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Miscellaneous is in England.
Culture, England, Miscellaneous, Chief Justice of South Wales
Patent Rolls Edward IV 1461. 08 May 1461. York [Map]. Grant for life to William Herbert (age 38), knight, of the offices of office of chief justice and chamberlain of South Wales, steward of the commontes in the counties of Caermarthen and Cardigan, and chief forester in those counties (Carmarthenshire,Cardiganshire).
Culture, England, Miscellaneous, Chief Justice of the Bench in Ireland
In 1323 Richard Willoughby (age 33) was appointed Chief Justice of the Bench in Ireland.
Culture, England, Miscellaneous, Chief Justice of the Marches of Wales and Chester
In 1545 Robert Townshend was appointed Chief Justice of the Marches of Wales and Chester.
Culture, England, Miscellaneous, Clerk of the Acts
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 06 Aug 1660. This morning at the office, and, that being done, home to dinner all alone, my wife being ill in pain a-bed, which I was troubled at, and not a little impatient. After dinner to Whitehall at the Privy Seal all the afternoon, and at night with Mr. Man to Mr. Rawlinson's (age 46) in Fenchurch Street, where we staid till eleven o'clock at night. So home and to bed, my wife being all this day in great pain. This night Mr. Man offered me £1000 for my office of Clerk of the Acts, which made my mouth water; but yet I dare not take it till I speak with my Lord to have his consent.
Culture, England, Miscellaneous, Clerk of the Cheque
In 1660 Thomas Cowley Clerk was appointed Clerk of the Cheque.
Culture, England, Miscellaneous, Clerk of the Green Cloth
In 1523 Nicholas Hurleston was appointed Clerk of the Green Cloth.
Before 1576 Thomas Smythe (age 49) was appointed Clerk of the Green Cloth.
In 1588 Richard Browne (age 49) appointed Clerk of the Green Cloth.
Around 1660 Henry Wood 1st Baronet (age 62) was appointed Clerk of the Green Cloth.
In or after 1661 Henry Wood 1st Baronet (age 63) was appointed Clerk of the Green Cloth.
In or after 1661 Henry Wood 1st Baronet (age 63) was appointed Clerk of the Green Cloth.
John Evelyn's Diary. 18 Dec 1685. I din'd at the greate entertainment his Ma* (age 52) gave ye Venetian Ambassadors, Sign. Zenno and Justiniani, accompanied with 10 more noble Venetians of their most illustrious families, Cornaro, Maccenigo, &c. who came to congratulate their Maties coming to ye Crowne. The dinner was most magnificent and plentifull, at four tables, with music, kettle drums, and trumpets, wcb sounded upon a whistle at every health. The banquet [desert] was 12 vast chargers pil'd up so high that those who sat one against another could hardly see each other. Of these sweetemeates, weh doubtless were some days piling up in that exquisite manner, the Ambassadors touch'd not, but leaving them to ye spectators who came out of curiosity to see the dinner, were exceedingly pleas'd to see in what a moment of time all that curious work was demolished, the comfitures voided, and the tables clear'd. Thus his Ma* entertain'd them three days, which (for the table only) cost him £600, as the Cleark of the Greene cloth (Sr Wm Bbreman (age 73)) assur'd me. Dinner ended, I saw their procession or cavalcade to Whitehall, innumerable coaches attending. The two Ambass. had 4 coaches of their owne and 50 footemen (as I remember), besides other equipage as splendid as ye occasion would permitt, the Court being still in mourning. Thence I went to the audience wch they had in the Queene's presence chamber, the Banquetting house [Map] being full of goods and furniture till the galleries on the garden side, Council chamber, and new Chapell now in building, were finish'd. They went to their audience in those plain black gownes and caps which they constantly weare in the Citty of Venice. I was invited to have accompanied the 2 Ambassadors in their coach to supper that night, returning now to their own lodgings, as no longer at the King's expence; but being weary I excus'd myself.
In 1760 John Evelyn 2nd Baronet (age 53) was appointed Clerk of the Green Cloth to George, Prince of Wales (age 21).
Culture, England, Miscellaneous, Clerk of the Parliaments
In Jul 1550 John Mason (age 47) was appointed Clerk of the Parliaments succeededing William Paget 1st Baron Paget Beaudasert (age 44) to whom he had been deputy since Jan 1542.
Ashley Cowper was appointed Clerk of the Parliaments.
Culture, England, Miscellaneous, Clerk of the Ropeyard
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 03 Aug 1664. Thence to the 'Change [Map], and thence home to dinner, and down by water to Woolwich, Kent [Map] to the rope yard, and there visited Mrs. Falconer, who tells me odd stories of how Sir W. Pen (age 43) was rewarded by her husband with a gold watch (but seems not certain of what Sir W. Batten (age 63) told me, of his daughter having a life given her in £80 per ann.) for his helping him to his place, and yet cost him £150 to Mr. Coventry (age 36) besides. He did much advise it seems Mr. Falconer not to marry again, expressing that he would have him make his daughter his heire, or words to that purpose, and that that makes him, she thinks, so cold in giving her any satisfaction, and that W. Boddam hath publickly said, since he came down thither to be Clerk of the Ropeyard of Woolwich that it hath this week cost him £100, and would be glad that it would cost him but half as much more for the place, and that he was better before than now, and that if he had been to have bought it, he would not have given so much for it. Now I am sure that Mr. Coventry hath again and again said that he would take nothing, but would give all his part in it freely to him, that so the widow might have something. What the meaning of this is I know not, but that Sir W. Pen do get something by it.
Culture, England, Miscellaneous, Clerk of the Signet
In 1473 Bishop Oliver King (age 41) was appointed Clerk of the Signet.
In 1522 Thomas Derby (age 13) was appointed Clerk of the Signet.
In 1532 William Paget 1st Baron Paget Beaudasert (age 26) was appointed Clerk of the Signet.
John Evelyn's Diary. 24 Dec 1685. We were all three Commissioners sworne on our knees by the Cleark of the Crowne, before my Lord Chancellor (age 40), three severall oathes; allegiance, supremacy, and the oath belonging to ye Lord Privy Seal (age 52), wch last we tooke standing. After this the Lord Chancellor invited us all to dinner, but it being Christmas-eve we desir'd to be excus'd, intending at three in ye afternoone to seale divers things which lay ready at ye office; so attended by three of the Clearks of ye Signet, we met and seal'd. Amongst other things was a pardon to West, who being privy to the late conspiracy, had reveal'd the accomplices to save his owne neck. There were also another pardon and two indenizations; and so agreeing to a fortnight's vacation, I return'd home.
Culture, England, Miscellaneous, Clerk of the Spicery
Before 1515 Nicholas Hurleston was appointed Clerk of the Spicery.
Around 1643 Henry Wood 1st Baronet (age 45) was appointed Clerk of the Spicery.
Culture, England, Miscellaneous, Clerk of the Star Chamber
Around 1534 Thomas Pope (age 27) was appointed Clerk of the Star Chamber.
Culture, England, Miscellaneous, Commissioner of the Great Seal
In 1659 John Fountaine (age 59) was appointed Commissioner of the Great Seal.
Culture, England, Miscellaneous, Council of the Marches
On 07 Jul 1602 Thomas Mansel 1st Baronet (age 46) was appointed to the Council of the Marches.
On 30 Jun 1623 John Bridgeman (age 86) was appointed to the Council of the Marches.
Culture, England, Miscellaneous, President of the Council of the Marches in Wales
Around Aug 1559 Henry Sidney (age 30) was appointed President of the Council of the Marches in Wales.
On 22 Feb 1574 Ambrosia Sidney (age 9) died at Ludlow Castle [Map] where her father Henry Sidney (age 45) was President of the Council of the Marches in Wales.
In 1607 Ralph Eure 3rd Baron Eure (age 48) was appointed President of the Council of the Marches in Wales.
Culture, England, Miscellaneous, Court of Augmentations
Culture, England, Miscellaneous, Surveyor General of the Court of Augmentations
Around 1545 Walter Mildmay (age 24) was appointed Surveyor General of the Court of Augmentations.
Culture, England, Miscellaneous, Court of Chancery
John Evelyn's Diary. 26 Apr 1673. Dr. Lamplugh (age 58) preached at St. Martin's [Map] the Holy Sacrament following, which I partook of, upon obligation of the late Act of Parliament, enjoining everybody in office, civil or military, under penalty of £500, to receive it within one month before two authentic witnesses; being engrossed on parchment, to be afterward produced in the Court of Chancery, or some other Court of Record; which I did at the Chancery bar, as being one of the Council of Plantations and Trade; taking then also the oath of allegiance and supremacy, signing the clause in the said Act against Transubstantiation.
Culture, England, Miscellaneous, Court of Chancery, Clerk of the Chancery
In 1746 John Yorke (age 17) was appointed Clerk of the Chancery worth £1200 a year by his father Philip Yorke 1st Earl of Hardwicke (age 55).
Culture, England, Miscellaneous, Court of Chancery, Clerk to the Petty Bag
Clerk to the Petty Bag. The Petty Bag office dealt with common-law issues in the Court of Chancery and dated from as early as the 14th century, declining in importance towards the end of the 17th century. Its responsibilities were various, including dealing with suits against solicitors or attorneys and officers of the court itself, issuing writs for Parliamentary elections and the elections of bishops, summonses to Parliament and the enrolling of solicitors of the court itself. It also concerned itself with patents for inventions. The name of the office stemmed from the practice of keeping records in small paper bags. The post was abolished in 1889.
In 1598 William Ravenscroft (age 37) was appointed Clerk to the Petty Bag for life.
Culture, England, Miscellaneous, Master of the Court of Chancery
Edward Stanhope was appointed Master of the Court of Chancery.
Culture, England, Miscellaneous, Court of Wards
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 10 Feb 1660. Friday. In the morning I went to Mr. Swan, who took me to the Court of Wards, where I saw the three Lords Commissioners sitting upon some cause where Mr. Scobell was concerned, and my Lord Fountaine (age 60) took him up very roughly about some things that he said. After that we went to the Exchequer, where the Barons were hearing of causes, and there I made affidavit that Mr Downing (age 35) was gone into Holland by order of the Council of State, and this affidavit I gave to Mr. Stevens our lawyer. Thence to my office, where I got money of Mr. Hawly to pay the lawyer, and there found Mr. Lenard, one of the Clerks of the Council, and took him to the Swan [Map] and gave him his morning draft.
Vesta Monumenta. 1741. Plate 1.70. A painting of a session of the Court of Wards and Liveries at a point in time during the many years that William Cecil, Lord Burghley, held its mastership. Those included in the picture are: George Goring died 1594 and Thomas Seckford died 1587. The engraving indicates the painting was commissioned by Charles Lennox 2nd Duke Richmond (age 39).
Culture, England, Miscellaneous, Master of the Court of Wards and Liveries
In 1546 Nicholas Bacon Lord Keeper (age 35) was appointed Master of the Court of Wards and Liveries.
In Jan 1561 William Cecil 1st Baron Burghley (age 40) was appointed Master of the Court of Wards and Liveries.
Culture, England, Miscellaneous, Ecclesiastical Commission
In 1687 Bishop Samuel Parker (age 47) was appointed Magdalen College, Oxford University by the Ecclesiastical Commission when the fellows refused to elect any of the king's nominees. This act became one of the most celebrated episodes leading up to King James's (age 53) abdication.
Culture, England, Miscellaneous, Keeper of the Great Park
In 1606 Edward Somerset 4th Earl of Worcester (age 56) was appointed Keeper of the Great Park.
Culture, England, Miscellaneous, King's Bench
Wriothesley's Chronicle 1510-1519. 14 May 1517. The 14 day of May the Kinge satt in the Kinges Benche in Westminster Hall [Map], and there was brought before him all the prisoners which came from the Tower of London [Map],f in their shirtes with halters aboute their neckes, and there the King pardoned them, and the Major and citizens also which were there present in their liveries.
Note f. This event is more fully related by Arnold, who says, that, on the 16th May, 330 men and 11 women were bound in ropes, and led with cords from Guildhall to Westminster, the Sheriffs waiting on them, and every prisoner "a peyr of bedys [beads] in ther handys," and in the King's Street in Westminster were stripped to their shirts and halters placed about their necks.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 01 Dec 1663. After dinner I to Guild Hall [Map] to hear a tryall at King's Bench, before Lord Chief Justice Hide (age 68), about the insurance of a ship, the same I mention in my yesterday's journall, where everything was proved how money was so taken up upon bottomary and insurance, and the ship left by the master and seamen upon rocks, where, when the sea fell at the ebb, she must perish. The master was offered helpe, and he did give the pilotts 20 sols to drink to bid them go about their business, saying that the rocks were old, but his ship was new, and that she was repaired for £6 and less all the damage that she received, and is now brought by one, sent for on purpose by the insurers, into the Thames, with her cargo, vessels of tallow daubed over with butter, instead of all butter, the whole not worth above £500, ship and all, and they had took up, as appeared, above £2,400. He had given his men money to content them; and yet, for all this, he did bring some of them to swear that it was very stormy weather, and [they] did all they could to save her, and that she was seven feete deep water in hold, and were fain to cut her main and foremast, that the master was the last man that went out, and they were fain to force (him) out when she was ready to sink; and her rudder broke off, and she was drawn into the harbour after they were gone, as wrecke all broken, and goods lost: that she could not be carried out again without new building, and many other things so contrary as is not imaginable more. There was all the great counsel in the Kingdom in the cause; but after one witnesse or two for the plaintiff, it was cried down as a most notorious cheate; and so the jury, without going out, found it for the plaintiff. But it was pleasant to see what mad sort of testimonys the seamen did give, and could not be got to speak in order: and then their terms such as the judge could not understand; and to hear how sillily the Counsel and judge would speak as to the terms necessary in the matter, would make one laugh: and above all, a Frenchman that was forced to speak in French, and took an English oathe he did not understand, and had an interpreter sworn to tell us what he said, which was the best testimony of all.
Samuel Pepys' Diary. 07 Feb 1668. Up, and to the office, to the getting of my books in order, to carry to the Commissioners of Accounts this morning. This being done, I away first to Westminster Hall [Map], and there met my cozen, Roger Pepys (age 50), by his desire, the first time I have seen him since his coming to town, the Parliament meeting yesterday and adjourned to Monday next; and here he tells me that Mr. Jackson (age 28), my sister's servant, is come to town, and hath this day suffered a recovery on his estate, in order to the making her a settlement. The young man is gone out of the Hall, so I could not now see him, but here I walked a good while with my cozen, and among other things do hear that there is a great triall between my Lord Gerard (age 50) and Carr (age 31) to-day, who is indicted for his life at the King's Bench, for running from his colours; but all do say that my Lord Gerard, though he designs the ruining of this man, will not get any thing by it.
On 29 Jun 1688 the seven bishops were tried at the King's Bench. Robert Sawyer (age 55) acted for the defence. They were found not guilty. Their acquittal resulted in wild celebrations throughout London
On 06 Oct 1692 Captain Philip Lawson was killed in a duel by his brother-in-law Charles Knollys 4th Earl Banbury (age 30). The House of Lords decided that he was not a Peer (there was doubt over the paternity of his father), and he pleaded in the King's Bench. The second husband his wife Anna Maria Knollys (age 36) had lost to dueling.
In 1741 Thomas Marlay (age 61) was appointed Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench in Ireland.
The History of King Richard the Third by Thomas More. The next day the Protector with a great train went to Westminster Hall and there, when he had placed himself in the court of the King's Bench, declared to the audience that he would take upon him the crown in that place there, where the king himself sits and ministers the law, because he considered that it was the chiefest duty of a king to minister the laws. Then, with as pleasant an oration as he could, he went about to win unto him the nobles, the merchants, the artificers, and, in conclusion, all kinds of men, but specially the lawyers of this realm. And finally, to the intent that no man should hate him for fear, and that his deceitful clemency might get him the good will of the people, when he had declared the disadvantages of discord and the advantages of concord and unity, he made an open proclamation that he did put out of his mind all enmities, and he there did openly pardon all offences committed against him. And to the intent that he might show a proof thereof, he commanded that one Fogge, whom he had long deadly hated, should be brought then before him. Who, being brought out of the sanctuary nearby (for thither had he fled for fear of him) in the sight of the people, he took him by the hand. Which thing the common people rejoiced at and praised, but wise men took it for a vanity. In his return homeward, whomsoever he met, he saluted. For a mind that knows itself guilty is in a manner dejected to a servile flattery.
Culture, England, Miscellaneous, Clerk of the Crown in the King's Bench
In 1660 Thomas Fanshawe (age 32) was appointed Clerk of the Crown in the King's Bench.
Culture, England, Miscellaneous, Lord Mayor
Culture, England, Miscellaneous, Lord Mayor of York
In 1573 Christopher Herbert of York (age 41) was appointed Lord Mayor of York.
In 1604 Thomas Herbert of York (age 49) was appointed Lord Mayor of York.
In 1700 William Robinson 1st Baronet (age 44) was appointed Lord Mayor of York.
In 1718 Tancred Robinson 3rd Baronet (age 33) was appointed Lord Mayor of York.
In 1738 Tancred Robinson 3rd Baronet (age 53) was appointed Lord Mayor of York.
In 1787 William Mordaunt Milner 3rd Baronet (age 32) was appointed Lord Mayor of York.
Culture, England, Miscellaneous, President of the Council
John Evelyn's Diary. 26 Sep 1684. The King (age 54) being return'd from Winchester [Map], there was a numerous Court at White-hall. At this time the Earle of Rochester (age 42) was remov'd from the Treasury to the Presidentship of the Council; Lord Godolphin (age 39) was made first Commissioner of the Treasury in his place; Lord Middleton (age 34) (a Scot) made Secretary of State, in ye room of Lord Godolphin. These alterations being very unexpected and mysterious, gave greate occasion of discourse. There was now an Ambassador from ye King of Siam in ye East Indies to his Majesty.
John Evelyn's Diary. 17 Feb 1685. This morning his Ma* (age 51) restor'd the staffe and key to Lord Arlington (age 67), Chamberlaine; to Mr. Savell (age 43), Vice-chamberlaine; to Lords Newport (age 64) and Malnard (age 62), Treasurer and Comptroler of the Household; Lord Godolphin (age 39) made Chamberlaine to ye Queene (age 26); Lord Peterborow (age 63) Groome of ye Stole in place of the Earle of Bath (age 56); the Treasurer's staff to the Earle of Rochester (age 42); and his brother the Earle of Clarendon Lord Privie Seale in place of the Marquis of Halifax (age 51), who was made President of the Council; the Secretarys of State remaining as before.
John Evelyn's Diary. 04 Dec 1685. Lord Sunderland (age 44) was declar'd President of ye Counsel, and yet to hold his Secretarie's place. The forces dispos'd into severall quarters thro' ye kingdome are very insolent, on wch are greate complaints. Lord Brandon (age 67) tried for the late conspiracy, was condemn'd and pardon'd; so was Lord Grey (age 30), his accuser and witnesse.
John Evelyn's Diary. 19 Feb 1686. Many bloody and notorious duels were fought about this time. The Duke of Grafton (age 22) kill'd Mr. Stanley, brother to the Earle of Shrewsbury (age 25), indeede upon an almost insufferable provocation. It is to be hop'd his Ma* (age 52) will at last severely remedy this unchristian custome. Lord Sunderland (age 44) was now Secretary of State, President of the Council, and Premier Minister.
Culture, England, Miscellaneous, President of the Council in the North
In 1547 Francis Talbot 5th Earl of Shrewsbury (age 47) was appointed President of the Council in the North.
Culture, England, Miscellaneous, Private Secretary
In 1730 Robert Wilmot 1st Baronet (age 22) became Private Secretary to William Cavendish 3rd Duke Devonshire (age 31).
In 1799 Archdeacon Anthony Hamilton (age 20) was appointed Private Secretary to Thomas Bruce 11th Earl Kincardine 7th Earl Elgin (age 32).
Before 1806 Bishop Joseph Allen (age 35) was appointed Private Secretary to George John Spencer 2nd Earl Spencer (age 47).
The Times. 24 Dec 1895. The Duke of Leeds (deceased) died at Hornby Castle [Map], yesterday morning at 5 o'clock. He recently contracted a severe chill, which led to an attack of bronchitis. He took to his bed about a week ago and gradually sank. George Godolphin Osborne, ninth Duke of Leeds in the peerage of England, Marquis of Carmarthen, Earl of Danby, Viscount Latimer, and Baron Osbome of Kiveton, all in the peerage of England; Viscount Osbome and Viscount Dunblane in the peerage of Scotland; and Baron Godolphin of Paraham Royal, in the Peerage of the United Kingdom, a baronet, and a Prince or the Holy Roman Empire, was born in Paris in 1828, the eldest son of the eighth duke. He married, in 1861, the Hon. Fanny Georgiana Pitt (age 58), daughter of the fourth Baron Rivers, who was born in 1836 and was Lady of the Bedchamber to the Princess of Wales from 1863 to 1873. He was appointed captain in the North Yorks Militia in 1852, and resigued in 1859, but was reappoined in 1861. He succeeded to the family honours in 1872, and has issue living three sons and five daughters. The family descends from Sir Edward Osborne, knight, who was Vice-President of the Council of the North in 1629 and Lieutenant-General of the forces raised there against the Parliamentary Army in 1841. His son was Treasurer of the Navy and Lord High Chancellor, and as Earl of Danby was impeeched by the Commons in 1679. The fifth duke married Amelia, in her own right Baroness Conyers, but this title left the main line in 1859 on the death of the seventh duke. The late duke was nephew of the late Rev. Lord Sydney Godolphin Osborne, who wrote much over the familiar signature "S.G.O.," and brother of Lord Francis George Godolphin Osborne (age 65), who was rector of Great Elm, but joined the Church of Rome in 1875. The Duke of Leeds is succeeded by his eldest surviving son (age 33), the Marquis of Carmarthen, who was born in 1862, was educated at Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge, and was formerly a lieutenant in the Yorkshire Hussars. Lord Carmarthen unsuccessfully contested the Newmarket Division of Cambridgeshire as a Conservative in 1886, and has sat since July, 1887, for the Brixton Division of Lambeth, in which constituency his sucoession to the peerage now creates a vacancy. Lord Carmarthen was an assistant Private Secretary to the Secretary for the Colonies (Lord Knutsford) from 1886 to 1888. He was appointed Treasurer of the Household on the formation of the present Ministry. He married, in 1884, Lady Katherine Frances Lambton (age 33), daughter of the second Earl of Durham, and has issue four daughters.
In 1896 Henry Knollys (age 55) was appointed Private Secretary to Maud Windsor Queen Consort Norway (age 26).