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British Isles, South-East England, Hampshire, Winchester [Map]

Winchester, Hampshire is in Hampshire.

899 Death of King Alfred the Great

959 Death of King Eadwig

975 Death of King Edgar Peaceful

1068 Coronation of Queen Matilda

1076 Revolt of the Earls

1100 Death of William II Accession of Henry I

1100 Christmas Court

1330 Execution of Edmund of Woodstock

1403 Marriage of Henry IV and Joanna of Navarre

1486 Birth and Christening of Arthur Prince of Wales

1497 Cornish Rebellion

1529 Marriage of Arthur Tudor and Catherine of Aragon

1554 Marriage of Queen Mary with Philip II of Spain

1642 Siege of Portsmouth

1683 Rye House Plot

Margery 45a travels from Old Sarum [Map] to Winchester, Hampshire [Map], then known as Venta Belgarum, by way of Winterslow [Map] and Bossington [Map].

Assers Life of Alfred 858. 858. 17. Æthelbald marries Judith.44 But when King Æthelwulf was dead [and buried at Winchester [Map]]45, his son Æthelbald, contrary to God's prohibition and the dignity of a Christian, contrary also to the custom of all the heathen46, ascended his father's bed, and married Judith (age 14), daughter of Charles (age 34), King of the Franks, incurring much infamy from all who heard of it. During two years and a half of lawlessness he held after his father the government of the West Saxons.

Note 44. Original.

Note 45. From Florence of Worcester. The Annals of St. Neots have: 'and buried at Steyning' (Stemrugam).

Note 46. This last statement is incorrect.

Death of King Alfred the Great

On 26 Oct 899 King Alfred "The Great" of Wessex (age 50) died at Winchester, Hampshire [Map]. He was buried at Hyde Abbey. His son King Edward "Elder" of the Anglo Saxons (age 25) succeeded King Anglo Saxons. Ecgwynn Unknown Queen Consort Anglo Saxons by marriage Queen Consort Anglo Saxons.

Around 943 King Edgar I of England was born to King Edmund I of England (age 22) and Aelfgifu of Shaftesbury Queen Consort England at Winchester, Hampshire [Map].

Death of King Eadwig

On 01 Oct 959 King Eadwig I of England died. He was buried at Winchester, Hampshire [Map]. His brother King Edgar I of England (age 16) succeeded I King of England.

Death of King Edgar Peaceful

On 08 Jul 975 King Edgar I of England (age 32) died at Winchester, Hampshire [Map]. He was buried in Glastonbury Abbey [Map]. His son King Edward I of England (age 13) succeeded I King of England.

John of Worcester. 06 Mar 1052. Elfgiva Emma (age 67), wife of the kings Ethelred and Canute, died at Winchester, Hampshire [Map] on the second of the nones [the 6th] of March, and was buried there.

John of Worcester. 1053. Rhys, the brother of Griffyth, king of South Wales, was put to death by order of king Edward (age 50) at a place called Bullington, Hampshire [Map], on account of the plundering inroads he had frequently made, and his head was brought to the king at Gloucester on the eve of our Lord's Epiphany [5th January]. In the same year, on the second day of the festival of Easter [12th April], which was celebrated at Winchester, Hampshire [Map], earl Godwin (age 52) came to his end while he was sitting at table with the king, according to his usual custom; for, being suddenly seized with a violent illness, he fell speechless from his seat. His sons, earl Harold (age 31), Tosti (age 27), and Gurth (age 21), perceiving it, carried him into the king's chamber, hoping that he would presently recover; but his strength failing, he died in great suffering on the fifth day afterwards [15th April], and was buried in the Old Minster. His son Harold succeeded to his earldom, and Harold's earldom was given to Algar, son of earl Leofric.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 15 Apr 1053. In this year was the king (age 50) at Winchester, Hampshire [Map], at Easter; and Earl Godwin (age 52) with him, and Earl Harold (age 31) his son, and Tosty (age 27). On the day after Easter sat he with the king at table; when he suddenly sunk beneath against the foot-rail, deprived of speech and of all his strength. He was brought into the king's chamber; and they supposed that it would pass over: but it was not so. He continued thus speechless and helpless till the Thursday; when he resigned his life, on the seventeenth before the calends of May; and he was buried at Winchester in the old minster. Earl Harold, his son, took to the earldom that his father had before, and to all that his father possessed; whilst Earl Elgar took to the earldom that Harold had before. The Welshmen this year slew a great many of the warders of the English people at Westbury, Wiltshire [Map]. This year there was no archbishop in this land: but Bishop Stigand held the see of Canterbury at Christ church, and Kinsey that of York. Leofwine and Wulfwy went over sea, and had themselves consecrated bishops there. Wulfwy took to the bishopric which Ulf had whilst he was living and in exile.

Coronation of Queen Matilda

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 11 May 1068. This Easter came the king (age 40) to Winchester, Hampshire [Map]; and Easter was then on the tenth before the calends of April. Soon after this came the Lady Matilda (age 37) hither to this land; and Archbishop Eldred hallowed her to queen at Westminster on Whit Sunday.

Flowers of History. After 04 Apr 1070. Moreover, the whole Anglican Church held a great council in Easter week, at Winchester, Hampshire [Map], by the management of the king, where many of the things which concerned the kingdom were changed. At that council too, Stigand, archbishop of Canterbury, was ignominiously degraded, and his brother, Aylmer, bishop of East Anglia, and many other bishops and abbots were deposed at the same time. Aegelwin, bishop of Durham, alone, of all the prelates of England, seeing the unjust oppression of his brethren, and sympathizing with them, and feeling zeal for God, went of his own accord into banishment from England, wishing to entangle the oppressors in the knot of excommunication. Stigand was succeeded by Lanfranc (age 65), a monk, a man of elegant learning, and adorned with many and various other accomplishments, who, among other magnificent works, composed a treatise on the Sacrament of the Altar, confirming the Catholic Faith. Aylmer was succeeded by Arfast, the king's chaplain; and he transferred the seat of his diocese to Thetford.

Revolt of the Earls

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1076. This year also was Earl Waltheof beheaded at Winchester, Hampshire [Map], on the mass-day of St. Petronilla;99 and his body was carried to Croyland [Map], where he lies buried. King William (age 48) now went over sea, and led his army to Brittany, and beset the castle of Dol; but the Bretons defended it, until the king (age 23) came from France; whereupon William departed thence, having lost there both men and horses, and many of his treasures.

Note 99. This notice of St. Petronilla, whose name and existence seem scarcely to have been known to the Latin historians, we owe exclusively to the valuable MS. "Cotton Tiberius" B lv. Yet if ever female saint deserved to be commemorated as a conspicuous example of early piety and christian zeal, it must be Petronilla.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1086. This year the king (age 58) bare his crown, and held his court, in Winchester, Hampshire [Map] at Easter; and he so arranged, that he was by the Pentecost at Westminster, and dubbed his son Henry (age 18) a knight there. Afterwards he moved about so that he came by Lammas to Sarum [Map]; where he was met by his councillors; and all the landsmen that were of any account over all England became this man's vassals as they were; and they all bowed themselves before him, and became his men, and swore him oaths of allegiance that they would against all other men be faithful to him. Thence he proceeded into the Isle of Wight [Map]; because he wished to go into Normandy, and so he afterwards did; though he first did according to his custom; he collected a very large sum from his people, wherever he could make any demand, whether with justice or otherwise.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1100. In this year the King William (age 44) held his court at Christmas in Gloucester [Map], and at Easter in Winchester, Hampshire [Map], and at Pentecost in Westminster. And at Pentecost was seen in Berkshire at a certain town blood to well from the earth; as many said that should see it.

Death of William II Accession of Henry I

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 02 Aug 1100. And thereafter on the morning after Lammas day was the King William (age 44) shot in hunting, by an arrow from his own men, and afterwards brought to Winchester, Hampshire [Map], and buried in the cathedral.130 This was in the thirteenth year after that he assumed the government. He was very harsh and severe over his land and his men, and with all his neighbours; and very formidable; and through the counsels of evil men, that to him were always agreeable, and through his own avarice, he was ever tiring this nation with an army, and with unjust contributions. For in his days all right fell to the ground, and every wrong rose up before God and before the world. God's church he humbled; and all the bishoprics and abbacies, whose elders fell in his days, he either sold in fee, or held in his own hands, and let for a certain sum; because he would be the heir of every man, both of the clergy and laity; so that on the day that he fell he had in his own hand the archbishopric of Canterbury, with the bishopric of Winchester, and that of Salisbury, and eleven abbacies, all let for a sum; and (though I may be tedious) all that was loathsome to God and righteous men, all that was customary in this land in his time. And for this he was loathed by nearly all his people, and odious to God, as his end testified:-for he departed in the midst of his unrighteousness, without any power of repentance or recompense for his deeds. On the Thursday he was slain; and in the morning afterwards buried; and after he was buried, the statesmen that were then nigh at hand, chose his brother Henry (age 32) to king. And he immediately131 gave the bishopric of Winchester to William Giffard; and afterwards went to London; and on the Sunday following, before the altar at Westminster, he promised God and all the people, to annul all the unrighteous acts that took place in his brother's time, and to maintain the best laws that were valid in any king's day before him.

Note 130. His monument is still to be seen there, a plain gravestone of black marble, of the common shape called "dos d'ane"; such as are now frequently seen, though of inferior materials, in the churchyards of villages; and are only one remove from the grassy sod.

Note 131. i.e. before he left Winchester for London; literally "there-right"-an expression still used in many parts of England. Neither does the word "directly", which in its turn has almost become too vulgar to be used, nor its substitute, "immediately", which has nearly superseded it, appear to answer the purpose so well as the Saxon, which is equally expressive with the French "sur le champ".

Christmas Court

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 25 Dec 1100. In this year at Christmas held the King Henry (age 32) his court in Westminster, and at Easter in Winchester, Hampshire [Map]. And soon thereafter were the chief men in this land in a conspiracy against the king; partly from their own great infidelity, and also through the Earl Robert (age 49) of Normandy, who with hostility aspired to the invasion of this land.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1102. In this year at the Nativity was the king Henry (age 34) at Westminster, and at Easter in Winchester, Hampshire [Map]. And soon thereafter arose a dissention between the king and the Earl Robert of Belesme (age 46), who held in this land the earldom of Shrewsbury, that his father, Earl Roger, had before, and much territory therewith both on this side and beyond the sea. And the king went and beset the castle at Arundel [Map]; but when he could not easily win it, he allowed men to make castles before it, and filled them with his men; and afterwards with all his army he went to Bridgenorth, and there continued until he had the castle [Map], and deprived the Earl Robert (age 51) of his land, and stripped him of all that he had in England. And the earl accordingly went over sea, and the army afterwards returned home. Then was the king thereafter by Michaelmas at Westminster; and all the principal men in this land, clerk, and laity.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1104. In this year at Christmas held the King Henry (age 36) his court at Westminster, and at Easter in Winchester, Hampshire [Map], and at Pentecost again at Westminster. This year was the first day of Pentecost on the nones of June; and on the Tuesday following were seen four circles at mid-day about the sun, of a white hue, each described under the other as if they were measured. All that saw it wondered; for they never remembered such before.

In 1158 Saer Quincy (age 68) died at Winchester, Hampshire [Map].

On 29 Dec 1158 Eleanor of Aquitaine Queen Consort Franks and England (age 36) travelled from Normandy [Map] on board the Esnecca (Snake) with her children Henry the Young King (age 3) and Matilda Plantagenet Duchess Saxony (age 2) to Southampton, Hampshire [Map]. She then went to Winchester, Hampshire [Map] where she collected funds from the Royal Treasury and returned to Normandy.

On 11 Apr 1184 William of Winchester Welf was born to Henry "Lion" Welf XII Duke Saxony III Duke Bavaria (age 55) and Matilda Plantagenet Duchess Saxony (age 28) in Winchester, Hampshire [Map] during his father's exile. He a grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

Around 1186 Arabella Quincy was born to Saer Quincy 1st Earl Winchester (age 16) and Margaret Beaumont Countess Winchester at Winchester, Hampshire [Map].

Around 1242 Helen Zouche was born to Alan Zouche (age 39) and Helen or Ela Quincy at Winchester, Hampshire [Map].

In 1350 Hugh Hastings 7th Baron Hastings was born to Hugh Hastings (age 14) and Margaret Everingham (age 19) at Winchester, Hampshire [Map].

Marriage of Henry IV and Joanna of Navarre

On 07 Feb 1403 King Henry IV of England (age 35) and Joanna of Navarre Queen Consort England (age 33) were married at Winchester, Hampshire [Map]. Joanna of Navarre Queen Consort England was crowned Queen Consort England. His third marriage, her second. She had eight children with her first husband but, despite ten years of marriage, none with Henry. She the daughter of Charles "Bad" II King Navarre and Joan Valois Queen Consort Navarre. He the son of John of Gaunt 1st Duke Lancaster and Blanche Duchess of Lancaster. They were third cousins. He a grandson of King Edward III of England. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Henry III of England.

Birth and Christening of Arthur Prince of Wales

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1485-1509. 1486. This yeared Prince Arthure was borne at Windsore [Map].e

Note d. This paragraph is wrongly placed both in Arnold and our MS. after the next entry, but I hare restored it to its proper date.

Note e. A clerical error for Winchester [Map].

1497 Cornish Rebellion

Around Apr 1497 Cornish rose in rebellion against taxes being raised by King Henry VII of England and Ireland (age 40) to support his wars against Scotland and against changes to the operation and privileges of the Cornish tin mining industry. The rebel army of 15,000 sought to replace Henry's ministers who they saw as responsible for the taxation: Cardinal John Morton (age 77) and Reginald Bray (age 57), the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. The army travelled from Cornwall through Devon and Somerset attempting, unsuccessfully, to recruit more men. At Wells, Somerset [Map] they were joined by James Tuchet 7th Baron Audley, 4th Baron Tuchet (age 34) who took on command. The rebel army then travelled through Salisbury and Winchester, Hampshire [Map].

When Henry became aware of the rebel army he diverted his main army led by Giles Daubeney 1st Baron Daubeney (age 46) to meet the rebels. Daubeny's army camped at Hounslow Heath [Map] on 13 Jun 1497.

Marriage of Queen Mary with Philip II of Spain

Wriothesley's Chronicle 21 Jul 1554. 21 Jul 1554. The xxith of Julie proclamation was made in London that all noblemen, gentlemen, ladies, and other should repayre to the Cittie of Winchester, Hampshire [Map], there to doe their attendance at her graces marriage accordinge as they are appoynted. And that night were bonefyers made in everie parishe within the Cittie of London, with all the bells ringinge in everye parishe churche for the ioyfull tydinges of the Princes landinge in safetie.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 21 Jul 1554. The xxj day of July by x of the cloke [was proclaimed] thrug London that the prynche of Spayne (age 27) was [arrived at Southampton] and that evere pere and lord and lade shuld [resort] unto her grace['s] cete of Wynchester [Map] with all spede to her graceus weddyng.

Note. P. 66. Proclamation for attendance of peers, &c. at the queen's marriage. See this in the Soc. of Antiquaries' collection, vol. ii. p. 125.

On 05 Apr 1578 Henry Seymour (age 75) died at Winchester, Hampshire [Map].

Siege of Portsmouth

John Evelyn's Diary. 03 Oct 1642. To Chichester [Map], and hence the next day to see the Siege of Portsmouth; for now was that bloody difference between the King and Parliament broken out, which ended in the fatal tragedy so many years after. It was on the day of its being rendered to Sir William Waller (age 45); which gave me an opportunity of taking my leave of Colonel Goring (age 34), the governor, now embarking for France. This day was fought that signal battle at Edgehill. Thence I went to Southampton, Hampshire [Map] and Winchester, Hampshire [Map], where I visited the castle, school, church, and King Arthur's Round Table; but especially the church [Map], and its Saxon kings' monuments, which I esteemed a worthy antiquity.

John Evelyn's Diary. 26 Sep 1684. The King (age 54) being return'd from Winchester [Map], there was a numerous Court at White-hall. At this time the Earle of Rochester (age 42) was remov'd from the Treasury to the Presidentship of the Council; Lord Godolphin (age 39) was made first Commissioner of the Treasury in his place; Lord Middleton (age 34) (a Scot) made Secretary of State, in ye room of Lord Godolphin. These alterations being very unexpected and mysterious, gave greate occasion of discourse. There was now an Ambassador from ye King of Siam in ye East Indies to his Majesty.

John Evelyn's Diary. 16 Sep 1685. The next morning setting out early, we ariv'd soon enough at Winchester [Map] to waite on the King (age 51), who was lodg'd at the Dean's (Dr. Meggot). I found very few with him besides my Lords Feversham (age 44), Arran [Note. Not clear which Earl of Arran], Newport (age 65), and the Bishop of Bath and Wells (age 48). His Ma* was discoursing with the Bishops concerning miracles, and what strange things the Saludadors would do in Spaine, as by creeping into heated ovens without hurt, and that they had a black crosse in the roofe of their mouthes, but yet were commonly notorious and profane wretches; upon which his Majesty further said, that he was so extreamly difficult of miracles, for feare of being impos'd upon, that if he should chance to see one himselfe, without some other witness, he should apprehend it a delusion of his senses. Then they spake of ye boy who was pretended to have a wanting leg restor'd him, so confidently asserted by Fr. de Sta Clara and others. To all which the Bishop added a greate miracle happening In Winchester to his certaine knowledge, of a poor miserably sick and decrepit child (as I remember long kept unbaptiz'd), who immediately on his baptism recover'd; as also of yc salutary effect of K. Charles his Ma*s father's blood, in healing one that was blind.

Bede. Ethelwalch, and wasted that country with much slaughter and plundering; but he was soon expelled by Berthun and Andhun, the king's commanders, who afterwards held the government of that province. The first of them was afterwards killed by the same Ceadwalla, when he was king of the Gewisse, and the province was more entirely subdued: Ina, likewise, who reigned after Ceadwalla, kept that country under the like servitude for several years; for which reason, during all that time, they had no bishop of their own; but their first bishop, Wilfrid, having been recalled home, they were subject to the bishop of the Gewisse, i. e. the West Saxons, in the city of Winchester, Hampshire [Map].

British Isles, South-East England, Hampshire, Winchester, Greyfriars Church [Map]

Greyfriars Church, Winchester is also in Churches in Hampshire.

On 26 Dec 1352 John Plantagenet 3rd Earl Kent (age 22) died. He was buried at Greyfriars Church, Winchester [Map]. Earl Kent extinct. His sister Joan "Fair Maid of Kent" Princess Wales (age 24) succeeded 5th Baroness Wake of Liddell. Some source suggest she also succeeded as 4th Countess of Kent but this is inconsistent with 1. her husband being created Earl of Kent as a new creation, and 2. her son not succeeding to the original Earldom?

British Isles, South-East England, Hampshire, Winchester, Hyde Abbey

Hyde Abbey is also in Abbeys in England.

In 1110 Hyde Abbey was consecrated. The bodies of King Alfred "The Great" of Wessex, his wife Æalhswith of Mercia Queen Consort of England, and their son King Edward "Elder" of the Anglo Saxons were carried in state through Winchester to be interred before the high altar. Their royal presence made Hyde Abbey a popular pilgrimage destination.

British Isles, South-East England, Hampshire, Winchester, Itchen Valley

British Isles, South-East England, Hampshire, Winchester, Avington Park Itchen Valley

In 1847 Richard Temple-Nugent-Brydges-Chandos-Grenville 2nd Duke of Buckingham and Chandos (age 49) was declared bankrupt with debts of over a million pounds. He was required to sell his estate in Keynsham, Somerset, Avington Park Itchen Valley, Winchester and the contents of Stowe House, Buckinghamshire in 1848.

British Isles, South-East England, Hampshire, Winchester, Kings' House

John Evelyn's Diary. 23 Sep 1683. There was this day a collection for rebuilding Newmarket, consumed by an accidental fire, which removing his Majesty (age 53) thence sooner than was intended, put by the assassins, who were disappointed of their rendezvous and expectation by a wonderful providence. This made the King more earnest to render Winchester the seat of his autumnal field diversions for the future, designing a palace there, where the ancient castle stood; infinitely indeed preferable to Newmarket for prospects, air, pleasure, and provisions. The surveyor has already begun the foundation for a palace, estimated to cost £35,000, and his Majesty is purchasing ground about it to make a park, etc.

John Evelyn's Diary. 16 Sep 1685. I went out to see the new Palace the late King had began, and brought almost to the covering. It is plac'd on the side of the hill where formerly stood the old Castle. It is a stately fabric, of three sides and a corridor, all built of brick, and cornish'd, windows and columns at the break and entrance of free-stone. It was intended for a hunting-house when his Ma* should come to these parts, and has an incomparable prospect. I believe there had already ben £20,000 and more expended, but his now Majesty did not seeme to encourage the finishing It, at least for a while.

British Isles, South-East England, Hampshire, Lainston House Winchester

On 04 Aug 1744 Augustus John Hervey 3rd Earl Bristol (age 20) and Elizabeth Chudleigh Duchess Kingston upon Hull (age 23) were married privately at Lainston House Winchester. There marriage remained a secret until she wanted to marry Evelyn Pierrepont 2nd Duke Kingston upon Hull (age 33) in 1769 at which time she initiated a suit of jactitation against him requiring him to prove they were married. The court found in her favour.

British Isles, South-East England, Hampshire, Winchester, Micheldever [Map]

British Isles, South-East England, Hampshire, Winchester, St Mary the Virgin Micheldever

On 18 Nov 1873 Thomas Baring (age 74) died. He was buried at St Mary the Virgin Micheldever, Winchester.

British Isles, South-East England, Hampshire, Winchester, Parish of St Faith [Map]

On 28 Feb 1892 Charles George Edric Clowes was born to Major Charles Edward Clowes (age 33) and Isabella Sara Vanderbyl in the Parish of St Faith, Winchester [Map]. He was baptised in the Church of the Holy Cross, Winchester [Map].

British Isles, South-East England, Winchester, Royal Hampshire Regiment Museum

On 19 Mar 1964 the Victoria Cross of Colonel John Worthy Chaplin was presented to the Hampshire Regiment by his grandson. It is now kept in the Royal Hampshire Regiment Museum, Winchester.

British Isles, South-East England, Hampshire, Winchester, St Gile's Hill

British Isles, South-East England, Hampshire, Winchester, St Thomas Church

On 30 Mar 1761 Thomas Woods Knollys 7th Earl Banbury (age 33) and Mary Porter (age 18) were married at St Thomas Church, Winchester. He the son of Charles Knollys 5th Earl Banbury (age 58) and Martha Hughes (age 57).

British Isles, South-East England, Hampshire, Winchester Castle [Map]

Winchester Castle is also in Castles in Hampshire.

On 01 Oct 1207 King Henry III of England was born to King John of England (age 40) and Isabella of Angoulême Queen Consort England (age 19) at Winchester Castle [Map].

In 1247 Nicholas Moels (age 52) was appointed Constable of Winchester Castle.

On 19 Mar 1330 the King's uncle Edmund of Woodstock 1st Earl Kent (age 28) was beheaded at Winchester Castle [Map]. Earl Kent forfeit. The executioner was a convicted latrine cleaner who was also facing the death penalty; no-one else would undertake the task of executing a member of the Royal family. Edmund had been convicted of plotting against the court believing his brother Edward II was still alive. It later emerged the plot had been created by Roger Mortimer 1st Earl March (age 42) to entrap Edmund. King Edward III of England (age 17) was unable to show leniency risking complicity in the plot. He was buried at Westminster Abbey [Map].

British Isles, South-East England, Hampshire, Winchester Castle, Great Hall

On 17 Nov 1603 Walter Raleigh (age 49) was tried by Henry Montagu 1st Earl Manchester (age 40) at Great Hall, Winchester Castle.

British Isles, South-East England, Hampshire, Winchester Cross

Vesta Monumenta. 1741. Plate 1.61. Winchester Cross. Popularly called the "High," "Market," or "Butter" Cross.

British Isles, South-East England, Hampshire, Winchester Minster

Winchester Minster is also in Minsters in England.

British Isles, South-East England, Hampshire, Winchester Minster, Winchester New Minster

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 903. This year died Alderman Ethelwulf, the brother of Elhswitha, mother of King Edward; and Virgilius abbot of the Scots; and Grimbald the mass-priest; on the eighth day of July. This same year was consecrated the new minster at Winchester, on St. Judoc's advent.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 964. This year drove King Edgar (age 21) the priests of Winchester out of the old minster, and also out of the new minster; and from Chertsey [Map]; and from Milton [Map]; and replaced them with monks. And he appointed Ethelgar abbot to the new minster, and Ordbert to Chertsey, and Cyneward to Milton [Map].

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 982. In this year came up in Dorsetshire three ships of the pirates, and plundered in Portland. The same year London was burned. In the same year also died two aldermen, Ethelmer in Hampshire, and Edwin in Sussex. Ethelmer's body lieth in Winchester, at New-minster, and Edwin's in the minster at Abingdon [Map]. The same year died two abbesses in Dorsetshire; Herelufa at Shaftsbury, and Wulfwina at Wareham. The same year went Otho (age 28), emperor of the Romans, into Greece; and there met he a great army of the Saracens, who came up from the sea, and would have proceeded forthwith to plunder the Christian folk; but the emperor fought with them. And there was much slaughter made on either side, but the emperor gained the field of battle. He was there, however, much harassed, ere he returned thence; and as he went homeward, his brother's son died, who was also called Otho; and he was the son of Leodulf Atheling. This Leodulf was the son of Otho the Elder and of the daughter of King Edward.

Before 1057 Abbot Ælfwine was appointed Abbot of Winchester New Minster.

British Isles, South-East England, Hampshire, Winchester Priory [Map]

Winchester Priory is also in Priories in England.

On 20 Sep 1486, nine months exactly after his parents married, Prince Arthur Tudor was born to King Henry VII of England and Ireland (age 29) and Elizabeth York Queen Consort England (age 20) at Winchester Priory [Map]. he was created Duke of Cornwall at birth.

Letters and Papers 1529. After 28 Jun 1529. Vit. B. XII. 70. B. M. 5774. Catharine of Arragon.

A set of depositions as to Catharine's marriage with Prince Arthur.

1. of George Earl of Shrewsbury (age 61), seneschal of the King's household, at the Coldherbar, on Monday, 28 June 1529. Is 59 years of age. Was present at the marriage of Henry VII. at Westminster, and at the creation of Arthur prince of Wales and Henry Duke of York (age 38). They were always considered as brothers, and he never heard it contradicted. Was present at the marriage of Prince Arthur with Catharine, now Queen, at St. Paul's, in Nov. 17 Henry VII. 1521 (sic). Believes that Arthur was then 14 or more. Saw the Queen Elizabeth and him a month after his birth, at Winchester [Map], in 2 Henry VII. Believes that Catharine was more than 14. Thinks that Arthur must have been nearer 15 than 14. At night, with the Lord of Oxford (age 58) and others, conducted Prince Arthur to the lady Catharine's (age 43) bedchamber, and left him there. Supposes that the Prince consummated the marriage,as he did so, being only 15 years when he was married. They were always considered lawfully married during the life of Prince Arthur. Saw the funeral of Prince Arthur at Worcester, and the marriage of the King and Queen at Greenwich. Cannot answer the 6th and 7th articles, but leaves them to the laws. Never heard what is contained in the 8th article. As to the 9th, knows that the King and Queen cohabited and treated each other as husband and wife, but cannot say whether lawfully or not. Can say nothing from his own knowledge as to the 10th, 11th, and 12th articles. Has made this deposition without being instructed or corrupted in any way, only for the sake of truth.

Vit. B. XII. 80. B. M.

2. of Thomas marquis of Dorset (age 52). Is 52 years of age. The 1st and 2nd articles contain the truth. Was present at the baptism of Arthur and Henry, the former at Winchester, and the latter at Greenwich. Was present at the marriage of Prince Arthur with Catharine, now Queen, at St Paul's, on a Sunday in Nov. 1501, 17 Henry VII. Believes Arthur was about 15, for he has seen in the book in which are written the births of the King's children that he was born 20 Sept. 1486. Was present when Prince Arthur went to bed after his marriage, where the lady Catharine lay under the coverlet, "as the manner is of Queens in that behalf." Thinks that he used the princess as his wife, for he was of a good and sanguine complexion, and they were commonly reputed as man and wife during Prince Arthur's life. As to the 5th article, he can depose nothing to the first part, as he was then prisoner at Calais; but the remainder, touching cohabitation and reputation, is true. Can say nothing to the 6th, 7th, and 8th. The 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th contain the truth, as he believes.

Vit. B. XII. 85. B. M.

3. of Sir Antony Willoughby. Has lived 15 years in Hampshire, for 12 years previously in Wiltshire. Was five years in the service of Prince Arthur, for five years before that in the service of the Bishop of Durham, and before that time in his father's household. Believes the 1st and 2nd articles to be true. To the 3rd and 4th, was present at the marriage of Prince Arthur and lady Catharine. By favor of his father, Lord Broke, steward of the King's household, was present when Prince Arthur went to bed on his marriage night in the palace of the Bishop of London. In the morning the prince, in the presence of Mores St. John, Mr. Cromer, Mr. William Woddall, Mr. Griffith Rice, and others, said to him, "Willoughby, bring me a cup of ale, for I have been this night in the midst of Spain;" and afterward said openly, "Masters, it is good pastime to have a wife." He, therefore, supposes that the marriage was consummated; and he heard that they lay together the Shrovetide following at Ludlow.

Knows that they lived together as man and wife during the remainder of the Prince's life.

Believes the 5th article to be true. Can depose nothing to the 6th, 7th and 8th. Believes the 9th, 10th and 11th to be true. The 12th contains law; to which he is not bound to reply. To the second additional interrogatory he replies, that it contains the truth, for he has been present twenty times at the solemnization of marriage, and the said form of words is always used.