Culture, Lords of England, Extinct Viscountcies of England

Extinct Viscountcies of England is in Viscountcies of England.

1470 Battle of Nibley Green

1551 Sweating Sickness Outbreak

1680 Siege of Tangier

Battle of Nibley Green

On 20 Mar 1470 the army of William Berkeley 1st Marquess Berkeley (age 44) including Maurice Berkeley 3rd Baron Berkeley (age 35) defeated the army of Thomas Talbot 2nd Viscount Lisle (age 21) at Nibley Green, Berkeley.

Thomas Talbot 2nd Viscount Lisle was killed. Viscount Lisle extinct. Baron Lisle abeyant.

Ostensibly a battle of the Wars of the Roses it may also be considered a settling of the dispute over the ownership of Berkeley Castle [Map] which has passed with the Baron Berkeley Feudal to William Berkeley 1st Marquess Berkeley rather than with Baron Berkeley which was abeyant, and of which Thomas Talbot 2nd Viscount Lisle was a potential heir. Thomas Talbot 2nd Viscount Lisle was born to John Talbot 1st Viscount Lisle whose mother was Margaret Beauchamp Countess Shrewsbury and Waterford whose mother was Elizabeth Berkeley Countess Warwick who was a daughter of Thomas Berkeley 10th and 5th Baron Berkeley, Baron Lisle.

After 19 Jun 1488 Francis Lovell 1st Viscount Lovell (deceased) died. Viscount Lovell extinct.

On 14 Feb 1492 William Berkeley 1st Marquess Berkeley (age 66) died. Marquess Berkeley, Earl Nottingham, Viscount Berkeley extinct.

Baron Berkeley Feudal retained by the King.

Maurice Berkeley 3rd Baron Berkeley (age 57) succeeded 3rd Baron Berkeley. Isabel Meade 3rd Baroness Berkeley by marriage Baroness Berkeley.

On 09 Feb 1498 John Welles 1st Viscount Welles (age 48) died in London. Viscount Welles, Baron Welles extinct. His will reads ...

In the name of oure Lorde Jeshu, Amen. I, John, Viscounte lorde Wellis, uncle to the Kynge (age 41), oure soveraigne lorde, and brodre to the right noble prynces, Margaret, countes of Richemond (age 54), naturall and dere modre to oure said soveregne lord, beyng of goode and hole memory, ye viij daie of February, the yere of oure Lorde God 1498, and in the xiiij yere of the regne of our saide soverayne lorde, make this my testament. My bodie to be buried in suche place as [to] the kynge, the quene (age 31), my lady, his moder, and my lady, my wife (age 28), shalbe thought, most convenyent, and the costis and charge of the same burying, the obsequyes, masses, funeralles and all oder thynges therto convenyent and necessarie. And also I remyt the makyng of my tumbe to the ordre and discrecionn of my saide soverayne lady the quene, my lady his modre, and my wife. And after these charges and costis aforesaid had and done, I will that all the dettis nowe by me dewe or to be dewe be treuly contented and paied. And I will that to the honour of Almighty God in the aulter afore which my bodie shall next lie my executors shall delyver a pair of candelstickes of silver, a masse booke covered with clothe of goolde, a chales of silver and gilte, a vestament of blewe velvet enbrodered with my armes, a pair of litle cruettes of silver and parcellis gilte, and a crosse of silver p[arcell] gilt, which 1 will do remayne there to serve Almyghty God with for ever and in noo oder place. Also I geve and bequethe to my dere beloved lady and wife Cecille, for terme of her life, all my castelles, manors, landes and tenements, aswell suche as I have purchased as all odre duryng only her life, whome I trust above all oder, that if my goodes and catallis wilnot suffice for the performance of this my laste will, that she will thenne of the revenues of the profittes of my inheritance perform this my laste will. Also I will that a preste be founde for ever after my said wifes decease to sey masse daily for my sowle and all Cristen sowles at the said aulter of the yerely revenues of my purchased landes, and over which my saide lady hath promysed me faithfully to purchase to the same entent if my saide purchased landes suffice not therto. And I will yt suche residue as shall fortune to be of my goodes that my saide dere beloved lady aud wife have theym to her owne use. And I make executors the saide Cecill, my dere beloved wife, and Sr Raynold Bray (age 58), knyght, and in my mooste humble wise beseche my said soverayne lorde the kyng and the quenes grace, my lady the kynges modre, to be supervisours.

In 1504 John Grey 2nd Viscount Lisle (age 23) died. Viscount Lisle extinct. Some sources suggest his daughter Elizabeth Grey Countess Devon inherited the Viscountcy whereas as others suggest she inherited the Barony only.

On 19 Dec 1507 William Beaumont 2nd Viscount Beaumont (age 69) died at Wivenhoe, Essex [Map] where he was buried. Viscount Beaumont extinct. Baron Beaumont abeyant between his two nieces Joanne Lovell and Frideswell Lovell. The issue of Frideswell Lovell were disbarred from succeededing when her son Henry Norreys (age 25) was attainted. Baron Bardolf of Wormegay in Norfolk abeyant between his great nephews including Henry Norreys, George Stapleton (age 28) and great-great nephew Brian Stapleton (age 30).

On 12 Mar 1539 Thomas Boleyn 1st Earl Wiltshire and Ormonde (age 62) died. He was buried at St Peter's Church, Hever. His monument has a brass. He is depicted dressed in full robes wearing the insignia of a Knight of the Garter, with the Badge on his left breast and the Garter around his left knee. His head rests on a helm surmounted by a crest of a falcon displayed (his daughter's heraldic badge) and his feet rest on a griffin. The inscription reads: Here lieth Sir Thomas Bullen, Knight of the Order of the Garter, Erle of Wilscher and Erle or Ormunde, which decessed the 12th dai of Marche in the iere of our Lorde 1538. Earl Wiltshire, Earl Ormonde and Viscount Rochford extinct. His brother James Boleyn (age 46) inherited Hever Castle, Kent [Map].

On 13 Mar 1540 Henry Bourchier 2nd Earl Essex 3rd Count of Eu died. Earl Essex, Viscount Bourchier extinct. His daughter Anne Bourchier 7th Baroness Bourchier (age 23) succeeded 7th Baroness Bourchier. His second cousin once removed John Bourchier 2nd Earl Bath (age 41) succeeded 2nd Count Eu. Neither he or his descendants used the title.

On 03 Mar 1542 Arthur Plantagenet 1st Viscount Lisle (age 77) died at the Tower of London [Map]. Viscount Lisle extinct.

1551 Sweating Sickness Outbreak

On 14 Jul 1551 the two Brandon brothers died of sweating sickness at the Bishop of Lincoln's Palace, Buckden [Map]. They were buried at St Mary's Church, Buckden [Map].

Henry Brandon 2nd Duke of Suffolk (age 15) died of sweating sickness . His brother Charles Brandon 3rd Duke of Suffolk (age 14) succeeded 3rd Duke Suffolk, 3rd Viscount Lisle.

Charles Brandon 3rd Duke of Suffolk died of sweating sickness an hour or so after his brother. Duke Suffolk, Viscount Lisle extinct.

Charles Brandon 3rd Duke of Suffolk: In 1537 he was born to Charles Brandon 1st Duke of Suffolk and Catherine Willoughby Duchess Suffolk. Henry Machyn's Diary. 22 Sep 1551. The xxij day of September was the monyth ['s mind of the] ij dukkes of Suffoke [Note. Henry Brandon 2nd Duke of Suffolk and Charles Brandon 3rd Duke of Suffolk] in Chambryge-shyre, with [ij] standards, ij baners grett of armes and large, and banars rolles of dyver armes, with ij elmets, ij [swords, ij] targetts crownyd, ij cotes of armes, ij crests, and [ten dozen] of schochyons crounyd; and yt was grett pete of [their] dethe, and yt had plesyd God, of so nobull a stok they wher, for ther ys no more left of them.

On 29 Jan 1622 Francis Norreys 1st Earl Berkshire (age 42) shot himself with a crossbow at Rycote, Oxfordshire [Map]; probably deliberately.

On 31 Jan 1622 he died. He was buried at Dorchester Abbey, Oxfordshire [Map]. His daughter Elizabeth Norreys 3rd Baroness Norreys Rycote (age 19) succeeded 3rd Baroness Norreys of Rycote. Earl Berkshire and Viscount Thame extinct.

On 11 Jun 1638 Paul Bayning 2nd Viscount Bayning (age 22) died without male issue. Viscount Bayning, Baron Bayning of Horkesley in Essex extinct.

On 17 Jul 1645 Robert Carr 1st Earl Somerset (age 58) died without male issue. Earl Somerset, Viscount Rochester extinct.

On 18 Feb 1658 John Villiers 1st Viscount Purbeck (age 67) died without issue. Viscount Purbeck extinct although Robert Wright aka Villiers aka Danvers (age 33), illegitimate son of his wife Frances Coke Viscountess Purbeck and Robert Howard attempted to claim the title.

On 30 Oct 1660 James Hay 2nd Earl Carlisle (age 48) died. Earl Carlisle, Viscount Doncaster extinct.

On 26 May 1677 John Carey 2nd Earl Dover (age 69) died without male issue. Earl Dover and Viscount Rochford extinct. His second cousin once removed Colonel Robert Carey 6th Baron Hunsdon (age 25) succeeded 6th Baron Hunsdon.

In Oct 1678 Anne Bayning Viscountess Bayning (age 59) died. Viscount Bayning extinct.

Siege of Tangier

On 15 Aug 1718 William Constable 4th Viscount Dunbar (age 64) died without legitimate issue. Viscount Dunbar extinct.

On 23 May 1723 James Saunderson 1st Earl Castleton (age 56) died unmarried. Earl Castleton and Viscount Castleton extinct. His estates were inherited by his cousin Thomas Lumley-Saunderson 3rd Earl Scarborough (age 32) who added Saunderson to his surname.

On 09 May 1737 John Savage 5th Earl Rivers (age 72) died unmarried since he was a Catholic priest. Earl Rivers, Viscount Colchester, Viscount Savage, Baron Darcy of Chiche and Baronet Savage of Rocksavage in Cheshire extinct.

On 05 Jun 1740 Henry Grey 1st Duke Kent (age 69) died without surviving male issue. Duke Kent, Marquess Kent, Earl Kent and Viscount Gooderich extinct. His granddaughter Jemima Campbell 2nd Marchioness Grey (age 16) succeeded 2nd Marchioness Grey.

On 07 Jul 1743 Jocelyn Sidney 7th Earl of Leicester (age 61) died. His will left everything to his illegitimate daughter Anne Sidney (age 14) but was succeessfully contested by cousins. Earl of Leicester and Viscount Lisle extinct.

On 12 Mar 1751 Henry Lowther 3rd Viscount Lonsdale (age 57) died unmarried. Viscount Lonsdale in Westmoreland extinct.

On 29 Feb 1756 Benjamin Mildmay 1st Earl Fitzwalter (age 83) died. Earl Fitzwalter, Viscount Harwich Essex extinct. Baron Fitzwalter abeyant between the issue of his aunt Mary Mildmay. The abeyance was terminated 30 Sep 1924 after nearly 169 years in favour of one of the co-heirs Henry FitzWalter Plumptre 20th Baron FitzWalter.

On 15 Dec 1762 Henry Charles Hatton 3rd Viscount (age 62) died. Viscount Hatton and Baron Hatton extinct.

On 02 Oct 1786 Augustus Keppel 1st Viscount Keppel (age 61) died unmarried. Viscount Keppel of Elveden in Suffolk extinct.

On 05 Apr 1789 William Vane 2nd Viscount Vane (age 75) died. Viscount Vane extinct.

On 29 Sep 1789 James Brydges 3rd Duke Chandos (age 57) died without male issue. Duke Chandos, Marquess Carnarvon, Earl Carnarvon, Viscount Wilton, Baron Chandos of Sudeley and Baronet Brydges of Wilton in Herefordshire extinct. His wife Anne Eliza Gamon Duchess Chandos (age 52) had pulled away a chair, whether inadvertently or deliberately is unknown, he was about to sit in causing him injuries from which he ultimately died. She was, thereafter, declared a lunatic and confined to their London home, 2 Queen Anne Street aka Chandos House Marylebone.

On 13 Nov 1797 Reverend Mark Browne 9th Viscount Montagu (age 52) died. Viscount Montagu extinct.

On 08 Apr 1798 Henry Noel 6th Earl Gainsborough (age 55) died without issue. He was buried in St Luke's Church, Kinoulton. The title Earl Gainsborough, Viscount Campden, Baron Hicks of Ilmington in Warwickshire extinct.

On 22 Apr 1799 Henry Yelverton 3rd Earl of Sussex (age 70) died without suviving male issue. Earl of Sussex and Viscount Longueville and Baronet Yelverton of Easton Maudit in Northamptonshire extinct. His grandson Henry Gould Yelverton 19th Baron Grey Ruthyn (age 18) succeeded 19th Baron Grey of Ruthyn. Note. Many sources describe his death as 1779 which would be inconsistent with Henry Gould Yelverton 19th Baron Grey Ruthyn succeeding.

On 05 Aug 1799 Richard Howe 1st Earl Howe (age 73) died. Earl Howe, Viscount Howe extinct. His daughter Sophia Howe 2nd Baroness Howe succeeded 2nd Baroness Howe. His brother William Howe 5th Viscount Howe (age 69) succeeded 5th Viscount Howe, 5th Baron Glenawley. Frances Conolly Viscountess Howe by marriage Viscountess Howe.

On 17 Apr 1815 Thomas Noel 2nd Viscount Wentworth (age 69) died without legitmate issue. Viscount Wentworth, Baronet Noel extinct. Baron Wentworth, Baron Despencer abeyant. His sister Judith Noel (age 64) inherited his estates at which time her husband Ralph Milbanke aka Noel 6th Baronet (age 67) changed his name from Milbanke to Noel by Royal Licence.

On 17 Jun 1830 William Harcourt 3rd Earl Harcourt (age 87) died without issue. Earl Harcourt of Stanton Harcourt and Viscount Harcourt of Stanton Harcourt in Oxfordshire extinct. Archbishop Edward Venables-Vernon-Harcourt (age 72) succeeded to the Harcourt estates and adopted the additional surname Harcourt.

On 20 Mar 1834 William Knollys 8th Earl Banbury (age 71) died. The House of Lords passed a resolution rejecting his claim to the Earldom and as a consequence Earl Banbury, Viscount Wallingford and Baron Knollys extinct.

On 17 Jun 1862 Charles Canning 1st Earl Canning (age 49) died without issue. Earl Canning, Viscount Canning extinct.

On 07 Mar 1873 Evelyn Denison 1st Viscount Ossington (age 73) died without issue. Viscount Ossington of Ossington in Nottinghamshire extinct.

On 30 Aug 1923 Horace Farquhar 1st Earl Farquhar (age 79) died unmarried at his home 7 Grosvenor Square, Belgravia. Earl Farquhar, Viscount Farquhar of Saint Marylebone in London, Baron Farquhar of Saint Marylebone in London and Baronet Townsend-Farquhar of Cavendish Square in Saint Marylebone in London extinct. In his will he left many large legacies to his friends, including members of the Royal Family, but although his estate was assessed for probate at £400,000 the entire sum was taken up by debts, leaving nothing and revealing that Farquhar had been an undisclosed bankrupt.

On 15 Oct 1934 Sydney Charles Buxton 1st Earl Buxton (age 80) at Newtimber. Earl Buxton and Viscount Buxton of Newtimber in Sussex extinct.

On 15 Jan 1942 Randal Mowbray Thomas Berkeley 8th Earl of Berkeley (age 76) died without issue. Earl Berkeley and 8th Viscount Dursley extinct. Berkeley Castle [Map] was inherited by his 13th cousin Captain Robert George Wilmot Berkeley.

In 1944 Thomas Hall Rokeby Plumer 2nd Viscount Plumer (age 54) died. Viscount Plumer and Baron Plumer of Messines and Bilton in Yorkshire extinct.

On 17 Oct 1961 Harry Frederick Crookshank 1st Viscount Crookshank (age 68) died. Viscount Crookshank of Gainsborough in Lincolnshire extinct.

Memorial to Harry Frederick Crookshank 1st Viscount Crookshank and his sister Helen Elizabeth at Lincoln Cathedral [Map] where both he and his sister are buried.

Harry Frederick Crookshank 1st Viscount Crookshank: On 27 May 1893 he was born at Cairo, Egypt. The London Gazette 40684. Whitehall, January 13, 1956. The Queen has been pleased by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the Realm, bearing date the 13th instant, to confer the dignity of a Viscounty of the United Kingdom upon Captain the Right Honourable Harry Frederick Comfort Crookshank, C.H., and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style and title of Viscount Crookshank, of Gainsborough in the County of Lincoln.

On 13 Apr 1972 Hugh Molyneux 7th Earl of Sefton (age 73) died without issue. Earl Sefton, Viscount Molyneux, Baronet Molyneux of Sefton extinct.

On 01 May 1995 William Anthony Furness 2nd Viscount Furness (age 66) died unmarried. Viscount Furness of Grantley in the West Riding of Yorkshire, Baron Furness of Grantley in the West Riding of Yorkshire extinct.

On 02 Dec 1996 Henry Milles 5th earl Sondes (age 56) died. Earl Sondes, Viscount Throwley, Baron Sondes extinct.

In 2003 Michael George Hamar Greenwood 3rd Viscount Greenwood (age 80) died unmarried. Viscount Greenwood of Holbourne in London, Baron Greenwood of Llanbister in Radnorshire and Baronet Greenwood of Onslow Gardens in Kensington extinct.

On 10 Jan 2018 Victor Brooke 3rd Viscount Alanbrooke (age 85) died. Viscount Alanbrook, Baron Alanbrooke of Brookeborough in County Fermanagh extinct.