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Culture, England, Court Positions, Royal Household, Keeper

Keeper is in Royal Household.

Culture, England, Court Positions, Royal Household, Keeper Kent Surrey and Sussex

In Dec 1263 Roger Leybourne (age 48) was appointed Keeper Kent Surrey and Sussex, Warden of the Cinque Ports and High Sheriff of Kent.

Culture, England, Court Positions, Royal Household, Keeper New Forest

On 20 Nov 1415 Edward Courtenay (age 30) was appointed Keeper New Forest.

Culture, England, Court Positions, Royal Household, Keeper Westmoreland

After 04 Aug 1265 Roger Leybourne (age 50) was appointed Keeper Westmoreland.

Culture, England, Court Positions, Royal Household, Keeper of Home Park in Kent

On 04 Feb 1600 John Leigh (age 31) had a grant of the office of Keeper of Home Park in Kent and Master of the Wild Beasts.

Culture, England, Court Positions, Royal Household, Keeper of Hyde Park

In 1612 Walter Cope (age 59) was appointed Keeper of Hyde Park.

Culture, England, Court Positions, Royal Household, Keeper of Rochester Castle

On 18 May 1509 John Marney 2nd Baron Marney (age 25) was appointed Keeper of Rochester Castle.

Culture, England, Court Positions, Royal Household, Keeper of Sheriff Hutton Park

In or before 1551 William Pickering (age 33) was appointed Keeper of Keeper of Sheriff Hutton Park and Constable of Sheriff Hutton Castle.

Culture, England, Court Positions, Royal Household, Keeper of Somerset House

On 14 Dec 1595 Anne Morgan Baroness Hunsdon (age 66) was appointed Keeper of Somerset House.

Culture, England, Court Positions, Royal Household, Keeper of the Jewels

From 1391 to 1398 Bishop Guy Mone Aka Mohun was appointed Keeper of the Jewels.

In 1599 Catherine Knyvet Countess Suffolk (age 35) was appointed Keeper of the Jewels to Anne of Denmark Queen Consort Scotland England and Ireland (age 24).

Culture, England, Court Positions, Royal Household, Keeper of the King's Private Closet

In 1668 William Chiffinch (age 66) was appointed Keeper of the King's Private Closet.

Culture, England, Court Positions, Royal Household, Keeper of the Privy Purse

In 1661 Henry Bennet 1st Earl Arlington (age 43) was appointed Keeper of the Privy Purse.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 26 Jul 1662. Thence to Mrs. Sarah, and there looked over my Lord's lodgings, which are very pretty; and White Hall garden and the Bowling-ally (where lords and ladies are now at bowles), in brave condition. Mrs. Sarah told me how the falling out between my Baroness Castlemaine's (age 21) and her Lord was about christening of the child lately1, which he would have, and had done by a priest: and, some days after, she had it again christened by a minister; the King (age 32), and Lord of Oxford, and Duchesse of Suffolk, being witnesses: and christened with a proviso, that it had not already been christened. Since that she left her Lord, carrying away every thing in the house; so much as every dish, and cloth, and servant but the porter. He is gone discontented into France, they say, to enter a monastery; and now she is coming back again to her house in Kingstreet. But I hear that the Queen (age 23) did prick her out of the list presented her by the King;2 desiring that she might have that favour done her, or that he would send her from whence she come: and that the King was angry and the Queen discontented a whole day and night upon it; but that the King hath promised to have nothing to do with her hereafter. But I cannot believe that the King can fling her off so, he loving her too well: and so I writ this night to my Lady to be my opinion; she calling her my lady, and the lady I admire. Here I find that my Lord hath lost the garden to his lodgings, and that it is turning into a tennis-court. Hence by water to the Wardrobe to see how all do there, and so home to supper and to bed.

Note 1. The boy was born in June at Baroness Castlemaine's house in King Street. By the direction of Lord Castlemaine, who had become a Roman Catholic, the child was baptized by a priest, and this led to a final separation between husband and wife. Some days afterwards the child was again baptized by the rector of St. Margaret's, Westminster [Map], in presence of the godparents, the King, Aubrey De Vere (age 35), Earl of Oxford, and Barbara, Countess of Suffolk (age 40), first Lady of the Bedchamber to the Queen and Baroness Castlemaine's aunt. The entry in the register of St. Margaret's [Map] is as follows: "1662 June 18 Charles Palmer Ld Limbricke, s. to ye right honorble Roger Earl of Castlemaine by Barbara" (Steinman's "Memoir of Barbara, Duchess of Cleveland", 1871, p. 33). The child was afterwards called Charles Fitzroy, and was created Duke of Southampton in 1674. He succeeded his mother in the dukedom of Cleveland in 1709, and died 1730.

Note 2. By the King's command Lord Clarendon (age 54), much against his inclination, had twice visited his royal mistress with a view of inducing her, by persuasions which he could not justify, to give way to the King's determination to have Baroness Castlemaine's of her household.... Lord Clarendon has given a full account of all that transpired between himself, the King and the Queen, on this very unpleasant business ('Continuation of Life of Clarendon,' 1759, ff. 168-178). Steinman's Memoir of Duchess of Cleveland, p. 35. The day at length arrived when Baroness Castlemaine's was to be formally admitted a Lady of the Bedchamber. The royal warrant, addressed to the Lord Chamberlain (age 61), bears date June 1, 1663, and includes with that of her ladyship, the names of the Duchess of Buckingham (age 24), the Countesses of Chesterfield and Bath (age 22), and the Countess Mareshall. A separate warrant of the same day directs his lordship to admit the Countess of Suffolk as Groom of the Stole and first Lady of the Bedchamber, to which undividable offices she had, with the additional ones of Mistress of the Robes and Keeper of the Privy Purse, been nominated by a warrant dated April 2, 1662, wherein the reception of her oath is expressly deferred until the Queen's household shall be established. We here are furnished with the evidence that Charles would not sign the warrants for the five until Catherine had withdrawn her objection to his favourite one. Addenda to Steinman's Memoir of Duchess of Cleveland (privately printed), 1874, p. i.

In 1711 Abigail Hill Baroness Masham (age 41) was appointed Keeper of the Privy Purse which office she held until 1714 when Queen Anne (age 45) died.

In 1760 James Brudenell 5th Earl Cardigan (age 34) was appointed Keeper of the Privy Purse.

Culture, England, Court Positions, Royal Household, Keeper of the Privy Seal

On 04 May 1389 Bishop Edmund Stafford (age 45) was appointed Keeper of the Privy Seal.

From 1396 to 1397 Bishop Guy Mone Aka Mohun was appointed Keeper of the Privy Seal.

On 28 Jul 1461 Bishop Robert Stillington (age 41) was appointed Keeper of the Privy Seal.

On 01 Nov 1461 Bishop Robert Stillington (age 41) was appointed Keeper of the Privy Seal.

In May 1474 Bishop John Russell was appointed Keeper of the Privy Seal.

On 25 May 1523 Bishop Cuthbert Tunstall (age 49) was appointed Keeper of the Privy Seal.

John Evelyn's Diary. 23 Jan 1683. Sir Francis North (age 45), son to the Lord North, and Lord Chief Justice, being made Lord Keeper on the death of the Earl of Nottingham, the Lord Chancellor, I went to congratulate him. He is a most knowing, learned, and ingenious man, and, besides being an excellent person, of an ingenious and sweet disposition, very skillful in music, painting, the new philosophy, and politer studies.

John Evelyn's Diary. 22 Dec 1685. Our patent for executing the office of Privy Seal during the absence of the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, being this day seal'd by the Lord Chancellor (age 40), we went afterwards to St James's, where the Court then was on occasion of building at Whitehall; his Ma* (age 52) deliver'd the seale to my Lord Tiviot and myselfe, the other Commissioners not being come, and then gave us his hand to kisse. There were the two Venetian Ambassadors, and a world of company; amongst the rest the first Popish Nuncio that had ben in England since the Reformation, so wonderfully were things chang'd, to the universal jealousy.

The London Gazette 26496. Crown Office, March 19, 1894.

The Queen (age 74) has been pleased by Letters Patent to appoint the Right Honourable Edward, Lord Tweedmouth, to be Keeper of the Privy Seal.

Culture, England, Court Positions, Royal Household, Keeper of the Sewer

Edward Neville was appointed Keeper of the Sewer to King Henry VIII of England and Ireland.

Culture, England, Court Positions, Royal Household, Keeper, Wardrobe

Culture, England, Court Positions, Royal Household, Keeper, Controller of the Wardrobe

In 1307 Archbishop William Melton (age 32) was appointed Controller of the Wardrobe.

Culture, England, Court Positions, Royal Household, Keeper of the Great Wardrobe

From 1390 to 1398 Bishop Richard Clifford was appointed Keeper of the Great Wardrobe.

On 26 Oct 1446 Thomas Tuddenham (age 45) was appointed Keeper of the Great Wardrobe.