (age 24) and Ann Pympe (age 20) at Offington Worthing.

On 25 Sep 1554 Thomas West 9th Baron De La Warr 6th Baron West (age 79) died at Offington Worthing. Baron West and Baron De La Warr abeyant between the two daughters of his half-brother Owen West. A new barony Baron De La Warr was conferred on Thomas' heir-male William West 1st Baron De La Warr (age 28).

British Isles, South-East England, Sussex, Worthing, Old House

On 11 Aug 1902 or 14 Aug 1902 George Truefitt (age 78) died at Old House, Worthing.