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Lord Chamberlain is in Offices of State.
In 1455 Thomas Stanley 1st Baron Stanley (age 50) was appointed Lord Chamberlain.
In 1461 William Hastings 1st Baron Hastings (age 30) was appointed Lord Chamberlain.
After 06 Jul 1483 Francis Lovell 1st Viscount Lovell (age 27) was appointed Lord Chamberlain.
The History of King Richard the Third by Thomas More. King Edward in his life, although this dissension between his friends somewhat irked him, yet in his good health he somewhat the less regarded it because he thought whatsoever business should fall between them, he should always be able to rule both parties. But in his last sickness, when he perceived his natural strength so sore enfeebled that he despaired all recovery, then he, considering the youth of his children, suspecting nothing less than what would happen, and well foreseeing that many harms might grow by family debates while the youth of his children lacked discretion of themselves, and good counsel of their friends-because either party should counsel for their own advantage and by pleasant advice win themselves favor, rather than by profitable advertisement do the children good-he called some of them before him who were at variance, and especially, the Lord Marquis Dorset (age 30), the Queen's (age 48) son by her first husband, and Lord Hastings [Note. Text says Richard? Should be William!], a noble man, then Lord Chamberlain, against whom the Queen specially grudged for that great favor the King showed him, and also because she thought him secretly familiar with the King in wanton company. Her kindred also bore him dislike, as well for that the King had made him Captain of Calais (which office the Lord Rivers, brother to the Queen, claimed because of the King's former promise), and for diverse other great gifts which he received that they looked for.
After 22 Aug 1485 William Stanley (age 50) was appointed Lord Chamberlain.
In 1526 William Fitzalan 11th or 18th Earl of Arundel (age 50) was appointed Lord Chamberlain.
On 19 Apr 1540 Thomas Cromwell 1st Earl Essex (age 55) was appointed Lord Chamberlain.
After 23 Jan 1544 Henry Fitzalan 12th or 19th Earl of Arundel (age 31) was appointed Lord Chamberlain.
In 1550 Thomas Wentworth 1st Baron Wentworth (age 49) was appointed Lord Chamberlain.
After 05 Apr 1551 Thomas Darcy 1st Baron Darcy (age 44) was appointed Lord Chamberlain.
In 1553 John Gage (age 73) was appointed Lord Chamberlain.
On 17 Nov 1558 William Howard 1st Baron Howard (age 48) was appointed Lord Chamberlain.
In Aug 1596 William Brooke 10th Baron Cobham (age 68) was appointed Lord Chamberlain.
In 1641 Philip Herbert 4th Earl Pembroke 1st Earl Montgomery (age 56) struck Henry Howard 15th or 22nd Earl of Arundel 5th Earl of Surrey 2nd Earl Norfolk (age 32) with a cane during a Meeting in the House of Lords. King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland (age 40) replaced him as Lord Chamberlain with Robert Devereux 3rd Earl Essex (age 49).
On 13 Apr 1641 Thomas Wentworth 1st Earl Strafford (age 48) was attainted by 204 votes to 59 ostensibly for his authoritarian rule as Lord Deputy of Ireland. Despite his promise not to King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland (age 40) signed the death warrant on the 10 May 1641 in the light of increasing pressure from Parliament and the commons.
Wenceslaus Hollar (age 33). Engraving of the Trial of Thomas Wentworth 1st Earl Strafford with the following marked:
A. King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland.
C. Henrietta Maria Bourbon Queen Consort England (age 31).
D. King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 10).
E. Thomas Howard 14th or 21st Earl of Arundel 4th Earl of Surrey 1st Earl Norfolk (age 55), Lord High Steward.
F. Henry Montagu 1st Earl Manchester (age 78), Lord Keeper of the Great Seal.
G. John Paulet 5th Marquess Winchester (age 43).
H. Robert Bertie 1st Earl Lindsey (age 58), Lord Chamberlain.
I. Philip Herbert 4th Earl Pembroke 1st Earl Montgomery (age 56), Lord Chamberlain of the Household.
V. Thomas Wentworth 1st Earl Strafford.
Z. Alethea Talbot Countess Arundel, Surrey and Norfolk (age 56).
Wenceslaus Hollar: On 23 Jul 1607 he was born. Samuel Pepys' Diary. 22 Nov 1666. Up, and to the office, where we sat all the morning, and my Lord Bruncker did show me Hollar's new print of the City, with a pretty representation of that part which is burnt, very fine indeed; and tells me that he was yesterday sworn the King's servant, and that the King hath commanded him to go on with his great map of the City, which he was upon before the City was burned, like Gombout of Paris, which I am glad of. On 25 Mar 1677 he died.
John Evelyn's Diary. 17 Feb 1685. This morning his Ma* (age 51) restor'd the staffe and key to Lord Arlington (age 67), Chamberlaine; to Mr. Savell (age 43), Vice-chamberlaine; to Lords Newport (age 64) and Malnard (age 62), Treasurer and Comptroler of the Household; Lord Godolphin (age 39) made Chamberlaine to ye Queene (age 26); Lord Peterborow (age 63) Groome of ye Stole in place of the Earle of Bath (age 56); the Treasurer's staff to the Earle of Rochester (age 42); and his brother the Earle of Clarendon Lord Privie Seale in place of the Marquis of Halifax (age 51), who was made President of the Council; the Secretarys of State remaining as before.
John Evelyn's Diary. 21 Feb 1689. Innumerable were the crowds, who solicited for, and expected offices; most of the old ones were turned out. Two or three white staves were disposed of some days before, as Lord Steward, to the Earl of Devonshire (age 49); Treasurer of the household, to Lord Newport; Lord Chamberlain to the King, to my Lord of Dorset (age 46); but there were as yet none in offices of the civil government save the Marquis of Halifax (age 55) as Privy Seal. A council of thirty was chosen, Lord Derby (age 34) president, but neither Chancellor nor Judges were yet declared, the new Great Seal not yet finished.
In 1699 Charles Talbot 1st Duke Shrewsbury (age 38) was appointed Lord Chamberlain.
John Evelyn's Diary. 24 Apr 1700. This week there was a great change of State officers. The Duke of Shrewsbury (age 39) resigned his Lord Chamberlainship to the Earl of Jersey (age 44), the Duke's indisposition requiring his retreat. Mr. Vernon (age 54), Secretary of State, was put out. The Seal was taken from the Lord Chancellor Somers (age 49), though he had been acquitted by a great majority of votes for what was charged against him in the House of Commons. This being in term time, put some stop to business, many eminent lawyers refusing to accept the office, considering the uncertainty of things in this fluctuating conjuncture. It is certain that this Chancellor was a most excellent lawyer, very learned in all polite literature, a superior pen, master of a handsome style, and of easy conversation; but he is said to make too much haste to be rich, as his predecessor, and most in place in this age did, to a more prodigious excess than was ever known. But the Commons had now so mortified the Court party, and property and liberty were so much invaded in all the neighboring kingdoms, that their jealousy made them cautious, and every day strengthened the law which protected the people from tyranny.
In 1704 Henry Grey 1st Duke Kent (age 33) was appointed Lord Chamberlain.
In 1710 Charles Talbot 1st Duke Shrewsbury (age 49) was appointed Lord Chamberlain.